MSM: these conspiracy theorists! its like, if they believe one conspiracy they are more likely to believe others! we cant let them believe in one single conspiracy theory!
You would have done well if you hadn't led with that crap before listing actual conspiracies. Might as well have led with flat Earth nonsense if you're going to go down that road since it also requires every country to somehow be in on a hoax, plenty of others who have sent probes to the Moon have had many chances to call out NASA if the landings were fake and would love to do so.
I mean, humanity has definitely been to space or else satellites would not be a thing. Its not too much of a stretch to think we've been a little bit further to the moon. We would not be able to communicate with the other side of the planet in near real-time without satellites.
Same, i knew I was going to war and just put on the game face and went. Looking back I can trace how I came to reject the narrative. It took trumps first election and what followed. It's not without pain that it comes. Buddies dead or grievously wounded... constant war drums for 20 fucking years. Unraveling the entire psyop from your brain takes its toll. Good news, won't ever happen again to me or many of us who are now awake. I cam guess the deep states song in about 2 notes now.
Building demolition of any size is an art, decades of experienced demolition experts have set the standards.... I gather the "students" learned their lessons well.
The WTC complex was on a plaza that is like 15 acres. It's a big space. Multiple buildings were on that plaza. The towers collapsed on those buildings.
WTC 7 is not even on this plaza. It across a city street from the plaza. Debris from one of the towers fell onto WTC 7 and took a chunk out of the corner of the building.
Watch video on report of the University of Alaska engineering department on collapse of WTC 7. A four year study concluding it was most likely a controlled demolition. And if so, was WTC 1 and 2 the result of box cutters on airplanes?
I have. That's happening at the very end of the collapse sequence
I remember when Small Change came out I found it very persuasive. Especially on WTC 7, but a friend and I started discussing it and we found it was highly manipulative.
When you see the VIDEO EVIDENCE of WTC 7, there's a couple of things to note.
We don't see the bottom half of the building. This is where the collapse is believed to have started. The bottom half of building is blocked by other fairly tall buildings in NYC
The second thing a lot of sites don't show you the full collapse sequence, just the end. When you look at the full collapse sequence, you see all sorts things happening on one side of the building, then on the roof and THEN the building fully goes down.
As for the free fall.
Imagine two 12 foot ladders next to each other a few feet part.
Now imagine you stack them up 10 of these on top of each other. So you have 120 feet of ladders side by side
These wouldn't be able to stand up by themselves.
Now imagine for every 10 feet the two sides are connected to each other So one stack of ladders next to another with 12 connections running between them. Now you have a structure that can stand because these connections form a lateral brace where each ladder stack supports the other.
Now imagine there's structural failure towards the bottom of the ladders. A failure that starts ripping out the bracing from the bottom to the top. Once all those lateral supports are gone, the ladders are going to go down.
This is similar to what happened in WTC 7. It was built with a tube in tube structure.
So you have a inner box and outer box, but each box needs supports from the other.
So how's that affect my ladders. When basically imagine you can only see the outer ladder. The free fall collapse occurs after the inside ladder has fallen and all the supports are gone. And the video is only looking at the top of the ladders.
So where's my evidence for this? Does my metaphor stand up?
Here's a gif of the full collapse sequence. Is there evidence of some sort of interior collapse.
YES. Look at the roof. Something on the left side of the roof collapses INTO the building. Notice all the windows that start to break on the left. Then on the right.
The second thing to note is WTC had like 50 floors. It was over 700 feet high. We don't see all 50 floors here. Unlike 1 or 2 we don't see the point of collapse. It's blocked by other buildings.
Also fact about WTC? Hours before it collapsed the NY Fire Department cleared a collapse zone around it. Because they started seeing creaking metal and noticed earlier in the day, one of the corners of building started to bulge.....this is a sign of structural failure.
This argument is bogus completely. It is full of gratuitous complexity so as to hide the simplicity of the conservation of energy argument that I give elsewhere on this page. No amount of complexity can change the fact that, to quote the head of NIST at the first press conference after 9/11 "a structure cannot undergo progressive collapse at free fall".
Did you see how the structures on the roof collapsed first straight into the building?
Because if you miss that you're going to be off on this
as to hide the simplicity of the conservation of energy argument
A. You won't see the full collapse process
And thus
B. The timing will be completely off
C. Free fall does not describe the full collapse sequence. It describes a portion of the end of the collapse sequence for about 2 and 1/2 seconds
The left side of the roof seems to collapse about 4 seconds before the rest of the building itself collapses.
To simplify this if you have a 50-story building. And the support structure is on floors 5 through 10 are completely destroyed. Floors 30 to 50 are just simply going straight down. As you noted, potential energy becoming kinetic energy at that point.
At about 5:20 p.m., the collapse sequence began. First, the east and west penthouses disappeared from view, followed by progressive collapse, apparently on a lower floor. Videotapes show the upper 30 to 35 stories appearing to descend intact, indicating the collapse was initiated on a lower floor. Just before the collapse, a crack or “kink” or fault line developed along the north wall in the vicinity of the east penthouse located over transfer trusses 1 and 2 on the east side.
And kudos to making a scientific argument on this topic. It's refreshing.
Imagine two 12 foot ladders next to each other a few feet part.
I was 1/2 block away from 9/11. The 2nd plane flew over my head as I stood on the Battery. This is my wheelhouse. This is no innocent, ordinary conversation you're engaging in here. You are absolutely 100% a professional shill.
WTC7 was not really a building, it was a Category 5 bunker—that's literally the highest category attainable for any building anywhere in the world. Salomon Smith Barney's trading floor (two floors high, BTW) was right there in the middle of that building, and before they agreed to become tenants, they demanded that WTC7 spend an additional $150 million upgrading the building.
I'm sending you packing. You aren't welcome here. This isn't about creating an echo chamber. Your replied are so expertly fucked that you are guaranteed IC.
