If not for those meddeling patriots alerting a cop that there was a shooter on that roof and that cop alerting that sniper and that sniper blowing yearicks brains out Yearick would have been snuck out of there and Crooks would have been swatted within hours.
Think that over and put the puzzle pieces together.
The media rippled through about 5 names to confuse the identity (possibly intentionally).
Keep digging frens. Deep dive on both sets of parents.
Initially, the shooter was some Italian guy with the last name Violet. That was probably to not warn Crooks he was about to be swatted and killed. A few hours later the news started with the Crooks story. The raid was probably supposed to have happened by then. That's when the real Crooks makes his "You've got the wrong guy" video.
Is this the "media" or is this social media?
First time I heard that name was the media pointing out it's not that Italian guy.
Social media has a really bad track record for early accurate info.
Here's a lead:
The media most likely already had the Crooks narrative ready to go and then the Crooks imposter got whacked to soon.
too soon.
Absolutely! Nothing about parents!
yup, i think they did this to keep internet sleuths from finding out to soon, gave them time to get things set up and social media scrubbed so on
I don't think Yearick was intended to get out of there. Maybe they told him he would, and he thought he would, but they knew it would be much easier to kill him.
But if that was Yearick, then where is Crooks?
The sniper should not have been alerted. Yearick wasn't supposed to miss. Trump's brain getting blown out should have been blasted on tv 24/7 while patriot front riots broke out everywhere. Yearick's ladder was left there for his quick escape. Yearick would have snuck out just as they snuck him in. Then the FBlie would have killed Crooks in a couple hours in a raid claiming he was the shooter to close the case.
Shit, that makes way too much sense.
Is Crooks a Stephen Paddock patsy? Stephen Paddock was the Las Vegas shooter who took down an 800Lb glass window by himself. Let's not forget the cellphone video of multiple shooters all over the strip shooting everywhere. Activate memory hole.
Its perfectly reasonable to move 800lb of glass with your own hands, and then fire 1500 rounds a minute from multiple guns you also carried up the stairs by yourself. you bigot.
You tell ‘em
And shots coming from a helicopter
Was about to add this too. ALSO, said helo was squaking as a single engine fix wing until is was right over the mirage. Then presto-chango … squaking as a rotor wing. Yep. The flight data was saved on the chans somewhere.
Osprey? I didn't know it came in fixed wing.
Not an Osprey … a Cessna irc. Small craft.
I'm sure that's what the ladder was for, but I can't imagine them letting Yearick just sneak away knowing what he knew. They couldn't take the chance he wouldn't tell all his Antifa buddies for internet clout.
He was a single use tool. And he (thankfully) failed at his one job. They were absolutely going to throw him away afterwards, one way or the other.
IDK about his single use tool status. The guy was in the U crane doing something... like practicing his shooting? I'm guessing he was a 3 letter hit man asset they'd have preferred to keep.
No way. Loose ends get removed permanently.
Usually. Unless they needed someone who is invested in and not supposed to miss. W're talking about one of the biggest assassination hits in history... they better not fail.
This does sound like a scenario that could have happened.
And blown up the shooter in the explosive filled car. Wrapping up both loose ends.
I'm guessing the ladder was there for him to get onto the roof, not necessarily get off the roof. In fact he probably assumed he would die on the roof.
Crooks right now is supposed to be dead... what happens when they set you up as an assassin and you are supposed to be dead?
You're not Crooks, and I'm not Crooks, that's two of us.
What if Crooks' media accounts were suspended to stop him posting?
Some real patriots need to find and guard Crooks ASAP!
Either way I have it on good authority that anons have renamed the shooter Ree-Tardy Oswald.🤣🤣🤣
I’ve missed something. Who is Yearick? Is that now Crooks brains on the roof?
Oh wow. How did I miss all those posts even scrolling all evening??
Same here. Didn't see a single one of them. Seems like there's not much evidence beyond comparing photos, though. Not sure about this one.
The name Violets popped up first, then I think Crooks and then Yearick. Where did these names come from in a matter of minutes?? Highly sus.
Sort of like Osama bin Laden just popped up immediately after 9/11. And why are the names always so colorful (violet), and full of double meanings (crook). Never a Smith of Jones.
I really hope Anons don’t confuse who is who on the actual shooter. Because reading responses in this thread, could be throwing confusion in the mix. And I’m sure there are a few Glowies in here doing exactly that.
For sure, but truly I'm still on the fence on who the shooter really is. The picture of the dead shooter has the face of Yearick yet the ear of Crooks. Very confusing and I can't make up my mind on the matter.
Could be news/Fed AI crap too. We know the Net-Glowies are out in force trying to confuse Anons in their digs.
