CNN supports illegals because they have been paid to do so. If they keep doing so after the payments stop then they are simply traitors to the American people. Any other questions?
The $5,000 will be fiat money that already exists. It doesn't have to be borrowed from the FED by inflating the money supply.
We are truly getting back a slice of what was on its way as foreign and domestic fraud payments to NGOs and kick backs to US politicians.
People need to stop clutching their pearls. Take back some of your money and be happy. If you're too pure to take it, you can always send it to the IRS. They take donations. Let them squander it for you.
As I understand it, elderly SS recipients will receive nothing because we aren't currently paying into SS. It would represent about two months of money I must borrow just to keep the bills paid.
If and when I get that $5k, I'll be using it how I DAMN WELL PLEASE. And besides, if inflation was a concern, why didn't you SAY A FUCKING WORD WHEN BIDEN WAS RUNNING IT THROUGH THE ROOF?!
CNN is full of some of the dumbest bootlickers I've ever seen.
People will still be people no matter the amount. Some would stash it away, invest or buy valuable stuff. Some would pay bills, buy gas and groceries. Some would go on a big vacation. Some would buy new phones, trade in for new car or whatever new gadget. Some would blow it all on gambling, drugs, etc.
Thats the point though. People are going to do with it what they wanna do. Its not our business to tell them what to do, and it is CERTAINLY not the wanna be central-planners of the Democrat Party's business what anybody does with any money they get out of DOGE's recovery of stolen funds.
CNN is the mouthpiece of a very large group of people who want to micromanage our lives. They're ALSO part of a large group of people who are out to buy votes, and don't like the competition.
I sure could use that 5k to pay down debt and put something into savings. If clowns who had no problem with the payments to criminal aliens want the money to go to the debt, they can send their return to the federal reserve.
Whoever issued these payments should have their assets liquidated to pay down the debt. I wonder how much the government debt could be brought down if we had such a punishment in place
This was infuriating to watch. Hey jacka**! You stole our money that should've been used to pay down the national debt in the first place and now that we've caught you with your hand in the cookie jar, you want us to believe that you are fiscally responsible! Unbelievable! 😡
The democrats are evil. I thought Trump would find bad stuff, but the theft, the lies, the pedaphilia, all of it is so much worse than I thought it could be. It’s almost unbelievable.
3 words: They hate us. They'd rather burn the money than give it to Americans.
It's hatred. Logical argument doesn't work with these people. We're wrestling not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, and against the spiritual wickedness in high places.
On several of the leftist networks one can see and hear the venom pouring from those who hate everyone and separate people from their families. The Democrat party has become the party of hate, and everyone who watches these networks is being hypnotized. When I was young nobody hated others who voted differently, but the ugliest people on television today are spewing the communist line daily. They are necessarily destroying families, including my own.
Shit if these prog hogs don't want their 5k because "Drumpf is Hitler REEEEEEEE" then I'll take it. It'll help me get out of Jersey faster and pay for some of my girl friend's citizenship costs. Get her outta the UK quicker.
Not to mention my mother - she worked hard her entire life, raised 2 boys, put food on our table every night, and she gets a little over $1000 a month. That, plus 1/2 of my Dad's pension (he passed away a couple years ago) still doesn't come near what they're giving these illegal criminal invaders.
The difference is that it won’t be printed out of thin air money. Money saved through DOGE activity and doled to the people is not inflation. The people that call it inflation are retards. Plain and simple.
I know the Dems hate like no other, but there are brainwashed people on the far right that believe they are the only ones that pulled themselves up by the bootstraps they invented. They really believe economies don't need stimulating, or no public commons and everything needs to be privatized. They don't know what they are talking about.
they let the illegals get away with murder, rape, etc.,etc. yes, they got ebt of $10,000 in NYC according to the videos i have seen in the past. they also got veteran housing and veteran healthcare services, displaced the minorities in most cities by greedy landlords who evicted their poor population to get government money with higher monthly rent, and got free medicaid across the US. why are you shocked that they got $10,000 for ebt? i am not.
