Yes, it's a relic... and a very expensive one at that. It would be sort of like trying to restore a 1960 Ford Pinto... it could be done, at great expense... more expense than the car was worth... but why? You'd just have a restored crappy car that no one would want to buy.
Vultures like Mitt Romney couldn't help but froth at the mouth at the potential billions to be made from the old Soviet corpse. God, I hate those disgusting politicians.
These 'leaders' say that values between Europeans and the US have drifted too far to see eye to eye, but what EU people really feel compelled to die in the fields of Ukraine for people who dont give a shit about them? They viscerally hate their citizens, and those feelings I think are largely returned.
Not one of them have any sort of domestic approval except Meloni.
It’s as simple as that. They call themselves free and democratic, but they are not.
I believe Canadians are on the ledge and need to choose what side they’re on. And what’s dangerous is we don’t realize that we are at that point right now. Right. Now.
It was difficult for our Founders to separate from Great Britain and Europe because they still had some affinity for their cousins across the ocean. We shared certain cultural, linguistic, and religious connections. We still venerated Shakespeare, Vivaldi, Bacon, Martin Luther, and a host of other connections too long to list here.
But over the successive generations those ties weakened and became strained. The American way of life has grown distinctly different from our ancestral moorings and today we might occasionally think of our distant ties there, but not enough to change our way of life.
My family came from Scotland (father's side) and from Wales (my mother's side), and I have visited those places. I don't speak Welsh, and I found that I couldn't understand many of the Scots I met. Their ways were quaint but I probably couldn't live there because I hold way too many unpopular opinions, and a propensity to voice them, unsolicited.
So I think that almost 250 years since our founding, cutting those tenuous ties might not be such a bad thing. I would hope to still be able to enjoy Stilton Cheese from England and other luxury items, but my life wouldn't end if it suddenly became unobtainable.
I would equate this to what is going on with DOGE and the budget right now. It's distantly possible that NATO could be reformed but things are so bad at this point that it would be better to get out of the bloat that is NATO and let things settle and then if we wanted to recreate something from scratch with some european countries then do that. Maybe we want to let Europe be Europe for a while and focus vertically on the western hemisphere like Trump has stated.
I don't think that is true anymore. They are pretty much socialists, believe that the government should provide everything, and have mostly lost religion. They also still have royalty in multiple countries. They have been indoctrinated into not defending themselves, had guns taken away in most of the countries, and allow things like the regulation of a simple knife. They also don't have free speech.
Of course there are examples of patriotism and self-sufficiency but they are not the norm anymore in the EU. Example - the UK had some pro-Trump rallies in London, which is a good sign. However - how many of those marchers would post about it on social media and risk being arrested? They ultimately cow to the government.
The EU is teetering on the brink of irrelevancy and extinction.
They did that to push towards One World Government (NWO) -- unelected bureaucrats who have an agenda to destroy them.
Ideally, Trump would be able to find ways to wedge the countries apart from the EU. By making special tariffs for each country, he might be able to do it.
Unwinding the destuction of the Euro currency and the EU would be key to returning to nation-states that have dignity for themselves, and no longer cowtow to the assholes in Brussels who want to control them.
Imagine if each country went back to having its own currency and decided ignore any and all EU directives. Imagine each country having its own immigration policy. Let the EU fall apart, and see Europe rise again.
Just as the USA is finally realizing that globalism is a problem and not a solution, so to must the European people realize that the creation of the EU was the beginning of their downfall, and must be abolished.
The ultimate goal of any psychopathic leader is always the same: Return humanity to its default condition of rule by a small group of elites (pharaohs, kings, premiers, presidents, whatever they're called at the time) with everyone else living as slaves to serve them.
That's the endgame of all of this, for the Deep State.
And you're looking at a whole group of them in this photo.
But even famous KY Bourbon is named for . . . "Bourbon got its name from the original Bourbon County in Kentucky. Bourbon county was named after the French royal family, the House of Bourbon."
The son of one of my revolutionary ancestors was big in establishing Bourbon in KY. See Weller . . .
Yeah, she knows the deal and will bolt if she is ever able to do so, but using the EURO has put shackles on Italy and it will be very difficult to break those chains.
The nerve of like a Norway not gassing up our subs after we've been their defacto military for 80 years. (Myanmar ranks higher on the globalfirepower rankings than Norway). And what's their reason for being upset? That we're trying to negotiate for peace in their region?
It is not a state, has no taxing authority, has no army, has no enforcement mechanism. It cannot declare war or peace.
What happens here is highly irregular. Interesting that their flags signal: war, not meeting up. None of their flags. So, who is the organizer? At least they have nice Bon Bons at some palace or mansion around Brussels.
