Analysis shows a total of 31,419 pages. Also. Google released an AI model that is specifically built for ingesting large PDFs and summarizing them into a ~20 min audio "podcast style" format; perfect for this use-case.
Thanks. I'm a powershell idiot (I use Linux) but I found out that if you have snap installed you can "sudo snap install powershell --classic" and install it in Linux. Rename the script with a .ps1 suffix, replace the data directory with a unix path like /home/docs and just run it with powershell script.ps1 . Worked like a charm.
Here's the full breakdown of the newly released JFK assassination files and my analysis of what they suggest regarding potential conspiracies:
Key Revelations from the 2025 JFK Files Release
Oswald’s Intelligence Ties – Was He More Than a Lone Gunman?
New documents show more extensive U.S. surveillance of Oswald than previously disclosed.
The CIA and FBI were monitoring him closely, not just as a suspected Communist sympathizer but possibly as an asset or a person of interest in intelligence operations.
Some documents hint at Oswald being in contact with CIA-linked operatives before the assassination, though the nature of these relationships remains murky.
Declassified memos from high-ranking CIA officials suggest concerns about Oswald before the assassination—contradicting claims that he was just a random lone gunman.
Oswald's Mexico City trip days before JFK’s assassination is even more suspicious now.
The new files confirm Oswald visited the Cuban and Soviet embassies in Mexico City.
A CIA surveillance transcript suggests he spoke to a known KGB assassin connected to Soviet intelligence.
However, the new records don’t confirm whether this was a direct plot or an attempt by Oswald to seek asylum.
More CIA internal memos reveal that Oswald was flagged as a potential risk BEFORE the assassination.
One document suggests the agency was aware of his movements and even attempted to "manage" the situation, which raises the possibility that they knew of the assassination plot but didn’t stop it.
Mafia Involvement – The Mob, the CIA, and the Hit on JFK
The files confirm deeper ties between the Mafia and the CIA in the 1960s.
The CIA had multiple joint operations with the Mafia to kill Fidel Castro, using figures like Sam Giancana, Johnny Roselli, and Carlos Marcello—all of whom had serious beef with the Kennedys.
Marcello, the New Orleans crime boss, was heard on FBI wiretaps saying he "got rid of the little son of a b**" (JFK).**
A new document from the CIA suggests mobsters believed they were double-crossed after JFK refused to back down on cracking down on organized crime.
Oswald may have had Mafia ties through New Orleans contacts.
Oswald worked in New Orleans, where Marcello operated.
A witness claims Oswald met with a known Mafia fixer in New Orleans weeks before the assassination.
A previously classified FBI informant report claims that the Mafia put out a contract on Kennedy and used Oswald as a pawn.
Foreign Connections – Did Cuba or the USSR Play a Role?
Soviet files hint that the KGB was shocked by the assassination, fearing it was a U.S. false flag.
A newly declassified CIA memo from 1963 reports KGB agents in Moscow panicked after JFK was shot, believing the U.S. would blame them and start a war.
The Soviets had reasons to hate Kennedy, but there is no direct proof they ordered the hit.
Castro's Cuba had the means and the motive, but was it involved?
FBI informants inside Cuba reported that Cuban intelligence operatives "knew Oswald well."
However, Fidel Castro denied any involvement in a secret CIA transcript, saying killing JFK would have only hurt Cuba.
A U.S. intelligence report from the 1970s suggests Cuban intelligence may have been aware of the plot but didn’t orchestrate it.
The Cover-Up – Did the FBI and CIA Bury Evidence?
Newly released records show the FBI and CIA actively withheld information from the Warren Commission.
The FBI was aware of threats against JFK in Dallas days before the assassination and failed to act.
The CIA destroyed documents related to Oswald’s activities in Mexico City, including phone transcripts that might have revealed more about his contacts.
One declassified memo suggests the CIA was afraid its own assassination plots (against Castro) would come to light, so they buried information.
The “Second Shooter” Theory is still alive.
New forensic analysis shows that the infamous "magic bullet" might not have been as clean as the Warren Commission claimed.
The files don’t confirm a second gunman, but they also don’t completely rule it out.
Final Assessment – Does This Prove a Conspiracy?
Based on the new files and historical context, the most likely scenario is:
Oswald acted, but he wasn’t alone.
He had connections to intelligence, the Mafia, and potentially Cuban operatives.
He may have been used as a patsy or a disposable asset by those with more power.
