It gets harder and harder for them to maintain control with large populations. The Ponzi scheme starts to break down so rather than relinquish control, they “rebalance the budget” by eliminating large chunks of society. I remember reading an essay about how all the major wars tracked identically with economic depressions. And how it’s no mistake that wars used to be fought by lining everyone up (maximize the death toll, make everyone an easy target, and take their debts off the books). Sick assholes. There’s more than enough room on this planet if they just cut us loose).
It seems in every pyramid scheme the people at the tippy top need more and more useful idiots at the bottom to buy in to keep the whole thing going. Eventually the bottom starts becoming less useful and more useless and that’s when the tippy top sees the writing on the wall and pulls the plug on the scheme. They get out rich and then intentionally trigger the collapse themselves. That way they are able to direct and steer it away from themselves.
Another angel came out of the Temple, crying out in a loud voice to the one who sat on the cloud, "Swing your sickle, and gather the harvest, for the hour has come to gather it, because the harvest of the earth is fully ripe."
Yea, what is it with them? They've obviously figured out how to succeed in the World as is. Why not just buy an island and create their own little world? Leave the rest of us alone.
This. If the mega-rich were really that concerned and philanthropic, they would spend and or donate billions towards replenishing the biosphere, including working with governments of developing nations with large populations to promote sustainable use of their environments. But as we now plainly and horrifically see, their interests are firmly rooted elsewhere. It merely goes to prove the adage that the most successful in business are the most psychopathic, and indeed it is rare to find a multi-billionaire that hasn't got that way by being narcissistic in the extreme and megalomaniacal in the first place.
As much as I disagree with it, I can understand it. You have conquered pretty much everything in the physical world when you become a billionaire... no more hills to climb in business. Running Amazon can get boring. Some choose space. Others, sit around thinking about how they can use their billions to FIX the world.
To be honest, we Humans do make a big ass mess of Earth. Cutting down the forests, polluting the oceans, etc. That much is true. And, how do you stop it? You can't while individual nations control everything within their own borders. Nations like Brazil can decimate their rainforest if they choose to and nobody can stop it.
But, if you can implement control over everything (World Government?) then you can stop it. You can implement global macro policies for the entire world. That may be the only way.
So, you got to take the guns. You got to cut down on freedom and individual liberty. It's all about the planet. That becomes their new motivation. They don't feel evil because they believe it's all for the greater good. And, of course, THEY will be in charge.
Not to mention the possibility of Humanity engaging with Alien races. Do you think any alien race really wants to deal with hundreds of countries? There is probably some kind of prime directive that they don't engage openly until we are a completely unified planet with a single overarching government.
Let's face it. A global government is inevitable. The ultimate question is what form will it take? I think this kind of cycle of consolidation occurs in many things... such as industry sectors... pretty much anything where humans are motivated to acquire power.
At some point, the only way to be truly FREE again, settlers will need to leave Earth and escape the ever-present and ever-growing bureaucracy.
Anyway, to bring it back to the original point. Changing the world one way or another is how billionaires feel a continual sense of accomplishment.... and we don't stop them because we are all so focused in paying the mortgage or putting food on the table for our kids.
Like any institution it all comes down to who governs it. If Jesus, well that would be Heaven on earth... if His and our adversary... hell on earth. We're seeing the second option play out currently.
And that’s why he’s burning right now. He never had the ability to use his power to elevate man, because evil permeates these monsters. They are demons from hell, not concerned with helping anyone.
Well, yes, obviously. But I was hoping that OP could, I dunno, post something with a little more meat than an image?
Yes, I plan on doing research on my own as I'm unfamiliar with this person and fine this topic interesting (this is something that I shouldn't even need to specify as this is a research board, but people assume that if you ask for sources that they are being lazy) but I don't find that asking for a jumping off point is too off-base.
Same here - on a research board, source material should always be linked to. To me - this is just a picture. I give it 0 validity. It's too 'perfect', exactly what we 'want to hear'. Like you, I almost decided to look for the source material - but I am lazy, ie I have shit to do and don't have time to validate this picture. In my experience 9 out of 10 of these are just pictures, no real source.
