I need prayer and sound medical advice.
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
I have never smoked, I took my last alcoholic drink in 1979, I swam laps 4 or 5 times a week and swam in master’s competition for the last 42 years, and I have NEVER taken the Covid vaccine. Yet , yesterday, I had a heart catheterization, my 4th test in a sequence, that showed damage all around my heart with blockage in all 5 valves. The next thing the doctors want to do is operate and I have an appointment with Cleveland Clinic’’s best cardio surgeon on the 13th. I need prayers from all my brothers and sisters in Christ and I need good alternative medical advice from someone in the know.
Assume you mean blockage in all 5 arteries (there are only 4 valves). Cleveland clinic is about as solid a place for cardiac care there is. You are lucky to have access to it.
It sounds like your issue is hereditary (most coronary blockages are due to heredity, followed distantly by lifestyle). You are in good hands. I, and many others on this board, will pray for you to He who can do all things.
You are in good hands, both at Cleveland Clinic, and with God.
🎯 well said
A-dog with the excellent bible verses!
I can only say amen and I’ll remember our fren in might prayers as well.
Jeremiah 17:14:
Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.
Jeremiah 30:17:
For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord.
Dear Heavenly Father,
We stand on these promises from your word as we ask for healing for our friend.
In Jesus' Holy name we pray,
Thanks Dogg. I missed the dialogues we use to have.
...I am still here my friend, please feel free to message me anytime that you like...
Best dog & solid fren. Thank you for all you do for individuals in this community. You set an amazing example.
...wags tail humbly...
...where we howl 1, we howl all...
I love you
...doggy blushes...
My husband had the same surgery. It was actually so easy for him that I was shocked! He was in the hospital for about 4 days and he said after he got home that his only complaint was itching at his sternum. He recovered really well. I will tell you this, his shoulder replacement surgery and recovery were a hundred times worse. Of course he fell off the roof of our house. May the Lord God keep you in His hands and I will be praying that all goes well and I’m sure it will.
Father God, Abba, we come before you this evening to ask you to place your hands of healing over or fren in his time of need. We ask that you comfort him and his loved ones as they process his diagnosis and seek the medical treatment he requires. May you deliver him the earthly help he needs and guide the doctors as they repair his body from the ravages of this world. We ask these things in the Holy name of your Son and our Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.🙏
I had a friend who had a 5 vessel bypass 28 years ago and is still doing great at almost 80 years of age now. Prayers your surgery will be just as successful friend! Get well soon, we need you for the party in November!
Prayers up now fren! May God keep His Hand on you and guide the Doctors. 🙏🙌
Stay away from seed oil and fried food. Only fry with lard, butter, ghee if possible. God bless you. You'll be as good as new. My mom also got all valves replaced, crazy, but a miracle all went well. They did ask her if she had asthma.. don't know if the asthma spray she used had that side effect. She was also overweight and didn't watch what she ate so maybe that was also the cause. Also, we overheard a patient said he felt like a young man again after the surgery. I can see why. You'll feel refreshed w/ heartbeat of a teenager after the surgery.. may have to calm yourself down alot going forward.
Just said a prayer for you. Genetics play a big factor in those issues, so it is likely nothing you caused. If you haven't already done so, I would recommend testing your homocysteine levels as you may have a copy or two of the MTHFR gene, which can wreak havok on the heart. If it comes back high and you have copies of the gene mutations, I recommend finding a good functional dr and supplement methyl B vitamins. They can work miracles on heart damage. Disclaimer: I am not a Dr., but have a lot of experience with these mutations and can speak from that.
What are methy B vitamins & why use those ones?
Hes referring to L-methylfolate. People with the MTHFR gene have an impaired methylation pathway which makes it hard for them to absorb & assimilate regular folic acid aka Folate, also known as vitamin B9. They in turn require L-methylfolate which is of course already methyated.
Methyl is just the active form of the vitamin. Having a copy or two of MTHFR causes the body to not be able to do its methylation process. So, a person with this issue can eat all the spinach they can, but will never convert any of that folate consumed to the active form. Basically, the body has no folate and B12 to use and this causes a ton of issues in the body, especially the heart. It has a huge impact on mitochondrial functionality and that leads to a multitude of health problems. Cardiovascular, fertility, brain function, mental health, nerve disorders, you name it... it probably has a direct link to those gene anomalies.
Would also like to add that half the population walks around with these gene mutations and have no idea.
