This is the kind of thinking we encourage among our Anon community. Elevate your thought process above base level emotional reaction. Embrace logic and critical thinking.
The Elon / Vivek happenings are clearly a Q operation to manipulate the national rhetoric in a desired direction.
Exactly my thoughts. If a real precipice occurs, some anons here will need to up their critical thinking skills and table the emotions. The psyops will continue until the mass majority of people are awake.
Trump's position on H1B from 2016. Trump, the person in charge.
Id like to thank Joe Lange for doing the thinking for all the outrage merchants and reactionaries in MAGA.
And thank you too queue for bringing it to our attention.
Id like to remark that if you arent reading Joe Lange you are missing out on some of the best analysis anywhere. His substacks are always on target.
I hope people here learn a lesson. We are in WW3 and it consists mostly of psychological operations. What we see on the surface is rarely the Truth behind the scenes. Trump, with help from his Patriot friends, is a friggin master tactician.
Somehow we here at GAW always forget to apply the 72 hour rule. Not everything is as it seems and getting all worked up before the play becomes apparent is really bad for morale. I beg the anons here to think before they react. Elon has been tied to the hip with Trump. Hes even got an apartment at Mar a Lago. Does anyone here really think hed go rogue spouting shit that Trump didnt already discuss with him?
I know we are fatigued and ready for this to all be over but wars never follow any timetable you wish upon it. Stay the course and remain measured and this will be much easier to swallow.
Agreed. But people need to understand here that voicing dissent is an important part of the process. If this was 5D chess, the people letting their concerns be known loud and clear was the intended result.
There is also a fine line between dissatisfaction on an issue and full blown dooming or panic. Just because someone is exhibiting concern, does not necessarily mean they are engaging in the latter.
Well, some people have been pretty quick to throw them under the bus without reasoning it through more, insisting that they're "compromised" or "the enemy".
Was the H1-B visa issue a purposeful narrative deployment?
Biden changes H1-B visa rules. He stated that the purpose was to hamstring Trump from making changes to the system when he becomes president.
That’s key.
Vivek makes a comment on the degrading of American culture and education. Elon gets involved.
All hell breaks loose within the MAGA movement.
The entire country is SUDDENLY focused on the H1-B visa PROBLEM.
The PROBLEM moves from the MAGA media into the MSM.
Even 60 minutes does a show on American tech workers who lost their jobs and were forced to train their foreign replacements that were making far less money.
That sure seems to me like “setting the hook.”
Now that this big PROBLEM has gone mainstream, it’s not just MAGA that is outraged.
The entire country is becoming outraged.
Meanwhile, Trump has been completely silent.
Just a coincidence?
Trump hasn’t defended his two picks to be main players in the exposure and removal of government waste, as they are being shredded by some members of MAGA.
Was this a purposeful narrative deployment?
Who was being constantly attacked by the media and democrats before this issue came up?
The media was attacking Elon before this happened. They were calling him the president and Trump his “lapdog.”
Now, several members of the MAGA movement are implying that they agree with that and that Trump doesn’t know that he’s being used by Elon and his tech bros.
Maybe this is all purposeful.
Maybe this is yet another trap to set a perfect CONTRAST between Trump and Biden on this H1-B visa PROBLEM.
Maybe Trump wants the American people to be “outraged” about this PROBLEM, so that he can change it with their support.
Maybe this creates the perfect opportunity for Trump to step forward and make his plans known to transform or eliminate this system in order to transform our federal government and support the American people ONCE AGAIN.
And when he does that; Maybe this will end the media and democrat narrative that Elon is the president instead of Trump.
This possible “purposeful narrative” deployment doesn’t seem to be considered at all in my opinion.
great theory. i'm still stuck on 'them' learning how to mine coal.
a lot of our coal miners quit school early to work in the coal mines to help their families survive. when they shut down the coal mines, THEY all knew damn well that most of those coal miners weren't educated enough to go into the TECH world, and not one of those POS had sympathy for these people. i remember, learn how to code. F them. i hope they have to work the coal mines when Trump opens everything back up.
and i hope that some of these old coal miners end up being 'their' bosses. i don't think these coal miners will give one F about their feelz.
Coal mining as punishment? Nah. It'sa proud tradition that is blue collar real Joe work that's passed from father to son in many many cases. Everyone that actually knows mining folk, knows that. Sorry if i misunderstood your sentiment. I am just touchy about class conciousness.
i understand about the class consciousness and that is why i posted what i posted.
these people are very proud and hard working people only to be, belittled at the worst times of their lives (to have their work shut down by the very government they pay taxes to) and have those people tell them they need to learn how to code.
i only have an associates degree and i am in no way putting the coal miners and their families down. i was stating that a lot of people in those situations quit school early so they can help keep the family afloat.
most of these blue haired morons wouldn't even pick up a shovel to plant a plant, little alone do it for 8-10-12 hours a day.
i think you misunderstood my empathy for the coal miners and my distain for the the blue haired, not knowing what gender they are, crowd.
