Been saying for a while that the precipice could be Joe Biden bringing us to the edge of WW3, then threatening to call off the election. This would wake up a lot of people. Not all, but a lot. If the military then moved to remove him, and run the election, we would see the cleanest election in recent history. People would understand the need for such an election. It would have been to save us from WW3.
Remember how they said Trump would start WW3 to keep from having an election? They always project what they have either done, are doing, or plan on doing.
I fully expect to hear Joe Biden say, "I have authorized a strike against Russia." That will lead to a "storm" of activity.
I would hope that Putin would be on the inside and understand the dynamics of this type of "over the top" Demoncrap agenda and not react in a way that would actually escalate WWIII despite what that Pedophile, girl sniffing, used tampon of a President does!
Perhaps the one message we are waiting for will come from him, and it will freak out the normies to hear Joe Biden say this, while fumbling for the nuclear codes he doesn't have.
And if the military are are sworn to defend the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, then they surely have to step in if they see that Biden is trying to hold power illegally. Also, I was thinking that if the states finally start to flip as election fraud is proven, the military may have to kick Biden out if he refuses to leave.
I’m in the camp that says the precipice is very close (WWIII + Global economic collapse + election cancelled + internet blackout).
The WHs will step in before the election. I also believe the WHs will declare martial law for a few weeks/ a couple of months to make all the arrests and mass deportation
I don’t know if the Dems will be able to change batter to Big Mike in time, so not sure who would/could go up against Trump and RFK Jr.
The military will run and guard the election with paper (watermarked) and open (televised) counting w/o machines by only registered citizens.
They recently released the show Fallout. Priming the masses for thermonuclear war? Or a scare event?
Spoilers: In the show, we find out that the fallout shelter corporation dropped the bombs that started the war because they had a 'fiduciary responsibility' to their
investors. There's no profiting from peace time if your business is bomb shelters.
Well that's a major change from the canon story of the games: in the games the Chinese attack came sooner than the Enclave expected and Vault-Tec themselves were caught by surprise and wiped out while their vault experiments ran on their own for years, decades, some even centuries with nobody alive to even see the data being generated.
In the games the vaults were experiments for developing generational ships for colonizing other planets as the ship would need to be a sealed environment for centuries and they needed to test various technologies and social situations first.
Sounds like even less reason for me to bother with the show if they're pissing all over the established canon.
Actually, I've seen plenty deep dive lore videos on the Fallout games. I haven't seen the show but Vaultec starting the war in consistent with the lore. If I recall one of the most damning bits right, there's a Vaulttec logo on the bomb in megaton. There's also hints that the Enclave was also involved and it was a larger part of a space colonization effort for the elite, see Nuka World expansion for that.
I played the games as well and I thought it was actually a good show. The vault experiment thing was covered, but in the show it was actually the rich elites that had presided over which vault ran what experiment as sort of a perk to investing in Vault-Tec. The insider attack was something the main character discovers in the final episode of the season and isn't the official narrative. The elites made sure they were put in cryogenic sleep in their special upper management vault before the bombs were dropped where they awaken one at a time to run things. It was an interesting twist and it could fit in with the canon Fallout universe.
There would have to be a revolt within the military for that to happen. The top military leaders are on board with the Biden regime and they give the orders to the rest.
Yeah but Olddogg is correct. The soldiers listen to orders. The orders won’t come from Biden, it comes from military brass. Guys with metals pinned to their uniform. That’s who they listen to. If the highest rank says no, they’ll listen. Got a few friends currently serving and many retired. They all pretty much agree. Regular guys and girls won’t do anything outside orders. They have zero training in a military coup. They would listen to direction. If high ranking brass is compromised, that sucks. We can hope their are many who aren’t. ??
You got me wondering if key positions in the military are still held by officers who are acting on Trump's executive orders in regards to foreign interference in the elections.
You know you wouldn't need the top brass to act, just the right officers with the right information could really ruin deepstate plans.
Yeah...and so what? Taking an Oath to our Constitution is like promising a one night stand you are in love and will be loyal to the end! The betrayal is in the works before the statement is even made!
