American citizens, in their own country, SHOULD NOT have to compete with the entire world for jobs in America... please DOWN VOTE if you disagree and then tell us why.
The Division Of Labor

The H1B Visa program needs to be scrutinized and reformed to cost EMPLOYERS more to use them than to hire American workers.
THAT is what Elon said!
Elon called us Americans "retarded" and "unskilled" and that we should flood our work force with foreigners.
A vaccinated person calling anyone retarded... is retarded themselves. Elon was stupid enough to take a jab, and a cuck enough to lose his child to the trans. Little Elon needs to sit down and fix his own life first.
100%! MSM creates a "Genius" who: smokes weed, uses pharma Ozempic instead of self restraint, loves the limelight, loves attention, never invents anything - just buys other peoples ideas, has sex with multiple women, gets involved in politics. If you ever had the opportunity to be around high IQ people than you know Elon is a grifter and at best a marketer. High IQ people barely know how to talk. They live in their work. You will never hear of them until after their death and only know them for their work. If Elon is a "Genius" - then Neil deGrasse Tyson is "Scientist."
High IQ people barely know how to talk? That is ridiculous. Maybe this applies to an idiot savant but not to your general run of the mill genius.
I can't understand, like you, how seemingly highly intelligent people could not rationalize the danger of taking an experimental, untested, first of it's kind product, with unknown side effects for a condition that was 99.95% survivable.
I use to have a low opinion of my own intelligence. Then when I saw all the so-called geniuses that took the jab, my intellectual self-esteem went up considerably.
There are so many people right now that considered themselves a little smarter that everyone else, that took the jab, and are now humiliated that they were not as smart as we neanderthals. They practically kick themselves in the ass daily having to admit this.
That barely know how to talk is a stereotype of smart people the government wants you to believe
Don’t forget about the first born sacrifice!
Most people can't even read proficiently. It's not our fault. These people have been raised to be this way. It's because of the way our education system is run.
Instead of hiring foreigners we should just teach our citizens.
The thing is there are more people in the workforce than a bunch of retarded snowflakes that just graduated. There are older workers--GenXer here, and I'm neither retarded nor lazy. I don't want my job taken by a damned foreigner just because companies (and the government) like filling the country with commies who will vote the dems in office.
I do agree we need to teach our citizens better. Public schools are a fucking joke, and colleges are nothing by liberal commie training grounds.
Yes. People act like the retards are equally distributed. The top tech companies should have weeded out the retards quickly. The retards can settle for a programming job at a local government where they can get away with being useless. If there is a shortage, it should not exist at the top tech companies. The only need for foreign talent should be at the .001% theoretical research level, and we have an O1B program for that.
I hear that 80% cut by DOGE would address that
Companies are probably good candidates for short selling. The management is looking for short term gains but long term will likely fail.
Yes! Great comment!
They could cut like 50% of 'education' and get kids into apprenticeship roles much earlier. There's too much slop and wasted time and it ends up manifesting as woke grievance studies bs. Kids are smart or dumb by nature you can't change that through education. Some people are better at working with their hands but we hold them hostage for so many years, and now force them to go to college, when they could be learning a useful trade much younger and filling that 'low income' gap while they learn, eventually becoming masters of their trade and earning a good productive living and maybe even having their own business or shop. Our ancestors were smart we should look at what they did with training the young.
Thank you for chiming in on that - it's interesting to hear from someone who grew up through that time and witnessed the changes. Seems like today even the smartest/most motivated kids still lack practical analytical skills and struggle.
Look at our education system compared to China and Japan. Look at our College Graduates. I don’t agree with flooding our nation with aliens but he is spot on about our work force coming out of “higher education “.
Bannon disagrees with both Elon and Trump on this. Americans can be taught and this can be corrected very quickly. We don't need to alter ourselves demographically any further. Indians vote democrat and don't share any of our values! Look at their culture and life expectancy! People are not interchangeable cogs that can be yanked out and replaced by whatever - that is a communist notion. Look at Canada, Seattle, WA and London! We are suckers for letting foreigners that in turn claw their way to rule over us!
Wait until they start getting political power...
Caste system, here we come! They already hire their own people / caste over anybody else regardless of qualifications.
China and Japan aren't the ones abusing the visa program. India is.
And compare the average IQ to that of America to India.
China has almost no safety measures in place in their factories.
For real? I wouldn't be surprised after he told us to get "fucked in the face", such a throat fucker, Elon
If Elon was serious about hiring the best, he would pay more. Shouldn't the top tech companies pay the best salaries? If they need more workers they should be luring them away from other large companies. The fact that he hired H1Bs means its all about the money not the talent.
