Damn dude. That’s seriously impressive. Really. And your writing the details…
And even more impressive is your wife’s participation and support!!! She’s a keeper no matter what she does from now on out…
I do horse paste more for staying cold/flu healthy and the first few times did the poop inspection…nothing I could see. But I haven’t done a full blown parasite purge/cleanse program.
Curious: Obviously we don't want these invaders in our body, but I am curious about the after the cleanse information.
What and how seems to be improved, and medically diagnosed issues shown improvement etc.
Have you taken probiotics to balance your gut since or during the clense?
I first took Ivermectin almost 2 years ago and had a Herxheimer reaction (but I only had the green symptoms below). I posted my experience here on GAW.
Symptoms of a Herxheimer reaction are:
Flu-like symptoms.
Fever and chills.
Nausea and vomiting.
Hypotension (low blood pressure)
Tachycardia (a heart rate over 100 beats a minute)
I've also passed some weird things but since I take both Ivemectin and Fenbendazol alternatively, I'm not sure which one caused a few weird "structures" to exit my body.
If you take any parasite meds, please make sure your spouse knows about it just in case you have a reaction to the bug die-off. Also, drink plenty of water to flush everything out.
The document that convinced me to take the meds is actually scarier than what u/Fourth_Horseman was describing.
Prepare yourself if you start going down this rabbit hole.
If you have them then they have them and likely your children. It used to be if one in the family was diagnosed the whole family was treated. As well as pets.
The whole humans don’t have parasites thing is mind boggling when you think about it. As if homosapiens would be the only species on earth without parasites? And the fact that parasite protocols were common less that 100 yrs ago.
The oldsters have so much that we need to squeeze from their heads before they’re all gone.
I did the parasite cleanse by Dr. Lee Merrit - medical rebel dot com. Did not see anything like what you experienced, so I'm thinking it might not have been strong enough.
May I ask, how much do you weigh? Was this a factor in settling on 222mg?
Ok, this question is a bit gross. Did you need to be near a bathroom most of the day? I teach 5-6 hours at a clip so no real breaks. I manage by limiting my food/drink intake. I am thinking this might be a protocol to save for summer. Thoughts?
How do you feel now? More energy? About the same? Or just better because you know the parasites are out?
IVERMECTIN VISION PROBLEMS ,when me and my wife took our ivermectin during the spamdemic at around 2 weeks in, dosage based on our weights ,i started seeing bright flashes of light when turning on lights going into the bathroom first thing in the morning it was really strange and so i told my wife and she said she was experiencing the same thing,so we called the Doctors office where we got the script and talked with our nurse ,told her everything and she said she experienced the same thing and to go ahead and stop the ivermectin and we did and it went away pretty quick , HELLUVA STORY Horse I hope the George Dickel all these years have kept mine at bay, LOL
Interesting!!! At times I see dark spots in my peripheral vision, like a small animal running away…my ivm intake is sporadic, maybe twice a week for cold/flu and not a cleanse. I’ll need to pay attention and see if there’s a correlation to the ivm intake and the spots.
Have you had LASIK? Those dark spots are also a thing if you've had LASIK. The doctor that performed it on me said it's some kind of material that was burned off the eye. Weird thing is mine was done a few years ago and I still get them.
I thought I was the only one experiencing that but the strange thing is before taking IVM, I had similar vision issues when I took antihistamine (Benadryl) and I got the bright light effect.
I honestly think it has something to do with how it affect our brain because of course, as soon as I stopped taking Benadryl and IVM, the bright light effect went away. I noticed this light effect when I went into the bathroom and turned the lights on, all of a sudden it has gotten brighter than usual as if I was living in a tunnel for a long time and now my vision is adjusting to the light as I come out of the tunnel. But I was just in another room with lights on.
It sucks that we had to experience that light effect while taking care of our bodies because IVM really helps with taking care of the cold/sniffles/persistent cough.
Wonder if Ivermectin would get the exact same results or if it needs to be Fenbendazole.
Also, you probably killed any cancer(if you had any) that was lurking inside your body.
For liver flukes, I suggest adding myrrh resin to the mix of what you are taking. Very effective, and safely used to heal sheep who were dying from liver flukes. I used it on my liver flukes with good effect.
You are very welcome. Thank you, Fren, for sharing your & your wife's story. You have a great wife--a real gem & treasure!! So happy for you both on the positive changes in your health journey, and I am glad you were both courageous enough to try it and then share your results. Your stories will help to inspire many others to take control of their health and to have perseverance, faith, and belief that they can change their health for the good, no matter what the Western medical practitioners say. God bless you both.
Did you take any activated charcoal or any other binders to help with the detoxification from the parasite die-off? Heavy metal chelators will help prevent Herxheimer reaction.
Wow! Thanks for sharing. This is a very good dissertation, and I can't believe this came out of you. It is very scary to think we are the hosts of such disgusting creatures. Did you get your Fenbend from Sanare Labs? That is where I bought mine, but haven't ever taken more than 4 days at a time, monthly.
Thanks. I'll get my next batch from your provider.
The gen pop is clueless. People get pinworms all the time, so why would we not be susceptible to other parasites? Everything on Earth should do a cleanse.
Thank you for this information. I have done many parasite protocols over the past decade some with luck others not. I have yet to be successful with fen Ben and ivermectin but I’m suspecting now I didn’t take it long enough. I’ve also been wondering about dosage. Another anon here on GAW posted a cancer protocol where the dosage of FenBen is MUCH higher and if you look into it he is correct that humans and dogs are different dosages. There has also been some suspicion regarding Joe Tippens recommendation on this stating he could be a controlled OP and recommending a low dosage so the parasites has a chance to go immune. So your statement here is very encouraging to hear that you were successful in passing parasites. I have had a similar experience passing a ton of different looking parasites including some very scary alien looking ones comparable to what you described. I regret not taking pictures but I as you was absolutely frightened albeit in awe of what had just come out. Before they passed I felt absolutely horrible. I have chronic pain and it all vanished when these passed. I felt like a million bucks!! The protocol I did was Hulda Clark’s wormwood, cloves and black walnut. About an hour before I passed that huge parasite I had taken my second dose of black walnut and was two weeks into the cleanse. I highly recommend to anyone that does not want to do pharmaceuticals/FenBen. The problem comes with re-infestation. It has been a few years since I completed the cleanse and I’m back to feeling terrible. They are almost impossible to completely eradicate because you can get infected from your pets and other household members or just the food you eat. Also the parasite eggs can survive through most cleanses. Cloves kills the eggs so may be a good idea to chew on those to keep them away. Seasonal cleansing may be necessary to assure everything is removed regularly.
