Leeching scamming con-artists who are self-confessed women-beaters, sex-traffickers, rapists and pimping pedophiles.
He's a fake Muslim. It's a facade to use as a shield for his misogyny. No way that he was Christian most of his life and donating large amounts to to the orthodox church every month, then convert to Islam. Islam treats women like shit and that aligns with his mentality.
He's a fake man worshipping a fake god that spends all day getting fake internet points on social media from fake users for saying the most retarded things imaginable.
There was also a post on PDW that Andrew Tate wants to run for PM of UK. Something about being moral. 🤷♀️ so the human trafficker wants to be the “HEAD” human trafficker of the UK. It’s like he’s jealous that they’re getting to have sex with all these children. Make it make sense.
All I’m doing is providing research that I’ve done myself. Think what you want to think. I will not be replying to anybody. Facts are facts.
Here is one of his close friends:
Vlad Obu, which may be short for something. Also goes by Joe Lampton. Reportedly he's a close confidant of Andrew Tate, and was even arrested last year along with him--human trafficking.
Here's just a few examples of what he truly thinks, from a mole in his private group.
I saw a video on Telegram of what looked like a moderate blackmail video of Tate where he is in bed with a woman and starts messing with her head and punishing her for not saying something trivial correctly, and, I can't remember exactly, claiming or making her claim that she's his slave or property, or something like that. In hindsight, perhaps it could be passed off as consensual S&M, but it was hard to watch.
Anything, Andrew Tate does is hard to watch. He’s a narcissistic sociopath that preys on the innocence of others. In the links that I have provided, he admits to everyone in the room that the girl he’s been with for six years is now 21. That means when she was 15 he was having sex with her. The reason he lived in Bulgaria or wherever it is, is because the consent for sex is 15. Just because it’s legal in Bulgaria doesn’t mean he’s not a pedophile and a garbage human being.
look, Andrew Tate is not a good person. He is using populism and light leaning MAGA as a shield to deflect from his ultramega right/muslim ideology.
He looks down on everyone he comes into contact with and says its just because he is an Alpha. "survival of the fittest blah blah"
He has done some very evil things and thinks because we align in a few areas, and he has made enemies of the authorities/deep state where he lives, he will be able to slide right in and everything will be okay. I know many of you wont listen, and will probably even downvote this, but given the opportunity, Andrew Tate would go back to the lifestyle he used to lead and wouldnt think twice about it. To this day i have not seen evidence to the contrary of the crimes he has allegedly commited. But on top of that, this guy is just not a good dude with his attitude and the way he treats people he views as below him. Which is 95% of everyone.
EDIT: throughout my life i have been an exceptional judge of character. I take some serious pride in that, and this dude sets off every single one of the alarm bells that go off in my head telling me hes not a good dude.
This Muslim guy openly brags that he made his fortune by pimping out young girls over webcam, committing wire fraud by manipulating simps into giving him their life savings, and even sex trafficking women across international borders.
Stop looking at this dude like an ally or role model. He is a DEMON in human form.
You are correct, but good luck. So many people stick up for him because he says what they actually believe about women and they don't care that he's dog shit personified.
Wow man. I went ahead and jumped to some of the parts you cited there to see if you were telling the truth. That entire video is a context free hack job, holy shit. At 13:13 you said he admits to raping someone because he what…talks about throat grabbing during sex and this one girl didn’t like it? After about 8 of those citations I realized you were full of shit and you have an angle and a weird axe to grind against him and nobody should listen to you in this topic. You’d be stunned how many girls like, and even ask. for rough sex like that. Someone not liking it once doesn’t make you a rapist. That entire video is a context free, soundbite slapped together smorgasbord joke. And that’s coming from a guy who has listened to MAYBE 30 minutes of this guy combined ever before.
Rule of thumb: if the media tries to destroy you, you’re probably not on their team. If you’re not on the media’s team, you’re probably not that bad of a guy.
You however…I’m wondering about you. Cause you just worked your ass off to misrepresent this guy and it begs the question why?
Tates drop 17s all the time. If you dont think they know whats up, youre wrong.
Also, until you are a member of the real world or Tate university or watch every one of their videos in full form, you have no Idea who they are, what they do, the intricacies of their cases, their history, how they make money, or anything else about them.
