Or Hunter, not realizing he had a hot mic, is just that stupid... remember, he’s doped up half the time. Can’t imagine how many brain cells he’s already lost. Reason the sound got turned down so fast is because there’s always someone monitoring audio and video on Livestreams
Meth. Heavy. Pictures posted weeks ago, by Lin and a few others. He now has an entire full set replaced they were so bad. Coke is too mild for him. I am sure you can still find before and after pics online.
agreed, the last bit is Unintelligible, to me sounds like "a guys" or anything that rhymes similar.
And if it was true, why the heck would he be saying it on camera? unless Q told him too.
Edit: but yes it definitely says "be sentenced for/plea sentence", can't think of many other meanings for that. Also is there an A.I. website or anyone with skills able to remove Biden's voice and enhance the other voice?
It sounds like a cellphone recording (iPhone using the Apple wired earphones with mic). Maybe it was a phone call or Voicemail. "FISA goes both ways". They probably had a FISA on Hunter for the majority of Trump's first term.
Would the same White House technical staff that were working for the Trump admin have stayed on? Perhaps someone on the Q team could have assigned them a mission...
This is the only thing that makes sense for me. Trump Team is in control, inauguration is all for show, and they just threw us a bone. Voice recordings like this dont magically show up overtop of a video like this. This is insane lol.
My god. Imagine, decapitating the head of the money snake a week or two back and dissolving the US corporation and then letting the wretches try and keep up the act as long as they can before the money runs dry and people start flipping.
Oh man make them incriminate themselves move would be powerful, but I feel like the margin of error would be too great to gamble with.
On the contrary, I believe them incriminating themselves is less of a gamble, at least in the long run. And the long game is the most important game & the one we have been losing until now.
Short-term, yes, it is a gamble that they get away with it for another few years. But those who know the truth will always be tailing them & will have more chances to get them as time moves on.
The other side of the gamble is longevity. They are more likely to win lasting change by slow walking them instead of moving in & prosecuting them right away because instead of simply telling the people of their crimes & expecting them to believe it, they are showing them. Humans are creatures of sight--Gar, far more sure of something they've seen with their own two eyes than of that which they are told. Making sure every last person gets at least a good glimpse of the truth makes it undeniable, leaves almost no room for doubt in the people's minds, will create unity in prosecuting & proceeding forward, the conclusions will be much harder to convince the people otherwise, the consequences will be much more difficult to reverse, and the results will be much more stable and lasting.
Just compared this mystery clip with an interview Hunter did and by happenstance he said "life" in the interview as well, and I must concur. That does sound like it could be him.
Listening to it now a few times with my headphones on this is what I hear:
"... so just so you know my life uh, as we're waiting to do this I just agreed to uh, a plea sentence for uhh, a guy..."
It seems like whoever is talking is maybe a bit shocked, or relieved?
"so just so you know my life uh (shit maybe I shouldn't say it like that), as we're waiting to do this I just agreed to uh, (shit they're not going to be happy) a plea sentence for uhh (yea they're not happy), a guy...."
Remember we are only hearing one side of the conversation (unless its a voicemail). At the end it seems like whoever is talking goes on to explain maybe a guy came up to him, explained the situation and gave him a choice? Have the book thrown or sing like a bird?
Video posted from the official white house youtube page as well...very interesting. Highly doubt they would let something like that slip though...im skeptical to say the least.
Thank you. And yes, I heard plea sentence this time, but I'm afraid as it drops off I can't tell if he says crimes. In fact, it sort of sounded like he said guy .. which made no sense to me unless it was someone saying he had agreed to a plea sentence for a guy .. as in a lawyer or judge making that statement. I appreciate the efforts, it's just for me, too hard to make out. Maybe someone with really good hearing will be able to verify it. :D
Listening to it now a few times with my headphones on this is what I hear:
"... so just so you know my life uh, as we're waiting to do this I just agreed to uh, a plea sentence for uhh, a guy..."
It seems like whoever is talking is maybe a bit shocked, or relieved?
"so just so you know my life uh (shit maybe I shouldn't say it like that), as we're waiting to do this I just agreed to uh, (shit they're not going to be happy) a plea sentence for uhh (yea they're not happy), a guy...."
