The news is filtering down to the normies. I was in the gym today, and 3 guys in the shower area were talking about the USAID grifting operation, and how Zuckerberg and Soros are behind a lot of the soft money flowing around for the leftist agenda.
It's hard when it suddenly hits you like that. Narcissitic abuse does that to people. The vicitms spend most of their lives covering it all up in their minds, for self protection. And then, when the dam bursts, it can cause havoc.
I am most concerned about the time when parents will accept that they permanently damaged themselves and their children by acting upon lies from the people they trusted the most.
I was talking about this to my mother today. There’s gonna be a generation of children that are gonna grow up and be so angry about how they were mutilated and destroyed by their own parents that they’ll be a rash of kids killing their own parents. You can bank on it.
Edit: I don’t think I was clear in my comment, I’m referring to the LGBT community.
I’m one of those parents. Although, nothing probably like your referring to but, my youngest is autistic, because of my trust in “their” procedures. Didn’t force it. Just did what everyone else did all those years ago. Vaccines. I just didn’t know. He got sick afterwards, ended up with 105-106 degree fever, and it did..basically brain damage. He’s high functioning. But as a young adult, it has affected his work life and employment. He’s amazing. He just needs his workplace to understand him more. Here recently he’s been inquiring more about himself, so that he can help others understand him. He’s the hardest working person I know. Gifted. Just, different. God has made him perfect imo. But this world…just doesn’t accept those like him.
Maybe I should update my comment. I was referring to the LGBT community not kids with autism. Obviously, as parents, none of us really knew that vaccinating our children when they were younger, could cause adverse effects because we trusted the science. My comment is referring to LGBT, parents and teachers, who are indoctrinated needing children to mutilate their bodies and to take hormone replacements.
Regarding your son; I’m not gonna say I’m sorry that he is who he is. You are correct, God didn’t make him perfect in his image. Being a person with autism myself, yes, there are things that I struggle with, but God has found the perfect job for me as a pet sitter. Being around animals is very therapeutic, but also I don’t have to be around people so it’s a good fit.
God bless you and your son, I’m sure that he will learn more about how to manage his “ abilities” especially with a loving parent like yourself. God bless you both and have a great day. 🙏
I saw yesterday Del Bigtree mention “repairable” and that definitely got my attention. It’s very interesting. In once sense, would it change who he is? My youngest is an amazing person. Unlike many of us he isn’t shaped by the world. Isn’t full of hate or jealousy. Has Jesus in his life. He’s been literally abused in the school system, but came out on top. But it does spark the curiosity of what could be “repaired”. His main symptom is APD. Audio Processing Disorder. Has nothing to do with his hearing, it’s the processing. What his brain does with information, as it enters basically. Is interesting.
I figure distributing this information is good, but judging it on either end is not something I can do. I’d like to hear further confirmation of that claim though.
The one thing I am still looking for is a long term study on zeolite safety, risks, and contraindications, as it seems like a good thing for a lot of us to take, but also no need to be hasty.
My best guess would be … if he can handle the world without you, as is, pray about it. If he can’t, also pray about it.
It's gonna take a lot to get a reaction like this out of me. I'm kinda numb at this point.
I guess we are just further along the journey. I think 9/11 was the last thing that got a reaction like this out of me. By covid I was at the point where I just kinda admired their game. They really had it all planned out. The sheer audacity of it all.
It's kinda good to see someone this mad. She's right we should be mad as Hell.
I feel the same . You worded that Perfectly! I too when Covid hit felt the same way ! All I could say was wow they really planned this incredibly well ! the very day and those first two weeks in March , I walked with my daughter along the beach here in San Diego and just couldn’t believe that no one was out , no one in an area where 100’s of people would pass by on any given day! I couldn’t believe that people fell for it and I thought for sure it would be over in a few weeks or a month tops ! When months went by and then years, I truly just had no words, I still don’t, it’s beyond brainwashing, it’s beyond stupidity , There are no words that in this hour everyone is not aware of the corruption and lies and theft and murder! There are just no words to describe it . I too don’t have any emotion like this I do lose it once in a while that people are still not behind bars or dead for their crimes but emotions like this left me many many years ago , I honestly never got this upset, it was more of a “ I knew it , I’ve always known it !
