"They’re about to lose a landslide election to the guy their Deep State Machine went ALL IN on destroying.
To admit they lost the 2024 election is to admit their power is irretrievably broken.
They will REFUSE to leave."
DemoLib Meltdown! 💩
The military is the only way…
Does Brian cates even follow Q? I feel like people here forget about the precipice that needs to happen. In fact, Trump gave a hint the other day that Kamala is going to win. But anyways…
How exactly does the market crash with Trump winning the election?
How does Israel for last happen with Trump winning the election?
If trump won he would have a lot more power on foreign negotiations even before taking office.
Optically none of this can happen with Trump winning.
Precipice and all of the above has to happen under Kamala/Biden.
This is a thought in my brain too.
I’m thinking that SHTF before the election, and (((they))) delay it due to “emergency”. Oh and put Kumala in the oval.
Then they jail Trump and disqualify him. Boom precipice.
Military takes over for 10 days to make all the arrests.
New election w/paper and ID. Trump wins all 50.
I like it except I think the precipice has to last longer than that to wake up the remaining sheep. Also Q suggested the operation lasts until July of next year
My thoughts exactly. Enjoy the next few days, you'll need it for what comes. I think things are going to move faster than we expect in two weeks
What hint did he give? I missed that.
He said “when kamala wins unfortunately”
Communists don’t lose elections unless they choose to do so. Kamala wins.
Either way I am constantly reassured the plan is still going as planned. Without Q the last 3.5 years and the upcoming precipice would have drove me nuts
You have the sauce so I can verify for myself?
Man, I can't remember, he's been doing so many events but it was in the last 2 days I know for sure. But I know it happened, because I was with my sister and I said "Did you hear what he just said?" and she confirmed.
was it a rally or town hall etc?
Yes. He did not at first though.
You could be right, but I did think it could all happen in the ensuing chaos when Trump has won and Kamala/Biden refuses to transition the executive.
That’s true. Hopefully your scenario happens
Hopefully indeed!
It comes from Q lol… you know, the reason this site is here? If you think the entire military is woke you’re mistaken. Do you remember the jag officers and the intelligence officers that came up behind trump during his inauguration speech? That’s never happened before. They did that for a reason. It would be the white hats.
Welcome to the great awakening.
It comes from Q but it also comes from Trump himself. He has said that he has 200 Generals supporting him and he also says I’m not talking about the TV Generals. Those are the woke ones that the MSM wants us to believe are the real leaders. Lol
I understand your point about the military. My husband rode submarines for 30 years- it’s true- the corps are not what they used to be. The idiom, as you call it, comes straight out of a Q post and straight out of PDJTs mouth. I don’t know how it will happen but many people on this platform have repeated it and believe it. Possibly they may play some roll in monitoring a paper ballot election. There are many military people in leadership who are not woke…like anything else there is a silent majority there ready to do their duty.
I won’t believe there’s “Q”, a “trust the plan”, and “military is the only way” bullshit until Mark Milley who was the LEADER of said military is tried for treason and court-martialed for colluding with China in 2021. That scumbag informed China that he’d ignore military orders from Trump because of Jan6..! Milley said what he did was legal, but he circumvented Trump. How the fuck is it “legal” to circumvent the President as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs… Sounds pretty illegal to me, treason!
Name checks out.
How so? I no longer live in Seattle. And I hate Democrats. I also hate false narratives that the military is coming to save us. I have a high ranking Army friend and he will “follow the orders” regardless if Democrats keep stealing elections. He wants that retirement money. Needless to say I’ve lost a lot of respect for him since 2020.
I’m busy waking normies and don’t have time for doomers who should know better.
Appear woke when you are strong.
IF "we as Patriots WERE prepared to do the unthinkable" they still ARE prepared ...or do you think this was a one-time only preparation?
I definitely believe they are prepared to do the unthinkable. That is the backstop. They wouldn't fold after all of this.
WE know they (BH's) will try anything and everything to stop DJT from entering the White House as 47th President of the United States. Election fraud. Refusal to certify his win. Refusing to leave. If we know, so do the WH's. I don't usually like popcorn, but I'm making an exception from November 5 to Inauguration Day. NO FEAR! I trust God. I trust the plan.
The "unthinkable" in the context of this Q post was removing HRC forcibly even though she would be "duly elected" which would be considered treason on paper so those people were prepared to make that sacrifice to prevent the cabal from cementing control over the office of president.
They/We/Patriots needed Trump to get in to lay the legal groundwork for the rest of the plan, which has now played out, I think, exactly as intended.
