If tobacco was actually bad for you the government would be spraying it into the atmosphere, adding it to our drinking water and fortifying children's breakfast cereal with it. The nocebo effect brought on by all those years of anti-smoking propaganda and Surgeon General's warnings killed way more people than Phillip Morris ever did.
Getting people to separate the idea of taking nicotine and smoking is nearly impossible. It is so ingrained in peoples psyche that nicotine means smoking no matter what. I have no doubt that nicotine has some health benefits but good luck breaking the propaganda surrounding this topic.
Seasoned smoker here of over 35 years. Since when did this board become so anti-smoking? For me, that's one of the first freedoms the government targeted.
Listen. I know people die from complications associated with smoking. But I've also known several people to live well into their 80's. Personally, I believe genetics play a big role. Likewise I've seen people who were never around smoking who got lung cancer.
Should you smoke? Probably not. Should you be allowed to smoke without being bereded and degraded? Absolutely. Personal freedom reigns.
Should businesses be forced to ban smoking? NO. Business owners should be allowed to make that decision only. Unless of course its a medical facility or public school.
But the overreach went way too far.
Nicotine also protects against COVID. Ask me if I've been sick.
You opened a floodgate...but I am so glad this information is being discussed. We used to regularly have wonderful discussions on health issues...but you being a "newbie" wouldn't remember. You have posted on 2 very pertinent healing issues and I am grateful that you took the time to do so. Frankly politics leaves me a bit depressed. But I take St. John's Wort so I am good...LOL...
Guess all I am saying is, smoke em if you got em. Worst case scenario, you will have bad genetics that do not react well with tobacco, and you will develop stomach cancer. Best case scenario, it will help you to not get most cancers, not get sick, and extend your life. In a world of turbo cancers, spike shedding and unspoken world wars using biochemical, electrical and radio frequency warfare, as well as nuclear, chemical, and genetic-based tactics, smoking will most likely increase your odds of surviving.
Yeah that's a big fuck no. If someone wants to smoke go ahead but for your habit to be in my face and I have to breath that shit and I hate the smell as much as an abused public shitter and I know many many people who can't stand to smell your habit. Yeah it should be banned from all indoor public places. The greatest day ever was when that happened and the rest of us had fresh air finally. To think it's OK for someone's habit to impact every single person around you and that's ok is ridiculous levels of selfish.
I have to laugh to think that you actually have fresh air, and I pray for the day when we all truly do have "fresh" air. The amount of chemicals being sprayed on us in addition to environmental chemicals, let alone chemicals that humans use for their personal use, is ridiculous.
Sure I agree with that. But that is also using hyperbole to convolute a point philosophically. Simple version, what you described is in the air, so smoking around and then no smoking, the latter is fresh air for the non smokers,, especially the ones that loathe it.
I have to agree...I smoked for a couple of years in my early 20's, but after I quit, I detest the smell of cigarette smoke...but I have to say I am loving the nicotine patch that I wear per Dr. Ardis' recommendation. I think it is reasonable to ban smoking from certain places, but I certainly understand people have a right to smoke. I know a wonderful man that died of secondhand smoke, so there is such a fine line between different people's rights on this issue.
Agreed. Another example is if someone chews tobacco and just decides to spit anywhere they want and oh well if it happens to land on someone else. That's the same level of, sharing one's habit but different context. I bet a smoker wouldn't appreciate that.
"Should you smoke? Probably not. Should you be allowed to smoke without being bereded and degraded? Absolutely. Personal freedom reigns" I do agree but as long as it does not affect someone who ALSO has personal rights to not smell that nasty crap. I have a sensitive nose. I can't stand the smell. It permeates everything. Additionally, I see cigarette butts everywhere. It's better now as people have largely switched to vaping.
I am disappointed in you...you do realize that all you need to learn anything is to be able to read and have a modicum of intelligence. Some of the best information on the internet for good health is given by Dr. Berg, who also was a practicing chiropractor. Intelligence is not limited only to people with a lot of degrees and letters behind their name. In fact, the last 4 years have taught me how dangerous hospitals and doctors can be...much worse than I even thought possible. I find Dr. Ardis to be very intelligent and I have listened to many of his talks. This narrow type of thinking is why people trust doctors/hospitals, even ignoring their own good judgement.
Well said. Far too many use a guilty by association mentality on this site, well in general, but the massacre and smear the messenger while ignoring the message is rampant in this place. All coming from all the "great awakened" people.
Most of what he speaks on is verifiable and he usually gives all sources and data that supports what he discusses and why it's worth hearing and use research and discernment.
It's not Dr Ardis' qualifications which are the reason I don't trust him, it's his unqualified sweeping statements on a subject. He oversimplifies on purpose and I believes he misleads that way. He doesn't cite numbers or explain biochemical pathways.
I'm sure there is a truth basis to what he says, but is isn't so simple as he makes it. Some of his stuff checks out and he wants to convince you of more.
For contrast, John O'Looney the embalmer may not be directly medically qualified, but all of his work is descriptive and he gives numbers where he can. I find him totally trustworthy.
Dr. Ardis puts together a really strong, scientifically backed argument in his book. If you want sauce, check it out; he has sources for everything. You can find it on his website.
I can understand your thought process...but...who do you think he is trying to mislead...and why? What "more" is he trying to convince you of? I have found that he has talked about things like tobacco when no one else was...he was always fighting a plethora of "knowledge". He has done some excellent research and I personally feel he has presented what he has studied and verified...even if it seems simplistic on the surface.
Perhaps you think he is sensationalizing issues...he has come up with some products so perhaps you think he has ulterior motives. I don't see it that way at all. He doesn't have the skills to do his own lab experiments and does depend on other's studies and information. There are any people I DON'T trust, and Dr. Ardis is just not one of them.