Yes, and not only that - his own personal ambitions are more important to him than the demographic, cultural, national interests of Americans. This is our only home! We are not globalists moving here and there at our pleasure!
Musk is a Globalist, for sure. Not a nationalist. He isn't on good terms with a lot of other globalists, but he is just a different globalist. Wanting access to the entire world's workforce
And that's exactly why people aren't applying for work either. It's humiliating to take a job that pays dramatically less and wants more experience. The whole game; they never intended to hire American anyway. It's a front.
Yeah, his companies actually pay a lot lower than other tech companies and he says stuff like "You come to work at space X to be part of history,. taking humanity to Mars, not for the pay"
He threatened war against us! He called us racist for prioritizing Americans over his life aspirations! He needs to open schools and train Americans to do these jobs! To him America is an economic zone not a home or even a country with boundaries and history. He needs to take his own advice and F! himself in that smug, arrogant face. We didn't vote for him! He jumped on the Maga movement right after Trump's assassination attempt. He is simply an opportunist. He tells us to reproduce and at the same time brings in Indians who take away good paying jobs that would allow men to support families. DISGUSTING!
He can say that because he can afford it.
I believe this H1B visa drama will be resolved by Trump in our favor.
Trump is a businessman who understands the importance of helping someone that helped him.
That being said, what I believe is happening: Trump seeming to take a 'soft approach' (at the moment) on H1B visas DOES NOT necessarily mean that's what he will do.
Everybody knows Trump is a master strategist.
Every day We read between the lines on Trump's "moves and counter moves."
Q and Trump told us it is "we the people" and that we "forgot how to play the game", "make our voices heard" etc.
Therefore I think, if the MAGA movement makes its voice heard on the H1B immigration issue, then it allows Trump to gracefully say to Elon "sorry Elon, I know you want more H1B immigration, and I appreciate your vigorous support, but the MAGA base is just too united against it ." and then he ends the H1B program.
It's likely a sort of charade vis-a-vis Elon.
To believe otherwise is to believe Trump would betray us, his base. Who here believes that?
Let's continue to let our voices be heard and let it play out. We will win!
It should be destroyed.
How many American IT workers were forced to train their H1B replacements? The system has been abused, because the politicians allowed it to be abused. The whole purpose of H1B was to fill roles that there were no Americans to fill those roles. But instead, it is used to replace American workers with cheaper foreign workers.
My father trained his replacement back in the early 90s.
HP after Carly Fiorina took over is a great example of this.
Southern California Edison is another one. My brother was an engineer there for years when he and hundreds of his co-workers were laid off and required to train their replacements in exchange for the severance package.
Fiorina was a product of the old AT&T’s culture of “fuck up, move up”. Apparently, I did a decent enough job there and didn’t fuck up enough to advance.
That bitch drove Lucent into the ground, too. The amount of waste from upper management bozos was off the charts.
I'm one of those Americans.
I would have normally been okay with simply reforming the visa program, but fuck it. Thanks to Elon and Vivek, I don't want any more foreigners until AFTER we get our country back on the right track.
15 years of mass immigration/ illegal immigration,/refugees and DEI onslaught I'm so done with foreigners and immigration. I want none. I want so many people to be deported that I never have to press 1 for English.
Americans shouldn't have to fight the globe for jobs in their own country. And our country isn't theirs to do whatever with. America first, Americans first.
Yeah we had to accommodate them when we should have just said integrate.
Unfortunately it's way more nuanced than your
People, culture, values and religion are not created equally. We've already watched so much of American anything get absolutely gutted because of foreigners influence on our own soil
Doesn't matter, we need to fix our unemployment and homeless issues before we can take in more people. It only hurts Americans more.
Everyone with your opinion is either non american or benefits some way from a non american, or has family that's non american. THIS IS AMERICA, JOBS HERE ARE FOR AMERICANS, AMERICANS CAN NOT COMPETE WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD IN THEIR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY OR WE CAN'T SURVIVE IN OUR OWN HOMELAND. THERE IS NO COMPROMISE!! And for the love of God with you STOP CLAIMING AMERICANS DON'T WANT JOBS! I know plenty of people working for low pay BECAUSE IT'S BETTER THAN BEING FUCKING HOMELESS! I've had enough of the rest of the world thinking they are entitled to our fucking homeland that our own family fought and died for. That's not how this fucking works! Telling people they can't come to our country to take our jobs because there isn't enough to go around tor the people already here ISN'T FUCKING PUNISHING THEM! Getting to come here is a fucking privilege, no one is entitled to it, and the only shit that is guaranteed is to the american people only! WHY THE FUCK IS THIS SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND!
