Hope this is allowed! I've browsed on this site for a while, even had another username where I engaged in some fairly civil debates with other users before I was banned due to not being a Q follower.
Interested in having a friendly discussion with anyone who's up for it!
A bit about me:
I'm a mechanical engineer working in product marketing I live in a major city, Chicago, and have pretty much only voted democrat I am a homeowner I have followed conspiracies for a while based solely on my own curiosity, and by and large found that a lot of the major ones (pizzagate, Q) don't make a ton of sense, but I'm not here to argue that. I think we're just gonna have different opinions on it.
All said, happy to have a casual AMA! Not interested in flamebaiting or arguing
Have you seen the videos of Biden touching children in Congress?
Here watch https://youtu.be/V4PLSPvJ9BY
Don't be a fuckin pussy and reply. If you don't understand you'll be viewed as a pedophilia supporter.
Lets see how important marketing is for you
Having a preference for minors is a sexuality you bigot.
Dont care if its lame humor or serious..either way part of the problem not the solution
The Left has made it near impossible to tell the difference between wild, unmistakable satire... and their actual fervent lunatic beliefs.
I don't find that sarcasm funny, and disappointed in anyone that does
Well I do, sarcasm bigot.
Listen I dont care what you do, you don't care about yourself so I def dont
If theres a god of any kind I dont want my judgement to include being ok w jokes about kiddie rape
You do you
I have! And i think it's creepy when he does it.
So why did you support a pedophile knowingly?
This ISNT about Trump
I find the line between pedo and not a pedo to be incredibly defined. Is he being a creepy old man? Absolutely. But may dad (also old) is also really creepy when he whispers in your ear. We all make fun of him because he grabs your whole head when he tells you something.
But pedophile? Nah. Old men do weird shit like that a lot. Trump's even done it once before.
Not about Trump.
This question ALWAYS turns this way it its pure cowardice truly to bring up anyone else while trying to defend Joe
Which you failed at. Its criminal assault to touch a child like that. To justify it in your mind like many others do highlights why we pray for you, so that Christ may enter your life and show you the errorn in your thinking.
I never had anyone act like that in my family. Your explanation is one that many use and never justifies. Its old world thinking and its dying rapidly.
I urge you brother, rethink your stance because your time after you die may depend on it
I KNOW where I'm going. Do you?
I'm glad nobody in your family acts like that! I think the actions are creepy and uncomfortable. But I'm not gonna call someone a pedophile over it.
Where I'm going when I die? No. I'm doing my best to focus on the present, and make life good for myself and those around me.
Your opinion is null. Pinching a 13yr olds nipples is CRIMINAL ACTIVITY. Your inability to concede this point is very telling. Just like the rest of folks that take this point now, your inability to simply state what is and isn't ILLEGAL shows your hand
Being a better person now and thinking or devising a plan for possible eternity aren't exclusive.
Cmon fuckin pussy last one stump ya when bringing up reality?
I thought we were discussing here?
We were! I went out with pals last night so I was a bit busy till now! No need to get your panties in a bunch.
What Biden has done is creepy, I'll concede that much. I think there are better people for the job, and I think there are people out there I'd be more comfortable leaving alone with my kids. However, on the flip side, I also don't think my kids will be in any real danger if I did leave them alone with him.
Is that a sort of barometer for a president? No, but I'm not sure how else you want me to respond to your comment.
Not really? What sort of "weird" pictures should I be expecting?
Biden's kid was a crackhead. I don't think that necessarily reflects on Biden's character. Would you criticize Mike Lindell's father, especially after Lindell found recovery? Of course not.
I've seen the photos of Hunter with a crackpipe.
I've heard rumors of photos with him performing awful acts against children.
I'm not just gonna believe a rumor and villify a person for it.
.................................you vote for him......And trap us into a life of global communist slavery. Wouldn't want to be a partisan though......
Well said!
Well, I have plenty! But as far as general questions go that can go one way or the other. If I have questions I'd be better to ask someone directly.
Any claims I make I'd be happy to back up!@
Been lurking on and off for years (including the original reddit). I keep lurking for entertainment!
If you've been lurking for years, you should have made connections already. What have you not understood? Feel free to ask, some Anons can surely answer!
That's a pretty broad question isn't it? I'm not really sure where I'd begin.
I guess as a general one to you: who do you think Q is?
Either no one here will know OR if they do, they dare not speak of who it is. Can’t give the secret ingredient in a secret sauce now can you?
Do you believe that Q is a powerful individual?
Me I am!
Do you believe that the people in this Q group have personal ties with the president then, or only that the president has acknowledged their existence?
Just God is an all powerful being.
Right butt what about Q? Who do you think is behind it, if you care to speculate?
I’m curious which of these do you like better?:
War in the Middle East
Child trafficking at the border
Wouldn't say I like any of those. Would it be better to answer which one I like the least? Because probably war in the middle east. Or trafficking.
Yes, because there is much more to a president that I am looking for
No, not what I'm looking for
No, not what I'm looking for
Is this about my son? I think I get what you're getting at (why elect a president who has a crackhead son) and I don't judge someone's character based on the actions of someone else
I don't see that he's done nothing but okay
Trump's wall was and is a moneysink. However, illegal immigration is something that needs reformation. There is middle ground.