$5,000 x 350,000,000 people = $1,750,000,000,000 ($1.75B)
DOGE found TRILLIONS in wasted funding, almost all of it was annual, consistent payments taken from our tax pool! For example, $7,000 / month to qualifying illegals and bullshit jobs that have existed for years.
We are not now saving those trillions of dollars every year, we are getting a one time check for $5,000 and that's it? Is my income tax still gonna go down? They found trillions in wasted spending and think a one-time payment is enough? And insult us with a payment less than 2 billion ( 1 trillion is 1,000 billion ).
Where did that $5k number come from? Personally I think that amount is a slap in the face for the amount of taxes they’ve stolen from me over my life time.
"I'll have to cut your mic. It's theoretically MY show." How much has USAID funded CNN? Maybe DOGE should look into that and see if this guy akchully works for We The People who were paying for his "news" show? (And then shit can him for being an ass)
So everyone making under 100k, screwed. Retired, screwed. Self employed, screwed. Unemployed because of the scamdemic or Biden devolution, screwed. College students, screwed. Lower rank military, screwed.
It sets up the narrative of "only tax cuts for his rich friends" and furthers class division.
The money is all fake. It should not matter what people spend it on and outside of illegals, everyone should get it. Hell, children should get it as a trust. Blow the whole thing wide open, show people the truth they have been enslaved and stollen from across generation
I 1000% agree with you 100000%. They sure can get 'emergency' funding for Ukraine, the bank bailouts, the illegals, and God knows what else. But God forbid we get $5000 one time payment.
I could be patting myself on egotistical back and could be wrong but I believe I was the first one to propose the exact $5000K one time payout. My X is @realAlpha_Lib. If someone knows how to do searches on that platform, I suck at searching there, can tell me if I'm wrong or right.
they're just probing what the threshold level for all of us to receive to shut up when the DERPS finally "prevail"
personally they can keep the 5k....its worth it personally 10-100x that over the rest of my life if government is properly reformed into a service organization insted of the one we presently have that expects to be served
I feel the old school illegals weren't too much of a problem before the NGOs and Biden got involved. Before all the handouts. The illegals used to have to cross several borders and walk across inhospitable deserts. You had to have big balls to do that. A lot were tenacious and daring. Once the NGOs started organizing caravans that's when the tide shifted and people wanted them out. Anyways, a lot of good ones out there but unfortunately Biden and Soros fucked it up for them.
Edit: think about it, you had people risking their life and spending their life savings for a chance at the American dream. Once they opened the border and giving hand outs, they changed the nature and character of the illegal who made across. Let's keep those who have established business and are valuable members of their communities.
CNN supports illegals because they have been paid to do so. If they keep doing so after the payments stop then they are simply traitors to the American people. Any other questions?
How are they not already traitors? even if they are getting paid.
The $5,000 will be fiat money that already exists. It doesn't have to be borrowed from the FED by inflating the money supply.
We are truly getting back a slice of what was on its way as foreign and domestic fraud payments to NGOs and kick backs to US politicians.
People need to stop clutching their pearls. Take back some of your money and be happy. If you're too pure to take it, you can always send it to the IRS. They take donations. Let them squander it for you.
That's right. The money is not being created (or invented, whatever) it's just changing hands. That doesn't cause inflation.
As I understand it, elderly SS recipients will receive nothing because we aren't currently paying into SS. It would represent about two months of money I must borrow just to keep the bills paid.
If and when I get that $5k, I'll be using it how I DAMN WELL PLEASE. And besides, if inflation was a concern, why didn't you SAY A FUCKING WORD WHEN BIDEN WAS RUNNING IT THROUGH THE ROOF?!
CNN is full of some of the dumbest bootlickers I've ever seen.