The CIA and FBI covered things up—not necessarily because they were involved, but because they were negligent and had their own skeletons.
The CIA and Mafia were deeply involved in shady operations, including assassinations.
The agencies were more concerned with protecting their own interests than revealing the full truth.
The Mafia had the strongest motive and possibly played a key role.
The Mafia felt betrayed by JFK and Bobby Kennedy's crackdown on organized crime.
Key mobsters had both means and opportunity to arrange the hit, possibly using Oswald or others.
Foreign involvement remains uncertain.
While Oswald had contact with Soviet and Cuban operatives, there is no hard evidence they ordered the assassination.
The Soviets seemed more concerned about avoiding blame than celebrating JFK’s death.
Conclusion – What Do These Files Change?
The official "Oswald acted alone" theory looks weaker than ever.
The Mafia's involvement looks even stronger with these new documents.
The CIA and FBI clearly buried evidence, though their exact reasons remain open to speculation.
The second shooter theory remains unresolved, but forensic inconsistencies still exist.
The U.S. government likely feared Cold War backlash, leading to a deliberate cover-up of certain aspects of the case.
This means that while there’s still no absolute smoking gun proving a CIA or Mafia-led assassination, the new files confirm that Oswald was likely not just some lone gunman with a grudge—he was a man with connections to powerful, shadowy forces.
Yikes! ChatGPT analyzed and not a single mention about Israel's involvement, which is already highly suspected, in JFK assassination....? Kinda weird, yes?
Then there's Jack Ruby aka Jack Rubenstein aka Jacob Rubenstein. Abraham Zapruder's infamous film of the incident (The Dancing Israelis took a page out of his book). Obvious Israel connections with those persons. There's also JFK requiring AIPAC to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, shortly before his murder, which was covered most recently by Ian Carroll (AIPAC going on to buy off nearly the entirety of our Congress since it's inception).
Along with JFK trying to prevent Israel from acquiring nuclear technology (edit: . There are many other connected persons with ties to Israel - I am just an amateur in my JFK knowledge, but passing on things I've learned about due to the files dropping (and how the noticing is only picking up steam).
edit again: Finnish /pol/ack, using the newly declass'd files, puts together a 40kft overview of the JFK assassination motivation/rough timeline
David Ben Gurion was the first PM Of Israel. Correct me if I’m wrong,but does having a PM mean that the executive branch is subject to another power? What’s the difference between a Ministry and a Preside-nt? Wouldn’t an owner/master Preside over an Administryation, rather than the opposite? I’m not law-y enough to know the differences offhand.
Prime(ary) (Ad)Minister(ation)?
Anyhow he was PM of Israel from 1955 to June 1963 after a run as the head of the Jewish Agency for Israel (whose logo highly resembles the United Way), which was funded by the Jewish Federation of North America
He was followed as PM by Anthony Scaramucci, er… Levi Eshkol, whose first term was June 1963 to December 1963, with the date of November 22, 1963 between between those two dates in a completely irrelevant way that is not being mentioned for any reason whatsoever.
All that said, what really stuck out was that they were both members of the Mapai party, which is their Labor party, and here is the party’s logo that I can’t place where I’ve seen it from but it looks familiar somehow.
~The FBI was aware of threats against JFK in Dallas days before the assassination and failed to act.~ The Eff Bee Eye always know about a person and lets them do their damage.
They still do the same shit now (know about it and do nothing). We literally hear this excuse almost every false flag mass shooting that I’m sure the public is conditioned to hearing this over and over.
If it happened today, instead of a carcano oswald would use the same daniel defense ar15 iron sights fbi configuration as the usual shooters because thats how they get delivered to the fbi and for some reason they never bother adding an optic before giving it to the patsy, and the patsy never has one of their own.
Thanks for this summary. Thirty plus years ago, my husband and I became acquainted with a retired sea yi ay agent. On one occasion, he invited us to his home where he showed us his credentials and talked about one particular mission of his. As we were conversing in his living room, a young man suddenly walked into his house, said not a word, and picked up his phone (then a land-line) listened for a bit, then hung up and left. Our acquaintance explained that it was his son, who was also in the agency. I had no doubt that they were bona fide.
During another visit, I asked him point-blank who killed JFK, not necessarily believing what he would tell us. He said that the mafia killed him because the Kennedy administration went back on their word to not go after them. He said that there were three people involved, one a woman.