Just skimmed through that. Couldn't find the quotes above. Assuming the link above is the entire interview I would say the claim of this post seems questionable.
Nope, this is round 1, they won't reach < 500,000,000, now i think things will be like a game, like those escape the room, escape the trap, who lost his instinct and trust in himself will fade either in a round or the other
It would make more sense for them to do it in waves over a decade or two lopping off a 1% or 2% segment at a time to subdue adverse economical effects. It allows to time for population density to sort of rebalance. People that died can be replaced by others in their positions and maintain production, etc, housing markets somewhat stabilized with new tenants buying from he dead etc.
If you just snapped away 10% of the population in one day it turn off the economic engine and be really hard to turn it back on but of you kill off 1% a year for 10 years the engine will stutter but ultimately still work.
I say all this because I assume they want to avoid economic collapse as some priority otherwise there are not too many winners in all this.
They would have to depopulate while still maintaining proportionate production and velocity of goods.
That would be the case if they cared about our money, but, if you study a little their plan and how things have been done for centuries, they created money to enslave us, they own everything, the banking system is their system, and what they look at, is not printed useless paper, but on material level metals on a small part (gold mainly), for the rest they have already everything and control everything, and they said soon the fiat would go, we are getting near there, after you'll have either 2 ways, probably a social scoring system based on blockchain technologies, so be a good sheep and you will have credits to pay, or barter by your own / community
Yep, China was the basement for the social scoring and top notch tech, London surveillance, Canada now state of police, In Italy soon you'll need to justify even why you are maskless in your own toilet, and so forth, they got in a rush, and now also global warming is needed to actually kill the food economy and push Gates synthetic meat, so seems each country is being used to test some specific stuffs and probably different ways to steal rights, so that they will have multiple approach and can select the ' best one ' (for themselves)
I wondered about that in "Infinity Wars" with Thanos cutting the population full in half. The damage of the lost skills from people who went poof would lead to even more deaths, what with lost logistics, et al.
Still, collapsing the economy may also be part of the plan. Hyperinflation. Why Biden is spending like there's not only no tomorrow, but no one hour from now.
I agree - the gradual approach makes more sense. They’ve been conditioning us to expect some sort of 2012, mad max scenario since forever but that wouldn’t make any sense. If it’s too extreme of a shift, people would immediately move to a war footing and they’d lose. Continue this long gradual approach and nobody knows they should be fighting back. I think this is why they chose the soft pandemic approach. If it was like 28 days later, the rulers would already have a bullseye painted on them. Instead, people are slowly getting chipped away at while not even realizing they’re in a battle. If it had been abrupt, the ruling class would’ve already lost any control they had (aside from hiding in bunkers or some shit).
How do we know this was from 40 years ago? We have seen other future forecasts from the "past" that were faked going back to the VOAT days. Just being a skeptic.
I don't think that Jacques Attali is a billionnaire.
But he was advisor of Mitterand, Sarkozy, Hollande and put Macron in place
Now this statement supposedly made in 1981 could be FAKE NEWS. Attali says it is FAKE NEWS and that he has never said that. We can't find this statement in Salomon's book The face in the Future. You already know that the french fact checker did their job about this claim. But a anon told me this statement was in the first edition of the book and disappeared in the second edition. Hard to know if it's true.
Although, I listen to Attali since a long time (to know the DS plan) and if this claim effectively appears in the first edition, I wouldn't be surprised at all.
"Firstly, because we will have to deal with all the tragedies, aftershocks, bankruptcies, job losses, studies that were ruined, missed vocations, and projects that were destroyed during these almost two years.