Remember we are only hearing one side of the conversation (unless its a voicemail). At the end it seems like whoever is talking goes on to explain maybe a guy came up to him, explained the situation and gave him a choice? Have the book thrown or sing like a bird?
It is definately on their channel, but not listed. They have the same speech that is 20 mins, but it doesn't have the 1 hour and 16 minute waiting to start.
I bet the WH doesn't even know its there and spreading lmao
Remember when we used to just have words on the screen for the hearing impaired? Now, the 99.9% who can hear have to see the sign language lady 24/7 flopping around. Nothing against her or the impaired, but it's just more of the lefts games and BS. We have had the technology for closed captioning for how long, 30 years? 40 years? THE DEAF CANT READ I GUESS.
Guys, it is possible we really are seeing a movie? Would the military actually force these people to put on this display to waken the rest of the people? They're straight up insane right out the door!
This is what I was thinking on my drive home from work earlier. I'm new to Q but I think I recall seeing a post which was something like "everyone must see." Biden is going balls to the wall hyperspeed ahead and I think its gonna wake people up way faster than anyone thought.
Right? Q said optics are important and that we were watching a movie. They have made productions for a decade legally to use against us! Are the white hats making a movie to avoid civil war? Oh shit! Grab the popcorn! They've faked their whole lives! They could do this!! Hilarious!
In all honesty, it would not surprise me if Hunter has flipped.
This may not be a popular stance and please note that I am in NO way excusing what he has done. But a tiny part of me feels just a little sorry for him. I think that is one massively messed up guy and I lay that on the shoulders of his father.
Lately some of the WTF things I see on here that you guys somehow manage to find are sooo bizarre... but this one by far takes the cake. OP, who are you? Are you working inside Team Trump and gave us this carrot to keep our sanity in tact? Is the military in control? Are you an operator of this simulation? Lmao.
That's fair. I mean finding this one isn't that hard because the voiceover is sooo loud, obvious, and clear. Maybe I just feel this way because I could never bring myself to watch Biden speak lol.
Once you have to start adding random numbers together to convince yourself, you start to make it sound like a LARP... Come on, this stuff is making us look like lunatics.
There is literally zero reason for the cabal to be using numerology except if they're idiots who want to gimp themselves for no reason. I've studied physics and no, the universe is not binary. It working off of mathematics is a little misleading but I see what you mean - it's more that mathematics perfectly describe some aspects of the universe. It's a human-made model that predicts things perfectly, that's all. As for quantum computers, there are no quantum computers yet, the technology is not there yet. Scientists have made the quantum equivalent of a few transistors, which doesn't make into a full on quantum computer. Not to mention that quantum computers would not even be using binary, which is the entire point of quantum computing.
Global pedo rings are obviously a thing, pedos would want to organise themselves so there's nothing far-fetched about it, especially considering that we know laws don't apply to those kinds of people. But adrenochrome is a larp. There's probably sadistic pedos who do terrible things to children (hell, there have been plenty of serial killers like that, unfortunately), but "adrenochrome" is just a chemical with no particular use. A chemical that's found in the brains of schizophrenics, which isn't a good sign for how useful it would be.
Shortly after the audio flub, other coverage of the event pans to a group video call on a TV in the room. Xavier is on the call. Check some of the other outlets' coverage of the event.
Ahhh okay. This makes more sense. OP of the comment made it sound like he listened to it and out of nowhere came to the conclusion that this is a perfect match to the voice of California AG.
Im not tech savy enough to screen record and my speakers on my computer arent working so i cant record a video on my phone watching it from my computer. but uh wtf...
This is a suboptimal solution. The best method is to download the original video, then splice it without reencoding the audio OR video, to only include the relevant information.
Your solution works, but is NOT the go to method for anyone who cares about actual evidence.
If its something i can figure out im open to trying it. Hubby is the tech savy server guy so when he gets home soon ill have him look at it. I kept it up just in case they remove it.
Of course. For those who don't have enough skill to do the proper method, yours is fine.
My intent is not to discourage anyone from archiving things, even if it's suboptimal, but instead to ensure that those who can do it the right way aren't doing it the wrong way. Carry on, pede.