Thanks Fren. I was really happy to see your post because I’ve been on the fence about how to do the FenBen protocol given there is so much contrasting information. I will definitely make a post you’re correct this information needs to be shared far and wide. I also have information about how some viruses cause weight gain and a protocol that works for that. So stay tuned. Also I was able to find that link the other anon had posted with his cancer protocol. It is floridasharkman and he is on truth social. https://floridasharkman.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/ParasiteProtocol_10-15-22v12.pdf
I have chronic pain and it all vanished when these passed.
I was getting ready to reply to this thread and wanted to read all of the posts before I did. Your experience has piqued my curiosity 100%. I suffer from chronic pain as well. (Spinal Cord injuries) Decades worth and on meds to help deal with it. Very curious on the potential. I am just trying to figure which protocol to use. Thank You for sharing this experience.
Lol poor choice of words on my part. The hulda clark cleanse is very involved with a lot of variables. For a first time cleanse it can be a bit much to keep track of everything while you are in the process of expelling your guts. Also i recommend taking some arginine ornothine alongwith the fenben. Helps to make the herx more manageable.
Ivermectin has emerged as a therapeutic option for various parasitic diseases, including strongyloidiasis, scabies, lice infestations, gnathostomiasis, and myiasis. This study comprehensively reviews the evidence-based indications for ivermectin in treating parasitic diseases. For humans, ivermectin tablets are approved by the CDC at specific doses to treat some parasitic worms, and there are topical (on the skin) formulations for head lice and skin conditions like rosacea. For animals, certain pour-on, injectable, paste, chewable, and “drench” ivermectin products are approved in the U.S. to treat or prevent parasites in animals. Ivermectin is used to treat river blindness (onchocerciasis), intestinal infection from threadworms (strongyloidiasis), and other kinds of worm infections.
Ivermectin is an anthelmintic. It works by interfering with the nerve and muscle functions of worms, by paralyzing and killing them. Source CDC FDA and https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10507222/
I remember when they taught us all about all of these in high school, before…. Nothing!!
Oh yes yes they totally exist, and are super abundant. Where? Oh I don’t know probably somewhere. Don’t think about it too much I’m sure everything is fine. Noooo! Of course they’d never get in us, your doctor would tell you! Here, have this $5 off coupon for chemotherapy. No reason! You get an A! Great job! You’re super smart now!
The fact that the doctors got angry at the parasite cleanse is interesting. It gives some weight to that Parasite Pill linked article that was circulating around here for a while. The writer of the article speculated that parasites cause cancer and that parasites might influence people’s brains to get them to engage in behaviors that spread and protect parasites. Were the doctors themselves infected with brain parasites that mourned the loss of their brethren, or were the doctors hoping that other people’s parasites would cause cancer so the doctors could sell the mainstream treatments such as chemo?
Thank you for your story. My two cents is that people should also try fasting. A little while ago I did a four day no food, water only fast, and it felt like a good reset of gut health. Most of the creepy crawlies have such shorter lifespans that 4 days might be multiple generations for them, so a fast might starve out their whole colony while only costing you some minor discomfort on the 3rd or 4th day.
Your experience with the growth hormone might make fasting less effective against the Arrakis worms who might be big enough to survive a few days without food. That aspect turned your story into a Troma movie, lol. But for most people not on growth hormone, fasting should be effective.
A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.
Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value.
She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.
Is there a reason why you didn't double your dosage seeing that you are ~280lbs? I went to Fenbendazole.org and did the dosage calculator. It asked how much I weigh (I weigh the same as you) and what I'm doing (either prophylactically or cancer) and I decided to look at the cancer part. It said to take 444mg of Fenben 6 days a week (7th day rest), weekly. I assume weekly until the symptoms disappear.
Since you and your wife researched into this a lot, is there a reason why you picked/decided on Fenbendazole and not Mebendazole? I've heard that Mebendazole is stronger and better than Fenbendazole so I would imagine the outcome would be better than what you had with Fenben?
Just a heads up, Alldaychemist.com has Mebendazole for $24.50 for 90 tablets and that's where I bought mine.
I've been ordering from Alldaychemist.com for about 5 years now and the most recent order I placed was for HCQ and Mebendazole. I got my package about two weeks ago.
Also, thanks for sharing your experience and I'm glad Febendazole worked for you and you're on your way to full recovery! After all, in 1899, researchers knew it was parasites that cause cancer and that has been suppressed for decades now! You're living proof that the testimony holds true as of today!
I don't know how I didn't see this message but yeah I'd like to know more on how to take mebendazole instead of Fenben.
I was researching this and came across this forum.
Sharkman (not sure if this is the same Florida Sharkman who gave his protocol on taking IVM, Fenben and Doxycyline) said:
Fenbendazole is easily available from local farm and feed stores or online , chemical makeup is almost identical . Fenbendazole is C15H13N3O2S. Mebendazole is C16H13N3O3. Fenbendazole was the replacement for mebendazole in animal medicine . Mebendazole was taken off market in USA . If you live in the USA your doctor should have known this .
Yes mebendazole can be used as the substitute for fenben, here in the states we have to use the animal version of fenben instead of mebendazole as its substitute , USA citizens can no longer obtain this excellent product of mebendazole . You have no reason to use fenben if mebendazole is easily available .same dosage and same 5 day course once or twice a month depending on your infection.
I think it's really nice that the body can dispose of all the dead parasites through bowel movements. It would be terrible if all the dead creatures stayed in the body forever.
Interesting post! Glad you're feeling better. Noticed that you mentioned vision problems with the IVM. I have noticed a slight pain and a kaleidoscope kind of effect in my left eye in particular. Is that similar to what you both experienced? Thanks for the post.
Yep. Exactly the same. I have issues with the sinus on my left side, it seems to move slower that the right side, was part of the reason I tried IVM. Was thinking it might be parasite related. So on to fenben. Hope your source will ship up here
On the sinus thing I found using the store brand cheap saline nasal spray helps a ton. My right side sinus has always been messed up from allergies. Saline spray clears it up within a few min. Cheap, zero side effects. Nothing like ‘allergy’ medicine that messes you up.