Your whole comment should be a standalone thread. You have a broad understanding of the finer details surrounding this carefully deployed "wedge issue."
That point hits the nail squarely right on the head. America never has a problem with migrant workers when American corporations do not export the jobs!
And of course, the Bush/Clinton globohomo swamp is entirely responsible for doing exactly that over the last 30+ years.
Failure has consequences. People don't like hearing it, but 40+ years of American society playing make-believe about our failed education system (thanks Jimmy Carter/Uncle Sam) combined with US investments in communist China,, and elsewhere have caused severe problems.
People who mistakingly think that America can fix itself by simply using all of these god-damned retarded cucks that have been coming through our education system, while the number of quality jobs has declined are having a pipe dream, and are overdue for a harsh reality check.
This broken facade of country needs major help from the best people we can find, from anywheres in the world! American society is in a state of crisis. This is an emergency.
Americans are suckers and have been ever since Johnson 1965 immigration reform. Enough already! We are too nice! And these don't assimilate. They don't change their names. They don't change their beliefs, holidays, customs or values! This is why the country is so fractured! Just look at the maps before 1965: Americans lived on the west and yeast coasts in large number and then after 1965 the influx of foreigners has driven many(48%) to move to the center of the country. Do you know what that is called? Demographic flight! People of different and incompatible cultures and countries flee from one another! Where can Americans run next? Greenland?! For the last 60 years what we are experiencing is an INVASION with the goal of REPLACEMENT.
But they are. They brag about it. And for the few who are doing it out of legitimate purpose are getting shunned too. First hand experience.
Yes, and their employers. It's competition pissing while the unfortunate struggle to keep a home for their children.
It was a 2 step big shift. A couple years back Biden changed the rules for taxation. US Companies could write off 100% of developer work against new products. They changed that to 20% over 5 years.
And then this also hit...
Someone needs to tag Trump on TS with this link. We shouldn't just roll over and let him fuck the IT industry even worse than it's already fucked just because Vivek and Elon hate Americans.
I have been tagging links like this to Trump, Bongio, Scavino, and maybe a few others.
The more that play the better.
Trump has been ripped a new one on Truth Social, it's been pretty epic.
People are yelling at Trump on TruthSocial in large numbers already and should continue.
Yep that is right when all the dev jobs disappeared
Thanks, anon. 👍 I missed this when it was posted.
America/Americans First.
All specialty visa programs should be removed. One generic visa program should be created.
Zero work visas should be granted if US unemployment is over 1%.
See how simple honest lawmaking should be?
Perfect solution. Add in homelessness numbers as well, which have increased by 30% in two years, because we can't fucking take much more of this.
The whole H1B thing frustrates the heck out of me. There are a lot of Americans who go to college to do tech, and are crowded out of the market by people from India who didn't have to go 150K in debt for a Computer Science degree of whom many have lied about their credentials and are naturally desperate and willing to work for pennies on the dollar. It creates a frustrating environment for those who chose the American four year degree route, especially for entry level jobs. This has created a market inefficiency as the wages drop to the point the entry level American cannot even pay their bills. Until the opportunity cost of employing the foreign unskilled worker is greater than the opportunity cost of the American worker to fill the role, companies will continue to hire the H1b applicants and pick the cheapest vendors to implement software products. This is basic economics. It's also akin to America committing suicide by following this path.
The whole thing must be destroyed and all here on it deported back to their country of origin. There are many qualified, and many more that can become qualified to do those jobs. Especially the better paying White collar jobs that are being handed over to every Tom Cruise and John Wayne coming from India or whatever other barbaric turd world shit hole they come from.
I don't know, this whole thing has left me very worried. I feel duped. It really seems what the left has been saying, is true. Elon and Vivek want more H1Bs, and now Trump is going along with it. Is he in debt to Elon now? Did he really just try to win so bad, just to stay out of prison? I've always been Maga through and through, but this doesn't look good. Elon is back to censoring anyone that disagrees with him, and then changes his name to Kekes Maximus, almost in a way to troll us, saying "haha I fooled you all, including Trump." I'm really nervous guys.
Wow, a concern fag and a troll bot all in one!
