Please Forget #7
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Building 7 is the key to revealing the lies of the entire operation.
Many of us saw this years ago while doing our own deep dives on the subject. Seven has always been the one anomaly (among many) that illustrates, the entire event was planned way in advance. It takes WEEKS to prep a building of that size for controlled demolition. There's no way they could have prepped that building in 6 hours to come down exactly into the footprint of its foundation.
Combine that info with the fact that wtc 1/2 came down the same way, and you've got the makings of a genuine conspiracy. Theories not required. Forget planes, CGI, eyewitness testimony (usually by those wearing Masonic jewelry BTW) regarding how they saw a plane etc...doesnt matter. Stay on target.
Who were those "art students" who were in wtc buildings before that day?
Let's not forget Larry Silverstein saying, "That's when we made the decision to pull it", regarding wtc 7. I'm pretty sure wtc 7 was used as the command center for this operation. RE:
On 9/10/01 You remember rumsfeld saying, "According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions." Black budget slush fund? Interesting that a "plane" hit the Pentagon in the budget analyst office where DoD staffers were working on the mystery of the 2.3 trillion dollars...
I blame government schools for the sheer level of retardation when it comes to wtc buildings coming down. Every asshole who thinks they're an engineer tries convincing people that a plane full of fuel weakened steel in the upper floors of the building enough to permit free fall speed with zero resistance on the way down. You can't fool people who work with steel... and they simply can't explain the lack if debris on the ground for the volume of building that came down... yanno among the little steel balls and ultra fine aluminum dust on everything...fires literally burned for over 3 months (!!!!) RE:
They control the narrative... when will you wake up and realize that? When will you decide to stop believing, and co-creating our world by perpetuating their lies? Can't you smell the bullshit? Do you even remember your life and the freedom you had before that day?
There were also reports at the time that truck loads of gold were being ferried out from underground vaults beneath the towers.
I remember that, and Die Hard With A Vengeance had comms of this too.
That movie was a documentary
And let's remember what came from 9-11.
Patriot Act: "Lawful" spying on American Citizens. Allowing the CIA and FBI and all the rest of the IC to collude with each other through the newly created office of DNI.
An entire new government department, the Department of Homeland "Security". This new department created the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Travel has never been the same and every TSA agent gets to stare at our nuts and tits as we go through their scanners. Total invasion of our privacy and normalizing it.
In reality, what these laws, rules, and new government departments and agencies have accomplished is a complete destruction of our privacy rights, complete control over our borders, and complete control over our elections.
The most egregious evil of all that's been created by the unified government intelligence agencies is their reckless and malevolent spying on all Americans, especially politicians, judges, business leaders, community leaders, church leaders, media leaders, tech leaders, and everyone else in positions of power so that they can be blackmailed and controlled. If you ever wonder why politicians and leaders go against the majority of those they lead, it is because of blackmail.
All my personal opinion.
9/11 and the 'Patriot' act were the original coup.
The rest of this shit show has just been raiding the piggy bank, covering their arses and shitting on everyone else.
Recency bias exposed. That was far from the beginning of the coup. Assasination of JFK was in fact a coup perpetrated by the deep state. Operation Paperclip was a coup. The Federal Reserve act was a coup. They thought it was a coup when they killed Jesus Christ. The deep state/synagogue of satan, has been at this game a long long time.
Fair points, all.
However, during the late 90's there was a very clear indication that everyone was putting aside their differences and just getting along - If they hadn't 9/11'd us I think we would have woken up most people a lot sooner than this.
Spot on. Way less racism and victimhood than today - because it wasn't subsidized. Now look at it every 1st of the month. Heaping shopping carts full of "free" steak, shrimp and $9 boxes of captain crunch flipping off whitey breaking his ass to make ends meet.
You have buildings suffering a DIRECT HIT FROM A MISSILE and they are still standing. But if a plane hits a building on the 91st floor, then the whole building, AND THE ONE NEXT TO IT, goes down because of said plane.
Yes, makes total sense.
WTC, both towers designed structurally to withstand a direct impact by high speed, fully fueled bomber per a WW2-era incident where one hit top of Empire State building causing only superficial damage. This FACT now scrubbed from the normie internet.
Aircraft have also hit NYC buildings since 2001 and the buildings have survived, but those stories also get scrubbed
When you see what a bird does to the nose cone of a plane then you're like wait, wat.