You know I respect your knowledge and reasoning skills, but this is perhaps something we will just not agree on. Would you ever consider using a Nicotine patch or other products if you knew it could improve your health? I can clearly tell a difference when I use a patch and I have experienced some herxheimer reactions from detoxing. I hope you are enjoying the holidays and I am always grateful for your hard work and dedication to moderating GAW...😊
Well the nicotine that is a main component of tobacco is not addictive. It is all the other crap that they put in cigarettes that is the problem. He did a really great video talking about all that...I will see if i can find which one it is. I saw some good comments about nicotine receptors and cannabis receptors in the body...but I have no clue where I saw that. I find no addiction from the patches I use...but it is very low dose. Read the comments from Panda Moon...they are using nicotine patches for patients very successfully. I really think you would benefit...but of course you have so many choices when it comes to health.
Hope all is well in Merry Old England my friend...Have a wonderful Christmas...
I guess you do not know any good chiropractors. I have had three different chiropractors in two different countries save my life with their chiropractic and medical skills, and Ardis is not one of them. Ardis is, however, a good analyzer of scientific papers and research. I cannot speak to his chiropractic skills, as I have not had the pleasure. I do enjoy his interpretation of data, though, as well as his supplement he developed with Dr. Ed Group of Global Healing: Foreign protein cleanse. Works wonders. I have used it on myself and several other adults with powerful results.
I knew one chiropractor that would do anything to make a buck. He eventually lost his license for practicing medicine without a license. That being said I am sure he was likely a one off. I knew another one that i went to for back issues. I was having terrible spasms that were worse every time I left his office. I just quit going. I am sure many people are helped though by chiropractors, I just wasn't one of them.
Thank you for posting this. Watch a few of Dr. Ardis' videos...he has some of the best information on the internet. I have started using a 3.5mg. nicotine patch (cut a 7 mg. patch in half) because I can feel when I am around vaxxed people and I really can see a positive effect from using the patches. It is worthwhile to be aware of all this information. If you choose to read, then ignore...you certainly can make that choice. I guarantee you using a patch does NOT cause addition.
Several members of our team have started using either nicotine patches, lozenges, gum, and/or tobacco inhalation during the pandemic or shortly after. The ones that started smoking during the pandemic did not get covid--they were hearing and reading research on the positive prevention effects, so they started smoking. The others who started nicotine use after Dr. Ardis' Watch the Water documentary noticed not feeling ill around the jabbed. Others of our team are using it for detoxification against the filiarial issues with mosquitoes and having good response to that. Some of them are using it to combat chemical exposures from various sources (myself included). Members of our team are using a range of 5.25mg patches up to 21mg patch daily, based on their different environmental issues, spike exposure, as well as their body size and gender. I used a short course of 3.75-5.25mg nicotine patch therapy on several patients (non-smokers) recently to help them with detoxification from Ozempic, Alzheimer's, food poisoning, and the stomach flu with positive effect. Not one of them had any nicotine craving or withdrawal symptoms at that amount of therapy for a week.
It is so good to hear from you...and especially to hear of your experience. As you may have noticed I am off and on social media but I do try to catch the important medical news and this topic is one that I find so interesting. Obviously these vaccinations have screwed EVERYONE up whether they got the shot or not. I refer to Dr. Anna Mihalcea and all the research she has done on blood analysis and shedding particularly.
To hear of your experience validates everything that I know and felt was true. You know how much I respect your knowledge and desire to help others with your medical insights. I am so glad to know of your experience. I know Dr. Ardis also had some great videos on using nicotine patches for long covid.
I hope your family is well...we are good...just busy...as most are. The saddest thing for me is the illness I see with the older crowd in my exercise classes. I can only share on a limited basis but many are going through hell...especially with the allopathic cancer treatments or all the other treatments given as a consequence of covid. Families are suffering so much. I thank you so much for chiming in.
Hi Tweety! I usually do not chime in on conversations either, unless it is the medical things that I am passionate about or I feel like I can share something that would benefit others. There are other team members that keep this account pretty active, though, and if there is anything very relevant going on, they either tell me or I am on here lurking, lol.
Glad to hear you are all using the patches as well, and that you are all doing well!
I follow Dr. Mihalcea also, so I know what you are speaking of. It is very scary indeed to see what is being found in the blood of the vaccinated and unvaccinated, but I believe in the God-given solutions found in nature that can keep us healthy and whole.
In my small community, the majority of people are up-to-date on boosters, so I can relate to what you are seeing in the elderly. We are seeing a lot of turbo cancers and the younger crowd have rare diseases and dying. Driving here is a nightmare, because everyone's prefrontal cortex are pretty much spiked and damaged from these shots.
Wishing you a very happy Christmas and a wonderful 2025, my dear Fren. If you ever find anything interesting, please message me! Oh, have you tried the Foreign Protein Cleanse developed by Ardis & Dr. Ed Group? If you have issues with mosquitoes, this helps a lot to keep mosquito-related illnesses at bay.
You know I am in Georgia and our wonderful Dr. Death released his darn mosquitoes in Florida and around our area. Every time I see a mosquito I wonder if it is one of his.
I think we are on the same page about things. Ardis and Mihalcea are two accounts i get in my email. And I am fans of both. I have never used any of Dr. Ardis' products, but I would consider on your recommendations. I have another cleanse I have to use up first. It is so wonderful to hear from you...we have really tried to fight the good fight from a medical standpoint. I would love to see much more medical information talked about...like it used to be. I learned so much from wonderful, caring intelligent people like you.
You know I purchased a Rife machine and have been having fun with that. I believe it is helping but it is hard to quantify when I only deal with arthritis on a regular basis...I am trying many different sequences...wish I could do them all but it just takes time. I find it useful. I just got some bloodwork so we will see if there is any improvement. I think I am really going through some healing crisis. I really want to do a 72 hour fast...but there seems to always be a reason to eat...LOL...
The major crisis from the last two years is resolving so I am back to getting on track in my life. It has been a rough ride but the Lord is really blessing my daughter as she works through many aspects of her experience. God is so good and always gives us exactly what we need when we need it. I hope you have a blessed New Year...you are doing EVERYTHING right for your family and I so respect that. DM me anytime...but I know you are VERY busy...💖😊
They are talking about the use of nicotine patches for these diseases
Smoking will never be good for the lungs that is not propaganda
Nicotine is addictive as it has properties similar to opiates. Those are just facts. But you can wear a patch without hurting yourself. All of those ads during the years you talk about patches were not available. COPD and lung cancer from cigarette smoking is a real thing.