I used that back in the day when this first started. Also use nebulized hp/saline. My issue mostly effects my ears. Feels like I'm climbing in a plane a lot of the time. Saline and hp help a bit if I inhale just right but aren't terribly effective. My doc has been trying to figure it out for years. Hard to get an ear, nose and throat specialist around here.
I was prone to ear infections as a kid. Seemed to have one every other week. Still get them occasionally now. Swimmer's ear they call it. Usually clears up with over the counter polysporin drops. Same medication used for pink eye, which I also get pretty regularly.
Th ear thing is mostly just a nuisance but flares up occasionally. Worst part about it is the ringing which intensifies for no apparent reason, like it has been lately. Also haven't been able to hear the hooting of the barred owls that live nearby. So either the owl is gone or it's affecting my hearing. Best thing I've used for it was quercetin that I make myself by boiling grapefruit and lemon peels. Stopped ringing after a single dose. Also eliminated joint pain in my fingers immediately. I just bought a bunch of grapefruit and lemons to make a batch. Will get on that this weekend. I will look in to those meds you suggested. Thanks fren.
Thank you for sharing your story and success with homemade quercetin grapefruit and lemon peels. Have you had any root canals or do you have any teeth problems that could be contributing to inflammation/infection that may be affecting your sinuses, ears, or throat? Just a thought.
A potential condition that can cause ear issues is tonsilliths or tonsil stones.
Caused by buildup behind the tonsils. I still have mine at 60. I use a blunt stick to gently clear them out occasionally. Sometimes they’re visible. Other times they’re hidden by the flappy things near the tonsils. When they get larger I can tell the eustachian tube is clogged and sometimes her ear stuff going on.
Thanks for sharing. Do you have a history of root canals or any other chronic teeth infections/dental issues? It may be affecting your tonsils. Just a thought.
Good question. No tooth or gum issues at all. No tonsil issues either for many years since I’ve been eating well and taking the usual supplements talked about here. Haven’t been sick for years aside from allergies which causes post nasal drip and contributes to the tonsilliths.
I have a funny tonsil story actually. Had them removed when I was very young, as many did back in the day. Many years layer I was traveling in Dubai, actually visiting my ex father in law who was Dean of some college there. This was long before Dubai was developed into the monstrosity it has become and was actually an awesome place to visit. All of a sudden one afternoon, I felt sick as a dog. Could barely get myself up off the couch. Never felt worse, before or since
Everyone was thinking I had malaria. Got in to see a doctor and after a quick exam she said I had tonsillitis. I told her they were removed years prior and said they have grown back and are now infected. I was pretty surprised, didn't know they could do that. She said it was actually a good thing because tonsils are kind of helpful for us. Anyway, she gave me antibiotics and I was better within a day or so. I've never had an issue since. Well at least I thought so. I will look into this. No way I'm getting a stick on my tonsils without losing my lunch. Is there an alternative treatment?
Regrown tonsils…crazy! Mine haven’t bothered me aside from tonsillitis a few times as a kid so I kept them. Haven’t bothered me in decades aside from the tonsil stones. It took me awhile to figure out how to use a bamboo shiskabob stick to remove the tonsilliths. Now I can do it but the gag reflex is still difficult to deal with.
The link I included previously had suggestions for other methods of removing them. A quick web search brings up a bunch of sites with generally the same info. Removing the stones really helps me feel better. Good luck!
I was reading a little bit about fenben. It says it can hurt your organs and such. Why is it not approved for humans? I want to try this, but it seems scary to me.
From what I've read, fenben is extremely low-risk, which is why it's used liberally for animals with very few noted adverse reactions. I've been looking into taking it myself, but am currently debating between that and mebendazole.
I would advise reading the primary sources (e.g., https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC2687140/), rather than relying on an authority (FDA) that won't approve safe, alternative cancer treatments but says ineffective, potentially harmful mRNA vaccines are perfectly fine.
Thanks for this informative post. It sounds like people could expect to pass worms only with no poop at times? If the stool is loose, how to you find worms in the brown murk? If the stool is firm, same question, how to you fish around in the bowl without instantly obscuring your view? Do you use a plastic forks or something?
Thank you very much Horseman. One other question, how did you know or decide to stop at 3 months? Was it that you just felt great with symptoms gone? Or is that duration based on an estimate of how much persistence is required to kill embedded parasites?
I did the 2022 version of the Parasite Protocol for 11 months, which involves a rotational schedule of Ivermectin, FenBen, Oxfendazole, Moxidectin, MesoSilver, Psyllium Husk Fiber, Mineral Oil, Food-Grade Diatomaceous Earth, and Doxycyclin. It's a 12 month program, but I just got tired of taking all the stuff after 11 months and felt fine so stopped. I never saw any recognizable parasites in stools but I don't know that they weren't there either. I don't get "panic attacks," however, early on I did experience an intense panicky feeling which I attributed to parasites dying off. It passed after a few days.
I don't smoke, drink, or take drugs — no street drugs, fitness drugs or conventional medical drugs. I eat food, that's it. I'm a Boomer, born in the '50s. I did not experience any problems from the protocol. I don't have any serious health issues, luckily. And I want to keep it that way as long as possible.
While I didn't see any parasites passing, the protocol did not seem to harm my health in any way. I never got Covid and didn't get the vax. Never got tested. I never wore a mask.
I am currently investigating red light therapy and Methylene Blue. The last few months I wore a nicotine patch based on videos from Dr. Ardis and La Colomba Quinta (Spanish group of doctors investigating nanotech in all injectables including dental). But in Mark Sloan's book on Methylene Blue he says one study of people who took nicotine found it decreased testosterone so I discontinued the nicotine (apparently it dissolves any nanotech). I am also currently taking Hydroxychloroquine once a week, again just as a general prophylactic. Many have reported mRNA in food, vegetables, chemtrails and fog... who know's what's true. So I turned to trying some things just in case. But all of these things have very low risk. As Hippocrates said, "If you are not your own doctor, you are a fool."
On the nicotine patches, since I mentioned it, I found I couldn't comfortably tolerate more than 3.5 mg (a 7 mg patch cut in half) as it makes for strange dreams. I tried the gum, but it was too strong.
About two years ago I got a hair analysis done by Meyers Detox -- it's a lab analysis of hair to see what heavy metals are in the body -- and actually I got a good report. That was a relief.
I've also done two partial regimens of chlorine dioxide in the last few years. Kerri Riveria wrote a good book on the subject and I followed her protocol.