When the G7 was in Japan, Japanese flag had a ball = meeting. The rest sported a speer = war posture. (background: persecution of the war in Ukraine)
Especially since the faggot puppet Zelenskyyyyy ran to NATO and received a hero's welcome after his embarrassing fuckup in the Oval Office. US already cut off all aid to YouCrane, now do it to NATO. They will come crawling, slithering, begging for forgiveness.
I've heard the UK doesn't have very many at all, and would mostly have to depend on the US for upkeep/maintenance and possibly even targeting and intel. France - no idea.
Neither one has anywhere near enough to use them effectively in a war (if such a thing is even possible). The thing that really worries me is - if all you have is a hammer, everything is a nail. That is how WWIII could happen. If Europe pushed for another war they wouldn't have enough soldiers to win more than 1 or 2 battles with a big foe. As soon as some dumbass gets scared and pops off a nuke it is over.
Agreed. My point (that I didn't make very well) was they don't have enough to take out what would need to be taken out in a world war including Russia, China, the Middle East, and North America. They would be kind of like a North Korea, but without the benefit of a huge army.
Without the protection of our nuclear umbrella they would be more likely to launch a nuke. As soon as they launched one they would be obliterated.
Really any idea how much money we have in Europe? Any idea where our planes will land, get fuel etc if the shit does hit the fan? Sometime when I see stuff like this from people who don’t think at all critically it drives me a little crazy.Knee jerk reactions can have severe consequences. How do you move an entire military base?
If the shit hits the fan, it's up to the Europeans. Why do we have to be there anymore? The military bases are there for an antiquated cold war concept that doesn't exist anymore. Geopolitics have vastly changed.
We closed about 90 military bases in the UK in roughly 30 years, and now have less than a dozen. Seems like a roadmap to me.
We have a Navy with aircraft carriers (we may need more though), agreements with other countries outside Europe, bombers that can leave from Barksdale to fly to wherever we need them to bomb and just return to base, subs, and missiles.
It's not ideal but our military can adapt and overcome with the right commander-in-chief. We have him now.
The EU doesn't know what to expect if they station troops in Ukraine to fight against Russia. There are TWO different types of warfare... and they've only seen one of them.
Fighting against a neighboring country that USED to be part of your own... and 1/3rd of the population speaks your ethnic language and has a similar culture... and family relatives live on both sides of the border. Eventually that war will end, and you will still be neighboring countries. You don't want to completely destroy a neighbor, but instead be very precise in attacking so that you don't ruin too much of their infrastructure.
Fighting against nations that have NO BUSINESS being on your border attacking you. They don't speak your language, have a completely different culture and destroying them will have few consequences to you.
If French, British and especially German troops enter Ukraine to fight against Russia on it's own border... they will quickly realize it's Case #2. The gloves will come off, and their own cities will be subject to full attack. EU isn't ready for that.
Agreed, they cannot be trusted. I wouldn't go to the UK either as there was that invitation from the King. None of these globalists can be trusted nor do they care about their countrymen.
The U.S. leaves NATO, Russia or China will see this as an open invitation to invade. Europe is going to FAFO that with out The U.S. Help they are helpless.
NATO should have been dissolved the day after the Soviet union fell. The Warsaw pact was null and void and NATO became a relic.
Yes, it's a relic... and a very expensive one at that. It would be sort of like trying to restore a 1960 Ford Pinto... it could be done, at great expense... more expense than the car was worth... but why? You'd just have a restored crappy car that no one would want to buy.
...excellent anology
Except the Pinto wasn't created until 10 years later, in 1970 ;p
But Mexico made the Ford Punto in 1960. That was the point.
That makes it even harder. KEK
Vultures like Mitt Romney couldn't help but froth at the mouth at the potential billions to be made from the old Soviet corpse. God, I hate those disgusting politicians.
These 'leaders' say that values between Europeans and the US have drifted too far to see eye to eye, but what EU people really feel compelled to die in the fields of Ukraine for people who dont give a shit about them? They viscerally hate their citizens, and those feelings I think are largely returned.
Not one of them have any sort of domestic approval except Meloni.
I agree. We don’t have the same values any more.
It’s as simple as that. They call themselves free and democratic, but they are not.
I believe Canadians are on the ledge and need to choose what side they’re on. And what’s dangerous is we don’t realize that we are at that point right now. Right. Now.
I already know what side I am on the problem is we dont have savior like Trump. You got lucky we are still hoping.
I didn’t mean to sound like I wasn’t in the same boat as you, I’m an Albertan
The world dictatorship is falling apart quickly.
Trump, and the U.S., hold all the cards. Not only does the midget not have any cards, the European puppets don't either.
