Edit: I should have said "Revolutionary" type of war, because it would be people against the government agency.
There's a lot of FAFO energy building in the comments and posts across social media regarding the spirit of the survivors on Helene. It makes me proud to be American. We are resilient when push comes to shove.
And... knowing how the Cabal works and masterfully uses various energies to its advanatge, there could quickly evolve a situation akin to some sort of civil war that is much more revolutionary than civil.
For example, what if FEMA (and lackey law enforcement--which, btw, I hope most are good but some are not) happens to poke a bear too much, perhaps on purpose, and shots are fired? What if someone is killed by the government in that manner? Perhaps then the people might decide that it is open season, guerrila style. Next thing you know, you have shootouts, National Guard called in, itchy Patriots driving hundreds of miles to get in on the action, etc. That conflict could mushroom all over the country.
I really hope that does not happen. We need a leader who can create calm--but we are a long way from having him in office and able to play a role in NC. Perhaps there is a way for Trump to play a stronger, save-the-day role? It could be as simple as organizing efforts. I don't know... spit-balling here.
Bottom line is that a conflagration is very possible.
The left has decided that they no longer want to live among people who share different views than them. They are plugging their fingers in their ears while yelling racist, fascist, Nazi, and Hitler. They are refusing to yield, compromise, debate, or even accept that their political positions are starting to lose in democratic elections despite suspected cheating that aids them. This has put us squarely in the middle of a cold civil war where both sides of the political spectrum are warming to the idea of killing each other.
A confirmation of the left’s defeat is apparent when you see how their maniacal behavior converts more people, especially moderates, against them. The biggest recruiting tool against the left has become the left. Every time they protest, riot, screech against white people, or show their vulgarity, the remaining mentally sane of America realize that the left’s platform has become so out-of-touch that it no longer represents the basic ideals of the country. The non-cucked right needs to merely show up after temper tantrums and say “Look how crazy they are” for the converts to come pouring in.
The left is out of options
Many people are wondering why the left has become a recruiting agent for the right by promoting or engaging in violence. First, they simply don’t know what else to do. When a parent tells a child that he can’t eat candy for every meal, and the child doesn’t have a logical argument about the merits of eating that candy, what does he do? He cries, stomps his feet, threatens to run away, throws out insults like “meanie” and “jerk,” and may even hit his parent to get his way. Donald Trump and his supporters are the parents who won’t yield to an emotional child.
The second reason why the left is hurting their cause with violence is because its billionaire controllers, particularly George Soros, want to divide America to such an irreparable extent that a hot Civil War is forced, giving them an opportunity to increase their power. Soros wants to create so much hate, animosity, and chaos that any resulting conflict has a chance of him holding absolute power, compared to the current situation where he has “only” a moderate amount. In other words, he rather take the chance of war to solidify his grip further.
The leftists that Soros sponsors in the Woman’s Marches and the antifa outbursts may also want a Civil War, but a quick look at their physiognomy shows they would struggle to even go one day without electricity, and that they possess the same psychological directive as the child who is angry that he can’t have candy. Soros is the creepy old neighbor who promises them the candy they crave because he wants to build their trust and get them alone. The child, naive about the extreme danger that lurks behind the likes of Soros, decides to follow him into a van parked in the alley to spite its own parents and their righteous authority.
The reason the right has been reluctant to respond with violence is because they’re winning. Violence comes not from a position of strength, but desperation, when every other option has been extinguished, and should serve as a signal to you of what the real score between the left and right really is. Without violence, the left currently has a 100% chance of losing, continuously and humiliatingly, for at least the next eight years. All the gains that took them decades to achieve will be lost if we ravage and rape their power structures.
With a hot civil war, the left has a 25% chance to win, a bet they are willing to take even though there is a high chance they will be among the first to die in the conflict. A logical person would ask why they would push for a conflict that is sure to destroy the infrastructure of the urban centers they live in, and one where food, water, and other basic necessities would be lacking. The answer comes upon realizing that a child does not realize that eating candy every day will make him sick. The child must therefore be commanded for its own good, because it does not have the capability to take care of itself or understand the consequences of its actions.