I hope I speak for everyone by saying I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your son. From the bottom of my heart, my God bless you with the certainty that all Life is Eternal, there are no exceptions, and that He has your son in His loving care, standing even now beside Jesus extending the Light of God to heal your loss and protect you until the time is right for your own joyous reunion when your work here in this world is done. As Jesus explained in A Course in Miracles, "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein is the peace of God."
I just ordered a supply of my 222 mg of fenben from your link. My wife and I are going to start your regimen as soon as they arrived.
Fren, you had mentioned that you had pituitary issues. Have you ever looked into LifeWave patches, specifically the Alavida patch? I found that their patches, along with their Alavida skin care system, really helped me with my pituitary gland and balancing of hormones and detoxification. Maybe this is something you can look into? It is a little pricey; I tend to order from E-bay and do a payment plan with Pay-Pal in 4 to help buffer the costs. Also, you and your wife can share the patches (patches will work again on another person). There are also other supplements that can help heal the pituitary gland, one of them being monoatomic gold. Standard Process might also make a glandular support to help heal it, but I am unsure if they do or not. You might also want to look into Chinese medicine/acupuncture to see what they suggest for your pituitary gland.
Have you had any root canals or teeth issues? I have been learning recently how important oral health is in regards to overall health and wellness.
It's way cheaper than Ivermectin surprisingly. I can get 250grams for about 300$. That's enough to deworm my whole family 10 times haha. I'm planning on using your ratio of body weight to mg. I'm 200 lbs so 200*.8= 160 mg daily for 90 days. Can't wait to purge! My wife loves sushi so I can't imagine the monsters lurking there, lol.
I bring my horse's stool to my vet once or twice a year to figure out what kind of dewormer he needs. I'm sure that there's a test for people, too. They look for eggs under a microscope.
Thanks op. I just bought some on your recommendation/experience.
I've been wanting to do a parasite cleanse for a while but was too scared to do the cayenne pepper and sea salt cleanse. It works fast but to say it is harsh is an understatement
My wife tried to buy some today at TSC and all the small bottles are out of stock. They just have a giant tube for dosing cows that looks like a huge sausage.
Is weight important? Empty or full stomach? After wake up or before sleep? Any food to avoid? What kind of side effects that must be discontinued dosage? Thank u...
Visbiome probiotics are excellent. Pricey, but well-researched, and great for any digestive healing you may have to do. For healing your stomach mucosa, I suggest taking cabbage shots, where you juice cabbage and drink it within 15 seconds of juicing. It oxidizes very rapidly, within 30 seconds, so you need to drink it rapidly. It is very healing for the gut lining. Aloe vera is also very soothing. Cabbage soup is great too, and adding celery to the mix is great, because it is a natural heavy metal chelator (so is cilantro). My family and friends have taken this above diet protocol for healing leaky gut and IBS. The Visbiome probiotics have been well-researched for IBS and Crohn's, etc. I really like this company because they also provide high quality probiotics for newborn infants as well as animals.
Thank you for taking your time to both share the information and field my question. It doesn't sound remotely fun (thank God, what kind of weirdo would I be if it did), but I've been thinking about this for quite awhile. This is more than likely the nudge that I needed. You and yours take care. Hopefully, as we move into a new era of peace, health and prosperity.
Question for you; how was your diet throughout the cleanse? I’ve been really struggling with this as it is recommend to avoid sugar, carbs etc since it feeds the parasites. But it seems if I completely restrict sugar the parasites will just burry deeper into the tissues and brain or go into hiding/hibernation in the biofilm. This makes it harder for the medicine to reach them and kill them. As soon as you eat sugar again they just return. On the other hand if you were to continue eating sugar then you are essentially still feeding them and they are more difficult to kill off since they remain strong. Did the FenBen protocol work for you and your wife without dietary changes and/or sugar restrictions?
Wow. Freakin wow.
Horseman had an apocalypse.
Damn dude. That’s seriously impressive. Really. And your writing the details…
And even more impressive is your wife’s participation and support!!! She’s a keeper no matter what she does from now on out…
I do horse paste more for staying cold/flu healthy and the first few times did the poop inspection…nothing I could see. But I haven’t done a full blown parasite purge/cleanse program.
Curious: Obviously we don't want these invaders in our body, but I am curious about the after the cleanse information.
What and how seems to be improved, and medically diagnosed issues shown improvement etc. Have you taken probiotics to balance your gut since or during the clense?
Of course the doctors were pissed, you denied them tens of thousands of dollars worth from that surgery.
This is my question as well. We have horses, donkeys, goats, chickens and cats in the barn.
I’ve done a week of ivermectin but never noticed any weird worms.
I get from the op post that fenben is stronger and he ran it longer to truly get the effect...
Ive taken iver for a week also and didn't really notice anything. Makes me wonder...
I first took Ivermectin almost 2 years ago and had a Herxheimer reaction (but I only had the green symptoms below). I posted my experience here on GAW.
Symptoms of a Herxheimer reaction are:
Flu-like symptoms.
Fever and chills.
Nausea and vomiting.
Hypotension (low blood pressure)
Tachycardia (a heart rate over 100 beats a minute)
I've also passed some weird things but since I take both Ivemectin and Fenbendazol alternatively, I'm not sure which one caused a few weird "structures" to exit my body.
If you take any parasite meds, please make sure your spouse knows about it just in case you have a reaction to the bug die-off. Also, drink plenty of water to flush everything out.
The document that convinced me to take the meds is actually scarier than what u/Fourth_Horseman was describing.
Prepare yourself if you start going down this rabbit hole.
Parasite Pill 2.0
Parasite Pill (1 & 2) is must reading for anyone traveling this rocky road of great awakening.
Might even put 99% in hospital
If you have them then they have them and likely your children. It used to be if one in the family was diagnosed the whole family was treated. As well as pets.
Really weird that op deleted their account
Since when does that happen? I haven't seen anyone abruptly leave here in many years. 😢
The whole humans don’t have parasites thing is mind boggling when you think about it. As if homosapiens would be the only species on earth without parasites? And the fact that parasite protocols were common less that 100 yrs ago.
The oldsters have so much that we need to squeeze from their heads before they’re all gone.
And just like that you’re top 6 in the Hot list on GAW for your legendary asspocolypse emissions.
Well done sir.
Dude, how many packets of the panacur C is 222mg. One packet daily? Just wanted to know.
thx for the reply. godspeed
I’d give an extra updoot for the Tremors reference if I could . Ty so much for sharing your experience - saved for future reference.