Furthermore, because we will have to prepare for the probable emergence of new variants resistant to the current vaccines, and resist the despair that could follow the need for new lockdowns, while waiting to produce billions of doses of new vaccines at very high speed, and organise worldwide vaccination campaigns; we will have to accept that we will have to do this every year, for decades to come; for this disease and no doubt for many others. We will then have to decide to finally do everything that we should have done a year ago to prepare our society to live as well as possible in a world faced with multiple pandemics: by reorganizing study and work spaces, so that they are structurally adapted to these types of periods, which we could experience periodically."
What of the intelligent people who didn't take the GMO VAX, but died from the self-spreading nature of it? Seems to me EVERYONE will die if it's communicable?
(184,) 833: ". . ., You are SHEEP to them.
Pawns to be sacrificed., . . ."
666: " . . ., Still don't believe you are SHEEP to them?, . . ."
953: ". . ., They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE., . . ."
1010: ". . ., MONEY.
People are simply in the way.
4397, 4409: " . . ., Your life means nothing to them [sheep]., . . ."
1010: ". . ., People are simply in the way.
WOW — first if this was known in ‘81 then the white hats had time to prepare an offensive.
Second, why would you kill off the sheep? Aren’t they easier to control? Clearly taking the vaxx is stupid & potentially lethal so it lines up as does Cuomo & other governors putting covid patients in with the elderly.
I did a quick search on this guy and apparently he's a well-regarded economist and writer. And while he is definitely better off than most people ($5 million net worth), he's obviously not a billionaire.
Much of peoples intelligence relies on environment, and not genetics. This culling would also kill the empathetic among us, leaving those who are both selfish and cruel.
I'm surprised of all the upvotes on what appears to be misinformation. Doesn't anyone do any research on a post, if research is warranted, before upvoting?
I didn't say it is, I said it appears to be. And that's based on the little bit of investigation I did, which was to search for the quotes listed above in the article posted which appears to be the transcript of the interview.
Greek mythology had the story of Cassandra. She had prophecies and knew the future. But she was cursed, because no one would ever listen to her warnings.
What is it about billionaires and depopulation?
It gets harder and harder for them to maintain control with large populations. The Ponzi scheme starts to break down so rather than relinquish control, they “rebalance the budget” by eliminating large chunks of society. I remember reading an essay about how all the major wars tracked identically with economic depressions. And how it’s no mistake that wars used to be fought by lining everyone up (maximize the death toll, make everyone an easy target, and take their debts off the books). Sick assholes. There’s more than enough room on this planet if they just cut us loose).
It seems in every pyramid scheme the people at the tippy top need more and more useful idiots at the bottom to buy in to keep the whole thing going. Eventually the bottom starts becoming less useful and more useless and that’s when the tippy top sees the writing on the wall and pulls the plug on the scheme. They get out rich and then intentionally trigger the collapse themselves. That way they are able to direct and steer it away from themselves.
Harvesting the crop
Reminds me of Revelations 14:15
Another angel came out of the Temple, crying out in a loud voice to the one who sat on the cloud, "Swing your sickle, and gather the harvest, for the hour has come to gather it, because the harvest of the earth is fully ripe."
It segues straight into Thanos' fingersnap.
I made an amateurish meme about this haha
meme link
Any idea where this agenda originated from?
It really is sickening, the stuff of movie plots (guess they have source material somewhere).
Maybe mass death of body and mind/spirit is just the agenda of the devil?
Satan. Half of these billionaires are either satanic occultists or secular humanists.
Either way this man is pure evil and like Bill Gates will be spending eternity in hell.
I'm a laveyan Satanist. There is no Satan in my religion and you do no harm unless someone harms you.
Lavey was writing about the issues with the looney left decades ago
Anton Levey
Yea, what is it with them? They've obviously figured out how to succeed in the World as is. Why not just buy an island and create their own little world? Leave the rest of us alone.
They can’t do that. They’re so evil that they need to destroy. It makes then feel good.
It's much easier to control a smaller population, and to hoarded more wealth when less people have it.
Billionaires? Oh honey.
Their egos, greed, and selfishness.