Politicians, governors, doctors, nurses, lawyers, anyone with a position of authority has lost ALL respect because of what they did during Covid. And to top it off about 50% of the population just ran off the cliff like lemmings because the TV told them to. I felt like i somehow walked thru a portal to an alternate world without knowing it.
This is me👆. Add pastors/clergy, educators, and law enforcement. No one who fell for and enforced covid policy gets my respect. I’m still waiting for the pharmacy’s to take down their “free covid shots” and the hospitals to actually treat people correctly. We have a ways to go, I’m afraid. But at least we’re on the right path now.
I was especially angry/disappointed with pastors who fell for this. They literally should have demonstrated their faith, and how it overcomes fear, but most of them just went right along with it all.
I think that covid might have been a necessary part of the plan. It was a soft preview of the sort of total government and societal intrusion and control into your private life that they had planned for us, but were trying to slow boil to get to that point in order to keep us asleep. Covid, a stolen election, 4 humiliating years of a puppet president who was the ever changing figurehead of a parasitic and seemingly omnipotent bureaucracy whose entire stated goal was to make your modern life impossible until you are living like a hunted animal in the jungle. I think people really needed to wake the fuck up and start paying attention. I wonder if Trump is just the figurehead and if our real masters are simply another ancient faction of vampire lords who possibly adopted a different governing strategy and are just winning a civil war amongst themselves. That would fall in line with how Aristotle said most oligarchies fall,
That's odd, because I was left thinking 'how can anyone fall for this stupid bollocks?'
It's not that they had it planned out so well, but they have managed to capture a lot of smooth brains into their psyop so I guess that part was well executed.
There were so many people that fell for, I actually asked my wife several times if I was the crazy one. I just couldn't understand why I could see what was happening, but so many others couldn't. I remember praying that it was just about the money, that it was perpetrated just so the pharmaceutical companies and a bunch of corrupt politicians could get rich. The alternative was ugly and pure evil, and that changed everything to me.
I think what I thought was particularly clever is that they bribed enough of the population that they willingly bought in. If you just shut everything down with no stimulus checks, enhanced unemployment, work at home options , Sba and Fema loans and grants ect ect people would have said f this and demanded the economy be reopened immediately. As it was alot of people knew it was bs but getting paid to sit on their ass was too tempting. Same with the hospitals. Surely they knew it was a load, but oh damn that sweet sweet covid money. Were a fair amont fully captured by the psy op? Of course, but many more just played the game because it was comfortable and profitable.
Likewise. And they continue to be stupid. But my quintuple jabbed wife might be coming around. She's gradually been putting on weight and now she's worried about her high blood pressure. I told her to cut out carbohydrates and she laughed at me: "I might as well be dead!" I guess she likes her food so much.
I shrugged and left her to think about it. She's now having eggs for breakfast inbstead of cereal; and salad for lunch. I'm not saying anything. I want her to convince herself that it was her idea. I'm waiting to see what she cooks up for dinner. For years she's cooked separately for me.
I want the trials broadcast live. I want to sit in the comfort of my home and watch these criminals tried one by fkn one before the world for what they've done.
We all have been there right? When it happened to me it felt like everything was collapsing around me. I can understand why people don’t want to wake up, it’s a painful process.
I got laid off and for the first time ever had several weeks free to dive into any topics I wanted to explore. When I realized the official story of 9/11 was complete nonsense I walked around in a daze for weeks and had a lot of trouble going back to work. The world is simply not the same when you realize what's been going on and that it is global and been happening since before you were born. I'm fucking 50
The grief for the loss of all the children and their abuse and how we, the American people, have been so grossly robbed of our health and wealth has been the hardest for me. When it hits me, my heart and soul hurt so profoundly for all this waste of humanity and injury to those poor souls. Only our Christ Jesus can heal this pain.
She's getting there. But she is not where we are yet.
