Pornhub now blocked in 17 states.
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These bans are incredibly easy to get around. This is a slippery slope that will be used to usher in a national digital ID. If you care about the kids, pay attention to what your kids are accessing online, don't rely on daddy government to protect them because they won't.
Thank god I'm not the only one seeing past these retarded laws.
All a child has to do is use Bing and change the search option limits to off, type in a targeted search for whatever filth they're looking for and Bing will pull it up. And if they use DDG, Brave, or some other somewhat "secure" browser, their search history won't show up in the browser unless the parent knows to go to Bing first, before opening up the history.
Most Gen X parents I know didn't know this until I told them. Which is weird, since we're the first generation to be raised with computers.
This graphic is incorrect. PornHub is 100% banned in Kentucky.
Porn is just the pretense for attacking online anonymity.
Noncompliance and work arounds don't solve anything, policians should be afraid to even propose these sorts of laws, much less pass them.
Why does a Jewish Rabbi named Solomon Freidman own PornHub???????
He's a Revelation 2:9er!
17 states stops pornhub but allows millions and millions of illegal invaders into their states where as a percentage of them rapes their grandmothers, wives, sisters and daughters
Good. Pornhub can go FUCK THEIR OWN FACES. **** But in all seriousness the whole porn industry is so bad.
You realize this is being used to force ID for internet use right?
tell us more
It's not that pornhub specifically is banned, but the states are making a requirement to collect id's to access the site, and pornhub opted out of providing that feature
not much more to tell
That will totally change society ...not. Porn is yuck, but making it illegal only makes it more attractive.
These legislators have obvio not heard of VPN.
Now do OnlyFans.
I’m surprised the tissue industry isn’t protesting.
Everyone is complaining about free speech violation and threat of a national ID and on and on...but the real issue is are we going to define freedom via man's definition or God's definition? Man's definition is the right to do whatever you want, when you other your own god, which is actually the main tenant of satanism..."Do what thou wilt." This has given us abortion on demand, euthanasia, whacked out law fair, etc. This also gives us the mind destroying, society degenerating porn industry.
It says in 2 Corinthians 3:17..."Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."
The true definition of Liberty is one in which the obedience and adherence to God's moral laws are obeyed and God is given His rightful place in our lives. This is where true peace, happiness and joy will be realized in a healthy, moral way. So...we as a nation have to decide...are we going to try to find fulfillment in satan's definition of freedom and liberty or are we as a nation going to uphold God's definition? We cannot have it both ways!
The Founding Father's understood this difference and is why John Adams said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
Get protonmail. Use proton's VPN (?+ TOR) to switzerland or germany. Boom. Done.
Now pay for proton. Why? Support free speech and anticensorship. "But muh proton is CIA" Nope, I can tell you it's not. If you doubt, research it. And legally wouldn't matter if it were.
Just saying "don't use porn" is missing the point.
Do privacy by default always. "But muh I don't need privacy because uh've got nuffin' to hide." Ok, good luck with the future.
It was created by CERN people. Dunno about CIA, but CERN doesn’t give big warm fuzzies either.
Protonmail is alright but their VPN sucks.
Call me a puritan, but it should be banned. The so called amateur porn is prime trafficking material. No one knows the conditions those people are under, or the age of the performers. Gangs of illegals force their women into it, abusers rape and record. the so called proffessionals mostly have abuse and horrible things that happened to them as kids, so their boundaries are all messed up. A 12 year old boy sneaking a Playboy magazine into his room is not the same as a 10 year old watching something they do not understand completely, and then it sticks in his head of how sex between two people is really how it is supposed to happen. The porn industry is a blight.
I remember when porn was a Playboy magazine where the girl, many were under 18 then, was posed to hide her pubic area. Now I hear what’s being put out there, and for free, is clearly a plan to mess up people’s heads.
This guy is going to claim discrimination:
I wonder how much they'll push VPN use...
All you need is a site that doesn't give a shit about enforcing said laws.
I guess Pornhub chose that over just implementing an AI system to identify and remove child porn. So I guess it must be easy to circumvent or they make lots off of the child porn.