Or a bowelocalypse.
“Apocalypse” means “Revelation”.
His veil really got pulled back, knowwhatimsayin?
One could say it was even a rectalation.
More like an apoopcalypse...kek
Hi. Thank you for sharing! 🙂
I did the parasite cleanse by Dr. Lee Merrit - medical rebel dot com. Did not see anything like what you experienced, so I'm thinking it might not have been strong enough.
May I ask, how much do you weigh? Was this a factor in settling on 222mg?
Ok, this question is a bit gross. Did you need to be near a bathroom most of the day? I teach 5-6 hours at a clip so no real breaks. I manage by limiting my food/drink intake. I am thinking this might be a protocol to save for summer. Thoughts?
How do you feel now? More energy? About the same? Or just better because you know the parasites are out?
Thank you again for being willing to share.
IVERMECTIN VISION PROBLEMS ,when me and my wife took our ivermectin during the spamdemic at around 2 weeks in, dosage based on our weights ,i started seeing bright flashes of light when turning on lights going into the bathroom first thing in the morning it was really strange and so i told my wife and she said she was experiencing the same thing,so we called the Doctors office where we got the script and talked with our nurse ,told her everything and she said she experienced the same thing and to go ahead and stop the ivermectin and we did and it went away pretty quick , HELLUVA STORY Horse I hope the George Dickel all these years have kept mine at bay, LOL
Same, I'd wake up and have like, dark spots in certain areas of my vision. Reminded me of the vision effects of a migraine with aura.
I posted this back when everyone was excited about IVM, during the pandemic.
I was downvoted for stating the side effect
Interesting!!! At times I see dark spots in my peripheral vision, like a small animal running away…my ivm intake is sporadic, maybe twice a week for cold/flu and not a cleanse. I’ll need to pay attention and see if there’s a correlation to the ivm intake and the spots.
Science!! Trust it!
Yep, as soon as I stopped taking IVM the vision effect went away
Crazy. I do about an inch of horse paste twice a week…I’ll remember now to keep tabs of the dark vision spots happen soon after. Thanks!!
Have you had LASIK? Those dark spots are also a thing if you've had LASIK. The doctor that performed it on me said it's some kind of material that was burned off the eye. Weird thing is mine was done a few years ago and I still get them.
If I'm remembering my visit to that distillery correctly, I believe the saying goes, "A little Dickel will do ya".
The fuck.
I thought I was the only one experiencing that but the strange thing is before taking IVM, I had similar vision issues when I took antihistamine (Benadryl) and I got the bright light effect.
I honestly think it has something to do with how it affect our brain because of course, as soon as I stopped taking Benadryl and IVM, the bright light effect went away. I noticed this light effect when I went into the bathroom and turned the lights on, all of a sudden it has gotten brighter than usual as if I was living in a tunnel for a long time and now my vision is adjusting to the light as I come out of the tunnel. But I was just in another room with lights on.
It sucks that we had to experience that light effect while taking care of our bodies because IVM really helps with taking care of the cold/sniffles/persistent cough.
Good possibility it was die-off of a parasite in your eyes.
Thank you!!!
I will get mine ordered. Cannot wait for summer break!!!
Wonder if Ivermectin would get the exact same results or if it needs to be Fenbendazole. Also, you probably killed any cancer(if you had any) that was lurking inside your body.
For liver flukes, I suggest adding myrrh resin to the mix of what you are taking. Very effective, and safely used to heal sheep who were dying from liver flukes. I used it on my liver flukes with good effect.
You are very welcome. Thank you, Fren, for sharing your & your wife's story. You have a great wife--a real gem & treasure!! So happy for you both on the positive changes in your health journey, and I am glad you were both courageous enough to try it and then share your results. Your stories will help to inspire many others to take control of their health and to have perseverance, faith, and belief that they can change their health for the good, no matter what the Western medical practitioners say. God bless you both.
Are we talking no tumor growth?
Your story is so amazing; thank you for sharing. I believe cancer is actually parasites, and many other naturopaths believe this also.
The shitty feeling is called a herxheimer reaction, it's from the dying parasites and their off gassing like when a human or animal decomposes.
So we can blame it on the worms…in case there’s not a dog in the house..
Top Kek!
Did you take any activated charcoal or any other binders to help with the detoxification from the parasite die-off? Heavy metal chelators will help prevent Herxheimer reaction.
Wow! Thanks for sharing. This is a very good dissertation, and I can't believe this came out of you. It is very scary to think we are the hosts of such disgusting creatures. Did you get your Fenbend from Sanare Labs? That is where I bought mine, but haven't ever taken more than 4 days at a time, monthly.
Thanks. I'll get my next batch from your provider.
The gen pop is clueless. People get pinworms all the time, so why would we not be susceptible to other parasites? Everything on Earth should do a cleanse.
Thank you for the link and the post.. Very eye opening with the results you experienced !
Thank you for this information. I have done many parasite protocols over the past decade some with luck others not. I have yet to be successful with fen Ben and ivermectin but I’m suspecting now I didn’t take it long enough. I’ve also been wondering about dosage. Another anon here on GAW posted a cancer protocol where the dosage of FenBen is MUCH higher and if you look into it he is correct that humans and dogs are different dosages. There has also been some suspicion regarding Joe Tippens recommendation on this stating he could be a controlled OP and recommending a low dosage so the parasites has a chance to go immune. So your statement here is very encouraging to hear that you were successful in passing parasites. I have had a similar experience passing a ton of different looking parasites including some very scary alien looking ones comparable to what you described. I regret not taking pictures but I as you was absolutely frightened albeit in awe of what had just come out. Before they passed I felt absolutely horrible. I have chronic pain and it all vanished when these passed. I felt like a million bucks!! The protocol I did was Hulda Clark’s wormwood, cloves and black walnut. About an hour before I passed that huge parasite I had taken my second dose of black walnut and was two weeks into the cleanse. I highly recommend to anyone that does not want to do pharmaceuticals/FenBen. The problem comes with re-infestation. It has been a few years since I completed the cleanse and I’m back to feeling terrible. They are almost impossible to completely eradicate because you can get infected from your pets and other household members or just the food you eat. Also the parasite eggs can survive through most cleanses. Cloves kills the eggs so may be a good idea to chew on those to keep them away. Seasonal cleansing may be necessary to assure everything is removed regularly.