See, I saw the USAID issue and my thought wasn't "omg the corruption". My thought was "about time we saw what hell we paid for, and now we know how some of it was done."
Because, at the end of the day, the people elected into office got there because of the votes. The money got there because of the taxes we all are forced to pay. The system may be rigged, but most of us played it, and thinking we could win if we just kept playing is like a fool betting in a casino, and expecting to beat the house.
When she realises this is the intrinsic truth of the matter, then she'll be ready to find out the true horrors in store for the world soon.
The only reason we are getting to a point where we could beat the house is we have men on the inside unrigging the game and exposing how the game was rigged. Exposing how we funded endless wars, how we funded our own propaganda arms, and how we kept letting corruption rule these United States.
By dragging the players and mechanisms from the darkness to the light, our chains can be broken. The main questions that remain are a) will we break the chains of the world, or just America and b) (and this one worries me) will we cast off our chains, only to forge new chains for ourselves?
I wake up every day wondering when the arrests will begin. I will have a yuge box of popcorn ready and I'll even break my carnivore diet to drink some refreshing beverages with the popcorn, too. Maybe they will be shipped down to Gitmo and share the same cells as the illegals who are down there now. What a glorious sight that would be, to have the people who allowed the illegals into the country in the cells with the worst illegals. Maybe both will come together and figure out how to live in harmony.
Gen X held the castle walls until the zoomer cavalry arrived. These are the two generations largely responsible for saving the world from tyranny. I have zoomers working for me and they are very awake or well on their way to getting there. I havent come across a single one that is fully asleep. Alternative news sources help here.
I've been defending the zoomers for years. Few believed me and I took some shit for it. It's playing out now. Alt news sources is exactly right. Along with a Fk the system attitude. That is probably the reason many dislike them, going against the established system is frowned upon in normie world.
It's easier to wake up if you feel the system is working against you. Many many people are afraid to question a system much less threaten it when they have benefited from it.
Case in point, Im sure many rank and file USAID workers know the organization is a giant scam , but oh those sweet sweet paychecks.
As CBS would say---The More You Know! First the corruption. Then those that were involved in the kickbacks. Then the investigation will reveal the real evil of these demons!
Small “g”on god. Capital G is only for our Creator, Sustainer, Father in Heaven. He is in control of all history and I feel his hand at work. The Bible is a history book that all should read and taken to heart. Satan, indeed, is behind all sin.
“…at the very least.”
Prison bars only work as long as there aren’t rigged elections that allow treasonous motherfuckers back in power, to free their friends and continue the corruption.
Two words: Death. Sentence.
And we need our elections fixed across the board. No more shenanigans.
Wow 😲. Wait until she finds out about the children
Exactly. This is unreal. The people are waking up and it’s glorious.
The news is filtering down to the normies. I was in the gym today, and 3 guys in the shower area were talking about the USAID grifting operation, and how Zuckerberg and Soros are behind a lot of the soft money flowing around for the leftist agenda.
Shoot dude. How many amusement parks are made for the purpose of identifying and capturing children?
Why do they really have those cameras on every roller coaster now?
I’m sure hoping more people have this type of reaction.
Me too. Everyone should feel this way.
.... and they take the fucking fish hook out of their nose.
“Nose rings are for pigs and cattle.
What are you trying to signal with that?”
OK, meme time. Thanks!
Yeah, this is a sign of the precipice.
It's hard when it suddenly hits you like that. Narcissitic abuse does that to people. The vicitms spend most of their lives covering it all up in their minds, for self protection. And then, when the dam bursts, it can cause havoc.
I am most concerned about the time when parents will accept that they permanently damaged themselves and their children by acting upon lies from the people they trusted the most.
I was talking about this to my mother today. There’s gonna be a generation of children that are gonna grow up and be so angry about how they were mutilated and destroyed by their own parents that they’ll be a rash of kids killing their own parents. You can bank on it.
Edit: I don’t think I was clear in my comment, I’m referring to the LGBT community.