We all lose in a hot war
Before the warrior in you gets excited at the prospect of crushing the left in a hot war and killing antifa members with high-powered weapons as they wield sharpened mop handles at you, understand that any war in the United States would quickly become a proxy war involving all major military powers, particularly China and Russia, who would rush to spend billions of dollars to have ultimate control of the country. It would be protracted and match the first civil war in terms of brutality, where 2% of the population died.
With the current population, a 2% death rate would result in over 6 million deaths. Compared to the 3,000 that died on 9/11, which was seen as the greatest national tragedy of modern times, a hot war would effect every single American in a profoundly negative way. No sane person with a family would wish for this outcome, which further highlights the insanity of much of the left in pushing for this very result. They rather see millions of people dead and the country ruined than accept a democratic process where their crazy ideas lost.
Even if we avoid a hot war, the underlying problems are not solved. The left will constantly subvert against the country in hopes of achieving a hot war, use both economic and physical violence against those on the right whom they disagree with, and inevitably descend into terroristic violence that rivals ISIS. It’s intolerable for things to proceed as they are, but if we remove a hot war from the table, what option is left?
I recommend the long divorce option, which has three components. The first is extreme law and order. Starting with the Federal government, every single instance of leftist threats, intimidation, and violence must be investigated, prosecuted to the maximize allowable by law, and publicized. The left have been getting away with their illegal acts for too long, to the point where violent protesters don’t even fear arrest, thanks to Democratic mayors and police chiefs who allow it. The FBI must uphold the law and punish those who break it, and municipalities or universities that allow illegal acts must be punished through withholding of Federal funds. This will immediately shrink the number of violent agitators on the left and limit the power of their institutions.
The second component of the long divorce option is to excise the left from all centers of cultural power so that they cannot actively convert the youth. The fake news, already on its last legs, must be replaced by organizations that are not so vehemently anti-American, academia must be purged, and all globalist traitors working in government, both on the Federal and state level, must be removed from positions of power.
The media is hemorrhaging money and viewers, millions of citizens are getting red pilled to the subversiveness of the academic system (particularly its anti-male and anti-white agenda), and Trump has begun to right the ship in the Federal government, which will certainly trickle down to the local levels. Because the leftist establishment is losing control over their narrative, the younger Generation Z is already showing signs of rightward thinking thanks to being raised on 4chan memes more than TV programming. This means that we simply need to remove millennials from power and wait for them to die of old age or AIDS while preventing them from causing further damage to American institutions.
Halting immigration is the third component of the long divorce option. The left has not been able to show how immigrants benefit American citizens besides more diverse restaurant options, and emotional pleas of “human rights” and “compassion” is not sufficient enough to turn the United States into a big welfare office. Open-borders immigration is hurting existing citizens, serving as a cynical means for leftists to gain more votes in elections while browbeating their enemies with “hate speech” codes that demand you love non-Americans more than Americans.
We must also advocate for a white population that increases from where it currently stands, because America is no longer America if that number dips below 50%, and will instead look something like an international airport. Once immigration is stopped, and illegal citizens are deported, it will become monumentally more difficult for open-borders politicians to win nationally again. This can be absolutely ensured if woman’s suffrage is repealed, a proposition that I know many find unpalatable, but one that would usher in an era of permanent winning.
For us to win without a hot civil war, we have to retake the reins of power and peacefully co-exist with bitter leftists over the next fifty years while the culture slowly heals itself. Once institutions are purged of anti-American leftists, the new left will exist in more of a classical liberal form and believe in nominally nationalist ideas while accepting cultural values that are shy of traditional. The long divorce option will not excite you because of the length it takes to see a resolution, but it’s one that will preserve life and the existing infrastructure of the United States.
Four future outcomes
There are four outcomes that can proceed from the juncture of which we stand. The first is a globalist resurgence at the polls thanks to demographic changes that push the vote far to the left, starting in 2024. If this happens, we will have a president that is more authoritarian than Hillary Clinton. The boot will come down on all facets of American life, especially speech, and we will essentially be living in an open-air prison.
The second outcome is a hot war where we win. The country will be ravaged and millions will die, but at least most of the deaths will be leftists.
The third option is a hot war where we lose because of foreign involvement. Not only are we much more likely to die in this engagement, but the globalist boot will come down with such a viciousness that those on the right who survive may hope that they had died in the war.
And the fourth option is the long divorce, one that we will easily win if the recommendations I made above are taken. Very few people die and life can proceed with high stability and prosperity for the majority of the country.
