when I was young we all thought he respected America...... but then I read that he actually encouraged the Saudi to impose that first oil embargo in 1973..... that was a bitch. Stamps went from 5 cents to a dime. Gas went from .39 to over a dollar if you could find it.. The Christmas lights went out. SOB. Glad he's gone.
Drives me crazy when people talk about when reporters were legit and then reference Cronkite. He was just unexposed. He's a total commie and always was.
Also note Kissinger was responsible for untold amounts of war crimes/crimes against humanity, and his dying is a very obvious point of agreement for left/right.
I saw that Kissinger died and I knew exactly which meme that I needed to remake... it's retired now. It's very rare that memes actually retire, but this one did
For all his crimes, he seemed the most pragmatic of the WEF/Davos bunch.
He stated it was time to consider negotiating with Russia, where Soros angrily declared fight to every last Ukranian.
And more recently he was the one to come out and say all of this mass migration was a mistake. I don't recall anyone else from that crowd stating anything one way or the other.
If Kissinger represents one faction, with Soros and Klaus representing another, does this shift the balance of power? Yes, he was old as shit, but was he taken out by them?
He stuffed up the South Vietnamese. Nixon had used "Operation Linebacker", bombing Hanoi and Haiphong and forcing the North Vietnamese to negotiate to end their 1972 invasion of South Vietnam.
At the time the South Vietnamese ARVN Forces were fighting back very successfully and starting to drive the NVA back.
One of the North Vietnamese points to the cease fire was being able to leave their NVA Forces in South Vietnam and retain the Territory they had occupied.
Kissinger agreed to this point. This would prove to be disastrous in the future.
By letting the NVA keep Forces in South Vietnam,the NVA gained a major advantage for their 1975 invasion of South Vietnam.
The South Vietnamese wanted The NVA Forces to withdraw from South Vietnam back north of the DMZ.
Kissinger disregarded the demands of the South Vietnamese and assured them that they should agree to the terms of the cease fire.
In 1975 Kissinger should have advised Ford to keep supplying the South Vietnamese with ammunition. The South Vietnamese would have stood a very good chance of countering the NVA invasion.
If the South Vietnamese had been supplied, they could have held on and stopped the NVA. There wouldn't have been another invasion attempt due to the spilt of China and the USSR, North Vietnam would now have had a hostile China on it's Northern border.
when I was young we all thought he respected America...... but then I read that he actually encouraged the Saudi to impose that first oil embargo in 1973..... that was a bitch. Stamps went from 5 cents to a dime. Gas went from .39 to over a dollar if you could find it.. The Christmas lights went out. SOB. Glad he's gone.
I was really young but I remember this, too. I used to think, "that was back when the news was real news," but I know better now
Uncle Walter Cronkite - we all wanted to believe him - but then he lied his ass off about Vietnam...
And when he tearfully apologized for being caught lying I believed him. 🤮
Drives me crazy when people talk about when reporters were legit and then reference Cronkite. He was just unexposed. He's a total commie and always was.
I made this meme, above. And it got stickied on PDW, yay
This is the meme that is being retired.
Breaking: Satan has a new concubine
The new meme is hilarious. Bravo.
Both quality
333rd day of the year? Hmmm...
Say hi to McCain, Kissy-poo!
Tell me you are not joking! Tell me he is actually gone!!
There's a great documentary on his war crimes and power - The Trials of Henry Kissinger. Free on Rumble:
Hell has another fool.
This needs to be the cover of a metal album
100%! Or on a cake...🐸
Is Grim Reaper still around?
Wait what? This is how I find out that he died?!
Lol!! Perfection! 😂
This is why I love this place sooooo much!!!
Rest in piss
RIP BOZO is trending on twitter about Kissinger and the memes are fucking fire
Also note Kissinger was responsible for untold amounts of war crimes/crimes against humanity, and his dying is a very obvious point of agreement for left/right.
Only the good die young...
All the evil seems to live forever...
Shocking how these people destroyed the planet with deceptive information and lies.
Right? Literally millions are dead at this man's hands
Yay. Now on deck Soros, Klaus, Carter, Clinton
Yes to those but WTF!?! You left off the most vile; Bush, Cheney, Obama.
I went with the oldest
Ahhh... but both Cheney and Bush are older than Hillary Clinton and the same age as Bill. Cheney is actually the oldest of George, Bill and Hillary.
How about some Podestas with that?
And Pelosi, etc
I bet he had information that would have led to the arrest of Hillary Clinton.
Fwiw I liked both of em
I saw that Kissinger died and I knew exactly which meme that I needed to remake... it's retired now. It's very rare that memes actually retire, but this one did
It's a pretty funny thing
you can use it when soros goes
Actually you're right. But it would be this meme, I guess. I wouldn't even have to change the doll
Soros’ might could involve boy magneto from X-men first class.
… and that exploding head from Scanners.
… and magneto pulling the silver out of him.
We have to plan this one ahead of time!!
All excellent and creative ideas...you are at the top of your meme game, fren. :D
U the man
Satan snacking on that old fug's bones.
Press B to defecate on grave
Press C repeatedly to teabag grave
I wonder what the ramifications of this will be.
For all his crimes, he seemed the most pragmatic of the WEF/Davos bunch.
He stated it was time to consider negotiating with Russia, where Soros angrily declared fight to every last Ukranian.
And more recently he was the one to come out and say all of this mass migration was a mistake. I don't recall anyone else from that crowd stating anything one way or the other.
If Kissinger represents one faction, with Soros and Klaus representing another, does this shift the balance of power? Yes, he was old as shit, but was he taken out by them?
Things to ponder and observe in the coming weeks.
Well, that makes sense since he is kind of the founder of the concept of realpolitik
He knew his time was up, he was 100, no shit.
All states should be flying Old Glory full-mast !
And with that said why in the Hell do I see them flying half-mast so often?
That's BS!
F...ucking good riddance!
One of the most self serving globalists, right up there with Soros. He won’t be missed, part of the cabal.
He stuffed up the South Vietnamese. Nixon had used "Operation Linebacker", bombing Hanoi and Haiphong and forcing the North Vietnamese to negotiate to end their 1972 invasion of South Vietnam.
At the time the South Vietnamese ARVN Forces were fighting back very successfully and starting to drive the NVA back.
One of the North Vietnamese points to the cease fire was being able to leave their NVA Forces in South Vietnam and retain the Territory they had occupied.
Kissinger agreed to this point. This would prove to be disastrous in the future. By letting the NVA keep Forces in South Vietnam,the NVA gained a major advantage for their 1975 invasion of South Vietnam.
The South Vietnamese wanted The NVA Forces to withdraw from South Vietnam back north of the DMZ.
Kissinger disregarded the demands of the South Vietnamese and assured them that they should agree to the terms of the cease fire.
In 1975 Kissinger should have advised Ford to keep supplying the South Vietnamese with ammunition. The South Vietnamese would have stood a very good chance of countering the NVA invasion.
If the South Vietnamese had been supplied, they could have held on and stopped the NVA. There wouldn't have been another invasion attempt due to the spilt of China and the USSR, North Vietnam would now have had a hostile China on it's Northern border.
He was always a globalist one world government wanna bee,
Henry Kissinger, I won't be missing ya'
Wait until it's Killary
Christmas came early!