Truly sad what has happened to Minnesota. Beautiful state. Wonderful people. Peaceful patriots. And recent history has them known for severe voter fraud, Floyd, Omar, Tampon Tim, and a ton of other bullsh!t that totally misrepresents the good people that live there.
But sadly those people do represent Minnesota (for now), hopefully it will become the young women that helped make/made this video. More Minnesotans (not sure if that is correct) need to speak out like these women did.
Thank you God for rising up a generation of young women ( and men) passionate about protecting the generations around them and being immune to the games of the enemy. I am VERY proud of yall. It is easy to have socially approved courage THIS however is the real deal. The courage to do the right thing just because it is the right thing to do. Slow Clap definitely sharing
Well done. Seeing the pile of 'dead babies' is shocking but necessary to understand the scope of it. The truth of the matter is, the population of Americans that are of European stock has dwindled from 91% of the population in the 1960s down to barely 50% in the U.S. and other western nations since the advent of legal abortion in 1973.
With 500,000 aborted white babies each year in just the U.S., (plus 500k annually of all the rest of the ethnicities combined), abortion has forever changed the demographics and ethnicity of the country's future offspring.
Add to that - the deaths of 60,000 young men in the Vietnam war and other wars since, then the hundreds of thousands of youths sterilized or killed by the COVID-19 poison jab, and you've now got a population crisis affecting only certain ethnicities and peoples.
All by design of course. Read the Kalergi Plan to see who was behind this.
I do know that especially in the early days of abortions, many of the doctors were newbies to the procedure and their lack of skill (and callousness) caused permanent internal injury to the women, causing some to be unable to conceive again.
These same physically damaged women often then had excruciating pain every month during their cycle that persisted until menopause!
Now let's get into the psychological pain that it causes...
The sense of loss is felt. It weighs on their minds. Especially if they cannot conceive again.
There is the 'birth date' that never happened. That first day of school. The high school graduation. The wedding. The future grandchildren that never will be. The son or daughter that might have cared for them in their old age is extinguished.
The guilt, regret and shame for so many, simply never ends.
This brought tears to my eyes - praying for you and that your group can get people's attention and enact real change with your efforts. Through God, all things are possible!
Yep Young Patriot, after 3 years of you being here, I have a feeling we’ll be voting for you and your friends one of these days. Nothing Can Stop What You’ll Bring. Nothing! 😉 And I’ll be submitting my Application to be an advisor in your cabinet, if you’ll have me by then? 😁
So proud of you and all your frens. I have sent up some heartfelt prayers for you all.
The imagery was horrifying, shocking, and super effective. Hard hitting stuff. Gut punch and a body-slam for the normies. Kek. Well done. The production was top notch as well.
Sad that you had to see this horror, but proud of your response. You saw the horror and didn't run. You faced it head on, and then dragged it out into the sunlight for all to see. I hesitate to say 'keep up the good work' because this stuff takes a toll on you, and it creeps up on you. Please take care of your mental health. Stay gold Ponygirl. (Reference from "The Outsiders")
You are not only one of us Anons, you are among the best of us.
May the Lord bless you and keep you all the days of your life.
It's been one HELL of a fight here in MN. we have some of the weakest GOP folks in the country. And some of the strongest liberal extremist in the nation. Everyday I ask myself why I'm still here. so far the answer is FOR THE FIGHT. for this kids. I just hope that what trump and that patriots get done with DC can trickle down to the midwest.
Please be careful what college you may go to. One of our daughters was STRONGLY pro-life until she went to college at SUNY New Paltz. Probably for me, the saddest thing that has happened to her. She has also wandered from her Christian faith; no doubt due to the same evil influences at that vile university.
So proud of these amazing young women!
Great video.
Truly sad what has happened to Minnesota. Beautiful state. Wonderful people. Peaceful patriots. And recent history has them known for severe voter fraud, Floyd, Omar, Tampon Tim, and a ton of other bullsh!t that totally misrepresents the good people that live there.
But sadly those people do represent Minnesota (for now), hopefully it will become the young women that helped make/made this video. More Minnesotans (not sure if that is correct) need to speak out like these women did.
Thank you God for rising up a generation of young women ( and men) passionate about protecting the generations around them and being immune to the games of the enemy. I am VERY proud of yall. It is easy to have socially approved courage THIS however is the real deal. The courage to do the right thing just because it is the right thing to do. Slow Clap definitely sharing
well said!
Well done. Keep up the good fight.
Nice job, ladies! Keep up the great work!
(MCCL, the big pro-life organization in Minnesota say they'll share share the video on their channel ☺️)
Many of these young Patriots are children of us Gen X'ers who were not brainwashed.