There's an unofficial extension youtube downloader I've been using. It's amazing. One button and you can download any youtube video in any quality available. Also can download videos in mp3.
Funny how the WH turns off comments on these things... they just cannot STAND the probability of dissenting views being expressed, and they by God KNOW that there will be dissenting comments. Hilarious.
It's very hard to hear. I did hear, I just agreed to be sentenced for ... but then I'm not sure he said crimes. Can anyone verify they heard that word clearly?
Sounds kind of like Hunter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-zGwxEGFPg&feature=youtu.be Here’s some more leaked Hunter clips for comparison...make sure to listen to the one where he summons Deimos, god of Terror ? https://l00kinglass.com/springboard/robert-hunter-bidens-laptop/voice-memos Some saying it could be Xavier Baccera (CA AG) https://twitter.com/techno_fog/status/1352401395111100422?s=21
Update: Jack Posobiec is claiming Hunter was not in attendance as he was out with an illness. It’s shady ass Poso so who knows if that’s true
I hear the following: "So just so you know, my life, as they're waiting to do this, I just agreed to a plea sentence for a (unintelligible)..."
Lmao that was loud as fuck. These people are stupid.
There's a 0.0% chance that was an accident.
Or Hunter, not realizing he had a hot mic, is just that stupid... remember, he’s doped up half the time. Can’t imagine how many brain cells he’s already lost. Reason the sound got turned down so fast is because there’s always someone monitoring audio and video on Livestreams
They were trained to believe that they are safe after the election. Even we convinced them of that.
Just "half the time"? You're really optimistic...
Maybe half the time he can't smoke his cocaine and has to do it the old fashioned way?
Meth. Heavy. Pictures posted weeks ago, by Lin and a few others. He now has an entire full set replaced they were so bad. Coke is too mild for him. I am sure you can still find before and after pics online.
The sound got turned back up so we could hear the "plea bargain" part
"Salute the military"
Yep, that says it all, lol.
I agree! No accident.
No, these people are STUPID lol
I had my volume cranked expecting it to be a whisper
Ouch, my condolences on your ear drums pede lol
HAD to be Hunter. Loud mouthed Whiney bitch
I've never heard him talk before this, he is such a faggot
Hahah right?! I had the volume turned up and my ear near the speaker because I thought it was going to be difficult to hear
I'm hearing "So just so you know my life, uh, as we're waiting to do this I just agreed to, uh, uh, a plea sentence for uh, uh, a guy ...."
Ya that's what i heard
Could be a judge or an attorney talking about a case? Agreeing to a plea sentence?
Yes, exactly. ☠️☠️☠️
agreed, the last bit is Unintelligible, to me sounds like "a guys" or anything that rhymes similar.
And if it was true, why the heck would he be saying it on camera? unless Q told him too.
Edit: but yes it definitely says "be sentenced for/plea sentence", can't think of many other meanings for that. Also is there an A.I. website or anyone with skills able to remove Biden's voice and enhance the other voice?
It sounds like a cellphone recording (iPhone using the Apple wired earphones with mic). Maybe it was a phone call or Voicemail. "FISA goes both ways". They probably had a FISA on Hunter for the majority of Trump's first term.
I think it was "...for the Big Guy..."
will the big guy serve 50% of the sentence?
and 10% for the big guy ?
I thought it said plea sentence for a man that was the best I could hear
Just from the wording, that was my thought. Hunter blabbing away.
Would the same White House technical staff that were working for the Trump admin have stayed on? Perhaps someone on the Q team could have assigned them a mission...
This is the only thing that makes sense for me. Trump Team is in control, inauguration is all for show, and they just threw us a bone. Voice recordings like this dont magically show up overtop of a video like this. This is insane lol.
I think tjeybare all performing for their lives all controlled. They will make them reveal the truth themselves
My god. Imagine, decapitating the head of the money snake a week or two back and dissolving the US corporation and then letting the wretches try and keep up the act as long as they can before the money runs dry and people start flipping.
Oh man make them incriminate themselves move would be powerful, but I feel like the margin of error would be too great to gamble with.