It's unfair the way the market behaves in this world. You only have time to think about your gender if you are living with so much insulation and material support that you have to seek a vacation in victimhood. Blue hair marks one as privileged. Carries social cache and displays a lack of desperation.Homeless people and miners dont have the time or money or inclination to stand out from the majority and these dyed kids take it all for granted. You already know.
"When are people going to realize that Trump, Vivek, and Elon are bringing things out into the light? They are creating situational conversations, and people are reacting when they need to be dissecting and understanding.
This whole problem has been global elites utilizing corporate fascism to do the dirty work of the government and in turn reward those loyal participants financially and with power.
One of the easiest ways is to use visas to import cheap labor. Take for example medicine. Here in the US because of corporate disincentives, most Americans are avoiding medicine. therefore, by importing physicians from other countries with these Visa they can replace the workforce once they work out their obligations. In an effort to work in the US, they must be designated to a "disadvantaged medical area" and then they can labor and replace those here in the US.
In the specialty market, it has nearly been replaced with foreign physicians. They left their impoverished countries to live in the US. The hospitals gain advantages financially through governmental assistance non profit designations which increase their profitability and then they take that profit and grow. This squeezes out competition and through mega mergers also crush the small local community offices. Through centralized aggregation of services they can command higher reimbursements, which creates higher costs. The costs are passed on back to the consumer through higher premiums, and higher deductibles.
The only solution is to incentivize value base care. The is quality over cost. Take out these incredibly high costs of pharmaceuticals and allow generics in earlier.
Additionally, limit the H-1B and allow Americans to re-enter the medical market. Take away hospital incentives and give it back to American medical entrepreneurs.
Then and only then will this down stream effect be beneficial to every man, woman, and child."
if you ever get to nyc, go into any hospital in any department and count how many doctors there are born and bred in the USA, regardless of ethnicity...
It's interesting because it appears to be true here too. A lot of Muslim people here at my local practices, including urgent care facilities.
They're friendly, at least the ones I've had the misfortune of having to interact with, but it definitely was something I noticed. If this is becoming a trend elsewhere, that is surely cause for concern.
This op has really lifted my mood. I was getting really frustrated reading the reactionary fucking garbage being posted on this subject. I was getting really angry at some people here.
I almost got angry when I went to Elon's timeline again lol, he's pushing hard on this. This is a good lesson for me to continue to keep emotions at bay. I almost got mad because it creates infighting, which I don't want to see amongst patriots. I don't want to see people losing hope in Elon. I don't care what Elon says, because Trump is POTUS. He will do what he knows is right for us.
Remember there are Anons in the 12 th grade 10th 5th and grammar school so the "reactions from Anons" ought be tempered because there are many much newer to the game.
Good post, thanks for sharing. I felt the same, that this was a big psyop. I'm glad it's become a front and center issue, the 60 minutes on it will surely help.
Since it's a psyop, I've decided to sit this one out on the social media sites and enjoy some popcorn.
I see a parallel with this H1-B visa issue and buying stuff from overseas because it's cheap. Why is it cheap? Because wages are low & suppressed overseas.
The H1-B visa crowd represents exporting "cheap" labor to us! Not only should we build or manufacturing base but also our labor/technical base.
One step in building our technical base is to completely overhaul public education. And the first critical step in that process is to eliminate the federal Department of Education. It's all tied together.
I actually thought the uproar regarding Laura Loomer and dozens of other accounts being decertified was going to lead into a crisis that required Congress to revisit section 230 for social media providers. We have been promised an internet bill of rights after all.
Eliminating H1B does nothing unless you also put a stop to outsourcing. My employer has cut so many jobs here and sent them to India. There were teams of 20 people that are now 7, and 6 of them are in India. The building where I work is >50% street shitters. People with 10 or 20 years with the company lost their jobs, and having to train your replacement is not anecdotal. Fortunately I work in a specialty that requires 24x7 coverage, so I've been safe so far.
Even more egregious is what kind of jobs they send over. Technology people that have access to sensitive data and functions. Even cyber threat intelligence jobs. The remaining US employees are expected to get on meetings early AM just to accommodate these assholes.
There needs to be some type of punitive measure against these companies that retain the protections of US law and government, but completely sell out US workers.