Years of research and discussion on this topic at The predominant narrative does not stand up to scrutiny. Even the Pentagon - where were the bodies, the luggage, the engines of the plane? The only engine found at the Pentagon was deep inside the building and was from a different type of aircraft than what supposedly hit the building.
where were the bodies, the luggage, the engines of the plane?
They all burned up in the 3000 degree fire, obviously. That is why there are pictures that show papers and books on desks right next to the impact that are untouched by the fires... Because the fires were concentrated on the people, luggage, engines, and entire non-existent body of the plane.
It's simple physics really.
Oh ya, and the records of the $2T missing MIC dollars. Those got completely incinerated. That pesky concentrated (focused) fire.
I wonder how many DUMBS and/or secret satellites and/or White House hotdog parties can be bought with $2T in 1990s money.
The primary method by which the truth is hidden is through exploitation of cognitive dissonance. If you allow yourself to really look at the evidence in earnest, the only reasonable conclusion is that we live in a world similar to 1984, or A Brave New World, or The Matrix.
The evidence points to that conclusion, but that conclusion is coupled with "you live in a world that is the opposite of everything you have been taught, everything you believe, everything everyone else you know believes." That realization leads to a completely unsafe space, where you will be totally alone and isolated from humanity. There is no where you can be safe in that world. But people need to feel safe. People need to feel "together" with others. Both safety and community are primal.
The evidence conflicts with belief, that is the definition of "cognitive dissonance." It is a discord, like two notes played together that make no sense, that make you scrunch up your face, waiting for the concord that will resolve it. When experiencing cognitive dissonance the mind ceases it's ability to function until the dissonance is resolved. We rely on our beliefs to function. I suggest that is a matter of training rather than necessity, but that's a different discussion. Regardless, the mind must rectify the discord before it can move on.
The evidence provided by the government in this case is really bad, but it is also a path that is offered back to a "safe space." So the options are "safety and community," or "you, your children, your neighbors, and the whole world are completely fucked, and everyone will hate you."
Taking the "safety and community" path is obvious, even if you have to alter the evidence or ignore it completely. You've been offered a safe path. You take it.
It's not "perfectly retarded," it's training to believe in safety, and a need for community, coupled with an opportunity, by The Authority that you have been trained to trust, to hold on to the beliefs you already have.
Exploitations of cognitive dissonance. That is how Big Brother stays Big.
Where are the holes the actual ENGINES would have made, out to the side? A plane like that is hollow in the middle, and would just fall apart when hitting a solid structure. The engines, on the other hand, are very heavy and would do more damage. More mass, more damage. Instead, a big missile looking hole, right in the middle. Also, the Pentagon has more than a few cameras pointing at it, from more than a few angles. IF a plane hit it, why didn't we ever see the footage? The Pentagon was the real target, and a plane wouldn't have gotten the desired results. Just my two cents. It just does NOT look like an airplane hit it.
Where are the holes the actual ENGINES would have made, out to the side? ..... Instead, a big missile looking hole, right in the middle.
The holes on the sides of building were much larger than a jet engine.
One of the issues people have when considering this is just how massive these buildings were
You can see the building is wider than the airplane and that large hole in the side is around 40 feet high.
The side panels at the exterior columns were built from were three stories high which would be about three times 12 ft. By my eye the hole is bigger than an entire panel probably around 4 full stories.
A plane like that is hollow in the middle, and would just fall apart when hitting a solid structure.
I have nothing but a high school education, but I said the same thing as I watched 9-11 live on TV. Buildings just don't fall like that without planning.
Especially the 20 minute reverse time delay with building 7 being announced as collapsed well before it happened. You would think that them saying they decided to pull it, which requires explosives, would make most see the truth.
See my conservation of energy argument elsewhere on this page. It's just high school physics to demonstrate that, to quote the head of NIST during the first NIST press conference after 2001/9/11, "a building cannot undergo progressive collapse at free fall".
Here is a photo my wife took from her car the day after the Pentagon was hit. There is zero plane wreckage in this pic. Nor was there any plane wreckage when I drove by 90 minutes after impact:
From 15:30 to 25:45, the documentary In Plane Sight examines a series of photos of the Pentagon taken before the floors collapsed: The initial hole was only about 16 feet in diameter.
Any photos that show light poles still standing in the flight path of the "plane"? I've read that that is a key piece of evidence that it was not a plane.
Not a plane. I know Malcolm Nance MSM stooge who claims to have been standing in the parking lot and saw plane fly over. He wasn’t/didn’t. 200 exterior 525l CCTV cams on exterior of Pentagon land and that’s all they got? Not to mention the the ton of other cameras in the area. Low res by today’s standards but nothing. I know no one that saw the plane. I’m from there.
There is nothing secret in the area to use as a reason to hide the footage except whatever happened on that day. The Pentagon parking lot is not Area 51. Freeway 395 goes by the Pentagon so close that you could pull over and throw a rock and hit the building. Between the freeway and the building is just this chain link fence. Everyone sees that location as they drive by on their commute every day. They only thing the FBI could be hiding by hiding the footage is whatever happened that day.
It’s not one of those authentic things you see every day. That’s a never been published photo. I can probably scan it at higher res. I’ve been waiting a while to post it.
WOW! That's an amazing photo. Thank you for posting.
WHERE ARE THE WINGS OF THE PLANE?! Wings do not just disappear when they hit a wall.
Where are the ENGINES that were on the wings? They are huge chunks of steel and titanium. They supposedly hit that wall at 500 miles an hour, and yet they left NO visible evidence of their impact?
YW. We discovered it while going through some old photo albums not long ago. There was no wreckage. I drove by a little more than an hour after it happened and saw nothing but a smoldering hole.
Wow. Thanks. Based on your knowledge of the area, and what we all believe to have caused that destruction, from where & how do you believe it was launched?
The damage was, IMO, done by a Tomahawk missile. Or similar. It could have been rogue sub launched. I’m not sure what air launched weapon would carry that much damage. A guided JDAM probably. Again, logistical issues and questions galore.
Having driven by 90 minutes after it happened to get my daughter from daycare (had just gotten home from dropping her off a mile away from the Pentagon) I saw no plane wreckage. They were still putting the fire out.
