Wow! Watch:
🚨🚨SEE? OMG! Solid proof of erratic style "drone delay" of dronelike maneuvers controlling helicopter to kill the Saudi diplomats ferried on the helicopter.🚨🚨
Save and spread that proof!
Link to the helicopter’s general flight path:,ae313d
This website lists the owner of the address shown on the map, 811 Lawton St., as the “Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia”:
Other sites and documents list numerous Saudi Arabian diplomats and scholars as residing at 811 Lawton St, such as Fawzy Bukhari (the current cultural attaché):
= = = =
TL/DR: 80% likely helicopter EQUIPPED FOR DRONE CONTROL, got subverted and undermined en-route by MOSSAD! Packed with Saudis. My top video is evidence of drone flight style maneuvers. 80% MOSSAD
As someone posted.
How is a Blackhawk an Apache?
Yes, you are right. They could change it for some reason.
How could Qteam have known?
Project Looking Glass, for those unaware, is a supposed time viewing invention. Able to view all points in space and in time. u/#q3585
Looking Glass could only see one event after 2012, a great awakening of the world. Whether it could see individual events leading up to this is debatable.
Looking glass could only see one outcome after 2012.
Did anyone read (W.Hat) SerialBrain2's decodes?
Q has posted pictures generated by the machine itself.
Q1335 (and others)
"Note the pictures we post are ALL originals.
Think about what that means."
Think about it...
Those original pics showed Q was a Trump inner circle individual, at least Travelling with him on Trump Force 1.
Q said that at least 5 times. Q1335 for instance had nothing to do with proving Q was an insider.
Expand your thinking.
How do you think Q got those pictures over Hillary Clinton's shoulder of her phone? She was on an airplane (AF1?)
Do you think someone in her inner circle would risk death (or plain old imprisonment for espionage) by snapping pictures on a secured and monitored plane inches away from her ear?
This machine can take images from any angle/direction/point in space and in TIME.
Not sure what we're debating here… Q directly referenced and implied they were using Project looking glass.
Fair points & had not remembered those pics. That looking glass theroy has some clear potential. I wasn't even thinking it could take pics until you brought this up.
Hey JT17, PLG sounds a lot like the Vatican's alleged Chronivisor:
Thanks JT17.
I’d like to go back and review. If you have a link handy, please share.
You lost me with serialbrain. My God man. Have some dignity.
You wouldn't say that if you've been paying (very) close enough attention the past 7 years.
Some years I spent, according to my phone, 14 hours + on average per day digging and decoding.
"Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane, by those who could not hear the music."
I read every one of brain posts until I couldn't anymore. I regained my dignity. His claim to fame was Q linked him. Thats why i read him. That made him famous. That also exposed him as an idiot. I've followed Q from the beginning.
By the way. Glad you are dancing.
So you probably think it's just a coincidence that Q posted "we may have overestimated your ability" to understand some of the comms and right after that SB2 came out of nowhere... or maybe you didn't notice?
SB2, a White Hat plant to help "organically decode" stuff that people were not understanding. Also a useful vehicle for plausible deniability because the truth is way way out there.
Case in point:
👆🏽 yet another example (Proof) of white hats directly communicating with us while pretending to be regular anons.
5:5 yet?
I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you. Regardless fren, WWG1WGA!
Out of context much?
Anywhere i can read more about only seeing one outcome after 2012?
Here you are:
Thanks fren!
Holy shit the hair just went up on the back of my neck
Thanks for the reminder, I need to shave mine.
post 646 has a seven-year delta today 01/30/2025
It's one word:
Let's give this the 72hr rule before going full retard.
Never go full retard
In my view, this is a Red Herring argument. Military aircraft flight patterns will frequently appear herky jerky. Don't know if this is meant to confuse exact location from a targeting prospective or not.
Just go to ABS and look at other similar flights. You will see same jerky flight path.
ADS-B tracking using Source = MLAT (like this helicopter), is often jumpy, because of how the ADS-B website itself is figuring out the position of the aircraft using triangulation from multiple receivers feeding data to the website. But Source = ADSB is more accurate, because the aircraft is transmitting it's exact position data coming from it's onboard GPS receiver.
That was my very first thought when I watched this. Also, why is it showing as a plane and not a helicopter icon?
That type-transmitter was off so the icon defaults to a plane.
ah ok. I did not know that. Thanks!