P.S. none of this was a problem before a certain group of merchants took over the company about five years back.
I'll copy a comment I left earlier today in another thread that's relevant....
Indian "universities" are just selling degrees.
It's just a scam. These people coming over are dumb AF and know Jack shit outside of googling the answers. (India has a national average IQ of about 70 - 80 compared to the US at about 98-100)
Indians coming over with a work Visa are basically the same as the Karen in your grocery store with a "service dog" in their cart. It's a lie. They may have paid a few bucks to get a certificate but that Pomeranian isn't gonna be providing any services that justify it being in a grocery store
Bannon: Everything you just heard in support of H-1B visas is a bald-faced lie. Absolutely outrageous. American jobs are for American citizens. This is a total scam. We need a throw down now. Like Frankie Pentangeli says in The Godfather, “Let’s hit them now while we’re strong.”
Does Bannon think Elon controls the govt? Elon has one role and that is DOGE. Elon doesn't make decisions in congress nor as a POTUS (DJT). I would expect better from him, unless he's amplifying the issue as part of the plan.
Elon has been having a fit lately from all the pushback about this. could be part of the plan. dont know either way. Just waiting on the Boss to point the way.
Great theory. Maybe the team is seeing who pushes back the hardest against Elon and who tries to start MAGA wars.
Say controversial things in order to reanalyze the battlefield and adjust the strategy.
Maybe it's a false flag to get the accounts with massive MAGA following who are actually planted DS agents to reveal themselves. Those sleeper accounts are waiting for an opportunity to divide. Why not get them to initiate their division on a non-issue?
Who first posted their opinions in the public forum as pro-H1B? Did they not expect any blowback from maga? Let Trump deal with the rules after he gets in.
Why even open that discussion right now? This is definitely not the time for it. We still have foreigners from all over the world flooding in ffs.
I agree with the possibility it might be a psyop in that the initial comments to get it going were made about Tesla in general, HOWEVER, the problem I think a lot of people have is that Elon took the bait.
I mean how often do you see him posting such lengthy replies on X, including ones involving linear algebra? All he had to do is keep his fucking mouth shut and nothing would have happened. So while I'm still supportive of him heading up these DOGE efforts to come I think I can articulate 3 main points that I and many others are pissed off about:
1.) It's obvious his companies utilize H1-B visas for workers rather than hiring American citizens. I find the argument of not enough educated, motivated U.S. citizens available for these jobs to be a copout that he and many other big company executives have used over the years. We all know it's BS, the real reason these companies do it is cutting costs. If there were such a need for tremendous talent as he claims that he has to hire from the worldwide pool of labor, than his companies can file paperwork for an O-1 visa for these individuals and stand behind their claims of why they need to bring these people into the U.S. There is also no limit on the number of O-1 visas that can be issued.
2.) Elon and Vivek, and like many other men who rise to such high levels at a company or society, inevitably surround themselves with yes men. Sure they can probably run their companies well and do the jobs they were hired for, maybe give constructive feedback. But to actually tell guys like Elon or Vivek 'no' to their face? Nope that doesn't happen and it's evident based on what you read in their replies on X. You can easily see Elon continuing to double down on what I consider to be some of his bullshit arguments because he has no exposure or understanding of what it's like from the average worker's point of view just trying to get a decent paying job to support his family and provide at least a semi-comfortable lifestyle.....what we would typically call middle class.
3.) The "my shit doesn't stink" position that Elon and Vivek are taking doesn't sit well with me or a lot of other people. What I mean by this is you can see how Elon deflects the problems he's encountering in his company's workforce by blaming the American education system, that we aren't churning out enough good, solid engineers who know their shit. Well I and many other people in the U.S. workforce have noticed that damn near all companies who post positions demand experience even for entry level stuff. These companies, including Elon's do NOT want to provide any sort of training, expect you to hit the ground running working a minimum 60 hours/week and for the same shit pay that has been published already of what their H1-B workers are being paid. All the while the blame on the education system continues to be parroted by them for no other reasoning than that they want more H1-B workers.
In closing, was this a psyop? Maybe. But no one forced these guys to start running their mouths, that's ENTIRELY on them. All they had to do was KEEP THEIR FUCKING MOUTHS SHUT!! But because they're so close to President Trump now, much like a lot of people who's egos start doing the talking, they think they know everything about everything.
Trump is the person in charge not Elon or Vivek. Do you honestly think Trump isn't following a script from the white hats who are in charge of this great awakening? Do you think he is easily swayed by people 'close to him'?
This is what I have been saying. Nothing is what it seems and the next 24 days are going to be ridiculous with psyops to point out WHO is really MAGA or are just here to stir. Chill out and watch the movie---we are almost at the end and the credits!