I lived there for 45 years. 25 of them within a few miles of the Pentagon and I know no one who saw a plane. My cousin said he heard a woosh over his apartment and he was on a direct line from the terminal overhead path. It to mention one camera angle. BS - even back then the Pentagon and surrounding buildings all had VHS quality CCTV everywhere.
MSM brought out stooges like Malcolm Nance to say they saw a plane fly overhead. I know that asshat and he is a Brennan cockolder.
Just south-east of the Pentagon is a big body of water called the Chesapeake Bay. What can you hide in a big body of water? How about a submarine that can launch a cruise missile.
I can't find the clip now, but a couple years ago I saw an impromptu interview with Tucker by someone who ran into him on the street somewhere. He asked about 9/11 and Building 7, and Tucker became angry and mocked and ridiculed him.
I'm not so sure he's waking up, but rather was toeing the company line back then. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know buildings don't fall down all by themselves.
These people have access to all kinds of information. So many of them know, and are still covering up the lies. When they "wake up", it will be to cover their rear ends, not because they actually woke up. They know. Just like Tucker knew long before he "woke up." Now, he's just playing his part.
Yes they can, which is why I cringe at some replies to people still seeking truth. This isn't a game of who knew what the longest, it's about waking up as many people as possible and not being an asshole to people who are behind the curve.
The only thing that bothers me, in regard to being an "inside job", is you would think that after more than 20 years, somebody involved would have told someone, or left some document in their will to tell the truth. (but maybe they, and their families, were/are under an umbrella of threat, such that even if they die, their families are not safe)
The way he is rapid fire bringing all this stuff up tells me he is playing his assigned role. Between his media past and his family and friends connections in Washington, he or some family and friends are guilty of some lesser transgressions and he has been offered a role as new media king in exchange for red pilling the normies.
I also believe at least one of them was a small thermo-nuclear bomb. The antisemites would jump on this one too but I will leave judgement until we know the truth. Anyway, they say this type of bomb was designed in Israel. It could simply be a copy or something stollen from Israel to throw off blame
Making buildings fall like that is the bread and butter of professional demolition teams. There is no need to conjecture the use of something exotic, like a nuke.
I’m merely referring to how so many responders died of mysterious diseases. They also did check for certain types of radiation but some people theorize that the thermo nuke gives off a specific pattern that is slightly different than what they checked for. This would explain the molten burning metal that kept going on for months after the event. A lot of people also had seizures at the scene of the explosion. I’ve heard many accounts over the years and I keep hearing about seizures.
Don’t get me wrong, I also believe it was planned demolition.
Demolitions are super loud and leave a ton of evidence.
Demolitions involve months of prep and pre weakening the structure.
To get a linear charge to cut steel, they cut into the columns and insert the charge into the cut. You need to direct all the force of the high explosive into the steel or you're just wasting your time. I was miles away from a demolition once and I heard it. It was in NJ and I was in Brooklyn. Demolition charges would have been heard throughout the area..... there's probably a half million people who would have been in the area.
Also to prep a building for demolition they have to cut into the steel girders to insert the linear charges that cause the demolition. If you don't do this, you're not directing the force of the explosion to cut through steel. It would take the path of least resistance and you're building wouldn't go down. That is very loud, dirty and smelly work. The fumes from the acetylene torches you would use would linger in an enclosed building
There would be no way to cover up such an operation, particularly in the hindsight after something happened.
I don't think you have a sense of how big a construction project is needed for pre-demolition in the world trade center. It would be the biggest ever done
Dude. A series of explosions at roughly half second intervals can be easily heard by the naked ear, immediately preceding the FREE FALL of wtc7, in the Ashleigh Banfield interview video aired by NBC.
I'm sure you know this, but for some other, unknown reason, choose to obfuscate. Carry on.
High school physics says that the government story is wrong.
WTC7 fell at freefall.
Expressing this using vector calculus, it is complex, but expressing this using energy, it is simple, as follows.
Note that this analysis is so simple because (1) energy is conserved and (2) free falling is the asymptotic edge case of ways structures can fall. At the asymptote there is no wiggle room, so additional confounding complexities simply go away.
Doing any work requires energy. (1) Accelerating the building downward is work. (2) Deforming a building is work.
Falling is the conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy. The falling is free falling when the efficiency of this conversion is 100%.
Therefore, if the only energy available is the potential energy of the mass suspended at height in a force field, then when free falling there is NO additional energy to do ANY other work.
That is, when free falling, you spend ALL of the energy accelerating the mass downward; in particular, no energy remains to do the work of deforming the building.
You could say that the building fell, and then stopping falling deformed the building, but then time goes in the wrong order: you have to deform the building so that it will fall.
At the first press conference NIST gave after 9/11, someone yelled out to the head of NIST "WTC7 fell at free fall". The head of NIST responded like he was reciting something he learned long ago: "no, it can't have, because you cannot have a progressive collapse of a structure at free fall". (Above I just gave the conservation of energy proof of this statement.) (Link wanted for this interaction).
I think it was six months later that NIST published that WTC7 fell "at free fall for several seconds". It cannot fall at free fall for any number of seconds. (Link wanted for this document).
What got me into this was seeing a YouTube video of a high-school physics teacher plotting each frame of the building falling and getting -10 m/s^2, which is free fall plus a bit of fudge factor. (Link wanted for this video.)
I heard otherwise, but if I recall correctly, they still fell in a way that looks utterly implausible.
May I suggest watching the video of the Chinese demolishing an entire ghost city of tower buildings. Since there is no one in the city, they did not bother with the "make the building fall into its own footprint" technique. Instead, they just blow up the base of the building.
Do the buildings fall down straight into their own footprint? No, they keel over sideways. That's what you expect frankly. They may fall at free fall, but not while also destroying the building. The rest of the building is fine until it hits the ground.
I analyzed the fall of WTC7 because, again, at free fall, which is the asymptotic limit, the analysis becomes simple. The other buildings do not seem to have fallen at free fall, so it is harder to show they had explosives in them. I still think they did, but the argument is much harder to make.
