My grandfather was in Europe during WW2 working as an engineer on the front. He kept telling me the Germans were right about the Jews. He talked about how the Jews got control of the US supply lines and set up a barter system to get supplies. The German POWs would talk about how the Jews set up organized crime in the business centers and forced non-Jews out. I'm just telling you what he said.. I can't verify this information.
Hitler's hatred against the Jews was when he saw how they had impoverished Germany, and they (Jews) were moneylenders (they were the only ones who controlled the money), he even saw it first hand since his family was so poor that everyone They had to work to pay the debt they had received from the Jews.
Kind of like murdering a gentile thru starvation isn't really murder, or diddling a three year old girl is acceptable as long as you're being perverse and don't have 'feelings' for her, and don't forget diddling little boys's just their right. Christ called them out for being the children of Satan for a reason and it kills me that most Christians want to lick their ball sweat thinking it will bring them closer to our Creator. Imbeciles
Nehemiah is an account of jews jewing jews. And they did eventually stop, after some strife. But also, they did it at least once, and it was documented.
The interesting thing is: Hitler himself is a descendant from a wealthy jewish family. Don't forget: THEY play on both sides. The Nazis were mostly jews, at least at the top.
They killed 20 million Russians in the Bolshevik revolution just a decade earlier. There were attempts by the Communists to take over in Germany also so there was a lot of fear I'm sure.
Oh friend me too!! I mean, when we were growing up I NEVER heard anything about those wicked dirty communists being Jews. I didn’t know. I didn’t know that at all! I never ever ever heard that. Only that Jews were so abused and slaughtered by Hitler’s Nazi Germany. I never questioned why Hiltler did that shit or felt that way. Where the hate came from. That somehow, Hitler was just so crazy and evil. That somehow never resonated with looking for “root causes” for such terrible behavior. Only certain people get a pass. The others don’t even get a pass for being born
then you will know why Killary was smiling as she said, we came, we saw, HE died. 'they' murdered him because he was trying to remove the central bank from his land.
"then you will know why Killary was smiling as she said, we came, we saw, HE died. 'they' murdered him because he was trying to remove the central bank from his land."
I believe this was a part of History that was once openly acknowledged and is now been written over. Look at fiddler of the roof musical. It is about a Jewish family and one of the sons joins the Bolshevik revolution
There was a concerted effort by the International Communists to take over just about every country in Europe, in that time. Spain almost fell to it. Italy almost fell to it. Britain almost fell to it.
In Germany, this attack was deep and wide and made all-the-more-dangerous by Germany's proximity to the USSR, and by the draconian measures that the bankers and France/UK inflicted on Germany post-WWI. Germans were starving, prostituting themselves for food, losing property the family had owned for generations, etc.
Similar reason as to why the libtard masses turned on their own family, friends and colleagues who refused to get the mRNA vaccine poison during the plandemic.
Namestealers are the root of the Cabal you speak of fren. You're picking at petals and leafs on the poisonous plant when the root is where it develops and grows.
I don't think the identity of the namestealers is the same as the Jews who were persecuted by the Nazis.
Where do you think the root is? I personally think it's in Vatican City, though there are "court Jews" who worked with them and are convenient to their diversionary ploy
Caananites --> Kazarians --> Modern day Namestealers.
That's it. Sure other groups, institutions, and individuals are all part of the same sticky web of evil, but ultimately they all follow the same Luciferian dogmatic doctrines which can all be followed back to the sequence above.
Additionally, persecuted by the nazis is a very broad and speculative suggestion. I have family members who were interned in camps. From what I've been told about history from first hand accounts is many of these camps were typical labor/pow camps (which the US had as well during WW2) that were abandoned or scuttled and left in complete disarray due to the encroaching Red Army.
I can dig it! Now I want to trace Babylon onto ancient Canaan. This is gonna be interesting
AI initial query:
Ancient Canaan and ancient Babylon were two distinct civilizations that existed in the ancient Near East. Canaan was located in the Levant region, roughly corresponding to modern-day Israel, Lebanon, and parts of Syria and Jordan. Babylon, on the other hand, was situated in Mesopotamia, roughly corresponding to modern-day Iraq.
