AWESOME. Let the teachers TEACH not indoctrinate. Teachers will be celebrating (privately). Teaching is a calling like nursing is. They may be free to thrive and flower. Of course some of them will need to move to a state that gets it right.
I'm a teacher and I feel a great sense of relief with this. The entire system needs to be destroyed and rebuilt. I am hoping to make it in my career until this new system is in place, a system where kids learn what they need to know to be successful and don't feel they are in prison all day.
When you realize who Robert Maxwell is and what businesses he owned, you realize our educators have a LONG journey ahead of them.
(Hints: "Ghislane" and "Daily Mirror, Macmillan Publishing and the British Printing Company").
Under the plan I’m announcing today, we will take the billions and billions of dollars that we will collect by taxing, fining, and suing excessively large private university endowments, and we will then use that money to endow a new institution called the American Academy.
Under the plan I’m announcing today, we will take the billions and billions of dollars that we will collect by taxing, fining, and suing excessively large private university endowments, and we will then use that money to endow a new institution called the American Academy…a world-class education available to every American, free of charge, and do it without adding a single dime to the federal debt.
We have entered a whole new world of education. We must break the shackles of indoctrination to save our young people.
Removing the Department of Education and returning the responsibility to the States and We The People, just as our US Constitution directs, is an excellent step.
Providing alternative education systems to the big private woke liberal behemoths is fantastic news as well.
I hope Trump puts teachers, administrators, school boards, professors on notice that: 1) your job is to teach, not indoctrinate, not share your sex life, your personal life with students, 2) test scores need to show LEGITIMATE improvement, 3) parents are to be respected in their decisions, 4) no vaccine mandates/mask mandates will be tolerated, 5) back to basics and ditch Common Core, 6) you will not inject politics into your teaching, 7) you will value differing opinions. If you can’t support the above, you must resign now. Infringement of the above will not be tolerated. The Federal government wil stop funding any schools who don’t follow the above. The Constitutional rights of all students and parents will be supported equally disrespecting e of age, sex, race, politics or religious beliefs. This includes teachers’ unions.
The federal government should fund NO elementary or high school for whatever reason! It is unconstitutional.
What you say is reasonable, but the federal government has no role in any of that; it belongs to the Local and State level, not to mention parents and private organizations.
Hey Jimmy Carter, I'm abolishing your signature "infiltration and centralization project". Fuck you. You can die now.
Definite FU comms putting this on the cabal's favorite "shenanigans date" of 11-11. Coded message..."we know your symbology and we are mocking you with it while we dismantle you piece-by-piece".
Created by the Department of Education Organization Act (Public Law 96-88), it was signed into law by President Jimmy Carter on October 17, 1979 and began operating on May 4, 1980.
Okay, I am for it all being brought back to the state for fundin. I am not sure where those monies come from though, other than taxpayers. But taxation on the state level will only replace federal taxes.
Measuring merit on test scores loses the plot. The second the ignorant spout that nonsense they have lost all credibility in the game. "Take this kid who listens to Thugonomics and not his parents, who thinks disrespecting teachers is passing school rather than making academic progress and it's YOUR fault he never put an ounce of work in and you would have been fired if you so much as told him to hush in class".
All that grandstanding to ultimately bow down and say "just pass the future doctors and lawyers along."
And "School Choice" will keep the money flowing to the good schools, resulting in that good 'ol capitalistic competition. This alone will weed out the bad achools.
No, let’s not target that result, let’s shoot for all states going back to merit. The main thing that will help is getting people like waltz out of leadership
I remember when it was created. Failing education started at that point (1966 or there abouts). Johnny can't read and Johnny can't add followed. It's gone down hill since. The first thing to return to the classroom is cursive writing. Our grandchildren will not be able to read what their parents and grandparents and great grandparents left them. The cultural revolution will be complete.
This will probably be an unpopular opinion but there should be school uniforms like they have in Japan. I can not believe how little fabric girls wear in their "clothing" (if you can even call it clothing) at the public high school. Boys aren't dressed appropriately to attend school either. This would cut down on the "gang colors" baloney, the drama between the "haves" and "have nots", and give the young people an inkling of what the future requires in terms of attiring appropriately for a particular venue (i.e. proper job attire).
It doesn't seem to hurt the young people in Japan and I don't think it will hurt the young people in the United States either.
