I already avoid pretty much all colds and flu just from having vitamin D levels in the 60-80 range. That recommended level of 30 is just for avoiding rickets.
Mine was high at around 120. Dr told me to cut back, but wasn't sure about what problems too much vitamin D would cause. I was taking 2 5000 unit pills a day, now just taking one a day. In 6 month I have my next tests.
Same here, I take the same dosage you take. I have not had my levels measured but I can also confirm that I just don't ever get sick. At times maybe once or twice a year I can feel 'something' coming on and my immune system starts kicking into overdrive. I can feel it because I'll start feeling a bit tired or groggy, like I need a nap. So I lay down for a while but each time I'm fine again within about 8 hours.
Last I got it measured, I was on 145 D. I take 100mg D, 2000mg C, 1000mg Quercetin and about 40mg Zink every day Nov to March. These are the ingredients of the Zelenko treatment.
This season I have had 2 instances where I felt some freezing like the onset of a flu, but next day or a couple days later I was back to normal. I am pretty sure that was my immune system kicking in...
PS: the D vitamin I take has K2 as well, to counter the calcification.
I honestly have doubts about it's effects, many of us are still way smarter than them despite growing up on fluoridated water. Still it has no business being in our water though as it started as a way to get rid of waste from the aluminum refining industry during WW2.
"The percentage of children with IQ score < 70, or children with intellectual disabilities, increased significantly from 0% in the control group to 4, 3.3, and 8.3% in the high-fluoride, medium-As, and high-As groups, respectively."
4% of a population developed low IQs, when the water supply was contaminated with Fluoride.
This study examined the effects of Fluoride and Arsenic in IQ and height on Chinese villagers. I didn't look to see if both Fluoride and Arsenic were in the same water supply.
I am fairly certain that there is a more robust study, wherein the effects of just Fluoride was done with the blessings of the Chinese government. I couldn't find it, quickly, and I'm in a rush to leave the house.
I am quite convinced that gay men are infected with worms that cause their behavior. That is why Ivermectin can cure them. But they would probably need to take like 24mg/day for 14 days or so.
I can only hope the free market can drop IVM to those prices. Currently, amazon requires a prescription for the pills, and the dosage equivalent of 12 mg is valued at around 16 dollars a pill.
I have tried the paste, but I am more into the tablets.
Is Ivermectin a replacement for Quercetin in opening up the cell walls for Zinc to do its thing? I'm not sure. If not, then a combination Ivermectin, Quercetin, Zinc pill would be on my short list to keep stocked.
Edit: Either way I don't mean to imply that Ivermectin is not critical for defense. It absolutely is.
As I understand it; Quercetin is like Hydroxy Chloroquine; which facilitates the transport of Zinc to the cells. Zinc prevents the virus from replicating; thus diminishing it effects and survivability. Ivermectin outright kills the virus, as well as a host of other nasties.
If one wants to prevent the viral infection then Hydroxy Chloroquine or Quercetin with Zinc are a reasonable course. A third option is Nicotine which blocks the receptors which the virus uses to infect the cell.
If one has the virus; Ivermectin. Since Ivermectin is a cure it invalidates the use of a vaccine to exist or to be utilized. I keep both prevent and cure on hand. BTW, Ivermectin is OTC in Tennessee.
I believe both act to allow zinc into the cell. I think ivermectin is more effective, but quercetin also works well. I have taken both. I think they are not to be taken at the same time, but perhaps one in am, the other in pm.
Thanks. I take a zinc / quercetin combination pill almost every day. Ivermectin probably a couple times a week. I'll now do the a.m. / p.m. approach when taking both the same day.
Further research suggests that IVM, fenben, and others have been known to exploit up to 30 different mechanisms of action that cancer relies on to grow, spread, and evade immune responses.
So while it may not be parasitic in origin, it is still nonetheless vulnerable to antiparasitics.
Oh my gosh, please make it available in the US! I just had to order some from overseas, and the time and cost it takes is ridiculous. It should be just as easy to get and as cheap as ibuprofen.
Hope it happens soon, I need to re-order some and will probably just do about a year supply for now. I do 12mg twice a week and haven't had so much as the sniffles in over 3 years now
Just took it this week. Limited what would have normally been a 6-10 day cold to a day and a half. Only took it two days in a row (24mg) with one tablet hydroxychloroquine (400mg) along with zinc with quercetin, vitamin C and D. My nose was running, I was sneezing constantly and congested the first day and felt great by the end of day two. Amazing! I think the trick was to take it at the first onset of symptoms.
