I told hubby tonight that I am at the point of not caring about anything I read or hear anymore because I can no longer believe a damn word. And I have experienced more fatigue over the last few weeks than ever before.
When one reaches this point - they are very near to giving up. I truly do not want to reach that point, but when I read tonight (not sure it's true) that 7,298,000 illegals have now invaded our Country one has to ask, can even DJT fix it?
So, as I usually do, I tried to research how I felt and found this article.
I am sharing it with all of you. It's called - "Why We’re More Exhausted Than Ever"
No. Trump cannot fix it. Not on his own, and not with our help. This will only be fixed by God. Perhaps through Trump, but this can ONLY be fixed by God.
Yes yes yes yes yes yes, Yes!
If institutions did what they should, then all of us would be fine damn soon.
This includes justice especially, but many others.
In order to restore justice, we need a presidential force ahead of a military force that can break current blackmail systems.
Hence the deep state panic.
I’m telling you, we can’t fix this without the help of God.
The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years for a lack of faith, obedience and submission. I’d rather this period in time did not extend to 40 years.
Have you asked God for help? If not many of us have and God is faithful. He's been helping the entire time.
I have and HE HAS!!!
Not to be a doomer, but I’m kind of there with you. The other thing that has me discouraged is seeing how our system has - more than ever - descended to a place where people are prosecuted for their political beliefs/standings (see Trump) and these kangaroo courts and DOJ just run amok and ruin peoples lives. But at the same time it is okay to blatantly defy the law if you are on the side “in control” (see Hunter Biden laptop, Election Fraud, Joe Biden foreign influence, Epstein clients, on and on…). When we can’t vote our way out of this due to election fraud and/or being allowed to be invaded by foreign outsiders, what else are we to do???
It's almost as if those of us who are awake are experiencing more depression than thosewho are unawake and therefore just going on as if everything is normal, albeit shittier. One has to wonder if enough people are truly waking up, and whether or not we have reached the point of diminishing returns.
They say the more obvious intelligence one has the more depressed he is. Its because we see it all and take it on.
Exactly how I feel.
I’ve stopped reading most things and I believe even less. If anything, it’s freed my spirit from burden…I don’t feel even close to giving up.
Never give up, fren.
God is on our side.
I get it … I am 100% right there with you fren. Right there with you. That being said … might as well hang in, and have fun with the fight. Doing nothing will absolutely reap us just that … nothing. If there is ANYTHING in your life worth fighting for … now is the time to fight for that thing. What do you have to lose?
You are not alone. I know that It looks ominous, and it is. It is ominous. But never forget, our founding fathers were in way way way deeper shit for many years, and they prevailed, and gave us the United States. Never forget … God is on our side.
One should always be careful of the sin of presumption. The goal should be to be on God's side, not the other way around. His ways are higher than ours. The US is probably under judgment for all of its collective sins. Whether it survives is up to Him, ultimately within the bounds he has set for free will.
That Roe V Wade was appealed, allows for a sorting of the sheep and goats.
Of course the watchman's duty is critical in times such as these Ala Paul Revere.
I do not presume. I know without question God is on our side. You make the false assumption I was referring to the state … I was not. Those of us working to awaken the sleeping are doing Gods work. He chose us, we chose him, so yeah, God is on our side. Pretty simple logic actually. Also, it is important to parse misunderstandings here … God does not cast judgement on a nation. He judges people. Nations do not die and go to heaven to stand judgement.
Doesn't both sides of any war pray to a god (of their choosing) ? Who are we to assume God is on our side? We must studying our bibles and following His word. When I initially chose to vote for Trump it came down to his abortion stance. I saw that the "other side" supported a evil I couldn't set aside and so I stood with Trump. I make that same choice every day as more and more of the Cabal's true purpose is revealed. I believe the words "God is on our side" should actually be "We are on God's side". I think this better states our purpose and keeps us, as Anons on the right path.
So, you think the pedophiles and Communists think God is on their side? OK. God is on our side.
Maybe not directly but the people that are supporting them. There are good people on the other side. They are just asleep. It doesn't mean they all follow Satan. If we are only up against the obvious, do you think this whole movie is to only wake up pedophiles and communists? God is not willing to leave any behind. What about you?
You are way out of context. Way, way, way out of context. But, sure, there are good people not yet awake. I never said God was not on their side. I said, because it is a FACT, God is in our side. Hard to believe that this is what you fixated on, not that out fren was feeling the weight of the Awakening. God is on our side. God is 100% not on the side of monsters. I recommend you read up on Communism, Lucifarianism, Marxism, color revolutions, the holodomor, khazarians. You are falsely equivocating their God and ours. That is what Satan wants.
Hang in there to all frens here. We’re in a marathon that’s a tough and mostly uphill course. But we’re also at the 22 mile mark. If you read many of the posts here, the Deep State is losing many battles on many fronts. Also, Trump has promised to quickly deport every illegal invader once he returns to power. Keep the faith. I know it’s tough, but a battle against Satanic forces will be long, hard, and have moments of discouragement.
As well as being given money, these illegals get given phones. I think they know where ALL of them are. Trump says he will deport them ALL too.
I’m getting fat on popcorn……..
Aumone - We currently are living in a Psyop...Inside of a Psyop. The News is not meant for YOU! Depending on what you read it is 7 mil, or 20 mil, or 45 mil crossed the border...DJT has already told you that this is going to be fixed. Trust the Plan...IF there were not a Plan...we would be enjoying Hildabeast's 2nd term from our FEMA Camp. Are you on Truth Social? There are great people to follow on there, as well as Great Posts here...No Need to follow Any other News! Your Job is to hang in there, encourage others , and Red Pill when and where you can. An ANON posted that they were ready to deploy against America's enemies - Q post 1052 - The Reply
Your trust & faith in us is enough. You elected us to do the heavy lifting. Enjoy the show. BIRTH of a NEW NATION. NEW WORLD. Q
Thank you !
