" Genesis 6 refers to a spiritual union between angels and humankind that created giants. Every ancient religion has referred to these creatures, including Native American culture and the oldest Mesopotamian civilization. He says that the US government clearly possesses technology that is not publicly known about. He thinks that the government has been attempting to convince the populace that the supernatural is not real for the last eighty years because they are likely in bed with dark spiritual forces.
What timing! I'm literally writing a thread on this topic right now and have been studying this in-depth!
"All creation myths and one of them is that the belief that supernatural beings take physical form. They all believe that. The Greek Myths, Jesus. They aren't just shadows floating around. They are physical. They reproduce with people. Christianity, Jesus. That's what the story is. It's described in Genesis as well, in Genesis 6. It's not just the religion of the ancient Hebrews or the religion of the modern Christians. It's Hinduism as well...The American Indians. All the same. If every culture in the world is reaching the same conclusions about something. Maybe there is something there. Maybe it's not so crazy to think that what everyone else has always thought since the beginning of time which that there is this combination of human beings and the spiritual realm. I don't understand the specifics of it but I know that it has been written about since people have been writing...
I think that's what we are looking at. It sounds out of the realm. It's not a crazy thing to think. I can't prove it..
What was it that led you to believe that?
Talking to a lot of people.. I was really shocked by what credible people told me. I became completely satisfied that they were not lying...
The belief that the real struggles are in the spiritual realm. That has been a constant belief since the beginning of history. Everyone has thought that except us in the West since 1945. I can't say that enough. Once you get perspective on this question. You are like, ok that may sound crazy to someone who thinks buying sh** on Amazon is the meaning of life...The fact that there is a lot of shit going on that we cannot see or measure with our senses. That is absolutely true..
The main thing they want you to believe is that the supernatural is not real. Then you have to ask yourself why? Why is that important to you? Why do you care if I think the supernatural is real? How dare you as my government try to get involved in my spiritual beliefs. Why has that been so important for 80 years? To convince me the supernatural is not real? My gut response is because it is real... They lie for a living. Reverse engineer their lies. Whatever they are telling is not true is the truth.
What is the motive? The obvious answer is they are working for supernatural forces. I think that's probably true.
I can't prove that. I'm suggestion that. I believe it. I believe that because I was told directly by people...
The other reason I think that... When I hear lying..What's so important to them to get all these journalists to repeat these lies? Why? Why are they doing that? Why bother?
Stories debunking claims about UAP's and UFO's. They are conspiracy theorists. Why would you attack someone for that?"
What timing! I'm literally writing a thread on this topic right now and have been studying this in-depth!"
yep, and then their former employee/helper told everyone she made trips to visit her covens...there's definitely a spirit communication theme with these people, think we need to dig more.
Awesome post as usual!! Glad this kind of stuff is making its way to the top finally!! I've reached this exact conclusion a long time ago, but just keep seeing evidence, historical and otherwise, to keep adding to it. It's so obvious when you start to read the book of enoch as a sort of historical text instead of God inspired word. The ancient gods were the watchers, their children were the demigods of myth. It's also no coincidence that most depictions of giants are MAN EATERS. Just like the Bible said they were. When the nephlim giants ate all the food and the beasts of the earth because of their enormous hunger, they turned on man, and then each other.
Lots of things. But most importantly the beginning of the modern deep state and unconventional warfare tactics by them. Research Truman's presidency as a start, the creation of the CIA, and the UN assembly.
Aye, that is one location... someone might recall the name, but that's where God ordered the highest ranked Watcher to be buried alive.
The book of Enoch gives some hints as to where on the Earth they were buried alive and many of the "alien/demon" entities of today are the literal spirits of the long deceased Nephalim made manifest into physical or corporeal via blood-sex-magick ritual.
Right on track Streinieks ... i believe you mean the name "Semjâzâ" or "Shemyazah", who was described as the leader of the revolt within the church, and whom the Romans called Lucifer.
( see: https://sacred-texts.com/bib/boe/boe011.htm )
Yap, I believe that is what I'm trying to recollect.
Totally paraphrased, but of the 100 watchers God sent to watch Earth/Man, the highest ranking of them Shempderp decided to lead the rebellion and disobey God's orders, thus they slept with man & beast and gave man knowledge of metallurgy, pharmakia, war, magick (including divine mathematics).
So in short they created the Nephilim, mythological beasts, corrupted Man's mind & morals, etc... Hell, in a way the cause/effect also laid all of the groundwork for Name Stealers to start their whole spirit cooking pedo craziness.
And that's why God sent the Archangles to bury the 3 or 5 head honcho Watchers in the Earth until they be released at the End of the final Age and all their "offspring" were essentially sentenced to purgatory or limbo.... being without body but able to be manipulated via the same forbidden knowledge that helped create the Fallen Man.