Not willingly but could that woman be Marylin Monroe, abused by her father, used and abused by Hollywood, abused by the mafia… the story goes she was drugged up and passed around by Mafia men. I thought I was Bugsy Sielge but it’s some one else. She was used by the Kennedy’s, that woman was used up and broken.
ChatGPT isn't going to point you to the truth on controversial matters without some serious prompting. There's a lot more smoking guns pointing to the CIA doing it and the Israeli connections in the documents.
So from what I am seeing here, was there really a good reason to keep these hidden all of these years? I haven't gone through the files nor do I have time to. What was so damning Pompeo couldn't release them? Is this all the files or have some been destroyed? Possibly the files that pointed at the entity that did this? I am not surprised by this just curious about why they would have to be kept from us if there really isn't anyone named other than the patsy.
I've only scanned a dozen or so documents at random, and most of it is pretty low level, but adversary analysts could probably glean some useful intel about how the CIA/FBI operates from it - less usefully this amount of time on though so no real reason not to divulge.
That's what makes me think there is still stuff that is yet to come out - this isn't everything.
Yeah. Was thinking the same. Were going to release them during Trump's first term but too damning, too spicy! Public couldn't handle it. I haven't heard of anything major coming out of these.
Why would the CIA maintain evidence they had JFK killed in conjunction with the mafia and used Oswell as the scape goat? (obvious motivations for both sides)
There was a second shooter. With simple video and forensic analysis it is obvious the bullet that killed JFK did not come from the direction Oswell was at.
I agree. The spray seemed to indicate the bullet came from the other direction. I'm no expert, but I thought most bullets go in clean, and the spray comes from the exit. I saw a documentary years ago, that is no longer out there, that said it was a cabal of 6 groups who all had a vested interest in JFK being killed. Cuba, Israel, CIA, Mafia, the Fed, and I can't remember the last one.They worked together and had various hitmen along the route, including the driver. Supposedly, when the driver came to a certain point along the route where they couldn't be seen for a minute, and no one had yet killed Kennedy, the driver was supposed to shoot him, To me, that would explain the direction of the spray. It would also explain why Jackie chose to scramble away across the back of the car. instead of hunkering down. It also said, he had been shot just before and the bullet came from a shooter in the sewer, and it went thru the bottom of the windscreen and caught him in the throat. It didn't kill him, and Jackie had turned to see what was wrong. Then he was shot right after that. The Warren Commission was so crooked, did they collect the real evidence? What was destroyed? Who knows? I do agree, I expected more. Johnson sure as hell, seemed to be involved too. At this point, this stuff doesn't seem worth hiding.
Historical context: WW2 justified a whole of society mobilization which necessarily required unofficial official cooperation with the “demi monde” the ubiquitous underworld (mafia?) with a vast transnational network of operatives around the Mediterranean. Luciano was returned from Sicily where he’d been deported to stop Italian American dockworkers from torching freighters bound for England in their efforts to aid Mussolini before America even entered the war. Success led to expanded involvement, but incriminated those involved. Can’t squeal if you’re implicated. Also OSS worked hand in glove with so called resistance units in France and all over Eastern Europe, which were communists. So OSS and subsequent CIA were “in bed” with “the mob” and “the Vatican” and “the commies” from 1941 onwards. Nothing has changed. That’s why they handed Poland, Hungary, Etc Etc to Stalin without any fuss. Stalin had many operatives at cabinet level positions in FDR’s administration from long before the war. Here’s the kicker. Hoover knew. Army Intel. knew. Especially after the Venona transcripts, they were fully aware USA was completely penetrated but for reasons I still ponder did nothing to stop it. Maybe we’re finally going to end this occupation by hostile foreign powers and restore our republic. I do hope so, but it’s not going to be fast, or easy. There isn’t even a Soviet Union anymore but their agents and operatives are like those Japanese soldiers occupying isolated islands as if the war never ended. For them it never ends. The level of commitment is admirable, but it’s got to be crushed like a big nasty bug. They’re still outraged over the Rosenbergs and the Hollywood blacklists. They go bonkers at any hint of “red baiting” and still decry Tailgunner Joe’s efforts to expose any of their shenanigans. JFK knew. He was McCarthy’s best friend in the Senate. I hate communists.
Thanks for the history. I believe it is still very much alive and also agree it must be squashed like a bug. It is evident why they eliminated him, and his brother. JFK was coming after them, but the layers of power around him where very much like Trump's first term .... establishment plants.
