Would someone please re-post the side-by-side photos of Webb Hubbell's two daughters? The resemblance is extraordinary. It makes one think that Bill Clinton is actually sterile.
We hate you chelsea. So no your words mean ZERO to 81 Million + people. Crawl back to your den you sleazy satan worshiping witch. Done with these low lifes!
There is nothing scientific about their "science", instead it is completely narrative driven. Science is open to debate and being challenged with data. Their "narrative science" is not open to scrutiny. Don't buy into narrative science.
The fact these people are pushing the vaccine makes me dig my heels in further. If they were all speaking against it I would have to start thinking otherwise lol
We need a meme that says my parents took a vaccine now look at how i turned out with chelseas disgusting face on it, my word she is hideous i thought i remembered how bad she looked but clicking that article bought it all back.
Notice how it was pre recorded makes me hope that Q has got them already, although they better not execute them behind closed doors i want to see these sick twisted demons meet there end don't want another osama situation.
What has she done to contribute anything to the planet other than give off CO2 for the plants? The homeless guy who mumbles to himself at the corner has more credibility than she does.
"Vaccines" are part of a new blind-faith religion that has stolen the word science, and associated clout, for its name.
"Vaccine" worshipers are the modern-day witch burners of that religion.
Keep dropping your kids off to be programmed by the government for 7 hours a day and they will be members of that fake-science blind-faith religion.
They will be turned into your enemy.
who the hell is she to 'demand' anything ... pos
Webb Hubbell's daughter
Nicely done
forgot about that, thanks for the reminder
Would someone please re-post the side-by-side photos of Webb Hubbell's two daughters? The resemblance is extraordinary. It makes one think that Bill Clinton is actually sterile.
Nope, The beast kept aborting his babies, SS said he begged her to keep a child.
She's probably a victim of pedophile upbringing, sh should demand prosecution
This is what I first thought, like would I take any advice from that Satanist.
Why is Chelsea Clinton being trotted out as an expert on anything? WTAF?
These idiots truly believe that they are important and elite, the Cream of society.
A legend in her own lunch-hour.
"Scum Also Rises to the top" - Hunter Thompson
By the poop and the vatican no less!!
“Bernhard Stempfle (1882 in Munich – 1 July 1934) was a Roman Catholic priest and journalist.
He helped Adolf Hitler in the writing of Mein Kampf.[1]
He was murdered in the Night of the Long Knives.”
“Multiple authors and eyewitnesses, such as Konrad Heiden[4] and Nazi "apostate" Otto Strasser, report that
not only did Stempfle correct the galley proofs of Mein Kampf, but that he indeed copy-edited certain passages.
Historian and Hitler biographer Alan Bullock likewise discusses this.[5]”
Well, she did go to some elitist leftist university. Besides, she's been raped by some of the most elite pedos in the world. She's clearly an expert.
How about complete censorship of the Clintons who had their time in the spotlight and refuse to just go away?
I agree
We hate you chelsea. So no your words mean ZERO to 81 Million + people. Crawl back to your den you sleazy satan worshiping witch. Done with these low lifes!
^^^ THIS ^^^
What he said ⬆️
Openly wearing an up side down cross. I hope you end up where you belong.
Horse face says what.....
When she gives head, does it count as anal?
probably counts as bestiality, that must be why they were trying to legalize it in liberal states KEK
Damn I just snorted my tea! ? kek
Yes yes it does.
sad that she thinks anyone cares what she says......witch
Why was Ghislaine Maxwell at your wedding bitch?
There is nothing scientific about their "science", instead it is completely narrative driven. Science is open to debate and being challenged with data. Their "narrative science" is not open to scrutiny. Don't buy into narrative science.
The fact these people are pushing the vaccine makes me dig my heels in further. If they were all speaking against it I would have to start thinking otherwise lol
Is that Dr Clinton or just some dumb rich bitch?
We need a meme that says my parents took a vaccine now look at how i turned out with chelseas disgusting face on it, my word she is hideous i thought i remembered how bad she looked but clicking that article bought it all back.
Notice how it was pre recorded makes me hope that Q has got them already, although they better not execute them behind closed doors i want to see these sick twisted demons meet there end don't want another osama situation.
Fuck that man-looking cunt
I demand she shut up and go eat a turd.
Didn't your mum and dad ever teach you... ah, forget it.
Bill only taught her sexual positions he offered her up to his friends, they all refused ewwww
Kek. Kekidy, kek .
How about we just hang all three Clintons on pay per view?
WTF? Her mouth takes up 1/3 of her head. Got a face like a dropped meat pie.
Chelsea Clinton demands? We'll get right on it.
She has a face only a shovel could love...
What's up with her hands?? Chickens have prettier fingers...
Hmmm... maybe a side effect from her vaccine? ?
Curtis Silwa was right. Chelsea does look like she's been hit in the face with a bag full of nickels. Maybe someone should hit her again.
Burn her at the stake with her mom.
What has she done to contribute anything to the planet other than give off CO2 for the plants? The homeless guy who mumbles to himself at the corner has more credibility than she does.
We don’t take demands from something that resulted from a hot night for bill and hill. Yuck, disgusting.
What a useless cunt.
How total must their echo chamber be to believe that saying this out loud is anything but laughably horrific?
I demand a speedy execution of any Clintons. The fact that you and I haven't hemmed these people up ourselves is disgusting.
HOLY SHIT she's fugly! Maybe a warning is in order
"Vaccines" are part of a new blind-faith religion that has stolen the word science, and associated clout, for its name.
"Vaccine" worshipers are the modern-day witch burners of that religion.
Keep dropping your kids off to be programmed by the government for 7 hours a day and they will be members of that fake-science blind-faith religion.
They will be turned into your enemy.
Hubbel can go eff itself.
Please censor her
Webb Hubble’s off spring says wut?
Who's webb Hubble?