Welcome to the world of product liability immunity. Put out any deadly product you want. Without immunity, the pharmaceutical industry would vanish tomorrow.
Ok that sounds like bioterrorism. Also how exactly is a vaccine lethal to the non-vaccinated but safe for the one who took it? Genuinely curious on that part
Basically, several decades ago there was a disease in chickens called Marek’s disease. It had a low fatality rate, would kill a few percent of chickens. So they had the bright idea to vaccinate them, but they used a leaky vaccine - one that does not prevent the disease, merely reduces the symptoms of it.
Over the next few decades, the fatality rate of Marek’s disease creeped up to 100% in unvaccinated chickens, and near 0% in vaccinated chickens. But because it is a leaky vaccine, the vaccinated chickens can still spread it.
As a result, chickens that have been vaccinated for Marek’s disease cannot be kept with chickens that have not been vaccinated - the vaccinated ones tend to spread the disease and instantly infect non vaccinated chickens.
So it's okay to F-ing Murder people because you Disclosed it on the package insert of the person getting the VAXX, but those who DO NOT get the VAXX can just be killed off with no notice at all?
Yeah... This won't end well if it's used. The side effects including the spread of the disease it's supposed to prevent, a disease that was wiped out back I think in the 80s/90s by Russia creating a proper solution, that's by far the most insane thing I've ever heard.
And mpox last I heard was only spread through sex, and usually only anal as it was heavily prevalent in the gay community. So basically gay men will become the horseman of plague literally with this madness.
Purple Pitcher Plant extract inhibits and treats all pox (cures skin lesions if applied every six hours, but can be ingested as preventative). This linked 2012 research paper invalidates all attempts to use Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for all recently developed smallpox, monkeypox, etc. vaccines. You can try to get Writ of Prohibition and Arrest Warrant for all FDA and Big Pharma individuals pushing it from Circuit Court for $505 filing fee. You can hold a person arrested for 48 hours, and you can arrest 3 times for Contempt of Court (violation of court order). EUA can only be used if no other treatment. Here is the treatment shown to be effective in vitro: https://greatawakening.win/p/17txogsHjS/09mar2012-in-vitro-characterizat/
All poxes are DNA-based replication (the old school bioweapon), unlike Corona viruses and common cold which are RNA-based replication (the latest version of the bioweapon). Tea Tree extract plus zinc picolinate is one of four cures for common cold in addition to Ivermetic+zinc (all are zinc ionophore treatments). It works within 4 hours by directly injecting the cells with zinc which then destroys the polymerase replication enzyme on contact.
When my mom was pregnant with my oldest sister in the 70s she was vax with a hepatitis vax I believe it was B. My sister was born with hep. Poor baby was all messed up from it. So they do and can create the illness. My sister passed in her 30s from cancer, cant help but to wonder.
Myocarditis and pericarditis (suspect cases observed at a rate
of 5.7 per 1000 primary vaccinees)
That's even higher than what most of us conspiracy theorists claim. The death rate for clinical myocarditis is 20-50% over 10 years, that means this vaccine could kill 1-2 per 1,000 people????
There is not risk for them to add untrue “side effect” that unvaccinated person can die, because if it’s untrue - no one would die, so no risk for them, especially if no one reads it.
If someone reads the small print and find it - they will see 2 options for themselves:
So when the people that didn’t take this “special version” small pox vaxx start dying because someone they came into contact with did take it, it will appear that the unvaxxed died because they didn’t get vaxxed. Then the evil big pharma, doctors & politicians will say “see… the unvaxxed are dying because they didn’t get the vaxx”.
“ smallpox vaccine scar is a small mark you might have on your upper arm if you received the Dryvax or ACAM2000 smallpox vaccines. It's a sign that the vaccine successfully spurred an immune response in your body to protect you against smallpox.”
edit to add - meant to post under hckyhillbilly’s reply
Yup, I got the sugar cube back in the early 60's at, what was then called, nursery school. It was in a little paper cup like they give you now in fast food places for ketchup.
Not sure what the ulterior motive would be for the cabal to tell you that scar is from the polio vaccine while telling all the rest of us it’s the smallpox vax but 🤷🏻♂️
I’ve thought this was the plan the whole time. Divvy out a fake vax to separate dissenters and then BOOM. If this happens libtards will gladly lecture us on how to avoid exposure death….