This. If the mega-rich were really that concerned and philanthropic, they would spend and or donate billions towards replenishing the biosphere, including working with governments of developing nations with large populations to promote sustainable use of their environments. But as we now plainly and horrifically see, their interests are firmly rooted elsewhere. It merely goes to prove the adage that the most successful in business are the most psychopathic, and indeed it is rare to find a multi-billionaire that hasn't got that way by being narcissistic in the extreme and megalomaniacal in the first place.
Their disdain, supremacy, and ideology
As much as I disagree with it, I can understand it. You have conquered pretty much everything in the physical world when you become a billionaire... no more hills to climb in business. Running Amazon can get boring. Some choose space. Others, sit around thinking about how they can use their billions to FIX the world.
To be honest, we Humans do make a big ass mess of Earth. Cutting down the forests, polluting the oceans, etc. That much is true. And, how do you stop it? You can't while individual nations control everything within their own borders. Nations like Brazil can decimate their rainforest if they choose to and nobody can stop it.
But, if you can implement control over everything (World Government?) then you can stop it. You can implement global macro policies for the entire world. That may be the only way.
So, you got to take the guns. You got to cut down on freedom and individual liberty. It's all about the planet. That becomes their new motivation. They don't feel evil because they believe it's all for the greater good. And, of course, THEY will be in charge.
Not to mention the possibility of Humanity engaging with Alien races. Do you think any alien race really wants to deal with hundreds of countries? There is probably some kind of prime directive that they don't engage openly until we are a completely unified planet with a single overarching government.
Let's face it. A global government is inevitable. The ultimate question is what form will it take? I think this kind of cycle of consolidation occurs in many things... such as industry sectors... pretty much anything where humans are motivated to acquire power.
At some point, the only way to be truly FREE again, settlers will need to leave Earth and escape the ever-present and ever-growing bureaucracy.
Anyway, to bring it back to the original point. Changing the world one way or another is how billionaires feel a continual sense of accomplishment.... and we don't stop them because we are all so focused in paying the mortgage or putting food on the table for our kids.
Like any institution it all comes down to who governs it. If Jesus, well that would be Heaven on earth... if His and our adversary... hell on earth. We're seeing the second option play out currently.
odds are he accumulated his wealth by exploiting millions of people
Odds are he also worships Satan
And that’s why he’s burning right now. He never had the ability to use his power to elevate man, because evil permeates these monsters. They are demons from hell, not concerned with helping anyone.
He's a Jew. He hates the goy.
We must all make sure we succeed and [they] all die violent deaths.
Is there a source for these quotes??
The irony here is epic.
Yes. Right after the blue text. I imagine you can DDG it based on the info given there.
Well, yes, obviously. But I was hoping that OP could, I dunno, post something with a little more meat than an image?
Yes, I plan on doing research on my own as I'm unfamiliar with this person and fine this topic interesting (this is something that I shouldn't even need to specify as this is a research board, but people assume that if you ask for sources that they are being lazy) but I don't find that asking for a jumping off point is too off-base.
Same here - on a research board, source material should always be linked to. To me - this is just a picture. I give it 0 validity. It's too 'perfect', exactly what we 'want to hear'. Like you, I almost decided to look for the source material - but I am lazy, ie I have shit to do and don't have time to validate this picture. In my experience 9 out of 10 of these are just pictures, no real source.
I get your point and it would definitely be easier if there was a link posted with this post. I'll dig a bit and see if I can come up with something.
No worries! There is a lot out there from this particular eugenicist, so I'm not lacking in material... still digging down to get to this 1981 event.
Here's the interview.
Have at it.
Just skimmed through that. Couldn't find the quotes above. Assuming the link above is the entire interview I would say the claim of this post seems questionable.
It's a whole cloth fabrication.
Read the entire interview. None of what he says in this image, in context, is in the above image.
This is full-on bullshit.
Fair enough.
Check the early life section
Every fucking time
Amen. They don’t deserve any power considering what they’ve done to this world.
What am i missing?
The Jew.