Idk, that's my understanding of it. It's been a while since I've read all of the various Apocrypha and other religious texts. I just tell my frens: look, all the mythological deities from various ancient civilizations, these were literally the spawn of the fallen angels and man and survived after the antidiluvian period in the form of mythological history we know today.
The Nephilim are the offspring of “the Sons of God and the daughters of men”. They are pretending to be aliens. If you’re interested, here’s a link, https://www.khouse.tv/browse, scroll to the section on Angels, Aliens, and UFOs. Missler isn’t your average preacher, he’s scientifically minded and has been saying this for a very long time. He passed in 2018. I grew up believing in the Bible, but Missler is the only one that I had heard that put this all into perspective from a realistic and scientific standpoint.
Pure science is skepticism of everything even that for which there is evidence....and FAITH toward what you think may be true. (until you are proven wrong)
No, that is incorrect. There is no faith involved in the scientific method. You may be talking about scienceism, actually a perversion of the scientific process.
Since we know all theories are only correct until further data proves them wrong , you operate on FAITH until such time or until such a long time passes and continues to confirm the hypothesis / theory. And even then you do not know what you do not know and new insights may show you are way off but still way better than prior understanding and thus were operating on Faith.
What do you mean "correct?" There is no stamp that gets put on the leading theory that says that. Not in pure science. The best they can say is this model predicts the outcome the best that we know of at this time.
Genesis 6, according to the ancient writings of the Jewish Rabbis, the Fallen angels took human form and took wives of the daughters of men and the women had children of a mixed breed called the Nephilim. NOT what God had intended and according to Peter and Jude, the ones that did this are locked away awaiting judgement. The flood was to wipe them out and all of mankind except for Noah and his family. Noah, his sons and his wife were perfect in their generations meaning their bloodline was not corrupted. We are not told that this happened after the flood but the problem could have come through the bloodline of Ham's wife. The Nephilim were found in the land that Ham settled called Canaan. The angels that sinned may have drank human blood in order to have sex with women. The LIFE is in the blood. It was said the Nephilim ate human flesh and drank human blood---something the elite are known to do. The Nephilim had six fingers and six toes on their hands and feet. I wonder how many of them have this little detail?
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. - Ephesians 6:12 NIV
There is a guy on youtube that is coming to the conclusion the Bigfoot legends, and phenomenon is tied in to the mythology of the giants and the Nephilim.
He has amass a huge following, and goes through thousands of emails trying to solve what people are seeing.
I'm not so sure he isn't on to something with his search.
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.
The LORD regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled.
So the LORD said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.”
Verse 4 tells us the Nephilim were on the earth AFTER this time. Verse 7 tells us the flood was for humans. Also important to keep in mind nephilim were simply one tribe of giants. There were many and the Bible mentions others like the Rephaim, Anakim, Zamzumim.
WHO WERE THE OTHERS CAIN WAS FRIGHTENED OF WHEN GOD MARKED HIM AND WAS SENDING HIM OUT / BANISHING HIM FROM THE LAND? No others mentioned. So, who were they? ( they took that out of the Bible didn’t they…😡)
I'm not seeing the problem. Tucker's dad became a great father when his wife left him and as for his politics everyone from that generation were fed a constant stream of lies . My parents were southern Democrats and look how I turned out
" Genesis 6 refers to a spiritual union between angels and humankind that created giants. Every ancient religion has referred to these creatures, including Native American culture and the oldest Mesopotamian civilization. He says that the US government clearly possesses technology that is not publicly known about. He thinks that the government has been attempting to convince the populace that the supernatural is not real for the last eighty years because they are likely in bed with dark spiritual forces.
What timing! I'm literally writing a thread on this topic right now and have been studying this in-depth!
"All creation myths and one of them is that the belief that supernatural beings take physical form. They all believe that. The Greek Myths, Jesus. They aren't just shadows floating around. They are physical. They reproduce with people. Christianity, Jesus. That's what the story is. It's described in Genesis as well, in Genesis 6. It's not just the religion of the ancient Hebrews or the religion of the modern Christians. It's Hinduism as well...The American Indians. All the same. If every culture in the world is reaching the same conclusions about something. Maybe there is something there. Maybe it's not so crazy to think that what everyone else has always thought since the beginning of time which that there is this combination of human beings and the spiritual realm. I don't understand the specifics of it but I know that it has been written about since people have been writing...
I think that's what we are looking at. It sounds out of the realm. It's not a crazy thing to think. I can't prove it..
What was it that led you to believe that?
Talking to a lot of people.. I was really shocked by what credible people told me. I became completely satisfied that they were not lying...