And how exactly would RB get wind of this? If the military is getting prepared for any such thing, we would never know about it, and anything we did know, including RB, would most likely be a deceptive move designed to serve the end goal.
I think that would be unlikely. The entire purpose of the last 8 years has been moving the population along to where we are, as legitimately as possible. Having the military swoop in would not be accepted by most. I think a major election win is the only way. Massive Democrat defeat electorally, popular vote, and demographically.
They don't Go till _ _ _ _ _ says GO, Q said so.
Anonymous 11/01/2017 22:56:16 ID: pGukiFmX
4chan/pol: 147567888
Q Clearance Patriot
My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, t)he atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad). (Q Team
I must say that I continue to be impressed with Brand, especially given that he's a Commie and a bounder. I will continue to welcome his dialogues/monologues for inspection.
Yes but I am a verrrry suspicious fuck. Doveryai no proveryai. Trust but verify. It is going to take a very long, uninterrupted record of not being a shitbird in order for me to believe his transformation is real. Until then he can ride in the bus. But I'll have my eye on him at all times. Spies and Agents Provocateurs are a common tactic, in war.
I will add an example: Watch Mubarak fall in Egypt. This results in anarchy. The dust settles and what do we find? In the chaos, the Muslim Brotherhood attacked all of the police stations, took them over, raided the armory, and now is the only group in Cairo that has rifles.
If you think that was just something that just happened, I have a bridge to sell you.
"Anarchy" is sold to the populace as something that sounds great. Imagine there's no Government (sing it with your best John Lennon). The reality is that if you fall for this shit you will find yourself in a gulag faster than you can say Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
Let's not let ideas like this walk us into Mordor.
You aren’t describing anarchy, you are describing chaos.
The Muslim Brotherhood is just the equivalent of more government, as they are violent legalists like the rest of them.
Lennon was singing about collectivism, not stateless society.
Lao Tzu wrote about an order that arises naturally when men are left alone in a state of liberty. It emerges over time through a series of progressive steps toward greater goodness, where government is no longer needed and no longer tolerated.
I understand Lennon, Lenin, and I will venture to say I understand Lao Tzu, which is not a small claim. It has been a long road.
The answer lies in your own response. "When men are left alone". This is a utopia that has never existed. When have men been left alone? Do you have resources? WE WANT THEM. And we are coming for those resources. With rifles.
You cannot have your paradise until you delete the invaders. And by that I mean 100%. A level of response most "civilized" people are unwilling to exact So if you want your paradise, you will need to nuke everyone else. Or bayonet each and every one of them, and I will watch to make sure you get every one, because you promised.
Because they are not going to stop coming if you do not.
Prescription: Less Lao Tzu. More Sun Tzu. Please. And perhaps some Miyamoto-san. We can read Lao Tzu when it's over. And enjoy. But not until.
There is no anarchy, except in small groups. And even that will be short-lived, with a warlord that will rise to take control. This is the Law. The Law of the Jungle. Human nature.
But there is, indeed, chaos. Chaos is easy. And if you do not destroy it, you will be ruled by it, or whatever replaces it. And you are not gonna have a good time. Well, you'll most likely be dead very soon, based upon lots of evidence from all of history.
Please read more about times in history when societies were on the bubble. This chaos described happens every time, and it is both natural and also now (now that the Vanguard have this plan they use, and they know it works every time) precipitated by a Vanguard who will push chaos and then push through that chaos, and end up with control.
Times this has happened? 100%, in the last 100 years. Times your anarcho-communism has happened? 0%.
You can have your dreams. But we need to live in reality. And reality is at the end of a gun, to paraphrase Mao.
If you do not have a plan to kill all comers, to paraphrase General Mattis, you will lose.
The natural state of things was man left alone. This book documents it:
No, LaoTzu now is necessary for getting to the future we want. You become the change you want to see in the world. Clean the inside of the cup before the outside.
SunTzu is necessary now too, because that’s the reality of today’s challenges.