Thanks Fren. I was really happy to see your post because I’ve been on the fence about how to do the FenBen protocol given there is so much contrasting information. I will definitely make a post you’re correct this information needs to be shared far and wide. I also have information about how some viruses cause weight gain and a protocol that works for that. So stay tuned. Also I was able to find that link the other anon had posted with his cancer protocol. It is floridasharkman and he is on truth social. https://floridasharkman.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/ParasiteProtocol_10-15-22v12.pdf
I was getting ready to reply to this thread and wanted to read all of the posts before I did. Your experience has piqued my curiosity 100%. I suffer from chronic pain as well. (Spinal Cord injuries) Decades worth and on meds to help deal with it. Very curious on the potential. I am just trying to figure which protocol to use. Thank You for sharing this experience.
Yes. I would also recommend the Hulda Clark cleanse over the fenben route but only for someone who is really dedicated to the cleanse.
Lol poor choice of words on my part. The hulda clark cleanse is very involved with a lot of variables. For a first time cleanse it can be a bit much to keep track of everything while you are in the process of expelling your guts. Also i recommend taking some arginine ornothine alongwith the fenben. Helps to make the herx more manageable.
It was gross but thanks, we needed that.
this is from buyedmed.com Kit costs - $304.00 Antiparasitic Kit Contains: Ivermectin 12MG – 70 tabs Niclosamide 500MG – 70 tabs Fenbendazole 222mg – 70 tabs Tinidazole 300mg – 30 tabs Fluconazole 100mg – 42 tabs Pyrentel Pamoate 250mg – 21 tabs
How to Take:
First to third week course – after meal:
Ivermectin 12mg – 3 times a day.
Niclosimide 500mg – 3 times a day.
Fenbendazole 222mg – 3 times a day.
Tinidazole 300mg – 1 time a day.
Fluconazole 100mg – 2 times a day.
Fourth week course – after meal:
Pyrantel pampate 250mg – 3 times a day.
Repeat 2 times.
buyedmed.com - Ships from India. I have bought from them twice. Received my Ivermectin in about 2 weeks both times. Had no trouble with them.
This is the cheapest source i have found.
Thank you for sharing your experience!!!
It takes a lot these days to rattle me...but you've effectively scared the shit out of me (or maybe will after I do it!)
Was going to ask how you determined all this... but read on ... The kitchen table probably isn't a good spot to "do science" 🤮
Stewie: "Pick up mah poop, Brian.... Pick up mah poop" 😁
Ivermectin has emerged as a therapeutic option for various parasitic diseases, including strongyloidiasis, scabies, lice infestations, gnathostomiasis, and myiasis. This study comprehensively reviews the evidence-based indications for ivermectin in treating parasitic diseases. For humans, ivermectin tablets are approved by the CDC at specific doses to treat some parasitic worms, and there are topical (on the skin) formulations for head lice and skin conditions like rosacea. For animals, certain pour-on, injectable, paste, chewable, and “drench” ivermectin products are approved in the U.S. to treat or prevent parasites in animals. Ivermectin is used to treat river blindness (onchocerciasis), intestinal infection from threadworms (strongyloidiasis), and other kinds of worm infections. Ivermectin is an anthelmintic. It works by interfering with the nerve and muscle functions of worms, by paralyzing and killing them. Source CDC FDA and https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10507222/
I remember when they taught us all about all of these in high school, before…. Nothing!!
No, thank YOU for documenting this!
More than that, thank God for His mercy and letting us see.
Are you around farm animals?
They were probably living inside of you for decades. Glad you did the purge.
Why did you use that dose and time? [I am prescribed 2.5 mm three days a week for a cancer protocol].
Thank you for sharing your story! Bless you and your wife!!
The fact that the doctors got angry at the parasite cleanse is interesting. It gives some weight to that Parasite Pill linked article that was circulating around here for a while. The writer of the article speculated that parasites cause cancer and that parasites might influence people’s brains to get them to engage in behaviors that spread and protect parasites. Were the doctors themselves infected with brain parasites that mourned the loss of their brethren, or were the doctors hoping that other people’s parasites would cause cancer so the doctors could sell the mainstream treatments such as chemo?
This is a great article, thanks.
Thank you for your story. My two cents is that people should also try fasting. A little while ago I did a four day no food, water only fast, and it felt like a good reset of gut health. Most of the creepy crawlies have such shorter lifespans that 4 days might be multiple generations for them, so a fast might starve out their whole colony while only costing you some minor discomfort on the 3rd or 4th day.
Your experience with the growth hormone might make fasting less effective against the Arrakis worms who might be big enough to survive a few days without food. That aspect turned your story into a Troma movie, lol. But for most people not on growth hormone, fasting should be effective.
Shoulda saved some in a specimen jar for the next Dr visit…and clink it on the table when they ask about it…
Tap the glass…and it charges the side of it…with fangs bared…freak the doc the hell out…
A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.
Two things:
Is there a reason why you didn't double your dosage seeing that you are ~280lbs? I went to Fenbendazole.org and did the dosage calculator. It asked how much I weigh (I weigh the same as you) and what I'm doing (either prophylactically or cancer) and I decided to look at the cancer part. It said to take 444mg of Fenben 6 days a week (7th day rest), weekly. I assume weekly until the symptoms disappear.
Since you and your wife researched into this a lot, is there a reason why you picked/decided on Fenbendazole and not Mebendazole? I've heard that Mebendazole is stronger and better than Fenbendazole so I would imagine the outcome would be better than what you had with Fenben?
I see. Thanks for answering my questions.
Just a heads up, Alldaychemist.com has Mebendazole for $24.50 for 90 tablets and that's where I bought mine.
I've been ordering from Alldaychemist.com for about 5 years now and the most recent order I placed was for HCQ and Mebendazole. I got my package about two weeks ago.
Also, thanks for sharing your experience and I'm glad Febendazole worked for you and you're on your way to full recovery! After all, in 1899, researchers knew it was parasites that cause cancer and that has been suppressed for decades now! You're living proof that the testimony holds true as of today!
I can't find any consistent dosage information for mebendazole like I can for fenben. What dosage do you use?
I don't know how I didn't see this message but yeah I'd like to know more on how to take mebendazole instead of Fenben.
I was researching this and came across this forum.
Sharkman (not sure if this is the same Florida Sharkman who gave his protocol on taking IVM, Fenben and Doxycyline) said:
And on that forum, a lot of people are saying Meben is available as an OTC medicine in other countries but not in America, just like IVM!