For me ---- the big fucking red flag was this.
The top of one of the towers ----- above the damage, was about to tip over --- tipping over would have looked normal ---- BUT THAT EXACT INSTANT ---- the tower started crumbling down ---- what a coincidence.
Excellent analysis of the buildings.
Another aspect that screams “inside job” is the lack of aircraft interception. The official story was that the fighters that should’ve intercepted the airliners were already out on training that day and there were no back-up fighters available. Some possibilities are that the training planners knew the 9/11 attack schedule or the 9/11 attack planners knew the training schedule. Both of these possibilities require insider collusion or security breaches. Another possibility is that no fighters were even attempted to be scrambled and the training excuse was fabricated. The most remote possibility is that the training excuse was true and that the training happening on the same day as the attacks was a coincidence. This option would mean that during America’s military peak, the deep state were incompetent at air defense training scheduling and didn’t provide redundancies or contingencies. All that “Defense” spending and no defense.
The simpler explanation is that those buildings were brought down by something besides airliners, and the defense failure narrative was just a cover to give the airliner story some legs. It’s still crazy that they didn’t have the common courtesy to make it seem like Building 7 was hit by an aircraft.
Perhaps they thought there would be obvious damage to bldg 7 caused by either the jet crashes, or the collapse of the other towers, so that it wouldn't have been so obvious, but as we know, all there was was a little fire in one spot (if that fire was even caused by the jets and/or collapse of the towers), and it was OBVIOUS it was a controlled demolition.
It looks like we are NOW in DISCLOSURE phase. Awesome.
Building #7 was ‘Solomon Brothers’ building. It appears that that the evidence of financial market manipulation going back to at least the 1987 shorting and then crashing of the market by Bush Sr./CIA was likely in that building. It is possible there were also whitehat operations or assets there as well.
It was a financial crimes EVIDENCE destruction operation just like Pentagon cruise missile strike the same day targeting the accounting records section of the building.
Is this what happens when we reach the "Saving Israel for Last" stage? 9/11 disclosure finally?
Haven't seen this footage before, but it demolishes the official story of "Falling debris":
Yup all those little flashes from the window. I thought it was gunfire at first. Then I realized they were charges...
modern explosives propagate so quickly they sound like gunshots.
anybody with an ounce of open minded observation skills can see 7 come down like a damn elevator. so obvious.
Me too
That is the dumbest shit I've read all year
The raining debris made explosions happen all over the building until it fell straight into its own footprint?
Never seen raining debris cause a building to fall down...
And how was it raining debris 4-6 hours after the twin towers had both fallen?
Where were the debris raining down from?
But they found a terrorists passport…
Un burned...
this is just your last line as it runs right off my screen and I cannot read it, so in case others have that too...
This would be the cherry on the cake. Hope they do.
Every normie who sees this will go the videos edited... really wish this came out 15 years ago
Why would someone have their camera laser-focused on Building 7 when all hell was breaking loose all around them at the time? Not discounting any of the 9/11 info coming out but this immediately came to mind during my first watch of the clip.
It was 6 hours after the twin towers came down and maybe they heard the charges going off and then started recording. Could’ve also been somebody who already knew the truth. Just guesses.
Maybe they saw the first couple flashes, maybe they saw people coming out of the building after checking the charges.
Perhaps the charges failed at first ant it took them several hours to check them after waiting long enough to be sure that it wasn't a hang fire.
Do we think Trump just happened to show up to be interviewed then as well?
Is it possible that someone knew this was coming, but that the best thing they could do was expose it?
I remember reading about a dude that was a courier that was told not to open the diplomatic pouch he was to deliver. He didn’t listen. The documents warned of the 9/11 event and bogus plane and terrorist plot. It has since been scrubbed from interwebs.
The “year” of the event 2001 was pre-determined in 1791 with the “refinancing” of the debt owed to international bankers by the American colonies and taken over by new Republic. Per international banking law a country has 3x 70 year periods to repay or refinance the debt before a FINAL 20 year resolution period (2021). 1791+70=1861 bankruptcy#1. 1861+70=1931 bankruptcy#2. 1931+70=2001 bankruptcy #3.
The “day” of the event Sept 11 was set sometime in 1933 when the bankruptcy#2 reorg was completed (suspected to be prior to Oct 15, 1933). David Rockefeller helped design and build WTC starting 1967 for destruction from the beginning with Stanley Kubrick releasing ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ 33 years prior in 1968 with some direct references to a 2001 “event”.