European countries aren't allies. We fund their defense. They're essentially vassal states with bad attitudes.
Vassals usually pay the leader though so who actually is the vassal if the USA pays Europe? 🤣
Exactly. Time to end the gravy train.
It was difficult for our Founders to separate from Great Britain and Europe because they still had some affinity for their cousins across the ocean. We shared certain cultural, linguistic, and religious connections. We still venerated Shakespeare, Vivaldi, Bacon, Martin Luther, and a host of other connections too long to list here.
But over the successive generations those ties weakened and became strained. The American way of life has grown distinctly different from our ancestral moorings and today we might occasionally think of our distant ties there, but not enough to change our way of life.
My family came from Scotland (father's side) and from Wales (my mother's side), and I have visited those places. I don't speak Welsh, and I found that I couldn't understand many of the Scots I met. Their ways were quaint but I probably couldn't live there because I hold way too many unpopular opinions, and a propensity to voice them, unsolicited.
So I think that almost 250 years since our founding, cutting those tenuous ties might not be such a bad thing. I would hope to still be able to enjoy Stilton Cheese from England and other luxury items, but my life wouldn't end if it suddenly became unobtainable.
EDIT: Speaking of a distinctly American culture, I am reminded of this meme I saw recently and shared with all my friends:
Approved except for the lack of Bacon
tasty crispy bacon
We do still have the same values as the citizens of EU....just not the deepstate....same as here in the US.
I would equate this to what is going on with DOGE and the budget right now. It's distantly possible that NATO could be reformed but things are so bad at this point that it would be better to get out of the bloat that is NATO and let things settle and then if we wanted to recreate something from scratch with some european countries then do that. Maybe we want to let Europe be Europe for a while and focus vertically on the western hemisphere like Trump has stated.
I don't think that is true anymore. They are pretty much socialists, believe that the government should provide everything, and have mostly lost religion. They also still have royalty in multiple countries. They have been indoctrinated into not defending themselves, had guns taken away in most of the countries, and allow things like the regulation of a simple knife. They also don't have free speech.
Of course there are examples of patriotism and self-sufficiency but they are not the norm anymore in the EU. Example - the UK had some pro-Trump rallies in London, which is a good sign. However - how many of those marchers would post about it on social media and risk being arrested? They ultimately cow to the government.
The EU is teetering on the brink of irrelevancy and extinction.
The European Union is the main problem.
They did that to push towards One World Government (NWO) -- unelected bureaucrats who have an agenda to destroy them.
Ideally, Trump would be able to find ways to wedge the countries apart from the EU. By making special tariffs for each country, he might be able to do it.
Unwinding the destuction of the Euro currency and the EU would be key to returning to nation-states that have dignity for themselves, and no longer cowtow to the assholes in Brussels who want to control them.
Imagine if each country went back to having its own currency and decided ignore any and all EU directives. Imagine each country having its own immigration policy. Let the EU fall apart, and see Europe rise again.
Just as the USA is finally realizing that globalism is a problem and not a solution, so to must the European people realize that the creation of the EU was the beginning of their downfall, and must be abolished.
Exactly. Brexit was the correct move, but because the UK is so socialist it won't make much of a difference. They might as well still be in the EU.
Hungary should consider the same move - especially since they too kept their own currency. Hexit?
These people don’t care about their own country or Europe as a whole. If they did, they would not have allowed the territory to be invaded.
They have been heavily brainwashed into thinking they are racists if they don’t allow all their “neighbours” access any time they want
The ultimate goal of any psychopathic leader is always the same: Return humanity to its default condition of rule by a small group of elites (pharaohs, kings, premiers, presidents, whatever they're called at the time) with everyone else living as slaves to serve them.
That's the endgame of all of this, for the Deep State.
And you're looking at a whole group of them in this photo.
I have some really nice firearms from there, though…
Don't have to give up trading ties to Europe.
There is nothing Europe produces that the USA needs, it's a dying completely unimportant continent.
oh . . . champagne every decade or so for an anniversary??
We could make our own, and still call it Champagne - just to piss off the French.
OK! But it will have to be MAGA Chamagne!
Bourbon likewise has to be made in KY.
But even famous KY Bourbon is named for . . . "Bourbon got its name from the original Bourbon County in Kentucky. Bourbon county was named after the French royal family, the House of Bourbon."
The son of one of my revolutionary ancestors was big in establishing Bourbon in KY. See Weller . . .
Champagne de Bacon...
I agree
The look on Giorgia Meloni’s face knows that they’re royally screwed without the US. 😂
Yeah, she knows the deal and will bolt if she is ever able to do so, but using the EURO has put shackles on Italy and it will be very difficult to break those chains.