I use this because I take a bunch of other supplements via dropper every AM:
Organic Methyl Folate 1000 mcg + Methyl B12 Cofactor (300 Servings) – Metabolically Active 5-MTHF Form, Organic Berry Flavor, Liquid Sublingual Form – Mood, Cognition, Methylation, Pregnancy (1oz) https://a.co/d/dJmBW3i
Thank you. It has been a while ago that someone told me about that & I had forgot. I went to look at the B-12 I use & it was the Methylcobalamin (as opposed to the cyanide sounding one IIRC)
I think that you're slightly older than me so I think that you'll understand when I say "You're gonna beat this shit or I'm gonna come kick your ass". Seriously, attitude is a huge part of the outcome. You can do this. You've developed a lot of self control. Think positive and let the small shit go so you can focus on healing. Laugh every chance you get, or once again "I'm gonna come kick your ass" ;)
Prayers on the way fren.
I don't have any medical advice.
I'd get a second opinion (on ANYTHING before having surgery for the issue). But it sounds like you may be at the point where surgery is the best or only life-saving option.
There ARE risks to surgery and my experience is that doctors tend to downplay risk in general; stroke is one (death is another, of course). That's not to warn you away from surgery: EVERYTHING, no exceptions, has risk. NOT having surgery in your situation has risks.
Some things might help improve your situation WITHOUT surgery, or provide better chances of a good outcome following surgery. Here's one example:
And speaking of risk:
There are many things that can improve the odds of surviving surgery (or stroke, for that matter) with less damage than otherwise. I'd look into PQQ, CoQ10, Vitamin C, and a whole raft of other things. You'd naturally want to talk to your doctors about this -- especially about anything taken shortly before surgery, or that might conflict with medications you're taking or would be given during or after surgery -- and I would also talk to medical and medical-adjacent people who FOCUS on nutrition and supplements, given that many MDs are largely ignorant and/or biased about anything non-Rx.
You've been working hard for a long time at keeping yourself healthy -- most don't, of course -- so I believe you can make the most of the information out there and chose the best path for your particular case.
Best wishes, BerlinWallCrosser.
I know this may not be the response you want but have you been around vaxxed people in the last 3 years?
I say this because my middle son did as I asked and did not get the jab. Unfortunately his wife works in the medical industry and had to get it to keep her job 3 years ago.
In the last month he has had numerous heart issues which now resulted in an ablation last week. There are no heart issues in our family other than high cholesterol and high BP for me.
If you are married and your wife got vaxxed it could be the result of your issues.
In the meantime my prayers are with you 100%!
Interesting. I don't have any experience with heart issues, and have not really studied the subject, so I won't comment on the OP's issue.
However ...
Regarding magnesium, I will throw this out --
I was interested in figuring out why a lot of people get gray or white hair, even at a young age. So, I looked into it.
I found some interesting info, though I have not had time to dig any deeper to verify.
The concept is this: gray or white hair is actually bleached from the inside.
A person can create a lot of hydrogen peroxide within their body, and that can bleach the hair from the inside.
Why does the body create the hydrogen peroxide? Because they have a magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium blocks the creation of hydrogen peroxide.
So, why do they have a magnesium deficiency?
Two reasons: (1) they don't eat enough food that has BIOAVAILABLE magnesium, and (2) they do eat foods that block the absorption of magnesium.
What foods are high in bioavailable magnesium? Not a lot. Most foods don't have a lot, but maybe that's because we don't need a lot -- at least, most people.
Animal foods have bioavailable magnesium; most plant foods that have magnesium (such as bananas) have it in a form that is not so bioavailable. So, while you get some, you don't get as much as you would think because the body cannot do anything with most of it.
ALL plants have anti-nutrients that block the absorption of minerals. Plants don't want to die, so they create chemicals to harm animals that try to eat them, causing disruption to the animal's digestive tract.
Phytic acid is one of these anti-nutrients., and it blocks the absorption of magnesium.
Legumes (beans), seeds, nuts, and grains are all high in phytic acid.
Bottom line: If Bill Gates is pushing it, it is probably bad for you.
Supposedly, magnesium is also important in heart health. I would think that doing it as naturally as possible would be ideal for most people, but supplementation might be beneficial to anyone who has a known issue.
I recommend you do some research on Dr Robert Malone, Dr Sherry Tennpenny, Karen Kingston, they all have substacks, redit, and all that. For all of these and more you can just go to USA Watchdog website. His interviews are all there with these same people and more. Also pursue website of America's Frontline Doctors. The reason I say this is that you will learn that the Vaxed do shed spike proteins, and possibly nonobots with the u nvaxed. Hence, use the protocols they share as they all recommend the same general protocol to remedy. As said in other comments, Jesus is our ultimate source of healing, so keep your faith strong and your body will become the same. God bless my friend.