All I see in this thread right now are the SAME stabs that the deep state is sending at these 2 men. Youre literally regurgitating the same MSM talking points that have demonized Trump. CNN BBC all of them say & spread the exact same shit.
So by regurgitating the hate towards them and what they stand for (fighting the matrix, calling out the deep state, etc) is effectively doing the enemies work for them.
The enemy of your enemy is your friend, and if YOU could beat anyones ass and had 300 million, youd have the deep state over exaggerating your immoralities too. Dont forget, gold diggers exist... Dont be Naieve..
He could be a chancer who sees a lot of truth and has a lot to say while maintaining a mysogynistic lifestyle... But is it possible that he and his brother are an op to attract young muslims away from clerics into more secular islam? This could be a deep plan to get as many as possible away from sharia fundamentalism into a more responsible way of life. They won't worry about his apparent misogynism and they might even vote for him if he got a political party off the ground. He also presumably attracts secular males into a lifestyle of self-development a bit like Jordan Peterson, but with more of an Insta culture (body building, sex, money) as a draw? The op could be a clever go at undoing the hold of two or three awful ideologies taking a hold in the West (islamism, the weak porn addicts and possibly gangsta)?
Tate brothers are leeching scam artists.
Came here to say this. They're scumbags, and I lose a little respect for Candace every time she gives them a platform.
Besides, they are heretics that abandoned Christianity and embraced Islam. Why are we giving these people any attention, much less a sticky?
I lost all respect for Candace after she continues to defend Andrew Tate, attempting to normalize him amongst her fans and MAGA.
Even wrote an essay on GAW calling her a viper; got a bunch of salty GAW-users mad and massively downvoted.
It's inexplicable why she continues to defend him.
Bald headed Tate is a blowhard.
He’s a Democrat shill
Leeching scamming con-artists who are self-confessed women-beaters, sex-traffickers, rapists and pimping pedophiles.
I can see that and think the same for the most part, but he is getting more done in this fight than I am. Either way let him rip em apart.
He wants the PM position to that he can set up his gov call center using the same young girls post rape.
Crazy how he thinks he should be PM of Britain as a devout Muslim after all that happened.
He's a fake Muslim. It's a facade to use as a shield for his misogyny. No way that he was Christian most of his life and donating large amounts to to the orthodox church every month, then convert to Islam. Islam treats women like shit and that aligns with his mentality.
He is a sellout to his overlords.
No way he act like this as a Christian.
Bingo. Plays the game they force him to play and plays it well.
"Vote Muslim to... checks notes ...remove Muslims!" (?)
Tate is a looser. He grifts to young guys wanting to be chads. That is it. The dude is still banging hookers and acts like god's chosen.
Epic rant, but the guy is still a poser.
He's a fake man worshipping a fake god that spends all day getting fake internet points on social media from fake users for saying the most retarded things imaginable.
This really needed to be said. I don’t think media people have feelings, so it didn’t affect them.
They're just drones holding a microphone. They have no feelings, they're serving their masters who sign the paycheck. They don't care either way.
There was also a post on PDW that Andrew Tate wants to run for PM of UK. Something about being moral. 🤷♀️ so the human trafficker wants to be the “HEAD” human trafficker of the UK. It’s like he’s jealous that they’re getting to have sex with all these children. Make it make sense.
All I’m doing is providing research that I’ve done myself. Think what you want to think. I will not be replying to anybody. Facts are facts.
Here’s the breakdown of the video
0:10:36 The Official Charges
0:20:15 Is the Accusation About Tiktok Videos?
0:29:37 The Loverboy Method Explained
0:40:47 Why Didn't This Come Out Long Ago?
0:43:37 Messages From an Escaping Victim
0:54:04 Evidence for Threats of Violence
0:59:14 Andrew Tate Self-Snitching (Clear Proof of Lies)
01:09:35 What Criminal Lawyer Bruce Rivers Says
01:14:11 Witness Statements
01:19:49 EVIDENCE: Message Transcripts
01:24:25 Jeffrey Epstein vs Andrew Tate
01:32:13 Crimes Committed in 2022 - Detailed
01:40:55 When Women Deceive Men
01:43:01 Cardi B vs Andrew Tate
01:49:07 Was Tucker Carlson Neutral
02:14:57 More Lies by Andrew Tate
02:22:37 Grooming a 15-year-old & More Self-Snitching
02:34:41 EVIDENCE: Message Transcripts Continued
02:53:19 Weakling David Wood Leaves
02:54:14 Romanian Law on Human Trafficking
02:57:12 Clear Proof Andrew is Lying
02:59:50 More Transcripts
03:04:08 Read the Indictment For Yourself
03:06:30 Super Chats
03:13:15 The Hypocrisy of Many Conservative
03:18:30 Left vs Right and "the Matrix"
Andrew Tate is a con artist
Andrew Tate talks about how he enjoys scamming men and women out of their money, and brags about it.
