I don't do idol worship, but Ron Desantis tests my limits. If it were acceptable for governors to have boring middle-aged groupies I would be right in there!
That man is a force of nature and one of my proudest voting moments!
Meet Kevin is running!! And he is on fire about it!! I like about 80% of his plan, minus green energy junk. I don’t know how slim his chances are, though.
I’ve watched his plan/proposal, it’s good but these ideas are not new... I like his enthusiasm but I think he’s about to get a rude awakening in the world of politics.
Newsom is not a dumb man by any stretch, he’s an asshole yes, an evil man... but not dumb. There is a reason why he’s stayed in power for so damn long, there is a reason why the FAMILY has been in power for so damn long. He was planted, he’s been groomed since childhood. He knows all the tricks of manipulation, and he is backed by the cabal.
Remember, it’s not about who votes for you. It’s about who controls the voting results.
Kevin P is running as a D, good luck with that. Unless he has dirt on the current D leadership (he doesn’t) or he’s also been chosen as a plant by the Patriots - these will be the outcomes....
He losses the race, gains some fans and moves on. He’s too small a fish to pay attention to.
He losses the race, but pushed some buttons and has become a threat. His choice is to either placate and get out of politics or if he keeps fighting he and his family are in danger.
He losses the race, but he gets a taste of politics. He gets invited into the elite club, he thinks it’s to do good but he has no idea he’s about to be slowly brainwashed and out into a situation where he is now their puppet willingly or unwillingly (blackmail)
He wins, but does the same bullshit the Dems have always done. How did he win? Look at #3
He wins and starts to turn CA around because unbeknownst to all of us, he’s been invited into the patriots plan OR he’s being steered and helped along the way by the patriots (he just doesn’t know it). His family will be protected and be kept safe
I 100% agree!! Excellent explanation. I’ve known him from watching his real estate videos and honestly was a little shocked he wanted to go this route. I think he genuinely loves California and doesn’t want to feel like he has to run away. I think he has to run as a Democrat even though he is definitely more conservative with his ideologies. As to what happens now... only time will tell. I hope he and his family stay safe. You’re right he is going against the cabal directly.
C'mon man.
Gilliam would have had us wearing masks, getting the mark of the beast, teaching CRT, vax passports, and all of our cities glowing with that BLM spirit.
DeSantis is what it looks like when you just do your job the waynits supposed to be done. I can't get excited about people any more. Only what they do.
You're lucky. DeSantis is awesome. Everything a governor should be. Me, on the other hand? Another example of night and day, I've got Blackface Freaking Northam.
I can't even wrap my head around what he's thinking??? Is he like going to setup police at all the airports and bus stations so without a vax you're only choice is to drive? What gives him the authority? The list of questions just goes on and on.
Yup. Several Canadians I know were telling me about this. They were hardcore liberals so they think it's sad but necessary to seal the borders between provinces. Even if your grandma is dying you'll need papers to go to her province.
The Canadians I know are like, "I'm glad our government is thinking of our safety".
You're not even allowed to stand in a family members yard and shout to them. That is considered "too close".
Honestly, I feel like even lefties in Boston have more sense than Canadians. What happened to that country? I know some are awake, but Canada seems even worse than the UK.
Corbett Report couple days ago showed a guy in B.C. calling out the RCMP. Awesome dude. In response, it may be a marxist takeover is easier when the population is more spread-out and hey...NO 2A.
There is a difference between locking down New York City and New York STATE.
Locking down Manhattan is almost trivial. Its an island.
Similarly locking down L.I. is also trivial (which includes Queens and Brooklyn). Same with Staten Island, although in those cases there are an awful lot of boats (hundreds of thousands?), so you would need a large part of the Navy and/or Coast Guard to help lock it down as well.
For the entire rest of the state however, there are hundreds of roads out. There are an infinite number of places you can walk, ride or 4 wheel your way across.
The amount of resources to enforce a "statewide travel ban" in earnest is astounding. I'm not saying it couldn't be done, but it would take the full weight of the military and NSA etc.
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way—in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only."
I might be quoting Dickens out of context, but I thought it's fitting.
I think what I like the most about DeSantis is that he just does what he believes is the best for people in general. There isn't anything about talking down to people coming form him.
Just rip him out if his office and throw him to the curb not much more display of power than that. Sick of these people still being able to have a say in anything at all and no repercussions for KILLING PEOPLE.
I am so glad I escaped from NY. I watched as they took over my area in Upstate NY when I lived there. The only thing left before I moved was a GOP (but mostly RINO) majority in the State Congress. But even that was taken over after I moved from there in 2015.
My fight is now in NC where the Deep State is hell bent on taking it over, too. I am in contact with a guy who is doing deep dives into our county elections and I will be doing the leg work if need be to challenge any and all fraudulent votes here. Stay tuned. Even in NC there are still things happening in the background for election integrity here. Stay Tuned. We will overcome!
Come on. He works for satan...but that headline is a bit misleading.
Here is what he said:
While promoting the pop-up vaccination sites at airports Cuomo dropped a major bombshell. He believes states across the country and countries will require you to prove you've been vaccinated to enter.