The main connection between the two civilizations was through trade and cultural exchange. Both Canaan and Babylon were part of a larger network of ancient Near Eastern civilizations that engaged in trade, diplomatic relations, and occasionally, warfare. This interaction led to the exchange of ideas, technologies, and religious beliefs between the two civilizations. For example, the Canaanite pantheon of gods, including Baal and El, had similarities with the Babylonian pantheon. Some scholars believe that the Canaanite god El and the Babylonian god Enlil may have been derived from a common ancestor deity.
In addition, the Amarna letters, a collection of diplomatic correspondence from the 14th century BC, provide evidence of political and diplomatic relations between Canaan and Babylon.
These letters were written by various rulers of Canaanite city-states to the Egyptian pharaoh, often mentioning their interactions with Babylonian rulers and emissaries. Despite these connections, Canaan and Babylon remained distinct civilizations with their own unique cultural, religious, and political characteristics
I can see the cabal being a two-sided beast, one side from Babylon and the other side from Canaan. However, based on what is said about the Tower of Babel in Genesis I would have to conclude that even the Canaanite wing sprouted from Babylon. Also notable is the fact that these namestealers adhere to something called the Babylonian Talmud
I can see the cabal being a two-sided beast, one side from Babylon and the other side from Canaan. However, based on what is said about the Tower of Babel in Genesis I would have to conclude that even the Canaanite wing sprouted from Babylon. Also notable is the fact that these namestealers adhere to something called the Babylonian Talmud
It's not really so two sided... at least not originally. Ancient Sumeria, Babylon, Hittites, and others descended from those driven out of Canaan as well. It's all the same group from the pre flood world.
Breaking it all down in the simplest of forms: pre flood man corrupted by the watchers. Post flood man carrying on ritual, tradition, and worship of those very same pre flood fallen Watchers... they're associated names have just changed throughout antiquity.
I suppose what I meant to illustrate was that the cabal has more than one faction. They even compete with each other over who gets to be at the top. Lucifer is their ultimate diety despite the various idols in between, and the Tower of Babel is their ultimate form of power on earth. Whether the head is led by a single man (the anti-christ) or by some type of council, the structure itself is the same top-down totalitarianism. I think God is opposed to any global structure such as this and that we should oppose any push to globalize the world under one government. It's a satanic wet-dream to have such a power structure, just waiting to be taken over!
With this core understanding out of the way, the tangible cabal may be easier to track down. I think focusing on one faction to the exclusion of the others is harmful to the overall goal. I'm guilty of it myself, but when I let that go I discovered more puzzle pieces. (I am targeting this at the "everything bad is the Jews fault" crowd).
Vatican bad? Oh it was good once, but now it's infiltrated by the Jews.
Freemasons bad? Oh it was good before Jews took it over
Hitler bad? Oh, Hitler was Jewish 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 my personal favorite..
Personally I went through a phase of "everything bad = Vatican" but have recently learned not to exclude other groups. I still maintain that the Vatican is the main cabal HQ, but there are other HQ's. It's like whack-a-mole trying to pin down the hubs, but it's necessary to do. It should be done quickly too, while we still have the internet and before they close up shop, rebrand & relocate. They historically have done this every time the people had one of their factions pinned. The only faction that has remained under the same banner and in basically the same spot is the Vatican. But the smaller "orders" just shuffle around on the board of prominence, go into hiding, pop out somewhere else, either with the same name or a new one, but they maintain their symbolism. Sun god, Lucifer, moon god, penis god, vagina god, whatever. Master race, enlightened ones, gnostic esoteric bullshit and superstitions which WE suffer under the folly of these idiot bastards despite not believing in their delusions!
Zionism Nazism Papal Temporal Powers Jewish Supremecy White Supremecy Black Supremecy Chinese Supremecy it's all the same fkn shit
Then you factor in the failed revolution in 1905, Germany took In thousands of “refugee” Jews from Russia. These people would be the cornerstone for Communist revolution in Germany in the 1920’s. So were they Refugee’s or revolutionary agents? I think history answers the question.
I asked similar years ago, and shocked everyone in my family and got lectured.