Did you ever think you’d see Tucker saying this? Especially after his past statements about 9/11 where he refused to give a second of thought to the “conspiracy theories.” It’s an honor to be here at this time with you all my frens…the end of their game….the fall of the cabal….the great awakening. It’s so exciting isn’t it?!? When this madness is all finally over and done, we’re here and we’re going to see it all go down.😂
I just wanna know why it's taken twenty years for these mainstream talking heads to leave Comet Pizza long enough to sell us their version of the truth and why he chose until right before an election to finally talk about stuff that matters.
Almost to acknowledging the Space Force, I'm sure millions of American families will suffer until the paid talking heads are ready to catch up to the rest of society online.
I believe it's correct that one of the main reasons Fox fired Tucker was when he said the most dangerous trait of those who would rule over us is they think they are God when we know that we (and they) are not.
Maybe he would still be at Fox if he hadn't gone there, but it wouldn't matter because he would definitely have to go now. Can't be allowed to question an article in Popular Mechanics on the settled science of 911.
LMAO. Long posts with lame excuses do not overcome the physics of the actual filmed evidence/proof of the event.
The building 7 fell at free fall acceleration “.”
There is only one way for that to happen. All resistance on floors below must be removed with precision timing. Just take Larry Silverstein’s word that they had to “pull it”. Or the thousands of architects and engineers who are trained experts on the topic. I’ll stick with the experts.
Glad I waited so I can see what the deep state is currently GASLIGHTING about the obvious.
Jewish "art students" rented out the floors the first explosions were made. Using wall lined controlled explosions. Jewish mossad explosives experts called the E team worked months maybe years to set this up.
The airplanes were real time manipulated into the 2 live feeds via software
Later video also manipulated by staged video manipulation.
Crisis actors staged. Reports of bombings were washed from the media. Building 7 also setup.
All buildings owned by another jew Silverstein who took insurance out for terrorism shortly before the Bombings. This was before cell phones were popular 2001 popularity went up In 2004 and camera for cell phones were still lame.
By way of deception jews changed the liberties of America and sent our young to war with Israel's enemies. Surrounding their last enemy Iran. See Syria Afghanistan Iraq on a map. Thus killing white goyim, and checkmate Iran which don't use the global jewish centralized banking system.
The jewish shekel had a remarkable resemblence of the attack. Airplane and what looks like two towers. Many jewish ran Hollywood movies also whorship the 911 number as a insider warning and communicatio "September 11" a lot of them knew. See video of Dancing isralies from that day. Gives another category for "These people are sick".
They don't hold empathy for other races, all information is held in house synoguge of satan. Jews are internstionalist. Have no loyaly except their own race and israel their stolen land of squatters.
ADL created from Chicago jewish lawyers gathering to protect and mitigate truth about the jews after Leo frank (jew) raped and murdered a goyim girl (13) which had no empathy.
Jews also own the ships for human trafficking for the slave trade long ago and of children today. They own the foundations pushing LGBT critical race theory trans and feminism movements, media and the large groups Blackrock and vanguard that push all this social family Christian destroying material. Not to mention big pharmacy.
They hate White people but often take camouflage within groups of whites to hide their attrocities. Loxism is the absolute hatred and jealousy of Whites. They hate Whites because they are no longer God's chosen due to their covenant being broken because they denied and murdered the messiah, Christ. They stole the sole identity of shem "semite" and claim ancestors of Judah was also jewish Abraham ect. But Judah dcendants are jews only. Judah was child of Josh or israel the man. Which had many sons who have the abramhamic blessing. But not Judah. Who filled the land of cannin and whorship baal (cannibals) which they became. They believe the Talmud not really the Torah. Crucifix makes them reel.
Now that you all seen the power of Influency with the covid and Vax and election. Nonsense. I think it's time you revisit historical items such as the holohaox story.
Revelations 3:9. This is why they (jews) have been expelled 109 other nations through history. They are a parasite of the land in which they sink into. They hate you.
A building does not naturally fall into a neat pile within its own footprint.
It always looked wrong to me but I was in denial for so many years as I didn't want to believe it.
When you already knew they faked the moon landing, killed Kennedy, allowed Pearl Harbor, lied about Okl City.......
You saw 9/11 differently real time
… and then covid as eye opener for the masses.
White hats: to allow it and release the evidence of everything.
Has TCN more views than CNN yet?
MSM: these conspiracy theorists! its like, if they believe one conspiracy they are more likely to believe others! we cant let them believe in one single conspiracy theory!
You would have done well if you hadn't led with that crap before listing actual conspiracies. Might as well have led with flat Earth nonsense if you're going to go down that road since it also requires every country to somehow be in on a hoax, plenty of others who have sent probes to the Moon have had many chances to call out NASA if the landings were fake and would love to do so.
They would never be in on the hoax. See Antarctica. They were ALL controlled
I mean, humanity has definitely been to space or else satellites would not be a thing. Its not too much of a stretch to think we've been a little bit further to the moon. We would not be able to communicate with the other side of the planet in near real-time without satellites.
I really respect your willingness to see the truth.
Same here, and I was in lower Manhattan that day! (but I always questioned building 7)
I know that feeling fren. How times change
Same, i knew I was going to war and just put on the game face and went. Looking back I can trace how I came to reject the narrative. It took trumps first election and what followed. It's not without pain that it comes. Buddies dead or grievously wounded... constant war drums for 20 fucking years. Unraveling the entire psyop from your brain takes its toll. Good news, won't ever happen again to me or many of us who are now awake. I cam guess the deep states song in about 2 notes now.
Simply not possible without human intervention. NOT POSSIBLE.
That's correct. See my argument using conservation of energy elsewhere on this page.
There's only one way to achieve that and that's if you do it just right.
Building demolition of any size is an art, decades of experienced demolition experts have set the standards.... I gather the "students" learned their lessons well.
The towers did not fall into their own footprint.
The WTC complex was on a plaza that is like 15 acres. It's a big space. Multiple buildings were on that plaza. The towers collapsed on those buildings.