Criticisms against trump banning flights from China came from the fact that he ONLY banned flights from China and only from Chinese people. Americans were let in without being screened or quarantined, and flights from Europe were allowed through, and in turn Covid was brought into the US without much issue. Flights from India were restricted due to their specific problem with the outbreak.
After the 6th, I get it
No, not what I'm looking for
He's not taking credit for inventing the vaccine. He's taking credit for getting the doses out.
Are you sure about that "no covid testing from immigrants" part?
No, not what I'm looking for
Did that prosecutor not have a history of corruption?
Based on his tax plan my taxes wouldn't increase all that much
No, not what I'm looking for
No, that's not what's most important to me
Did you know that the ccp banned flights out of wuhan to other cities in China, but not other cities in the world around this time?
You stumped him.
Professionalism, maturity, willingness to take blame and willingness to move forward.
If you want to look at it that way, then yes
Heavenly Father lift up all people involved in this discussion and use this convo to bring unity how ever possible. Help all of us to love and guide each other to your light and love. Let your truths be revealed to all here so we may start finding common ground how ever possible amen
What do you aim to achieve with this AMA?
That's pretty much the only way they can roll - troll-style.
Either that, or swaddled safely in their crybully gang groups.
Honestly right when I posted this I got a call form my boss that turned into a big thing lol. But I get where you'd think it was just a troll
Thank you!
lol thanks but I don't really care about being "careful." This is all harmless. I don't really care about uppers or downers. People can vote how they please.
To see how censorship works? Lets see if it goes back to reddit and posts shit, like how Qtheory does to them.
These guy aint gonna respond to shit
Totally my bad. I posted and then got mad distracted.
Hey, whether or not tpeople convert is their own thing. People can believe what they want if it doesn't harm others.
Pedos hurt others. People who support pedos hurt others. People who ignore pedos hurt others.
This isn't an "oh well" topic for us and never will be. It activates an extremely high level of disgust here while on the left, people think eating babies is a circulated meme....what do you think the eating babies memes of the left?
The problem is, this part
unfortunately doesn't work here.
Because, when you believe the Democrats are literally satanist pedophiles, raping and killing children, harvesting their blood, deserving to be lynched when Trump returns to power and the military doles out capital punishment........ it gets harder and harder to shrug it off, continue with one's daily life, and let the evildoers "believe what they want" in the meantime. How could anyone turn a blind eye to that (apparent) pervasive evil?
Based on the threat Qanon describes and how it only seems to grow, "not harming others" becomes a harder and harder rule to follow, because the entire basis of the Q belief system is about BRUTALLY punishing fellow Americans as sworn enemies. That's not something you can easily set aside, and let bygones be bygones in the aisle at Safeway.
See username
My point was more -- when your fellow citizens are perceived as enemies, it can get harder to function in the day-to-day with them.
It doesn't happen to every anon, but I've read posts on this site by anons describing exactly those pressures: Q-dom can result in a hard, unfriendly daily life.
That's where my worries come from: the constant antagonistic pressure, plus the long waiting and delayed gratification, can be a really lousy heavy burden to carry (for some). Where could that burden push someone?
Like I said privately, the people aspect is what interests me, but it's also what worries me, time to time.
(And when we spoke privately, I honestly typed and deleted a line that said "If I slip into argumentative/hyperbolic mode, forgive me, because this is the internet and it happens." Looks like I should've kept that line -- my bad.)
I agree! Which is where the line of harming others comes into play.
Nothing really specific. Just putting myself out there.
Why do u still support him if I may ask
Because I think while he may not be the best leader, he puts people in positions I think are not in it for just themselves. I don't necessarily elect a leader to lead, but to compose a team fit to move a country forward.
So who has he put into place that u agree with.
Well you might not agree but I like the fact that he has put more emphasis on what doctors and scientists like Fauci and the CDC are saying about the pandemic than his own thoughts. I though trump was speaking to people and trying to appease them without giving us the hard and scary truth.
May I ask if u have any religious beliefs
I do not, but was raised Catholic
Ok just curious what ur religion was if any. So what r u thoughts on the fact that in just 4 months everything has changed and we are now in chaos once again
I currently have no religion.
In 4 months I have not seen such chaos. Is there any chaos in particular you're referring to? Because day to day it seems just as mundanely chaotic as ever.
What do you think about Fauci funding the gain of function research that got us into this “pandemic” that he is pretending to get us out of? And what is so dangerous about “covid” that warrants house arresting everyone and pumping unknown chemicals and genetically modified mRNA all the while pretending it’s something super deadly? What did they rename the flu “covid” for? Is it because the actual “covid” was a flop and didn’t kill as many people as they’d hoped?
What do you mean he funded the research that got us into the pandemic?
The effects of covid are what's dangerous
The flu, and covid, are similar, but distinct viruses.
A good cabinet to me is someone that I can trust is focused on doing the job over preserving their own selfish interests.