Interesting how it insisted on flying over the water. Were they trying to limit collateral damage from a falling plane onto a populated area? Are there less questions when flying over water? Harder to recover debris?
Anyone who has ever flown into Reagan National knows you fly along the water.
Correct. I’ve probably flown in and out of DCA 500 times. North and south river approach. The Black Hawks fly up and down the river and then over 14th St bridge en route back to Davison AAF. They said a training flight but I doubt it.
Correct. Can confirm.
If it was a targeted kill which by the looks of this video it was, doing it above the water could be one way to conceal the (possible fact) that the helicopter was empty, and therefore remotely controlled.
"Trust JT" on this one.
Noise abatement procedure at Reagan is to fly over the river. That's why Air Florida 90 ended in the river back in the '80s.
UH,,, noise abatement ? Where'd you find that in the NTSB report for that accident? Sure was icy , cold that day. Probably should have used engine anti-ice systems to alleviate the noise abatement...
I would add a comment that a lot of the ANG Pilots (Army National Guard) will follow waterways on their flight plans when they're out getting in their weekly flight hours.
Always fly along the water entering dca
Good find fren. Stickying to let Anons do more digging on this.
Aircraft operate in 3d space, there's thousands of feet of vertical separation for each of the "near crashes" in the gif: First, Second, Third.
The erratic flight path probably doesn't reflect reality, likely just a result of protocol or sensor inaccuracy or something, you can see this sort of thing pretty regularly if you look at trackers often. Another example -
CNN likely to blame Russia and Putin, pushing the narrative for more $$$ to Ukraine. Schumer already working on his official statement.
Just want to point out that all flights in and out of Reagan have to follow the Potomac. This is because residents of Georgetown complained about the noise so now that's everyone's flight path.
Linking the four stickies on this topic. Here's the others:
The color indicates altitude if I am correct, so the Blackhawk would have been around 2000ft or under, the yellow planes around 6000ft and the greenish one around 8000ft. So we are talking a little under and over a vertical mile, so not a near miss. I wonder who's traffic control the chopper was under? Reagan or the Air Force base?
80% likely? What a number to pull out of your ass. I love seeing folks look at ADSB for the first time and begin to create narratives in their head with zero context on the SOP for this area. Same happened with the NJ Drones. "Look at all these near misses!" You're looking at a compressed 2d view of 3d space. We have too many retards with too much information without context at their fingertips.
Maybe 80% of these choppers have that capability implemented these days and the poster had those stats? But yeah, I guess that's ultimately retarded unless there's sauce.
From what I can see, PAT25 already had an altitude of 1000 feet when its transponder was turned on, this doesn't prove that it came from the Saudi embassy, only that it flew over it.
New Dashcam footage:
Air Traffic Control audio:
I may be retarded but I dont see how it connects to 811 Lawton St?
Some dolt assumed that the point at which the helo flight path "originated" / started was where it took off.
Most flights have to climb to around 500 feet (depending on terrain obstructions) before the radar systems can "see" the aircraft.
We need to archive this info offline. Okay Anons.... do what we do.... awesome job!
Copied the video, everyone copy and archive, I suspect this will disappear from the flight radar site.
I cant help but think about Trump posting on Truth Social a few days ago to, "Watch the Water". I initially thought about California and the releasing of the water from the north. But then this happened, not sure of the connection if there is one at all. But I do find it interesting.
My immediate thoughts as well. "Watch the water" could refer to CA or the current situation in DCA. Have to wonder in the next few days if there will be anymore references to water and if either of these two were the answer?
I have known some military helicopter pilots that were extremely reliant on visual line-of-sight navigation, and almost helpless when relying upon instruments. This pilot could have been following the river (water reflection) and doing a bad job of it.
Found some other info..
67 people dead => 6+7 = 13
Good idea.
Without knowing elevation of both at each point for the first 3, we are just speculating.
This....but the color of the aircraft symbols tell you their altitude. In the 1st incident, the helo is orange which indicates approximately 1000 ft and the jet is a greenish yellow, so about 7000 ft., so a vertical separation of over a mile.
Military flight paths as seen in ADS frequently have this jerky flight paths. This post is the result of OP not doing any research to establish duplication of pattern.
Had pretty awesome control the entire flight before being near the glide path.
This. When tracking a flight path, if there is a broken signal it starts making a jagged line to "fill in the blanks".