WTC 7 is not even on this plaza. It across a city street from the plaza. Debris from one of the towers fell onto WTC 7 and took a chunk out of the corner of the building.
Have you watched the VIDEO EVIDENCE of Bldg 7 collapsing at free fall acceleration??
Please explain how this can happen without human intervention! I’ll wait.
Watch video on report of the University of Alaska engineering department on collapse of WTC 7. A four year study concluding it was most likely a controlled demolition. And if so, was WTC 1 and 2 the result of box cutters on airplanes?
I have. That's happening at the very end of the collapse sequence
I remember when Small Change came out I found it very persuasive. Especially on WTC 7, but a friend and I started discussing it and we found it was highly manipulative.
When you see the VIDEO EVIDENCE of WTC 7, there's a couple of things to note.
We don't see the bottom half of the building. This is where the collapse is believed to have started. The bottom half of building is blocked by other fairly tall buildings in NYC
The second thing a lot of sites don't show you the full collapse sequence, just the end. When you look at the full collapse sequence, you see all sorts things happening on one side of the building, then on the roof and THEN the building fully goes down.
As for the free fall.
Imagine two 12 foot ladders next to each other a few feet part.
Now imagine you stack them up 10 of these on top of each other. So you have 120 feet of ladders side by side
These wouldn't be able to stand up by themselves.
Now imagine for every 10 feet the two sides are connected to each other So one stack of ladders next to another with 12 connections running between them. Now you have a structure that can stand because these connections form a lateral brace where each ladder stack supports the other.
Now imagine there's structural failure towards the bottom of the ladders. A failure that starts ripping out the bracing from the bottom to the top. Once all those lateral supports are gone, the ladders are going to go down.
This is similar to what happened in WTC 7. It was built with a tube in tube structure.
You can see that here. It's the one that looks like a box with a box. it's described here as a core tube is surrounded by an exterior tube that interact horizontally.
So you have a inner box and outer box, but each box needs supports from the other.
So how's that affect my ladders. When basically imagine you can only see the outer ladder. The free fall collapse occurs after the inside ladder has fallen and all the supports are gone. And the video is only looking at the top of the ladders.
So where's my evidence for this? Does my metaphor stand up?
Here's a gif of the full collapse sequence. Is there evidence of some sort of interior collapse.
YES. Look at the roof. Something on the left side of the roof collapses INTO the building. Notice all the windows that start to break on the left. Then on the right.
The second thing to note is WTC had like 50 floors. It was over 700 feet high. We don't see all 50 floors here. Unlike 1 or 2 we don't see the point of collapse. It's blocked by other buildings.
Also fact about WTC? Hours before it collapsed the NY Fire Department cleared a collapse zone around it. Because they started seeing creaking metal and noticed earlier in the day, one of the corners of building started to bulge.....this is a sign of structural failure.
Thanks for waiting.
This argument is bogus completely. It is full of gratuitous complexity so as to hide the simplicity of the conservation of energy argument that I give elsewhere on this page. No amount of complexity can change the fact that, to quote the head of NIST at the first press conference after 9/11 "a structure cannot undergo progressive collapse at free fall".
Did you watch the gif play?
Did you see how the structures on the roof collapsed first straight into the building?
Because if you miss that you're going to be off on this
Because. A. You won't see the full collapse process And thus B. The timing will be completely off
C. Free fall does not describe the full collapse sequence. It describes a portion of the end of the collapse sequence for about 2 and 1/2 seconds
The left side of the roof seems to collapse about 4 seconds before the rest of the building itself collapses.
To simplify this if you have a 50-story building. And the support structure is on floors 5 through 10 are completely destroyed. Floors 30 to 50 are just simply going straight down. As you noted, potential energy becoming kinetic energy at that point.
Here's how an engineer described what I'm trying to say about the roof.
And kudos to making a scientific argument on this topic. It's refreshing.
I was 1/2 block away from 9/11. The 2nd plane flew over my head as I stood on the Battery. This is my wheelhouse. This is no innocent, ordinary conversation you're engaging in here. You are absolutely 100% a professional shill.
WTC7 was not really a building, it was a Category 5 bunker—that's literally the highest category attainable for any building anywhere in the world. Salomon Smith Barney's trading floor (two floors high, BTW) was right there in the middle of that building, and before they agreed to become tenants, they demanded that WTC7 spend an additional $150 million upgrading the building.
I'm sending you packing. You aren't welcome here. This isn't about creating an echo chamber. Your replied are so expertly fucked that you are guaranteed IC.
Please explain the nano thermite particles found in the debris field of the N, S towers (without referencing ladders kek).
Years of research and discussion on this topic at The predominant narrative does not stand up to scrutiny. Even the Pentagon - where were the bodies, the luggage, the engines of the plane? The only engine found at the Pentagon was deep inside the building and was from a different type of aircraft than what supposedly hit the building.
They all burned up in the 3000 degree fire, obviously. That is why there are pictures that show papers and books on desks right next to the impact that are untouched by the fires... Because the fires were concentrated on the people, luggage, engines, and entire non-existent body of the plane.
It's simple physics really.
Oh ya, and the records of the $2T missing MIC dollars. Those got completely incinerated. That pesky concentrated (focused) fire.
I wonder how many DUMBS and/or secret satellites and/or White House hotdog parties can be bought with $2T in 1990s money.
One has to be perfectly retarded not to see the absurdity of the Pentagon crash story
The primary method by which the truth is hidden is through exploitation of cognitive dissonance. If you allow yourself to really look at the evidence in earnest, the only reasonable conclusion is that we live in a world similar to 1984, or A Brave New World, or The Matrix.
The evidence points to that conclusion, but that conclusion is coupled with "you live in a world that is the opposite of everything you have been taught, everything you believe, everything everyone else you know believes." That realization leads to a completely unsafe space, where you will be totally alone and isolated from humanity. There is no where you can be safe in that world. But people need to feel safe. People need to feel "together" with others. Both safety and community are primal.