Guess what Trump the businessman is an “expert” in? Bankruptcy reorganization. Yes, Trump was likely selected for his current mission prior to 2001. Note his “exploration” of running for POTUS in 1988, 1996, 2000, 2008, 2012 [33 years (initially 1988) before the last opportunity, for 2021 final resolution].
Very interesting. Those previous presidential "Explorations" might have been White Hats baiting the deep state with Trump to see what "control" tactics they would try on him.
Something tells me his two previous divorces may be a clue.
I see only hints of it right now, but it is possible that we are looking at a 200 year whitehat operation that goes back to 1825 (This is a mindblowing possibility to me). How do you beat cabal 100 year operational plans? Maybe by making a 200 year counter-operational plan run by military intelligence? Cabal operating cycles identified so far:
Here is the document that I suspect kicked it ALL off with incorporation of automatic stripping of citizenship of American citizens acting as foreign agents (likely precipitated by British agents compromising John Adams, destroying evidence of RATIFIED 13th Amendment [TONA], and then using War of 1812 to cover it up and force 2nd Bank of US, among other things):
Thanks for the awesome response and links. I'll be investigating this more.
Have a nice Memorial Day Weekend.
I've seen this clip years and years ago. It's been out a long time. Maybe not 15 years, but a long time.
This video was all over the place about 10 years ago, it's really not new. I saw on Twitter back then side by sides of the same video from the same angle. One side was very clear and obviously from some sort of news camera, then this one which has some filters on it.
The whole thing is super weird.
I became aware of Bldg 7 after watching Loose Change a series of films released between 2005 and 2009 that argue in favor of certain conspiracy theories relating to the September 11 attacks. The films were written and directed by Dylan Avery and produced by Korey Rowe, Jason Bermas, and Matthew Brown.
Was 9/11 an inside job? Yes.
Is this video real? No idea.
Could it be fake? Absolutely.
Especially when a jet didn't even hit the building - makes it all the more probable if you ask me.
There is no getting past the "Nose Out Shot."
Nor the 'wing clip' shot.
Yep, ask Larry Silverstein about this...
If a building is rigged for demo then there's foreknowledge and that's a wrap.
I’m shocked (I’m not)
Doesn't get more clear cut than that. Too bad normies still think that's "fire" causing those charges. 🙄
It’s the generation they grew up in. You have to understand their perspective and where it comes from. My mother in law is the same way. She said to me 10years ago, “oh my, how can you believe that? The news wouldn’t lie to you.” My father is 79yrs old. And he’s awake to a lot of it. But very often the narrative comes out of him like it’s the gospel truth.
They grew up in an era when tv media was new. Media’s bias was far more subtle back then. Walter Kronkite was a communist but played his role almost even handedly. That whole generation was brought up believing that the news media told the truth.
You should be thankful that you are alive in this generation. The deep state is being exposed like never before in history. The internet is exposing them every step of the way. At this point they seem incapable of hiding their crimes any longer. Our blinders are being removed. We aren’t smarter than that generation. We are just blessed to be alive when the entire narrative is being exposed and destroyed.
As a Boomer who was a child when they took out JFK, I knew something was very off about a year or so after it happened.i thank my skeptical Dad for that. I've rarely believed anything the government has said since then. We are not all willing sheep, many of us could use discernment.
I remember a phone call recording someone shouting "PULL ! PULL! PULL!" right before the building fell
Don't forget Operation Northwoods.
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Thanks, I had not seen that one before. I initially was a skeptic, but the more I dug, the more obvious it was. The thermite cuts were my turning point.
I just learned today that ACE Elevator had overhauled the shafts and cars in the Twin Towers in the 9 mo prior to 9/11. Then they disappeared. They are now in business again.
Does anyone think at this point that Bldg 7 WAS NOT intentionally demolished on 9/11? That seemed pretty obvious on 9/12 :)
One of the news outlets were in the middle of interviewing a businessman related to the building and the demo team interrupted them by announcing they were going to "pull it".
He feigns surprise for a moment asking them, they're going to pull it? Then says to the reporter I guess they're going to pull it.
Then a building was demolished.
Doesn't it take weeks to wire a building for controlled demolition?
The activity just came and went unchallenged.