You've posted a lot of comments on other threads I'm making so it's quite difficult to keep track of what you've showed me and what you haven't, so between you and I it may be best to keep a central line of communication so you don't have to keep repeating yourself. If you have a good suggestion for it, please let me know! Because at this time I've replied to about 10 if your comments and have not checked to see if you've written any since, so you likely may be answering things in other threads. I may respond to a few of your comments in time, but we might need to clean this up a bit.
I don't watch TV but thanks!
Well, I for one would vote to keep it stickied... or re-stickied.
The longer this goes unanswered, the more obvious it is that the true cultists are genuinely unable to justify their fervent beliefs with reason or logic; that BluegrassAnon was nothing but a flailing troll, attempting to copy what he saw, but obviously failing miserably.
Or, to put it more plainly, the longer this goes on, the funnier it gets. And I'd sure hate for anyone here to miss out on this spectacle.
he replied...............he chose to identify as female.
I haven't begged anyone, but thanks for reporting either way!
I'm sorry that I've upset you
Great! Can you show me where they linked it? If not, no worries!
Something like that, sure!
My mistake! got called for a meeting!
Shit happens. I don't feel the need to be careful about my own life obligations
Great AMA by not answering any questions faggot.
hey chill out, maybe theyre realizing they cant just yell "deboonked" here and get away with it so theyre trying to analyze the evidence instead.
You get more flies with honey. Idk why we would want flies but it sounds good.
More likely I didn't think this would blow up as quick as it did but I'm playing catch up now!
Right but I just figured this post was gonna be ignored lol
No, we love open minded people here.
Great to hear! Some commenters here don't but c'est la vie
Hahaha my bad. Got on a call with a boss and completely abandoned this thread. I'm here now though!
Lies! Liberals don't have real jobs!
I do at the cum sucking factory, jokes on you. My boss called because we ran out of cum.
You'd be surprised my guy! My friends and I are very similar
The real joke is that he's telling the truth ?
Thanks, I like you too!
How can you not regret your vote? How can you think anything Biden is doing currently is not in direct conflict with what is best for our country and it's people? How can you deny the facts presented about election fraud?
Well it's all a matter of perspective on what is "best." In terms of the way I think a country should progress, I think he's making good steps forward. But I understand how that might not alight with your views.
The facts presented about election fraud are shaky at best, from what I've seen. I watched all of Mike Lindell's videos and would be happy to go into specifics, but I'm playing catch up with answering qu4estions lol
I don't believe much of anything that has happened to this point could be considered best for this country. I appreciate your response and your appearing to try to find middle ground but your responses are lacking substance. It doesn't seem like you're invested truly in hearing reason.
As someone else asked, what is your motive here?
My motive is just to have a talk but I think the fact that I stepped away and got dogged down with questions may hav ebeen a mistake.
I think his motivation to get tuition down and to raise the minimum wage are both good. I think having a president who takes the pandemic seriously is also a good thing.
What do you consider not being best for this country, that he did?
War. Illegal Immigration. Massive money printing. Giving away money we don't have to other nations. Inflation. Increasing Taxes. Stoking covid fears. Gas prices.
Just to name a few.
Fair enough!
What will it take for you to admit you were wrong? If the audits show fraud, will you believe it? If the SC rules in our favor, will you believe it? If the government or the military act on it, will you believe it? At what point would the evidence be too overwhelming to deny? For me that point was long ago.
If the audits show fraud, I'd absolutely believe it. If the SC rules in favor, yes. But right now the evidence I've seen doesn't really bring things to that conclusion. I've seen Mike Lindell's videos and saw the latest census article about number of votes cast vs. who recorded that they voted, and to me it doesn't seem to be fraud. But I fully realize I could be wrong.
If that point was long ago for you, great! I'm not there yet. I haven't seen anything "undeniable"
BS. You are “Blue-grass” anon because you are really a “blue” Anon. Nobody watches Mike’s videos and goes “Nah, I don’t see it.”
If by blue do you mean liberal?
Because if so...fucking duh. That's not even you figuring out a code. This post opens with the fact that I voted for Biden...
I did watch Mike's videos and no, I don't see it.
I picked Bluegrass because I like bluegrass music
You don’t see what you don’t want to see, liberal.
Mkay well I didn't see any facts
Mkay then you’re an idiot.
So the first video link shows how fraud COULD be committed, not that it has. In any computer program, certainly manipulations CAN happen, but isn't that what the audit and certification is for?
The second video is a recording of a vote ticker on MSM. Those are for the most part graphics being updated by interns. Far from an official count.
How many crayons are in your daily diet?
More than what the marines eat.
How many do they eat?
Message unclear, I just bought more GME!
Zero! But I can pump those numbers up if they're healthy
BluegrassAnon = Larp
Big larp
Lol I love this bait, no questions answered so far
It's kind of funny seeing the negative reactions but I'm here now!
You opened an AMA stating you where in direct opposition of everything this page stands for and then you left for several hours. Yeah, it was going to be taken negatively.
We know the mainstream media lurks on this page, trying to get scoops and stories. Our movement has been run through the news cycle recently and there’s no reason to not suspect this is an attempt to grab a “QAnon Story”.
I have a question for you I haven’t seen in the thread yet; is Joe Biden mentally fit to be president?
Might I add a statement from 120 retired US Military Officials stating otherwise.