Granted - sample size of 1 is insignificant.
I smoked 1-1.5 packs a day from ~17 to 28 years of age. I'm now 63. So my FEAR was getting addicted to Nicotine patches. Withdrawal was miserable, but to my shock, I had absolutely no withdrawal symptoms, wearing (28 mg patch cut into 6 pieces - ~4mg) wearing up to 14 mg a day for a week.
I tried a whole patch - and I got the nicotine buzz, and threw up. So even after a week of smaller doses, I just don't tolerate a whole patch.
But, I expected to feel the addiction again - It's MY opinion (and you can't have it) that the addiction is from Pyrazines that are intentionally added to the cigarettes to addict and kill their patients; as I was able to drop the patches cold turkey, without any issues at all.
American Indians smoked tobacco for millennia, and they weren't addicted.
Pyrazine? Flood of memories. Friends dad in 1988 or so was a machine operator instructor. The class was moving earth and uncovered barrells buried at an old RJ Reynolds site. The barrells contained pyradine. These guys were knee deep in it. There was zero information anywhere in the US. We wrote to Russia to get info on the human effects of this chemical as no one else had conducted studies. I recall getting a letter back, in Russian, with the sickle watermark. Interesting!
Not a very good example to state Indians smoked for millenia but were not addicted. How in the world would you know if each or any individual was addicted.....and that is literally showing what addiction is. Doing it over millenia. Lol.
See my comment up above for historical data on tobacco, addiction, etc. There are a bunch of articles with each one containing a ton of peer-reviewed real science that you might be shocked to read. Cheers.
Then pray tell, why does the cigarette industry spend millions on chemists and labor to add pyrazines to tobacco?
Ground up tobacco isn’t addictive enough by itself? Formaldehyde isn’t a natural byproduct of tobacco. Neither are heavy metals and many other ingredients. Why?
Inhaling smoke of any kind is bad for you. But the facts are that nicotine is no more addictive than caffeine. Do you know anyone addicted to tomatoes, potatoes or papayas? All of those and other common food plants contain nicotine. That said all mild stimulants can be a little addictive. It's the chemical additives that makes commercial tobacco products addictive.
Scientific fact nicotine has opiate like properties. Little stronger than caffeine. Potatoes and the like may have those properties but the starch they contain turns to sugar at a much higher level in your bloodstream causing addiction to sugar. You keep wanting it.
You realize you are attempting to state a scientific fact that is scientifically incorrect since the comparison is of an alkaloid substance to a chemical compound spectrum derived from inorganics.
Using this logic then I can state that it's a scientific fact that your comment has normy and uninformed like properties.
I’m stunned by what I’m reading in this thread. I’ve used cocaine, molly, shrooms, LSD, and weed, and a few other things, and NOTHING has been as hard to give up as vaping. Stimulants are addictive, period. And no matter what acute problems they can help with as a medicine, they should not became some staple of your daily diet. Over the last several years it had become abundantly clear that the very best thing you can do for your health, above literally anything else, is to regulate your circadian rhythm. Uppers and downers ruins your heart rate variability and wreak havoc on your sleep patterns and schedule. Stimulants can be great drugs in the medicine sense, meaning they can be used temporarily to help restore balance in certain situations but the problem is people basically make caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, etc. a part of their regular diet. The difference I’ve felt since quitting all of them is frankly beyond words. Stop peddling your addictions here in the name if freedom frens. It may be your right but drugs for recreational use are just plain bad for you. Full stop.
Who's talking about recreational use? This promotes a nicotine patch as a medicinal remedy and detox, both of which are temporary. Even using it as a protective against covid doesn't qualify for addiction, especially at the low (legal and OTC) levels mentioned.
Vaping is different than smoking cigarettes or using pipe tobacco. Have you tried those? Also, have you tried any of the synthetic nicotine sources? Additionally, have you tried other nicotine-laden plants listed on this thread and noticed any addiction issues?
I tried vaping. It sucks. Go to tobacco. Vaping was hard to quit. Tobacco I can quit anytime and have numerous times until I have to take it because of a chemical exposure and need to detox.
Ever got addicted to eggplant? Eggplant has nicotine. Tomatoes.... all nightshades do. Traditionally tobacco was used to treat snake bites in horses and humans before antivenom was around. Do some research into it. Very interesting history.
That and introducing a foreign substance called smoke into one of the single most important systems of the human body that isn't air and wasnt designed to filter complex gas and fume compounds, might have something to do with it too
Funny how nobody asks why cigarettes aren't just chopped tobacco
Why do they contain heavy metals, formaldehyde and all those nasty chemicals. Many cultures smoked, and didn't see the addictions we see now. And nobody is asking why Pyrazines are added to tobacco.
Government went hard against smokers, new laws, new taxes and now a single packet of ciggaretts cost $60+ dollars each. People usually don't believe this and I encourage anyone to look it up. This has hit the poor hardest and the stories of addiction are horrible what the governement has done to smokers. All under the guise of 'health' smokers are the new leppers of society. Propaganda works.
I have had cravings for eggplant. (2nd most potent nicotine source after tobacco) But not for a nicotine patch. Also have cravings for sugar and chocolate.
IMO the patch is the only safe form of nicotine. The low and steady dose should not create a dopamine boost like smoking does. I wonder what they put in ZYN. Some people are addicted to those.
Yes Nicotine has been theoretically shown to slow, “slow” dementia and Alzheimer’s progression for a period of time depending on person. But it is still a highly addictive substance to almost every person on Earth. Also it certainly can be lethal in large or uncontrolled doses, or to someone using a wrong patch dose size that has never used it before.
Interesting to bring up, but I personally would avoid this theoretical approach as there are safer treatments being worked on in the medication/treatment world; and just in removing fluoride and other poisons from food and water.
"Safer treatments in the medication/treatment world."