I don't know what happened during the JFK assassination (I was in 7th grade gym class when our entire school found out), but I do know the files have been around for a long time, and some of them may have been "doctored" to sway some people's opinions of the murder. Do I know for sure? No. Can I imagine that they wouldn't want the full story out? Yes. I can not confirm that any of the files may, or may not, have been tampered with, but it might make some sense. All these files released and still no smoking gun, does that tell us something? It is now all up to each person's interpretation, or is it...
I saw some special years and years ago on History where they took Oswalds Rifle and the same bullets and fired into a stunt limo/gel bodies and 'replicated' the magic bullet's trajectory twisting and turning all over the place...I am wondering now if that was a psyop.
Also should be running these thru GROK, I'm positive ChatGTP is compromised.
CBS morning show already had some university clown claiming the documents provided nothing to indicate anyone other than Oswald involved with the assassination.
Here's a PowerShell script that will download all the JFK files:
Analysis shows a total of 31,419 pages. Also. Google released an AI model that is specifically built for ingesting large PDFs and summarizing them into a ~20 min audio "podcast style" format; perfect for this use-case.
Beyond amazing. This is your best yet cats. Serious props bro.
Thanks. I'm a powershell idiot (I use Linux) but I found out that if you have snap installed you can "sudo snap install powershell --classic" and install it in Linux. Rename the script with a .ps1 suffix, replace the data directory with a unix path like /home/docs and just run it with powershell script.ps1 . Worked like a charm.
According to my ChatGPT's Deep Research:
Here's the full breakdown of the newly released JFK assassination files and my analysis of what they suggest regarding potential conspiracies:
Key Revelations from the 2025 JFK Files Release
New documents show more extensive U.S. surveillance of Oswald than previously disclosed.
The CIA and FBI were monitoring him closely, not just as a suspected Communist sympathizer but possibly as an asset or a person of interest in intelligence operations.
Some documents hint at Oswald being in contact with CIA-linked operatives before the assassination, though the nature of these relationships remains murky.
Declassified memos from high-ranking CIA officials suggest concerns about Oswald before the assassination—contradicting claims that he was just a random lone gunman.
Oswald's Mexico City trip days before JFK’s assassination is even more suspicious now.
The new files confirm Oswald visited the Cuban and Soviet embassies in Mexico City.
A CIA surveillance transcript suggests he spoke to a known KGB assassin connected to Soviet intelligence.
However, the new records don’t confirm whether this was a direct plot or an attempt by Oswald to seek asylum.
More CIA internal memos reveal that Oswald was flagged as a potential risk BEFORE the assassination.
One document suggests the agency was aware of his movements and even attempted to "manage" the situation, which raises the possibility that they knew of the assassination plot but didn’t stop it.
The files confirm deeper ties between the Mafia and the CIA in the 1960s.
The CIA had multiple joint operations with the Mafia to kill Fidel Castro, using figures like Sam Giancana, Johnny Roselli, and Carlos Marcello—all of whom had serious beef with the Kennedys.
Marcello, the New Orleans crime boss, was heard on FBI wiretaps saying he "got rid of the little son of a b**" (JFK).**
A new document from the CIA suggests mobsters believed they were double-crossed after JFK refused to back down on cracking down on organized crime.
Oswald may have had Mafia ties through New Orleans contacts.
Oswald worked in New Orleans, where Marcello operated.
A witness claims Oswald met with a known Mafia fixer in New Orleans weeks before the assassination.
A previously classified FBI informant report claims that the Mafia put out a contract on Kennedy and used Oswald as a pawn.
Soviet files hint that the KGB was shocked by the assassination, fearing it was a U.S. false flag.
A newly declassified CIA memo from 1963 reports KGB agents in Moscow panicked after JFK was shot, believing the U.S. would blame them and start a war.
The Soviets had reasons to hate Kennedy, but there is no direct proof they ordered the hit.
Castro's Cuba had the means and the motive, but was it involved?
FBI informants inside Cuba reported that Cuban intelligence operatives "knew Oswald well."
However, Fidel Castro denied any involvement in a secret CIA transcript, saying killing JFK would have only hurt Cuba.
A U.S. intelligence report from the 1970s suggests Cuban intelligence may have been aware of the plot but didn’t orchestrate it.
Newly released records show the FBI and CIA actively withheld information from the Warren Commission.
The FBI was aware of threats against JFK in Dallas days before the assassination and failed to act.
