Who remembers Topix.com? It was a giant forum with a subforum for pretty much every city in America. Locals would gossip on there about local habbenings. It was basically like 4chan for local areas and was a great resource for digging into grassroots sentiment around the country. They nuked it in 2018 and I feel it was too big a threat to the narrative controllers to have something like that where people could post first-hand accounts based locally. Are there any more forums like that??
That's a good start but the real beauty of Topix was the city / town - specific forums. It basically turned where you lived into a giant social network (and yes this caused some problems, but still)
I think a state-level forum would be too broad, especially in states with giant mega-cities like California or Florida, the smaller areas would be drowned out
Think in terms of the founding fathers and how America was created. They didn't start with all the regions they have today. As they grew they got more specific and added places. 100% though the goal is to eventually build up city by city, however to have it all connected to a bigger vision. By themselves they lose the spark and die out
As long as the web infrastructure is there, you would only have to add a forum for every city. Once that's done it's just about spreading the word! If you build it they will come
Yes the states are just the beginning. We will build off them into even more localized regions. Right now it's about creating the vision for it so others will come on board.
Sounds awesome. Once the infrastructure is solid (and it'll need to be hosted on its own servers probably to prevent deplatforming) we would need a big media campaign to let ppl know about it. Once it takes off it will be everywhere!
qofficial.net LARP UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE update 12/23
03 days(and change, 10pm est on 12/26)
if you look at President Trump's 'event' page, you'll see that he's been a spending a lot of time in Iowa before the January 15th caucus. made me realize that I still don't know a lot about the history behind it even though it's a fairly recent event. so I asked Chat GPT; sharing the response🕵️
what is the history of the Iowa Caucus & who was the originator of the idea?
The Iowa Caucus is a significant event in the United States presidential election process and has a long history dating back to the early 1970s. The idea of holding a caucus in Iowa to select delegates for the presidential nomination process can be traced to the efforts of several individuals and political activists.
The origins of the Iowa Caucus can be attributed to the political climate of the 1960s and early 1970s when there was a growing dissatisfaction with the traditional primary system. Critics argued that the primary system favored well-funded candidates and large states, neglecting the concerns of smaller states and grassroots activists. In response to these concerns, Democrats in Iowa sought a more inclusive and participatory process.
One key figure in the establishment of the Iowa Caucus was John Culver, a Democratic U.S. Senator from Iowa. In the early 1970s, Culver, along with other Iowa Democrats, advocated for a caucus system that would allow more direct participation from ordinary citizens in the delegate selection process. The idea was to create a more grassroots-driven and retail-politicking approach to the nomination process.
The first official Iowa Caucus took place in 1972, and it marked a departure from the traditional primary system. The caucus system involves voters gathering in precincts across the state to discuss and select their preferred candidates. Participants express their support through a public vote, and the results are used to allocate delegates to the county and state conventions.
It's important to note that while John Culver played a role in advocating for the Iowa Caucus, the idea was a collaborative effort involving various activists and party members in Iowa who sought a more accessible and participatory method for selecting delegates. Over the years, the Iowa Caucus has become a crucial early event in the presidential nomination process, attracting candidates to campaign extensively in the state and allowing voters in Iowa to have an influential role in shaping the trajectory of the presidential race.
Is there a way to get facebook messages to show up in someone's main folder rather than a message request? I'm sure I'm being shadow banned. I want to have truth on my timeline though.
Maybe facebook will be next after X.
Join in a guided meditation led by Jake Angeli @americashaman live at the Arizona Capitol Ley lines via your own Capitol's Ley lines or X Space if interested.
In case you don't know what that means, you've got about 17k now. Click on your username, which takes you to your info page. On the right you'll see the details.
The subliminal messages and videos on X/Twitter are increasing, mostly flashes of what looks like demons doing bad things. But they aren't there long enough to be assessed, they are subliminal. They mostly happen when changing pages or threads.
yeah.. they're everywhere sneaking in subliminal images, sounds, vibrations, frequencies, words... they're so desperate. Fill our heart and mind w/ Jesus so those things don't have a chance to slip in.
There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his.