"Make sure wherever you're going that you are vaccinated. And that vaccination is going to be required by more and more countries and states to allow access to visitors, you watch," Cuomo said. "So it's another reason to get it done."
so....MANDATING VAXX from NY to 'other states'...meaning no vaca's to the people who voted for this POS? No Disney (good) but still no Daytona, no, no, no to his Liberal state that the citizens (Dem) to his ppl who voted him in office. I do not think this is legal, at all...but how many sheep will get the VAXXX because of this, and how many ppl will die or be maimed for life will suffer due to their 'instant grat' to travel. Sheep...SHEEP. Lie down roll over and spread em...how easy to control...are there ANY PATRIOTS IN NY??? STAND UP!
Where is the article with Cuomo saying that. I would like to o read it since I'm in my and haven't watched any news for the past years other than the weather.
I don't do idol worship, but Ron Desantis tests my limits. If it were acceptable for governors to have boring middle-aged groupies I would be right in there!
That man is a force of nature and one of my proudest voting moments!
You're so lucky.
I'm hoping for Grenell, or someone of equal caliber here in CA in a few months. Depends on if we get a real vote or not.
And I suppose it also depends on if CA survives that long. Gruesome can probably do a lot of damage before he leaves.
Meet Kevin is running!! And he is on fire about it!! I like about 80% of his plan, minus green energy junk. I don’t know how slim his chances are, though.
I’ve watched his plan/proposal, it’s good but these ideas are not new... I like his enthusiasm but I think he’s about to get a rude awakening in the world of politics.
Newsom is not a dumb man by any stretch, he’s an asshole yes, an evil man... but not dumb. There is a reason why he’s stayed in power for so damn long, there is a reason why the FAMILY has been in power for so damn long. He was planted, he’s been groomed since childhood. He knows all the tricks of manipulation, and he is backed by the cabal.
Remember, it’s not about who votes for you. It’s about who controls the voting results.
Kevin P is running as a D, good luck with that. Unless he has dirt on the current D leadership (he doesn’t) or he’s also been chosen as a plant by the Patriots - these will be the outcomes....
He losses the race, gains some fans and moves on. He’s too small a fish to pay attention to.
He losses the race, but pushed some buttons and has become a threat. His choice is to either placate and get out of politics or if he keeps fighting he and his family are in danger.
He losses the race, but he gets a taste of politics. He gets invited into the elite club, he thinks it’s to do good but he has no idea he’s about to be slowly brainwashed and out into a situation where he is now their puppet willingly or unwillingly (blackmail)
He wins, but does the same bullshit the Dems have always done. How did he win? Look at #3
He wins and starts to turn CA around because unbeknownst to all of us, he’s been invited into the patriots plan OR he’s being steered and helped along the way by the patriots (he just doesn’t know it). His family will be protected and be kept safe
#5 sound familiar?
I 100% agree!! Excellent explanation. I’ve known him from watching his real estate videos and honestly was a little shocked he wanted to go this route. I think he genuinely loves California and doesn’t want to feel like he has to run away. I think he has to run as a Democrat even though he is definitely more conservative with his ideologies. As to what happens now... only time will tell. I hope he and his family stay safe. You’re right he is going against the cabal directly.
Meet Kevin is your absolute best bet.
C'mon man. Gilliam would have had us wearing masks, getting the mark of the beast, teaching CRT, vax passports, and all of our cities glowing with that BLM spirit.
Dear God, thank you for Governor Desantis. Amen
DeSantis MUST be President after Donny T finishes his second term.
DeSantis is what it looks like when you just do your job the waynits supposed to be done. I can't get excited about people any more. Only what they do.
You're lucky. DeSantis is awesome. Everything a governor should be. Me, on the other hand? Another example of night and day, I've got Blackface Freaking Northam.
Are they going to put up check points at all roads out of the state? lol
That would take like, the entire army.
Go for it Cuomo. Can't wait to see how well that goes over for ya.
I can't even wrap my head around what he's thinking??? Is he like going to setup police at all the airports and bus stations so without a vax you're only choice is to drive? What gives him the authority? The list of questions just goes on and on.
Defund police! (But also have hundreds extra posted around doing retarded crap)
putting pressure of commuters that travel in and out of NJ to NYC for work and vise versa
The people not doing anything about it or him gives him the authority
It’s what they’re doing in Canada.
Yup. Several Canadians I know were telling me about this. They were hardcore liberals so they think it's sad but necessary to seal the borders between provinces. Even if your grandma is dying you'll need papers to go to her province.
The Canadians I know are like, "I'm glad our government is thinking of our safety".
You're not even allowed to stand in a family members yard and shout to them. That is considered "too close".
Honestly, I feel like even lefties in Boston have more sense than Canadians. What happened to that country? I know some are awake, but Canada seems even worse than the UK.
Corbett Report couple days ago showed a guy in B.C. calling out the RCMP. Awesome dude. In response, it may be a marxist takeover is easier when the population is more spread-out and hey...NO 2A.