Are the vaccines safe?
If so, why have so many people died from them?
Are Lin Wood, Michael Flynn, and Dan Scavino traitors and liars to the American People?
If not, then why have they openly come out and claimed that “President Biden” is illegitimate and that there is a group of powerful evil people trying to overthrow the country?
Why did Isaac Kappy Kill himself?
If he didn’t, then why did he expose Tom Hanks, among other Hollywood elites, as pedophiles?
Why have several Politicians (almost exclusively democrat) across the country in the span of a few months been charged with possession of child pornography or sexual crimes against children?
I’d recommend MouthyBuddhas channel on an introduction of crimes against children. I find it appalling that so many who claim virtue marginalize this issue that has seeped into every facet of our society.
Yeah, I know. I understand it. Doesn't mean I can't laugh about it.
Yes, I think he's mentally fit to be president. I think there are many others that are much MORE mentally fit, but I think he's above minimum requirements.
The vaccines, from my research, appear to be overall safe, however death can certainly happen. Several people have died after receiving the dose, yes, but I don't see how all can be attributed to the vaccine. Regardless, I think the vaccine is safer than the disease.
Wood, Flynn, and Scavino are certainly liars, I'll say that much.
I don't know why Isaac Kappy killed himself, or if he did or not. I know he accused Tom Hanks of being a pedo, but I wasn't aware that he exposed anything. YOu can't just call someone a pedo and expect anything to change.
I haven't seen that many democrats charged with such crimes. Maybe one or two politicians? But then also that would include Gaetz, a republican.
Lin Wood:
If you're upset about the sources, fine. But the content of them is still true. Lin Wood lied about seeing trump in the white house, Flynn lied to the FBI, Scavino posted manipulated media on his own twitter.
I did look up Kappy. I don't know why he killed himself. Do you?
I pulled up examples of them lying, blatantly.
You wanted evidence and I provided it. What evidence would you prefer?
Okay, so Kappy was murdered! Certainly a possibility that I will welcome! Where did you see the part about the RV?
Then is the founder of Operation Underground Railroad, Tim Ballard, also a liar? Are all of these people liars? Why would they destroy their careers for a lie like this?
It makes absolutely no sense, and I don’t think you honestly want to see the truth, you’d rather look at the sun and say it doesn’t shine
I wouldn't say he's a liar. He has a different perspective from me and maybe he's right and I'm wrong. I can only speak from my own perspective.
For the record, the sun does shine
I dunno, why?
As an engineer you must understand math. Do you understand statistics as well? If so, how do you rationalize the results of the 2020 presidential election as legitimate?
That was the civil side of me. From the other side: get wrecked, commie, you know where you can stick that olive branch!
Yes! Love stats.
I'm not sure what there is that needs to be rationalized. Can you be more specific? Joe seemed to have received more votes, primarily due to mail in ballots. What stats are you thinking of that need explanation?
I like your civil side!
Let's see...
From 1986-2016, 19 bellwether counties voted for the candidate that won the election every time, apart from this year when 18 of the 19 chose Trump.
Biden supposedly received the most votes of any candidate in history, yet also won the fewest counties in history.
Weakest house coattails since JFK 1960. A net 13 seats flipped red.
Vote tallies that violate Benford's law. Not evidence of fraud, but can be an indicator and has led to discovery of fraud in other nations. Trump tallies were far more in line with Benford.
Biden's margin of victory in 4 states is only supported by vote dumps that came between 1:34-6:31 AM.
In Georgia, Biden led Trump 50.05 to 49.95% in 53 consecutive batches of votes.
Norpoth model. Since 1916, 13 out of 13 candidates who won their party primary by a 60% margin or higher went on to win the election. Trump won the republican primary by 85.6%.
There are many more, those are just some that I remember off the top of my head. I have not taken a deep dive into it since last November/December. One or two anomalies might happen, randomness is clumpy. When more and more are found, one must really consider Occam's razor. What is a simpler answer? Biden won by miracle, defying basically every known historical trend, statistical model, etc. Or vote manipulation occurred?
He never answered this one
I hope he answers this. It's good
I really would love the insight into the thinking of those who can rationalize all this as normal, and I mean that. I'm not holding my breath, though.
In my opinion, just because an election didn't turn out as the models predicted, doesn't mean it was fraudulent. Hell, Hillary was supposed to win 2016 too.
You either missed the point or selectively parsed what I wrote. Read the last paragraph again... Also, polls may have predicted a Clinton win, but Norpoth model correctly predicted that Trump would win in 2016, with 87% confidence.
Something that "looks fishy" isn't proof, though, even if several things "look fishy" to you. I get that it might not look right, but that's when you have to dig and find the actual evidence. Going against predicted models and trends isn't evidence.
Yes, it is. See also what is currently going on in AZ. Also hereistheevidence.com. There is plenty of evidence, and the cases that were dismissed were not based on evidence or lack thereof.
So, I guess the answer to my original question regarding how you rationalize the election as legitimate seems to be through liberal (pun intended) application of the invincible ignorance fallacy.
No, it isn't. It's grounds to look deeper, but it's not evidence. It's circumstantial at best.