Everyone's a fag/troll/bot around here if they bring up an unpopular opinion or concern. Stick to your groupthink, I'll continue to think for myself. You'd have to be absolutely blind to not see what's been going on, and be worried about it. I hope I'm wrong in the end, but it's not looking good.
You ARE on a Q message board. You don't know what is going on if you are "concerned".
This board has been hijacked. It's so fucking obvious. We are either talking to glowies or foreign bad actors or probably just both. The glowies brought in more H1B help to come manipulate these forums. It stinks of anti-american attitudes in here now. And then they have the nerve to call us bots.
What a pathetic troll.
Correct. And you got 4 downvotes lol. I guess this site was full of sleeper shills waiting for the opportunity to spread FUD.
i know.
I'm immune to FUD but my concern is the real anons on here. I hope they can spot the attack. There will be worse attacks soon.
Also, you can't even create a post in attempt to wake up people to the psyop because the concern trolls will emerge en masse, flooding the comments with their emotionally charged, repetitive rhetoric.
You can spot the trolls.
He was opposed to it for years, he only publicly said otherwise 3 days ago.
Waiting for a downvote. 🍿
I have not reviewed the fine details of the H1B debate, but I'll bet it does not mention the real cause of the problem: The artificial discrepancy in currency values. If the value of the Indian rupee against the dollar were closer to equilibrium, then wages would be similar and no one in the US would bother hiring Indians.
Funny how so much corruption stems from corrupt money.
100%!!! I have been screaming about this on twitter for days. We didn't vote for Nimrod 2.0 Elon! There is plenty of talented Americans who can do these jobs! And with the assistance of AI, Americans entering the programming field will have a much easier time learning and being productive in no time. This is already happening in my hubby's company. We don't need imports! Indians heavily vote democrat! We don't need them! America didn't need them before 1965 and we still don't! All H1bs should go home!!! Make their own country great and get the hell out of our way!
Could anyone name me a hotel or motel chain that is not managed or owned by foreigners? You could drive cross country once upon a time, and natural born Americans were managing, staffing, and owning them. Since the late 80's the places have gone under, the person behind the desk can hardly speak clear English, and the staff does not even speak English.
Did I miss that other post you alluded to or is it still in development?
No rush, I’ve had one pending for 3 years now.
Had it about 65% written, then lost it all, and rewriting is 10x harder than writing.
It isn't about salary it is about obedience. US citizens don't have to leave the country if they lose their job.
Can’t downvote posts..
Go to settings.
Set "community styling" to OFF.
Don't forget to hit save.
If you turn off community styling you can.
Had no idea. Thanks!
Ugh. I'm pretty sure we exhausted the f out of this topic
tell that to someone who had a layoff in 2022 and couldn't even get interviews for 2 years, and upon finally getting hired he finds his entire team is Indian with half "offshore", with semiweekly "learn & share" meetings when IST/PST overlap becoming the SOP so your replacement is quick/painless and nothing would skip a beat. this issue won't go away until it's solved, we reached critical mass when the mass layoff numbers were surpassed by the visa grant numbers in the past 2-3 years.
Or those stuck in contract work and/or having to constantly be turned down and work goes to the Indian/Asian only to come back to you to redo or fix because they couldn't handle the project! First they took the manufacturing jobs and told us to learn to code. Then coding jobs were taken and now even truck driving jobs are taken by foreigners! Companies with globalist and communist views won't stop taking everything from us - every industry taken.
construction too, has been taken for decades already, gone to workers imported from our southern border.
Tell me when Trump said he would end H1b visas. He didn't. Also, Elon is not in charge, Elon is not going to be the president.
You fell for the psyop.
I just want something done about it. it's not my choice that fixing H-1B would be my #1 issue; You wouldn't know the 10th of it if you hadn't been through a layoff in the past 3 years, living in a completely different world apart from those who had.
I was laid off during covid and I worked at a place that employs many indian engineers. A lot of them kept their jobs while I was forced to leave.
Why am I not getting all emotional? Because Elon is not the incoming POTUS.
Let me know when he is and I'll start caring.
The H1B visa program HAS TO HAVE a tax advantage to the companies hiring these people.
Musk doesn’t own controlling interest in X. The usual suspects do and these individuals have a replacement plan, DEI plans and a world dominating corporate feudalism plan. Now I understand why Musk had to hire that WEF as his CEO.
I’d never down Voat you, John Titor. o7
Nothing stagnant ever grows.
It's for this reason that I am at times more satisfied making a controversial post that gets a measure of down votes.
Jesus said, "Whoever is near me is near the fire, and whoever is far from me is far from the kingdom."