Not unpopular and you make good points. I think it's something that should be discussed and considered while revamping education in the country - although with control removed from a centralized federal (corrupt-destructive) DoE it's likely to vary state-by-state.
I didn't grow up with school uniforms, but this was when parents used to actually act like parents and wouldn't allow their kids to go to school in "inappropriate" garb. Also, back then clothing manufacturers didn't market to kids so there was no pressure to be clad in "popular", "fashionable" clothing. Kids don't need to focus on their superficial appearance nor their parents' financial status while at school; they should be focused on their education. I suppose it's going to be up to parents in individual states to determine the values they want to have instilled in their children.
Some of the cheerleading routines they put the girls through nowadays seem more along the line of "burlesque" shows as well. Definitely need cleanup there, what exactly are we teaching the girls?
I went through the school system in IL and moved to a red state. I'm grateful for going through the school system in IL and I'm proud of it, but not anymore after what I've seen recently.
I visited IL a while ago and noticed that the kids are getting worse as far as education goes, especially at my high school, which is a really sad sight to see. I truly hope that will either change or revert back to what they were doing pre-Common Core or whatever it is that they've switched over to, once the DoE is abolished.
On the other hand, I also hope that the school system will improve for red states as well, as I'm noticing the same thing here in Ohio. Besides teaching Common Core and allowing failing students to pass and graduate, which is a recent thing as Common Core is fairly new, there's more to the issues that is not a recent thing.
This goes back a long way because my wife went through the school system here in Ohio they did not treat her properly. They treated her like an invalid just because she's deaf. They didn't give her a proper education cuz they felt she wasn't worth their time teaching. I had to teach her a lot of things and based on what I've noticed, she's really smart but she wasn't given the tools to learn at an early age.
This is why I took my child out of school and we're homeschooling my kid right now because even with Common core and LBQTIABCWTFWHATEVER++//.edu in schools right now, I still don't trust the school system here in this town, to teach my child properly, after how they treated my wife and her peers (who are also deaf with some additional disabilities, like Cerebral Palsy). If they don't treat all students equally, why should I place my trust in teachers who will judge their students differently?
My wife's friend was wheelchair bound, but was in the process of conditioning and strengthening his legs to walk and stand due to mild Cerebral Palsy and Hypotonia (low muscle tone).
He had a teacher aide helping him achieve these stuff, but it was the opposite. She berated him, shamed him and kicked him. When he made a bowel movement accident in his underwear (from fear of her verbal and physical abuse? or just a simple incontinence issue? Who knows cuz he won't tell my wife), some of it slid out of his pants to the floor, the teacher aide pushed him down to the floor and made him clean up the mess.
This is one of the many mean stuff the teacher aide did to my wife's friend and worst of all, the teachers knew and allowed this to happen, including the principal. Another sad thing about this is my wife's friend was conditioned to believe that what they did to him is "normal".
I am aware that this may be isolated to this town that's doing the dirty deeds, but I went to college in New York that had a deaf program. There were over thousands of deaf students attending from other states and a lot of them shared their stories of mistreatment and abuse from their school, similar to what happened to my wife's friend. It's a miracle that they survived it through and got out alive.
I also could go on with how badly deaf people were treated back in the 1950's-1970's like teacher slapping a deaf student's hand with a wooden ruler for using American Sign Language, when they should just be using their lips alone to communicate, but I feel I've made my point already.
Yes, the school system is desperately in need of a reform, not just education but their treatment toward all students, otherwise I will continue to not trust the schools to teach my kid or anyone's kids.
My youngest comes home the other day and tells me one of his teachers inverted the Republican/Democratic and whispers he voted for Kamala in a demonic voice…. Now sure I am hearing this from my kid, but why would he make that up?
Hopefully we can get the local people to fire these lunatic commies who fly the rainbow commie flag and love that China dictator chow.
I can hardly contain myself on this move. I worked for a man when I was in college in the 1970's who had his own Tech industry (my neighbor) who went to a one room school house to be educated as a child. He advanced so far because he was able to do the work of the kids in the classroom at least 4 years ahead of him.
He earned his college degree sooner than most bc of the education he recieved in a one room school house.
My best friend is a teacher at a private Catholic school. So I'm not sure how that works with the DoE, but he doesn't believe Trump will actually close it, but rather that it's another position for him to fill and that he may tone the dept down, but not fully close it.