There will be those who use violence, but it doesn’t take a government to thwart them. Violence is not the cure for violence (violence being the violation of others by force). Defensive force is not the same as violence.
Against my better judgement, I clicked on your link.
A book about debt. Zzzz.
Debt only exists in civilization, in this "ledger" sort of way that is proscribed. I owe you something because I agree to the social contract and we all exist in a world where we all make efforts to perpetuate the social contract/structure.
At one point the King of France owed the Knights Templar more than he could pay. His response? He had the Knights Templar murdered. Debt retired.
Have you met a "Chechen Rebel" or a member of "Boko Haram"? Or how about a cynical mass-murderer from the Wagner Group? Did you reason with him over a tea and, like Nan-In, learn what is in his tea cup?
This is not about civilization. This is about I Win You Lose. Or You Win I Lose. Simply, it is about war. We are back to this, and in many ways we never left.
If you do not understand that you are already in the middle of a war, you are going to have a bad time.
Macgregor...I love listening to this guy! He's so on target. He is devastatingly correct when he says that the Bill of Rights is what separates us from all other countries! It isn't our Constitution! These are two entirely different things.
Our Constitution was a result of a Rothschild orchestrated coup over and against the true freedom document of the Articles of Confederation. The Bill of Rights was the "Stop Gap" measure forced in place by the real Patriots of the day like Patrick Henry who wanted NOTHING to do with our current Constitution. In fact Patrick Henry said our Constitution was "Masked Aristocracy!"
I love telling Patriots, Birch Members and other hard-core Constitutionalist that America is in the situation it's in BECAUSE of the Constitution, not IN SPITE of the Constitution! Their reaction is always...HUH?!!!
Without the Bill of Rights...America would have been just another failed dictatorship before the end of the 18th Century had it not been for the Bill of Rights! As Macgregor said, "The best feature of the American Political Experiment...The Bill of Rights..."
It's interesting he also said that our Constitution no longer fits. I only partially agree with this take. I would add that it no longer fits (nor did it ever fit) to maintain or keep the fires of Liberty burning in America. It was designed to methodically cause all power to be accumulated into a Central Federal Government. This was the main issue the Anti-Federalists had with our Constitution from the onset of the Constitutional Convention. They knew clear as day that one day we would wake up as servants to a governmental behemoth that would be completely uncontrollable and a disaster to the will of a free people.
It's been my opinion that we need to do what Macgregor only hinted at...and that's return to the support and defense of a government operating under the Articles of Confederation.
For 25 years one of the most poignant questions I have ever asked is simply, "What type of government are we suppose to have in these United States?" I have probably asked that questions hundreds of times over. I can count on one hand the amount of times the people I have asked that question to actually got it right and told me a Constitutional Republic or just a Republic. 99.999999% without hesitation guessed it...a Democracy! Well...I should start asking Constitutionally minded, well researched Anons and other Patriots if they have ever heard of or read the Anti-Federalist Papers? I bet the ratio of the Yes's to No's would be about similar to the question about our form of government!
The only other document(s) I would suggest is a book called The Secret Founding Of America by Nicholas Hagger and How Alexander Hamilton Screwed Up America by Brion McClanahan...
Good interview. However, the Colonel doesn't think Trump is the guy that will right the ship. (Based off bills supported). I still have hope there is a plan and he is not privvy.
ditto, I think Trump gave the swamp this to put them in checkmate a few steps later. ( In fact I think it will precipitate the financial black swan McG mentioned which will render the swamp defenseless) In general though, if it wasn't for some 5D move I would agree with the Colonel.
Must be you guys didnt listen to all this carefully
If you listen to Mc.
He says we need to change the constitution
Trump might be captured by swamp because he was in favor of the latest money to ukraine
Yeah, Mc G is obviously not on Q team but that WAS not a good move by Trump UNLESS it is some sort of 5-D chess move (I give Trump credit that he has motives that McG doesn't know about - ie give the swamp something it wants to put them in a comprisable position) On it's own though, without knowledge of possible 5-D moves<, I would agree with McG on this.