The globalist left has so damaged the country from the decades they’ve been in power that there is no quick fix, and those of us who are alive today will likely not see a resolution that can be argued as “complete victory” during our lifetimes. I understand the frustration that many on the right have, and the desire they have to be immediately cured of poisons that the left has unleashed, but we must carefully analyze any outcome that results in the deaths of our loved ones and even ourselves. There is a time and place to die for what you believe in, but I hope I have convinced you that we have not yet reached that critical moment and that we can avoid the downsides of a hot civil war and the globalist boot by taking on the option of the long divorce to still win in the end.
The laws we have on the books are enough—let’s enforce those and allow the country to focus on itself instead of empire building and policing while the media and universities collapse upon the weight of their own lies and degeneracy. Besides, the entertainment value in watching the left screech and yell for the next several decades is sure to bring us reams of pleasure. That’s a better outcome than outright war.
Don't let the Liberals ever compromise your beliefs! Cling to your Bibles and most importantly your GUNS! Fight the Gestapo Socialist, Marxist BASTARDS that would sell you out to the enemies of this nation just to be more progressive.
Fuck the Liberals that will sell this coutry out to the enimie!!
OK except
removing millennials from power and waiting til they die of old age or AIDS?
revoking women's suffrage?
(few women would vote for this :)
these are outside the realm of reality
As a millennial IDK about needing to wait millenials out till they die. I would die for this country and fight against its evil and I'm a millennial. Knowing our world is almost completely controlled by pedophiles fills me with a white hot rage. I
As a woman, I think "woman suffrage" isn't about healing women, it's part of the vicious cycle causing women to need to work and risk having pedophiles babysit their children so they can compensate for inflation to make a living with two working parents. In my opinion, woman's suffrage is just a trigger word to farm spirit from good people.
I'm an anti-feminist. I was raised by a feminist family to be a hardcore feminist and it nearly ruined my life.
Would you vote to remove the right of women to vote? :)
sorry i forgot to reply to this but short answer is yes.... :D
LOL maybe you're right, women aren't mentally fit to vote after all
Are they though? Because aside from the "died suddenly" stories in the news I have so far only seen (1) suspected vax death among my age group since 2021. I'm really wondering how many people I know only got placebos since only the couple that took boosters have health issues everyone else is trucking along like normal.
You have a point. The vax deaths are certainly a reality, but I don't think they are anywhere near the epidemic proportions that we read about here o PDW.
Do you really not know how the right of women to vote came into being?
I've got daughters and granddaughters who've heard this, too. They always say the same thing. "Okay, but if I'm not allowed to vote I'm not paying taxes, either. That's taxation without representation."
This one won't fly, unless you're going to force women to get married by making it impossible to live singly if they wish.
It's a no-go.
Sure, forced marriage is a non-issue. Women will be married off by their families to the highest bidder. You do realize that's what they still do in the most backward countries on Earth, right? In the entire Muslim/Hindu world? And you want that here?
And if a woman does not want to marry? Too bad. She'll either be forced to accept some man or she will have nothing.
In other words: A free country is only free for men, not women.
You might want to think about this one again. No one is forcing my daughters and granddaughters to marry if they don't want to. I'm stunned that anyone who would call themselves "MAGA" would have a mindset like this.
Wow, what a response. I recommend you take this entire reply and make a thread out of it. More eyes need to read your words than the few which troll the comment section. I would love to know if you are one of the contributors on Badland Media. Such great writing skill along with a wonderful train of thought. Thanks for sharing your idea, yet in the back of my mind I wonder if Q has already pondered this approach to our healing process. Certainly he has, and I'm sure your ideas aren't too far from his.
“The third option is a hot war where we lose because of foreign involvement. Not only are we much more likely to die in this engagement, but the globalist boot will come down with such a viciousness that those on the right who survive may hope that they had died in the war.”