He also says we have the highest per pupil spending and we don’t rank near the bottom. When I told him about how the US ranking dropped when Carter made the DoE, he said, "Interesting you mention that time frame USA was first few countries to require k-12 education for all its citizens as as a right
So as other countries caught up it more balanced out". He also mentioned "I think it’s for every dollar your taxes go towards education you see a return or $3 over 10 years" and "In fact if you doubled the education spending it would create a surplus in about 30 years".
I don't work in education so I have no idea if that's true or not.
Having the same education in NY and Calif didn't work when Obama put it in. In Calif we need FFA, but requiring FFA in NY city would be stupid, so they just got rid of it.
AWESOME. Let the teachers TEACH not indoctrinate. Teachers will be celebrating (privately). Teaching is a calling like nursing is. They may be free to thrive and flower. Of course some of them will need to move to a state that gets it right.
I'm a teacher and I feel a great sense of relief with this. The entire system needs to be destroyed and rebuilt. I am hoping to make it in my career until this new system is in place, a system where kids learn what they need to know to be successful and don't feel they are in prison all day.
My heart sings for you.
School cafeteria and food like prison, buses like prisoner transport...the whole system needs to go
MDGA-Make Diagramming Great Again!
When you realize who Robert Maxwell is and what businesses he owned, you realize our educators have a LONG journey ahead of them. (Hints: "Ghislane" and "Daily Mirror, Macmillan Publishing and the British Printing Company").
Here Here! 50’s and 60’s were the best.
I could go on about this all day. I’ve got way too much to say it adequately here.
hilarious username, fren!!
Well I hope everyone says it. I want to change towns education but need to draw on everyone's knowledge.
Sounds good to me and you can help make it happen…. 🙏
I'm certain you felt out of place for so long with the liberals ruling over this whole system.
Here is a reminder from Trump about a year ago.
Agenda47: The American Academy
Nov, 2, 2023 Donald Trump Offers ‘Dramatically Different’ Non-Woke Educational Policy: The ‘American Academy’
This is awesome. Thanks for sharing this.
You are very welcome!
We have entered a whole new world of education. We must break the shackles of indoctrination to save our young people.
Removing the Department of Education and returning the responsibility to the States and We The People, just as our US Constitution directs, is an excellent step.
Providing alternative education systems to the big private woke liberal behemoths is fantastic news as well.
School is for learning, not indoctrinating!
Amen. This is an exciting time to be alive.
Liberal "teachers" are scared and screaming. I love it. Send education back to being locally controlled. Parents involved heavily.
Absolutely correct gal!
I hope Trump puts teachers, administrators, school boards, professors on notice that: 1) your job is to teach, not indoctrinate, not share your sex life, your personal life with students, 2) test scores need to show LEGITIMATE improvement, 3) parents are to be respected in their decisions, 4) no vaccine mandates/mask mandates will be tolerated, 5) back to basics and ditch Common Core, 6) you will not inject politics into your teaching, 7) you will value differing opinions. If you can’t support the above, you must resign now. Infringement of the above will not be tolerated. The Federal government wil stop funding any schools who don’t follow the above. The Constitutional rights of all students and parents will be supported equally disrespecting e of age, sex, race, politics or religious beliefs. This includes teachers’ unions.
The federal government should fund NO elementary or high school for whatever reason! It is unconstitutional.
What you say is reasonable, but the federal government has no role in any of that; it belongs to the Local and State level, not to mention parents and private organizations.
Definite FU comms putting this on the cabal's favorite "shenanigans date" of 11-11. Coded message..."we know your symbology and we are mocking you with it while we dismantle you piece-by-piece".
Okay, I am for it all being brought back to the state for fundin. I am not sure where those monies come from though, other than taxpayers. But taxation on the state level will only replace federal taxes.
Excellent solutions for the better education of our children! Mabe Trump can hire you.
Measuring merit on test scores loses the plot. The second the ignorant spout that nonsense they have lost all credibility in the game. "Take this kid who listens to Thugonomics and not his parents, who thinks disrespecting teachers is passing school rather than making academic progress and it's YOUR fault he never put an ounce of work in and you would have been fired if you so much as told him to hush in class".
All that grandstanding to ultimately bow down and say "just pass the future doctors and lawyers along."
A Federal Dept of Education is unconstitutional; such duties not enumerated are reserved to the States and the People.
