I believe that we are in the Beginning of Sorrows, which means that this generation will see the Second Coming. With evil escalating exponentially - and by the millisecond -- mankind is hurtling toward disaster at breakneck speed. God intervened when things were way out of hand two millennia ago. I don't see how things could be allowed to get much worse, but then we do know what is to happen during the great tribulation, so we know that it will.
We are seeing the foreshortening of days, at least in my perception, and as I understand things we are awaiting rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem -- which seems to be imminent -- and the two witnesses with the abomination that makes desolate coming on the scene ahead of the anti-Christ. I suspected that the St. Peter event a couple of years ago was that abomination, but that is mere speculation on my part.
In any case, it has never been a better time to get right with the Lord and look up, for our redemption is at hand!
This is my perception. Sauce is available on the web - I can dig for it if anyone looks and can't find it.
I've been thinking about this a lot lately. This means that "the plan" must fail, right? The Mark of the Beast system MUST come to pass. Either "the plan" must fail, or the Patriots / The Alliance are the "second beast"...A.K.A. the "beast of light." So, once the Cabal falls, perhaps whatever system the Patriots put into play will actually be the mark of the beast (the second beast...or beast of the light). Either option is disturbing. I hope I'm wrong.
u/alittletotheright I've been meaning to make a post asking about this but you beat me to it. I've been wondering where "the plan" fits into the timeline of the Bible, if at all. The thing that's been bugging me is I know the end times must happen, and if the plan works that either means the end times are still further away, or the plan will kick off end times. Very interesting.
I try to explain this exact thing to my family, but they won’t seem to accept it. My dad is really knowledgable about the Bible, and he thinks we are in the last days based on his studying. But that could be 100 years to us -200 even. God’s timing is different than ours.
Those are really the only possibilities. It must happen as written, so either this Cabal is just a cheap imitation of the real evil plan that will manifest at a later date, OR The Alliance/The Plan is the "beast of light" and we will all be deceived.
I guess an additional possibility is that another "beast" will arise after the Cabal is defeated. I'm hoping that's the case because I'd really like to "trust the plan."
The perennial questions remain. Is Revelation a linear timeline or a recapitulation.
I favor the road winding up a mountain theory myself, but my opinion is just that, an opinion, and I don’t claim to “know”. I always said every day is the end of the world for somebody.
i actually think the rapture already happened and all the true christians got taken up already and we are descended from the leftovers. all the cathedrals notre dame all that is left over from christs millenium kingdom which we call the dark ages because strangely no documents are available from that time period. since then we have been living in a fallen world. what happens after the rapture? look around you to see. doesnt mean you shouldnt repent and believe but just realize the christian millenium was in the past and that history has been hidden from us. look up Tartaria on youtube and see for yourself
I don't know anything about Heather O'Rourke -- I didn't know who she is/was until you asked, and now I see that she was the other little girl with Spewlberg in the photo. I'll leave that for you to check out, as that wasn't my post.
Happens. In 80's mid 90's this was not heard of or understood. Do not put your knowledge into a different era. It is truly not intellectually honest or historically correct.
The parent would not know. Parents. It was just not on any radar screen.
I have had two supernatural encounters with Jesus and I love and believe in Jesus with all my heart. However I kind of agree. We can't just sit around and wait for Jesus to come save us. I believe Jesus wants warriors who will fight for the innocent. How much longer are we going to allow these pedos to go unpunished? It's time to drag these evil scum off their thrones of power by their hair. Believing in God does not mean you wait around for God to do all the work. Sometimes God works THROUGH people. So I agree its time to fight for the children. And yes I believe in the return of Jesus but doing nothing in the face of evil is, I believe, a sin.
Exactly I noticed so many good christian communities just sitting on their ass while people are dying around them waiting for their savior while not realizing they are the savior.
I raise a hallelujah, in the presence of my enemies
I raise a hallelujah, louder than the unbelief
I raise a hallelujah, my weapon is a melody
I raise a hallelujah, heaven comes to fight for me
Your aggressiveness in admonishing those that are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ seems desperate.
Nothing you say will ever convince a follower of Christ to turn away from Him. Nothing. The reason is, we see the enemy using you as a mouth piece. We see what you are blind too because we too were once blind but God opened our eyes to see. Peace be with you on your journey. I hope you find the Lord on the way.
Now, your biggest misconception is the Christians just sit back and do nothing. You couldn't be more wrong. We put on the armor of God and we go out and fight.
What exactly have you physically done to further the Q movement? I mean other than sit there and bitch everytime someone brings up the Lord. What qualifications do you possess that gives you any type of authority on the Q movement?