Hebrews 4:9-10
Please God. Help me heal from sickness this first Christmas with my Truest Love ❤️ I ask you humbly and as an imperfect man to get satan behind me and cast out sickness. I, my Lord God will do what I can with your herbs and vitimans.
Lord, you know how madly in love my girl and I are. I apologize if we are a bit physical, but this is your gift to true lovers, please, you know our hearts and you seemed to have arranged this Union of two soulmates, its a miracle that we have thanked you for. You know how my life was full of sickness before. I beg you to save me from that. I pray with expectant hope and, even now a feeling of release from sicknesses grip.
I promise to you God, and to all the frens here that I will love her forever, and comfort her with Your words inside me always and I proclaim to this assembly, We Are As One in Holy Union. In Jesus name. Amen
Wow fren this was a very heart felt and honest prayer. I will take you vagueness as you not wanting to share the exact details. Just know if that changes I am here. Would love to talk either here or in Private message. Praying for you. God bless. Much love
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. Just in case I don't get back in till after Christmas. Of course I can't sleep because I have places to be tomorrow. See y'all soon😀 in between cooking and family shenanigans. It's not Christmas at my in laws with out several gag gifts. Blessings to all.
Merry Christmas to you as well. I pray that the Lord will bless your family, and your interactions during the Christmas season. God bless you and have a great time.
Is there going to be something notably positive that happens by or on Christmas. I really thought DJT said something about that. Maybe it's the 5 months from (September, was it?) that we should be looking forward to.
Merry Christmas everyone, hope you are able to spend time with your loved ones and keep up the whole armor of God, the spiritual war is getting crazy.
Psalm 91.
Together through Christ we have endless potential. We are seeking to build up a digital community that can be a united light in the world. Let us know if you interested. We have gotten a decent amount of support so far. However we can always use more. We have roles for everyone, with all amounts of commitment and anonymity. Love you all. Reach out here or PM if you are interested or wanna learn more. The project is ever growing and molding
People crack me up sometimes. They create all sorts of narratives in their heads and then let those narratives direct and control how they approach things and people. The truly beautiful thing about Jesus is he allows us to wake up each morning anew. With fresh starts. And wants to be part of our every moment throughout the day. The renewing of the mind is such a beautiful thing. 😁🙏😊
I've come to see each day as a new blessings, and it's wonderful.
The other day God placed a very strong Christian sister in my path to strengthen my faith and knowledge, and to likewise edify her mission. Basically, she's one who has unrelenting Faith and scriptural knowledge to back it up - which is a chink in my personal armor. And I have the Vibe and a nice network for her to lean on.
Purely platonic for the record; I'm as happily married as it gets, thank the Lord. But it's always wonderful when the Lord gives me someone with knowledge to learn from, as I'm always willing to learn.
Thanks it's nice to be appreciated. I keep her two days a week and the other grandmother has her two days. Her mom works four days. I would keep her every day if it was required. Her mom didn't go to daycare and as long as I'm around the baby won't either.
Blessings to you as well. A four year old has got to be a full time job. Ours is just starting to pull up and balance is good. She's fast as lightning crawling my days will get busier like yours soon.
That's completely understandable. It's a blessing to have you join us how ever often God wills it. Best of luck with your busy life. Praying for you. God bless. I look forward to growing together in the Lord in the year to come. 2024 is gonna be a big year for the family here. 😁🙏
Thanks for your thoughtful response. Blessings to you and your family as well. We are very blessed to have you here. I certainly enjoy your inspirational spirit and teachings. Looking forward to 2024 more than I've ever been about any new year. In the past it was just another day, month and year. I plan on working on myself physically, mentally and spiritually. Hopefully to become better in many ways so I can make more contributions here and be a better wife, mom & grandma.
Merry Christmas fren. Thanks for the kind words as well. Sounds like you have a solid vision for ways to improve in the year to come. Praying for you. Much love
This is not a troll question. This is a serious inquiry.
Where did "Two more weeks!" come from?
I never heard that phrase until the lockdowns, and how they were supposed to last two weeks, but they kept looking for every reason to extend them. But now the saying is only used to mock Q.