I'd trade that $5000 in to have my debt erased.
People will still be people no matter the amount. Some would stash it away, invest or buy valuable stuff. Some would pay bills, buy gas and groceries. Some would go on a big vacation. Some would buy new phones, trade in for new car or whatever new gadget. Some would blow it all on gambling, drugs, etc.
Thats the point though. People are going to do with it what they wanna do. Its not our business to tell them what to do, and it is CERTAINLY not the wanna be central-planners of the Democrat Party's business what anybody does with any money they get out of DOGE's recovery of stolen funds.
CNN is the mouthpiece of a very large group of people who want to micromanage our lives. They're ALSO part of a large group of people who are out to buy votes, and don't like the competition.
Yah, exactly.
I sure could use that 5k to pay down debt and put something into savings. If clowns who had no problem with the payments to criminal aliens want the money to go to the debt, they can send their return to the federal reserve.
Whoever issued these payments should have their assets liquidated to pay down the debt. I wonder how much the government debt could be brought down if we had such a punishment in place
That tells me you're in debt more than 5k.
Suddenly concern over the debt lol
This was infuriating to watch. Hey jacka**! You stole our money that should've been used to pay down the national debt in the first place and now that we've caught you with your hand in the cookie jar, you want us to believe that you are fiscally responsible! Unbelievable! 😡
The democrats are evil. I thought Trump would find bad stuff, but the theft, the lies, the pedaphilia, all of it is so much worse than I thought it could be. It’s almost unbelievable.
I think we're owed way more than $5000.
3 words: They hate us. They'd rather burn the money than give it to Americans.
It's hatred. Logical argument doesn't work with these people. We're wrestling not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, and against the spiritual wickedness in high places.
I didn't think possible to despise CNN more.
Total B.S. they spout
On several of the leftist networks one can see and hear the venom pouring from those who hate everyone and separate people from their families. The Democrat party has become the party of hate, and everyone who watches these networks is being hypnotized. When I was young nobody hated others who voted differently, but the ugliest people on television today are spewing the communist line daily. They are necessarily destroying families, including my own.
Shit if these prog hogs don't want their 5k because "Drumpf is Hitler REEEEEEEE" then I'll take it. It'll help me get out of Jersey faster and pay for some of my girl friend's citizenship costs. Get her outta the UK quicker.
Excellent video on what a $5000 stimulus check for everyone would do.
DOGE Stimulus | Uneducated Economist
That's quite a bit more than us veterans get a month at a 100% that's crazy.
Not to mention my mother - she worked hard her entire life, raised 2 boys, put food on our table every night, and she gets a little over $1000 a month. That, plus 1/2 of my Dad's pension (he passed away a couple years ago) still doesn't come near what they're giving these illegal criminal invaders.
The difference is that it won’t be printed out of thin air money. Money saved through DOGE activity and doled to the people is not inflation. The people that call it inflation are retards. Plain and simple.
It's better if that money is used as a corporate bailout or a bank handout. Maybe Ukraine could use a little more. Anything but helping the people.
That's what I've been arguing. I can't believe people are so bloody stupid.
They don’t know the definition of the word. They only know about and react to what their screens tell them.
They are just lying. Most of them probably know it.
I know the Dems hate like no other, but there are brainwashed people on the far right that believe they are the only ones that pulled themselves up by the bootstraps they invented. They really believe economies don't need stimulating, or no public commons and everything needs to be privatized. They don't know what they are talking about.
$7000/month? Untaxed? That's more than most people make.
WAY more than what hardworking citizens make.
I can't believe how bad it got. Thank you Jesus for helping us get at this corruption
I agree with xchainlinkx, why would this idiot on CNN now be worried about inflation when the illegals got much, much more?
I would rather see the end of all taxation than get a onetime check.
I want both.
We deserve both.
Yes! u/#Catdance
Which illegals were getting $7k/mo? Serious question, I’m trying to understand what program was paying that out.