I’m one of those parents. Although, nothing probably like your referring to but, my youngest is autistic, because of my trust in “their” procedures. Didn’t force it. Just did what everyone else did all those years ago. Vaccines. I just didn’t know. He got sick afterwards, ended up with 105-106 degree fever, and it did..basically brain damage. He’s high functioning. But as a young adult, it has affected his work life and employment. He’s amazing. He just needs his workplace to understand him more. Here recently he’s been inquiring more about himself, so that he can help others understand him. He’s the hardest working person I know. Gifted. Just, different. God has made him perfect imo. But this world…just doesn’t accept those like him.
Maybe I should update my comment. I was referring to the LGBT community not kids with autism. Obviously, as parents, none of us really knew that vaccinating our children when they were younger, could cause adverse effects because we trusted the science. My comment is referring to LGBT, parents and teachers, who are indoctrinated needing children to mutilate their bodies and to take hormone replacements.
Regarding your son; I’m not gonna say I’m sorry that he is who he is. You are correct, God didn’t make him perfect in his image. Being a person with autism myself, yes, there are things that I struggle with, but God has found the perfect job for me as a pet sitter. Being around animals is very therapeutic, but also I don’t have to be around people so it’s a good fit.
God bless you and your son, I’m sure that he will learn more about how to manage his “ abilities” especially with a loving parent like yourself. God bless you both and have a great day. 🙏
Have you seen the posts on zeolite?
It may be repairable.
I saw yesterday Del Bigtree mention “repairable” and that definitely got my attention. It’s very interesting. In once sense, would it change who he is? My youngest is an amazing person. Unlike many of us he isn’t shaped by the world. Isn’t full of hate or jealousy. Has Jesus in his life. He’s been literally abused in the school system, but came out on top. But it does spark the curiosity of what could be “repaired”. His main symptom is APD. Audio Processing Disorder. Has nothing to do with his hearing, it’s the processing. What his brain does with information, as it enters basically. Is interesting.
I don’t know how to advise on that, but here’s the post.
I figure distributing this information is good, but judging it on either end is not something I can do. I’d like to hear further confirmation of that claim though.
The one thing I am still looking for is a long term study on zeolite safety, risks, and contraindications, as it seems like a good thing for a lot of us to take, but also no need to be hasty.
My best guess would be … if he can handle the world without you, as is, pray about it. If he can’t, also pray about it.
Doctors nurses pharmacist should be moar concerned
I think that is happening in spades. The roar from the public will soon be heard.
It's been treason for decades.
It's gonna take a lot to get a reaction like this out of me. I'm kinda numb at this point.
I guess we are just further along the journey. I think 9/11 was the last thing that got a reaction like this out of me. By covid I was at the point where I just kinda admired their game. They really had it all planned out. The sheer audacity of it all.
It's kinda good to see someone this mad. She's right we should be mad as Hell.
I feel the same . You worded that Perfectly! I too when Covid hit felt the same way ! All I could say was wow they really planned this incredibly well ! the very day and those first two weeks in March , I walked with my daughter along the beach here in San Diego and just couldn’t believe that no one was out , no one in an area where 100’s of people would pass by on any given day! I couldn’t believe that people fell for it and I thought for sure it would be over in a few weeks or a month tops ! When months went by and then years, I truly just had no words, I still don’t, it’s beyond brainwashing, it’s beyond stupidity , There are no words that in this hour everyone is not aware of the corruption and lies and theft and murder! There are just no words to describe it . I too don’t have any emotion like this I do lose it once in a while that people are still not behind bars or dead for their crimes but emotions like this left me many many years ago , I honestly never got this upset, it was more of a “ I knew it , I’ve always known it !
Politicians, governors, doctors, nurses, lawyers, anyone with a position of authority has lost ALL respect because of what they did during Covid. And to top it off about 50% of the population just ran off the cliff like lemmings because the TV told them to. I felt like i somehow walked thru a portal to an alternate world without knowing it.
This is me👆. Add pastors/clergy, educators, and law enforcement. No one who fell for and enforced covid policy gets my respect. I’m still waiting for the pharmacy’s to take down their “free covid shots” and the hospitals to actually treat people correctly. We have a ways to go, I’m afraid. But at least we’re on the right path now.