Because more votes were cast for trump, and she ran a shitty campaign.
Biden didn’t run a shitty campaign?
He ran a better one than Hillary
You're not a very astute lurker if you haven't seen the statistical anomalies we've been posting here since mid November. You'd seem more legit if you attempted to deboonk instead of pretending they don't exist.
Well i HAVE seen them, I just don't see how they're credible, significant, or indicative of any widespread fraud.
I wasn't here to debunk anything. That wasn't the purpose of this thread. But if you have anything that you want debunked you're welcome to provide me with something that I'll take my best crack at!
Well... we've uncovered precincts in important swing states that reported well over 100% voter turnout, 16 (or 18? I'm too lazy to verify) of 19 bellwether counties went for Trump, Trump gained 10 million votes from 2016, there were a lot of dead voters and voters with invalid addresses, military ballots were mishandled, the courts refused to do their jobs even though if there was nothing to hide they could use it as an opportunity to rub our noses in it. This is more of a rant, but these are all things that I personally have questions about that you or I couldn't honestly answer. ???
Show me one precinct that reported over 100% turnout please. Because I haven't seen any.
Based on what? Were there not 860,704 ballots cast?
We've been blasting them here for months. Keep lurking and stay libtarded. EDIT: did a quick Google search and found a WHOLE LIST... just Michigan: Banville TWP Monticello p1 and p2 Albertville p1 and p2 Bradford TWP Veldt TWP Champion TWP Kent City Etc etc. Anything else I can research for you that's too much effort? Edit 2: https://greatawakening.win/p/12igYFOjbS/just-a-concise-and-friendly-remi/c/
Are you sure these places are in michigan? I tried looking up the first few and there's no counties or even townships by the names of Banville or Monticello in Michigan.
Why did they kick observers out, cover the windows with cardboard and then find enough ballots for Biden to “win?”
Presumably because they caused a disruption. But many votes came from mail in ballots, which were, in many states, not counted until later. Mail in ballots were found to be heavily Biden-favored, considering trump actively campained against mailing in your votes.
And welcome I would love to Have a peaceful discussion
Thank you! Happy to be here!
Pizzagate “doesn’t make a ton of sense”? Maybe your senses are off. It’s very very simple. You just don’t want to believe. You’d rather mock it as though you are too intelligent to believe something outlandish.
Did you have a question?
So it’s been about forty five minutes and over fifty comments and not one reply from original poster. I’m beginning to think this is just a trolling expedition.
It wasn't meant to be! I'm just having a busier friday than anticipated.
If it is found to be fraud, no I don't support it. I wouldn't be happy with the results either, but I wouldn't support a fraudulent election. Fraud certainly happened on small scales, so I wouldn't say there was "none." I just don't see evidence that there was a lot of it. I do legitimately think Biden won.
I don't think there is an underground satanic society pulling strings, but I do think there is likely an elitist group of super rich that control a lot of big business operations that can shape society. Gates I think likely has humanity's best interest in mind, although I do acknowledge the power he has.
Media bias is absolutely a thing. Ran by the cabal...not sure how to answer that
Planned opposition I can see as being fairly truthful
How do you feel about Epstein, ghislaine maxwell, and bill and melinda gates recently revealed divorce reasons centering around Epstein and his relationship?
Thanks for doing this ama. Also how do you feel about the qult headquarters AMA being banned and all comments removed by moderators?
Epstein didn't kill himself. That's a conspiracy I'm on board with for sure. Or if he did, he was coerced/allowed to.
Maxwell I think is probably crooked too.
I wasn't aware the divorce was centered around his relationship with Epstein but I'm aware it was a factor in some tense relationship
I don't think posts should be removed unless they're harmful
Hunter Biden isn't a submarine pilot.
Yes, but he is not a submarine pilot.
Respect friend, thanks for your responses. I appreciate how you worded your Bill Gates divorce view, and I agree with how you wrote it more than how I phrased it with “centered around”. Not a great assumption on my part.
Also with regards to Epstein and maxwell - do you think they would have been arrested over the previous few years and human trafficking arrests would have increased As much as they had under Trump if Hillary had been elected to office in 2016?
No sweat! Thanks for your questions.
It's hard to say what would have happened if this or if that. I would hope that they'd be arrested all the same, but it's difficult to say.
My opinion is the powers that be that DID have him arrested would have functioned with or without trump in the white house, but I could certainly be wrong about that.
Yes, to all three
Why doesn’t hunter Biden’s affiliation with burisma and the Uk bother you?
Or what about joes quid pro quo to get uk prosecutor fired? Investigating the same company hunters is on
Or why doesn’t hunters laptop and the evidence they found of joe being controlled and bought by Chinese gov?
Biden seems more than compromised and the epitome of a corrupt politician.
It doesn't bother me much because I don't see what effect it's currently having on a grand scale. No doubt he's getting more money than he deserves from shady shit like that, no different from other rich families. I don't agree with it, but I also don't think it's any worse than trump's kids getting beefed up paychecks for doing little work.
What evidence was found on his laptop aside from him being a shithead crack smoker?
Can I ask you, please, why do you keep bringing up Trump in your answers regarding Biden?