I don't disagree, however as Americans we need to step up our game. the H1B needs to be tougher to get and not budget priced. Americans need to step up their game and be employable. Don't expect to come in late, leave early, spend all day on your phone, take long lunches, text argue with family and friends... be at the job, be reliable, and be ready to work. Give employers no reason to want to use the program.
Why are we even debating this right now? Let’s focus on gutting the government and eradicating the deep state first. That’s number one priority. Everything else can be fixed after.
Good idea, fire half the government and replace them with h1b visas! Do the same in the private sector, pull a twitter, fire 80% of the staff, and then you could replace the remaining 20% with h1b visas.
We're debating this because America is sick of bending over backwards for foreigners. We're sick of them taking jobs, companies being incentivized to hire foreign, or outsource, we're sick of DEI and being told we're racist, sick of foreigners not even trying to integrate.
Exactly. This shit is not organic. Everyone acting like the sky is falling.
I'd like to know how many of you that are emotional on this topic are actually working in the industries H1bs affect.
Anyone who has had to work with pajeets hates them. You might be very surprised if you did a straw poll. I suspect what has happened is an inadvertent lightning rod for underlying sentiment. It seems inorganic, but actually just highlighted people's private views in public. Also, only relatively recently has the massive influx of Indians to the UK and Canada become common knowledge and the deleterious effects noted - Australia is now sadly following the same path thanks to a retarded communist being installed as the PM.
Mediocrity breeds mediocrity. The U.S. us now rank 28 out of the top 37 countries in the world. Our education has gone downhill, we suck. If you're going to make American corporations hire worst instead of the best instead of allowing them to hire the best, we might as well leave DEI in place and tell Trump to retire early. Pay or compensation is a separate issue.
If you think H1B is bringing in the best then you clearly don't understand what's going on. American's are the best, we are the skilled workers, the problem is companies found a way to bring in less skilled, less educated, less experienced foreigners to save money because they pay then shit wages and work them like dogs. THIS IS WHY AMERICA KEEPS RANKING LOWER AND LOWER. IT'S TURNING INTO THE 3RD WORLD.
The H1B is for unskilled and general workers.
Some organisations have policies where you go to the front of the line for getting a job if you meet certain positive-discrimination requirements such as race. I don't agree with that. Getting the job should be on merit.
Choose the best guy for the job. It doesn't matter where he was born.
way to think globally
I see some serious globalism issues here all of a sudden.
Your position is too one dimensional, and lacks nuance.
To give an example: Why should an American employer be forced to select an employee simply based on their nationality; why should that employer be denied an opportunity to hire a preferable candidate from a foreign country?
Personally, if I were looking to hire, and my American options consisted a bunch of US college educated, leftwing, libtard, dweebs, or a based foreigner- even with less credential's, I want the foreigner for my employee.
That's globalism and I am opposed to globalism. If US companies want to hire from the global pool of talent, they should have to pay. Like a tariff on goods but for labor. That money can go to fund unemployment because you are giving jobs away to foreigners.
Either we want a country or we don't. If we are unwilling to hire Americans because they are "dweebs" or whatever then you don't want a country.
Yes! Thank you!
If your business is in American you should hire Americans. Want to higher anyone else? Move your business to that country. Sorry but the country belongs to Americans, not corporations.
Don't apologize for advocating for Americans! Never apologize! We are and have been taken for suckers for far too long! Every ethnicity coming here openly, unabashedly, and shamelessly advocate to bring more of their own people here. And Americans get shoved to the side or used as tax cash cows to the breeding foreigners. It's time to fight even if it means fighting Trump on this issue!
A country without liberty for all of its citizens is not America at all. I fully support incentivizing employers to hire Americans. However, the opening post asserts that American citizens need to be denied the opportunity to seek better employees solely based on national origin. It is a flawed argument.
Using the flawed logic applied in the opening post, American citizens should also be denied the opportunity to seek employment in foreign countries. Why should America allow its talented citizen employees to work in foreign nations, for foreign companies? That sword cuts both directions.
But American citizens ARE denied opportunities to seek employment in other countries. Unlike with our country that lets the entire wold work here, if any of us want to work in say, Sweden or the UK, we will have to jump through hoops by comparison. We are not remotely on equal footing here. THIS is the root issue. Same reason why you can’t truly have free trade with the world if your businesses have to respect labor laws and pay taxes that don’t apply in other countries. Our businesses cannot compete with overseas businesses that use slave labor and have zero tariffs levied on them. They will either go out of business, relocate overseas, contract overseas, or use foreign laborers whether legally or illegally here. We all need to be on the same footing here, but we aren’t. Until then, we need to protect BOTH our businesses and our labor pool.