There have been images circulating from receipts that showed over 10k in EBT funds if I recall correctly.
But did these go to illegals? You have to show proof of lawful presence to apply for EBT.
they let the illegals get away with murder, rape, etc.,etc. yes, they got ebt of $10,000 in NYC according to the videos i have seen in the past. they also got veteran housing and veteran healthcare services, displaced the minorities in most cities by greedy landlords who evicted their poor population to get government money with higher monthly rent, and got free medicaid across the US. why are you shocked that they got $10,000 for ebt? i am not.
$5,000 x 350,000,000 people = $1,750,000,000,000 ($1.75B)
DOGE found TRILLIONS in wasted funding, almost all of it was annual, consistent payments taken from our tax pool! For example, $7,000 / month to qualifying illegals and bullshit jobs that have existed for years.
We are not now saving those trillions of dollars every year, we are getting a one time check for $5,000 and that's it? Is my income tax still gonna go down? They found trillions in wasted spending and think a one-time payment is enough? And insult us with a payment less than 2 billion ( 1 trillion is 1,000 billion ).
350 million is not the right number. More like 125 million.
Its the start.
Be happy anon, we don't have to minmax it.
More will surely come.
$84,000.00/year for sneaking in ...
How YOU doin?
Where did that $5k number come from? Personally I think that amount is a slap in the face for the amount of taxes they’ve stolen from me over my life time.
"I'll have to cut your mic. It's theoretically MY show." How much has USAID funded CNN? Maybe DOGE should look into that and see if this guy akchully works for We The People who were paying for his "news" show? (And then shit can him for being an ass)
you don't hate CNN enough.
I am not turning my back on Trump
But this smells like a uniparty plot
Checks only to net tax payers?
So everyone making under 100k, screwed. Retired, screwed. Self employed, screwed. Unemployed because of the scamdemic or Biden devolution, screwed. College students, screwed. Lower rank military, screwed.
It sets up the narrative of "only tax cuts for his rich friends" and furthers class division.
The money is all fake. It should not matter what people spend it on and outside of illegals, everyone should get it. Hell, children should get it as a trust. Blow the whole thing wide open, show people the truth they have been enslaved and stollen from across generation
CNN suddenly cares about the national debt. Fake news as usual
Checks should be issued to taxpayers (186 million) based upon recovered funds, not funds that were “spent” and not recovered.
I kinda wonder why the Dodge dividend instead of lowering tax rates
I pray we're not getting baited
I 1000% agree with you 100000%. They sure can get 'emergency' funding for Ukraine, the bank bailouts, the illegals, and God knows what else. But God forbid we get $5000 one time payment.
I could be patting myself on egotistical back and could be wrong but I believe I was the first one to propose the exact $5000K one time payout. My X is @realAlpha_Lib. If someone knows how to do searches on that platform, I suck at searching there, can tell me if I'm wrong or right.
they're just probing what the threshold level for all of us to receive to shut up when the DERPS finally "prevail"
personally they can keep the 5k....its worth it personally 10-100x that over the rest of my life if government is properly reformed into a service organization insted of the one we presently have that expects to be served
I feel the old school illegals weren't too much of a problem before the NGOs and Biden got involved. Before all the handouts. The illegals used to have to cross several borders and walk across inhospitable deserts. You had to have big balls to do that. A lot were tenacious and daring. Once the NGOs started organizing caravans that's when the tide shifted and people wanted them out. Anyways, a lot of good ones out there but unfortunately Biden and Soros fucked it up for them.
Edit: think about it, you had people risking their life and spending their life savings for a chance at the American dream. Once they opened the border and giving hand outs, they changed the nature and character of the illegal who made across. Let's keep those who have established business and are valuable members of their communities.
Let me talk.. it's my show.. well talk to yourself asshoe.
I hope the operative word is "were"! Isn't the assumption that they are no longer getting anything if they are illegal?