I understand your frustration but why is it that you think nothing is being done? We have some God fearing men and women fighting their asses off. Look at Lin Wood. Would you claim he is doing nothing? He gives all credit to God. How about Mike Lindell? Same thing. How about President Trump? Same story there. What about General Michael Flynn? Again, God fearing man. Those that are right there in the fight all have the armor of God on.
I am just saying, your fight isn't with Christians. I used to be more like you, than I learned that it isn't possible that this world exists without God. Science actually proves God's existence. I would recommend that you try to understand Christians as opposed to fight against them. You won't win, Satan has been trying since the Garden and he still is sitting in the losers corner.
Misunderstanding. Exodus 14:13-15 Moses said be not afraid , standstill and see the deliverance of God God fights for you . God Responded Why do you cry for me speak to the children tell them to move go forward stretch your hand divide water..
Take action but its synergism work with God instead of Monergism just falling back doing nothing . Faith in Hebrew is Emunah it means the work of faith .The translation into Greek caused a change in meaning
She died of terrible crones type of pain, intestinal blockages, only it wasn’t crones, something was tearing and swelling her intestines, deep, in her intestines!
She was the famous little girl from poltergeist and was Spielberg’s playmate
I think part of the answer is that she's from an old Hollywood family. Her grandfather(?) was a big name. But also, no one who lives talks about what is happening in Hollywood. Everyone knows how the game is played.
I really realllllllllly want to know what actually happened at Polanski's house that night that Charlie's alleged friends paid a visit.
I know there's so much more to that story than what the official version tells.
Manson's plan was to incite a race war between blacks and whites, hide in a cave until it was over, and then emerge to rule over the Blacks, winners of the race war.
Objectively, you can make the case that Elites have been executing this plan for the last 20 years.
The Tribe visited Dennis Wilsons house and took it over, stole everything that wasn't nailed down and wrecked the place. Wilson was such a wuzz that he let this happen.
Seriously? What happened to her? I’ve seen stories going around that she was actually murdered rather than died unexpectedly but I haven’t seen Spielberg tied to it. Do you know anything or have any sauce?
Macaulay Caukiln supposedly did an interview with a Hollywood exec when he was about 11, filming Home Alone 2 in New York. The exec was supposedly wearing Heather O’Rorke skinned shoes and bragging about it. The same type red soft human leather shoes these freak satanist elitists wear.
If you read the link below, that was the time where parents dropped off their kids for the day, entrusting them to the studios. No wonder so many child actors walked away from their careers and Hollywood, raising their families far away from that evil!
I thought about this crap when Tom Green had his reunion interview with Drew on her new show.
She said that one of the nights she slept at Tom's parents' place was one of the only nights of her life where she felt safe and had a good night's sleep. It's pretty heart wrenching..
Jesus said to His disciples,”things that cause people to stumble are bound to come, but woe to anyone to whom they come. It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one these little ones to stumble.” Lk. 17:1,2
We tremble at Christ’s words, but these pedos have no fear of God.
Film studio. Made a lot of good movies, including Shawshank Redemption, considered by many to be the greatest movie ever made - written by Stephen King.
She died during an opertation to remove an obstructed bowel - the official claim is that the "believe" the obstruction was the result of Crohs' disease - many child sexual-abuse victims also suffer from obstructed bowels as a result of their sexual abuse.
Heartbreaking. How do you not know your child is being abused if you're not complicit? These are babies.
I honestly wish Jesus would just come down already and wipe the earth of this filth.
I believe that we are in the Beginning of Sorrows, which means that this generation will see the Second Coming. With evil escalating exponentially - and by the millisecond -- mankind is hurtling toward disaster at breakneck speed. God intervened when things were way out of hand two millennia ago. I don't see how things could be allowed to get much worse, but then we do know what is to happen during the great tribulation, so we know that it will.
We are seeing the foreshortening of days, at least in my perception, and as I understand things we are awaiting rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem -- which seems to be imminent -- and the two witnesses with the abomination that makes desolate coming on the scene ahead of the anti-Christ. I suspected that the St. Peter event a couple of years ago was that abomination, but that is mere speculation on my part.
In any case, it has never been a better time to get right with the Lord and look up, for our redemption is at hand!
This is my perception. Sauce is available on the web - I can dig for it if anyone looks and can't find it.
I've been thinking about this a lot lately. This means that "the plan" must fail, right? The Mark of the Beast system MUST come to pass. Either "the plan" must fail, or the Patriots / The Alliance are the "second beast"...A.K.A. the "beast of light." So, once the Cabal falls, perhaps whatever system the Patriots put into play will actually be the mark of the beast (the second beast...or beast of the light). Either option is disturbing. I hope I'm wrong.