The evidence conflicts with belief, that is the definition of "cognitive dissonance." It is a discord, like two notes played together that make no sense, that make you scrunch up your face, waiting for the concord that will resolve it. When experiencing cognitive dissonance the mind ceases it's ability to function until the dissonance is resolved. We rely on our beliefs to function. I suggest that is a matter of training rather than necessity, but that's a different discussion. Regardless, the mind must rectify the discord before it can move on.
The evidence provided by the government in this case is really bad, but it is also a path that is offered back to a "safe space." So the options are "safety and community," or "you, your children, your neighbors, and the whole world are completely fucked, and everyone will hate you."
Taking the "safety and community" path is obvious, even if you have to alter the evidence or ignore it completely. You've been offered a safe path. You take it.
It's not "perfectly retarded," it's training to believe in safety, and a need for community, coupled with an opportunity, by The Authority that you have been trained to trust, to hold on to the beliefs you already have.
Exploitations of cognitive dissonance. That is how Big Brother stays Big.
Excellent analysis of cognitive dissonance.
You sound just like Andrew Tate. Fantastic. I appreciate your breakdown. I th ink that’s entirely it and can be applied to many topics.
So excellent. Thanks! This matters. If normies wake up to this they may stop trusting the government on health-related mandates, too.
Now do Maui.
That's because they used the Pentalawn 2000 grass system 🤣🤣🤣
Where are the holes the actual ENGINES would have made, out to the side? A plane like that is hollow in the middle, and would just fall apart when hitting a solid structure. The engines, on the other hand, are very heavy and would do more damage. More mass, more damage. Instead, a big missile looking hole, right in the middle. Also, the Pentagon has more than a few cameras pointing at it, from more than a few angles. IF a plane hit it, why didn't we ever see the footage? The Pentagon was the real target, and a plane wouldn't have gotten the desired results. Just my two cents. It just does NOT look like an airplane hit it.
One of the issues people have when considering this is just how massive these buildings were
You can see the building is wider than the airplane and that large hole in the side is around 40 feet high.
The side panels at the exterior columns were built from were three stories high which would be about three times 12 ft. By my eye the hole is bigger than an entire panel probably around 4 full stories.
It's all a question of momentum.
What happens when a ping pong ball hits a ping pong paddle You might be surprised
Try explaining why there is no video of a plane hitting the most heavily surveilled building on the planet.
I have nothing but a high school education, but I said the same thing as I watched 9-11 live on TV. Buildings just don't fall like that without planning.
Especially the 20 minute reverse time delay with building 7 being announced as collapsed well before it happened. You would think that them saying they decided to pull it, which requires explosives, would make most see the truth.
the phrase “pull it” is a red herring that introduced ambiguity.
The correct phrase is, “we decided to pull it, AND THEN WE WATCHED WTC 7 COLLAPSE (in a manner that indistinguishable from a controlled demolition”
See my conservation of energy argument elsewhere on this page. It's just high school physics to demonstrate that, to quote the head of NIST during the first NIST press conference after 2001/9/11, "a building cannot undergo progressive collapse at free fall".
Here is a photo my wife took from her car the day after the Pentagon was hit. There is zero plane wreckage in this pic. Nor was there any plane wreckage when I drove by 90 minutes after impact:
Good pic.
From 15:30 to 25:45, the documentary In Plane Sight examines a series of photos of the Pentagon taken before the floors collapsed: The initial hole was only about 16 feet in diameter.
Any photos that show light poles still standing in the flight path of the "plane"? I've read that that is a key piece of evidence that it was not a plane.
Not a plane. I know Malcolm Nance MSM stooge who claims to have been standing in the parking lot and saw plane fly over. He wasn’t/didn’t. 200 exterior 525l CCTV cams on exterior of Pentagon land and that’s all they got? Not to mention the the ton of other cameras in the area. Low res by today’s standards but nothing. I know no one that saw the plane. I’m from there.
There is nothing secret in the area to use as a reason to hide the footage except whatever happened on that day. The Pentagon parking lot is not Area 51. Freeway 395 goes by the Pentagon so close that you could pull over and throw a rock and hit the building. Between the freeway and the building is just this chain link fence. Everyone sees that location as they drive by on their commute every day. They only thing the FBI could be hiding by hiding the footage is whatever happened that day.
Yeah, exactly...thanks for this...👌😎
It’s not one of those authentic things you see every day. That’s a never been published photo. I can probably scan it at higher res. I’ve been waiting a while to post it.
WOW! That's an amazing photo. Thank you for posting.
WHERE ARE THE WINGS OF THE PLANE?! Wings do not just disappear when they hit a wall.
Where are the ENGINES that were on the wings? They are huge chunks of steel and titanium. They supposedly hit that wall at 500 miles an hour, and yet they left NO visible evidence of their impact?
YW. We discovered it while going through some old photo albums not long ago. There was no wreckage. I drove by a little more than an hour after it happened and saw nothing but a smoldering hole.
Wow. Thanks. Based on your knowledge of the area, and what we all believe to have caused that destruction, from where & how do you believe it was launched?
The damage was, IMO, done by a Tomahawk missile. Or similar. It could have been rogue sub launched. I’m not sure what air launched weapon would carry that much damage. A guided JDAM probably. Again, logistical issues and questions galore.
Having driven by 90 minutes after it happened to get my daughter from daycare (had just gotten home from dropping her off a mile away from the Pentagon) I saw no plane wreckage. They were still putting the fire out.
I lived there for 45 years. 25 of them within a few miles of the Pentagon and I know no one who saw a plane. My cousin said he heard a woosh over his apartment and he was on a direct line from the terminal overhead path. It to mention one camera angle. BS - even back then the Pentagon and surrounding buildings all had VHS quality CCTV everywhere.
MSM brought out stooges like Malcolm Nance to say they saw a plane fly overhead. I know that asshat and he is a Brennan cockolder.
Thanks. Firsthand accounts like yours are very important. There have been few other times when the official narrative has been laid on so thick.
"Logistical issues and questions galore" is putting it mildly.