I was really curious about this because, in my eyes, this issue came out of nowhere. The idea of Musk and Rama picking this hill to die on? Doesn't make sense, far too visible. Distraction?
*I like your theory better, but I think we still have to remember this one:
Nobody on is thinking this through.
It's happened in the past that Trump suddenly took a bizarre position that seemed completely at odds with what all of us want, or what we thought he wanted. Like when he suddenly encouraged everyone to get the vaxx.
Now it's happened again, this time with Elon and Vivek and the H1-B program.
When somebody does this, it's because they're blackmailed and threatened. Somebody made them an offer they couldn't refuse and they had to back down - at least, in words.
I'm always astonished that no one ever thinks of this but is fully ready to believe that Trump and Elon and others just suddenly made a crazy hard left turn for absolutely no reason.
Please. Think again. It's right there in front of you.
It's pretty simple. Up until 1980 or so American education was the best in the world. Now it's close to the worst. Americans can't do -in sufficient numbers-the work required in hi tech.
You can argue about the reasons- personally I believe that between being over -vaxxed from childhood and over fluoridated in our water we've dropped average IQ significantly
I agree with you and elon and vivek are pointing out exactly this. The final intention is to put a magnifying glass to what and who has been manipulating american culture and intelligence.
For those, like me, took it easy during Christmas and missed exactly what happened, here is me catching up with Grok regarding this issue:
Whats the latest controversy surrounding Elon/Vivek and H1-B ?
The latest controversy involving Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy, and H-1B visas centers around their public stance on immigration policy, particularly their support for expanding the H-1B visa program for highly skilled foreign workers. Here are the key points of the controversy:
Musk and Ramaswamy's Stance: Both Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy have advocated for an increase in legal immigration, specifically for what they describe as elite engineering talent. They argue that there is a dire shortage of the skills necessary for American technological advancement, suggesting that high-skilled immigration is essential for the U.S. to maintain its competitive edge. Musk has likened this to recruiting top talent for a professional sports team, emphasizing the need for the best engineers regardless of their country of origin.
MAGA Backlash: Their views have sparked significant backlash from MAGA (Make America Great Again) supporters. Many within this group argue that the H-1B visa program allows companies to hire foreign workers at lower wages, potentially displacing American workers. This has led to a division among Trump's supporters, with some feeling that Musk and Ramaswamy's positions contradict the "America First" immigration policies that Trump had previously championed.
Cultural Commentary: Vivek Ramaswamy's critique of American culture, suggesting it prioritizes mediocrity over excellence, has further fueled the controversy. He attributes part of the need for foreign workers to what he perceives as cultural issues in the U.S., which has not been well-received by all, leading to a heated debate about cultural values, work ethic, and the role of immigration in shaping America's workforce.
Allegations of Censorship: Some critics, notably including Laura Loomer, have accused Musk of retaliatory actions on X (formerly Twitter) by removing verification badges from accounts that criticized his and Ramaswamy's positions on H-1B visas. This has led to claims of censorship and has escalated the debate, with Musk dismissing these critics as trolls seeking attention.
Policy Debate: This controversy has highlighted a broader debate on immigration policy within the Republican Party and among Trump's supporters. While Musk and Ramaswamy advocate for policy changes to attract more high-skilled workers, others within the MAGA faction push for stricter immigration controls, reflecting a tension between economic interests and nationalist sentiments.
This situation exemplifies the complex interplay between tech industry needs, immigration policy, and political ideology, creating a significant public discourse on what the future of U.S. immigration policy should look like under a new administration.
This is the kind of thinking we encourage among our Anon community. Elevate your thought process above base level emotional reaction. Embrace logic and critical thinking.
The Elon / Vivek happenings are clearly a Q operation to manipulate the national rhetoric in a desired direction.
All part of The Great Awakening . . .
Exactly my thoughts. If a real precipice occurs, some anons here will need to up their critical thinking skills and table the emotions. The psyops will continue until the mass majority of people are awake.
Trump's position on H1B from 2016. Trump, the person in charge.
Id like to thank Joe Lange for doing the thinking for all the outrage merchants and reactionaries in MAGA.
And thank you too queue for bringing it to our attention.
Id like to remark that if you arent reading Joe Lange you are missing out on some of the best analysis anywhere. His substacks are always on target.
I hope people here learn a lesson. We are in WW3 and it consists mostly of psychological operations. What we see on the surface is rarely the Truth behind the scenes. Trump, with help from his Patriot friends, is a friggin master tactician.