This is IMHO the root of so much foreign investment in our political centers and universities. Outside interest hoping to weaken the US with interior strife and then come in and mop up. Looks like a Peking duck Qucks like a Peking duck JS. Certainly not just China because that would be too good an opportunity to miss for our enemies. Other interest are just Salivating at the door hoping to get a piece of the pie. It would be a feeding frenzy and an absolute hit show. This is why I believe much that is frustrating and slow has been allowed.THAT is if the UN troops aren’t deployed as an army for the elite and used to carve up territory like we are a turkey dinner. Sadly many on the left are either delusional and think the echoes of their yes men are actual voices, or just don’t care. I am not sure that middle management and below are capable of much less than obedience and dopamine addiction logic. A tiny sliver may be realizing they need a bolt hole or a good attorney. An even smaller fraction may hope to set the fire as a distraction to get away. Sadly it does not take a big percentage to start something that doesn’t end well. They deserve it but our children don’t deserve the consequences of making their butts cash the checks their mouths write so freely
Maybe the right are winning hearts, minds, and votes, but they’re not winning overall. They’re still having about 40-50% of their property taken by the communist government via some tax or another and spent on harming American babies and children, killing foreigners, enabling embezzlement, etc. Almost all of the right’s buying power has been reduced by inflation engineered by global bankers. Violence has been justified for over a century.
The right has abstained from violence because the sharpest on the right acknowledge that Q had good reason to ask them to.
Oh, yeah, America is 100% has been probably the most communist country on earth for generations, that's true
Incredible 👍👍👍
The Left functions the same as the fictional living dead do. They have one drive and impulse only, which they carry out unconsciously. They will get up and try to fulfill that one impulse again and again and again and again until they are physically prevented from any longer being able to do so. We are going to have to face the fact that even if we win the forthcoming election, Trump and MAGA battle, the Left will remain the long-term war until their impulse itself is eradicated.
Americans do not want a civil war. They do not hate their fellow Americans. They hate the Deep State. The deep state is not easy to find.
No I do despise libtards, I barely even speak anymore to the few I still know. If they lived on a different planet where their bullshit didn't affect our lives it'd be different but I'm tired of, to use an analogy, being stuck in the room with them while they have to smoke entire cartons until they finally get sick and swear off of smoking.
Same, their voting habits and blind faith in institutions directly impact my life.
It’s why I get so frustrated with some aspects of the plan. I see dead American Patriots and innocent children in NC and I am told this suffering has to happen so some woke limousine liberal Seattle tech worker can wake up.
It’s just frustrating cause so many of these rich tech worker assholes live near me and all they do is virtue signal.
I’ve been thinking the same thing. Especially after seeing Blinken and Kamala’s post about giving millions during this time to Lebanon while we are being told FEMA has no money for the Hurricane season. Nobody could be this stupid to make statements like this unless they are trying to bait us into an uprising to start a Civil War and make us look like the bad guys. We need to be careful not to take the bait.
I respectfully disagree. I think it's more along the lines of:
"Sometimes you must show them"
Me and my family live in the foothills of NC though my youngest boy lives outside of Ashville. A few nights ago I was talking with a friend and I was very upset. I hadn't heard from my youngest yet and was worried sick. Everyone was talking about FEMA and also our local officials blocking help. I was beyond upset and yes, I did say rather loudly that we were on our own and this government was f*cking evil. Yes, in the heat of the moment I did say we needed to fight back.
So yeah, people who are angry enough and have had enough will fight.
And I don't blame you! Hang in there, please keep us posted on your youngest. All of our prayers are with you and your family and communities.
He and his girlfriend were evacuated by the coast guard - Thank the Lord! When he was finally able to contact me, he said something about a hospital in Ashville being used as a morgue. I have friends who still have not heard from their loved ones. All of these feelings I have make it difficult to express what I am thinking. I'm sorry.
I am so glad for you, and also sad. Such an unfathomable heartbreak. This will take a long time to process, and healing will be slow. Hang in there, and know that we've got your back.
Do you have any direct links to locals go fund me’s my family could donate too. We want to donate directly to people.
Right now our high school is sheltering people. A few stores are preparing meals and so are our churches. The feed and grain store is giving supplies to feed horses, etc. We have a place for laundry and showers. I don't know about go fund me - I'll look into that, though. Help is coming from others - not our government. I feel so discouraged. CNN started it off by calling us all conspiracy quacks. Our local news is saying the same thing. They are in full denial mode - I hate these people.
edit: view all of the comments in the comment section.
I hate them too. I am trying to awake people in Washington about what is happening. But these rich limousine liberal tech workers don’t fucking care. I hate them.
I understand how on the west coast you might not be as locked in on something happening thousands of miles away on the east coast but the media black out is insane and I am finding people being absolutely mind blown when I tell them what is happening.