On the contrary, I believe them incriminating themselves is less of a gamble, at least in the long run. And the long game is the most important game & the one we have been losing until now.
Short-term, yes, it is a gamble that they get away with it for another few years. But those who know the truth will always be tailing them & will have more chances to get them as time moves on.
The other side of the gamble is longevity. They are more likely to win lasting change by slow walking them instead of moving in & prosecuting them right away because instead of simply telling the people of their crimes & expecting them to believe it, they are showing them. Humans are creatures of sight--Gar, far more sure of something they've seen with their own two eyes than of that which they are told. Making sure every last person gets at least a good glimpse of the truth makes it undeniable, leaves almost no room for doubt in the people's minds, will create unity in prosecuting & proceeding forward, the conclusions will be much harder to convince the people otherwise, the consequences will be much more difficult to reverse, and the results will be much more stable and lasting.
Either way it’s common for non-political (secretaries, chefs, hands, technical staff) staff to stay on for multiple administrations.
Someone archive!
It's not Hunter. It's XAVIER BECERRA.
I agree. Focus on the "uuuh" breaks in his speech pattern. It is unique.
WTF? At first I thought someone was fucking with us, but that’s the actual WH stream! Holy shit!
Could it have been some kind of accidental blue tooth connection?
sounds a lot like hunter
Just compared this mystery clip with an interview Hunter did and by happenstance he said "life" in the interview as well, and I must concur. That does sound like it could be him.
I heard “just so you know my life. I agreed to a plea sentence...”
That’s what I heard too
I agree with your ears, but then in addition to that:
As it trails off, I believe it says, "A guy"
Pasting my below comment here for visibility:
Listening to it now a few times with my headphones on this is what I hear:
"... so just so you know my life uh, as we're waiting to do this I just agreed to uh, a plea sentence for uhh, a guy..."
It seems like whoever is talking is maybe a bit shocked, or relieved?
"so just so you know my life uh (shit maybe I shouldn't say it like that), as we're waiting to do this I just agreed to uh, (shit they're not going to be happy) a plea sentence for uhh (yea they're not happy), a guy...."
Remember we are only hearing one side of the conversation (unless its a voicemail). At the end it seems like whoever is talking goes on to explain maybe a guy came up to him, explained the situation and gave him a choice? Have the book thrown or sing like a bird?
Just my thoughts
Pleassee be a preview of recorded confessions lol
Maybe military tribunals ARE going on now. Wouldn't that be something.
Video posted from the official white house youtube page as well...very interesting. Highly doubt they would let something like that slip though...im skeptical to say the least.
thats what made me pause it wasnt some repost its the whitehouse....
Any idea what the chain link next to the word unlisted means underneath the title?
You have to have the direct link to the video to watch it. "Unlisted"
essentially the video has been deleted to anyone who doesn't already have the link.
Means it is unlisted on youtube
No,it’s still there for me
That’s because you have it cached on your computer. DO NOT refresh your browser until you record it.
will we start seeing patriots setting up more hot mic moments?
I sure hope so
They can't stop anything. White hats control.
It’s taken down
Okay.... whoever is running this simulation is fucking with us....
God is running the "simulation", fyi.
Archive this.
Done: https://files.catbox.moe/3ktyh2.wmv
I also hear "agreed to a plea sentence for..." trails off. I think it is "plea sentence" instead of "be sentenced."
Thank you. And yes, I heard plea sentence this time, but I'm afraid as it drops off I can't tell if he says crimes. In fact, it sort of sounded like he said guy .. which made no sense to me unless it was someone saying he had agreed to a plea sentence for a guy .. as in a lawyer or judge making that statement. I appreciate the efforts, it's just for me, too hard to make out. Maybe someone with really good hearing will be able to verify it. :D
I agree, it sounds like “guy” to me.
Listening to it now a few times with my headphones on this is what I hear:
"... so just so you know my life uh, as we're waiting to do this I just agreed to uh, a plea sentence for uhh, a guy..."
It seems like whoever is talking is maybe a bit shocked, or relieved?
"so just so you know my life uh (shit maybe I shouldn't say it like that), as we're waiting to do this I just agreed to uh, (shit they're not going to be happy) a plea sentence for uhh (yea they're not happy), a guy...."
