Vivek Ramaswamy Expected to Step Down from Trump's Government Efficiency Task Force DOGE Co-Led by Elon Musk: 'Vivek Has Worn Ou...
Vivek Ramaswamy's anticipated resignation from Trump's Government Efficiency Task Force raises questions about internal dynamics and his political future. Uncover the tensions and potential implications in this developing story.
I think this is great news. Vivek reminds me of Obama.
He is a literal scammer who did a pump-and-dump on a pharmaceutical company claiming to have the cure for cancer and 'we just need our final test to confirm everything' and guess what the test showed? What they already knew. But guess who didn't get their money back? Investors who lost everything.
I have no love for vivek. I wonder, though, what plans Trump has for that 80% share of Trump Meme coin.
Yeah - for a long time on here I called him Obamaswamy.
`didn't have 2 American parents and ran for president
What if the entire H1b Visa controversy was to flush Vivek into the open? I was not one of them, but there were many MAGA who were falling in love with this snake. My Dad was fooled by his smooth talking. Vivek is very much as you describe, Obama-like. The last thing we need is a Senator Vivek and that was looking like a very real possibility. Now as he is tossed to the curb unceremoniously, his political ambitions are probably destroyed forever.
This very much looks like an op. If you knew Vivek was a rat, and you knew he had a lot of Patriots fooled when he jumped on the doge bandwagon, how would you get rid of him and at the same time ensure that he wouldnt pollute some other area? Maybe have one of Trumps most trusted inner circle begin a conversation (a conversation that was long overdue, it need to become part of the National Conversation) where you knew Vivek would take the bait?
Never interrupt when your enemy is destroying himself.
u/GodWinsPeriod this could probably fit just as well under your post.
I'll wait the 72 hours (aka 3 weeks), but I strongly suspect you are completely right on the money, Longtime. Completely right.
I was willing to entertain Ramaswarmy as some sort of partner in the DJT team, primarily because of the Trust I have in DJT and the white hats, but it would not surprise me at all if this was their tactic.
I'm reminded of this.
Remember that side by side of them giving the same exact speech? “There is no red America and blue America…. “. My guess is Barry knew from an early age he was being positioned for POTUS. The Bush family tentacles were behind WJC and BHO both. Consider the control they’ve had from 1976 when GWB was DCI until 2016. Thank God For Trump.
The H1B thing seems to have killed that career
would be ironic if he gets replaced with an American
Would be more ironic if he got replaced by an H1B
true that would be a nice ending - though I don't want H1Bs running doge
Ironic...or just proper?
Good job - underrated comment!
Good fuck em
Good. He's a loser. He should have been dropped long ago
The article says Vivek has not been hands on enough and isn't putting in the work.
If he wasn't going to be serious about his role then it's best that he move on.
Typical H1B. Claims to work hard but knows/does squat.
Yup typical curry ya know.
The article is also sauced from CBS news and Politico. Do you trust them? If so, why? If not, then how are you engaging with the information? Did the information get you to respond? How did you respond?
Remember, that's their primary purpose. To shape YOUR response whether the information is partly true, largely true, or minimally true (or false).
I believe those outlets would take any chance they could to drive a wedge between Trump, his closest advisers and Patriots and would quickly sacrifice one of their rats to do so, taking glee in the reporting of such. Vivek was made during the H1b controversy. Read my above thoughts on this.
The frog above (u/Grady_Wilson) (no disrespect) misread my questioning the motives of the reporting organs as some sort of "being triggered". Even if its true that friction with the Musk team and Ramaswam wearing out his welcome are the factors facilitating this 'departure', I still do not trust their motivation for telling me so.
And yes, they are going to relish and opportunity to black pill, highlight some sort of 'rat'. But recognizing, or questioning, their motivation certainly disarms their attempts to push blackpill content.
All I can say is that more and more, I observe the psychological games that so many organizations and their representatives are playing, and I see large populations oblivious to this. That includes our beloved normies, but also anons and patriots.
How did the Uniparty survive so long? So how much of the globalist media vs 'conservative media' dynamic is simply a play of the same game?
Deceivers can, and frequently do, tell you true facts while working on somehow manipulating or controlling you. The antidote is to ask "Why is this (person/organization) telling me this?"
Has it been proven to not be true?
Even Pravda reports the truth once in awhile.
Completely discounting sources you don't agree with is doing the same thing the Leftists do when presented with an article from a right wing news source.
You have to read multiple sources to get the real truth.
No idea why you'd be so triggered over this.
hahaha. Certainly not triggered. I'm just aware that even when sharing facts, these organizations have a purpose and goal, and an intent that involves influencing how you think.
I never said that Ramaswamy was not stepping down, or stepping away, etc. Also, I never (personally) thought "oh, that's not true".
What I am saying is, one should always question what the MOTIVE is of these organizations, who never have our best interests at heart.
One should read the information on that basis. For example, what kind of spin did they put into the report?
Vivek came out and said he is stepping down from DOGE.
You want to correct your vitriol?
Or is Newsmax not a valid source for you?
Um, "vitriol?" Do you consider questions to be vitriol? Let me return your question: is questioning the information that is being shared, and the MOTIVE behind it, the SPIN that is attached to it, and your response to it, triggering to you?
Newsmax? "A valid source?"
