Do you really think that people out there think that our own govt had a hand in planning this assassination?
Damn straight I do. Just look back at Kennedy, or 9/11, or Seth R.
The evil is thick in our swamp of govt. This was a covert deep state set up without a doubt in my mind.
I just brought up on another post that to me the "sometimes you have to just show them" comes into mind because if this was for optics - There's been many very real attempts on his life that most people either dont know about, or dont believe happened. Now it's been brought to the public in a huge global scale (heard around the world)
and im not even saying thats absolutely what happened. it's just one strand in the spiderweb of possibility
What I don’t get is why they didn’t use a professional shooter if it was a deep state set up. Why go to the effort and send someone who then misses the shot?
I think the shooter was meant to miss. This way the deep state can take out Biden, and make it look like he was killed by an angry MAGA shooter looking for revenge. Win-win. Senile Biden is out of the picture, and the deep state can discredit and start rounding up Trump supporters and right wingers.
I would say that's too stupid for people to believe (not you for saying it, the masses for actually falling for that) but considering how stupid those people are out there this is a scary possibility
They did, but there's something else going on here that I think anons will understand as this develops. I'm honestly just hesitant to speak about it because I'll just get flamed, but there's some serious connections outside of what we are seeing right now
The shooter was on the other side of a sloped roof and had to pop his head up over the ridge to make his shot. It's not like he was in plain site for 5 minutes. The sniper couldn't shoot before he exposed himself. The biggest issue is who neglected to secure that neighboring businesses roof?
Did they or did they alert the sniper that a shooter was about to pop his head up over that ridge and to star scanning for it?
That roof should have been secured. There is no good explanation for it being neglected. We really don't have a testimony from the SS or police or their radio recordings to confirm that they did nothing or ignored those trying to warn of this. I watched the Brinkles/BBC interview like everyoneelse. Those guys yelling about the shooter just may have saved countless lives because they did alert the security.
This video shows they were not aiming at the shooter. First shots fired caused the snipers to react and locate the shooter and change point of aim. As they train their weapons on the shooter, they go off camera, but the last 4 shots were from 2 snipers firing 2 shots each.
Looks like the Oswald treatment.... Except that Oswald may or may not have been shooting way back then and if he did shoot anything, he wasn't the only one. But as the designated bagman he got taken out too for tying off the loose end of his part in the plot.
It is my understansinf that Snipers are always aimed in the correct position toward a crowd just in case. The question is why didnt he see the gunman before he shot. Possibly bc the gunman was on the opposite of the roof not visible until he pulled up and shot his rifle. Even the witness said the SS could not see the gunman from their angle.
The witness was on the other side of the roof. He and his friends were outside the rally, listening through the trees. They saw the shooter crawling up the roof and told law enforcement several times. Nothing was done, or they acted confused.
I would think the shooter would have been on the correct side of the room for the sniper to see. The shooter would have to take his time to be accurate. Not pop up suddenly from the other side of the roof.
That definitely looks more suspect, but still a chance they spun when the people started making noise about it. We will likely never know much of how this came to pass, but I suspect heads will roll when Trump starts digging into who put who where.
Is that the white roof we see in the background on the RSBN livestream as Trump is shot at? I noticed movement on the roof after 2-3 shots. I was wondering if that was SS or the shooter.
they're trying to tell us they had all the time to prepare for this rally & chose the one spot where the guy couldn't defend the president "until something happens"?
SS can't afford to have another team placed at the building the alleged assassinator got?
so the kid can carry a rifle up a ladder, less than 200 yards away from the most targeted individual on the planet, but the SS can't? they also can't get eyes on the building the kid climbed up, but ordinary citizens could?
incompetent or planned?
if people don't believe the SS is corrupt & infiltrated, idk what to say.
they acted in direct contradiction to what SS agents should do, when Kennedy was murdered & they showed the exact same negligent behaviour yesterday.
The shooter (and company) had to know in advance that that roof would be unguarded. He woukdn't just show up with gear at a rally then start looking for an opportunely unguarded perch.