The nerve of like a Norway not gassing up our subs after we've been their defacto military for 80 years. (Myanmar ranks higher on the globalfirepower rankings than Norway). And what's their reason for being upset? That we're trying to negotiate for peace in their region?
Let's not forget our equipment. Bring it ALL back!
Since when is the EU part of NATO deliberation?
What happens here is highly irregular. Interesting that their flags signal: war, not meeting up. None of their flags. So, who is the organizer? At least they have nice Bon Bons at some palace or mansion around Brussels.
When the G7 was in Japan, Japanese flag had a ball = meeting. The rest sported a speer = war posture. (background: persecution of the war in Ukraine)
Well, we can still be "friends" and "allies", but what we really need to do is close the wallet. No more money for you!!
Especially since the faggot puppet Zelenskyyyyy ran to NATO and received a hero's welcome after his embarrassing fuckup in the Oval Office. US already cut off all aid to YouCrane, now do it to NATO. They will come crawling, slithering, begging for forgiveness.
They will not be defenseless. UK, France and probably a couple of others are Nuclear Powers.
I've heard the UK doesn't have very many at all, and would mostly have to depend on the US for upkeep/maintenance and possibly even targeting and intel. France - no idea.
Neither one has anywhere near enough to use them effectively in a war (if such a thing is even possible). The thing that really worries me is - if all you have is a hammer, everything is a nail. That is how WWIII could happen. If Europe pushed for another war they wouldn't have enough soldiers to win more than 1 or 2 battles with a big foe. As soon as some dumbass gets scared and pops off a nuke it is over.
I've heard the UK doesn't have very many at all
When it comes to Thermo Nuclear---it don't take a whole bunch to turn the entire world back to the stone age!
Agreed. My point (that I didn't make very well) was they don't have enough to take out what would need to be taken out in a world war including Russia, China, the Middle East, and North America. They would be kind of like a North Korea, but without the benefit of a huge army.
Without the protection of our nuclear umbrella they would be more likely to launch a nuke. As soon as they launched one they would be obliterated.
"It’s time to cut ties with Europe!!"
I wouldn't go that far. We will still want to trade with them. But the time for NATO is long past.
What there is that Europe has to offer anymore? They don't even produce anything important anymore, it's a dying continent.
Really any idea how much money we have in Europe? Any idea where our planes will land, get fuel etc if the shit does hit the fan? Sometime when I see stuff like this from people who don’t think at all critically it drives me a little crazy.Knee jerk reactions can have severe consequences. How do you move an entire military base?
If the shit hits the fan, it's up to the Europeans. Why do we have to be there anymore? The military bases are there for an antiquated cold war concept that doesn't exist anymore. Geopolitics have vastly changed.
We closed about 90 military bases in the UK in roughly 30 years, and now have less than a dozen. Seems like a roadmap to me.
We have a Navy with aircraft carriers (we may need more though), agreements with other countries outside Europe, bombers that can leave from Barksdale to fly to wherever we need them to bomb and just return to base, subs, and missiles.
It's not ideal but our military can adapt and overcome with the right commander-in-chief. We have him now.
Any country still belonging to nato after we leave is a verified cabal controlled entity.
This is the answer. I pray it happens and immediately.
They have papers and pens, and a round table.
Yup, NA should up and go to leave the TOe
The EU doesn't know what to expect if they station troops in Ukraine to fight against Russia. There are TWO different types of warfare... and they've only seen one of them.
Fighting against a neighboring country that USED to be part of your own... and 1/3rd of the population speaks your ethnic language and has a similar culture... and family relatives live on both sides of the border. Eventually that war will end, and you will still be neighboring countries. You don't want to completely destroy a neighbor, but instead be very precise in attacking so that you don't ruin too much of their infrastructure.
Fighting against nations that have NO BUSINESS being on your border attacking you. They don't speak your language, have a completely different culture and destroying them will have few consequences to you.
If French, British and especially German troops enter Ukraine to fight against Russia on it's own border... they will quickly realize it's Case #2. The gloves will come off, and their own cities will be subject to full attack. EU isn't ready for that.
Dang, Meloni gotta be lonely in her own world in there.
Agreed, they cannot be trusted. I wouldn't go to the UK either as there was that invitation from the King. None of these globalists can be trusted nor do they care about their countrymen.
Oh my! Ten flags!
Maybe European NATO can invite Jamaica and Mexico to join. :>)
Will this be the lead up to the ten horns of the Bible?
The U.S. leaves NATO, Russia or China will see this as an open invitation to invade. Europe is going to FAFO that with out The U.S. Help they are helpless.
That was ubdeniably true in 1955.
It's now 2025.