Personally I don't think the picture is AI, it's too real to be so. AI has gotten better but many times there's still a weird shine to the skin of humans. The pic of the dead shooter is has accurate lighting to the real world. It is real. If you're not sure then there's probably some kind of website to check if a photo is fake or not.
yh i still have no idea who shot Big D...
It doesn't matter who the shooter was, they are Legion, a patsy of zero consequence. What matters is whose bidding they were doing and I think we all knew from the start this wasn't some lone wacko, this was someone sent and assisted by the cabal.
Question? Why are we assuming the bullet that hit Trump was traveling from the direction of the patsy? Imagine for a moment that bullet that hit Trump coming from the opposite direction. they did the same with Ozwald. What is on the opposite side? A lake? Building's? woods?
There is the one photo that captured the streak of a bullet. So we know at least one bullet came from that direction
As always our concern stems not from one failure, but a mountain of them. When taken in their totality it makes it almost impossible to believe it wasn't an operation. For instance, while it made for an iconic photo, everyone of the agents that allowed Trump to have his head up and exposed while theirs were tucked down exposing him to a head shot should be fired. Once a threat is discovered, the Secret Service is in the drivers seat PERIOD, it's shove his head down with force, "MOVE!,MOVE!MOVE!!!!! to the car and gone. Anyone in the way friendly or not gets steamrolled and moved from the path. Once in the car it's "strip down and look for holes time" while on the way to the hospital that's on standby "hurt or not". That's how they did it with Reagan, and even then they didn't discover the bullet hole first pass, only after Reagan started having problems. They missed it first go around. At least that,s the official story anyway.
Yeah. High resolution with many frames a second desiring to get every detail of the would be kill shot to encite the Civil war/ww3 we would be living in right now.
The camera that took that photo would've been set up for the super slo-mo capture.
No one would've been able to adjust the camera settings in mere seconds while bullets were flying. That camera was already set up to capture shots of the shooting.
Good point!
A large pond and some other building that sit at a lower grade, as in down hill, of the stage, then a large field used for parking and eventually trees.
It just seems reasonable that if Yearick was the shooter and was in the U Crain that they had him there to do the deed and get out fast. My theory insists that they thought head would succeed in the first 3 shots and that the sniper wouldn't have been already pointed his direction.
I assume that a second gunman wouldn't have used a 5.56, my guess is something like a 6mm Creedmore or Dasher, a much better precision load. Even the vaunted 5.56 77gr SMK, Mk 262 isn't what I consider a precision load.
How could he have snuck out of there? He started shooting. That pretty much alerts everyone. It seems like in the absence of an early alert. He is shot to death. It just happens 10 seconds later. 15 seconds? 30 seconds?
If the plan involves that roof, the plan is to die on that roof.
If Trump gets his brains blown apart, all focus is on that. Nobody is focused on the roof at that point. Even as it played out, Trump merely being grazed created enough of a story that the roof was not mentioned for over an hour on every media outlet. They gave the audience no sense of the overhead layout for a very long time. Also, they probably did not plan on rally attendees spotting the shooter. In an alternate timeline where nobody from the rally alerts police as to the presence of the shooter and the shooter is successful, I could easily see how he could be allowed to disappear behind the ladder.
I believe there is a reason no media gave us any sense of the layout of the area for over an hour. They were providing cover because the attempt failed and narratives needed to be rewritten on the fly. The less information the news gives the audience, the easier it is to accomplish this. Once they decided which story they were going to proceed with, that's when we were suddenly given more information and video angles. Just like in Dallas 1963, I believe far more people at that rally were complicit in the plan than people realize.
This is another question I have. If there was one shooter only, we are supposed to believe the first shots were so inaccurate they struck people way up in the bleachers. Then the next shot was so accurate it was nearly a kill shot? It doesn't add up.
I see a few possibilities:
I think maybe one shooter was firing distraction shots into the crowd while the other was aiming for Trump.
Perhaps one shooter was a good shot and the patsy was an off the charts terrible shot.
Another possibility is that another sniper farther away was spotted and critically wounded which then caused the would be assassin to start firing wildly into the crowd
Did you see this? It may support a second shooter and prove a second simultaneous assassinion op.
Wow. Very interesting.
I think Yearick was the primary shooter. I think it was his 1st shot that hit Trump of three initial shots. A cluster of shots comes next, maybe as many as 4-5 which could have been Yearick gone crazy-er and includes the sniper's round unless the one late precusion sound is the snipers. I've had a hard time placing the second round of shots. I am open to a second shooter it just would have to be a secret cleverly concealed weapon probably held by one of the SS near Trump and they would have also failed...
I am with you that Yearick was the actual shooter after having looked into it.