Question was: they had to have done something?;how does an entire country suddenly decide to put an entire population in camps for no reason at all, just out of the blue? Especially if they had been living in that country for years without people wanting them in camps?
He nationalised the banks which must have pissed off the four by twos, but they could live with that, its when he jailed some senior Rothschilds that is where the SHTF.
Thanks for sharing. The widespread anti-semitism seen everywhere is very very concerning. I'm not a Jew, but if the USA were to turn on them, as in Germany, where would they run to? It's the elite that pull the strings, but the innocent people get stomped on.
The so called innocent people need to stand up and speak out in greater numbers against their "leaders" instead of demuring because they dont want to criticize a fellow "jew"
Are some vids on the net where some, repeat some, consider europeans to be edomites or amelek, and are instructed to remove them from the earth and any memory of them.
The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion is not a 'conspiracy theory'.
My grandfather was in Europe during WW2 working as an engineer on the front. He kept telling me the Germans were right about the Jews. He talked about how the Jews got control of the US supply lines and set up a barter system to get supplies. The German POWs would talk about how the Jews set up organized crime in the business centers and forced non-Jews out. I'm just telling you what he said.. I can't verify this information.
Hitler's hatred against the Jews was when he saw how they had impoverished Germany, and they (Jews) were moneylenders (they were the only ones who controlled the money), he even saw it first hand since his family was so poor that everyone They had to work to pay the debt they had received from the Jews.
It's interesting how it is forbidden for Jews to use usury (loans with interest) on other jews, but perfectly ok to do it to non-jews.
Very telling.
The Talmud not only permits, but encourages all sorts of double standards when dealing with non-jews.
yeah that and banging children. oops. Am I gonna get banned again, chode mods?
Kind of like murdering a gentile thru starvation isn't really murder, or diddling a three year old girl is acceptable as long as you're being perverse and don't have 'feelings' for her, and don't forget diddling little boys's just their right. Christ called them out for being the children of Satan for a reason and it kills me that most Christians want to lick their ball sweat thinking it will bring them closer to our Creator. Imbeciles
Nehemiah is an account of jews jewing jews. And they did eventually stop, after some strife. But also, they did it at least once, and it was documented.
The interesting thing is: Hitler himself is a descendant from a wealthy jewish family. Don't forget: THEY play on both sides. The Nazis were mostly jews, at least at the top.
Why did such a highly educated country like the United States turn on the unvaccinated?
Because in modern times educated simply means indoctrinated.
For the same reasons the other 92 countries did.
now do the Jesuits
Same team. Different jerseys.
How timely! You might find this discussion interesting
Netanyahu just came out saying it was on the recommendation of a Muslim... So, that's interesting
They killed 20 million Russians in the Bolshevik revolution just a decade earlier. There were attempts by the Communists to take over in Germany also so there was a lot of fear I'm sure.
A history that isn't taught but should be. It shook me to my core when I first started researching it.
Oh friend me too!! I mean, when we were growing up I NEVER heard anything about those wicked dirty communists being Jews. I didn’t know. I didn’t know that at all! I never ever ever heard that. Only that Jews were so abused and slaughtered by Hitler’s Nazi Germany. I never questioned why Hiltler did that shit or felt that way. Where the hate came from. That somehow, Hitler was just so crazy and evil. That somehow never resonated with looking for “root causes” for such terrible behavior. Only certain people get a pass. The others don’t even get a pass for being born
have you ever looked into Muammar Gaddafi?
then you will know why Killary was smiling as she said, we came, we saw, HE died. 'they' murdered him because he was trying to remove the central bank from his land.
"have you ever looked into Muammar Gaddafi?"
"then you will know why Killary was smiling as she said, we came, we saw, HE died. 'they' murdered him because he was trying to remove the central bank from his land."
I believe this was a part of History that was once openly acknowledged and is now been written over. Look at fiddler of the roof musical. It is about a Jewish family and one of the sons joins the Bolshevik revolution
There's a saying... The Jew will always tell you what happened to him, but he'll never tell you why.
Hear, hear.
There was a concerted effort by the International Communists to take over just about every country in Europe, in that time. Spain almost fell to it. Italy almost fell to it. Britain almost fell to it.