The CIA destroyed documents related to Oswald’s activities in Mexico City, including phone transcripts that might have revealed more about his contacts.
One declassified memo suggests the CIA was afraid its own assassination plots (against Castro) would come to light, so they buried information.
The “Second Shooter” Theory is still alive.
New forensic analysis shows that the infamous "magic bullet" might not have been as clean as the Warren Commission claimed.
The files don’t confirm a second gunman, but they also don’t completely rule it out.
Final Assessment – Does This Prove a Conspiracy?
Based on the new files and historical context, the most likely scenario is:
He had connections to intelligence, the Mafia, and potentially Cuban operatives.
He may have been used as a patsy or a disposable asset by those with more power.
The CIA and Mafia were deeply involved in shady operations, including assassinations.
The agencies were more concerned with protecting their own interests than revealing the full truth.
The Mafia felt betrayed by JFK and Bobby Kennedy's crackdown on organized crime.
Key mobsters had both means and opportunity to arrange the hit, possibly using Oswald or others.
While Oswald had contact with Soviet and Cuban operatives, there is no hard evidence they ordered the assassination.
The Soviets seemed more concerned about avoiding blame than celebrating JFK’s death.
Conclusion – What Do These Files Change?
The official "Oswald acted alone" theory looks weaker than ever.
The Mafia's involvement looks even stronger with these new documents.
The CIA and FBI clearly buried evidence, though their exact reasons remain open to speculation.
The second shooter theory remains unresolved, but forensic inconsistencies still exist.
The U.S. government likely feared Cold War backlash, leading to a deliberate cover-up of certain aspects of the case.
This means that while there’s still no absolute smoking gun proving a CIA or Mafia-led assassination, the new files confirm that Oswald was likely not just some lone gunman with a grudge—he was a man with connections to powerful, shadowy forces.
Yikes! ChatGPT analyzed and not a single mention about Israel's involvement, which is already highly suspected, in JFK assassination....? Kinda weird, yes?
Peep the original document date. 17th....probably just a coincidence, right? 60 years ago almost to the day. Additional links:
edit: Israeli Intelligence mentioned above, previously redacted, but now declassified
James Angleton, glowie with the most connections to Israel directly (and just happens to be buried there).
Then there's this document: I'm not sure where it is in the newly released files, but you can find an original here:
Then there's Jack Ruby aka Jack Rubenstein aka Jacob Rubenstein. Abraham Zapruder's infamous film of the incident (The Dancing Israelis took a page out of his book). Obvious Israel connections with those persons. There's also JFK requiring AIPAC to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, shortly before his murder, which was covered most recently by Ian Carroll (AIPAC going on to buy off nearly the entirety of our Congress since it's inception). Along with JFK trying to prevent Israel from acquiring nuclear technology (edit: . There are many other connected persons with ties to Israel - I am just an amateur in my JFK knowledge, but passing on things I've learned about due to the files dropping (and how the noticing is only picking up steam).
edit again: Finnish /pol/ack, using the newly declass'd files, puts together a 40kft overview of the JFK assassination motivation/rough timeline
File in post attachment:
Yeah, ChatGPT isn't allow to shine a light on the chosen people.
The only thing the SEE EYE AYEE wanted redacted out of the 80k file drop was any mention of Israel.
What does that tell you?
Of course there's no mention of israel, that would be antisemitic.
Here is Angleton with Mossad
David Ben Gurion was the first PM Of Israel. Correct me if I’m wrong,but does having a PM mean that the executive branch is subject to another power? What’s the difference between a Ministry and a Preside-nt? Wouldn’t an owner/master Preside over an Administryation, rather than the opposite? I’m not law-y enough to know the differences offhand.
Prime(ary) (Ad)Minister(ation)?
Anyhow he was PM of Israel from 1955 to June 1963 after a run as the head of the Jewish Agency for Israel (whose logo highly resembles the United Way), which was funded by the Jewish Federation of North America
His step-down in 1963 was unexpected, and followed major diplomatic losses.
He was followed as PM by Anthony Scaramucci, er… Levi Eshkol, whose first term was June 1963 to December 1963, with the date of November 22, 1963 between between those two dates in a completely irrelevant way that is not being mentioned for any reason whatsoever.
All that said, what really stuck out was that they were both members of the Mapai party, which is their Labor party, and here is the party’s logo that I can’t place where I’ve seen it from but it looks familiar somehow.
Note how the gateway pundit also does not mention Israel. Notice indeed.