Somehow we here at GAW always forget to apply the 72 hour rule. Not everything is as it seems and getting all worked up before the play becomes apparent is really bad for morale. I beg the anons here to think before they react. Elon has been tied to the hip with Trump. Hes even got an apartment at Mar a Lago. Does anyone here really think hed go rogue spouting shit that Trump didnt already discuss with him?
I know we are fatigued and ready for this to all be over but wars never follow any timetable you wish upon it. Stay the course and remain measured and this will be much easier to swallow.
Nice dig
Agreed! Well said!
You are both spot on...moves and counter moves. All part of the show...
Hear me out though... is the emotional response and signal boosting not part of the "plan" here? Is some outrage not "needed" for it to work?
Yes, but this is the Q site. Plenty of people who don't follow Q are outraged. We should be the less emotional site IMO
Agreed. But people need to understand here that voicing dissent is an important part of the process. If this was 5D chess, the people letting their concerns be known loud and clear was the intended result.
There is also a fine line between dissatisfaction on an issue and full blown dooming or panic. Just because someone is exhibiting concern, does not necessarily mean they are engaging in the latter.
Well, some people have been pretty quick to throw them under the bus without reasoning it through more, insisting that they're "compromised" or "the enemy".
Not a ton, but some.
I agree. Of course a more rational approach is better. But I also think it's better to be more distrusting of those in power rather than the opposite.
I am 100% for distrust!
Agreed fren, maximum distrust towards everyone other than Jesus Christ himself.
Id say a ton.
Reacting without thinking is not part of the process and that is what happened here. Dissent without discernment is harmful to the Awakening.
Principles are principles. You don't have to think to tell someone you disagree on a matter of policy.
Seriously, even this place has too many overly emotional retards.
I agree. Id hope for better from people who claim the anon tag.
Was the H1-B visa issue a purposeful narrative deployment?
Biden changes H1-B visa rules. He stated that the purpose was to hamstring Trump from making changes to the system when he becomes president.
That’s key.
Vivek makes a comment on the degrading of American culture and education. Elon gets involved.
All hell breaks loose within the MAGA movement.
The entire country is SUDDENLY focused on the H1-B visa PROBLEM.
The PROBLEM moves from the MAGA media into the MSM. Even 60 minutes does a show on American tech workers who lost their jobs and were forced to train their foreign replacements that were making far less money.
That sure seems to me like “setting the hook.”
Now that this big PROBLEM has gone mainstream, it’s not just MAGA that is outraged.
The entire country is becoming outraged.
Meanwhile, Trump has been completely silent.
Just a coincidence?
Trump hasn’t defended his two picks to be main players in the exposure and removal of government waste, as they are being shredded by some members of MAGA.
Was this a purposeful narrative deployment?
Who was being constantly attacked by the media and democrats before this issue came up?
The media was attacking Elon before this happened. They were calling him the president and Trump his “lapdog.”
Now, several members of the MAGA movement are implying that they agree with that and that Trump doesn’t know that he’s being used by Elon and his tech bros.
Maybe this is all purposeful.
Maybe this is yet another trap to set a perfect CONTRAST between Trump and Biden on this H1-B visa PROBLEM.
Maybe Trump wants the American people to be “outraged” about this PROBLEM, so that he can change it with their support.
Maybe this creates the perfect opportunity for Trump to step forward and make his plans known to transform or eliminate this system in order to transform our federal government and support the American people ONCE AGAIN.
And when he does that; Maybe this will end the media and democrat narrative that Elon is the president instead of Trump.
This possible “purposeful narrative” deployment doesn’t seem to be considered at all in my opinion.
But it is a possibility. Game theory.
5-D Chess
A lot of people here with egg on their face.
I think so. It's fun watching a good plan unfold.
great theory. i'm still stuck on 'them' learning how to mine coal.
a lot of our coal miners quit school early to work in the coal mines to help their families survive. when they shut down the coal mines, THEY all knew damn well that most of those coal miners weren't educated enough to go into the TECH world, and not one of those POS had sympathy for these people. i remember, learn how to code. F them. i hope they have to work the coal mines when Trump opens everything back up.
and i hope that some of these old coal miners end up being 'their' bosses. i don't think these coal miners will give one F about their feelz.
Coal mining as punishment? Nah. It'sa proud tradition that is blue collar real Joe work that's passed from father to son in many many cases. Everyone that actually knows mining folk, knows that. Sorry if i misunderstood your sentiment. I am just touchy about class conciousness.
i understand about the class consciousness and that is why i posted what i posted.
these people are very proud and hard working people only to be, belittled at the worst times of their lives (to have their work shut down by the very government they pay taxes to) and have those people tell them they need to learn how to code.
i only have an associates degree and i am in no way putting the coal miners and their families down. i was stating that a lot of people in those situations quit school early so they can help keep the family afloat.
most of these blue haired morons wouldn't even pick up a shovel to plant a plant, little alone do it for 8-10-12 hours a day.
i think you misunderstood my empathy for the coal miners and my distain for the the blue haired, not knowing what gender they are, crowd.