Aren't snipers always pointing their rifles and checking the crowds at these events? It is suspicious that those alerting SS and police weren't listened to about the man crawling up the building, but any time I've watched the snipers at events, they are in a 'ready' position and scoping what's in front of them. Maybe there was a blind spot but that shouldn't happen while protecting a President. A sniper should have been on each building surrounding the venue. Someone has some 'splainin' to do!
Have none of you ever shot a live target? Did you not play Goldeneye 007?
I agree, quite a lot of explanation is desired, but everything takes time. It would be more suspicious if the shooter hadn't got eight shots off before he was killed. Which begs the questions: how long did it take before he was shot, which direction were the snipers aiming at, etc?
They had no idea if he killed Trump or not. They waited for the shot then killed him. Dead men tell no trails. This is a glow fag operation that Trump was not susposed to survive. God intervined, now they're freaking out this failed. Retribution incoming.
A Trump supporter saw the shooter, told the police and pointed at him for the SS sniper. But he said there was a blind spot so the SS sniper couldn’t see him. But when the shooter tried to escape (my speculation) the SS sniper shot him. It looked like in the back of the neck and out the mouth ( unless he had no teeth before).
Do you really think that people out there think that our own govt had a hand in planning this assassination?
Damn straight I do. Just look back at Kennedy, or 9/11, or Seth R. The evil is thick in our swamp of govt. This was a covert deep state set up without a doubt in my mind.
No doubt.
Okay, but hear me out...this board is all about a Q plan and if you believe it to be true then we know Trump is safe.
Shot heard round the world. Scare event. Both come to mind.
Especially with the timing of assange coming back to the states, etc.
I'm just saying don't believe one word you see about any of this for at least a few days. Anything is possible.
that post from the other day with Ivanka. I wonder if that has part to do with this.
Which post? Share the sauce.
I just brought up on another post that to me the "sometimes you have to just show them" comes into mind because if this was for optics - There's been many very real attempts on his life that most people either dont know about, or dont believe happened. Now it's been brought to the public in a huge global scale (heard around the world)
and im not even saying thats absolutely what happened. it's just one strand in the spiderweb of possibility
Exactly and thank you.
What I don’t get is why they didn’t use a professional shooter if it was a deep state set up. Why go to the effort and send someone who then misses the shot?
The professional was the killer of the patsyshooter. Plausible deniability.
Spiritual.intervention. without it trump would have been dead.
Trump jerked his head to the right just at the first shot. Divine intervention 😇
I think the shooter was meant to miss. This way the deep state can take out Biden, and make it look like he was killed by an angry MAGA shooter looking for revenge. Win-win. Senile Biden is out of the picture, and the deep state can discredit and start rounding up Trump supporters and right wingers.
I would say that's too stupid for people to believe (not you for saying it, the masses for actually falling for that) but considering how stupid those people are out there this is a scary possibility
Which would be ironic considering both democrat operatives and voters want him out of both office and the race right now.
Of course we just watched them flip their opinions on a dime like the trained circus monkeys they are because their media handlers told them to.
72 hour rule simply can't change this and no ss on those roofs with clear shots.
They did, but there's something else going on here that I think anons will understand as this develops. I'm honestly just hesitant to speak about it because I'll just get flamed, but there's some serious connections outside of what we are seeing right now
How many times have you seem this in movies, shooter gets shot as soon as he shoots. We really are watching a movie.
Something is rotten in Denmark.
Hey, leave my country out of this!
(joking, I know my Shakespeare, specially when it's setting at Kronborg castle in Helsingør)
Denmark is lovely. Sadly most of the people there are total sheep. 🐑 I know because I used to be one of them.
Things aren’t adding up concerning shooter or shooters.
Lots more info needed here. MSM will not be of any help.
The shooter was on the other side of a sloped roof and had to pop his head up over the ridge to make his shot. It's not like he was in plain site for 5 minutes. The sniper couldn't shoot before he exposed himself. The biggest issue is who neglected to secure that neighboring businesses roof?
A witness saw the guy lugging a rifle onto the roof and crawling. He tried to alert police and SS for 3-4 minutes and they ignored him.
Did they or did they alert the sniper that a shooter was about to pop his head up over that ridge and to star scanning for it?