Shouldn't force id.
Should force Pornhub to go pay to play .
This fixes a bunch of issues.
I wonder if Flynt v. Ohio can be applied.
I am happy to see this no matter that it’s a Trojan horse.
Porn is evil; it destroys masculinity; fetishized society; made idolatry of sex organs and anatomy; and damaged the relationships of how men and women perceived interaction; especially in the youth.
How many young men and women were more aggressive early due to exposure to something like this?
Pornography is a uniquely evil and sinful thing;
God was always right: Sexual immorality is wrong and its consequences have ill effects on monogamy, marriage, and it’s clearly anti-social and antithetical to a functional biblical society;
That’s why Satan and his followers clamor to deceive and present it to the youth to addict and enslave them to adulthood.
We gotta focus on getting the message out:
It’s evil; God was right.
I hope to see all 50 in my life
But Miami has a ton of “instagram models” living there…
WOW.. Georgia sticks out like a sore thumb..what's up??
No worries, brave browser has TOR built in so just use that. I tried it, PH works just fine
Streaming HD video over Tor is not very effective, and not what Tor was designed for. A VPN is fine for this purpose.
Even with the Brave browser I'm still blocked. Tested it for the sake of "science" ;)
Is there a specific setting I need to enable? The Brave VPN costs money.
read a book or play a sport. dont know why anyone here would go on there. or get a girlfriend. they actually care about you and can hold you after sex. ask me how i know. if you struggle with porn, google nofap or yourbrainonporn and then go workout or go for a walk in the sun. remember, your grandma is watching you do your filth from heaven. 😂
Please please please block it in all 50
So you want censorship?
what purpose does porn serve? why are you defending the exploitation of people?
. Just because YOU dont like something doesnt mean you can just censor it
Please dont try and play that intellectually dishonest game. My defending of free speech and expression has NOTHING to do with defending exploitation.....libs make illogical arguements like that.....
Who says that people willingly making a movie of ANY type are being exploited?
Now if they are being forced to do something that they didnt agree to or are being blackmailed or the like is a completely different arguement.
Is staring in a consentual porn movie any worse than getting the ever loving crap beat out of you in an MMA bout?
How about playing in ANY sport that requires you to trade your body and talents for money?
The problem is, many of the girls are not consenting to do this type of work. They are human trafficked, and forced. Not to mention the deep dark side of porn, hub of kid fucking. Also, let’s not forget. One of the main owners of porn hub is a Jewish rabbi, who sends millions to the DNC - all while profiting of the backs of children, being raped and women and men and boys being trafficked. It’s not a great business model. However; that being said - I am against censorship. I’m just not sure that child rape is free speech 🤷♀️
There is a dark side to it and YES that is INDEED a problem. Of course child rape is NOT free speech.
Blocking legal porn does not solve those issues though.
Unfortunately, human trafficking will remain on this planet until the second coming of Christ. If people want to know what drives this market, it’s because people want it. They’re a bunch of sick losers out there who wanna have sex with kids, and want to be degenerates and watch porn. Supply and demand basically.
Unfortunately, censoring porn in specific states in America is not going to really cut back on the demand worldwide. 😵💫😞
You realize that they're not policing themselves and so are monetizing anything people put up?
IF it was all legal then MAYBE I'd support it but it's not and they have no interest in fixing that
IF the part that they will monetize anything people put up is true (havent researched) then how does making someone sign up to view through age verification change anything?
Yes, actually it does. Porn has side effects that sports don't. A man is not going to watch the superbowl and then run across a room and bring down his wife or giirlfriend with a flying tackle. But if I had a dollar for every woman who complained that she felt forced to participate in some act she personally found degrading after her significant other saw some porn -- I could pay off the National debt.
Guys - let me clue you -- those females moaning and groaning in porn movies are being PAID to appear to like the more exotic things. Forcing your wife or girlfriend to replicate such behavior causes her to go crying to her girlfriends about what an insensitive, selfish, lout you are.
Men watch that crap, get some pretty sick ideas, and want to try them out.
Nah! You don't need that sick shit put in your mind so that you can turn around and torture someone else.