"2 weeks" is an old construction/building term meaning just what it's been applied to here with date fagging. Homeowner: "Contractor, how long will it take to get my kitchen completely redone?" Contractor: "It'll take about two weeks." However contactor time is in a universe/demention yet to be understood by the rest of humanity and sometime contractors themselves.
This also comes from all of the so-called audits. Especially when it started here in Arizona. It was always two more weeks… and then another two weeks, and then another two weeks, etc. so on and so forth.
Apparently that saying is taboo here? I’m not sure why though. I was banned for two days because I use that term once. 🤪
From datefaggin folks who were trying to preempt the plan from their interpretation of the various Q posts and getting it wrong time after time..
People forgot that only a handful close to Q actually know the plan, the rest of us get the Q post bread crumbs.
"Future proves past" is something Q said multiple times, meaning to look at current events/occurences/happenings (future compared to when Q originally posted) then relate this back to original Q posts to give us all the warm fuzzies that things are going to plan, rather than just seeing a world getting seemingly crazier, as the plan slowly wakes up more of the sheep.
Who remembers Topix.com? It was a giant forum with a subforum for pretty much every city in America. Locals would gossip on there about local habbenings. It was basically like 4chan for local areas and was a great resource for digging into grassroots sentiment around the country. They nuked it in 2018 and I feel it was too big a threat to the narrative controllers to have something like that where people could post first-hand accounts based locally. Are there any more forums like that??
Nope not yet. There will be though :)
We just gotta build it. What better place then here on .win :)
We already have the state pages created. We can branch out from there
That's a good start but the real beauty of Topix was the city / town - specific forums. It basically turned where you lived into a giant social network (and yes this caused some problems, but still)
I think a state-level forum would be too broad, especially in states with giant mega-cities like California or Florida, the smaller areas would be drowned out
Think in terms of the founding fathers and how America was created. They didn't start with all the regions they have today. As they grew they got more specific and added places. 100% though the goal is to eventually build up city by city, however to have it all connected to a bigger vision. By themselves they lose the spark and die out
As long as the web infrastructure is there, you would only have to add a forum for every city. Once that's done it's just about spreading the word! If you build it they will come
Yes the states are just the beginning. We will build off them into even more localized regions. Right now it's about creating the vision for it so others will come on board.
Sounds awesome. Once the infrastructure is solid (and it'll need to be hosted on its own servers probably to prevent deplatforming) we would need a big media campaign to let ppl know about it. Once it takes off it will be everywhere!
I think . win can provide all the things needed to keep it up and running and protected. :)
I agree we need a big media campaign and that it will be everywhere in time. Right now it's kinda slowly building up and gathering leaders. :)
Zombie deer disease covering for after effects of vaccine???
qofficial.net LARP UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE update 12/23
if you look at President Trump's 'event' page, you'll see that he's been a spending a lot of time in Iowa before the January 15th caucus. made me realize that I still don't know a lot about the history behind it even though it's a fairly recent event. so I asked Chat GPT; sharing the response🕵️
what is the history of the Iowa Caucus & who was the originator of the idea?
ChatGPT The Iowa Caucus is a significant event in the United States presidential election process and has a long history dating back to the early 1970s. The idea of holding a caucus in Iowa to select delegates for the presidential nomination process can be traced to the efforts of several individuals and political activists.
The origins of the Iowa Caucus can be attributed to the political climate of the 1960s and early 1970s when there was a growing dissatisfaction with the traditional primary system. Critics argued that the primary system favored well-funded candidates and large states, neglecting the concerns of smaller states and grassroots activists. In response to these concerns, Democrats in Iowa sought a more inclusive and participatory process.
One key figure in the establishment of the Iowa Caucus was John Culver, a Democratic U.S. Senator from Iowa. In the early 1970s, Culver, along with other Iowa Democrats, advocated for a caucus system that would allow more direct participation from ordinary citizens in the delegate selection process. The idea was to create a more grassroots-driven and retail-politicking approach to the nomination process.
The first official Iowa Caucus took place in 1972, and it marked a departure from the traditional primary system. The caucus system involves voters gathering in precincts across the state to discuss and select their preferred candidates. Participants express their support through a public vote, and the results are used to allocate delegates to the county and state conventions.