Start taking carbon60. The most powerful antioxidant known to man.
Purchase or download this book and follow the diet advice. It has very specific diet advice backed up by over 300 scientific clinical studies.
Cut out all seed oils/GMOs/grains/sugar. The mass majority of consumer available Processed food is poison. Start eating a diet based on 80% high quality (organic/local pesticide free) fruits and veggies and 20% high quality (low mercury) fish.
Specifics are covered in that book. Very easy to read and reference.
I have talked to several people over the years who've had heart surgery. They all say the same thing; that they felt way better before the surgery. My advice is to forget about the surgery is get on Warfarin. Warfarin is a blood thinner. It's like pouring gasoline into motor oil. There's a good chance that the thin blood will dissolve the clots in the heart on its own without surgery.
I have a feeling your outcome is going to be just wonderful! It seems these procedures give people an amazing renewal like suddenly feeling decades younger. God bless you, fren!
Look into the robotic/minimally invasive coronary bypass. Not sure what the excluding criteria is. Praying for you
Dear God please be with this person and his medical team during this time and bring him to excellent health.
In your sons name Jesus Christ.
Sometimes these things are genetic. I have a cancer gene so despite my lifestyle it popped up anyway. You can fix this. May the LORD God Jesus be right by your side.
Thank you.
First, I took the updoots off of 33 for you. Second, you.got it. Prayers it is. I'm my second hand experience, folks walk away from this better than they went in. You are going to do great.
God watch over you brother.
My prayers are with you. I wouldnt say I was incredibly healthy before Covid, though have noticed so many circulation problems since & fought tooth & nail, with God's intervention to keep my family pureblood.
I hope you find some good answers my friend.
Eat a clean keto or carnivore diet. Prayers my friend.
Start the lion diet immediately and never look back. You'll be healthier than ever.
agreed. Also, I wonder if clogs in arteries could have been oxalate build ups?
Prayers. Keep us informed, Patriot!!
Prayers up. Sounds like you’re in good hands. We’ll be waiting for a praise report. Keep us posted.
Question: Have you ever been on Statins? Or any other cholesterol medication?
This is an important point!
Plus getting rid of inflammatory foods (processed foods, excessive amounts of sugar, wheat, milk) AND adding a good quality omega-3 supplement. Getting too few Omega-3 fatty acids is a very common reason for inflammation. There needs to be a balance between omega3 and omega6 fatty acids in order to restore body’s healthy inflammatory process. Modern western diets have WAY too much omega6’s and very little omega3’s.
Imho, getting rid of constant inflammation is very important, since it blocks body’s own healing processes.
Great place to be w heart issues. My ex's mother was dying here. He took her there and she lived well another 20+ years. Heart issues are also hereditary. They run in my family. I will be praying for you.
God please bless this man and his operation
Prayers up 🙏. Just had 4 blocked arteries 5 months ago. It's kinda scary when it's you. Talk to God. He will help you.
Dear fren.
May you make a full recovery from this condition.
Sending prayers your way. You will beat this!
What’s your diet like? I’d consider fasting (water is okay) for long periods. Lots of good info out there.
Praying for a good outcome.
This may be some good information.
Heart Surgeon Dr. Philip Ovadia @ifixhearts
Heart surgery doesn't make you healthy, it only makes you less sick.
So I built you a course to take control of your health before you need my surgery skills.
Get it at https://ovadiahearthealth.gumroad.com/l/fZxte
I’d suggest doing some research like we do for Q posts but about heart health. You can find a lot of information on YouTube. I found a cardiologist from India that explains how he gets all of his high risk heart patients into the low risk category and he’s able to do it for all his patients who follow his simple steps. The main things are no sugar, regular fasting, and do not take any calcium supplements. I don’t remember his name but I think it’s worth doing some research about this.
I have found the Weider Artery Health (Costco is cheapest, or elsewhere online) lowered my blood pressure & had some nurses claim that it helps heal arteries.
They changed their caps from a black to white about the time Covid hit, not sure why they stopped using Acaci Berry with their mix, though this mix is a 5000 IU of Vitamin D & 180 mcg or K2
I am convinced this is what has prevented me from ending up in the hospital & I do have worse bouts with blood pressure related issues when I have not taken it for a few months.
That said, it has always taken at least 2 weeks to drop my blood pressure using it & this new formulation doesn't do as well as the old, though I have not seen any other blend that was similar to the old mix.
Do your own research on K2 & artery health & you may find it could be a useful supplement to add to anything else you are doing.
edit: On the box it claims Vitamin K2 as MK-7 for your own research. I don't remember if this had anything to do with CoQ10 or not.