I agree with your statement and, I am strongly supportive of protectionist laws. However, I do not view importing quality, legal foreign workers to be in conflict with promoting a strong America, particularly if there are incentives for US businesses to endeavor to hire more American workers.
Build the candidate you want.
Find one with good character and ability, and train or have them trained in the thing you need.
It's a free country, hire who you want bro. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A8oEDQEDxYw
You are free to waste your time, money, and energy "building candidates," and making those loons your "apprentice," if you think that's what you really want.
But personally, I'll gladly take based Pedro, and Pima, regardless of their nationality, even if they cost more to hire. Bonus points if they also aspire to becoming legal American citizens.
Not my downdoot, though I’m tempted.
There needs to be some sort of mechanic to incentivize us to keep our resources - material and people - internal to the country.
Like any household or business, the more you can keep in-house, the better, and the more you put things outside your household or business, the more dependent you are, the more it costs you, and eventually, you turn to what we are now - not a country or a nation, a people with a shared identity and common interests, just a damned economic zone.
If we truly need to export wealth and bypass our own people to get some skill set here, it needs to be made more expensive to ensure it’s truly necessary.
You may not work in a field that competes with the whole world, but a lot of Americans do, and that number is going up. It would be nice if it could go down by some degree, if only because a lot of the rest of the world uses slave labor, and a lot of them are loyal to their own people, whether we are loyal to ours or not.
…And if you aren’t loyal to Americans, why should they be loyal to you? There’s no loyalty now and that’s been caused by a lot of people. Societal trust has a lot of repairing to be done.
Yes. I completely agree with this. But, flat out denying Americans the choice to hire foreigners is not the solution, as the original post asserts.
What it asks for and what I proposed are not necessarily at odds.
The suggestion of mine would take away “competition” while still allowing for employment where legitimately needed, and tilting the board in our favor while raising the bar of entry.
The op title is correct. We should not have to compete with foreigners for jobs in our own markets. This has been a tool the cabal has used against many countries for a long time. If India’s cost of living is low, because their overall wealth is low, they can ask for low wages and be happy with them. If those Indians are then put in direct competition with Americans for work, they will run us out of the labor market, because an American who has to pay for a $275,000 house can’t compete with an Indian who has to pay for a $25,000 house. We could lower ourselves to their means of existence, and put 3+ families in one house, which is being done right now in many places in America in order to stay afloat, but how is that good for us overall? Eventually, we ship out all manufacturing work, and only service jobs remain, and the manufacturers will start looking to onshore those services to their country and people.
“How do we put an end to the endless?”
I have noticed (it's very obvious) that a lot of this online wedge issue debate seems keenly focused on Indian migrant workers in specific. It's almost as iff Chinese immigrant's, or other nations migrant workers don't factor into the discussion for some odd reason.
People need to wake up, and learn to see when they are being manipulated. Fortunately, Trump did not fall for the bait.
If we are talking about H1B, rather than migration as a whole, it’s not entirely wrong to do so.
Migration as a whole is a separate issue. You aren’t wrong, of course, but there is also a core focus to the discussion and a valid reason to use that example, as it currently exists.
To your point, there has been a recent shift to other countries, and for the exact same reason listed in my previous post - now that India has made some money, they are having to compete with other countries that haven’t and will charge less. That’s why I noted that what is being/has been done to us has been done to many other countries before.
This system doesn’t work for anybody.
Same reason we shouldn't allow a company to select a product from a foreign country without a tariff when there are competing American products..
I have had interviews where there he held a hand over his face and someone else was doing the interview.
We would conduct 100+ interviews to find no one that could FizzBuzz.
But since we already had a contract with that company. They would hire people at really low wages or maybe not all? They would then spend months training those guys up ... to pass an interview barely... then get on the job experience.
Americans are not being called in for job interview... it is a replacement not a back fill. Like abortion something like 'rare and infrequent and only for the first few weeks'. Now the doctors can set the baby in another room so it can be comparable while it dies.
You should also read up ... reach out to some tech workers... go to reddit and look up some stories.
Companies exploiting foreign labor and, undercutting American workers is a huge problem for America. But, that problem is not simply solved by the govt. banning the employment of all foreign nationals, or legal migrants, because it does not factor legitimate [foreign worker] hiring practices by US companies, and US citizens. The simple fact is that there are good, and legitimate reasons to sometimes hire foreign workers.