Remember we are only hearing one side of the conversation (unless its a voicemail). At the end it seems like whoever is talking goes on to explain maybe a guy came up to him, explained the situation and gave him a choice? Have the book thrown or sing like a bird?
Just my thoughts
yeah now I agree sounds more like plea sentance. either way what in the actual fuck...?
Thank you!
Following. To me it sounds like "crimes" not "guy"?
Fucking windows media. How about in a format that people actually use?
sorry I used a screen grab that someone told me to use. I am still learning how to do it. Go watch it on the Youtube if you don't believe me.
Is this better? MP4? https://files.catbox.moe/ajb7o7.mp4
Yes thank you!
LMAO the video is already unlisted
They are unlisting all the WH videos it seems.
I can still get it to work with this share LINK
It is definately on their channel, but not listed. They have the same speech that is 20 mins, but it doesn't have the 1 hour and 16 minute waiting to start.
I bet the WH doesn't even know its there and spreading lmao
We're gonna need a bigger memory hole
Streamable clip: https://streamable.com/0bh0zx
Remember when we used to just have words on the screen for the hearing impaired? Now, the 99.9% who can hear have to see the sign language lady 24/7 flopping around. Nothing against her or the impaired, but it's just more of the lefts games and BS. We have had the technology for closed captioning for how long, 30 years? 40 years? THE DEAF CANT READ I GUESS.
Xavier Becerra is the voice we here. You can compare his voice to other videos on youtube like I just did.
Bizarre who's voice could that be?
Hunter! I heard him say he agreed to a plea sentence. Interdasting as fuck!
Guys, it is possible we really are seeing a movie? Would the military actually force these people to put on this display to waken the rest of the people? They're straight up insane right out the door!
This is what I was thinking on my drive home from work earlier. I'm new to Q but I think I recall seeing a post which was something like "everyone must see." Biden is going balls to the wall hyperspeed ahead and I think its gonna wake people up way faster than anyone thought.
Right? Q said optics are important and that we were watching a movie. They have made productions for a decade legally to use against us! Are the white hats making a movie to avoid civil war? Oh shit! Grab the popcorn! They've faked their whole lives! They could do this!! Hilarious!
In all honesty, it would not surprise me if Hunter has flipped.
This may not be a popular stance and please note that I am in NO way excusing what he has done. But a tiny part of me feels just a little sorry for him. I think that is one massively messed up guy and I lay that on the shoulders of his father.
And out of his dead big brother’s shadow. Daddy obviously always preferred Beau and still does.
i always thought the laptop story seems a little far-fetched
Why would the Big Guy pardon him and take 50% when he can let him rot and take 100?
Sounds like "Plea Sentence".
sounds to me like "peace" something
I just screen recorded it (showing it playing on the official whitehouse YouTube page) in case it gets deleted
Also- every single video has its comments turned off ?
Thank you, that's what I wanted to do immediately but I have no idea how. haha
Dissenter is still up
Link please?
Can you post it? Original is already bye bye
Good thinking This is wilddd
Lately some of the WTF things I see on here that you guys somehow manage to find are sooo bizarre... but this one by far takes the cake. OP, who are you? Are you working inside Team Trump and gave us this carrot to keep our sanity in tact? Is the military in control? Are you an operator of this simulation? Lmao.
hahaha just a stay at home patriot mama whos been diving in since we went to dc on the 6th and shit went sour.
That's fair. I mean finding this one isn't that hard because the voiceover is sooo loud, obvious, and clear. Maybe I just feel this way because I could never bring myself to watch Biden speak lol.
haha trust me its really hard. but ive been wanting to see whats being said. hoping i could catch something. and i fucking did. hahaha
WTF is this? It is real. Just heard myself.
It 100% says, "a plea sentence for a guy uhh" I have really nice headphones on. lol
Whoever it is, you first hear the voice inhale (i.e. playback of recording starts) at 1:16:36.
I mean it could be a coincidence...
Fuuuuuck bro
Fuck....Time travel is real or this is a simulation. No human can be that precise with “random” event ?
How can people say Q is a LARP????
Once you have to start adding random numbers together to convince yourself, you start to make it sound like a LARP... Come on, this stuff is making us look like lunatics.