The mark of the beast makes more sense if you consider it to means that we will learn to recognize them, by what they say and by their actions....
True. Let's hope that is indeed the case.
u/alittletotheright I've been meaning to make a post asking about this but you beat me to it. I've been wondering where "the plan" fits into the timeline of the Bible, if at all. The thing that's been bugging me is I know the end times must happen, and if the plan works that either means the end times are still further away, or the plan will kick off end times. Very interesting.
I try to explain this exact thing to my family, but they won’t seem to accept it. My dad is really knowledgable about the Bible, and he thinks we are in the last days based on his studying. But that could be 100 years to us -200 even. God’s timing is different than ours.
Those are really the only possibilities. It must happen as written, so either this Cabal is just a cheap imitation of the real evil plan that will manifest at a later date, OR The Alliance/The Plan is the "beast of light" and we will all be deceived.
I guess an additional possibility is that another "beast" will arise after the Cabal is defeated. I'm hoping that's the case because I'd really like to "trust the plan."
The perennial questions remain. Is Revelation a linear timeline or a recapitulation. I favor the road winding up a mountain theory myself, but my opinion is just that, an opinion, and I don’t claim to “know”. I always said every day is the end of the world for somebody.
Then again, perhaps the vaccine is the Mark of the Beast after all…
What was the St Peter event?
Here are a few articles on the pagan ritual that the Dope performed at the Vatican a couple of years ago: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/pagan-ceremony-at-the-vatican-was-just-the-beginning-of-the-irreverent-activity-taking-place-at-synod https://prophetweekly.com/the-abomination-of-the-desolation-the-pontificate-of-francis/
Here's one from March of 2020: https://www.barnhardt.biz/2020/03/29/has-it-not-occurred-to-anyone-that-this-is-the-abomination-of-desolation/
Thanks for the links!
Happy to help, fren!
i actually think the rapture already happened and all the true christians got taken up already and we are descended from the leftovers. all the cathedrals notre dame all that is left over from christs millenium kingdom which we call the dark ages because strangely no documents are available from that time period. since then we have been living in a fallen world. what happens after the rapture? look around you to see. doesnt mean you shouldnt repent and believe but just realize the christian millenium was in the past and that history has been hidden from us. look up Tartaria on youtube and see for yourself
Very interesting take . . .
thanks its just a possible scenario i came across and thought id float out here
Wow. I have never heard that take before.
Never heard this take.
I was wondering what happened with St Peter and also what happened with Heather O'Rourke.
Here are a few articles on the pagan ritual that the Dope performed at the Vatican a couple of years ago: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/pagan-ceremony-at-the-vatican-was-just-the-beginning-of-the-irreverent-activity-taking-place-at-synod https://prophetweekly.com/the-abomination-of-the-desolation-the-pontificate-of-francis/
Here's one from March of 2020: https://www.barnhardt.biz/2020/03/29/has-it-not-occurred-to-anyone-that-this-is-the-abomination-of-desolation/
I don't know anything about Heather O'Rourke -- I didn't know who she is/was until you asked, and now I see that she was the other little girl with Spewlberg in the photo. I'll leave that for you to check out, as that wasn't my post.
Thank you
Happens. In 80's mid 90's this was not heard of or understood. Do not put your knowledge into a different era. It is truly not intellectually honest or historically correct.
The parent would not know. Parents. It was just not on any radar screen.
I know explicitly about this era and decades before - parents and family turned a blind eye/denied the existence of abuse. I've lived it.
I am so sorry you lived it.
Thank you, fren. You never know what shoes someone has walked in. I choose to share to help explain my vehement reactions and provide some context.
I have had two supernatural encounters with Jesus and I love and believe in Jesus with all my heart. However I kind of agree. We can't just sit around and wait for Jesus to come save us. I believe Jesus wants warriors who will fight for the innocent. How much longer are we going to allow these pedos to go unpunished? It's time to drag these evil scum off their thrones of power by their hair. Believing in God does not mean you wait around for God to do all the work. Sometimes God works THROUGH people. So I agree its time to fight for the children. And yes I believe in the return of Jesus but doing nothing in the face of evil is, I believe, a sin.
Exactly I noticed so many good christian communities just sitting on their ass while people are dying around them waiting for their savior while not realizing they are the savior.
Christ is my savior. Vengeance is God's sayeth the Lord. No weapon formed against you shall prosper.
Savior from what? What he's gonna do to you for you not allowing him to save you?
Cool story, bruh.
Jesus is my Lord and Savior. I believe in HIm and HIs Word.
Be respecful of others' beliefs.
