I’ve been comfy AF for some time now. When I run into people who are all worried I ask them this: What would destroying the swamp look like in real life? Why would destroying the Fed look like? Government control of education? The DNC?
Way too many things blowing up at the same time for it to be organic.
I like DeSantis as my Governor, but like a wayward teen, he has fallen in with the wrong crowd. If he is controlled, I suspect there is something in his past that is being leveraged, as he talked the talk and walked the walk prior.
My question is whether he in fact controlled, or whether it’s kayfabe. If the latter is the case, then it’s on the rest of us to pay attention to who is joining in against Trump and purge them from power forevermore
Could a re-elected Trump simply unseal the records? I know that protocol would indicate to not do it so as to not have others do to you, but they’ve obliterated any pretense of allowing him any privacy whatsoever already. This would be one way I’d hit back.
Has anyone considered that the problems at the showings ( AC not working, etc.) are due to local actions rather than AMC corporate? It’s certainly well within the capabilities of someone local to try to scuttle things rather than corporate who could have just as easily not booked it at all.
The serial numbers of a propeller (something that literally can be unbolted even though its size makes it difficult) is better evidence than pictures of the differences between the window layout on each which is then compared to the pictures of the ship at the bottom of the ocean?
Ask yourself how the serial numbers get added to a propeller. In my pleasure boat experience, they are stamped into the brass/bronze. It would seem trivial to stamp a different or even additional serial number onto a propeller and use its existence as “proof”. Changing out the window arrangement would be much more difficult. No?
Agreed. The perfume princes may be in the tank, as well as a vein of woke/transgendered/gay and the like soldiers, but they are the minority. There are lots of good ones, and even if many of them have already gotten out, tons are just keeping their head down.
We have a dog, and sometimes he sleeps in our bed. At no time whatsoever has his anus ever come in contact with either my wife or I.
If the dog had lesions on his nose, that would be explainable and normal. His anus? Any thinking person can grasp what was going on there.
That thought is something that has stuck with me for years. He had a totally clear and easy shot when the Kennedy motorcade was coming directly toward the TSBD, but he waited until the car was moving away, going downhill, exiting the area? It makes no sense and greatly decreased the odds of a hit.
I don’t know, but I reason that Grand Jury members do NOT have to be a “jury of your peers” because they aren’t actually pert of your trial. The Grand Jury can’t convict you, they can only decide that there is enough evidence to indict you. From there, it would go to trial, where you have a chance to defend yourself in front of a “jury or your peers”.
I didn’t notice any concern aboard the plan until right as the alarm started sounding, at which point they were very close to the water. It also landed pretty safely, all things considered. It’s obvious to me that there is a lot more to this story than we have been told.
How fortunate to have a river right there. /sarcasm
Agreed that with an infinite number of machines, and and infinite amount of the necessary ingredients and supplies, we can make an infinite number of doses.
The point however, is that Pfizer has stated what their output is. How long that takes them (machine run time) is irrelevant for this analysis. Pfizer did the math for us by giving a quantity per month. Whether they did it on one machine or a thousand doesn’t change the stated output.
The gist of this analysis, is that Pfizer’s stated output, calculated in with their percentage of market share and claimed doses given doesn't allow for them all to be vaccines. They haven’t made enough doses to support the claimed doses given based on their market share.
Let’s break that down a bit looking just at those three data points. What numbers are likely incorrect?
Output? - I don’t see a logical reason they would lie by claiming they can make less doses than actual. What would be the benefit?
Market Share? This can be subjective data of course, but it seems like it’s an account of actual. Moderna isn’t going to sit by and let Pfizer make market share boasts by taking the numbers for them, and vice-versa.
That leaves us with claimed doses administered. This number certainly is ripe for manipulation, so it’s possible it’s way high, and that explains everything. It’s also possible that it’s accurate, in which case people were given more doses than were made. If that is what happened, then they were given something else, and saline seems like a logical choice.
I wonder what the difference in freeze point is with saline vs. the vax and if someone has noticed any differences amongst doses at various temps. Saline certainly doesn’t remain liquid at -70.
I didn’t validate any of the math from the OP. It’s entirely possible there is an error in the calculations that make this a dead end, and all is as claimed. If the math adds up however…
Wars are deadly. You apparently don’t think we are in a war, but we are in a war.
Example: If there are two options, and option A is 1 million dead, and option B is 100 million, and there is no option with less dead that option A, what do you as a leader do?
Think of D-Day. The generals knew that Normandy was going to be a blood bath, but it has to be done. It was our finest hour in many respects, but many, many people died. Jumping ship because of this reality doesn’t seem a wise or well considered decision.
We could have lost D-Day, and with it the war, which meant losing everything. You play the cards you are dealt and hope your plan works. Same thing here. No more, no less. I’m not about to second guess it at this point, and am doing everything I can to help out by wakening the masses, by researching and spreading information.
We are digital soldiers, and those are our orders.
Wars are deadly. You apparently don’t think we are in a war, but we are in a war.
Example: If there are two options, and option A is 1 million dead, and option B is 100 million, and there is no option with less dead that option A, what do you as a leader do?
Think of D-Day. The generals knew that Normandy was going to be a blood bath, but it has to be done. It was our finest hour in many respects, but many, many people died. Jumping ship because of this reality doesn’t seem a wise or well considered decision.
We could have lost D-Day, and with it the war, which meant losing everything. You play the cards you are dealt and hope your plan works. Same thing here. No more, no less. I’m not about to second guess it at this point, and am doing everything I can to help out by wakening the masses, by researching and spreading information.
We are digital soldiers, and those are our orders.
When Q insinuated that we would be surprised who was posting, one of the people I suspected was Tom Clancy. His death could easily be a cover story. I’m still there honestly.