I don't think that level of sacrifice is necessary now because the stage has been set for all of them to fall and destroy themselves.
I agree. I was trying to emphasize the level of commitment to their preparedness and the plan. That level of commitment doesn't diminish because that level of sacrifice was not a necessary move to make at that time...
If Joe steps down before Nov 5 bringing Kamala to top spot and then cancels the election...
That's one way for them to get what they so desparately want and I wouldn't put it past them for trying.
But Obama admitted, she isn't as strong as Biden.
Not as strong of a candidate, but that doesn’t matter. A puppet is a puppet.
Nah, if they cancel the election then it goes to a 12th amendment vote in the House which would take place on Jan 6.
I could see Kamala trying to pull a Katie Hobbs move and certify her own election but I don't see that going her way.
Every recent election one side says the opponent won't leave....what's up w that?
Or one side or the other says there won't be an election
Somebody is paying attention, election canceled and rescheduled 2-6 months from November. We’re under CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT AND MILITARY OPERATION. It’s a body double playing Biden and Kamala. Trump is still President and CIC. NCSWIC!
Hey, you're supposed to put "SPOILER ALERT" in front of comments like that :D.
If they refuse to leave then we drag them out by force
i think that's why they pulled the J6 FF, to scare us into never going there again?
Jan6er’s still rotting in prison. Unfortunately.
They will refuse to leave. That means the department heads will not make way for the new director, nor will his underlings get out of the building. Think pulling the W keys off typewriter when baby Bush was elected was juvenile? You ain't seen nothing yet.
And to anyone in the future, if you want to run for President as an American first candidate... you must be willing to risk: -multiple assassination attempts -life in Prison on 47 made up Felonies -your reputation, as fake news will create conspiracy to slander you -your assets, as they will give them away to fake rape stories.
Hopefully many media people will be charged, and convicted, of election interference.
i think that's why Trump and Q team are taking our country back so they can't ever do any of this stuff ever again. plus to save the world, of course, but they are going to get rid of the two tier justice system.
It would be funny if Biden is still there and refuses to leave for either Trump or Kamala and then Kamala gets in the door and refuses to leave for Trump. Comedy gold if it weren't so serious.
Oh shit that's amazing! I want this.
Kamala goes boneless as they drag her out. :D
True, if, you don’t become complacent and not vote, so make sure you drive your ass down there and vote Trump!
And vote early. I'm voting for Trump next week, for the 3rd time!!!!
WE’RE WATCHING A MOVIE! The Military is removing the deep states around the world. The real Biden and Kamala won’t be joining us anymore. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Thanks for posting this Purkiss. I've been beating the drum for this (and others have too) scenario for a while because there are clearly some people that are going to lose their shit when DJT gets either cheated out of this election or wins it and the Dems refuse to certify.
We have not yet been pushed to the brink. There are still millions of slumbering imbeciles out there who need to be woken up.
I suspect it will be a rough six months. But I will cautiously say that we might finally be getting close to the next phase. Be prepared, never stop using your voice online and in person, and for the love of our Lord, go out and vote.
Without The Prestige, too many will still be asleep.
Without The Prestige, Americans will not be united.
Without The Prestige, the MSM would brainwash people into thinking it's a "Military coup."
"Why is the media so important?"
The Prestige = MSM 180° flip on Trump coverage.
They were already projecting this on Trump when they kept asking him if he will accept losing.
They won’t admit it but it doesn’t matter, the dead can’t speak. It’s over for the criminal deep states. NCSWIC!
He's also said repeatedly he's coming back and soon. I don't personally trust the military. Most rank and file are probably fine but yeah.
Like they admitted to stealing the last election? They'll admit nothing, and steal it again. What is going to stop them?
more likely than not
I will agree with you, also; the Left will have people rioting in the street, destroying, burning, and looting. DJT will have to have the National Guard (or he will advise, mayors or governors to call them in) the politicians and MSM will say, see we told you he would have the military interact with citizens (some of them may even be citizens, most will probably be illegal aliens) and they will push the narrative that DJT is what they told you/us before the election. I hope it doesn't come to this but they will not give up/in easily. As we have seen in the past.
MTG literally just stated that they're having issues with voter discrepancies already in Georgia. I'm not trying to say too much either right now but as I get my own information regarding Election Judging in Maryland, we have a LOT to be worried about regarding another 2020 2.0.
I'll vote and watch.
I’m glad some are so assured. I, for one, ain’t counting my chickens.
I have been counting my silver ! Friday was awesome !!!