There is hope for the future and you young ladies are proof of that.
Fantastic to see, Well done and Don't stop...Its ALL about The Children, Don't Forget....👌🙏🏻🙏🏻
Tim Walz is a jackass and a killer.
So proud of you! Great video! Very effective and sure to effect a call to action. Keep fighting to save America!
Well done. Seeing the pile of 'dead babies' is shocking but necessary to understand the scope of it. The truth of the matter is, the population of Americans that are of European stock has dwindled from 91% of the population in the 1960s down to barely 50% in the U.S. and other western nations since the advent of legal abortion in 1973.
With 500,000 aborted white babies each year in just the U.S., (plus 500k annually of all the rest of the ethnicities combined), abortion has forever changed the demographics and ethnicity of the country's future offspring.
Add to that - the deaths of 60,000 young men in the Vietnam war and other wars since, then the hundreds of thousands of youths sterilized or killed by the COVID-19 poison jab, and you've now got a population crisis affecting only certain ethnicities and peoples.
All by design of course. Read the Kalergi Plan to see who was behind this.
I remember hearing that 40% of all women who get abortions go on the need psychiatric care afterwards...
I don't doubt it.
I do know that especially in the early days of abortions, many of the doctors were newbies to the procedure and their lack of skill (and callousness) caused permanent internal injury to the women, causing some to be unable to conceive again.
These same physically damaged women often then had excruciating pain every month during their cycle that persisted until menopause!
Now let's get into the psychological pain that it causes...
The sense of loss is felt. It weighs on their minds. Especially if they cannot conceive again.
There is the 'birth date' that never happened. That first day of school. The high school graduation. The wedding. The future grandchildren that never will be. The son or daughter that might have cared for them in their old age is extinguished.
The guilt, regret and shame for so many, simply never ends.
My ex had one in her teens, she never got over it emotionally.
do not forget to like the video as well as watch. 101 likes for this post, yet 47 likes out of over 700 view on pootube...
need a yt account to like
Thank you all for your efforts.
Thank you, Young Patriot! We are so proud of you!! This brings us so much hope!
Great job girls!!! We are with you.
This brought tears to my eyes - praying for you and that your group can get people's attention and enact real change with your efforts. Through God, all things are possible!
Great job op. And tell the other girls - well done from us here at GAW
Young Patriot, we are proud of you. Keep up the good fight!
Great job by these teens!
Yep Young Patriot, after 3 years of you being here, I have a feeling we’ll be voting for you and your friends one of these days. Nothing Can Stop What You’ll Bring. Nothing! 😉 And I’ll be submitting my Application to be an advisor in your cabinet, if you’ll have me by then? 😁
Awesome job young ladies ❤️❤️
So proud of you and all your frens. I have sent up some heartfelt prayers for you all.
The imagery was horrifying, shocking, and super effective. Hard hitting stuff. Gut punch and a body-slam for the normies. Kek. Well done. The production was top notch as well.
Sad that you had to see this horror, but proud of your response. You saw the horror and didn't run. You faced it head on, and then dragged it out into the sunlight for all to see. I hesitate to say 'keep up the good work' because this stuff takes a toll on you, and it creeps up on you. Please take care of your mental health. Stay gold Ponygirl. (Reference from "The Outsiders")
You are not only one of us Anons, you are among the best of us.
May the Lord bless you and keep you all the days of your life.
It's been one HELL of a fight here in MN. we have some of the weakest GOP folks in the country. And some of the strongest liberal extremist in the nation. Everyday I ask myself why I'm still here. so far the answer is FOR THE FIGHT. for this kids. I just hope that what trump and that patriots get done with DC can trickle down to the midwest.
I'm such a sexist swine! I always assumed you were a dude, young patriot.
Please be careful what college you may go to. One of our daughters was STRONGLY pro-life until she went to college at SUNY New Paltz. Probably for me, the saddest thing that has happened to her. She has also wandered from her Christian faith; no doubt due to the same evil influences at that vile university.
And great video girls! Your parents should be very proud!
Awesome work 🙏
Abortion is needed for demographic control.
Well done! This is how change is made. These beautiful young women will definitely impact this most important issue. 🙏
God bless you all!
This is an amazing project you have here! A young patriot indeed!
Hats off Young_Patriot. Thank you for fighting the fight here in our great state. We will one day return to the Minnesota God envisioned.
Bravo young women of Minnesota!!!
God bless the young pedes! Rosaries out!
@0:31 Pause it...
Have you ever seen a bunch of more un#uckable c#nts in one place?
Look at them joyous over the perv signing law...
Tired of losers at the helm...