The belief that the real struggles are in the spiritual realm. That has been a constant belief since the beginning of history. Everyone has thought that except us in the West since 1945. I can't say that enough. Once you get perspective on this question. You are like, ok that may sound crazy to someone who thinks buying sh** on Amazon is the meaning of life...The fact that there is a lot of shit going on that we cannot see or measure with our senses. That is absolutely true..
The main thing they want you to believe is that the supernatural is not real. Then you have to ask yourself why? Why is that important to you? Why do you care if I think the supernatural is real? How dare you as my government try to get involved in my spiritual beliefs. Why has that been so important for 80 years? To convince me the supernatural is not real? My gut response is because it is real... They lie for a living. Reverse engineer their lies. Whatever they are telling is not true is the truth.
What is the motive? The obvious answer is they are working for supernatural forces. I think that's probably true.
I can't prove that. I'm suggestion that. I believe it. I believe that because I was told directly by people...
The other reason I think that... When I hear lying..What's so important to them to get all these journalists to repeat these lies? Why? Why are they doing that? Why bother?
Stories debunking claims about UAP's and UFO's. They are conspiracy theorists. Why would you attack someone for that?" What timing! I'm literally writing a thread on this topic right now and have been studying this in-depth!"
Great post! now we're getting somewhere🤠😎🐸
if good people like President Trump are victims of fake news, imagine what they would do to good, but invisible people; spirits...
remember DJT said we're fighting an 'invisible enemy'
would also explain why the Library of Congress website is publishing books written by spirits😱🤔
and the 'spirit' of someone who's on Mount Rushmore, which is mentioned quite a bit with Q...
didn't Bill Clinton admit that Killary talks with Eleanor Roosevelt?
yep, and then their former employee/helper told everyone she made trips to visit her covens...there's definitely a spirit communication theme with these people, think we need to dig more.
Killary has some VERRRRRY BAD JU-JU surrounding her...wonder when the spirits will come and alleviate the situation?????
Any takers????
This episode of The Why Files might give you a couple leads to track down: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-l_GdVh1LYE
The WF are great....👌😎
Fear the crabcat!
Still on YT , so must be the false rabbit hole they what us to follow.
Not necessarily. Shawn Ryan is always revealing big truths. But I’m sure his show is deprioritized.
Lucky I'm sure of little in Clown World.
Traditional : Believe 50% of what you read & 10% of what you hear.
Modern : Believe nothing until you verify.
Burry Creatures podcast is all over this!
Awesome post as usual!! Glad this kind of stuff is making its way to the top finally!! I've reached this exact conclusion a long time ago, but just keep seeing evidence, historical and otherwise, to keep adding to it. It's so obvious when you start to read the book of enoch as a sort of historical text instead of God inspired word. The ancient gods were the watchers, their children were the demigods of myth. It's also no coincidence that most depictions of giants are MAN EATERS. Just like the Bible said they were. When the nephlim giants ate all the food and the beasts of the earth because of their enormous hunger, they turned on man, and then each other.
Keep digging bro you're so close
What’s the significance of 1945?
Lots of things. But most importantly the beginning of the modern deep state and unconventional warfare tactics by them. Research Truman's presidency as a start, the creation of the CIA, and the UN assembly.
Thank you!
Sorry I can't elaborate more but theres a lot of substance there
So the "Nephilim" are aliens then?
No, they correspond to the "Titans" from Greek mythology, who were cast out to Tartaros.
Tartary? Is that why it's been removed from history? Hmmm
Nice catch! Perhaps the terms are related indeed, i understood that their place of exile was somewhere to the north/east of the Armenian mountains.
Aye, that is one location... someone might recall the name, but that's where God ordered the highest ranked Watcher to be buried alive.
The book of Enoch gives some hints as to where on the Earth they were buried alive and many of the "alien/demon" entities of today are the literal spirits of the long deceased Nephalim made manifest into physical or corporeal via blood-sex-magick ritual.
Right on track Streinieks ... i believe you mean the name "Semjâzâ" or "Shemyazah", who was described as the leader of the revolt within the church, and whom the Romans called Lucifer. ( see: https://sacred-texts.com/bib/boe/boe011.htm )
Yap, I believe that is what I'm trying to recollect.
Totally paraphrased, but of the 100 watchers God sent to watch Earth/Man, the highest ranking of them Shempderp decided to lead the rebellion and disobey God's orders, thus they slept with man & beast and gave man knowledge of metallurgy, pharmakia, war, magick (including divine mathematics).
So in short they created the Nephilim, mythological beasts, corrupted Man's mind & morals, etc... Hell, in a way the cause/effect also laid all of the groundwork for Name Stealers to start their whole spirit cooking pedo craziness.
And that's why God sent the Archangles to bury the 3 or 5 head honcho Watchers in the Earth until they be released at the End of the final Age and all their "offspring" were essentially sentenced to purgatory or limbo.... being without body but able to be manipulated via the same forbidden knowledge that helped create the Fallen Man.