So I would imagine we would, and should, be able to take Meben just the same way we would be taking Fenben.
I'm still researching this and I think I will be doing this soon as I have Meben that I got from alldaychemist.
Sorry for the very late reply but hope this helps!
Thank you for this post. I'm curious if you changed your diet, increased water intake, or added any other supplements during that 3 mos?
Question, if you get a coloscopy done, where the hell are all the worms hiding, especially the large ones you describe?
Damn. I'm kinda scared to do it hahah
So will 90 capsules cover the 3 months?
I think it's really nice that the body can dispose of all the dead parasites through bowel movements. It would be terrible if all the dead creatures stayed in the body forever.
Interesting post! Glad you're feeling better. Noticed that you mentioned vision problems with the IVM. I have noticed a slight pain and a kaleidoscope kind of effect in my left eye in particular. Is that similar to what you both experienced? Thanks for the post.
Yep. Exactly the same. I have issues with the sinus on my left side, it seems to move slower that the right side, was part of the reason I tried IVM. Was thinking it might be parasite related. So on to fenben. Hope your source will ship up here
On the sinus thing I found using the store brand cheap saline nasal spray helps a ton. My right side sinus has always been messed up from allergies. Saline spray clears it up within a few min. Cheap, zero side effects. Nothing like ‘allergy’ medicine that messes you up.
I used that back in the day when this first started. Also use nebulized hp/saline. My issue mostly effects my ears. Feels like I'm climbing in a plane a lot of the time. Saline and hp help a bit if I inhale just right but aren't terribly effective. My doc has been trying to figure it out for years. Hard to get an ear, nose and throat specialist around here.
I was prone to ear infections as a kid. Seemed to have one every other week. Still get them occasionally now. Swimmer's ear they call it. Usually clears up with over the counter polysporin drops. Same medication used for pink eye, which I also get pretty regularly. Th ear thing is mostly just a nuisance but flares up occasionally. Worst part about it is the ringing which intensifies for no apparent reason, like it has been lately. Also haven't been able to hear the hooting of the barred owls that live nearby. So either the owl is gone or it's affecting my hearing. Best thing I've used for it was quercetin that I make myself by boiling grapefruit and lemon peels. Stopped ringing after a single dose. Also eliminated joint pain in my fingers immediately. I just bought a bunch of grapefruit and lemons to make a batch. Will get on that this weekend. I will look in to those meds you suggested. Thanks fren.
Thank you for sharing your story and success with homemade quercetin grapefruit and lemon peels. Have you had any root canals or do you have any teeth problems that could be contributing to inflammation/infection that may be affecting your sinuses, ears, or throat? Just a thought.
A potential condition that can cause ear issues is tonsilliths or tonsil stones.
Caused by buildup behind the tonsils. I still have mine at 60. I use a blunt stick to gently clear them out occasionally. Sometimes they’re visible. Other times they’re hidden by the flappy things near the tonsils. When they get larger I can tell the eustachian tube is clogged and sometimes her ear stuff going on.
All kinds of freaky health stuff being shared today.
Thanks for sharing. Do you have a history of root canals or any other chronic teeth infections/dental issues? It may be affecting your tonsils. Just a thought.
Good question. No tooth or gum issues at all. No tonsil issues either for many years since I’ve been eating well and taking the usual supplements talked about here. Haven’t been sick for years aside from allergies which causes post nasal drip and contributes to the tonsilliths.
I have a funny tonsil story actually. Had them removed when I was very young, as many did back in the day. Many years layer I was traveling in Dubai, actually visiting my ex father in law who was Dean of some college there. This was long before Dubai was developed into the monstrosity it has become and was actually an awesome place to visit. All of a sudden one afternoon, I felt sick as a dog. Could barely get myself up off the couch. Never felt worse, before or since Everyone was thinking I had malaria. Got in to see a doctor and after a quick exam she said I had tonsillitis. I told her they were removed years prior and said they have grown back and are now infected. I was pretty surprised, didn't know they could do that. She said it was actually a good thing because tonsils are kind of helpful for us. Anyway, she gave me antibiotics and I was better within a day or so. I've never had an issue since. Well at least I thought so. I will look into this. No way I'm getting a stick on my tonsils without losing my lunch. Is there an alternative treatment?
Regrown tonsils…crazy! Mine haven’t bothered me aside from tonsillitis a few times as a kid so I kept them. Haven’t bothered me in decades aside from the tonsil stones. It took me awhile to figure out how to use a bamboo shiskabob stick to remove the tonsilliths. Now I can do it but the gag reflex is still difficult to deal with.
The link I included previously had suggestions for other methods of removing them. A quick web search brings up a bunch of sites with generally the same info. Removing the stones really helps me feel better. Good luck!
Nice!! I had to go shovel some snow, was going to check when I was finished. I already bookmarked the page. Thank your wife for me.
I was reading a little bit about fenben. It says it can hurt your organs and such. Why is it not approved for humans? I want to try this, but it seems scary to me.
i did the same...refused chemo and my markers went down.
From what I've read, fenben is extremely low-risk, which is why it's used liberally for animals with very few noted adverse reactions. I've been looking into taking it myself, but am currently debating between that and mebendazole.
I would advise reading the primary sources (e.g., https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC2687140/), rather than relying on an authority (FDA) that won't approve safe, alternative cancer treatments but says ineffective, potentially harmful mRNA vaccines are perfectly fine.
Gah, your description and pictures of these organisms freaked me out! It all makes sense, though, as we are large mammals.
They’re amazingly wise…
Thanks for this informative post. It sounds like people could expect to pass worms only with no poop at times? If the stool is loose, how to you find worms in the brown murk? If the stool is firm, same question, how to you fish around in the bowl without instantly obscuring your view? Do you use a plastic forks or something?
Thank you very much Horseman. One other question, how did you know or decide to stop at 3 months? Was it that you just felt great with symptoms gone? Or is that duration based on an estimate of how much persistence is required to kill embedded parasites?
For anyone interested, in 2022 just as a general preventative, I did Florida Sharkman's Parasite Protocol. Now I think there's a newer version which is here.
I did the 2022 version of the Parasite Protocol for 11 months, which involves a rotational schedule of Ivermectin, FenBen, Oxfendazole, Moxidectin, MesoSilver, Psyllium Husk Fiber, Mineral Oil, Food-Grade Diatomaceous Earth, and Doxycyclin. It's a 12 month program, but I just got tired of taking all the stuff after 11 months and felt fine so stopped. I never saw any recognizable parasites in stools but I don't know that they weren't there either. I don't get "panic attacks," however, early on I did experience an intense panicky feeling which I attributed to parasites dying off. It passed after a few days.