It's unfair the way the market behaves in this world. You only have time to think about your gender if you are living with so much insulation and material support that you have to seek a vacation in victimhood. Blue hair marks one as privileged. Carries social cache and displays a lack of desperation.Homeless people and miners dont have the time or money or inclination to stand out from the majority and these dyed kids take it all for granted. You already know.
> vacation in victimhood - that is gold!
tell me where did i write, "let them eat code"? what exactly are you going on about?
the quotation marks you put around, let them eat code, in my inbox, had me thinking that you were quoting what i said.
Look, i didn't repost anything, I made a comment on the post. are you sure you are responding to the right person?
Art of War?
Something is going on. He's quintupling down on X.
Hmmm. This post is very stylistically similar to Q drops. It will be interesting if/when we get to find out who is behind all the usernames here :)
Joe is the best. Ive been hooked on his substack since the Master and Commander series.
Another comment from someone:
"When are people going to realize that Trump, Vivek, and Elon are bringing things out into the light? They are creating situational conversations, and people are reacting when they need to be dissecting and understanding.
This whole problem has been global elites utilizing corporate fascism to do the dirty work of the government and in turn reward those loyal participants financially and with power.
One of the easiest ways is to use visas to import cheap labor. Take for example medicine. Here in the US because of corporate disincentives, most Americans are avoiding medicine. therefore, by importing physicians from other countries with these Visa they can replace the workforce once they work out their obligations. In an effort to work in the US, they must be designated to a "disadvantaged medical area" and then they can labor and replace those here in the US.
In the specialty market, it has nearly been replaced with foreign physicians. They left their impoverished countries to live in the US. The hospitals gain advantages financially through governmental assistance non profit designations which increase their profitability and then they take that profit and grow. This squeezes out competition and through mega mergers also crush the small local community offices. Through centralized aggregation of services they can command higher reimbursements, which creates higher costs. The costs are passed on back to the consumer through higher premiums, and higher deductibles.
The only solution is to incentivize value base care. The is quality over cost. Take out these incredibly high costs of pharmaceuticals and allow generics in earlier.
Additionally, limit the H-1B and allow Americans to re-enter the medical market. Take away hospital incentives and give it back to American medical entrepreneurs.
Then and only then will this down stream effect be beneficial to every man, woman, and child."
He's right that
8 out of 9 of the hematologists at our local hospital come from predominantly Muslim countries.
if you ever get to nyc, go into any hospital in any department and count how many doctors there are born and bred in the USA, regardless of ethnicity...
Gimme some of that sweet sweet death blood!
It's interesting because it appears to be true here too. A lot of Muslim people here at my local practices, including urgent care facilities.
They're friendly, at least the ones I've had the misfortune of having to interact with, but it definitely was something I noticed. If this is becoming a trend elsewhere, that is surely cause for concern.
Hotels too! Imagine if all of the foreign visa workers were replaced with AMERICAN WOMEN!. Bring class back to the industry of service.
Im amazed that ANONS continue to REACT to this type of news so emotionally
KNOWING that nothing is a coincidence and that 5d chess is in play.
This op has really lifted my mood. I was getting really frustrated reading the reactionary fucking garbage being posted on this subject. I was getting really angry at some people here.
I hope the anons here at least learn a lesson.
Trump is getting ready to fire his foreign visa workers and it ill be a gauntlet thrown. You are about to feel incredible!
I almost got angry when I went to Elon's timeline again lol, he's pushing hard on this. This is a good lesson for me to continue to keep emotions at bay. I almost got mad because it creates infighting, which I don't want to see amongst patriots. I don't want to see people losing hope in Elon. I don't care what Elon says, because Trump is POTUS. He will do what he knows is right for us.
Something is going on and it's not by accident.
HOLY CRAP, batman, I cannot believe you said this about our community! absolutely correct and quite observant of you, but holy crap...
Remember there are Anons in the 12 th grade 10th 5th and grammar school so the "reactions from Anons" ought be tempered because there are many much newer to the game.
EVERYTHING between now and Jan 20th is a psyop.
Cant believe i need to say this at this time to you guys.
I'm kind of expecting a real insurrection as part of the plan and also to kick off the precipice.
Another excellent summary by JoeLange. The most logical explanation. More popcorn!