Step 1. Start heavily fining anyone employing illegals. Step 2. Continue fining of anyone employing illegals. Step 3 Offer Illegals a ticket home.
The 24/7 news cycle is designed to exhaust and defeat us. Even when we’re winning it overwhelms us with false claims to demoralize us. The amount of information available, most of it false or tainted, far exceeds our ability to process it. Our only defense is to limit what we choose to spend our attention on.
My sense is we are winning. The mere fact that President Trump is still standing and still fighting in the face of forces that would crush most people tells me we are winning and we will win. We have nine months to go on a path to a reckoning. Hang in there.
Hang tough. The plan is going very well. Don’t worry about the court cases. They will provide much of the fuel to restructure the judiciary.
There’s a very good plan to get rid of the illegals. Not just the recent ones. Debit cards and cell phones will generate patterns of life. The ones that try to go off the grid will stick out like a sore thumb. Over 2 Million people fly every day, not including the military. We have the capacity.
I get it fren. I have been feeling as you for quite some time.
One thing that brings me no comfort or peace but understanding, is every generation has gone through some major human crisis. From plagues, wars, genocide, depressions, why should we be any different? It’s our turn.
I am weary beyond measure too. An early spring is coming and the joy I usually feel when spring pokes her head out is not with me this year.
What feels lonely does not mean we are alone.
And whatever comes our way, will not last forever. Be strong fren. And laugh.
Now is the time to man up, even if you are not a man.
It's not like we are charging up Omaha beach.
Take all the new IRS agents. Assign to finding and capturing illegals. After that, 24/7 plane flights back to homelands. Might take a year but it can be done. And for less cost than the remainder of yhe border wall. And it might just save a failing air travel industry long enough for the economy to turn around.
May I humbly offer that faith in Jesus Christ radically alters your worldview and offers limitless love, hope, and strength amidst the very worst adversities.
Well said. I would add that as one studies the scriptures and learns the patterns of history, certain patterns become apparent, including the falls of some nations, but ultimately pointing to the victory of the righteous. It's not an easy journey, though: "If you want a religion to make you feel really comfortable, I certainly don’t recommend Christianity.” ― C. S. Lewis
Feel like a College Student again.
Thats only the last year there have been 27 million illegals enter since Biden became the so called president. They are all given identification so they can vote.
We've been waiting for a long time. We are nearing the end point where things will be out in the open. November 5th will show us if we are winning or losing, so that to me is the end date to all this frustration. Between now and November, things have to erupt and many normies will wake. That’s 8 months of real information being revealed. I believe it will start slow and steadily increase, so long before the 11/5 date we will know where this going. Take heart, we know what we are up against and for us this world cannot fool us and we will make choices accordingly. Get prepared we are in the end game!
I take Fukitol everyday. It helps. I'm full of love.
(Chuckle). I read foo-ki-tall, thinking "I haven't heard of that medication before -- Ohh! (headslap)".
Deport the criminals, keep the workers, kickstart the economy and become a thriving society. Remember noone will vote for the Democrats when the white hats are done, they won’t be able to walk down the streets.
WiFi has something to do with this IMHO, we don't know the long term effects of this as blanket coverage WiFi has not been with us for very long.
Just keep going and you will end up hardened and then you will not be tired from it all anymore. I've gone way past tired and now I am fueled by anger and a demand for Justice. You will learn to pace yourself and you will learn to control all of your emotions if you just keep pushing forward. And pray,, pray,, pray...God will scoop the extra load up and make you stronger. God gives emotional control. Emotional control is the biggest thing we are missing in our society, because when we can't control our emotions we can't control our behavior. And if we can't control our behavior how are we any better than them? Think about all the things that people have gone through in the past before us. Genocides and famine and worse and they survived and thrived or else we wouldn't have 8 billion people. Sending extra prayers and strength your way.
I'd put it to you that the horribly globalist Time isn't reporting on what is real, inasmuch as something that it wants to be real. The 'predictive programming' thing you likely have heard the term of.
If they say 'everyone is exhausted and hopeless and full of nihilism and ennui' its because they want people to be that way. And they push these stories because unfortunately its an effective strategy at depressing people and conjuring the anticipated outcome.
You wouldn't let weeds strangle your garden, dont sully yourself with stuff that only wants you sick, weak, dispassionate and non-resisting.
And this by the way is a thought for hubby as much as it is for you, I hope you both can use this downswing to bounce back with support from each other and take on some reminders of why life is worth living by whatever means you have local that inspires you both - family, beauty, nature, simple pleasures, unplugging from the matrix.. whatever appeals.
Very well said, I think. Second the motion.
It's a movie.
A lot of interesting info on the stages of grief. I think it pertains to the situation at hand.
This not red vs blue. This is not left vs right. This is not gay vs straight. This is not white hats vs black hats (although this is a piece). This is truly good vs evil world wide. Trump, whitehats and us is the American verson of what is happening world wide. Good vs evil is won EVERY TIME BY GOD. THEREIN LIES YOUR PEACE AND JOY. Turn this over to Him and give Him this yolk, and we take up His.
Think about the forefathers did they say I'm really getting tired of all this fighting? Did they say we should just give up because nothing's going our way? Did they say well this is taking way too long and I am tired?
You have not endured a fourth of what our forefathers went through to make this country great.
Think about that the next time you feel this way.