It's a high risk plan. If Yearick hit on the first shot and the sniper is panning the crowd Yearick would have to duck out of there very fast. If he's professionally trained and experienced maybe that's what that part of their plan was. They were attempting the biggest assassinion in history with probably the most at stake. I think it's reasonable they would have brought their best guy and not wanted to loose him.
Yeah, but there is still a crowd you have to deal with. How does the patsy swap work? Now everyone is looking in the direction of the gunshots.
Is there any evidence yearick was even in Butler Pennsylvania?
The patsy swap would have worked if Yearick could have got back down that ladder and hidden by those who got him there. Later on, when he's long gone, the fblie would go get Crooks.
There's as much proof that Yearick was there as much as Crooks was there.
Listen to X22Report from last night. He explains in detail how there are two shooters and what went wrong.
x22 is a grifter...
Get a clue…. Dollar Tree might have one. Even a cheap one is better.
If this was true, I guess it would explain why the police sniper waited so long to shoot. Apparently, there is a post saying that the counter sniper police had him in their sight for minutes before the shooting but was not given permission to terminate him. The post said they disobeyed orders and shot him after he started shooting. Not sure it is legit since it was an anonymous post on 4chan, but it is something to consider.
I saw that 4chan post. I'm think it was a LARP to muddy the waters or just some idiot being dumb. It makes no sense to dox yourself like that and that seems to be the original mention of that information.
My take is he was not in on the OP and was alerted when he should not have been and as soon as Yearick exposed his head and started shooting the sniper adjusted his weapon onto target and opened fire.
It was a shitpost, for sure. Dropping the name in there is a dead giveaway, considering the consequences of leaking classified info about a Federal criminal case.
Agreed. The post was supposedly made an hour or so after he spent 6 hours being debriefed by the FBI. Then he hops on 4Chan to dox himself and poke the USSS in the eye? Yeah, very sus.
There is no reason to post something anonymously when you are the only person that could be responsible for the post. That’s why I don’t believe it’s genuine.
That post also stated “we watched him fiddle with his scope”, when there was scope mounted.
There is zero need to fiddle with a scope 130 yards
Especially an absent one.
I am as confused as a blind queer at a wienie roast on all these names. This is what happens when you are in a panic. You make mistakes. I know if I get a little panic, I can make an unforced error. Well, with D.C. in a panic, they made many mistakes. This assassination was being run by people who had no idea how to run water. I am so glad God protected President Trump.
I think it was planned by stupid people who thought there wouldn't be patriots to the West side of AGR International Inc.
I think a few bad actors got the real shooter onto the roof. Yearick, the trained asset wasn't supposed to be called out. I think he took at least the first 3 shots and obviously failed.
I think the kid Crooks was oblivious he was being set up as an assassin until he saw it on the news. I am concerned for him and his parents ATM as he's supposed to have been shot dead in an assassinion attempt.
Yes, praise God He foild their plan!
This is what I am so confused about. The video of him saying "you got the wrong guy". So many said that was a troll, but was it? I mean it looked just like him and its hard to look like that. Was he miss identified by the media and now it's a uh oh moment? Any signs of life from Yearick? How about a troll video from him? The media has been extremely silent on Crooks and his history. I'm not so sure they have confirmed the actual shooter either. There is very little right now. And of course RNC is taking up the airwaves which was the whole point of trying to get him a few days before it.
Yearick is definitely the shooter. History of arrest and political activism against Trump. Heard he also was involved in Ukraine shit.
Think about it, Yearick was a big Antifa guy "fact". Crooks was thrown in the mix as he was not an Antifa guy "fact". The only conclusion you can make is " Crooks was included to take the heat of Antifa. Who would want to do that? Who is the biggest donator to Antifa? G.S!
My fren, that's not a very robust puzzle. You provide few pieces to work with.
Can you please lay out a more complete picture of what your driving at.
I am assuming the readers will fit their own pieces together. I have many I've been assembling.
First, this is one if not the most consequential assassinion attempts in history. A lot is riding on it. I think it was supposed to kick off a civil war/ww3 event.
with such high steaks i presume that an expert would be called in to take the shot.
there needs to be a follow up resolution controlled in such a way that steers the public.
the SS only needs corruption at the top and a few bad actors to pull rank on local law enforcement to get their guy into and out of position.
local law enforcement can be bullied by federal bullying into submission and silence.
crazy imperfect people plan these things and do make mistakes that used to get covered up before the current awakening.
patriots weren't supposed to notice the shooter on the roof but did and alerted the local cops.
we don't know the radio comms but we do have video of the sniper behind Trump placing his attention away from the heavily populated area and off stage right for the minutes before the attack
Trump is not pulled from danger even though the sniper seems to have been warned and other reports coming out suggest a longer time of knowledge existed.