It is. Once the cold progresses it is less effective. One of the ways they gamed the studies to make it seem like it didn't work on Covid - Give it to people who have had it for 5-7 days before medication
why is illness in quotes? that infers the ilness isnt real. So the claim becomes that it cures all of the fake illnesses. Which is the claim that its detractors make.
Cannot wait. I'd love to be able to get it locally. I was going to ordered from India (not sure where is best) but if this is happening soon I may just wait.
We are on track. Some people will never really get sick again, eventually others will notice. Ivermectin has already won and the DS knows it.
DS got to do what they got to do. The propaganda will never be the $ame.
I already avoid pretty much all colds and flu just from having vitamin D levels in the 60-80 range. That recommended level of 30 is just for avoiding rickets.
Mine was high at around 120. Dr told me to cut back, but wasn't sure about what problems too much vitamin D would cause. I was taking 2 5000 unit pills a day, now just taking one a day. In 6 month I have my next tests.
Same here, I take the same dosage you take. I have not had my levels measured but I can also confirm that I just don't ever get sick. At times maybe once or twice a year I can feel 'something' coming on and my immune system starts kicking into overdrive. I can feel it because I'll start feeling a bit tired or groggy, like I need a nap. So I lay down for a while but each time I'm fine again within about 8 hours.
Last I got it measured, I was on 145 D. I take 100mg D, 2000mg C, 1000mg Quercetin and about 40mg Zink every day Nov to March. These are the ingredients of the Zelenko treatment.
This season I have had 2 instances where I felt some freezing like the onset of a flu, but next day or a couple days later I was back to normal. I am pretty sure that was my immune system kicking in...
PS: the D vitamin I take has K2 as well, to counter the calcification.
Reeeeeeeee! I have no excuse to wear my mask in the car now.
What a blessing that will be...I am more than ready...but my horse has been well taken care of...neigh!
I literally STOPPED A BAD CASE OF BRONCHITIS with "horse paste" in morning & evening protein shakes... can't say enough good things about it.!!!
I'd like to not get funny looks at tractor supply. Maybe I should wait until I'm home to eat horse paste.
Are you pouring it on the free popcorn?
I'd like to spike the water supply with it to cure all the liberals!
Only fair. They fluoridate us to bring us down to their levels.
I honestly have doubts about it's effects, many of us are still way smarter than them despite growing up on fluoridated water. Still it has no business being in our water though as it started as a way to get rid of waste from the aluminum refining industry during WW2.
"The percentage of children with IQ score < 70, or children with intellectual disabilities, increased significantly from 0% in the control group to 4, 3.3, and 8.3% in the high-fluoride, medium-As, and high-As groups, respectively."
4% of a population developed low IQs, when the water supply was contaminated with Fluoride.
This study examined the effects of Fluoride and Arsenic in IQ and height on Chinese villagers. I didn't look to see if both Fluoride and Arsenic were in the same water supply.
I am fairly certain that there is a more robust study, wherein the effects of just Fluoride was done with the blessings of the Chinese government. I couldn't find it, quickly, and I'm in a rush to leave the house.
"I woke up not gay!!!!"
I have a gay friend I want to try this out on but I know it's not ethical or legal.
Imagine getting the cure when you have a cock in you. "Ahhh get the fuck off me faggot!"
I am quite convinced that gay men are infected with worms that cause their behavior. That is why Ivermectin can cure them. But they would probably need to take like 24mg/day for 14 days or so.
Well, maybe stop counting out your dollars with your foot when you go to pay.
That's all I'm sayin.
At the very least you should quit eye-balling the horse muffin treats after you eat the horse paste.
And here I've been wondering how people eat the horse after they give it the paste.
One bite at a time !
"That's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard."
Just wait until the gays start going straight after their next cold.
LoL, that would be the funniest. I think Covid made me straight???
12 mg ivermectin 800 count $7.99 at Costco coming soon.
Once they're forced to end their DEI bullshit, of course.
Sam's club will beat them to both
I can only hope the free market can drop IVM to those prices. Currently, amazon requires a prescription for the pills, and the dosage equivalent of 12 mg is valued at around 16 dollars a pill.