There is literally zero reason for the cabal to be using numerology except if they're idiots who want to gimp themselves for no reason. I've studied physics and no, the universe is not binary. It working off of mathematics is a little misleading but I see what you mean - it's more that mathematics perfectly describe some aspects of the universe. It's a human-made model that predicts things perfectly, that's all. As for quantum computers, there are no quantum computers yet, the technology is not there yet. Scientists have made the quantum equivalent of a few transistors, which doesn't make into a full on quantum computer. Not to mention that quantum computers would not even be using binary, which is the entire point of quantum computing.
Global pedo rings are obviously a thing, pedos would want to organise themselves so there's nothing far-fetched about it, especially considering that we know laws don't apply to those kinds of people. But adrenochrome is a larp. There's probably sadistic pedos who do terrible things to children (hell, there have been plenty of serial killers like that, unfortunately), but "adrenochrome" is just a chemical with no particular use. A chemical that's found in the brains of schizophrenics, which isn't a good sign for how useful it would be.
Omfg. This is major.
Official WH video and it clears says that. I heard plea aswell
Whoa what??
WTF? That was really bizarre
No fucking way. That’s a fucking hot ass mic
holy shit, that's 100% Hunter's voice!
its Xavier Becerra from cali. Look it up
Who is that?
Attorney General of California
Wtf how do you know it's that random guy? lol.
LISTEN TO OTHER YOUTUBE VIDEOS OF XAVIER BECERRA. He is the attorney general of California. Its not hard to cross reference and listen to him.
Alright tough guys. Lucky I don't take you behind the gym and beat the hell out of ya!
Shortly after the audio flub, other coverage of the event pans to a group video call on a TV in the room. Xavier is on the call. Check some of the other outlets' coverage of the event.
Ahhh okay. This makes more sense. OP of the comment made it sound like he listened to it and out of nowhere came to the conclusion that this is a perfect match to the voice of California AG.
Im not tech savy enough to screen record and my speakers on my computer arent working so i cant record a video on my phone watching it from my computer. but uh wtf...
download a program called ShareX, it lets you take screen snippets, gif and video recordings of sections of your screen or whole screen. And its free.
This is a suboptimal solution. The best method is to download the original video, then splice it without reencoding the audio OR video, to only include the relevant information.
Your solution works, but is NOT the go to method for anyone who cares about actual evidence.
Correct, but that requires some technical skill and i get the sense OP is just looking for something quick and easy.
If its something i can figure out im open to trying it. Hubby is the tech savy server guy so when he gets home soon ill have him look at it. I kept it up just in case they remove it.
Of course. For those who don't have enough skill to do the proper method, yours is fine.
My intent is not to discourage anyone from archiving things, even if it's suboptimal, but instead to ensure that those who can do it the right way aren't doing it the wrong way. Carry on, pede.
thank you!!
There's an unofficial extension youtube downloader I've been using. It's amazing. One button and you can download any youtube video in any quality available. Also can download videos in mp3.
its definitely a plea sentence he said
Anyone read sign language?
That’s be awesome if one for Hunter popped up there where he was speaking,
what's the sign for smoking crack?
Am I the only one who starts to post an hypothesis, only to delete it because if there’s a chance I’m right, it could give the wrong people ideas? ?
Another Biden managing to fuck things up. Oh shit, am I on? Sorry dad, as he was getting some head from the guy in the media truck.
Senile gibberish. Insane.
Woa what the actual fuck.
Funny how the WH turns off comments on these things... they just cannot STAND the probability of dissenting views being expressed, and they by God KNOW that there will be dissenting comments. Hilarious.
I heard "agreed for a plea sentence for a, uh, crime..."
Stop coughing everywhere, you disgusting fuck.
It's very hard to hear. I did hear, I just agreed to be sentenced for ... but then I'm not sure he said crimes. Can anyone verify they heard that word clearly?
Not working for me.
aww shit. im keeping my video tab open without refreshing it until my super tech savy hubby can come home and help me save it. its so weird...
It’s already scrubbed off YouTube.
tbh it sounds like he's a lawyer who agreed to a plea sentence for a guy aka his client....