I was especially angry/disappointed with pastors who fell for this. They literally should have demonstrated their faith, and how it overcomes fear, but most of them just went right along with it all.
I think that covid might have been a necessary part of the plan. It was a soft preview of the sort of total government and societal intrusion and control into your private life that they had planned for us, but were trying to slow boil to get to that point in order to keep us asleep. Covid, a stolen election, 4 humiliating years of a puppet president who was the ever changing figurehead of a parasitic and seemingly omnipotent bureaucracy whose entire stated goal was to make your modern life impossible until you are living like a hunted animal in the jungle. I think people really needed to wake the fuck up and start paying attention. I wonder if Trump is just the figurehead and if our real masters are simply another ancient faction of vampire lords who possibly adopted a different governing strategy and are just winning a civil war amongst themselves. That would fall in line with how Aristotle said most oligarchies fall,
That's odd, because I was left thinking 'how can anyone fall for this stupid bollocks?'
It's not that they had it planned out so well, but they have managed to capture a lot of smooth brains into their psyop so I guess that part was well executed.
There were so many people that fell for, I actually asked my wife several times if I was the crazy one. I just couldn't understand why I could see what was happening, but so many others couldn't. I remember praying that it was just about the money, that it was perpetrated just so the pharmaceutical companies and a bunch of corrupt politicians could get rich. The alternative was ugly and pure evil, and that changed everything to me.
I think what I thought was particularly clever is that they bribed enough of the population that they willingly bought in. If you just shut everything down with no stimulus checks, enhanced unemployment, work at home options , Sba and Fema loans and grants ect ect people would have said f this and demanded the economy be reopened immediately. As it was alot of people knew it was bs but getting paid to sit on their ass was too tempting. Same with the hospitals. Surely they knew it was a load, but oh damn that sweet sweet covid money. Were a fair amont fully captured by the psy op? Of course, but many more just played the game because it was comfortable and profitable.
By the time covid came, I was aware of 911, so I too was like damn, look at this shiat they are doing.
What blew my mind about covid was how many smart people in my orbit who took the Vax after my warnings.
Likewise. And they continue to be stupid. But my quintuple jabbed wife might be coming around. She's gradually been putting on weight and now she's worried about her high blood pressure. I told her to cut out carbohydrates and she laughed at me: "I might as well be dead!" I guess she likes her food so much.
I shrugged and left her to think about it. She's now having eggs for breakfast inbstead of cereal; and salad for lunch. I'm not saying anything. I want her to convince herself that it was her idea. I'm waiting to see what she cooks up for dinner. For years she's cooked separately for me.
You are wise.
I want the trials broadcast live. I want to sit in the comfort of my home and watch these criminals tried one by fkn one before the world for what they've done.
We all have been there right? When it happened to me it felt like everything was collapsing around me. I can understand why people don’t want to wake up, it’s a painful process.
I got laid off and for the first time ever had several weeks free to dive into any topics I wanted to explore. When I realized the official story of 9/11 was complete nonsense I walked around in a daze for weeks and had a lot of trouble going back to work. The world is simply not the same when you realize what's been going on and that it is global and been happening since before you were born. I'm fucking 50
Same here, still going through the steps of grief, for years now.
The grief for the loss of all the children and their abuse and how we, the American people, have been so grossly robbed of our health and wealth has been the hardest for me. When it hits me, my heart and soul hurt so profoundly for all this waste of humanity and injury to those poor souls. Only our Christ Jesus can heal this pain.
Prison? Bullets are cheaper....or free helicopter rides over the Gulf of America!
Chopper rides are too expensive when you think about how many there will have to be.
Rope is cheap, and potentially reusable (good for the environment!!!)
She's getting there. But she is not where we are yet.
See, I saw the USAID issue and my thought wasn't "omg the corruption". My thought was "about time we saw what hell we paid for, and now we know how some of it was done."