Here is one of his close friends: Vlad Obu, which may be short for something. Also goes by Joe Lampton. Reportedly he's a close confidant of Andrew Tate, and was even arrested last year along with him--human trafficking. Here's just a few examples of what he truly thinks, from a mole in his private group.
He's on Twitter as well, by the way. https://twitter.com/MrLottaHoes
Here Andrew Tate implies that one of his girls (his bottom btch) has been with him since she was 15 (max 16) years old.
She is 21 and has been with him for 6 years. 21-6=15.
I saw a video on Telegram of what looked like a moderate blackmail video of Tate where he is in bed with a woman and starts messing with her head and punishing her for not saying something trivial correctly, and, I can't remember exactly, claiming or making her claim that she's his slave or property, or something like that. In hindsight, perhaps it could be passed off as consensual S&M, but it was hard to watch.
Anything, Andrew Tate does is hard to watch. He’s a narcissistic sociopath that preys on the innocence of others. In the links that I have provided, he admits to everyone in the room that the girl he’s been with for six years is now 21. That means when she was 15 he was having sex with her. The reason he lived in Bulgaria or wherever it is, is because the consent for sex is 15. Just because it’s legal in Bulgaria doesn’t mean he’s not a pedophile and a garbage human being.
Joe Lampton is the main character in the 1959 British film "Room at the Top"
An IMDB synopsis: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0053226/?ls
look, Andrew Tate is not a good person. He is using populism and light leaning MAGA as a shield to deflect from his ultramega right/muslim ideology. He looks down on everyone he comes into contact with and says its just because he is an Alpha. "survival of the fittest blah blah" He has done some very evil things and thinks because we align in a few areas, and he has made enemies of the authorities/deep state where he lives, he will be able to slide right in and everything will be okay. I know many of you wont listen, and will probably even downvote this, but given the opportunity, Andrew Tate would go back to the lifestyle he used to lead and wouldnt think twice about it. To this day i have not seen evidence to the contrary of the crimes he has allegedly commited. But on top of that, this guy is just not a good dude with his attitude and the way he treats people he views as below him. Which is 95% of everyone.
EDIT: throughout my life i have been an exceptional judge of character. I take some serious pride in that, and this dude sets off every single one of the alarm bells that go off in my head telling me hes not a good dude.
So you make your argument and then to bolster it you cite your own good judgement? 😂 ok captain
Thanks for pointing that out bro. But yea. But you dont have to be einstein to see that yhe guy is a douchebag
Agreed. I get the same feeling with him.
Andrew Tate is a bastard and womanizer, an e-pimp predator who leads young men to destruction. I didn't give any care for what he says or thinks.
The Tates are Taints we all agree!
Nonetheless, this was hilarious and remember Frens: The enemy of our enemy, may not be our friend but they sure as hell help in some ways!
This Muslim guy openly brags that he made his fortune by pimping out young girls over webcam, committing wire fraud by manipulating simps into giving him their life savings, and even sex trafficking women across international borders. Stop looking at this dude like an ally or role model. He is a DEMON in human form.
You are correct, but good luck. So many people stick up for him because he says what they actually believe about women and they don't care that he's dog shit personified.
