And hand gestures while public speaking. Do they use them? Surely they do, but most are the same gestures you learn in speech class and Toastmasters. You know what will blow some people's minds? Not every spiral is a pedo symbol. Mind blowing I know. It's like accusing me if being a sicko for eating a pizza or talking about one. You can't just let them steal everything from us. That's exactly what they are trying to do.
Frankly I think it’s just getting to be Paranoia setting in now. And people are starting to think there’s a there there. When that’s not necessarily the case.
I grew up with a checkerboard floor in our kitchen. My parents laid it by hand when they built our house in the 40s . They were "normal " , I'm pretty normal too.
You get famous doing schtick,
You become a household name,
You make showbiz money,
Hundreds ride your coattails,
You even butcher the National Anthem at a baseball game,
But do they call you a famous showbiz radical feminist? NO!!!
You call one chimp a chimp…..
I have seen her podcast, she seems to have seen the light. What has she said/not said about pizza?
not buying it - need more to label her considering how shes spoken out against the bad guys. Sometimes a spade is just a spade. Sorry Cats - not this time
I get what you mean… But that pattern has turned into a fad in the last year of two (which coupled with the butterfly trend is pretty revolting for those of us who are well read). A cheap mat is a likely spot of a house for a random trend like that to pop up,
Now if her house’s tile is like that, I’d be a little more concerned.
I want to defend her because I love her so. A few years ago she was not based like she is today. It's possible she's not yet aware of the checkerboard pattern found in virtually every freemason lodge. Or, maybe she put it there as a conversation piece. Or she's spoofing comms or actually doing some sort of comms maybe? It almost looks like she's making an MK Ultra comparison as she is dressed sort Barbi-like lol.
From the top left it's 3 2 1 then an arrow pointing right at a hot pink mess.
Them shades are really dark. I found a pic with the same rhinestone studded heart shades from Etsy with the BABE printed on them. The font reminded me of the talking pig movies from the 90's. So I guess she's dressed as a talking pig?
Was the same pig used for the GEICO commercial where it just squeals Weeeee! out the car window?
If your post ""Roseanne Barr is controlled opposition!!! Notice the checkerboard floor mat behind her!!!!!!!" Good lord, LOL" was intended as a joke it needed a "/s" tag.
As owner of the site one reasonably assumes you have some familiarity with 5th gen psyops strategies being used against us.
re: "bad jacketing" and promulgating divisive rumors of controlled opposition within our ranks is a 5th gen psyop war strategy intended to nutralize us, at a time when we are the cusp of success.
Come on, man.
Checkerboard is a very common pattern in flooring. Since... As long as tiles have existed.
Yeah, they own the checkerboard pattern like the sickos own the rainbow.
And hand gestures while public speaking. Do they use them? Surely they do, but most are the same gestures you learn in speech class and Toastmasters. You know what will blow some people's minds? Not every spiral is a pedo symbol. Mind blowing I know. It's like accusing me if being a sicko for eating a pizza or talking about one. You can't just let them steal everything from us. That's exactly what they are trying to do.
Exactly. Next thing you know they'll be saying God is gay because he gave us rainbows.
Of for heaven's sake. Now people can't have checkerboard patterns.
This is a stretch.
Frankly I think it’s just getting to be Paranoia setting in now. And people are starting to think there’s a there there. When that’s not necessarily the case.
I grew up with a checkerboard floor in our kitchen. My parents laid it by hand when they built our house in the 40s . They were "normal " , I'm pretty normal too.
I've got a neighbor that's had one for years in her kitchen and she's the LAST person who would be on that "team"
My mom and dad had theirs until the 70s. Very kind and sweet people
I like checkerboard pattern. And I'm poor af.
You aren't supposed to notice when itz a mod...
The whole outfit is far more disturbing than the doormat.
Looks like a quirky/slightly crazy Old Lady outfit.
Granted I worked at a Walmart near a retirement Village on night shift. So I might be desensitized to strangely dressed old people.
I used to have a checkerboard garage floor.
Tom Petty's ghost account spotted
Don't come around here no more.
Well the Tom Petty vid was over the top in your face, but I’m not filing for divorce because my wife owns a chess board.