~The FBI was aware of threats against JFK in Dallas days before the assassination and failed to act.~ The Eff Bee Eye always know about a person and lets them do their damage.
Interesting to see the FBI standard behavior was practiced early on.
The bart Simpson meme comes to mind.
They still do the same shit now (know about it and do nothing). We literally hear this excuse almost every false flag mass shooting that I’m sure the public is conditioned to hearing this over and over.
We don't have "pre-crime" arrest capability in our laws.
If it happened today, instead of a carcano oswald would use the same daniel defense ar15 iron sights fbi configuration as the usual shooters because thats how they get delivered to the fbi and for some reason they never bother adding an optic before giving it to the patsy, and the patsy never has one of their own.
Thanks for this summary. Thirty plus years ago, my husband and I became acquainted with a retired sea yi ay agent. On one occasion, he invited us to his home where he showed us his credentials and talked about one particular mission of his. As we were conversing in his living room, a young man suddenly walked into his house, said not a word, and picked up his phone (then a land-line) listened for a bit, then hung up and left. Our acquaintance explained that it was his son, who was also in the agency. I had no doubt that they were bona fide.
During another visit, I asked him point-blank who killed JFK, not necessarily believing what he would tell us. He said that the mafia killed him because the Kennedy administration went back on their word to not go after them. He said that there were three people involved, one a woman.
Not willingly but could that woman be Marylin Monroe, abused by her father, used and abused by Hollywood, abused by the mafia… the story goes she was drugged up and passed around by Mafia men. I thought I was Bugsy Sielge but it’s some one else. She was used by the Kennedy’s, that woman was used up and broken.
This deserves to be be its own post.
ChatGPT isn't going to point you to the truth on controversial matters without some serious prompting. There's a lot more smoking guns pointing to the CIA doing it and the Israeli connections in the documents.
So from what I am seeing here, was there really a good reason to keep these hidden all of these years? I haven't gone through the files nor do I have time to. What was so damning Pompeo couldn't release them? Is this all the files or have some been destroyed? Possibly the files that pointed at the entity that did this? I am not surprised by this just curious about why they would have to be kept from us if there really isn't anyone named other than the patsy.
Read Beat_it_commie's comment above. There are lots of very damning items in these documents. Examples:
These alone would be major reasons Pompeo would never want them to see the light of day.
I've only scanned a dozen or so documents at random, and most of it is pretty low level, but adversary analysts could probably glean some useful intel about how the CIA/FBI operates from it - less usefully this amount of time on though so no real reason not to divulge.
That's what makes me think there is still stuff that is yet to come out - this isn't everything.
Yeah. Was thinking the same. Were going to release them during Trump's first term but too damning, too spicy! Public couldn't handle it. I haven't heard of anything major coming out of these.
Who was expecting anything else here?
Why would the CIA maintain evidence they had JFK killed in conjunction with the mafia and used Oswell as the scape goat? (obvious motivations for both sides)
There was a second shooter. With simple video and forensic analysis it is obvious the bullet that killed JFK did not come from the direction Oswell was at.
I agree. The spray seemed to indicate the bullet came from the other direction. I'm no expert, but I thought most bullets go in clean, and the spray comes from the exit. I saw a documentary years ago, that is no longer out there, that said it was a cabal of 6 groups who all had a vested interest in JFK being killed. Cuba, Israel, CIA, Mafia, the Fed, and I can't remember the last one.They worked together and had various hitmen along the route, including the driver. Supposedly, when the driver came to a certain point along the route where they couldn't be seen for a minute, and no one had yet killed Kennedy, the driver was supposed to shoot him, To me, that would explain the direction of the spray. It would also explain why Jackie chose to scramble away across the back of the car. instead of hunkering down. It also said, he had been shot just before and the bullet came from a shooter in the sewer, and it went thru the bottom of the windscreen and caught him in the throat. It didn't kill him, and Jackie had turned to see what was wrong. Then he was shot right after that. The Warren Commission was so crooked, did they collect the real evidence? What was destroyed? Who knows? I do agree, I expected more. Johnson sure as hell, seemed to be involved too. At this point, this stuff doesn't seem worth hiding.
Dude you can see on the video itself the driver turn around and shoot him.
Nope...there are hi res vids of that time frame from Zapruder's film that debunk the driver shooting false narrative
Oh interesting
The SeeEyeAye is a corrupt piece of crap.