Personally, I think that comprisable position is the initiation of this black swam financial event McG mentioned.
It's been pretty clear for a while now that the spending must continue. The goal isn't to stop it, the goal is to provoke whatever financial collapse is coming shortly down the pike.
This is live as I post this. RB says he's 'got wind' that we might be reaching a point where the military intervenes. Hmm ....
Been saying for a while that the precipice could be Joe Biden bringing us to the edge of WW3, then threatening to call off the election. This would wake up a lot of people. Not all, but a lot. If the military then moved to remove him, and run the election, we would see the cleanest election in recent history. People would understand the need for such an election. It would have been to save us from WW3.
I like your take on things.👍
Remember how they said Trump would start WW3 to keep from having an election? They always project what they have either done, are doing, or plan on doing.
I fully expect to hear Joe Biden say, "I have authorized a strike against Russia." That will lead to a "storm" of activity.
I agree that they will do something of that nature to prevent the election from taking place.
Lawd have mercy, that certainly would be a precipice.
I would hope that Putin would be on the inside and understand the dynamics of this type of "over the top" Demoncrap agenda and not react in a way that would actually escalate WWIII despite what that Pedophile, girl sniffing, used tampon of a President does!
How mind blown will we be if it's BIDEN who says "my fellow Americans, a storm is upon us..."
Perhaps the one message we are waiting for will come from him, and it will freak out the normies to hear Joe Biden say this, while fumbling for the nuclear codes he doesn't have.
Im expecting something similar to the Cuban Missle Crisis but with Israel.
And if the military are are sworn to defend the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, then they surely have to step in if they see that Biden is trying to hold power illegally. Also, I was thinking that if the states finally start to flip as election fraud is proven, the military may have to kick Biden out if he refuses to leave.
Yes. Me too.
I’m in the camp that says the precipice is very close (WWIII + Global economic collapse + election cancelled + internet blackout).
The WHs will step in before the election. I also believe the WHs will declare martial law for a few weeks/ a couple of months to make all the arrests and mass deportation
I don’t know if the Dems will be able to change batter to Big Mike in time, so not sure who would/could go up against Trump and RFK Jr.
The military will run and guard the election with paper (watermarked) and open (televised) counting w/o machines by only registered citizens.
Heck, I'm good with the military ALWAYS running our Federal elections.
hope they do it soon...the potato has caused enough damage
Mushroom cloud incoming
They recently released the show Fallout. Priming the masses for thermonuclear war? Or a scare event?
Spoilers: In the show, we find out that the fallout shelter corporation dropped the bombs that started the war because they had a 'fiduciary responsibility' to their investors. There's no profiting from peace time if your business is bomb shelters.
Well that's a major change from the canon story of the games: in the games the Chinese attack came sooner than the Enclave expected and Vault-Tec themselves were caught by surprise and wiped out while their vault experiments ran on their own for years, decades, some even centuries with nobody alive to even see the data being generated.
In the games the vaults were experiments for developing generational ships for colonizing other planets as the ship would need to be a sealed environment for centuries and they needed to test various technologies and social situations first.
Sounds like even less reason for me to bother with the show if they're pissing all over the established canon.
Actually, I've seen plenty deep dive lore videos on the Fallout games. I haven't seen the show but Vaultec starting the war in consistent with the lore. If I recall one of the most damning bits right, there's a Vaulttec logo on the bomb in megaton. There's also hints that the Enclave was also involved and it was a larger part of a space colonization effort for the elite, see Nuka World expansion for that.
I played the games as well and I thought it was actually a good show. The vault experiment thing was covered, but in the show it was actually the rich elites that had presided over which vault ran what experiment as sort of a perk to investing in Vault-Tec. The insider attack was something the main character discovers in the final episode of the season and isn't the official narrative. The elites made sure they were put in cryogenic sleep in their special upper management vault before the bombs were dropped where they awaken one at a time to run things. It was an interesting twist and it could fit in with the canon Fallout universe.