Idk, that's my understanding of it. It's been a while since I've read all of the various Apocrypha and other religious texts. I just tell my frens: look, all the mythological deities from various ancient civilizations, these were literally the spawn of the fallen angels and man and survived after the antidiluvian period in the form of mythological history we know today.
And the ice giants of Norse mythology
The Nephilim are the offspring of “the Sons of God and the daughters of men”. They are pretending to be aliens. If you’re interested, here’s a link, https://www.khouse.tv/browse, scroll to the section on Angels, Aliens, and UFOs. Missler isn’t your average preacher, he’s scientifically minded and has been saying this for a very long time. He passed in 2018. I grew up believing in the Bible, but Missler is the only one that I had heard that put this all into perspective from a realistic and scientific standpoint.
How can faith be scientific? Faith is belief without evidence. Pure science is skepticism of everything even that for which there is evidence.
No, that is incorrect. There is no faith involved in the scientific method. You may be talking about scienceism, actually a perversion of the scientific process.
See but can not see :
Since we know all theories are only correct until further data proves them wrong , you operate on FAITH until such time or until such a long time passes and continues to confirm the hypothesis / theory. And even then you do not know what you do not know and new insights may show you are way off but still way better than prior understanding and thus were operating on Faith.
What do you mean "correct?" There is no stamp that gets put on the leading theory that says that. Not in pure science. The best they can say is this model predicts the outcome the best that we know of at this time.
Thank you for agreeing "they" have FAITH in "the best that we know of at this time."
What if you only think you can touch things? We can't really prove anything 100%, can we? We can only try our best to find evidence.
Genesis 6, according to the ancient writings of the Jewish Rabbis, the Fallen angels took human form and took wives of the daughters of men and the women had children of a mixed breed called the Nephilim. NOT what God had intended and according to Peter and Jude, the ones that did this are locked away awaiting judgement. The flood was to wipe them out and all of mankind except for Noah and his family. Noah, his sons and his wife were perfect in their generations meaning their bloodline was not corrupted. We are not told that this happened after the flood but the problem could have come through the bloodline of Ham's wife. The Nephilim were found in the land that Ham settled called Canaan. The angels that sinned may have drank human blood in order to have sex with women. The LIFE is in the blood. It was said the Nephilim ate human flesh and drank human blood---something the elite are known to do. The Nephilim had six fingers and six toes on their hands and feet. I wonder how many of them have this little detail?
So THAT'S who all the AI programs are drawing?
Oh, Jesus Christ! I think you're right!
I am glad someone is thinking the same as I do, I don’t know about the 6 fingers, for sure there is a God and his son Jesus. God bless.
2Sam 21:20 is talking about one of the giants from Gath.
Shawn Ryan never disappoints
Tucker and Ryan know.
Saved. I’ll have to watch this with coffee in the morning.
Other translations of this verse: https://biblehub.com/ephesians/6-12.htm#study
There is a guy on youtube that is coming to the conclusion the Bigfoot legends, and phenomenon is tied in to the mythology of the giants and the Nephilim.
He has amass a huge following, and goes through thousands of emails trying to solve what people are seeing.
I'm not so sure he isn't on to something with his search.
Do you know the name of the guy or his channel? I’d be interested in seeing what he says.
Steve Isdahl.
Thanks fren.
Well, this is interesting. Weren't the Nephilim killed in The Flood?
Genesis 6:4-7.
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.
The LORD regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled.
So the LORD said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.”
Verse 4 tells us the Nephilim were on the earth AFTER this time. Verse 7 tells us the flood was for humans. Also important to keep in mind nephilim were simply one tribe of giants. There were many and the Bible mentions others like the Rephaim, Anakim, Zamzumim.
Blurry Creatures podcast covers these topics.
Need sauce. Not simply word of mouth.
WHO WERE THE OTHERS CAIN WAS FRIGHTENED OF WHEN GOD MARKED HIM AND WAS SENDING HIM OUT / BANISHING HIM FROM THE LAND? No others mentioned. So, who were they? ( they took that out of the Bible didn’t they…😡)
Just gonna say it now.... I called it kek
Wait until you find out where they've been living.
The basement of the Alamo? 🤔
Under the Euphrates?
In Hillary’s underwear?
Martha’s Vineyard?
What alien encounter stories have you heard where they were described as giants and not thin gray men?
“Elohim” can refer exclusively to God, or it can refer to “the gods”. Context matters.
How so?
That's not an answer.
I'm not seeing the problem. Tucker's dad became a great father when his wife left him and as for his politics everyone from that generation were fed a constant stream of lies . My parents were southern Democrats and look how I turned out