I have tried the paste, but I am more into the tablets.
Please, please let this happen 😊
A smart marketer would create and sell an Ivermectin/zinc combo pill.
Is Ivermectin a replacement for Quercetin in opening up the cell walls for Zinc to do its thing? I'm not sure. If not, then a combination Ivermectin, Quercetin, Zinc pill would be on my short list to keep stocked.
Edit: Either way I don't mean to imply that Ivermectin is not critical for defense. It absolutely is.
As I understand it; Quercetin is like Hydroxy Chloroquine; which facilitates the transport of Zinc to the cells. Zinc prevents the virus from replicating; thus diminishing it effects and survivability. Ivermectin outright kills the virus, as well as a host of other nasties.
If one wants to prevent the viral infection then Hydroxy Chloroquine or Quercetin with Zinc are a reasonable course. A third option is Nicotine which blocks the receptors which the virus uses to infect the cell.
If one has the virus; Ivermectin. Since Ivermectin is a cure it invalidates the use of a vaccine to exist or to be utilized. I keep both prevent and cure on hand. BTW, Ivermectin is OTC in Tennessee.
Does anywhere sell it though? I heard it was being made OTC but haven't heard anyone actually getting it there
Try local (not chains) pharmacies.
Does ivermectin need quercertin (or any 'helper') to enter cells?
Not to my knowledge.
I believe both act to allow zinc into the cell. I think ivermectin is more effective, but quercetin also works well. I have taken both. I think they are not to be taken at the same time, but perhaps one in am, the other in pm.
Thanks. I take a zinc / quercetin combination pill almost every day. Ivermectin probably a couple times a week. I'll now do the a.m. / p.m. approach when taking both the same day.
NAC is still better than Quercetin overall anyway.
I get mine from here. High quality and reeks of sulfur when you open the bottle (a good thing).
I started taking NAC and I have ZERO seasonal allergies, and I had them bad in the spring
Seeing as how ivermectin and fenbendazole are anti-parasitics, that would tell me that anything these drugs cure is parasitic in origin.
Imagine the left's heads exploding over that revelation!!
Further research suggests that IVM, fenben, and others have been known to exploit up to 30 different mechanisms of action that cancer relies on to grow, spread, and evade immune responses.
So while it may not be parasitic in origin, it is still nonetheless vulnerable to antiparasitics.
That doesn't mean that viruses don't exist, something can be anti-parasitic and anti-viral at the same time via different mechanisms.
We need moar.
Ivermectin. Albendazole. Fenbendazole. Hydroxychloroquine. Methylene Blue.
Do iiiiiiiiit.
I hope there is a huge supply, because I think everyone should take some.
Oh my gosh, please make it available in the US! I just had to order some from overseas, and the time and cost it takes is ridiculous. It should be just as easy to get and as cheap as ibuprofen.
it'll be nice not having to buy it from sus indian pharmacies
I can’t wait for legal psychedelics.
Cali Oregon they sell at weed shops
DMT would be great to be legal!
It's OTC for horses, dogs & cows but not people! lol. The deep state like animals better than us
Hope it happens soon, I need to re-order some and will probably just do about a year supply for now. I do 12mg twice a week and haven't had so much as the sniffles in over 3 years now
Pfizer will do a study on a new Indication andnget it patented so they are the only ones who can sell it.
Just took it this week. Limited what would have normally been a 6-10 day cold to a day and a half. Only took it two days in a row (24mg) with one tablet hydroxychloroquine (400mg) along with zinc with quercetin, vitamin C and D. My nose was running, I was sneezing constantly and congested the first day and felt great by the end of day two. Amazing! I think the trick was to take it at the first onset of symptoms.
It is. Once the cold progresses it is less effective. One of the ways they gamed the studies to make it seem like it didn't work on Covid - Give it to people who have had it for 5-7 days before medication
Parasites and fungal overgrowth = most diseases and illnesses
why is illness in quotes? that infers the ilness isnt real. So the claim becomes that it cures all of the fake illnesses. Which is the claim that its detractors make.
Cannot wait. I'd love to be able to get it locally. I was going to ordered from India (not sure where is best) but if this is happening soon I may just wait.
I am confused. What is the breadth of Ivermectin? It's an antiviral, so presumably it can only treat viral infections.
Can they make Fenbendazole over the counter too?