I raise a hallelujah, in the presence of my enemies I raise a hallelujah, louder than the unbelief I raise a hallelujah, my weapon is a melody I raise a hallelujah, heaven comes to fight for me
I love this song!
In the name of Jesus Christ I rebuke Satan's influence here.
I mean, you believe in your ability to reason. Everyone believes something.
It doesn't take a high iq to believe in nothing
I’m sorry that you were written out of the Book of Life.
Demons gonna demon
"getting our people into local politics and school boards and removing progressive commies from positions of power that we've neglected..."
Yeah... people are doing that. Idk if you noticed or not, having your head buried in a pile of your own shite.
Godless commie faggot thinks western civilization was founded on a crutch. Kekkekkekkekkek
My "magic sky man" commands his people to act and never give up.
Which "magic sky man" are you talking about?
Your aggressiveness in admonishing those that are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ seems desperate.
Nothing you say will ever convince a follower of Christ to turn away from Him. Nothing. The reason is, we see the enemy using you as a mouth piece. We see what you are blind too because we too were once blind but God opened our eyes to see. Peace be with you on your journey. I hope you find the Lord on the way.
Now, your biggest misconception is the Christians just sit back and do nothing. You couldn't be more wrong. We put on the armor of God and we go out and fight.
What exactly have you physically done to further the Q movement? I mean other than sit there and bitch everytime someone brings up the Lord. What qualifications do you possess that gives you any type of authority on the Q movement?
I understand your frustration but why is it that you think nothing is being done? We have some God fearing men and women fighting their asses off. Look at Lin Wood. Would you claim he is doing nothing? He gives all credit to God. How about Mike Lindell? Same thing. How about President Trump? Same story there. What about General Michael Flynn? Again, God fearing man. Those that are right there in the fight all have the armor of God on.
I am just saying, your fight isn't with Christians. I used to be more like you, than I learned that it isn't possible that this world exists without God. Science actually proves God's existence. I would recommend that you try to understand Christians as opposed to fight against them. You won't win, Satan has been trying since the Garden and he still is sitting in the losers corner.
Misunderstanding. Exodus 14:13-15 Moses said be not afraid , standstill and see the deliverance of God God fights for you . God Responded Why do you cry for me speak to the children tell them to move go forward stretch your hand divide water..
Take action but its synergism work with God instead of Monergism just falling back doing nothing . Faith in Hebrew is Emunah it means the work of faith .The translation into Greek caused a change in meaning
Liberal women react to this story with more cognitive dissonance then men for some reason!
First to accuse me of being a “nazi” though
I’m guessing the FBI covered it up because he became world famous after that!
She died of terrible crones type of pain, intestinal blockages, only it wasn’t crones, something was tearing and swelling her intestines, deep, in her intestines!
She was the famous little girl from poltergeist and was Spielberg’s playmate
Probably afraid for her life.
Did you see the video of her and Sharon Stone?
They said they aren't into men these days.
I wanted to throw up.
Yes, it means what it sounds like.
These filthy beasts actually...
No, I'm not willing to give those nasty creatures the benefit of the doubt. They are Hollywood, through and through.
They are disgusting.
I think part of the answer is that she's from an old Hollywood family. Her grandfather(?) was a big name. But also, no one who lives talks about what is happening in Hollywood. Everyone knows how the game is played.
Spielberg is Polansky, but doing a better job covering his tracks
I really realllllllllly want to know what actually happened at Polanski's house that night that Charlie's alleged friends paid a visit. I know there's so much more to that story than what the official version tells.
It was Psyop meets Satanic ritual and Polanski was complicit.
Did you know Sharon Tate's father was Army Intelligence?
Did you know Manson cut music demo's with Neil Young and LIVED with Beach Boys drummer Dennis Wilson in the Summer of '68?
Sharon Tate grew close to Bruce Lee ( yes, that one ) and began talking about Polanski's pedophile tendencies.
You should watch this if you haven't already: (link removed)
holy shit... the JRE with tom oniel has been set to private...
he's the guy who wrote the book about how the manson cult was all being fed acid by a CIA "psycologist" in hollywood...
all i can find now is clips, the entire show has been wiped and i refuse to sign up to spotify to try to find it...
Was Charles Manson a CIA Asset? w/Tom O'Neill | Joe Rogan https://youtu.be/r1hv5P4SwbU
Tom O’Neill: Manson Prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi Was Compromised https://youtu.be/2wPIng0hGxQ
The Official Narrative of Tate Murders Doesn't Add Up w/Tom O'Neill | Joe Rogan https://youtu.be/OWS4edKmz2Q
Yup, everything but the Bruce Lee thing. Wonder if Charlie was part of MKULTRA. So much crazy shit was happening in that period.