Just south-east of the Pentagon is a big body of water called the Chesapeake Bay. What can you hide in a big body of water? How about a submarine that can launch a cruise missile.
It is really a fantastic piece of evidence that deserves its own sticky post.
I may scan it and one other photo for a post. May still have negatives.
I can't find the clip now, but a couple years ago I saw an impromptu interview with Tucker by someone who ran into him on the street somewhere. He asked about 9/11 and Building 7, and Tucker became angry and mocked and ridiculed him.
He's waking up.
Same as many of us.
I'm not so sure he's waking up, but rather was toeing the company line back then. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know buildings don't fall down all by themselves.
He's defently waking up on many other topics as well.
It takes time, as much as more info.
These people have access to all kinds of information. So many of them know, and are still covering up the lies. When they "wake up", it will be to cover their rear ends, not because they actually woke up. They know. Just like Tucker knew long before he "woke up." Now, he's just playing his part.
Secrecy is compartmentalize, very few or even none know all the evil they do.
Two men can keep a secret if one is dead.
He follows a script, like all "journalists" (CIA agents) do.
I remember that video, he was like "come on" in a snarky ass tone. I have the video somewhere I'm gonna look for it.
If Tucker didn’t find the great awakening he found something else. God bless him. Your heart breaks over and over again.
There was a time when I was so brainwashed that I would have a similar reaction to people who said it was an inside job. People can wake up 🤷♂️
Yes they can, which is why I cringe at some replies to people still seeking truth. This isn't a game of who knew what the longest, it's about waking up as many people as possible and not being an asshole to people who are behind the curve.
Matthew 20:1-16 would be a good sticky one of these days. I really like your comments.
The only thing that bothers me, in regard to being an "inside job", is you would think that after more than 20 years, somebody involved would have told someone, or left some document in their will to tell the truth. (but maybe they, and their families, were/are under an umbrella of threat, such that even if they die, their families are not safe)
One CIA guy spilled the beans on his deathbed. He said the CIA set explosives on the columns. He didn't want to die without telling the truth.
Found it:
Wow. Ugh!
The way he is rapid fire bringing all this stuff up tells me he is playing his assigned role. Between his media past and his family and friends connections in Washington, he or some family and friends are guilty of some lesser transgressions and he has been offered a role as new media king in exchange for red pilling the normies.
It seems that Elon and Alex Jones and Tucker are all oddly marching to the same beat. They all work for Q now, whether at first they wanted to or not.
Glad to see he’s come around on this issue
Some people can still 'wake up'....
Go with your gut.
I also believe at least one of them was a small thermo-nuclear bomb. The antisemites would jump on this one too but I will leave judgement until we know the truth. Anyway, they say this type of bomb was designed in Israel. It could simply be a copy or something stollen from Israel to throw off blame
Making buildings fall like that is the bread and butter of professional demolition teams. There is no need to conjecture the use of something exotic, like a nuke.
I’m merely referring to how so many responders died of mysterious diseases. They also did check for certain types of radiation but some people theorize that the thermo nuke gives off a specific pattern that is slightly different than what they checked for. This would explain the molten burning metal that kept going on for months after the event. A lot of people also had seizures at the scene of the explosion. I’ve heard many accounts over the years and I keep hearing about seizures.
Don’t get me wrong, I also believe it was planned demolition.
Demolitions are super loud and leave a ton of evidence.
Demolitions involve months of prep and pre weakening the structure.
To get a linear charge to cut steel, they cut into the columns and insert the charge into the cut. You need to direct all the force of the high explosive into the steel or you're just wasting your time. I was miles away from a demolition once and I heard it. It was in NJ and I was in Brooklyn. Demolition charges would have been heard throughout the area..... there's probably a half million people who would have been in the area.
Have you observed demolitions?
They're super loud.
Because you can't have demolition charges that are powerful enough to cut steel and be quiet.
Also to prep a building for demolition they have to cut into the steel girders to insert the linear charges that cause the demolition. If you don't do this, you're not directing the force of the explosion to cut through steel. It would take the path of least resistance and you're building wouldn't go down. That is very loud, dirty and smelly work. The fumes from the acetylene torches you would use would linger in an enclosed building
Like the late night and weekend hush hush construction project in the wtc leading up to 911?
There would be no way to cover up such an operation, particularly in the hindsight after something happened.
I don't think you have a sense of how big a construction project is needed for pre-demolition in the world trade center. It would be the biggest ever done
Dude. A series of explosions at roughly half second intervals can be easily heard by the naked ear, immediately preceding the FREE FALL of wtc7, in the Ashleigh Banfield interview video aired by NBC.
I'm sure you know this, but for some other, unknown reason, choose to obfuscate. Carry on.
Go ahead and show this video
High school physics says that the government story is wrong.
WTC7 fell at free fall.
Expressing this using vector calculus, it is complex, but expressing this using energy, it is simple, as follows.
Note that this analysis is so simple because (1) energy is conserved and (2) free falling is the asymptotic edge case of ways structures can fall. At the asymptote there is no wiggle room, so additional confounding complexities simply go away.
Doing any work requires energy. (1) Accelerating the building downward is work. (2) Deforming a building is work.
Falling is the conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy. The falling is free falling when the efficiency of this conversion is 100%.
Therefore, if the only energy available is the potential energy of the mass suspended at height in a force field, then when free falling there is NO additional energy to do ANY other work.
That is, when free falling, you spend ALL of the energy accelerating the mass downward; in particular, no energy remains to do the work of deforming the building.
You could say that the building fell, and then stopping falling deformed the building, but then time goes in the wrong order: you have to deform the building so that it will fall.
At the first press conference NIST gave after 9/11, someone yelled out to the head of NIST "WTC7 fell at free fall". The head of NIST responded like he was reciting something he learned long ago: "no, it can't have, because you cannot have a progressive collapse of a structure at free fall". (Above I just gave the conservation of energy proof of this statement.) (Link wanted for this interaction).