"Well, Trump did (xyz) so, if Biden does ABC, what does it matter?"
That is intellectually dishonest and you should know that.
That's a fair point!
Take it this way: I don't agree with children of powerful people getting signed on as a bullshit position to a company to pad their pockets. I think it's shady that Hunter Biden gets that sort of grift and more should be done about that for any politician.
I'm not saying it doesn't matter, because it does! And i'm not saying it's okay because trump's family does it, because it isn't! But you can't deny that this is a problem that's not unique to the Biden family.
Perfect. Thank you!
Now, to my question...
Since it has been documented that Biden (as VP) blackmailed Ukraine into firing a prosecutor by withholding funding, how do you feel about Biden (as President) withholding funding to Ukraine shortly after inauguration, in order to meet more demands?
Depends on the demand. Leaders withhold money by means of leverage in many situations. Some of them amount to good, others not so much.
Withholding funds on account of human rights violations, for example, would be good!
Withholding funds for personal gain, bad.
So, it depends.
Based on this response, I'm going to assume that you might not have heard about this scandal?
If you're willing to do a little reading, I have some information for you on this very interesting topic.
And once you get through all of those goodies, then we can move on to CCP! Looking forward to it.
Didn't Shokin have a lot of reasons why he shouldn't serve as the top prosecutor? Was he even investigating HUnter Biden at the time?
Different opinions, for sure. Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one.
Yes. But Leftists’ are usually huge, distorted, and leaking.
Mine's still tight as ever. Ask my poops
Is this one of the diversity hires I saw on the CIA recruitment ads?
handshake account, that made it here, yet voted for Biden. Mods, what is this?
It's a fun little game
Nah b I'm white
a diversity hire can be white.....
Good point. Maybe I'm just tall? Is that diversity?
funny how you never answered any questions....just snarky feminine replies.
You didn’t look hard enough
I was here yesterday when he got a sticky and didn't come back u til a day later during an ama
Which questions did you need answered? You've only asked a diversity hire one.
why do u vote for pedophiles?
Pedophile being person who has sex with children?
Spoiler! I'm here!
We won’t ban you for logic, unlike your community over in Reddit.
Hell, we'll sticky your post!!
Are you familiar with the looting and burning of BLM. Are you familiar with Joe Biden calling them peaceful protests, but the January 6th event is an act of terrorism.
Do you see or believe there is some hypocrisy?
Yes and yes!
There were peaceful parts of the protests and violent parts of the protests. There are many , like myself, who condemn the violence. But there are also many who understand why people can act like that.
However, there were many who were just causing chaos to take advantage of it for themselves. I think those people should be arrested.
Do you believe that many Americans feel wronged/disenfranchised that the supreme courts did not look at any election related lawsuits, and said that President Trump had no standing even though it’s an election he was in, current President of the United Stares?
Finally, why is the Arizona audit finding fraud such as databases being deleted and passwords not being known in their own counties election?
You come in peace and I respect you for this, but I think you are missing a lot of information as to why a lot of us are waiting for Biden and Obama, etc. to get arrested for high treason. This is a corrupt Republican and democratic system. Democrats and Republican are both corrupt to the very core and COVID, BLM, and the 2020 Election proved that.
You seem very honest, so change my mind please. Do not say “multiple sources have confirmed no fraud”, because those sources are all bought and paid for by the same people including FOX, Newsmax, etc.
I can see why citizens feel wronged but at the same time there is a due process that the courts follow and I respect that as well. I don't expect the SCOTUS to hear every single case that comes through, no matter who the defendant/prosecutor is. In the eyes of the law, the election had been certified and no hard evidence was presented. If new evidence was brought to light, then I think we'd have a different story.
No idea why they're finding fraud, but so far most mentions I've seen of that are just posts on facebook. Is the finding of fraud confirmed?
I agree that there is corruption in the government that needs to be taken care of! But I don't see the evidence of high treason.
I'm not here to change your mind. I'm just here to have a discussion. Talks don't have to have the goal of trying to convince one side or another. It's really just to be frank with one another.
Well to be frank, I value you coming here and being very mature about all of this.
Also to be frank, NCSWIC
To be frank, I appreciate you being here. We'll see what happens!
Do you know Creepy Joe is a pedophile? Do you support pedophilia? Why aren't you answering any questions in your fake and gay "AMA?"
If he's had sex with kids, no, I haven't been made aware of that
I don't support pedophelia. I think offenders should be jailed.
I got a call from my boss and got tied up
How do you feel that Hunter Biden (who Joe said was the smartest person he knows) recorded himself producing child porn and coordinating money laundering on his laptop he dropped off at some computer store and never paid for because of his crack addiction? Why would be be China President Xi’s “personal lawyer”?
I think you'll have to double check on the claim about producing child porn. Can't answer that question if you've got that kind of hyperbole tacked in there.
If you have a link, wouldn't be happy to check it out.
But nobody seems to know where the actual evidence of that is.
OP is in wayyyy over his/her head. Your silence is deafening.
Shhh not so loud
Are you concerned by what appears to be overt acts of evidence tampering prior to the audit?
Do you find the behavior of the county commissioners and SoS indicative of deceit?