I see (((early life section)))
And what’s to become of the non stupid people who are left? Will “they” be satisfied with their population reduction and leave us be?
Nope, this is round 1, they won't reach < 500,000,000, now i think things will be like a game, like those escape the room, escape the trap, who lost his instinct and trust in himself will fade either in a round or the other
It would make more sense for them to do it in waves over a decade or two lopping off a 1% or 2% segment at a time to subdue adverse economical effects. It allows to time for population density to sort of rebalance. People that died can be replaced by others in their positions and maintain production, etc, housing markets somewhat stabilized with new tenants buying from he dead etc.
If you just snapped away 10% of the population in one day it turn off the economic engine and be really hard to turn it back on but of you kill off 1% a year for 10 years the engine will stutter but ultimately still work.
I say all this because I assume they want to avoid economic collapse as some priority otherwise there are not too many winners in all this.
They would have to depopulate while still maintaining proportionate production and velocity of goods.
That would be the case if they cared about our money, but, if you study a little their plan and how things have been done for centuries, they created money to enslave us, they own everything, the banking system is their system, and what they look at, is not printed useless paper, but on material level metals on a small part (gold mainly), for the rest they have already everything and control everything, and they said soon the fiat would go, we are getting near there, after you'll have either 2 ways, probably a social scoring system based on blockchain technologies, so be a good sheep and you will have credits to pay, or barter by your own / community
So like brave new world socioeconomic system layered with 1984 thought police legal system.
I always figured it would be one or the other, seems like we are going to get a bit of both at once then.
Yep, China was the basement for the social scoring and top notch tech, London surveillance, Canada now state of police, In Italy soon you'll need to justify even why you are maskless in your own toilet, and so forth, they got in a rush, and now also global warming is needed to actually kill the food economy and push Gates synthetic meat, so seems each country is being used to test some specific stuffs and probably different ways to steal rights, so that they will have multiple approach and can select the ' best one ' (for themselves)
Was just watching this yesterday, exactly about BNW and 1984
I wondered about that in "Infinity Wars" with Thanos cutting the population full in half. The damage of the lost skills from people who went poof would lead to even more deaths, what with lost logistics, et al.
Still, collapsing the economy may also be part of the plan. Hyperinflation. Why Biden is spending like there's not only no tomorrow, but no one hour from now.
I agree - the gradual approach makes more sense. They’ve been conditioning us to expect some sort of 2012, mad max scenario since forever but that wouldn’t make any sense. If it’s too extreme of a shift, people would immediately move to a war footing and they’d lose. Continue this long gradual approach and nobody knows they should be fighting back. I think this is why they chose the soft pandemic approach. If it was like 28 days later, the rulers would already have a bullseye painted on them. Instead, people are slowly getting chipped away at while not even realizing they’re in a battle. If it had been abrupt, the ruling class would’ve already lost any control they had (aside from hiding in bunkers or some shit).
When the unclean (vaccinated) are gone, the deplorables (us) will have to go after the "elites".
sounds like he's looking for the Final Solution
I'll second the other comment about wanting source for the quotes. One search I just did said Jacque Attali did not make these comments.
So what's going to protect them from the rage of the "smart" people who saw their loved ones killed like this?
If this is real, it is fucking nuts!
How do we know this was from 40 years ago? We have seen other future forecasts from the "past" that were faked going back to the VOAT days. Just being a skeptic.
Where does the saying “the world needs ditch diggers too” come into play. The billionaires didn’t think about that - did they.
They think they will have robots now.
I think I may be ok with the stupid ones ... 90 percent lib's gone .. That sounds wonderful .. The rest can be shoved down his throat to choke on
Spoken like a true Freemason.
Freemasonry is Judaism for gentiles.
I don't think that Jacques Attali is a billionnaire. But he was advisor of Mitterand, Sarkozy, Hollande and put Macron in place
Now this statement supposedly made in 1981 could be FAKE NEWS. Attali says it is FAKE NEWS and that he has never said that. We can't find this statement in Salomon's book The face in the Future. You already know that the french fact checker did their job about this claim. But a anon told me this statement was in the first edition of the book and disappeared in the second edition. Hard to know if it's true.