Welcome to the world of product liability immunity. Put out any deadly product you want. Without immunity, the pharmaceutical industry would vanish tomorrow.
The liability doesn’t count for those of us who didn’t take it though.
Ok that sounds like bioterrorism. Also how exactly is a vaccine lethal to the non-vaccinated but safe for the one who took it? Genuinely curious on that part
Look up Marek’s disease in Chickens.
Basically, several decades ago there was a disease in chickens called Marek’s disease. It had a low fatality rate, would kill a few percent of chickens. So they had the bright idea to vaccinate them, but they used a leaky vaccine - one that does not prevent the disease, merely reduces the symptoms of it.
Over the next few decades, the fatality rate of Marek’s disease creeped up to 100% in unvaccinated chickens, and near 0% in vaccinated chickens. But because it is a leaky vaccine, the vaccinated chickens can still spread it.
As a result, chickens that have been vaccinated for Marek’s disease cannot be kept with chickens that have not been vaccinated - the vaccinated ones tend to spread the disease and instantly infect non vaccinated chickens.
Pretty sure they are trying to start a human version or Marek's to kill off us non compliants....
Oh that's just great!
The hint starts with “they’re” and ends with “lying”. There may be a Q*Bert looking word in the middle.
Navigating a pyramid by moving diagonally to avoid snakes? …. ‘Dasting.
Middle of Page 10
So it's okay to F-ing Murder people because you Disclosed it on the package insert of the person getting the VAXX, but those who DO NOT get the VAXX can just be killed off with no notice at all?
Sounds like a weapon and not a vaccine to me.
“It’s not a bug, it’s a feature”
God help us. “They” are determined to kill us all.
Yeah... This won't end well if it's used. The side effects including the spread of the disease it's supposed to prevent, a disease that was wiped out back I think in the 80s/90s by Russia creating a proper solution, that's by far the most insane thing I've ever heard.
And mpox last I heard was only spread through sex, and usually only anal as it was heavily prevalent in the gay community. So basically gay men will become the horseman of plague literally with this madness.
Gay men bringing about the apocalypse is very apt I gotta say.
Did I read that somebody posted that Ivermectin cures smallpox?
I did a search but cant find it now. Anybody?
I think there was a post on it here at GAW.
here: https://greatawakening.win/p/1994teQ2iu/ivermectin-treats-smallpox-virus/c/
No need for any smallpox vaccines now.
Thank you. I did a search but nothing came up.
Read a while back that those of us who got the smallpox vax as kids are still protected. Hope that is accurate.
You could certainly get a tube of the green stuff in stock if you're worried.
Fully stocked with both forms. Just tired of watching friends and family suffer with debilitating medical conditions and/or die “suddenly.”
A cornered and desperate DS worries me.
Purple Pitcher Plant extract inhibits and treats all pox (cures skin lesions if applied every six hours, but can be ingested as preventative). This linked 2012 research paper invalidates all attempts to use Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for all recently developed smallpox, monkeypox, etc. vaccines. You can try to get Writ of Prohibition and Arrest Warrant for all FDA and Big Pharma individuals pushing it from Circuit Court for $505 filing fee. You can hold a person arrested for 48 hours, and you can arrest 3 times for Contempt of Court (violation of court order). EUA can only be used if no other treatment. Here is the treatment shown to be effective in vitro: https://greatawakening.win/p/17txogsHjS/09mar2012-in-vitro-characterizat/
All poxes are DNA-based replication (the old school bioweapon), unlike Corona viruses and common cold which are RNA-based replication (the latest version of the bioweapon). Tea Tree extract plus zinc picolinate is one of four cures for common cold in addition to Ivermetic+zinc (all are zinc ionophore treatments). It works within 4 hours by directly injecting the cells with zinc which then destroys the polymerase replication enzyme on contact.
Oooh, you da man. Great info. T/u!
Well isn’t that nice
When my mom was pregnant with my oldest sister in the 70s she was vax with a hepatitis vax I believe it was B. My sister was born with hep. Poor baby was all messed up from it. So they do and can create the illness. My sister passed in her 30s from cancer, cant help but to wonder.
Ahh, that sucks. Losing a sibling is hard. Harder than losing a parent, imo.