Will your support of the Bidan regime be affected if it is conclusively proven that the number of provably counterfeit ballots exceeds the margin of victory in three states, tipping Trump over 270 EVs?
I'm not aware of any. Can you explain?
Not sure of what behavior but from what I've seen no
If he's found to have cheated, yes. It will change negatively.
So, let's wait and see how the county commissioners explain the deleted files and missing master database.
Then, let's see how they explain the lack of chain of custody.
After that, we'll wait to see why the batches are missing ballots.
Then, we will wait to see why they are withholding the routers.
After that, let's find out how many ballots are printed on the wrong paper, with the wrong ink, off the wrong printer.
The AZ audit is going to be a massive red pill for you, if you are sincere that "If he's found to have cheated, yes. It will change negatively."
Have you read this report? If so, what are your thoughts? https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/HSGAC_Finance_Report_FINAL.pdf Do you find it unsettling that the media purposely covered up this story?
What are your thoughts on a CNN technical director admitting to pushing propaganda and only interviewing folks who will respond in the way they want them to? https://youtu.be/Dv8Zy-JwXr4
Why do you think Biden is the most popular president of all time, with more votes than any president in history?
I haven't, no.
CNN is bias. Most MSM is. I try and go through their sources if I want to learn more.
I think he was popular compared to trump, hence why he got so many votes.
Before I even engaged in conversation with you I would be interested in what your age is and what your life circumstances were growing up. Some people are too far off the beaten path of regular old American life to grasp what is actually happening to the majority of all 'us' little folk.
I'm 31 years old, grew up in a suburban home with my parents, brothers and sisters. I'd say I had a more privileged life than most, but after leaving college I did my best to distance myself from that and build my own life up without assistance from my parents
Sounds like you had a wonderful experience in your life. I admit, I think I have avoided responding bc I'm afraid I'll insult you & I really don't want to. You're obviously a responsible person, if what you say is true. Besides my thinking is so far beyond Democrat or Republican at this point, a political conversation is futile. I'm at the point where no government at all is better than the new we all have coming. I wish the best for us all no matter our life choices & maybe that boils it down anyway - we should all be free to have those choices.
You don't have to. I'm not sure why the default for you is to insult. It's much better to have civil discourse with people that don't resort to mudslinging. It upsets me that it's the default for so many people on this website. Everyone seems so defensive and trigger happy, but speaking from the left (and I mean the heart of it), the ideas people have on this site about what the average democrat does is...bonkers.
Some freedoms are good. Some, specificaaly those which infringe on the rights of others, are not. I think some discussions that people have had on this site are part of the bad kinds of freedoms.
I've been told I'm very forward. Too forward in my opinions. That I insult people. I do it civilly, of course but I still upset some anyway.
If anyone is so defensive and trigger happy here it's probably because of all the nonsense going on in the world and your party supports it. There is no getting around that. If you support Joe Biden & the Democrat party, even averagely, then you support all of the BLM & Antifa rioting that has gone on in this last year & the chaos of now. There is a finely drawn line in the sand. Either Biden & his policies are going to sink America or American's are taking their country back for themselves again. It's time to pick sides, is how a lot of us are feeling.
I disagree with you on your freedom comments. If you don't like things your reading on here, you don't have to be here. Other people rather enjoy it so they come to partake. They're not infringing on any of your rights by having a conversation you weren't invited to.
Maybe you have a better example.
Do you think being forward with your opinions that lead to insults is something that you like people to see you as, or not? Because you appear to be hyper-conscious of feeling as though you have to insult people, and I would imagine that's incredibly stressful.
A person does not have to be all in on supporting a person. They can support a president while still being critical of his policies. They can support a group wile disapproving of some of their actions. It never has to be all or nothing. I have friends I speak to regularly about politics and we have some days where we're upset with the current administration and some where we aren't. Some things that BLM has done I am incredibly supportive of, and I can also understand that many of their rallies have devolved into violence I don't agree with Things aren't so black/white, life/death.
I'm aware that I don't have to be here. I choose to be here to try and have civil discourse with people, because, if I'm being honest, I'm constantly confused how some people here get to the conclusions that they speak about. I don't think anyone is infringing on my rights right now, but you can't deny there are talks about violence towards anyone who is a democrat or even just wearing a mask.
Here's an image link of people on this site arguing about whether or not women should have the right to vote:
I think the way people see me is irrelevant. People usually decide in 5 mins whether they like someone or not. I stopped trying to impress people a long time ago. I made the comment in the original post bc your side of politics doesn't seem to handle the truth of the world as easily.
I can't ever get behind BLM bc their whole stance comes from a lie. Black people are not hunted down by anyone except their own.
I don't care what people say on forums regarding their views on violence. I'm more of a call me when they do it person. The thing is though, if we had a judicial system that actually worked in justice than the violence that caused the police to NEED to be in black neighborhoods would have been addressed properly & they wouldn't be blaming the cops today. Many of us have watched these communities decay through the decades knowing full well that criminals weren't being held accountable and none of us are surprised now that the police are being blamed instead.
Comments about violence over masks & bc people are democrats?
I think you are just reading the tail ends of a mindframe that started bc the dems call for violence against us. Like how Maxine called for violence against Trump supporters.