Because, at the end of the day, the people elected into office got there because of the votes. The money got there because of the taxes we all are forced to pay. The system may be rigged, but most of us played it, and thinking we could win if we just kept playing is like a fool betting in a casino, and expecting to beat the house.
When she realises this is the intrinsic truth of the matter, then she'll be ready to find out the true horrors in store for the world soon.
The only reason we are getting to a point where we could beat the house is we have men on the inside unrigging the game and exposing how the game was rigged. Exposing how we funded endless wars, how we funded our own propaganda arms, and how we kept letting corruption rule these United States.
By dragging the players and mechanisms from the darkness to the light, our chains can be broken. The main questions that remain are a) will we break the chains of the world, or just America and b) (and this one worries me) will we cast off our chains, only to forge new chains for ourselves?
That's a great post.
I cried with her. It is so frustrating. I pray every day for our true leaders to bring evil people to justice. I pray, and I pray, and I pray.
"Sorry, didn't mean to swear. Trying not to." 😂 😂
Yeah, treason.
I want this woman to take comfort in the fact that:
The next few years will be intense, but I am confident that life will be better going forward.
I wake up every day wondering when the arrests will begin. I will have a yuge box of popcorn ready and I'll even break my carnivore diet to drink some refreshing beverages with the popcorn, too. Maybe they will be shipped down to Gitmo and share the same cells as the illegals who are down there now. What a glorious sight that would be, to have the people who allowed the illegals into the country in the cells with the worst illegals. Maybe both will come together and figure out how to live in harmony.
Yeah, she is going to be real mad when everything comes out!
Gen X held the castle walls until the zoomer cavalry arrived. These are the two generations largely responsible for saving the world from tyranny. I have zoomers working for me and they are very awake or well on their way to getting there. I havent come across a single one that is fully asleep. Alternative news sources help here.
I've been defending the zoomers for years. Few believed me and I took some shit for it. It's playing out now. Alt news sources is exactly right. Along with a Fk the system attitude. That is probably the reason many dislike them, going against the established system is frowned upon in normie world.
It's easier to wake up if you feel the system is working against you. Many many people are afraid to question a system much less threaten it when they have benefited from it.
Case in point, Im sure many rank and file USAID workers know the organization is a giant scam , but oh those sweet sweet paychecks.
This seems like the start of the Great Awakening! She has freed herself from the narrative!
As CBS would say---The More You Know! First the corruption. Then those that were involved in the kickbacks. Then the investigation will reveal the real evil of these demons!
They won’t be able to walk down the street
They can walk to an airplane headed for GITMO to await a lifetime of prison until they die or give them the choice of firing squad.
No prison for these MFs, no more waste of tax dollars .
Oh, no. It’s going to be GITMO and I don’t mean behind bars. There are guillotines there and trials are swift. Execution comes immediately.
She wins the "Hard Act to Follow" award...for life.
At The Very Least !
This was a great ending . This young girl did very well not reading from a script . Very proud of her and hope it goes Virial !
The God of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers. (Satan)
Small “g”on god. Capital G is only for our Creator, Sustainer, Father in Heaven. He is in control of all history and I feel his hand at work. The Bible is a history book that all should read and taken to heart. Satan, indeed, is behind all sin.
I don't do X, but I pray this goes virial.
Yes to all your questions. Welcome to the team kid.
I was gonna post this but glad you did.
I feel her. But I'm being honest when I've been saying this for literally decades. The wars, the theft, the corruption all of it.
This is why Q said the truth would put 99% of people in the hospital
Um, wasn't it a much lower percentage, like 6%?
Nope, you got it right. :-} 6th line from the bottom:-
Yep 6% lost forever!
Ow. She woke up hard!
We tried to tell ya, for decades.... now you're being SHOWN. Give me back my Reynolds wrap hat.
“…at the very least.” Prison bars only work as long as there aren’t rigged elections that allow treasonous motherfuckers back in power, to free their friends and continue the corruption. Two words: Death. Sentence. And we need our elections fixed across the board. No more shenanigans. Justice.
Steven Greer can tell you where some of our money went.