So, I think you need to ask yourself the question, have I simply swapped one matrix for another? e.g. "I used to listen to the MSM and believed everything that they told and thought they way they wanted me to. Then I found out that they are evil, but it's OK, because now I can 'trust' someone else to tell me what is true and what to think."
Usually, it's very helpful to distinguish between factual information and interpretation.
Of particular interest to me was this:
Now, this information is anonymous 'multiple sources'. What this means is, we're CBS, trust us! We got it from multiple sources!"
"Sources familiar with ..."
At this juncture, I have no idea whether Ramaswarmy's disengagement from DOGE (if indeed this is what is happening) was inspired by friction with "Musk's inner circle" etc. It might be true, it might be not. But I certainly distrust the motivation of CBS news in telling me this story.
That's the point here. It's OK to be skeptical, to doubt, and certainly to distrust the motives of globalist corporate-controlled media. And, for that matter, it's still valid to ask, how reliable is "newsmax" in terms of what agenda they are serving? Is it the same as mine? how do I know? Because they tell me what I want to hear?
Telling you what you want to hear is the definition of how controlled opposition works.
To some extent I agree with you, BUT, I think I'll disagree with your definition of "the real truth". I'm just saying, in truth, it isn't that simple. In the information war, almost everyone is trying to influence your thinking. Good guys, bad guys. Awareness involves questioning who and what and why.
Addendum. @Grady, I appreciate you responding to me with your thoughts. I do not consider your comments to be in any way some sort of attack on me, but appreciate the opportunity to discuss, clarify my views, etc. Discussion can be very good, even when offering differing views on a subject. So, thank you.
Also note: I thought it was noteworthy that the OP posted GWP content, BUT the sources being used were Politico, a Marxist propaganda machine, and CBS, a corporate globalist media operation. It's not that I doubted whether on a factual level, Ramaswarmy was 'departing from' DOGE, but rather, I thought its important to recognize the sauces being used, in this case. hth
He jumped on the doge bandwagon and was using it as a springboard to a seat in the Senate. He is a rat and always was.
I suspect you are right. And, personally, I suspect that DJT and team let him run his 'operation' in a controlled way, watching, observing, waiting. Letting him run his plan out and in the end, burying himself.
Time will tell.
Good riddance.
Yeah, i got the feeling of rino with him..
I really like him and his perspectives but man did he really muff it when it came to bashing our entire culture
Who would downvote the first two comments? Please give them a deserved upvote.
And I for one never liked Swampy.
It sounds like he was all show and no go.
As for who would down vote them? Likely the same shills that downvote every post against Israel. They have got to earn those shekels.
He's an IPO scammer "pump and dump" scheme, along with the rest of his family, for the failed Alzheimer drug trials his company promoted. Made off with millions.
Ship him back to India and get rid of the "America is an idea", at a minimum. Prosecute his family for the scams and throw the book at them otherwise, preferably.
and done-er
some ass hoe
Note, Berlin, that even though this info comes via GWP, the actual sauces of the information are: Politico, CBS news.
Is this relevant? Of course. Because these organizations have one purpose only: to manipulate the public mind. So, is the story 100% true? 80% true (20% false)? 50% false? 70% false?
That's the world's fastest firing
Did he beat the Scaramucci record? He lasted 11 days.
Big pharma shyster
Get someone boring but razor sharp with economics in to replace him. A Tom Woods or Thomas Sowell type. Dry (which doesn't matter as Elon is the face of the department) but with a no-bullshit, nose-to-the-grindstone mentality to really make the deep staters shit themselves. Javier Milei minus the showmanship.
Running for governor of Ohio?
He’ll have too much competition to get out of the primary.
Fire all “pajeet first” employees
Note the SAUCES:
CBS News
Take with a grain of salt. Story may be completely false, partially false, slightly false. What one can be certain of, is that there is falseness in the report, on some level. Why?
Because: Legacy Dead Media and Leftist Propaganda Machines.
So... .what narratives are they spinning? What are they trying to get us (the populace) to think?
When engaging with these sauces of information (and remember, GWP is simply the conduit, NOT the sauce), it's wise to question, question and doubt first, then figure out the actual facts over time.
Their primary purpose of existence is ALWAYS to manipulate the information and shape how you, and I, think.
So, even before asking how true the information provided is, you should always be asking, what are they trying to do (make me think) with this information? What is THEIR motive?
What happened to the good old American names like Jim or Steve
Deport all the radical muslim curry pigs 🐷💥
So first off, 48 hour rule. "anticipated resignation", "sources say", "people close to musk" - no names, no actual events confirmed. This is currently speculation, sourced by cbs (poor) and politician (terrible).
If false, then it's just another example of clickbait.
If true, however, it is not a huge loss. In particular, vivek's past has been questionable at best, and outright dodgy AF at worst. Couple that with appearing to ride on trump's coattails along side the musk "dark MAGA" crew, and the accusations of not doing heavy lifting, losing such a person isn't a loss. It's a sign of efficiency being applied at the source.
Besides, having two people running a "department of government efficency" is a typical example of how inefficient the government is in general.
I didn’t see him at any of the events today
48 hour rule.
Vivek is a snake and I don't trust Musk either.
hmmmm .... a lot of unnamed sources close and familiar with the inner circle.
That Kling is a corrupt pos.
No MORE street shitters in USG.