Good post, thanks for sharing. I felt the same, that this was a big psyop. I'm glad it's become a front and center issue, the 60 minutes on it will surely help.
Since it's a psyop, I've decided to sit this one out on the social media sites and enjoy some popcorn.
I see a parallel with this H1-B visa issue and buying stuff from overseas because it's cheap. Why is it cheap? Because wages are low & suppressed overseas.
The H1-B visa crowd represents exporting "cheap" labor to us! Not only should we build or manufacturing base but also our labor/technical base.
One step in building our technical base is to completely overhaul public education. And the first critical step in that process is to eliminate the federal Department of Education. It's all tied together.
Yes. I agree. This is what elon and vivek are bringing people to. Who and what and why has our education system been destroyed.
A good possibility.
I actually thought the uproar regarding Laura Loomer and dozens of other accounts being decertified was going to lead into a crisis that required Congress to revisit section 230 for social media providers. We have been promised an internet bill of rights after all.
I suppose both theories can be true.
Eliminating H1B does nothing unless you also put a stop to outsourcing. My employer has cut so many jobs here and sent them to India. There were teams of 20 people that are now 7, and 6 of them are in India. The building where I work is >50% street shitters. People with 10 or 20 years with the company lost their jobs, and having to train your replacement is not anecdotal. Fortunately I work in a specialty that requires 24x7 coverage, so I've been safe so far.
Even more egregious is what kind of jobs they send over. Technology people that have access to sensitive data and functions. Even cyber threat intelligence jobs. The remaining US employees are expected to get on meetings early AM just to accommodate these assholes.
There needs to be some type of punitive measure against these companies that retain the protections of US law and government, but completely sell out US workers.
P.S. none of this was a problem before a certain group of merchants took over the company about five years back.
do they wear those tiny bald spot coverings?
One of them sent out a message that said "Happy Haunnakah, Kwanzaa, Diwali, or other holiday you celebrate this time of year"
The pool of malice in these people has no bottom.
I'll copy a comment I left earlier today in another thread that's relevant....
Indian "universities" are just selling degrees.
It's just a scam. These people coming over are dumb AF and know Jack shit outside of googling the answers. (India has a national average IQ of about 70 - 80 compared to the US at about 98-100)
Indians coming over with a work Visa are basically the same as the Karen in your grocery store with a "service dog" in their cart. It's a lie. They may have paid a few bucks to get a certificate but that Pomeranian isn't gonna be providing any services that justify it being in a grocery store
Really worth a read
Bannon: Everything you just heard in support of H-1B visas is a bald-faced lie. Absolutely outrageous. American jobs are for American citizens. This is a total scam. We need a throw down now. Like Frankie Pentangeli says in The Godfather, “Let’s hit them now while we’re strong.”
Does Bannon think Elon controls the govt? Elon has one role and that is DOGE. Elon doesn't make decisions in congress nor as a POTUS (DJT). I would expect better from him, unless he's amplifying the issue as part of the plan.
Elon has been having a fit lately from all the pushback about this. could be part of the plan. dont know either way. Just waiting on the Boss to point the way.
People on PDW are losing their minds. I wonder if Trump lurks here, and then goes to PDW and thinks to himself… how embarrassing 😳
"and thanks himself" what do you mean?
Supposed to say thinks - fixed it 😂😂
This is like professional wrestling where they get 2 guys to trash talk each other. Good plan.
H1-Bs are a scam on the American people and most of the imported "talent" are using fake degrees from shell Universities that don't really exist.
Could also be a ploy to clear the MAGA movement of the rats trying to infest it.
Great theory. Maybe the team is seeing who pushes back the hardest against Elon and who tries to start MAGA wars.
Say controversial things in order to reanalyze the battlefield and adjust the strategy.
Maybe it's a false flag to get the accounts with massive MAGA following who are actually planted DS agents to reveal themselves. Those sleeper accounts are waiting for an opportunity to divide. Why not get them to initiate their division on a non-issue?
Don't tell me you sincerely believe Vivek and Elon are still "MAGA" after all this.
Trumps silence speaks volumes, now that you mention it
Elon is now posting videos of Trump being pro-H1b.
There's def a psyop going on right now.
Who first posted their opinions in the public forum as pro-H1B? Did they not expect any blowback from maga? Let Trump deal with the rules after he gets in. Why even open that discussion right now? This is definitely not the time for it. We still have foreigners from all over the world flooding in ffs.
I agree with the possibility it might be a psyop in that the initial comments to get it going were made about Tesla in general, HOWEVER, the problem I think a lot of people have is that Elon took the bait.