In Germany, this attack was deep and wide and made all-the-more-dangerous by Germany's proximity to the USSR, and by the draconian measures that the bankers and France/UK inflicted on Germany post-WWI. Germans were starving, prostituting themselves for food, losing property the family had owned for generations, etc.
Ukraine dominated the headlines for years and the Holodomors didn't even get mentioned.
Similar reason as to why the libtard masses turned on their own family, friends and colleagues who refused to get the mRNA vaccine poison during the plandemic.
Government brainwashing.
Indeed - because if they join in with the persecution maybe then they won’t be targetted. Sickening.
"When do we get our free healthcare and government sponsored trans surgeries, comrade?"
First they came for.....
Because they and their controlled 'allies' damned near destroyed the German people.
I am surprised the hatred hasn't returned sooner since they are still destroying them with unchecked immigration from the turd world.
Israel. The walls should be used to keep the synagogue of Satan in, not keep people out, lol.
because the cabal used them as chaff.
and now they use them as Hamas uses elementary schools...
wakey wakey
edit- hada-hada hoooo! don't doot the messenger! Nazi!
Namestealers are the root of the Cabal you speak of fren. You're picking at petals and leafs on the poisonous plant when the root is where it develops and grows.
They not only steel names .... but DNA by infiltration ...
I don't think the identity of the namestealers is the same as the Jews who were persecuted by the Nazis.
Where do you think the root is? I personally think it's in Vatican City, though there are "court Jews" who worked with them and are convenient to their diversionary ploy
Caananites --> Kazarians --> Modern day Namestealers.
That's it. Sure other groups, institutions, and individuals are all part of the same sticky web of evil, but ultimately they all follow the same Luciferian dogmatic doctrines which can all be followed back to the sequence above.
Additionally, persecuted by the nazis is a very broad and speculative suggestion. I have family members who were interned in camps. From what I've been told about history from first hand accounts is many of these camps were typical labor/pow camps (which the US had as well during WW2) that were abandoned or scuttled and left in complete disarray due to the encroaching Red Army.
I can dig it! Now I want to trace Babylon onto ancient Canaan. This is gonna be interesting
AI initial query:
Ancient Canaan and ancient Babylon were two distinct civilizations that existed in the ancient Near East. Canaan was located in the Levant region, roughly corresponding to modern-day Israel, Lebanon, and parts of Syria and Jordan. Babylon, on the other hand, was situated in Mesopotamia, roughly corresponding to modern-day Iraq.
The main connection between the two civilizations was through trade and cultural exchange. Both Canaan and Babylon were part of a larger network of ancient Near Eastern civilizations that engaged in trade, diplomatic relations, and occasionally, warfare. This interaction led to the exchange of ideas, technologies, and religious beliefs between the two civilizations. For example, the Canaanite pantheon of gods, including Baal and El, had similarities with the Babylonian pantheon. Some scholars believe that the Canaanite god El and the Babylonian god Enlil may have been derived from a common ancestor deity.
In addition, the Amarna letters, a collection of diplomatic correspondence from the 14th century BC, provide evidence of political and diplomatic relations between Canaan and Babylon.
These letters were written by various rulers of Canaanite city-states to the Egyptian pharaoh, often mentioning their interactions with Babylonian rulers and emissaries. Despite these connections, Canaan and Babylon remained distinct civilizations with their own unique cultural, religious, and political characteristics
I can see the cabal being a two-sided beast, one side from Babylon and the other side from Canaan. However, based on what is said about the Tower of Babel in Genesis I would have to conclude that even the Canaanite wing sprouted from Babylon. Also notable is the fact that these namestealers adhere to something called the Babylonian Talmud
It's not really so two sided... at least not originally. Ancient Sumeria, Babylon, Hittites, and others descended from those driven out of Canaan as well. It's all the same group from the pre flood world.
Breaking it all down in the simplest of forms: pre flood man corrupted by the watchers. Post flood man carrying on ritual, tradition, and worship of those very same pre flood fallen Watchers... they're associated names have just changed throughout antiquity.