It's important to note that while John Culver played a role in advocating for the Iowa Caucus, the idea was a collaborative effort involving various activists and party members in Iowa who sought a more accessible and participatory method for selecting delegates. Over the years, the Iowa Caucus has become a crucial early event in the presidential nomination process, attracting candidates to campaign extensively in the state and allowing voters in Iowa to have an influential role in shaping the trajectory of the presidential race.
Is there a way to get facebook messages to show up in someone's main folder rather than a message request? I'm sure I'm being shadow banned. I want to have truth on my timeline though.
Maybe facebook will be next after X.
Join in a guided meditation led by Jake Angeli @americashaman live at the Arizona Capitol Ley lines via your own Capitol's Ley lines or X Space if interested.
Every Saturday at 2 PM EST
🙏 Verse of the Day 🙏
Hosea 6:1
Come, and let us return to the LORD; For He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up
Take That - Deep State!
Haha. He's hilarious. Like the 'get off my lawn,' old man.
Cute frog!
I know huh! Reeeeee
Just read on TS that Catturd got swatted again.
Anybody know anything?
Nvmd: CT posted about it.
Here’s his TS update https://truthsocial.com/@catturd2/111626184827505680
site - taglineIRL
reddit - "The front page of truth hating"
google - "Search for what we want you to find"
microsoft - "Give us your information"
apple - "Use our expensive niche products while giving us your information"
Facebook - Give us information about all your friends, family and neighbours
Great Christmas song
God bless
Thank you. That was excellent. The music production was superb. God bless and Merry Christmas.
Question: how/where do you get the pepe icons by your name? They're so cute. I'd like to have one, too. 🐸🐸🐸🐸
You well need combined karma of 40000
Karma? Lol....40,000 okay. 👍
In case you don't know what that means, you've got about 17k now. Click on your username, which takes you to your info page. On the right you'll see the details.
Thank you! 🐸
You get it after a certain comment/post score is reached. Keep posting and commenting and you will get it in no time fren
Oh, that's cool. Thanks. 👍
Just throwing this out there. How's this for a new acronym for Biden? https://i0.wp.com/politicallyincorrecthumor.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/scrotus-so-called-ruler-of-united-states.jpg
Wait, I came here thinking weekly chat lost and daily chat won? 😂☘️😂 What happend!
Daily chat will resume once this week finishes
I like both, but good to hear! Merry Christmas to all you wonderful Mods☘️🐸🗽🎄🎄🎄
It's our daily chat and we want it now 😂😂😂
Lol in a silly mood tonight haha
A bunch of votes came it at 2 am in the morning and weekly chat actually won with 80million votes.
Daily chat is actually being prosecuted for an insurrection so they also had to remove him from the ballot. 😂😂🙏
Two more weeks. 😁
Don’t do that to me… triggered
Crazy flash thought... What if all the conspirators are arrested right before the election and Trump runs unopposed? That's kind of a fun thought.
And how many votes would Joe still get?
In terms of momentum, Trump is already running unopposed lol
I want to see heads crushed
The volcano in Iceland that irrupt it looks like an eye?
That’s weird.
I know just bizarre. Is it it?
Nothing surprises me anymore. Nothing.!
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 You'll like this.
Coming soon to one theater in Scranton Pennsylvania...
That's where it came from!!!
That was hilarious.!
the resident actor has to have so much fun making all that up.
It makes you wonder if it's an old man with dementia or and actor making silly jokes.
LMAO. That wins so hard.
The subliminal messages and videos on X/Twitter are increasing, mostly flashes of what looks like demons doing bad things. But they aren't there long enough to be assessed, they are subliminal. They mostly happen when changing pages or threads.
Has anyone noticed this?
Why not link some of the tweets where you claim you are seeing this?
They seem to be random, I go back and load the tweet once more and they are gone.
I would check the browser for some malware
I don’t have a Twitter account
yeah.. they're everywhere sneaking in subliminal images, sounds, vibrations, frequencies, words... they're so desperate. Fill our heart and mind w/ Jesus so those things don't have a chance to slip in.
I have not. They are scared though because....
Jesus Christ is KING 👑
Wow, that was beautiful. I had not heard that. Thanks.