Manson's plan was to incite a race war between blacks and whites, hide in a cave until it was over, and then emerge to rule over the Blacks, winners of the race war.
Objectively, you can make the case that Elites have been executing this plan for the last 20 years.
lol go fuck yourself, faggot
Manson is actually a tiny piece of the puzzle.
You're my coffee holder when it comes to this shit, douchebag.
The Tribe visited Dennis Wilsons house and took it over, stole everything that wasn't nailed down and wrecked the place. Wilson was such a wuzz that he let this happen.
Seriously? What happened to her? I’ve seen stories going around that she was actually murdered rather than died unexpectedly but I haven’t seen Spielberg tied to it. Do you know anything or have any sauce?
anally raped to death
sorry, but that is what happened to her.
Macaulay Caukiln supposedly did an interview with a Hollywood exec when he was about 11, filming Home Alone 2 in New York. The exec was supposedly wearing Heather O’Rorke skinned shoes and bragging about it. The same type red soft human leather shoes these freak satanist elitists wear.
Do you have any more info on this?
THAT'S quite a collection of very disturbing information. These people are beyond evil.
Have no idea where I read that. Was a supposed interview with him I read about 6 months ago on the net.
No apologies. I honestly haven’t heard that. Horrible! Thxnks for the info as awful as it is.,
Yet another household name who should be swinging from a rope
What happened to Heather O'Rourke...
Who nose?
Could have all just been another cohencidence.
I barely remember when that girl died. Little did I know then, eh? It's also no wonder Drew ended up going the way she did for some time.
Poor innocent kids.
Congenital stenosis of the intestine complicated by septic shock. In other words. She was anally raped to death.
Look at the evil on his face in that photo. Creepy. Where were the parents of the kids?
If you read the link below, that was the time where parents dropped off their kids for the day, entrusting them to the studios. No wonder so many child actors walked away from their careers and Hollywood, raising their families far away from that evil!
I'm guessing the Barrymores were off getting high somewhere. I can't imagine what Drew Barrymore has had to endure in her life.
I thought about this crap when Tom Green had his reunion interview with Drew on her new show. She said that one of the nights she slept at Tom's parents' place was one of the only nights of her life where she felt safe and had a good night's sleep. It's pretty heart wrenching..
Spielberg is also a member of the MEGA GROUP. https://larouchepub.com/other/2001/2844mega_bios.html
Other notable members past and present: Bronfman Bros, Leslie Wexler, Robert Maxwell, Ronald Lauder https://unlimitedhangout.com/2019/08/investigative-series/mega-group-maxwells-and-mossad-the-spy-story-at-the-heart-of-the-jeffrey-epstein-scandal/
Those eyes. Sanpaku. He's a psychopath.
There are several photos of Spielberg with Heather where he's got a creepy pedo look on his face.
Jesus said to His disciples,”things that cause people to stumble are bound to come, but woe to anyone to whom they come. It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one these little ones to stumble.” Lk. 17:1,2
We tremble at Christ’s words, but these pedos have no fear of God.
Dead, dead eyes. Some things are hard to fake.
Just read your link. Just confirms what I already read, but from a different source.
I didn't know about the stage and the crowd, though. That's new for me.
Yep, and I'm almost certain Spielberg was one of the executives that took her away with two other executives, and she died soon after.
The news was like "Kappy forced himself off a bridge"
Forced himself? Really? What about the two teens who purportedly ran up and tried to "help" Kappy?
Help, or paid to push? I suspect the latter.
She died from a bowel perforation. She was anally rapped but this monster and she died as a result.
That's Stephen King, brah.
Castle Rock
Film studio. Made a lot of good movies, including Shawshank Redemption, considered by many to be the greatest movie ever made - written by Stephen King.
Definitely my favorite movie of all time.
Ask him what happened to his career more like. Holy shit, how many decades since he last made a genuinely great movie?
Then again, for me it was ALL downhill after DUEL
Has Drew Barrymore ever commented about Spielberg?
I've only heard her say positive things so...?
Such a fucked up story, poor Heather. I hope the exces that did that to her get their dicks ripped off and did a painful death.
No, wonder Drew Barrymore is so screwed up.
what Happened to Heather? what is the Proof?
She died during an opertation to remove an obstructed bowel - the official claim is that the "believe" the obstruction was the result of Crohs' disease - many child sexual-abuse victims also suffer from obstructed bowels as a result of their sexual abuse.
The eternal..
Maybe Beto O’rourke sacrificed her to gain power.
I thought is was David Koresh in the middle?