Historical context: WW2 justified a whole of society mobilization which necessarily required unofficial official cooperation with the “demi monde” the ubiquitous underworld (mafia?) with a vast transnational network of operatives around the Mediterranean. Luciano was returned from Sicily where he’d been deported to stop Italian American dockworkers from torching freighters bound for England in their efforts to aid Mussolini before America even entered the war. Success led to expanded involvement, but incriminated those involved. Can’t squeal if you’re implicated. Also OSS worked hand in glove with so called resistance units in France and all over Eastern Europe, which were communists. So OSS and subsequent CIA were “in bed” with “the mob” and “the Vatican” and “the commies” from 1941 onwards. Nothing has changed. That’s why they handed Poland, Hungary, Etc Etc to Stalin without any fuss. Stalin had many operatives at cabinet level positions in FDR’s administration from long before the war. Here’s the kicker. Hoover knew. Army Intel. knew. Especially after the Venona transcripts, they were fully aware USA was completely penetrated but for reasons I still ponder did nothing to stop it. Maybe we’re finally going to end this occupation by hostile foreign powers and restore our republic. I do hope so, but it’s not going to be fast, or easy. There isn’t even a Soviet Union anymore but their agents and operatives are like those Japanese soldiers occupying isolated islands as if the war never ended. For them it never ends. The level of commitment is admirable, but it’s got to be crushed like a big nasty bug. They’re still outraged over the Rosenbergs and the Hollywood blacklists. They go bonkers at any hint of “red baiting” and still decry Tailgunner Joe’s efforts to expose any of their shenanigans. JFK knew. He was McCarthy’s best friend in the Senate. I hate communists.
Thanks for the history. I believe it is still very much alive and also agree it must be squashed like a bug. It is evident why they eliminated him, and his brother. JFK was coming after them, but the layers of power around him where very much like Trump's first term .... establishment plants.
In this timeline they missed. Can’t wait to see what’s next.
I watched this years ago and think this is closer to the truth>
That is a good place to start.
You guys are THE BEST!!!
Israel wanted nukes. JFK wanted to stop them from getting nukes. So they killed him and they got their nukes.
The CIA helped. But it was Mossad.
Shadow of Ezra @ShadowofEzra · 15h Newly released JFK files reveal that the CIA had no objection to declassifying a document—except for one detail:
Any mention of "the Israeli Intelligence Service" remained strictly off-limits.
Nothingburger never tasted so predictable
I don't know what happened during the JFK assassination (I was in 7th grade gym class when our entire school found out), but I do know the files have been around for a long time, and some of them may have been "doctored" to sway some people's opinions of the murder. Do I know for sure? No. Can I imagine that they wouldn't want the full story out? Yes. I can not confirm that any of the files may, or may not, have been tampered with, but it might make some sense. All these files released and still no smoking gun, does that tell us something? It is now all up to each person's interpretation, or is it...
Any documents regarding the driver?
More questions than answers
I wonder how much israelie involvement is being scrubbed 🙄
The CIA wants all of it redacted. Any mention of the jews or israel.
I cant tell where one agency ends and the other begins
All different heads of the same hydra.
I saw some special years and years ago on History where they took Oswalds Rifle and the same bullets and fired into a stunt limo/gel bodies and 'replicated' the magic bullet's trajectory twisting and turning all over the place...I am wondering now if that was a psyop.
Also should be running these thru GROK, I'm positive ChatGTP is compromised.
Mythbusters could have blown that out of the water. There's no such thing as a "magic bullet." Small rounds can bounce around, but that's probably it.
No mention of mossad. Sussybacca
israel was mentioned. Our greatest ally.
JFK on record calling Joe Biden a it!
That bit has been out for a long time. From what I understand, the letter was investigated and it was determined that it wasn't sent by JFK Jr.
Not that hard to sign someone else's name to a letter.
Just wanted to give you a heads-up so you're not surprised by that info in any conversations you might have trying to redpill normies.
Shadow of Ezra @ShadowofEzra
Newly released JFK files reveal that the CIA had no objection to declassifying a document—except for one detail:
Any mention of "the Israeli Intelligence Service" remained strictly off-limits.
CBS morning show already had some university clown claiming the documents provided nothing to indicate anyone other than Oswald involved with the assassination.
TGP conveniently ignores all mentioning of Israel, but one mention of the word "Jewish". Strange.
So why was any of this withheld and redacted? (What GP has)
Any mention of Bush Sr involvement?