🙏 Verse of The Day 🙏
There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his. Hebrews 4:9-10
Frequency domains of humanity:
loved by the matrix
cannot see outside the square
Inverted 3D Normies
strictly atheist linear deterministic worldview
strong polarisation against 45
aligned with the luciferase in the jabs
Medical priesthood is unquestioned
saturation with mainstream programming
3D Normies
somewhat religious, some belief in Yahshuah
some resistance against inverted matrix
semi awake
question control systems
Support freedom, learning towards supporting 45
selective about mainstream programming
3D Anons
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State
Pray regularly, with intent
Knowlege of Yahshuah
Ephesians 6:10-18
Often caught up in patriot infighting
Know the works of Ashayana Deane
All in on team Yahshuah
Familiar with 107, Gene Decode, Kerry Cassidy
Know of Michael Salla, Megan Rose, Elena Danaan, Franco DeNicola
Pray with heartful focused intent
A few more 5d..
Knows the truth about ensoulment
Knows about the true language
Understands energy/frequency application
Understands the tone scale
Realizes the myth of self sufficiency
Focused in on zen/peacefulness
Sees through Pauline lies in the Bible
Has started to or is already researching philosophical alchemy
Understands what Jesus breaking the old covenant truly means
Can begin to discern higher vs lower domain humans
Avoids suppresive wavelengths even if "family"
Do you know anyone living a 5d experience?
Got you back to +1
I'm down with this thread. 👽🙏
Please God. Help me heal from sickness this first Christmas with my Truest Love ❤️ I ask you humbly and as an imperfect man to get satan behind me and cast out sickness. I, my Lord God will do what I can with your herbs and vitimans.
Lord, you know how madly in love my girl and I are. I apologize if we are a bit physical, but this is your gift to true lovers, please, you know our hearts and you seemed to have arranged this Union of two soulmates, its a miracle that we have thanked you for. You know how my life was full of sickness before. I beg you to save me from that. I pray with expectant hope and, even now a feeling of release from sicknesses grip.
I promise to you God, and to all the frens here that I will love her forever, and comfort her with Your words inside me always and I proclaim to this assembly, We Are As One in Holy Union. In Jesus name. Amen
Wow fren this was a very heart felt and honest prayer. I will take you vagueness as you not wanting to share the exact details. Just know if that changes I am here. Would love to talk either here or in Private message. Praying for you. God bless. Much love
Thank you so much. For your prayers and offer to talk.
Frens are here to give advice on remedies, what is your sickness?
Husband had stroke. Just started MMS/DMSO - any other suggestions?
Ester or Liposomal vitamin C in high doses and nattokinase, ideally actual natto not just the supplement
Govrrnment acknowledges the data on nattokinasr and yet does nothing. They are happy for Americans to die.
I have also been exprinenting with propolis and sheep milk yogurt lately...no confirmation yet but these may be key in longevity pursuits
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. Just in case I don't get back in till after Christmas. Of course I can't sleep because I have places to be tomorrow. See y'all soon😀 in between cooking and family shenanigans. It's not Christmas at my in laws with out several gag gifts. Blessings to all.
Merry Christmas to you as well. I pray that the Lord will bless your family, and your interactions during the Christmas season. God bless you and have a great time.
Thanks 😊
Is there going to be something notably positive that happens by or on Christmas. I really thought DJT said something about that. Maybe it's the 5 months from (September, was it?) that we should be looking forward to.
One thing I have learnt, the very worst thing you can possibly do is to set up a date for yourself for some to happen.
Second thing - almost every date you hear, even from Trump, is usually aimed at the enemy to make them force some moves.
The only date I personally allow myself the luxury to think about is Oct 2025.
Well-expressed. What is the significance of Oct 2025?
8 years from the first Q post.
This song really touched me "Living Hope" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rc5wtRjgaI8
Merry Christmas everyone, hope you are able to spend time with your loved ones and keep up the whole armor of God, the spiritual war is getting crazy. Psalm 91.