Meanwhile my wife and I don’t have much and are trying are hardest to fly out to help. But we are working class and live slightly above pay check to pay check. We are trying to see if our family members will help us pay for plane tickets and a car rental. Or we all just donate to a well vetted charity or directly to locals. If I had a tech workers salary I would already be there.
If I am able to fly out I will make a post on here so you locals can point us in the right direction of where to go.
People said they saw supplies being diverted from FEMA to immigrants instead of Americans in need they were intended.
I don’t think a civil war is going to happen due to social media and cameras.
The biggest weapon on earth is a camera phone. Most people who commit physical violence don’t want to be recorded doing it.
This is because the public can see it. The reason why a physical war hasn’t already started in my view.
Everyone knows they will be recorded on camera instantly.
This is why the Cabal screwed up giving us social media and camera phones!
That didn't stop the "summer of love" much though, did it? Many of those retards didn't even keep their faces covered. Why bother since they weren't getting prosecuted anyway?
I am talking about the general population my friend.
They need the general population to join the war. The summer of love was paid useful idiots.
Which is why Trump just let them do what they do. The average citizen does not want to be on cam killing someone.
Korean shopkeepers didn’t mind being on camera, once you are protecting your property and family, why should you?
I mean the actors who are fighting don't want to be on cam.
Which is why I don't think some massive war will not happen between the common person.
Good people do not want to be on cam killing people because of some war. Now.. defending themselves from bad actors is different.
The bad actors are the paid minority of the Cabal.
So the actors who want to go on offense are the extreme minority of the population.
The people who want to go on defense are the mass majority.
In order for a civil war to happen. Millons of people would need to be going on offense against each other.
We have to stop thinking that groups like
BLM Nazi Antifa
are actually the general population. They are not.
They are PAID Soros Shills. Most of the protest signs are already created for them.
Wasn’t lmecklenburg county the first county to declare separation from the crown?
I love history.
NC has a rich history of going against the Brits even before the Revolution.
The Battle of Moore’s Creek comes to mind where the Tories were defeated.
Here’s a link to some other PreRevolutionary events. https://www.nctripping.com/revolutionary-war-in-north-carolina/
Seems like North Carolinians don’t take lightly to centralized authority.
Yes they were
Winter is coming.
Tragic Prelude
They added 800k new federal employees last month, that’s like an army of paycheque chasing government employees with guns. Why would they hire an additional 800k federal employees in September, two months before the election?
Each episode like this increases the tension and anger towards the government. Violence in the streets is exactly what they want, and arguably, need for the cover of chaos to crash the financial system, steal the election, and remain in power forever.
I've always known this was going to end in gunfire.
The only questions were when & where it starts.
Please take a moment today and stock up on ammo. Remember to park far from the store, so they don't get your license plate, and use cash only.
and leave your phone with your car and walk to buy your ammo.
Docuseries Theme of this thread:
Wyatt Earp and the Cowboy War https://www.imdb.com/title/tt33038128/
The situation became so out of hand (and in the end it was all about money (silver) and railway rights, that murders and a culture of fear disturbed the whole nation and people were talking Civil War 2.0. It was partisan along party lines(Earps were Union/Republican and Cowboys confederate/Democrat)
That would force an acceleration of the good guy plan.
Guess what? Time to dump all the Epstein and P Diddy videos/material.
Theres no living with these people. I said what I said
IF there is a hot civil war, the election, or the peaceful transfer of power, is called off. There will be martial law, and the UN will be called in. They are probably already here amongst the "immigrants." All they need to do is take their uniforms and weapons out of hiding. If there is a hot civil war, we lose.
After witnessing how most of the public reacted to covid, I don't think you have to worry about "itchy patriots"
How would you spark civil unrest right before the most important election in history in order to postpone the elections like they did in Ukraine? Well you could refuse to help the millions in a disaster area causing the rest of the population to rise up against the Federal government and cause a crisis like in NC. If that doesn't work, use the next hurricane and do the same thing. THAT WILL WORK!
I don't necessarily disagree. But on the other hand, the "rest of the population" is getting their pseudo-information from the TV, not from online media as we are. So to what extent they are moved to "rise up" depends mainly upon how much of the truth they know.
The uprising may be staged just like J6!