The timestamps: 00:00 All the accusations are true
01:00 Training girls and being himself a camgirl
02:28 Tricking girls into doing webcam
03:00 How much he pays the cam girls
04:00 How He made big money, admitting to manipulating women
06:34 How to recruit girls for webcam
10:00 Hiding evidence and convincing his girlfriends to do webcam
12:35 Describing violence as a tool and admitting having multiple false passports
13:13 Admitting raping one of his girls
14:12 Tricking customers
15:10 Tristan saying he is in the business too
15:56 Saying again he was a camgirl
17:57 Tristan describing customers as losers, taking advantage of them
18:15 Andrew says their customers are inherently gay
18:34 Tate explaining why he gives bribes
20:16 Tate admitting he bribed Romanian officials
20:37 Andrew admits he is a mafia guy
21:27 Andrew Tate admitting he gives bribes again, doesn’t pay taxes, admits to multiple felonies
23:40 Andrew admits he sold drugs
25:44 Saying he has false ID papers again
26:11 Says he is untouchable because he is rich, therefore he can do whatever he wants
27:18 Andrew Tate admits he is a pimp.
28:17 Breaking down pimping, admitting they were in business before OF existed.
32:05 How pimping works, his PhD course, He is saving men through his business
35:22 Being a webcam girl is the best job a woman can have
35:33 Tristan admitting he is tricking people online
36:27 AT admitting he is a scammer
36:48 AT bragging about his apparatus (mob affiliation)
37:06 AT admitting his girls are his property
37:55 AT saying he recruits girls that are easy to manipulate (they have half a brain)
38:15 Describing again the fact that his girlfriends are an asset (his property)
40:19 Andrew’s text messages (manipulating girls into doing webcam)
46:15 TT admitting again that he tricks men with his webcam business
47:05 AT admitting that he had sexual relationships with a minor
47:20 AT hitting on a minor on a livestream
47:50 AT about his PhD course, admitting using tactics to retain girls (manipulating)
48:42 Andrew Tate bitcoin scam and snitching on his fellow mobsters
50:42 AT tricks girls into thinking that they are paid fair
Wow man. I went ahead and jumped to some of the parts you cited there to see if you were telling the truth. That entire video is a context free hack job, holy shit. At 13:13 you said he admits to raping someone because he what…talks about throat grabbing during sex and this one girl didn’t like it? After about 8 of those citations I realized you were full of shit and you have an angle and a weird axe to grind against him and nobody should listen to you in this topic. You’d be stunned how many girls like, and even ask. for rough sex like that. Someone not liking it once doesn’t make you a rapist. That entire video is a context free, soundbite slapped together smorgasbord joke. And that’s coming from a guy who has listened to MAYBE 30 minutes of this guy combined ever before.
Rule of thumb: if the media tries to destroy you, you’re probably not on their team. If you’re not on the media’s team, you’re probably not that bad of a guy.
You however…I’m wondering about you. Cause you just worked your ass off to misrepresent this guy and it begs the question why?
You should have known at "vegan********"
Andrew Taint censors and bans all Q speech on his live streams. He’s a cucked faggot and useless. ⚰️
This guy cares way too much about himself to be trusted.
Man. I just wish a good person said all that.
Tates drop 17s all the time. If you dont think they know whats up, youre wrong.
Also, until you are a member of the real world or Tate university or watch every one of their videos in full form, you have no Idea who they are, what they do, the intricacies of their cases, their history, how they make money, or anything else about them.
All I see in this thread right now are the SAME stabs that the deep state is sending at these 2 men. Youre literally regurgitating the same MSM talking points that have demonized Trump. CNN BBC all of them say & spread the exact same shit.
So by regurgitating the hate towards them and what they stand for (fighting the matrix, calling out the deep state, etc) is effectively doing the enemies work for them.
The enemy of your enemy is your friend, and if YOU could beat anyones ass and had 300 million, youd have the deep state over exaggerating your immoralities too. Dont forget, gold diggers exist... Dont be Naieve..
satan - the accuser
synagogue - a place of worship
I'm not a Tate fan, but this is still glorious!!!!
This guy is such a dork.
He could be a chancer who sees a lot of truth and has a lot to say while maintaining a mysogynistic lifestyle... But is it possible that he and his brother are an op to attract young muslims away from clerics into more secular islam? This could be a deep plan to get as many as possible away from sharia fundamentalism into a more responsible way of life. They won't worry about his apparent misogynism and they might even vote for him if he got a political party off the ground. He also presumably attracts secular males into a lifestyle of self-development a bit like Jordan Peterson, but with more of an Insta culture (body building, sex, money) as a draw? The op could be a clever go at undoing the hold of two or three awful ideologies taking a hold in the West (islamism, the weak porn addicts and possibly gangsta)?
Spanish Translation is readily available!!!!!!!