I have family members and friends that were told by licensed medical doctors to take tamoxifen, fentanyl or other drugs that are now illegal because they do more harm than good. You choose where to place your trust. Statins, fluoride, morphine, Prozac and the food pyramid were all approved by the medical establishment and a bunch of gov't-funded studies. But now I'm awake, and don't trust any of 'em farther than I can throw 'em.
Low-dose over-the-counter temporary use patches are very low risk. And if you compare it to the suffering of the conditions he says it will relieve, it's worth looking at. I'm a sample of 1, but it worked for me.
I came to the conclusion a long time back that Ardis is a shyster.
When he was hyping snake venom in our water supply and 5G killing us, I knew he was full of shit, and possibly working to make those revealing the truth to the people look like kooks.
Filling the air with utter bullshit is how they operate to make all the other reveals look ridiculous to the sheeple. It is the same principle that MOSSAD Jones has been operating on for decades.
Stew Peters did the editing on that show, making Ardis look foolish. Anyone, from Ron Paul to Trump, can look like shysters when the video editors want it to happen. Keep an open mind on this guy; nicotine has real value as a detox agent. If you care enough to investigate, he often links his sources.
No they don't care to investigate, they already know, dontchaknow. They are entitled to their opinion even if it has as much backing substances as a soggy loaf of bread. Its utter bullshit. /s
So what did Ardis say in this video that is shyster status? You sound like a disinformation mossad agent, by your little rant without any basis other than generic opinion talking points, maybe you're trying to deter anyone from researching this information.
What is actually bullshit about synthetic snake venom being demonstrably in certain "medicines". What is utter bullshit about 5G and how in resonates and interfaces with mineral and element properties of certain metals?
OK mossad agent. I could care less. If you want to blurt out opinions based on nothing you are entitled to it. But some are looking for people's input, like the OP and it's only fair to counter opinions like yours since it's based on nothing. That right there arent opinions by the way. It's pointing out the observable facts. And your opinion so far sounds like utter bullshit. Since you couldnt answer 1 thing to prove your opinion.
Agent provocateur princess. I'm good, I think I'll disregard another uninformed opinion of yours. You should follow your own sage advice and get over the butthurt. Don't try too hard with your comeback since no one will care what it is based on proven lack of being informed. Cheers cupcake
I had long covid, was never vaxed. After a bunch of other different protocols and therapies, nicotine did the job. A week of patches at the lowest (and OTC) strength, and I haven't taken another supplement since. Not only that, but it's cheaper than the other detox protocols out there, and easier to get than ivermectin, which sadly didn't do much for me.
You can get a lot more testimonies and see other posts (I made at least 2) by searching the site for nicotine. I'm just one guy, but I'm very glad I listened to Dr Ardis, and grateful to the anons who brought it up then.
And if you're comparing the risk of a week of over-the-counter nicotine patches against the risk of the complications of Parkinson's, I'd say it's worth a try. Typical doctors give no hope at all of anything resembling a cure or reversal of Parkinson's.
Real simple. Read or dig into what is discussed by Dr ardis he always provides exact reference and detail data material, and then decide for yourself. I wouldn't listen to all the little fog horn opinion pieces people regurgitate here in the comments. Notice the ones that say, it's utter bullshit, don't give any reason why or how or any evidence that it's bullshit.
Not buying this in the slightest. There is no amount of propaganda on behalf of tobacco companies that could get me to start using nicotine products of any sort. I've done just fine without it, much like humanity has until smoking was discovered.
Besides, I"ve SEEN the results of decades of smoking via my family.
They said it does help Parkinson's which isn't terrible disease
Again they recommend the patch not smoking. The nicotine patch might be less toxic than the meds they put people on for these bad diseases.
I suggest you do some research that is outside of what Ardis says and come up to your own conclusion on the subject. There are a lot of great resources on this thread, so please check them out. I have recommended the use of the patches to a family friend and several loved ones. All have improved, and in one case, a healthy athletic male with no medical issues other than early Alzheimer's in his early sixties, he was able to return to normal brain function with daily nicotine patch use. His wife is a naturopath so he is very well taken care of and they tried everything they could to heal his brain, but his cognition continued to decline over the past two years. They were both stunned by the positive effects the nicotine had on his cognitive function, as he is now functioning normally.
If tobacco was actually bad for you the government would be spraying it into the atmosphere, adding it to our drinking water and fortifying children's breakfast cereal with it. The nocebo effect brought on by all those years of anti-smoking propaganda and Surgeon General's warnings killed way more people than Phillip Morris ever did.
It’s the chemicals in the cigs that are bad for you. Not the nicotine itself.
Well that and the act of filling your lungs full of smoke- let alone chemical-filled smoke- several times a day every day that is harmful.
Check out some of the articles I posted in a comment below.
Getting people to separate the idea of taking nicotine and smoking is nearly impossible. It is so ingrained in peoples psyche that nicotine means smoking no matter what. I have no doubt that nicotine has some health benefits but good luck breaking the propaganda surrounding this topic.
Yup. There's nicotine in black and green teas, potatoes, tomatoes and egg plants.
Yes any "nightshade" plant will have nicotine.
White potatoes (not "sweet potatoes" which are yams)
Ground cherries
Pepino melons
Cayenne pepper
I love ashwagandha, gives me such a deep, restful night sleep!
Yams have anti-parasitic properties...used to deworm...eat your yams...
Interesting. My son was just saying this the other day. I like most of the above but ashwaganda makes me violently ill.
(Clears throat).
Seasoned smoker here of over 35 years. Since when did this board become so anti-smoking? For me, that's one of the first freedoms the government targeted.
Listen. I know people die from complications associated with smoking. But I've also known several people to live well into their 80's. Personally, I believe genetics play a big role. Likewise I've seen people who were never around smoking who got lung cancer.
Should you smoke? Probably not. Should you be allowed to smoke without being bereded and degraded? Absolutely. Personal freedom reigns.
Should businesses be forced to ban smoking? NO. Business owners should be allowed to make that decision only. Unless of course its a medical facility or public school.
But the overreach went way too far.
Nicotine also protects against COVID. Ask me if I've been sick.