It’s very entertaining in a wild’n wacky way, and the lead characters do a very good job.
I’m a huge fan of the game, and thoroughly enjoyed the show!
There would have to be a revolt within the military for that to happen. The top military leaders are on board with the Biden regime and they give the orders to the rest.
They took an oath to the constitution, not Biden.
Don't all our shitty leaders?
No. Most of them don't have valid oaths of office.
Yeah but Olddogg is correct. The soldiers listen to orders. The orders won’t come from Biden, it comes from military brass. Guys with metals pinned to their uniform. That’s who they listen to. If the highest rank says no, they’ll listen. Got a few friends currently serving and many retired. They all pretty much agree. Regular guys and girls won’t do anything outside orders. They have zero training in a military coup. They would listen to direction. If high ranking brass is compromised, that sucks. We can hope their are many who aren’t. ??
You got me wondering if key positions in the military are still held by officers who are acting on Trump's executive orders in regards to foreign interference in the elections.
You know you wouldn't need the top brass to act, just the right officers with the right information could really ruin deepstate plans.
and their real leaders are the combatant commanders, not the joint douches.
Yeah...and so what? Taking an Oath to our Constitution is like promising a one night stand you are in love and will be loyal to the end! The betrayal is in the works before the statement is even made!
All you need is SOCOM.
You mean the TV generals?
Them and all the ones sitting in the pentagon everyday.
And how exactly would RB get wind of this? If the military is getting prepared for any such thing, we would never know about it, and anything we did know, including RB, would most likely be a deceptive move designed to serve the end goal.
Yeah exactly- he’s controlled opposition
I think that would be unlikely. The entire purpose of the last 8 years has been moving the population along to where we are, as legitimately as possible. Having the military swoop in would not be accepted by most. I think a major election win is the only way. Massive Democrat defeat electorally, popular vote, and demographically.
AND - Russell Brand just announced that he is getting baptized as a Christian this Sunday!
really! now THAT’S worth a celebration! :)
I truly think he’s awakened. Didn’t at first
It seems to me that this lines up with Trump losing his case and being incarcerated
They don't Go till _ _ _ _ _ says GO, Q said so. 34
Anonymous 11/01/2017 22:56:16 ID: pGukiFmX 4chan/pol: 147567888 Q Clearance Patriot
My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, t)he atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad). (Q Team
I must say that I continue to be impressed with Brand, especially given that he's a Commie and a bounder. I will continue to welcome his dialogues/monologues for inspection.
Brand appears to have awakened.
Yes but I am a verrrry suspicious fuck. Doveryai no proveryai. Trust but verify. It is going to take a very long, uninterrupted record of not being a shitbird in order for me to believe his transformation is real. Until then he can ride in the bus. But I'll have my eye on him at all times. Spies and Agents Provocateurs are a common tactic, in war.
he's blackmailed and being forced to go along with the disclosure. Similar to Tucker's 180 on 9/11, joe rogan, many others.
This is possible.
I’m sure you are suspicious as fuck about just about everyone on our side. Lol
I am.
God only knows his heart, but Brand announced he is getting baptized this Sunday and devoting himself to Christ.
They tried to silence him. Some chick out the blue saying he abused her. He was deplatformed and censored. It happened not too long ago.
I think he’s an old school liberal, not a commie
He thinks politics is fake
He’s not a communist. He advocates for decentralization and believes in communal anarchism — which can operate side-by-side with anarcho-capitalism.
Anarchy + A Committed Vanguard = Communism.
Leninism 101.
I will add an example: Watch Mubarak fall in Egypt. This results in anarchy. The dust settles and what do we find? In the chaos, the Muslim Brotherhood attacked all of the police stations, took them over, raided the armory, and now is the only group in Cairo that has rifles.
If you think that was just something that just happened, I have a bridge to sell you.
"Anarchy" is sold to the populace as something that sounds great. Imagine there's no Government (sing it with your best John Lennon). The reality is that if you fall for this shit you will find yourself in a gulag faster than you can say Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
Let's not let ideas like this walk us into Mordor.