I suppose what I meant to illustrate was that the cabal has more than one faction. They even compete with each other over who gets to be at the top. Lucifer is their ultimate diety despite the various idols in between, and the Tower of Babel is their ultimate form of power on earth. Whether the head is led by a single man (the anti-christ) or by some type of council, the structure itself is the same top-down totalitarianism. I think God is opposed to any global structure such as this and that we should oppose any push to globalize the world under one government. It's a satanic wet-dream to have such a power structure, just waiting to be taken over!
With this core understanding out of the way, the tangible cabal may be easier to track down. I think focusing on one faction to the exclusion of the others is harmful to the overall goal. I'm guilty of it myself, but when I let that go I discovered more puzzle pieces. (I am targeting this at the "everything bad is the Jews fault" crowd).
Vatican bad? Oh it was good once, but now it's infiltrated by the Jews.
Freemasons bad? Oh it was good before Jews took it over
Hitler bad? Oh, Hitler was Jewish 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 my personal favorite..
Personally I went through a phase of "everything bad = Vatican" but have recently learned not to exclude other groups. I still maintain that the Vatican is the main cabal HQ, but there are other HQ's. It's like whack-a-mole trying to pin down the hubs, but it's necessary to do. It should be done quickly too, while we still have the internet and before they close up shop, rebrand & relocate. They historically have done this every time the people had one of their factions pinned. The only faction that has remained under the same banner and in basically the same spot is the Vatican. But the smaller "orders" just shuffle around on the board of prominence, go into hiding, pop out somewhere else, either with the same name or a new one, but they maintain their symbolism. Sun god, Lucifer, moon god, penis god, vagina god, whatever. Master race, enlightened ones, gnostic esoteric bullshit and superstitions which WE suffer under the folly of these idiot bastards despite not believing in their delusions!
Zionism Nazism Papal Temporal Powers Jewish Supremecy White Supremecy Black Supremecy Chinese Supremecy it's all the same fkn shit
Then you factor in the failed revolution in 1905, Germany took In thousands of “refugee” Jews from Russia. These people would be the cornerstone for Communist revolution in Germany in the 1920’s. So were they Refugee’s or revolutionary agents? I think history answers the question.
"Why Did Such a Highly Educated Country Like Germany Just Turn On The Jews?"
The implication being that intelligent, "highly educated," individuals would never oppose Jews as a group.
Didn't judea declare war on Germany first?
In 1933, IIRC?
Redemption through sin....
I asked similar years ago, and shocked everyone in my family and got lectured.
Question was: they had to have done something?;how does an entire country suddenly decide to put an entire population in camps for no reason at all, just out of the blue? Especially if they had been living in that country for years without people wanting them in camps?
He nationalised the banks which must have pissed off the four by twos, but they could live with that, its when he jailed some senior Rothschilds that is where the SHTF.
That explains why we get called Nazis
Thanks for sharing. The widespread anti-semitism seen everywhere is very very concerning. I'm not a Jew, but if the USA were to turn on them, as in Germany, where would they run to? It's the elite that pull the strings, but the innocent people get stomped on.
The so called innocent people need to stand up and speak out in greater numbers against their "leaders" instead of demuring because they dont want to criticize a fellow "jew"
This. This. This.
just like the "moderate" muslims
Anti semitism ..... Where Sem is not applicable. What is left?
Jew supremacist.
Do you use the term racist when someone calls out the crimes of black americans?
Think about this: they really wanted “their own country” so badly; now they are taking over the USA. WHY?
It’s not like the holocaust happened in the USA, right?
Is the US “government” really serving the American people?
hahaha, you have to wonder at all those holohoax museums springing up ..... At all the Marxist eduction springing up ....
Those are the Synagoges for the "Goyim".... either submit, or get canceled.
Those things (HMs) are everywhere!
Supposedly they’ve been here for decades, but I never saw one until recently.
It seemed like there was ONE in Europe, but now they’re in all big cities and some not-so-big ones…
Wtf is going on?
Are some vids on the net where some, repeat some, consider europeans to be edomites or amelek, and are instructed to remove them from the earth and any memory of them.
Is also a remnant that will be saved btw, per Bible
Concerning responses to concerning conditions and behaviors.