You opened a floodgate...but I am so glad this information is being discussed. We used to regularly have wonderful discussions on health issues...but you being a "newbie" wouldn't remember. You have posted on 2 very pertinent healing issues and I am grateful that you took the time to do so. Frankly politics leaves me a bit depressed. But I take St. John's Wort so I am good...LOL...
Some of the oldest recorded people in the world were smokers. See this article here for a list and their story, as well as the health benefits of tobacco: https://www.sott.net/article/338885-A-comprehensive-review-of-the-many-health-benefits-of-smoking-Tobacco
Here are some other great articles that covers all the pertinent positive effects of smoking, while shedding some light on promoted hoaxes by the media, government, and healthcare industry: https://www.sott.net/article/315356-The-epidemic-of-junk-science-in-tobacco-smoking-research
This article goes into the historical tobacco use globally, and the reasons why fascism is associated with anti-smoking: https://www.sott.net/article/139304-Lets-All-Light-Up
This article was written in 1998. Read on for the research that shows that tobacco actually helps to prevent lung cancer: https://www.sott.net/article/229156-Lies-Damned-Lies-400000-Smoking-related-Deaths-Cooking-the-Data-in-the-Fascists-Anti-Smoking-Crusade
This article goes into natural tobacco, additive-free tobacco, etc., written in 2022: https://www.sott.net/article/474156-The-corruption-of-the-tobacco-spirit
Guess all I am saying is, smoke em if you got em. Worst case scenario, you will have bad genetics that do not react well with tobacco, and you will develop stomach cancer. Best case scenario, it will help you to not get most cancers, not get sick, and extend your life. In a world of turbo cancers, spike shedding and unspoken world wars using biochemical, electrical and radio frequency warfare, as well as nuclear, chemical, and genetic-based tactics, smoking will most likely increase your odds of surviving.
Yeah that's a big fuck no. If someone wants to smoke go ahead but for your habit to be in my face and I have to breath that shit and I hate the smell as much as an abused public shitter and I know many many people who can't stand to smell your habit. Yeah it should be banned from all indoor public places. The greatest day ever was when that happened and the rest of us had fresh air finally. To think it's OK for someone's habit to impact every single person around you and that's ok is ridiculous levels of selfish.
I have to laugh to think that you actually have fresh air, and I pray for the day when we all truly do have "fresh" air. The amount of chemicals being sprayed on us in addition to environmental chemicals, let alone chemicals that humans use for their personal use, is ridiculous.
Sure I agree with that. But that is also using hyperbole to convolute a point philosophically. Simple version, what you described is in the air, so smoking around and then no smoking, the latter is fresh air for the non smokers,, especially the ones that loathe it.
I have to agree...I smoked for a couple of years in my early 20's, but after I quit, I detest the smell of cigarette smoke...but I have to say I am loving the nicotine patch that I wear per Dr. Ardis' recommendation. I think it is reasonable to ban smoking from certain places, but I certainly understand people have a right to smoke. I know a wonderful man that died of secondhand smoke, so there is such a fine line between different people's rights on this issue.
Agreed. Another example is if someone chews tobacco and just decides to spit anywhere they want and oh well if it happens to land on someone else. That's the same level of, sharing one's habit but different context. I bet a smoker wouldn't appreciate that.
Or throwing cigarette butt's everywhere...there are two sides to EVERY coin, which makes some legislation difficult...
"Should you smoke? Probably not. Should you be allowed to smoke without being bereded and degraded? Absolutely. Personal freedom reigns" I do agree but as long as it does not affect someone who ALSO has personal rights to not smell that nasty crap. I have a sensitive nose. I can't stand the smell. It permeates everything. Additionally, I see cigarette butts everywhere. It's better now as people have largely switched to vaping.
Completely agree.
Is this Dr Ardis?
Although I'm sure there is some basis for things he says, I don't trust that guy one bit.
I am disappointed in you...you do realize that all you need to learn anything is to be able to read and have a modicum of intelligence. Some of the best information on the internet for good health is given by Dr. Berg, who also was a practicing chiropractor. Intelligence is not limited only to people with a lot of degrees and letters behind their name. In fact, the last 4 years have taught me how dangerous hospitals and doctors can be...much worse than I even thought possible. I find Dr. Ardis to be very intelligent and I have listened to many of his talks. This narrow type of thinking is why people trust doctors/hospitals, even ignoring their own good judgement.
Well said. Far too many use a guilty by association mentality on this site, well in general, but the massacre and smear the messenger while ignoring the message is rampant in this place. All coming from all the "great awakened" people.
Most of what he speaks on is verifiable and he usually gives all sources and data that supports what he discusses and why it's worth hearing and use research and discernment.
I'll explain my position.
It's not Dr Ardis' qualifications which are the reason I don't trust him, it's his unqualified sweeping statements on a subject. He oversimplifies on purpose and I believes he misleads that way. He doesn't cite numbers or explain biochemical pathways.
I'm sure there is a truth basis to what he says, but is isn't so simple as he makes it. Some of his stuff checks out and he wants to convince you of more.
For contrast, John O'Looney the embalmer may not be directly medically qualified, but all of his work is descriptive and he gives numbers where he can. I find him totally trustworthy.
Dr. Ardis puts together a really strong, scientifically backed argument in his book. If you want sauce, check it out; he has sources for everything. You can find it on his website.
Thank you fren!
I can understand your thought process...but...who do you think he is trying to mislead...and why? What "more" is he trying to convince you of? I have found that he has talked about things like tobacco when no one else was...he was always fighting a plethora of "knowledge". He has done some excellent research and I personally feel he has presented what he has studied and verified...even if it seems simplistic on the surface.
Perhaps you think he is sensationalizing issues...he has come up with some products so perhaps you think he has ulterior motives. I don't see it that way at all. He doesn't have the skills to do his own lab experiments and does depend on other's studies and information. There are any people I DON'T trust, and Dr. Ardis is just not one of them.
You know I respect your knowledge and reasoning skills, but this is perhaps something we will just not agree on. Would you ever consider using a Nicotine patch or other products if you knew it could improve your health? I can clearly tell a difference when I use a patch and I have experienced some herxheimer reactions from detoxing. I hope you are enjoying the holidays and I am always grateful for your hard work and dedication to moderating GAW...😊
Yes, I would definitely consider using a nicotine patch for therapeutic reasons.