And "School Choice" will keep the money flowing to the good schools, resulting in that good 'ol capitalistic competition. This alone will weed out the bad achools.
let the blue states run everything by DEI and the red states can operate by merit, and we'll be able to compare the result
No, let’s not target that result, let’s shoot for all states going back to merit. The main thing that will help is getting people like waltz out of leadership
fair enough, fair enough. I just like the idea of letting the smug see how hard they make it for themselves
AMAZING!!! It's like Christmas every day since the election 🎄 SO MUCH GOOD NEWS!! NOT TIRED OF WINNING YET!!! 😁😁😁
Close the IRS too while you're at it
Shut down the indoctrination camps 🥳
"Send it all back to the States"! From whence it was stolen by federal abuse of powers that it does not have from the Constitution.
Wasn't that the peanut farmer who invented it?
I remember when it was created. Failing education started at that point (1966 or there abouts). Johnny can't read and Johnny can't add followed. It's gone down hill since. The first thing to return to the classroom is cursive writing. Our grandchildren will not be able to read what their parents and grandparents and great grandparents left them. The cultural revolution will be complete.
I am curious, too, what will happen with all those DOE loans.
This will probably be an unpopular opinion but there should be school uniforms like they have in Japan. I can not believe how little fabric girls wear in their "clothing" (if you can even call it clothing) at the public high school. Boys aren't dressed appropriately to attend school either. This would cut down on the "gang colors" baloney, the drama between the "haves" and "have nots", and give the young people an inkling of what the future requires in terms of attiring appropriately for a particular venue (i.e. proper job attire).
It doesn't seem to hurt the young people in Japan and I don't think it will hurt the young people in the United States either.
Not unpopular and you make good points. I think it's something that should be discussed and considered while revamping education in the country - although with control removed from a centralized federal (corrupt-destructive) DoE it's likely to vary state-by-state.
I didn't grow up with school uniforms, but this was when parents used to actually act like parents and wouldn't allow their kids to go to school in "inappropriate" garb. Also, back then clothing manufacturers didn't market to kids so there was no pressure to be clad in "popular", "fashionable" clothing. Kids don't need to focus on their superficial appearance nor their parents' financial status while at school; they should be focused on their education. I suppose it's going to be up to parents in individual states to determine the values they want to have instilled in their children.
Some of the cheerleading routines they put the girls through nowadays seem more along the line of "burlesque" shows as well. Definitely need cleanup there, what exactly are we teaching the girls?
If you were to steelman why we need the department of education, what would you say?
Probably money/standards related. He addressed the standards reason.
This needs to come with a proportional reduction in tax.
If we are paying money anyway, education is one of the more noble uses of the money (not saying they do it right).
I do not trust them to not spend it anyway.
Dear God I pray that the Department of Education is closed. It is brainwashing and corrupting the innocent children.
I forget what idiotic President started the Department of Education.
Was that LBJ or Carter?
I believe LBJ. My college has a building dedicated to LBJ because of his view on education.
I seriously hope with DoE going away, that school will find out the truth about DoE and take LBJ's name off the building.
This is when the downfall of education began.
Wasn't LBJ involved in generating the forced bussing to keep the race war going?
Nothing like lopping off a big piece of fat from the federal budget!! Goodbye Department of Indoctrination!!
About time. End centralized indoctrination.
I hope the blue states like IL can rise above all the indoctrination and teach the kids!
I went through the school system in IL and moved to a red state. I'm grateful for going through the school system in IL and I'm proud of it, but not anymore after what I've seen recently.
I visited IL a while ago and noticed that the kids are getting worse as far as education goes, especially at my high school, which is a really sad sight to see. I truly hope that will either change or revert back to what they were doing pre-Common Core or whatever it is that they've switched over to, once the DoE is abolished.
On the other hand, I also hope that the school system will improve for red states as well, as I'm noticing the same thing here in Ohio. Besides teaching Common Core and allowing failing students to pass and graduate, which is a recent thing as Common Core is fairly new, there's more to the issues that is not a recent thing.
This goes back a long way because my wife went through the school system here in Ohio they did not treat her properly. They treated her like an invalid just because she's deaf. They didn't give her a proper education cuz they felt she wasn't worth their time teaching. I had to teach her a lot of things and based on what I've noticed, she's really smart but she wasn't given the tools to learn at an early age.