The ectomorph’s ectomorph.
No way. Not the way she was disposed of in front of the masses, conjuring up hate for her like Trump.
You get famous doing schtick, You become a household name, You make showbiz money, Hundreds ride your coattails, You even butcher the National Anthem at a baseball game,
But do they call you a famous showbiz radical feminist? NO!!!
You call one chimp a chimp…..
I have seen her podcast, she seems to have seen the light. What has she said/not said about pizza?
I hope you're joking.
Look at the poster, its shitpost
not buying it - need more to label her considering how shes spoken out against the bad guys. Sometimes a spade is just a spade. Sorry Cats - not this time
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. She's as much on our side as anyone rich and famous can be.
Whatever. She's still hotter than Madonna is now, and the rug pattern is what gets waved at the one that wins.
I get what you mean… But that pattern has turned into a fad in the last year of two (which coupled with the butterfly trend is pretty revolting for those of us who are well read). A cheap mat is a likely spot of a house for a random trend like that to pop up,
Now if her house’s tile is like that, I’d be a little more concerned.
It was a 70s thing with builders... that's all.
I want to defend her because I love her so. A few years ago she was not based like she is today. It's possible she's not yet aware of the checkerboard pattern found in virtually every freemason lodge. Or, maybe she put it there as a conversation piece. Or she's spoofing comms or actually doing some sort of comms maybe? It almost looks like she's making an MK Ultra comparison as she is dressed sort Barbi-like lol.
I had a black and white checkered kitchen floor when I first married. Sometimes, black and white is just black and white.
It’s a door mat.
So, what’s the significance of the checkerboard? Or is it a chess board? Or an optical illusion?
In masonic temples they have black and white checkered floors.
I like the combination of black and white colors in vehicles, shoes, floors and clothes, and I am not a Mason, as far as I know.
Suuure you aren't! Just playing.
It’s a rug.
I’d be more concerned about her outfit than a throw rug on the floor.
So now it’s silly to think the checker board masonic symbolism exists catsfive?
Seems like you’re bullying people for thoughts and opinions.
awwww.. SHIT!! In my game closet, we have a checker board!! now we're evil, too!!
I think you're really reaching for something that's not their.
Let's talk sbout the serpent's face design of the Vatican instead. Could their true focus be any more obvious? Just ask Roseanne. She knows!
How can we tell that's even her, or her house, or her doormat?
Clearly an actor in a mask
Her checkers board has the same pattern! How much evidence do you need?!
I worked at a hotel that had a forrest green and mauve checkerboard patio. Ugliest flooring ever...
Seriously those shades are very similar to the little girl lover symbol.
From the top left it's 3 2 1 then an arrow pointing right at a hot pink mess.
Them shades are really dark. I found a pic with the same rhinestone studded heart shades from Etsy with the BABE printed on them. The font reminded me of the talking pig movies from the 90's. So I guess she's dressed as a talking pig?
Was the same pig used for the GEICO commercial where it just squeals Weeeee! out the car window?
SNL Skit line: "I gots three words your honor" "The bitch ugly!"
I guess if she was spotted eating pizza she’d be trafficking kids. Come on now.
It's a fucking door mat, asshole. Quit trying to stir up trouble
"It's a fucking door mat, asshole. Quit trying to stir up trouble"
Pro Tip: The person that you are ^replying to^, along with asking for their post to be removed just so happens to be the board owner of GAW.
If your post ""Roseanne Barr is controlled opposition!!! Notice the checkerboard floor mat behind her!!!!!!!" Good lord, LOL" was intended as a joke it needed a "/s" tag.
As owner of the site one reasonably assumes you have some familiarity with 5th gen psyops strategies being used against us.
This nugget on GAW is worth watching beginning to end but I'll direct you to this 3 minute cut: 32:30 - 35:30 min Dr. ROBERT MALONE- Fifth Generation Warfare and SOVEREIGNTY- Oracle Films
re: "bad jacketing" and promulgating divisive rumors of controlled opposition within our ranks is a 5th gen psyop war strategy intended to nutralize us, at a time when we are the cusp of success.
United we stand, divided we fall.
Just to be clear, I am not the board owner.