I would never contend that nicotine isn't addictive though as Dr Ardis contends, It just has therapeutic uses as well. It's not a simple situation.
Well the nicotine that is a main component of tobacco is not addictive. It is all the other crap that they put in cigarettes that is the problem. He did a really great video talking about all that...I will see if i can find which one it is. I saw some good comments about nicotine receptors and cannabis receptors in the body...but I have no clue where I saw that. I find no addiction from the patches I use...but it is very low dose. Read the comments from Panda Moon...they are using nicotine patches for patients very successfully. I really think you would benefit...but of course you have so many choices when it comes to health.
Hope all is well in Merry Old England my friend...Have a wonderful Christmas...
Thank you!
You're welcome my fren.
Have a great day!
I'm with you on that. Also, fyi, he is a chiropractor.
I guess you do not know any good chiropractors. I have had three different chiropractors in two different countries save my life with their chiropractic and medical skills, and Ardis is not one of them. Ardis is, however, a good analyzer of scientific papers and research. I cannot speak to his chiropractic skills, as I have not had the pleasure. I do enjoy his interpretation of data, though, as well as his supplement he developed with Dr. Ed Group of Global Healing: Foreign protein cleanse. Works wonders. I have used it on myself and several other adults with powerful results.
I knew one chiropractor that would do anything to make a buck. He eventually lost his license for practicing medicine without a license. That being said I am sure he was likely a one off. I knew another one that i went to for back issues. I was having terrible spasms that were worse every time I left his office. I just quit going. I am sure many people are helped though by chiropractors, I just wasn't one of them.
Hi fren.
If you put "nicotine therapy parkinson's" into brave search, you get studies on it.
Here's the top example returned on my search:
You're welcome fren!
I guess you will get a feel for how and whether to try nicotine for Parkinson's after reading a few of these. Maybe there are forums too.
I expect I'd try it if it were me.
Thank you for posting this. Watch a few of Dr. Ardis' videos...he has some of the best information on the internet. I have started using a 3.5mg. nicotine patch (cut a 7 mg. patch in half) because I can feel when I am around vaxxed people and I really can see a positive effect from using the patches. It is worthwhile to be aware of all this information. If you choose to read, then ignore...you certainly can make that choice. I guarantee you using a patch does NOT cause addition.
Several members of our team have started using either nicotine patches, lozenges, gum, and/or tobacco inhalation during the pandemic or shortly after. The ones that started smoking during the pandemic did not get covid--they were hearing and reading research on the positive prevention effects, so they started smoking. The others who started nicotine use after Dr. Ardis' Watch the Water documentary noticed not feeling ill around the jabbed. Others of our team are using it for detoxification against the filiarial issues with mosquitoes and having good response to that. Some of them are using it to combat chemical exposures from various sources (myself included). Members of our team are using a range of 5.25mg patches up to 21mg patch daily, based on their different environmental issues, spike exposure, as well as their body size and gender. I used a short course of 3.75-5.25mg nicotine patch therapy on several patients (non-smokers) recently to help them with detoxification from Ozempic, Alzheimer's, food poisoning, and the stomach flu with positive effect. Not one of them had any nicotine craving or withdrawal symptoms at that amount of therapy for a week.
It is so good to hear from you...and especially to hear of your experience. As you may have noticed I am off and on social media but I do try to catch the important medical news and this topic is one that I find so interesting. Obviously these vaccinations have screwed EVERYONE up whether they got the shot or not. I refer to Dr. Anna Mihalcea and all the research she has done on blood analysis and shedding particularly.
To hear of your experience validates everything that I know and felt was true. You know how much I respect your knowledge and desire to help others with your medical insights. I am so glad to know of your experience. I know Dr. Ardis also had some great videos on using nicotine patches for long covid.
I hope your family is well...we are good...just busy...as most are. The saddest thing for me is the illness I see with the older crowd in my exercise classes. I can only share on a limited basis but many are going through hell...especially with the allopathic cancer treatments or all the other treatments given as a consequence of covid. Families are suffering so much. I thank you so much for chiming in.
Hi Tweety! I usually do not chime in on conversations either, unless it is the medical things that I am passionate about or I feel like I can share something that would benefit others. There are other team members that keep this account pretty active, though, and if there is anything very relevant going on, they either tell me or I am on here lurking, lol.
Glad to hear you are all using the patches as well, and that you are all doing well!
I follow Dr. Mihalcea also, so I know what you are speaking of. It is very scary indeed to see what is being found in the blood of the vaccinated and unvaccinated, but I believe in the God-given solutions found in nature that can keep us healthy and whole.
In my small community, the majority of people are up-to-date on boosters, so I can relate to what you are seeing in the elderly. We are seeing a lot of turbo cancers and the younger crowd have rare diseases and dying. Driving here is a nightmare, because everyone's prefrontal cortex are pretty much spiked and damaged from these shots.
Wishing you a very happy Christmas and a wonderful 2025, my dear Fren. If you ever find anything interesting, please message me! Oh, have you tried the Foreign Protein Cleanse developed by Ardis & Dr. Ed Group? If you have issues with mosquitoes, this helps a lot to keep mosquito-related illnesses at bay.
You know I am in Georgia and our wonderful Dr. Death released his darn mosquitoes in Florida and around our area. Every time I see a mosquito I wonder if it is one of his.
I think we are on the same page about things. Ardis and Mihalcea are two accounts i get in my email. And I am fans of both. I have never used any of Dr. Ardis' products, but I would consider on your recommendations. I have another cleanse I have to use up first. It is so wonderful to hear from you...we have really tried to fight the good fight from a medical standpoint. I would love to see much more medical information talked about...like it used to be. I learned so much from wonderful, caring intelligent people like you.
You know I purchased a Rife machine and have been having fun with that. I believe it is helping but it is hard to quantify when I only deal with arthritis on a regular basis...I am trying many different sequences...wish I could do them all but it just takes time. I find it useful. I just got some bloodwork so we will see if there is any improvement. I think I am really going through some healing crisis. I really want to do a 72 hour fast...but there seems to always be a reason to eat...LOL...