I mean how often do you see him posting such lengthy replies on X, including ones involving linear algebra? All he had to do is keep his fucking mouth shut and nothing would have happened. So while I'm still supportive of him heading up these DOGE efforts to come I think I can articulate 3 main points that I and many others are pissed off about:
1.) It's obvious his companies utilize H1-B visas for workers rather than hiring American citizens. I find the argument of not enough educated, motivated U.S. citizens available for these jobs to be a copout that he and many other big company executives have used over the years. We all know it's BS, the real reason these companies do it is cutting costs. If there were such a need for tremendous talent as he claims that he has to hire from the worldwide pool of labor, than his companies can file paperwork for an O-1 visa for these individuals and stand behind their claims of why they need to bring these people into the U.S. There is also no limit on the number of O-1 visas that can be issued.
2.) Elon and Vivek, and like many other men who rise to such high levels at a company or society, inevitably surround themselves with yes men. Sure they can probably run their companies well and do the jobs they were hired for, maybe give constructive feedback. But to actually tell guys like Elon or Vivek 'no' to their face? Nope that doesn't happen and it's evident based on what you read in their replies on X. You can easily see Elon continuing to double down on what I consider to be some of his bullshit arguments because he has no exposure or understanding of what it's like from the average worker's point of view just trying to get a decent paying job to support his family and provide at least a semi-comfortable lifestyle.....what we would typically call middle class.
3.) The "my shit doesn't stink" position that Elon and Vivek are taking doesn't sit well with me or a lot of other people. What I mean by this is you can see how Elon deflects the problems he's encountering in his company's workforce by blaming the American education system, that we aren't churning out enough good, solid engineers who know their shit. Well I and many other people in the U.S. workforce have noticed that damn near all companies who post positions demand experience even for entry level stuff. These companies, including Elon's do NOT want to provide any sort of training, expect you to hit the ground running working a minimum 60 hours/week and for the same shit pay that has been published already of what their H1-B workers are being paid. All the while the blame on the education system continues to be parroted by them for no other reasoning than that they want more H1-B workers.
In closing, was this a psyop? Maybe. But no one forced these guys to start running their mouths, that's ENTIRELY on them. All they had to do was KEEP THEIR FUCKING MOUTHS SHUT!! But because they're so close to President Trump now, much like a lot of people who's egos start doing the talking, they think they know everything about everything.
Trump is the person in charge not Elon or Vivek. Do you honestly think Trump isn't following a script from the white hats who are in charge of this great awakening? Do you think he is easily swayed by people 'close to him'?
Still dont get it? Or just a shill?
Any MAGA movement person dissing trump is either by design or they are a complete moron not worthy of ever listening to again.
This is what I have been saying. Nothing is what it seems and the next 24 days are going to be ridiculous with psyops to point out WHO is really MAGA or are just here to stir. Chill out and watch the movie---we are almost at the end and the credits!
I don’t get it.
put your thinking cap on, and reread it all.
I was really curious about this because, in my eyes, this issue came out of nowhere. The idea of Musk and Rama picking this hill to die on? Doesn't make sense, far too visible. Distraction?
Watch what they say, not what they do.
Elon's X is blocking and unverifying accounts that come out as opposed to unlimited H1Bs.
Is this more of the PsyOp?
I can't tell, and we'll only find out over time.
*I like your theory better, but I think we still have to remember this one:
Nobody on is thinking this through.
It's happened in the past that Trump suddenly took a bizarre position that seemed completely at odds with what all of us want, or what we thought he wanted. Like when he suddenly encouraged everyone to get the vaxx.
Now it's happened again, this time with Elon and Vivek and the H1-B program.
When somebody does this, it's because they're blackmailed and threatened. Somebody made them an offer they couldn't refuse and they had to back down - at least, in words.
I'm always astonished that no one ever thinks of this but is fully ready to believe that Trump and Elon and others just suddenly made a crazy hard left turn for absolutely no reason.
Please. Think again. It's right there in front of you.
People were begging for a vaccine. If he hadn't gotten it delivered in warp speed, we'd still be locked down.
It's pretty simple. Up until 1980 or so American education was the best in the world. Now it's close to the worst. Americans can't do -in sufficient numbers-the work required in hi tech.
You can argue about the reasons- personally I believe that between being over -vaxxed from childhood and over fluoridated in our water we've dropped average IQ significantly
I agree with you and elon and vivek are pointing out exactly this. The final intention is to put a magnifying glass to what and who has been manipulating american culture and intelligence.
For those, like me, took it easy during Christmas and missed exactly what happened, here is me catching up with Grok regarding this issue:
This is 5g warfare handshake. Lurk moar.