Merry Christmas
Local Action for the .WIN
Together through Christ we have endless potential. We are seeking to build up a digital community that can be a united light in the world. Let us know if you interested. We have gotten a decent amount of support so far. However we can always use more. We have roles for everyone, with all amounts of commitment and anonymity. Love you all. Reach out here or PM if you are interested or wanna learn more. The project is ever growing and molding
It is and pick'en up speed
People crack me up sometimes. They create all sorts of narratives in their heads and then let those narratives direct and control how they approach things and people. The truly beautiful thing about Jesus is he allows us to wake up each morning anew. With fresh starts. And wants to be part of our every moment throughout the day. The renewing of the mind is such a beautiful thing. 😁🙏😊
I've come to see each day as a new blessings, and it's wonderful.
The other day God placed a very strong Christian sister in my path to strengthen my faith and knowledge, and to likewise edify her mission. Basically, she's one who has unrelenting Faith and scriptural knowledge to back it up - which is a chink in my personal armor. And I have the Vibe and a nice network for her to lean on.
Purely platonic for the record; I'm as happily married as it gets, thank the Lord. But it's always wonderful when the Lord gives me someone with knowledge to learn from, as I'm always willing to learn.
Another day, another miracle. 🙏
Wow what awesome testimony fren thanks for sharing.
Another day another miracle indeed. Great stuff fren. God bless..love you
What's this video about?
Mostly amc
To the 🌕
🤪Pre First verse for soon to come back DAILY CHAT 😂
Jeremiah 29:11
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Time to put this silliness behind us and come back together stronger then ever. Love you all. Praying for you
I hope to see all 122 of us daily chat upvoters + others posting there(often) when in returns.
Unless I'm busy I'll be posting. Wednesday - Friday I get busy. Two days with a 10 month old doesn't allow much time for online but totally worth it.
Always appreciate your contributions. God bless you for taking the 10 month old.
7 days a week with a 4 year old here....lol. 😐☕
Thanks it's nice to be appreciated. I keep her two days a week and the other grandmother has her two days. Her mom works four days. I would keep her every day if it was required. Her mom didn't go to daycare and as long as I'm around the baby won't either.
Blessings to you as well. A four year old has got to be a full time job. Ours is just starting to pull up and balance is good. She's fast as lightning crawling my days will get busier like yours soon.
That's completely understandable. It's a blessing to have you join us how ever often God wills it. Best of luck with your busy life. Praying for you. God bless. I look forward to growing together in the Lord in the year to come. 2024 is gonna be a big year for the family here. 😁🙏
Thanks for your thoughtful response. Blessings to you and your family as well. We are very blessed to have you here. I certainly enjoy your inspirational spirit and teachings. Looking forward to 2024 more than I've ever been about any new year. In the past it was just another day, month and year. I plan on working on myself physically, mentally and spiritually. Hopefully to become better in many ways so I can make more contributions here and be a better wife, mom & grandma.
Merry Christmas fren. Thanks for the kind words as well. Sounds like you have a solid vision for ways to improve in the year to come. Praying for you. Much love
Just so the mods don't get the wrong idea:
This is not a troll question. This is a serious inquiry.
Where did "Two more weeks!" come from?
I never heard that phrase until the lockdowns, and how they were supposed to last two weeks, but they kept looking for every reason to extend them. But now the saying is only used to mock Q.
"2 weeks" is an old construction/building term meaning just what it's been applied to here with date fagging. Homeowner: "Contractor, how long will it take to get my kitchen completely redone?" Contractor: "It'll take about two weeks." However contactor time is in a universe/demention yet to be understood by the rest of humanity and sometime contractors themselves.
This also comes from all of the so-called audits. Especially when it started here in Arizona. It was always two more weeks… and then another two weeks, and then another two weeks, etc. so on and so forth.
Apparently that saying is taboo here? I’m not sure why though. I was banned for two days because I use that term once. 🤪
From datefaggin folks who were trying to preempt the plan from their interpretation of the various Q posts and getting it wrong time after time..
People forgot that only a handful close to Q actually know the plan, the rest of us get the Q post bread crumbs.
"Future proves past" is something Q said multiple times, meaning to look at current events/occurences/happenings (future compared to when Q originally posted) then relate this back to original Q posts to give us all the warm fuzzies that things are going to plan, rather than just seeing a world getting seemingly crazier, as the plan slowly wakes up more of the sheep.