The major crisis from the last two years is resolving so I am back to getting on track in my life. It has been a rough ride but the Lord is really blessing my daughter as she works through many aspects of her experience. God is so good and always gives us exactly what we need when we need it. I hope you have a blessed New Year...you are doing EVERYTHING right for your family and I so respect that. DM me anytime...but I know you are VERY busy...💖😊
I've just explained it to Tweety above.
They are talking about the use of nicotine patches for these diseases Smoking will never be good for the lungs that is not propaganda
Nicotine is addictive as it has properties similar to opiates. Those are just facts. But you can wear a patch without hurting yourself. All of those ads during the years you talk about patches were not available. COPD and lung cancer from cigarette smoking is a real thing.
Granted - sample size of 1 is insignificant. I smoked 1-1.5 packs a day from ~17 to 28 years of age. I'm now 63. So my FEAR was getting addicted to Nicotine patches. Withdrawal was miserable, but to my shock, I had absolutely no withdrawal symptoms, wearing (28 mg patch cut into 6 pieces - ~4mg) wearing up to 14 mg a day for a week. I tried a whole patch - and I got the nicotine buzz, and threw up. So even after a week of smaller doses, I just don't tolerate a whole patch.
But, I expected to feel the addiction again - It's MY opinion (and you can't have it) that the addiction is from Pyrazines that are intentionally added to the cigarettes to addict and kill their patients; as I was able to drop the patches cold turkey, without any issues at all.
American Indians smoked tobacco for millennia, and they weren't addicted.
Pyrazine? Flood of memories. Friends dad in 1988 or so was a machine operator instructor. The class was moving earth and uncovered barrells buried at an old RJ Reynolds site. The barrells contained pyradine. These guys were knee deep in it. There was zero information anywhere in the US. We wrote to Russia to get info on the human effects of this chemical as no one else had conducted studies. I recall getting a letter back, in Russian, with the sickle watermark. Interesting!
Not a very good example to state Indians smoked for millenia but were not addicted. How in the world would you know if each or any individual was addicted.....and that is literally showing what addiction is. Doing it over millenia. Lol.
See my comment up above for historical data on tobacco, addiction, etc. There are a bunch of articles with each one containing a ton of peer-reviewed real science that you might be shocked to read. Cheers.
I'm not debating the aspect of addiction. It was the example that was used to make a point but it counters the point.
Then pray tell, why does the cigarette industry spend millions on chemists and labor to add pyrazines to tobacco?
Ground up tobacco isn’t addictive enough by itself? Formaldehyde isn’t a natural byproduct of tobacco. Neither are heavy metals and many other ingredients. Why?
Inhaling smoke of any kind is bad for you. But the facts are that nicotine is no more addictive than caffeine. Do you know anyone addicted to tomatoes, potatoes or papayas? All of those and other common food plants contain nicotine. That said all mild stimulants can be a little addictive. It's the chemical additives that makes commercial tobacco products addictive.
Scientific fact nicotine has opiate like properties. Little stronger than caffeine. Potatoes and the like may have those properties but the starch they contain turns to sugar at a much higher level in your bloodstream causing addiction to sugar. You keep wanting it.
You realize you are attempting to state a scientific fact that is scientifically incorrect since the comparison is of an alkaloid substance to a chemical compound spectrum derived from inorganics.
Using this logic then I can state that it's a scientific fact that your comment has normy and uninformed like properties.
I’m stunned by what I’m reading in this thread. I’ve used cocaine, molly, shrooms, LSD, and weed, and a few other things, and NOTHING has been as hard to give up as vaping. Stimulants are addictive, period. And no matter what acute problems they can help with as a medicine, they should not became some staple of your daily diet. Over the last several years it had become abundantly clear that the very best thing you can do for your health, above literally anything else, is to regulate your circadian rhythm. Uppers and downers ruins your heart rate variability and wreak havoc on your sleep patterns and schedule. Stimulants can be great drugs in the medicine sense, meaning they can be used temporarily to help restore balance in certain situations but the problem is people basically make caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, etc. a part of their regular diet. The difference I’ve felt since quitting all of them is frankly beyond words. Stop peddling your addictions here in the name if freedom frens. It may be your right but drugs for recreational use are just plain bad for you. Full stop.
Who's talking about recreational use? This promotes a nicotine patch as a medicinal remedy and detox, both of which are temporary. Even using it as a protective against covid doesn't qualify for addiction, especially at the low (legal and OTC) levels mentioned.
That’s hardly how it’s being discussed in this thread.
Vaping is different than smoking cigarettes or using pipe tobacco. Have you tried those? Also, have you tried any of the synthetic nicotine sources? Additionally, have you tried other nicotine-laden plants listed on this thread and noticed any addiction issues?
I tried vaping. It sucks. Go to tobacco. Vaping was hard to quit. Tobacco I can quit anytime and have numerous times until I have to take it because of a chemical exposure and need to detox.
I don’t see the point of any of it outside a medicinal purpose maybe. I’ve tried zyns too. It’s all pointless stimulant.
Ever got addicted to eggplant? Eggplant has nicotine. Tomatoes.... all nightshades do. Traditionally tobacco was used to treat snake bites in horses and humans before antivenom was around. Do some research into it. Very interesting history.
Human body has 2 very weird receptors in it that don't fit anything else, cannabinoid-receptors and nicotine-receptors......
I mean they are literal built-in slots that will fit nothing else.............
(All the shit they put in and do to commercial tobacco is the most likely candidates for smoking related cancer and other illnesses.)
That and introducing a foreign substance called smoke into one of the single most important systems of the human body that isn't air and wasnt designed to filter complex gas and fume compounds, might have something to do with it too
Funny how nobody asks why cigarettes aren't just chopped tobacco
Why do they contain heavy metals, formaldehyde and all those nasty chemicals. Many cultures smoked, and didn't see the addictions we see now. And nobody is asking why Pyrazines are added to tobacco.
