I don't have a PhD. In fact I don't even have a college degree. In fact I failed senior English and spend a 5th year in high school. I'm also more often than not the smartest person in the room. I'm not Einstein or anything like that but I'm definitely not stupid. I'm also dyslexic. IE EI their there they're ea ae on and on and on I constantly have to triple check everything I write and I still switch stuff. Just because someone has bad grammar or spelling doesn't mean they are stupid/uninformed.
They might be the smartest in the room, but they are not the most emotionally stable. Emotional instability clouds judgement, nullifying whatever their intellectual superiority may or may not be.
Most of the "stable geniuses" I've ever seen or met are people that might very well recognize or suspect they are the smartest in the room, but largely don't give a fuck. Most people have an intellectual capacity great enough to understand or do anything they'll need to. Our problem as a society in general isn't mental deficiency in the form of low IQ, it's emotional instability associated with extreme indoctrination practices. Regardless of their IQ, their judgement is thoroughly clouded and impaired, and the dishonest prey on that ceaselessly.
Also, there's a quote from someone, I don't remember who. Maybe it was Einstein? It goes something like "A master at a subject can teach it to a child". Raw IQ is worthless without proper "usage" and utilization. If someone really is the brightest in the room, or really is a genius, and they have utilized this effectively, they will have only minor difficulties dealing with even severely IQ impaired individuals.
I have been around some extremely smart people in my time. What I have learned is that the smartest people are usually the dumbest when it comes to the real world and common sense type things, street smarts. They may very well have a 160 IQ but a common grifter on the street will easily separate them from their money.
True, and I never used to say things like that. Until I realized that everyone around me always comes to me to solve their problems. A year ago, maybe two, it just hit me that I'm far smarter than I ever gave myself credit for. Heh. I graduated last in my class after spending an extra year in high school. Not because I'm stupid but frankly because I have bad language skills and I gave up on giving a shit about my GPA.
I never went to college because the one time I tried... one class I could teach it myself. I literally knew more than the teacher. It was a computer hardware class. The other was a Pascal class and the teacher was horrible. The one time I actually needed help in a class he was useless. If I'm going to teach myself then why in the hell was I paying them.
I did a job for HP at the Omni(CNN Center Atlanta) in the 90s. We installed email clients on every PC in the building. Out of ten contractors there guess who was the go to guy for fixing problem machines? Mac... NP. PC... NP. Unix... NP. Because of that job later I worked a contract doing HP-ux phone support. They interviewed hundreds of people and they hired 50-100 people to work the admin desk. You know stupid stuff, mounting drives, and adding users... changing passwords, etc. They hired TWO people to work the networking department because it was WAY harder. I was one of the those two people.
I'm not trying to toot my own horn. I'm not known for bragging. I'm just sick of having a self image that's less than reality.
Heh. My house was raided once by the police. LONG story. They had the wrong house. I'm sitting outside while they search. I'm talking to the cops. This one female cop "You're really smart aren't you." I just laughed. Needless to say I'm not in jail so they aren't so smart. They can't even raid the right house.
I admit I don't hang out with academics. I spent part of my childhood on a farm. At heart I'm a redneck, but the only person I know IRL that I'm 100% sure is smarter than me is my father. So yeah, more often than not I'm the smartest person in the room. Don't be confused. I'm not saying I'm the most knowledgeable person in the room. I'm not saying I'm the most skilled.
Thx though. I've been slacking for a very long time. Maybe its time I got up off my ass and used my smarts.
Share your knowledge. Create something from nothing. Help someone else be a better person. Commit a random act of kindness. That's what matters. Never stop learning. Stop feeling like the world owes you because you think you're smarter than most others. Go prove it.
I've never felt like the world owes me anything but a fair chance. I'm sick and tired of the world beating me down. Every time I try to do something someone or something gets in my way. It took me a very long time to realize that the problems I ran into were partly my own issue but about 70% of it was actually these Marxist bastards creating bureaucratic road blocks. Throw in a little feminism ruining my relationships and life just fucking sucked.
I tried to get something patented. My finances are pretty shitty. I applied to a pro-bono program for help. This total bitch running the program threw up roadblock after roadblock then denied me any help. She wouldn't say it but I knew the truth. I'm a white male. I have white privileged. I don't deserve or need help.
Don't even get me started about how the patent system is structured. Its all built around the idea that big business wins. Little guys can't get anywhere but ripped off by shyster lawyers. They make it seem like its fair but its not.
I admit I've been a little bit lazy about some things, but I tried my hardest for months on end. I read up. I took free online courses. I jumped through all the hoops and I got NO WHERE. I needed $10-30k or I was just shit out of luck, and I just don't have that kind of money. The worst part is I still have the idea. Hell I've got about ten ideas. I can't tell them to anyone. If I do without a patent they will just steal the idea and I get jack shit. The whole system is rigged.
Imagine a combat shotgun with a 50 round mag, but its not bulky or unwieldy like the handful of drum mag ones available now. Yep... I know how to solve that problem. Can't tell anyone. Can't patent it. Can't do shit. I can't say more because it would give it away, but I'm talking about something so revolutionary they would write my name in the history books next to Browning. Sure there is a small chance once we got into the nitty-gritty of the engineering it might not work, but I give it a solid 98% chance it would work.
I decided I wanted to figure out a way to airdrop and M-1 tank. I figured out a dam good way that has at least a 50/50 chance of working. And if it works as well as I think it will you could use it to airdrop all sorts of CRAZY heavy ass stuff. Can't tell anyone.