You aren’t describing anarchy, you are describing chaos.
The Muslim Brotherhood is just the equivalent of more government, as they are violent legalists like the rest of them.
Lennon was singing about collectivism, not stateless society.
Lao Tzu wrote about an order that arises naturally when men are left alone in a state of liberty. It emerges over time through a series of progressive steps toward greater goodness, where government is no longer needed and no longer tolerated.
I understand Lennon, Lenin, and I will venture to say I understand Lao Tzu, which is not a small claim. It has been a long road.
The answer lies in your own response. "When men are left alone". This is a utopia that has never existed. When have men been left alone? Do you have resources? WE WANT THEM. And we are coming for those resources. With rifles.
You cannot have your paradise until you delete the invaders. And by that I mean 100%. A level of response most "civilized" people are unwilling to exact So if you want your paradise, you will need to nuke everyone else. Or bayonet each and every one of them, and I will watch to make sure you get every one, because you promised.
Because they are not going to stop coming if you do not.
Prescription: Less Lao Tzu. More Sun Tzu. Please. And perhaps some Miyamoto-san. We can read Lao Tzu when it's over. And enjoy. But not until.
There is no anarchy, except in small groups. And even that will be short-lived, with a warlord that will rise to take control. This is the Law. The Law of the Jungle. Human nature.
But there is, indeed, chaos. Chaos is easy. And if you do not destroy it, you will be ruled by it, or whatever replaces it. And you are not gonna have a good time. Well, you'll most likely be dead very soon, based upon lots of evidence from all of history.
Please read more about times in history when societies were on the bubble. This chaos described happens every time, and it is both natural and also now (now that the Vanguard have this plan they use, and they know it works every time) precipitated by a Vanguard who will push chaos and then push through that chaos, and end up with control.
Times this has happened? 100%, in the last 100 years. Times your anarcho-communism has happened? 0%.
You can have your dreams. But we need to live in reality. And reality is at the end of a gun, to paraphrase Mao.
If you do not have a plan to kill all comers, to paraphrase General Mattis, you will lose.
Less Lao Tzu. More Sun Tzu.
Excellent prescription!
The natural state of things was man left alone. This book documents it:
No, LaoTzu now is necessary for getting to the future we want. You become the change you want to see in the world. Clean the inside of the cup before the outside.
SunTzu is necessary now too, because that’s the reality of today’s challenges.
There will be those who use violence, but it doesn’t take a government to thwart them. Violence is not the cure for violence (violence being the violation of others by force). Defensive force is not the same as violence.
Against my better judgement, I clicked on your link.
A book about debt. Zzzz.
Debt only exists in civilization, in this "ledger" sort of way that is proscribed. I owe you something because I agree to the social contract and we all exist in a world where we all make efforts to perpetuate the social contract/structure.
At one point the King of France owed the Knights Templar more than he could pay. His response? He had the Knights Templar murdered. Debt retired.
Have you met a "Chechen Rebel" or a member of "Boko Haram"? Or how about a cynical mass-murderer from the Wagner Group? Did you reason with him over a tea and, like Nan-In, learn what is in his tea cup?
This is not about civilization. This is about I Win You Lose. Or You Win I Lose. Simply, it is about war. We are back to this, and in many ways we never left.
If you do not understand that you are already in the middle of a war, you are going to have a bad time.
Best of luck.
Macgregor...I love listening to this guy! He's so on target. He is devastatingly correct when he says that the Bill of Rights is what separates us from all other countries! It isn't our Constitution! These are two entirely different things.
Our Constitution was a result of a Rothschild orchestrated coup over and against the true freedom document of the Articles of Confederation. The Bill of Rights was the "Stop Gap" measure forced in place by the real Patriots of the day like Patrick Henry who wanted NOTHING to do with our current Constitution. In fact Patrick Henry said our Constitution was "Masked Aristocracy!"
I love telling Patriots, Birch Members and other hard-core Constitutionalist that America is in the situation it's in BECAUSE of the Constitution, not IN SPITE of the Constitution! Their reaction is always...HUH?!!!