How about lead paint, who says it is bad to use lead paint on your house. Consider that their spy stuff can't get past lead to see into your home.
Australia should be an example of this ...
Government went hard against smokers, new laws, new taxes and now a single packet of ciggaretts cost $60+ dollars each. People usually don't believe this and I encourage anyone to look it up. This has hit the poor hardest and the stories of addiction are horrible what the governement has done to smokers. All under the guise of 'health' smokers are the new leppers of society. Propaganda works.
Rugby nicotine gum. Chew 2 mg a day
I have had cravings for eggplant. (2nd most potent nicotine source after tobacco) But not for a nicotine patch. Also have cravings for sugar and chocolate.
IMO the patch is the only safe form of nicotine. The low and steady dose should not create a dopamine boost like smoking does. I wonder what they put in ZYN. Some people are addicted to those.
May also be useful for autism. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29536216/
Approved for Discussion.
Yes Nicotine has been theoretically shown to slow, “slow” dementia and Alzheimer’s progression for a period of time depending on person. But it is still a highly addictive substance to almost every person on Earth. Also it certainly can be lethal in large or uncontrolled doses, or to someone using a wrong patch dose size that has never used it before.
Interesting to bring up, but I personally would avoid this theoretical approach as there are safer treatments being worked on in the medication/treatment world; and just in removing fluoride and other poisons from food and water.
"Safer treatments in the medication/treatment world."
I have family members and friends that were told by licensed medical doctors to take tamoxifen, fentanyl or other drugs that are now illegal because they do more harm than good. You choose where to place your trust. Statins, fluoride, morphine, Prozac and the food pyramid were all approved by the medical establishment and a bunch of gov't-funded studies. But now I'm awake, and don't trust any of 'em farther than I can throw 'em.
Low-dose over-the-counter temporary use patches are very low risk. And if you compare it to the suffering of the conditions he says it will relieve, it's worth looking at. I'm a sample of 1, but it worked for me.
Anyone saying nicotine isn’t addictive is either retarded, or doesn’t realize they’re addicted to nicotine.
I came to the conclusion a long time back that Ardis is a shyster.
When he was hyping snake venom in our water supply and 5G killing us, I knew he was full of shit, and possibly working to make those revealing the truth to the people look like kooks.
Filling the air with utter bullshit is how they operate to make all the other reveals look ridiculous to the sheeple. It is the same principle that MOSSAD Jones has been operating on for decades.
Stew Peters did the editing on that show, making Ardis look foolish. Anyone, from Ron Paul to Trump, can look like shysters when the video editors want it to happen. Keep an open mind on this guy; nicotine has real value as a detox agent. If you care enough to investigate, he often links his sources.
No they don't care to investigate, they already know, dontchaknow. They are entitled to their opinion even if it has as much backing substances as a soggy loaf of bread. Its utter bullshit. /s
So what did Ardis say in this video that is shyster status? You sound like a disinformation mossad agent, by your little rant without any basis other than generic opinion talking points, maybe you're trying to deter anyone from researching this information.
What is actually bullshit about synthetic snake venom being demonstrably in certain "medicines". What is utter bullshit about 5G and how in resonates and interfaces with mineral and element properties of certain metals?
You and anyone else that believes he is this great medical genius can follow his advice. No one is stopping you. Get after it.
Just in case you missed it; everyone on here can voice an opinion. So get over the butthurt.
OK mossad agent. I could care less. If you want to blurt out opinions based on nothing you are entitled to it. But some are looking for people's input, like the OP and it's only fair to counter opinions like yours since it's based on nothing. That right there arent opinions by the way. It's pointing out the observable facts. And your opinion so far sounds like utter bullshit. Since you couldnt answer 1 thing to prove your opinion.
Fuck off shill.
Agent provocateur princess. I'm good, I think I'll disregard another uninformed opinion of yours. You should follow your own sage advice and get over the butthurt. Don't try too hard with your comeback since no one will care what it is based on proven lack of being informed. Cheers cupcake
Kek =)
I agree exactly.
I had long covid, was never vaxed. After a bunch of other different protocols and therapies, nicotine did the job. A week of patches at the lowest (and OTC) strength, and I haven't taken another supplement since. Not only that, but it's cheaper than the other detox protocols out there, and easier to get than ivermectin, which sadly didn't do much for me.
You can get a lot more testimonies and see other posts (I made at least 2) by searching the site for nicotine. I'm just one guy, but I'm very glad I listened to Dr Ardis, and grateful to the anons who brought it up then.
And if you're comparing the risk of a week of over-the-counter nicotine patches against the risk of the complications of Parkinson's, I'd say it's worth a try. Typical doctors give no hope at all of anything resembling a cure or reversal of Parkinson's.
Real simple. Read or dig into what is discussed by Dr ardis he always provides exact reference and detail data material, and then decide for yourself. I wouldn't listen to all the little fog horn opinion pieces people regurgitate here in the comments. Notice the ones that say, it's utter bullshit, don't give any reason why or how or any evidence that it's bullshit.
Not buying this in the slightest. There is no amount of propaganda on behalf of tobacco companies that could get me to start using nicotine products of any sort. I've done just fine without it, much like humanity has until smoking was discovered.
Besides, I"ve SEEN the results of decades of smoking via my family.
Take nicotine without the tobacco
They said it does help Parkinson's which isn't terrible disease Again they recommend the patch not smoking. The nicotine patch might be less toxic than the meds they put people on for these bad diseases.
But smokers do get parkinson's, and every other disease this fake doc claims it "heals".
I suggest you do some research that is outside of what Ardis says and come up to your own conclusion on the subject. There are a lot of great resources on this thread, so please check them out. I have recommended the use of the patches to a family friend and several loved ones. All have improved, and in one case, a healthy athletic male with no medical issues other than early Alzheimer's in his early sixties, he was able to return to normal brain function with daily nicotine patch use. His wife is a naturopath so he is very well taken care of and they tried everything they could to heal his brain, but his cognition continued to decline over the past two years. They were both stunned by the positive effects the nicotine had on his cognitive function, as he is now functioning normally.