And I am tired of listening to the complaints of the women who are unfortunate enough to be paired up with these guys who watch this garbage.
The topic is about censorship of LEGAL PORN , NOT how porn affects the human brain.
Furthermore I was responding to someone who claimed I supported exploitation of people and I stated that basically ANTHING that consentual people agree to do for money is on them....filming a sex scene for money can be no worse than someone who chooses to get the crap beaten out of them on a UFC ring or football field
You go into a tangent into forcing people to do things against their will, no one has said this behavior is ok.
For every woman that you claim felt forced to do something that they didnt want to do, unless that person was ACTUALLY physically forced or blackmailed into it then they had the right to say NO.
There are plenty of other woman who enjoy porn and ask their partner to try out things they saw on film.
What MIGHT be SICK to some are enjoyable to others
Hell I was shocked at how many women actually LOVED and were ENAMORED with the whole 50 shades of grey universe. The whole thing is marketed to WOMAN and not to men.
And this information about 50 shades of grey came from the entertainment industry (which includes reviewers and anyone who makes their bread and butter from this trash).
Now either you believe the entertainment industry and mainstream media (reviewers) have your best interests at heart or you believe they are soul destroying monsters who will say and do anything to make a buck.
It suits their purposes to have you dingbat men think women want shit like that so that they can keep selling that filth and pumping it into your brain.
I have NEVER met a woman who enjoys that shit in my entire life. I have listened to countless women complain that porn INTRUDED into their personal relationships.
Some men are pigs. I was lucky enough to marry a gentleman. But that doesn't mean I don't pity women who are abused by men who watch this junk and want to act out this shit on their poor wives and girlfriends.
Women only have a choice if there are no children involved. You have no idea what some women put up with for the sake of their children.
Im not looking at any reviews, just counting the amount of money made.
3 books sold over 165 million copies
1.32 billion in ticket sales for the 3 movies
****Obviously PLENTY of women DO enjoy elements of that lifestyle **** as men made up around 20 percent of the book purchase and 33 percent of the movie viewers and likely MOST of them went with a girlfriend / spouse who convinced them to go.
I understand that it is NOT your cup of tea. and neither is it mine as I do not enjoy those themes. It takes two to tango and you are obviously NOT open to ideas that do not meet your sense of morality. of course you dont hear from women that enjoy it because those are not the types of people that you associate yourself with.
Sounds like you have an issue with dingbat men, the eternal "battle of the sexes" where each side tries to get what they want out of relationships.
As I said before , unless a person is being forced to perform something against their will, they can say NO.
Anyway good luck to you.
You're cool with the transgender books in kids school libraries too? Or no?
In kids school libraries, absolutely not.
I'm not seeing the consistency in your logic, but thanks for the downvote.
Huh? Bro dont come on here all soft about a downvote, it happens ....btw it wasnt me, I answered your question as asked.
But I do suspect that your downvotes came because of your illogical reply....what does transgender books in kids libraries have to do with censoring legal pornography on the internet?
No useful purpose. It's degenerate filth, BUT the government shouldn't be involved. People should avoid it by choice, not censorship.
The heart of man is evil. Even many Christians watch porn. It serves no purpose. If you need sex get married.
You realize this is being used to force ID for internet use right?
I see how it could be a slippery slope. But porn is not the whole internet. And it can be viewed on social media sites that won't be banned.
I guess we'll see if you are correct. But I support the notion to protect children.
It will be expanded to everywhere porn could potentially be seen so any site that allows user generated content, meaning anywhere people can communicate. This does nothing to protect children and that is the same argument used to attack the second amendment.
Explain how someone is being forced to use an ID to use the internet.
It will be expanded to every site where porn might be posted meaning any site that allows user generated content even if forbidden in the TOS and also establishes precedent that we have no right to anonymity. This means that soon it will be impossible to communicate without submitting ID.
It mostly already is.
Let’s be serious, handshake, probably 80-95% of people on the internet, if not more, used an ID to get there, and most of those have it tied to their telephone number.
Yeah but we don't have to give the sites we use that information directly.