We just want America free and fair.
Eh, I don't think that's true. There are snap judgements people can make but opinions can change over time. You don't always hate the person you hate at first, and you won't always love the person you love. If your opinion on "my side" is so, do you autmatically assume that of me as well? Why not judge a person by their own individual actions?
The stance isn't that black people are "hunted down." It's that their perception is that their lives don't seem to matter as much as everyone else's do.
I absolutely agree that America should be free and fair. Do you think America has ever been that way?
There's only liberty vs tyranny, OP
The Collective rides roughshod over the Individual but most do not see that until they're targeted
Did you have a question?
No, I'm a former leftist myself and know the depth of the indoctrination. Most leftists are not liberals at all, they essentially worship government. Always bad faith and Machiavellian tactics, but it's never enough.
Just keep questioning and seeking truth. The MSM and other gatekeepers are enemies of humanity. Peace
Why do you think I worship the government? Is there anything I can say to convince you that I don't?
Leftists' actions speak louder than their words, same as anybody. Most of the societal ills they claim to care about are the result of the breakdown of the family unit, which is the inevitable result of leftist policies over decades.
They'll gaslight and redefine words. They're more concerned with appearances than the actual reality on the ground, as the Party commands.
Okay so what's your goal in telling me this then?
What is your primary source(s) for news?
NPR. I listen to them a lot on drives or through podcasts. Other than that I take news from a wide variety of sources, but primarily look into what they're referencing rather than read headlines. I don't absorb much MSM if any
NPR is as MSM as it gets ?♂️ not implying you absorb it though.
That's fair! Where do you get your news?
As many places as possible. I usually Google whatever story I'm interested in and read a few different articles and they're 90% left leaning. If I want to take a look at a variety of headlines I'll browse drudge. Of course GAW is also a steady source for me as well as my handful of completely biased YouTubers. There is no such thing as unbiased I know. Jimmy Dore is close at times and substack.
That's fair! I feel generally I operate on a similar vein, but gun to my head if you're asking for a "main source" it's NPR
I'll admit that i hate Tim Pool because he TRIES to be unbiased ? it's not what I actually want, I guess.
Yeah you have to have some biases. If you TRY to stay unbiased you don't stand for anything.
Hello. Do you dislike freedom?
I am not a Republican nor am I a democrat. I tend to side with libertarians. Less government control over every aspect of our lives.
Biden seems to be ruling us, not governing or even leading. He makes decisions for us with the stroke of a pen. His first 100 days in office mirror those of a dictator.
Nah, I'm big on freedom. Freedom shreds.
I disagree that he's being a dictator.
That’s all? You’re worthless.
What else were you looking for? If you're looking for a verbal combat I'm not here for it. I'm here to answer your questions, and you only asked one. If you want more substance, you're welcome to ask more!
You’re proving his point. You’re worthless. Answer questions and nothing more? You act like a celebrity that we should fawn over. Of course people expect discussion from you, you aren’t some role model where we are simply interested in facts about you to answer. “Verbal combat” is a very pathetic way to victimize yourself, avoid discussion, and paint us as aggressive all at the same time.
...what else did you want? He asked me a silly question about freedom, and then did his own thing. How else am I supposed to respond to that? I'm not here to pick fights with someone.
I don't see how his first post can stem a meaningful discussion.
Several people here I'm having perfectly reasonable conversations with. If he wants to come in with snide comments and no talking points other than asking if I hate freedom, I'm not gonna put much effort into a response.
Do you see what I mean?
Really? You don’t see how the commenter making these statements can stem into anything meaningful? You think this amounts to “no talking points”?
“Biden seems to be ruling us, not governing or even leading. He makes decisions for us with the stroke of a pen. His first 100 days in office mirror those of a dictator.”
He’s clearly referring to Biden abusing his executive powers. Even Biden is quoted to have said that a dictator President would rule by executive power, and he’s broken records with his EOs.
That’s the difference between us it seems. You see statements as having no meaningful value for discussion and pass them off as “snide” and accuse it of being “verbal combat”. You are a very disingenuous person.
Well...I'm not sure how I'm supposed to respond to their question is all. They stated that Biden is a dictator. Okay, what do you want me to do, try to prove them wrong? Argue with them? I'm not interested in doing so, so I didn't.
I disagree with his points. I'm not going to argue about his own opinion, because I don't think his actions mirror those of a dictator.
What, in your opinion, would be something that I should have said?
I don't think you understand the concept of an AMA
?Understated Comment of the Post?
Hey, it's called an ASK me anything not an ANSWER everything ;)
Looks like he didn’t want to have a conversation after all
He's probably screen capping exclusively the mean comments and saying "Hurr hurr, they didn't ask me questions" on r/Qultheadquarters.
Nah, not my jam
Don't worry I'm back!
I’m curious if you believe Joe Biden is showing unmistakable signs of mental decline.
I’ve got follow-up questions, but I want to see what perception of reality we’re dealing with here.
For sure. He's an old man who talks like an old man and fumbles words and all that jazz. But honestly he's been sharper than I was expecting.
I don't believe you!
Cool! You don't have to