I think it was six months later that NIST published that WTC7 fell "at free fall for several seconds". It cannot fall at free fall for any number of seconds. (Link wanted for this document).
What got me into this was seeing a YouTube video of a high-school physics teacher plotting each frame of the building falling and getting -10 m/s^2, which is free fall plus a bit of fudge factor. (Link wanted for this video.)
Didn't the twin towers also fall at free-fall velocity?
I heard otherwise, but if I recall correctly, they still fell in a way that looks utterly implausible.
May I suggest watching the video of the Chinese demolishing an entire ghost city of tower buildings. Since there is no one in the city, they did not bother with the "make the building fall into its own footprint" technique. Instead, they just blow up the base of the building.
Do the buildings fall down straight into their own footprint? No, they keel over sideways. That's what you expect frankly. They may fall at free fall, but not while also destroying the building. The rest of the building is fine until it hits the ground.
I analyzed the fall of WTC7 because, again, at free fall, which is the asymptotic limit, the analysis becomes simple. The other buildings do not seem to have fallen at free fall, so it is harder to show they had explosives in them. I still think they did, but the argument is much harder to make.
WT7 at freefall:
I wonder you think of this.
Tucker needs to see this.....
Did you ever think you’d see Tucker saying this? Especially after his past statements about 9/11 where he refused to give a second of thought to the “conspiracy theories.” It’s an honor to be here at this time with you all my frens…the end of their game….the fall of the cabal….the great awakening. It’s so exciting isn’t it?!? When this madness is all finally over and done, we’re here and we’re going to see it all go down.😂
I just wanna know why it's taken twenty years for these mainstream talking heads to leave Comet Pizza long enough to sell us their version of the truth and why he chose until right before an election to finally talk about stuff that matters.
Almost to acknowledging the Space Force, I'm sure millions of American families will suffer until the paid talking heads are ready to catch up to the rest of society online.
I believe it's correct that one of the main reasons Fox fired Tucker was when he said the most dangerous trait of those who would rule over us is they think they are God when we know that we (and they) are not.
Maybe he would still be at Fox if he hadn't gone there, but it wouldn't matter because he would definitely have to go now. Can't be allowed to question an article in Popular Mechanics on the settled science of 911.
So answer me this, where is the real plane and all those people?
same place as MH370 probably
Pretty sure they haven't announced that location. What difference would that make? Honest question.
Same place they brought the astronauts in the movie "Capricorn 1" :)
LMAO. Long posts with lame excuses do not overcome the physics of the actual filmed evidence/proof of the event.
The building 7 fell at free fall acceleration “.”
There is only one way for that to happen. All resistance on floors below must be removed with precision timing. Just take Larry Silverstein’s word that they had to “pull it”. Or the thousands of architects and engineers who are trained experts on the topic. I’ll stick with the experts.
Glad I waited so I can see what the deep state is currently GASLIGHTING about the obvious.
I wish Alex Stein continued to do those troll videos he does, he's awesome. But I guess now he has a show so he can't do too much :(
Interesting concept...I hope he uses this logic with other parts of history?
Building 7 speaks
Has there EVER been a similar occurrence to what happened with WTC 7?
It sounds so unreal......(because It is, IMHO.....)
Has a high rise ever fallen due to fire?
If that is the question, the answer is yes.
Name one
Here's two.
The jews did 911.
Jewish "art students" rented out the floors the first explosions were made. Using wall lined controlled explosions. Jewish mossad explosives experts called the E team worked months maybe years to set this up. The airplanes were real time manipulated into the 2 live feeds via software Later video also manipulated by staged video manipulation. Crisis actors staged. Reports of bombings were washed from the media. Building 7 also setup.
All buildings owned by another jew Silverstein who took insurance out for terrorism shortly before the Bombings. This was before cell phones were popular 2001 popularity went up In 2004 and camera for cell phones were still lame.
By way of deception jews changed the liberties of America and sent our young to war with Israel's enemies. Surrounding their last enemy Iran. See Syria Afghanistan Iraq on a map. Thus killing white goyim, and checkmate Iran which don't use the global jewish centralized banking system.
The jewish shekel had a remarkable resemblence of the attack. Airplane and what looks like two towers. Many jewish ran Hollywood movies also whorship the 911 number as a insider warning and communicatio "September 11" a lot of them knew. See video of Dancing isralies from that day. Gives another category for "These people are sick".
They don't hold empathy for other races, all information is held in house synoguge of satan. Jews are internstionalist. Have no loyaly except their own race and israel their stolen land of squatters.
ADL created from Chicago jewish lawyers gathering to protect and mitigate truth about the jews after Leo frank (jew) raped and murdered a goyim girl (13) which had no empathy.
Jews also own the ships for human trafficking for the slave trade long ago and of children today. They own the foundations pushing LGBT critical race theory trans and feminism movements, media and the large groups Blackrock and vanguard that push all this social family Christian destroying material. Not to mention big pharmacy.
They hate White people but often take camouflage within groups of whites to hide their attrocities. Loxism is the absolute hatred and jealousy of Whites. They hate Whites because they are no longer God's chosen due to their covenant being broken because they denied and murdered the messiah, Christ. They stole the sole identity of shem "semite" and claim ancestors of Judah was also jewish Abraham ect. But Judah dcendants are jews only. Judah was child of Josh or israel the man. Which had many sons who have the abramhamic blessing. But not Judah. Who filled the land of cannin and whorship baal (cannibals) which they became. They believe the Talmud not really the Torah. Crucifix makes them reel.
Now that you all seen the power of Influency with the covid and Vax and election. Nonsense. I think it's time you revisit historical items such as the holohaox story.
Revelations 3:9. This is why they (jews) have been expelled 109 other nations through history. They are a parasite of the land in which they sink into. They hate you.
3 words from 15 years ago: Lone Lantern Society
They put together the best DVD video evidence about the controlled demolition of the towers and building #7.
The DVD was being given away for free at the Tampa gun show, I still have it. They were effectively banned from the Internet by the deep state
My buddy started the lone lantern society. Same guy doing nextnewsnetwork.