Although, I listen to Attali since a long time (to know the DS plan) and if this claim effectively appears in the first edition, I wouldn't be surprised at all.
Attali is 77 years old - wonder why he's still breathing if he truly feels that at his age, he's costing society?
Because he’s a typical piece of shit, socialist, hypocrite.
Yep, you nailed it!
He's a member of the Chosen race. So shut your mouth and quite being anti-semitic!
**The Pandemic, What About After?**Jacques Attali
"Firstly, because we will have to deal with all the tragedies, aftershocks, bankruptcies, job losses, studies that were ruined, missed vocations, and projects that were destroyed during these almost two years.
Furthermore, because we will have to prepare for the probable emergence of new variants resistant to the current vaccines, and resist the despair that could follow the need for new lockdowns, while waiting to produce billions of doses of new vaccines at very high speed, and organise worldwide vaccination campaigns; we will have to accept that we will have to do this every year, for decades to come; for this disease and no doubt for many others. We will then have to decide to finally do everything that we should have done a year ago to prepare our society to live as well as possible in a world faced with multiple pandemics: by reorganizing study and work spaces, so that they are structurally adapted to these types of periods, which we could experience periodically."
Looks like fake news, assuming this link (which someone in the comments provided) is the interview:
What of the intelligent people who didn't take the GMO VAX, but died from the self-spreading nature of it? Seems to me EVERYONE will die if it's communicable?
They want to get down to 500 million somehow.
Reminders of how they perceive you, from Q -
(184,) 833: ". . ., You are SHEEP to them. Pawns to be sacrificed., . . ."
666: " . . ., Still don't believe you are SHEEP to them?, . . ."
953: ". . ., They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE., . . ."
4397, 4409: " . . ., Your life means nothing to them [sheep]., . . ."
WOW — first if this was known in ‘81 then the white hats had time to prepare an offensive. Second, why would you kill off the sheep? Aren’t they easier to control? Clearly taking the vaxx is stupid & potentially lethal so it lines up as does Cuomo & other governors putting covid patients in with the elderly.
Attali Quote:
I did a quick search on this guy and apparently he's a well-regarded economist and writer. And while he is definitely better off than most people ($5 million net worth), he's obviously not a billionaire.
The WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM was founded by Klaus Schwab in 1971. Longtime Bilderberg STEERING COMMITEE MEMBER
Much of peoples intelligence relies on environment, and not genetics. This culling would also kill the empathetic among us, leaving those who are both selfish and cruel.
Globalist Banker Predicted Scamdemic & Genocide of The Useless (1981')
I was just saying this to a relative do we think that those people of “Congress” really got the shot?
Is this absolutely verified? I was just getting ready to post this to FB, but I don't like to post things I am not almost 100% sure are true.
seems to be from 'earlier' texts of his, but seems to be 'removed' in the later, read the comments and decide for your self, great info in comments
I posted it to FB with the link to the article, with a title "Food for Thought".
Culling of the NPCs.
I'm a fan. Imagine a world free of morons in face masks, that can't shut up about LeBron or the Kardashians.
Sounds good to me.
Guy is bang on with what's going on right now.
I'm surprised of all the upvotes on what appears to be misinformation. Doesn't anyone do any research on a post, if research is warranted, before upvoting?
from other comments this may or may not be misinformation, just because you say it is doesn't make it so
i wanted feedback on it and that's what i got
I didn't say it is, I said it appears to be. And that's based on the little bit of investigation I did, which was to search for the quotes listed above in the article posted which appears to be the transcript of the interview.
Can confirm. Sadly.
Another modern-day Cassandra here... Bruised and battered. Still trying.
Which is worse?
Greek mythology had the story of Cassandra. She had prophecies and knew the future. But she was cursed, because no one would ever listen to her warnings.