This is why I took my child out of school and we're homeschooling my kid right now because even with Common core and LBQTIABCWTFWHATEVER++//.edu in schools right now, I still don't trust the school system here in this town, to teach my child properly, after how they treated my wife and her peers (who are also deaf with some additional disabilities, like Cerebral Palsy). If they don't treat all students equally, why should I place my trust in teachers who will judge their students differently?
My wife's friend was wheelchair bound, but was in the process of conditioning and strengthening his legs to walk and stand due to mild Cerebral Palsy and Hypotonia (low muscle tone).
He had a teacher aide helping him achieve these stuff, but it was the opposite. She berated him, shamed him and kicked him. When he made a bowel movement accident in his underwear (from fear of her verbal and physical abuse? or just a simple incontinence issue? Who knows cuz he won't tell my wife), some of it slid out of his pants to the floor, the teacher aide pushed him down to the floor and made him clean up the mess.
This is one of the many mean stuff the teacher aide did to my wife's friend and worst of all, the teachers knew and allowed this to happen, including the principal. Another sad thing about this is my wife's friend was conditioned to believe that what they did to him is "normal".
I am aware that this may be isolated to this town that's doing the dirty deeds, but I went to college in New York that had a deaf program. There were over thousands of deaf students attending from other states and a lot of them shared their stories of mistreatment and abuse from their school, similar to what happened to my wife's friend. It's a miracle that they survived it through and got out alive.
I also could go on with how badly deaf people were treated back in the 1950's-1970's like teacher slapping a deaf student's hand with a wooden ruler for using American Sign Language, when they should just be using their lips alone to communicate, but I feel I've made my point already.
Yes, the school system is desperately in need of a reform, not just education but their treatment toward all students, otherwise I will continue to not trust the schools to teach my kid or anyone's kids.
As a retired teacher of 43 years, I have said this for YEARS! Education needs to be put back to state and local control not federal.
FANTASTIC!!!! 😺 The whole system is sickeningly woke and beyond repair.
This video is part of Agenda 47 and has been on Trumps website since March 2023.
Last time I checked on RFK's nomination website, Charlie Kirk was top nominee for Department of Education. Haaa
No, no thank you, Mr. President, let’s make it happen 🙏
So Much Winning!!!!
Now ban public service unions! Fuck the NEA, or as Rush called them, the National Extortion Administration.
Very cool.
My youngest comes home the other day and tells me one of his teachers inverted the Republican/Democratic and whispers he voted for Kamala in a demonic voice…. Now sure I am hearing this from my kid, but why would he make that up?
Hopefully we can get the local people to fire these lunatic commies who fly the rainbow commie flag and love that China dictator chow.
I can hardly contain myself on this move. I worked for a man when I was in college in the 1970's who had his own Tech industry (my neighbor) who went to a one room school house to be educated as a child. He advanced so far because he was able to do the work of the kids in the classroom at least 4 years ahead of him.
He earned his college degree sooner than most bc of the education he recieved in a one room school house.
My best friend is a teacher at a private Catholic school. So I'm not sure how that works with the DoE, but he doesn't believe Trump will actually close it, but rather that it's another position for him to fill and that he may tone the dept down, but not fully close it.
He also says we have the highest per pupil spending and we don’t rank near the bottom. When I told him about how the US ranking dropped when Carter made the DoE, he said, "Interesting you mention that time frame USA was first few countries to require k-12 education for all its citizens as as a right So as other countries caught up it more balanced out". He also mentioned "I think it’s for every dollar your taxes go towards education you see a return or $3 over 10 years" and "In fact if you doubled the education spending it would create a surplus in about 30 years".
I don't work in education so I have no idea if that's true or not.
Kash for AG?
So....$64,000 question:
Does that mean all of our state/property taxes are going to increase now?
Who's going to pay for this?
There needs to be MAJOR DEVOLUTION in these schools. The level of waste and corruption is OUT OF CONTROL!!!
I sure as hell aren't paying extra for DEI blue hair dong dancing and grooming.
We're going to have to flex on these mofos real soon... and not just one person while their municipal rent a cop tries taking us down.
Oh and Fk your usda "grade E edible" school lunch ground beef - sold to us at sky high prices. The money Laundering is over!!!
Having the same education in NY and Calif didn't work when Obama put it in. In Calif we need FFA, but requiring FFA in NY city would be stupid, so they just got rid of it.
Let this be one of many of the dominoes of corrupt unconstitutional agencies to shudder!
Need to get rid of communist governors.