They basically have secret police, and a leftist government that's being installed via rigged elections. They're just a little ahead of the USA.
That headline is HORRIBLY deceptive. SMH...
Its not mandated... urg. Is it 1776 yet? I'm so sick of this BS.
Freedom of travel is in the bill of rights. He is an idiot.
Oh thanks. Yeah I didn't check validity, I typically do if it is a significant news. But thus was essentially gossip.thangs again for the check.
Just like that movie .. Escape from New York
How does he think he has a right to restrict traffic out of his state? Into, I get it, but out of? No way...
There is a difference between locking down New York City and New York STATE.
Locking down Manhattan is almost trivial. Its an island.
Similarly locking down L.I. is also trivial (which includes Queens and Brooklyn). Same with Staten Island, although in those cases there are an awful lot of boats (hundreds of thousands?), so you would need a large part of the Navy and/or Coast Guard to help lock it down as well.
For the entire rest of the state however, there are hundreds of roads out. There are an infinite number of places you can walk, ride or 4 wheel your way across.
The amount of resources to enforce a "statewide travel ban" in earnest is astounding. I'm not saying it couldn't be done, but it would take the full weight of the military and NSA etc.
Why isn't he in prison yet??
Exactly it needs to be soon real soon!
Need a fight club like resistance against these people but nothing will be done, too law abiding
Escape from New York Vaccine Edition
Wow..do you need the vaccine to move out of that Mafia owned state?
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way—in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only."
I might be quoting Dickens out of context, but I thought it's fitting.
Que in "Can you hear the people" ?
Ron DeSantis is one of the strongest, if not THE STRONGEST Governor this country has.
He's gonna mak one heluva great President someday.
I think what I like the most about DeSantis is that he just does what he believes is the best for people in general. There isn't anything about talking down to people coming form him.
And if the DS had anything to use against him, they'd have found it by now. All they've done are hit pieces that are quickly proven wrong.
A few years ago on our (SC) tax free weekend I bought a PTR 91F (H&K G3 clone) from a gun store. It was an even $1000 without the tax.
Are they going to do that for all the illegals in the state or do they get special dispensation?
Damn.... talk about grasping! Cuomo is pure evil. He knows he can't do this legally! Desperate. :-(
Fuckin-a I so love my new governor! Cant wait to be a FL citizen in 3 weeks and no liner an IL citizen!
Welcome to paradise. Just leave liberal values behind.
This will be a lot of people's "red pill" moment.
I welcome it.
Just rip him out if his office and throw him to the curb not much more display of power than that. Sick of these people still being able to have a say in anything at all and no repercussions for KILLING PEOPLE.
Nail on the head
"Escape from New York" comes to mind.
Fuck that mass-murdering communist bastard.
Why is States in quotation marks? What type of states are being insinuated? Liquid/gaseous? Living/dead? Very confusing.
I am so glad I escaped from NY. I watched as they took over my area in Upstate NY when I lived there. The only thing left before I moved was a GOP (but mostly RINO) majority in the State Congress. But even that was taken over after I moved from there in 2015.
My fight is now in NC where the Deep State is hell bent on taking it over, too. I am in contact with a guy who is doing deep dives into our county elections and I will be doing the leg work if need be to challenge any and all fraudulent votes here. Stay tuned. Even in NC there are still things happening in the background for election integrity here. Stay Tuned. We will overcome!
Thank you for your dedication.
Ooo no I guess I won’t go to New York now
Cuomo looks like a demon
He is interferring with commerce. That's a federal purview.
C'mon arrests....please hurry! People will die...
Hope my awesome gov covers bathing suits too! A girl can never have too many in FL!
How the fuck u gonna stop people from leaving g to go to other states????
But in NY you can a a burger and fries from shake shack just for getting poisoned.
I can’t wait til I move down there from MN
Come on. He works for satan...but that headline is a bit misleading.
Here is what he said:
While promoting the pop-up vaccination sites at airports Cuomo dropped a major bombshell. He believes states across the country and countries will require you to prove you've been vaccinated to enter.
"Make sure wherever you're going that you are vaccinated. And that vaccination is going to be required by more and more countries and states to allow access to visitors, you watch," Cuomo said. "So it's another reason to get it done."
so....MANDATING VAXX from NY to 'other states'...meaning no vaca's to the people who voted for this POS? No Disney (good) but still no Daytona, no, no, no to his Liberal state that the citizens (Dem) to his ppl who voted him in office. I do not think this is legal, at all...but how many sheep will get the VAXXX because of this, and how many ppl will die or be maimed for life will suffer due to their 'instant grat' to travel. Sheep...SHEEP. Lie down roll over and spread em...how easy to control...are there ANY PATRIOTS IN NY??? STAND UP!
Where is the article with Cuomo saying that. I would like to o read it since I'm in my and haven't watched any news for the past years other than the weather.
Ok ty. I was like damn, it would be ALL over the place if he went deeper in the depend
Would that keep Yankees there or would they be stuck in fla? I can deal with the obnoxious NY'er, but just keep the fucking liberals out plz.
Are we seeing Cuomo's rapeface in that image?