Once bullets started flying the sniper did his work immediately. The 4chan post is garbage that says otherwise.
from the perspective of the sniper the shooters head was not available to destroy until he slid himself to the top of the roof and rested his rifle on the ridge.
it was expected that the first or second shot would succeed and the shooter could slip down the roof before the sniper could adjust and hit him.
once the shooter could hide with the bad actors of the SS the SS would secure the area and claim he got away.
later that night Crooks makes a video saying he hates Trump and Republicans and that they got the wrong guy.
later, presuming Trump's death shot being blasted all over every station they raid Crooks house and kill him.
the ss right now is acting very suspicious and trying to pass their responsibility off on local law enforcement while picture and videos of their dei hires get mocked ruthlessly. That crew of odd balls where sent there to fail and were a disgrace to their name suggesting intentional assigned ingnoramuses.
Agree on all points:
#10 4cahn.... Why would a person go to an anonymous board then name himself in post?
It would seem typical to have Crooks blow himself up at his home with the IED's he supposedly had. I think Crooks name and identity were to get the blame, and Crooks was to survive as well, and live the rest of his life under a new identity. Crooks is likely still alive, and using the assumed identity they had ready for him.
It very well could be. That kid may be worth something to them???
Yesterday, the MSM had plastered Crooks all over the news, newspapers, commentary, print, etc.
People kept bringing up Yearick, including Yearick's photo side-by-side with the dead gunman's photo, so now they have no choice but to mention him to not look like complete 150% liars.
Yet they are complete liars. NWO propaganda machine.
So what is/are the name/s of “confirmed” shooter? Crooks was not there? Yearick was one on the roof?
Fake news says it's Crooks. I think Crooks was not there and Yearick was the shooter.
I am not so sure, I am into this.
If so, one shot would have been enough. Second, the drop was already on the shooter.
From an opsec perspective, it is better to have a dead shooter, than a live one in both meanings. dead men tell no tales, an can no longer sing like an early bird. This enhances, plausible deniability.
I think Yearick got the job because he was supposed to be a one shot guy and then a good run away guy. In his company he'd have to know his friendlies would potentially kill him if it went south. I see him as supposed to be a pro worth trying to keep that was heavily invested in.
Perhaps thr names change depending in the success of the mission.
I'm confused. I heard mention of this Yearick person on this site, but all I've seen on thegatewaypundit is Thomas Matthew Crooks. So is the official story still that Thomas Matthew Crooks is the shooter?
Who is Yearick?
https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/474283089 This ought to help…OP explains his theory in the thread and it seems pretty solid to me.
That is not Yearick!
Damn people, look at the ears
A gauge can be got by anybody but that ear shape is unique! come on
That's a common deformity from ear piercings in that area. Other photos of yearick shows him having the same fucked up ear cartilage. The freckles, facial hair pattern match yearick to the T.
got any links to his ear pics? all the ones I saw were covered in his hair
You can find others, but I am rate limited and my account is locked out because I used a temp email and they randomly asked me to verify my email which of course no longer exists.
Starting to wonder if any of them did it.
It looked like a professional hit from someone who does this for a living.
I think Yearick was supposed to be that professional.
Hmm. I dont buy it, cos how would they not expect patriots/bystanders to not see a gunman on that totally obvious rooftop? Come on.
These people are desperate and stupid. They have connection with that property and probably thought no one would be there if they could be inside the event.
So crooks is alive somewhere?
Maybe but because he looked so much like Yearick they are using him to take the fall. They usually kill off the patsy.
They would kidnap Crooks, when they know how Yearick dies, they would kill Crooks the same way then switch the bodies.
Corey Comperatore is Anagram of COERCE MY OPERATOR
You can also spell ACE PROMOTER from surname Comperatore
ACE Promoter : a person or company that finances or organizes a theatrical production
Given name Corey is anagram Coyer — meaning shifty and evasive
I think whoever it was that was killed closest to Trump, was a bad guy and some clown who wanted a closeup view of the assassination.
If an actual good guy was killed, it was the dude on the roof.
I don't suppose they still publish big ol' telephone directories in Butler, PA like they did when I leaved near there in the '80's and early '90s, but I wonder how many Comperatore's there are listed in Butler, PA?
It doesn't seem like a common name.
I'm not sure how accurate the site is, but the name is very rare.
Lol, in the entire world there are under 156 faggots named Comperatore. It's a spook name or a name that was accidentally put on a birth certificate by either a drunk or illiterate Italian parent.
In The United States Comperatore is mostly concentrated in: Pennsylvania, where 44 percent are found, New Jersey, where 23 percent are found and Florida, where 20 percent are found. Beside The United States Comperatore occurs in 5 countries. It also occurs in Argentina, where 21 percent are found and Australia, where 4 percent are found.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Zw8LDMOiOko. Sorry