I lost my father 9 months after, and I would agree. Losing my sister hit wayyyy harder.
sounds good!!! i'll take a double!!! kek!!
My parents gave me smallpox vax in 1955...I was one
So that's the new game plan for the deepstate cabal:
They are literally going to poison the world with a smallpox pandemic.
Nice knowin' ya, folks
But that’s impossible, the last known sample of smallpox was destroyed years ago, our government said so!
What the fuck, am I reading this wrong? https://www.fda.gov/media/75792/download?attachment
That's even higher than what most of us conspiracy theorists claim. The death rate for clinical myocarditis is 20-50% over 10 years, that means this vaccine could kill 1-2 per 1,000 people????
wow that is insanely high
So basically we just need to know where is the National Strategic Stockpiles are located and blow them up.
Locations are classified.
Killing grandma, and mom, and dad, and all the siblings, and the neighbors, and...
The told us they want world population to be 500 million. They told us the US population will drop drastically. They mean it.
It’s a marketing tactic:
If someone reads the small print and find it - they will see 2 options for themselves:
Get vaccinated and risk miocarditis.
Don’t get it and risk death.
I think this is why they’ve added it.
So when the people that didn’t take this “special version” small pox vaxx start dying because someone they came into contact with did take it, it will appear that the unvaxxed died because they didn’t get vaxxed. Then the evil big pharma, doctors & politicians will say “see… the unvaxxed are dying because they didn’t get the vaxx”.
So damn evil.
I hope this is just fear-porn.
If my coworkers get this vaccine I might have to quit my job.
I had this vaccine when I was young.
It was THIS vaccine?
“ smallpox vaccine scar is a small mark you might have on your upper arm if you received the Dryvax or ACAM2000 smallpox vaccines. It's a sign that the vaccine successfully spurred an immune response in your body to protect you against smallpox.”
Thanks anon - I thought they always told me different
It was the smallpox vaccine.
Yes, those of us of s certain age have a dime sized scar on our upper arms to commemorate our sp immunity.
Pretty sure that's polio
Mine is from the TB vax. I ate a sugar cube for the polio vax back in the '60s
Yes, we were given the polio vaccine at school on a sugar cube.
Yup, I got the sugar cube back in the early 60's at, what was then called, nursery school. It was in a little paper cup like they give you now in fast food places for ketchup.
Proof that one can be “pretty sure” and still be wrong…
Yup...all it takes is being fed fake info your whole life
Not sure what the ulterior motive would be for the cabal to tell you that scar is from the polio vaccine while telling all the rest of us it’s the smallpox vax but 🤷🏻♂️
Enjoy your Saturday
Never said it was the cabal but thanks
You’re quite welcome!
Are you suggesting to someone you don’t know that they have misremembered a memory they are sharing with you, by explaining its evidence?
I was given smallpox vaccine in Iraq’02
A question is not a suggestion
More than one type of flu vaccine exists - this may also be true of smallpox vaccines
The word 'may'—in the sense of 'might' or 'could'—suggests uncertainty; hence the question mark you saw but ignored :)
Hell mine is larger than a quarter.
I was given it three times.
If you remember when they gave it to you, you had to wait for the scab to fall off on its own.
I was a tomboy and kept knocking it off and it wouldn't take.
The third time the doctor says I'll make sure it takes this time.
Now knowing what I know it might explain some of my health problems all my life.
Moringa also has some Quercetin in it along with many other great properties.
This is terrifying. Those idiots you see still wearing masks will be the first in line to get this super shedding shit…
And then they will refuse to quarantine because we refused to follow their COVID rules…
I’ve thought this was the plan the whole time. Divvy out a fake vax to separate dissenters and then BOOM. If this happens libtards will gladly lecture us on how to avoid exposure death….
Killing and/or infecting those around you is how you know it's working! Just think how much worse it could be /s
Time to stop this shit dead in it's tracks.
So this is what Bill Gates was warning us anti vax people about.
Well there's this too.... https://greatawakening.win/p/15JAJcVgy1/san-francisco-about-to-deploy-20/
when are they jabbing people with this? has it begun yet?
There's an ad for ulcer medication that states a side effect can be bleeding ulcers. Another one for some pretty minor ailment can cause cancer.
My feeling is don't take big pharma meds unless you're about to die and as a last resort.