Without the Bill of Rights...America would have been just another failed dictatorship before the end of the 18th Century had it not been for the Bill of Rights! As Macgregor said, "The best feature of the American Political Experiment...The Bill of Rights..."
It's interesting he also said that our Constitution no longer fits. I only partially agree with this take. I would add that it no longer fits (nor did it ever fit) to maintain or keep the fires of Liberty burning in America. It was designed to methodically cause all power to be accumulated into a Central Federal Government. This was the main issue the Anti-Federalists had with our Constitution from the onset of the Constitutional Convention. They knew clear as day that one day we would wake up as servants to a governmental behemoth that would be completely uncontrollable and a disaster to the will of a free people.
It's been my opinion that we need to do what Macgregor only hinted at...and that's return to the support and defense of a government operating under the Articles of Confederation.
For 25 years one of the most poignant questions I have ever asked is simply, "What type of government are we suppose to have in these United States?" I have probably asked that questions hundreds of times over. I can count on one hand the amount of times the people I have asked that question to actually got it right and told me a Constitutional Republic or just a Republic. 99.999999% without hesitation guessed it...a Democracy! Well...I should start asking Constitutionally minded, well researched Anons and other Patriots if they have ever heard of or read the Anti-Federalist Papers? I bet the ratio of the Yes's to No's would be about similar to the question about our form of government!
Interesting. Any recommended reading other than the aforementioned documents?
The only other document(s) I would suggest is a book called The Secret Founding Of America by Nicholas Hagger and How Alexander Hamilton Screwed Up America by Brion McClanahan...
Does he talk about factions within the military? They exist. There are deep state loyal Biden generals -- if you can believe that.
Luckily they all wear skirts and put lipstick on after shaving their beards.
Good interview. However, the Colonel doesn't think Trump is the guy that will right the ship. (Based off bills supported). I still have hope there is a plan and he is not privvy.
ditto, I think Trump gave the swamp this to put them in checkmate a few steps later. ( In fact I think it will precipitate the financial black swan McG mentioned which will render the swamp defenseless) In general though, if it wasn't for some 5D move I would agree with the Colonel.
Better do it BEFORE they take out 45
Must be you guys didnt listen to all this carefully
If you listen to Mc. He says we need to change the constitution Trump might be captured by swamp because he was in favor of the latest money to ukraine
Yeah, Mc G is obviously not on Q team but that WAS not a good move by Trump UNLESS it is some sort of 5-D chess move (I give Trump credit that he has motives that McG doesn't know about - ie give the swamp something it wants to put them in a comprisable position) On it's own though, without knowledge of possible 5-D moves<, I would agree with McG on this.
Personally, I think that comprisable position is the initiation of this black swam financial event McG mentioned.
If you watch Intel slava z, the Ukrainians fighting in the field, hate their government and do not want to fight the Russians.
It is only a small portion that are fighting like madmen. The Nazi brigades.
Russians are aware and treating those that surrender/captured very well.
Well, unless you have a swastika tattoo.
I have always envisioned a sector of the civilian population moving forward first and then the military falling in behind them.
Did I hear Macgregor correctly...DJT was FOR the recent spending bill funding the Ukraine and Israel?
It's been pretty clear for a while now that the spending must continue. The goal isn't to stop it, the goal is to provoke whatever financial collapse is coming shortly down the pike.
Trump 47b4 11 5 24
The ship is listing, maybe it will flip over like in the "The Poseidon Adventure" and we all have to climb out the hull....?
Nobody is going to do shit. Biden wins with an impossible number of votes (1 billion). EVERYONE bursts out laughing. The entire house of cards falls.
My gosh man it's not the donors that are affecting politicians it's the Intel Industrial Complex that has politicians betraying the country.
you don't think they are one in the same?
The tranny and furry army? Lol
the shemale army, sure thing bud
I hate to pop your bubble, but the military will do what they're told. The smart recruits, the ones who ask questions are weeded out early.