That roof should have been secured. There is no good explanation for it being neglected. We really don't have a testimony from the SS or police or their radio recordings to confirm that they did nothing or ignored those trying to warn of this. I watched the Brinkles/BBC interview like everyoneelse. Those guys yelling about the shooter just may have saved countless lives because they did alert the security.
This video shows they were not aiming at the shooter. First shots fired caused the snipers to react and locate the shooter and change point of aim. As they train their weapons on the shooter, they go off camera, but the last 4 shots were from 2 snipers firing 2 shots each.
Looks like the Oswald treatment.... Except that Oswald may or may not have been shooting way back then and if he did shoot anything, he wasn't the only one. But as the designated bagman he got taken out too for tying off the loose end of his part in the plot.
It is my understansinf that Snipers are always aimed in the correct position toward a crowd just in case. The question is why didnt he see the gunman before he shot. Possibly bc the gunman was on the opposite of the roof not visible until he pulled up and shot his rifle. Even the witness said the SS could not see the gunman from their angle.
The witness was on the other side of the roof. He and his friends were outside the rally, listening through the trees. They saw the shooter crawling up the roof and told law enforcement several times. Nothing was done, or they acted confused.
I would think the shooter would have been on the correct side of the room for the sniper to see. The shooter would have to take his time to be accurate. Not pop up suddenly from the other side of the roof.
Where is the proof that this is pre-shot?
In this video you can see that they see him prior to the shooting, and may even take the first shot.
That definitely looks more suspect, but still a chance they spun when the people started making noise about it. We will likely never know much of how this came to pass, but I suspect heads will roll when Trump starts digging into who put who where.
Is that the white roof we see in the background on the RSBN livestream as Trump is shot at? I noticed movement on the roof after 2-3 shots. I was wondering if that was SS or the shooter.
they're trying to tell us they had all the time to prepare for this rally & chose the one spot where the guy couldn't defend the president "until something happens"?
SS can't afford to have another team placed at the building the alleged assassinator got?
so the kid can carry a rifle up a ladder, less than 200 yards away from the most targeted individual on the planet, but the SS can't? they also can't get eyes on the building the kid climbed up, but ordinary citizens could?
incompetent or planned?
if people don't believe the SS is corrupt & infiltrated, idk what to say.
they acted in direct contradiction to what SS agents should do, when Kennedy was murdered & they showed the exact same negligent behaviour yesterday.
The shooter (and company) had to know in advance that that roof would be unguarded. He woukdn't just show up with gear at a rally then start looking for an opportunely unguarded perch.
Maybe the USSS agent shown here is simply using his scope to scan the area he is responsible for...
Aren't snipers always pointing their rifles and checking the crowds at these events? It is suspicious that those alerting SS and police weren't listened to about the man crawling up the building, but any time I've watched the snipers at events, they are in a 'ready' position and scoping what's in front of them. Maybe there was a blind spot but that shouldn't happen while protecting a President. A sniper should have been on each building surrounding the venue. Someone has some 'splainin' to do!
"If you don't shoot, you're dead". he shoots....
He dies. All of this stinks in many ways .
They were probably under orders from some RANCID CUNT not to fire unless the shooter fired first.
Have none of you ever shot a live target? Did you not play Goldeneye 007? I agree, quite a lot of explanation is desired, but everything takes time. It would be more suspicious if the shooter hadn't got eight shots off before he was killed. Which begs the questions: how long did it take before he was shot, which direction were the snipers aiming at, etc?
I don't think this is going to come out as true - the Police snipers (if you go by their vests) shot some of those.
They had no idea if he killed Trump or not. They waited for the shot then killed him. Dead men tell no trails. This is a glow fag operation that Trump was not susposed to survive. God intervined, now they're freaking out this failed. Retribution incoming.
A Trump supporter saw the shooter, told the police and pointed at him for the SS sniper. But he said there was a blind spot so the SS sniper couldn’t see him. But when the shooter tried to escape (my speculation) the SS sniper shot him. It looked like in the back of the neck and out the mouth ( unless he had no teeth before).