I don't smoke, drink, or take drugs — no street drugs, fitness drugs or conventional medical drugs. I eat food, that's it. I'm a Boomer, born in the '50s. I did not experience any problems from the protocol. I don't have any serious health issues, luckily. And I want to keep it that way as long as possible.
While I didn't see any parasites passing, the protocol did not seem to harm my health in any way. I never got Covid and didn't get the vax. Never got tested. I never wore a mask.
I am currently investigating red light therapy and Methylene Blue. The last few months I wore a nicotine patch based on videos from Dr. Ardis and La Colomba Quinta (Spanish group of doctors investigating nanotech in all injectables including dental). But in Mark Sloan's book on Methylene Blue he says one study of people who took nicotine found it decreased testosterone so I discontinued the nicotine (apparently it dissolves any nanotech). I am also currently taking Hydroxychloroquine once a week, again just as a general prophylactic. Many have reported mRNA in food, vegetables, chemtrails and fog... who know's what's true. So I turned to trying some things just in case. But all of these things have very low risk. As Hippocrates said, "If you are not your own doctor, you are a fool."
On the nicotine patches, since I mentioned it, I found I couldn't comfortably tolerate more than 3.5 mg (a 7 mg patch cut in half) as it makes for strange dreams. I tried the gum, but it was too strong.
About two years ago I got a hair analysis done by Meyers Detox -- it's a lab analysis of hair to see what heavy metals are in the body -- and actually I got a good report. That was a relief.
I've also done two partial regimens of chlorine dioxide in the last few years. Kerri Riveria wrote a good book on the subject and I followed her protocol.
I hope I speak for everyone by saying I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your son. From the bottom of my heart, my God bless you with the certainty that all Life is Eternal, there are no exceptions, and that He has your son in His loving care, standing even now beside Jesus extending the Light of God to heal your loss and protect you until the time is right for your own joyous reunion when your work here in this world is done. As Jesus explained in A Course in Miracles, "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein is the peace of God."
I just ordered a supply of my 222 mg of fenben from your link. My wife and I are going to start your regimen as soon as they arrived.
Fren, you had mentioned that you had pituitary issues. Have you ever looked into LifeWave patches, specifically the Alavida patch? I found that their patches, along with their Alavida skin care system, really helped me with my pituitary gland and balancing of hormones and detoxification. Maybe this is something you can look into? It is a little pricey; I tend to order from E-bay and do a payment plan with Pay-Pal in 4 to help buffer the costs. Also, you and your wife can share the patches (patches will work again on another person). There are also other supplements that can help heal the pituitary gland, one of them being monoatomic gold. Standard Process might also make a glandular support to help heal it, but I am unsure if they do or not. You might also want to look into Chinese medicine/acupuncture to see what they suggest for your pituitary gland.
Have you had any root canals or teeth issues? I have been learning recently how important oral health is in regards to overall health and wellness.
You are both very welcome =D
Where did you buy your fenben?
It's way cheaper than Ivermectin surprisingly. I can get 250grams for about 300$. That's enough to deworm my whole family 10 times haha. I'm planning on using your ratio of body weight to mg. I'm 200 lbs so 200*.8= 160 mg daily for 90 days. Can't wait to purge! My wife loves sushi so I can't imagine the monsters lurking there, lol.
Good lord, you convinced me. I’m on it.
I bring my horse's stool to my vet once or twice a year to figure out what kind of dewormer he needs. I'm sure that there's a test for people, too. They look for eggs under a microscope.
Is there a safe and reliable best place to get these meds?
Where can you get both of these meds? Thanks.
Thank you.
Thanks op. I just bought some on your recommendation/experience.
I've been wanting to do a parasite cleanse for a while but was too scared to do the cayenne pepper and sea salt cleanse. It works fast but to say it is harsh is an understatement
4th🏇 I want them beers you owe me to be FenBen Beers! Question…how much weight have you lost during this Clense?
Better known as a 6 on the couric scale ;-)
Lol, you got me with this comment. Absolute gold.
You must not be the only one.
My wife tried to buy some today at TSC and all the small bottles are out of stock. They just have a giant tube for dosing cows that looks like a huge sausage.
Do you feel any better afterwards or do you feel much the same?
Why 222mg? Correlation with body weight? Wondering about trying something...I haven't been right since "COVID".
Is weight important? Empty or full stomach? After wake up or before sleep? Any food to avoid? What kind of side effects that must be discontinued dosage? Thank u...
Did you have to go hard on probiotics? Cant' be too good for your healthy fauna.
Visbiome probiotics are excellent. Pricey, but well-researched, and great for any digestive healing you may have to do. For healing your stomach mucosa, I suggest taking cabbage shots, where you juice cabbage and drink it within 15 seconds of juicing. It oxidizes very rapidly, within 30 seconds, so you need to drink it rapidly. It is very healing for the gut lining. Aloe vera is also very soothing. Cabbage soup is great too, and adding celery to the mix is great, because it is a natural heavy metal chelator (so is cilantro). My family and friends have taken this above diet protocol for healing leaky gut and IBS. The Visbiome probiotics have been well-researched for IBS and Crohn's, etc. I really like this company because they also provide high quality probiotics for newborn infants as well as animals.
Thank you for taking your time to both share the information and field my question. It doesn't sound remotely fun (thank God, what kind of weirdo would I be if it did), but I've been thinking about this for quite awhile. This is more than likely the nudge that I needed. You and yours take care. Hopefully, as we move into a new era of peace, health and prosperity.
Question for you; how was your diet throughout the cleanse? I’ve been really struggling with this as it is recommend to avoid sugar, carbs etc since it feeds the parasites. But it seems if I completely restrict sugar the parasites will just burry deeper into the tissues and brain or go into hiding/hibernation in the biofilm. This makes it harder for the medicine to reach them and kill them. As soon as you eat sugar again they just return. On the other hand if you were to continue eating sugar then you are essentially still feeding them and they are more difficult to kill off since they remain strong. Did the FenBen protocol work for you and your wife without dietary changes and/or sugar restrictions?
Awesome thanks for your reply. For the FenBen did you take it with food or empty stomach and at a specific time of day?
Did you use Fenben in a long syringe from Tractor supply or Pills ? What brand please :)
Incredible thread