I also decided I wanted to figure out how to get an M-1 tank from a ship to the shore. How do you do that in a cheap way that allows you to do it in BULK. I'm talking 500 tanks all at once(full D-day invasion), not 10 at a time using 10 hovercraft which takes flipping forever, and if you lose hovercraft to enemy fire you're boned. Yep solved that problem too. Its so simple once I told you... you would laugh your ass off. I bet money if I told that idea to anyone in the military that knows Abrams he'd make it happen. Can't tell anyone that idea either.
A better style of rocket artillery. Came up with that.
A better grenade launcher. Thought that one up. That's what I tried to patent.
I could go on for hours, but I need to go eat. Either I'm mentally ill and/or stupid or I really am that smart and no one cares because if they can't steal it from me then I'm not worth their time. Do I seriously sound like I'm stupid or mentally ill?
My problem... I'm not connected into the good old boys club. I'm a loner.
There is one idea I've had for a long time now. I came up with it a very very long time ago. I've chastised myself for not doing it, for not putting in the hard work. I'm sort of glad I didn't because I truly believe it would have fucked up Q's plan. I'm thinking the time might be ripe... WorldVote.com
I got to hand it to you standing up for yourself so well. Wish I had the confidence to do the same more often. Have much in common experience wise. Blacksmith did you some good gonna "toughen you up" comments, and also passed on great advise.
"Create something from nothing. Help someone else be a better person. Commit a random act of kindness."
The 'create something from nothing' is the best part and the hardest to do. Random acts of kindness don't need much planning. Something from nothing is never chaos in action. Relentless Focus always Works, just... don't give up, like Ever. People say, life's short but there's enough time for the important stuff.
The real problem that I'm having is that most of what I've created from nothing is good ideas. Without the money to make those ideas physically and/or patent them I'm just spinning my wheels. Without a degree or some sort of contact I can't get anyone to listen to me. So I get nowhere. I'm nobody. I'm just another dumb dude on the internet to everyone else... I could have the cure for cancer and no one would care.
No degrees here, got out of high school barely, threatened with expulsion frequently. Known for innovation, more than I'd like.
Turned several ideas into continuing income. Patents are for bluffing with, share no information. Lawyers are for Letters sent with surprising power. Copy Cats are Cowards. Walk softly and carry a big stick.
The problem is I'm so far down the ladder at the bottom in the muck I can't even get in the room with anyone that I would want to take the chance on telling my ideas to(patent or not). No lawyer will even talk to me. No business man will even take my call. The only thing I have is really good ideas. I have absolutely nothing else. I have no money. I have no connections. Nothing.
If I had a million dollars and a few years I bet I could turn it into 50 million. That's how good my ideas are. One of them I blew my own mind. To this very moment it shocks me someone else hasn't already thought of it. I have my flaws, but I know what they are. I know my ideas are good. More importantly I know that while probibly the majority of them won't work out considering I have about 20 good ones that means at least 4-5 of them will.
The one thing I won't do is sell a 100 million dollar idea for 20k. I'd rather take it to my grave. Otherwise I'm game for just about anything.
I have a degree in engineering, along with 180 extra units, control systems engineer. I'm also an off and on member of Mensa. I've associated with the degreed people for decades.
Most can't spell. Most don't have a f**king clue on grammar. Most can't even think. Very few are critical thinkers.
In these times, placing any credence on the ownership of a degree is in essence, ludicrous. Personally, now that I'm retired, I would much rather associate with the ranchers around here than any of the phuds, ms and bs I once did.
The ranchers are smarter and far more practical.
And thank you, sir, for your comment.
There is a reason they are smarter. Way too often when people have studied, got degrees they become experts in everything. I have arrived in their mind and they stop learning.
People who spend their lifetime in a learning mode tend to be people that you would say have a lot of common sense. "a sound judgment derived from experience rather than study," One cannot mature and grow into their personality without constantly learning, which is what common sense is for.
I once debated getting a PhD. I spoke with a fried of mine who asked me, you know what PhD stands for right? I admitted I did not. He replies “piled higher and deeper”. I laughed pretty hard on that one. And so far he’s been proven right every time.
That's what happens after you spend years on Voat vetting disinformation. Again, not saying she is right or wrong, rather that uncommon misspellings are often an indicator of bullshit. Ph.D's earn their doctorates by writing and publishing.
Ph.D's earn their doctorates by writing and publishing.
And half of them couldn't grammar their way out of a paper bag. I'm as big a stickler as the next wordnerd/editor but still don't want to see the big picture get missed here over a common misspelling of which/witch. I mean it's pretty trivial and unambiguous as to meaning in context.
Don't go too hard on people over spelling and punctuation in this age of cell phones, which are difficult to type on, and the quick-message, no-time-for-punctuation-or-spelling-or-grammar culture of email (no hyphen, which took me years to get used to :) and SMS and IM.
And this is coming from an avowed wordnerd and former editor
Yup. This move confused the hell out of me when I watched him give it. I was like "WTF, Trump? First you tell us all to make sure we're at the capital on this day, and then you turn around and tell everyone to go home??"
Had me pacing back and forth for a while. Then I read up on the Insurrection Act on wiki and read the section about how it can be "invoked." Light bulb came on... It can be verbally invoked:
Before invoking the powers under the Act, 10 U.S.C. § 254 requires the President to first publish a proclamation ordering the insurgents to disperse.
It makes sense to invoke the act on Jan 6th because it showed congress was part of the insurrection (when they refused to even consider the dueling electors and validated the fraudulent electors).
sounds like og here is a hitler lover and can't even see it. Look, no one likes a Hitler lover. If info came out in the future that was verifiable that Hitler was actually a good dude and we've all been lied to, you'd have something, but with reasonable information at hand, just no. There are people who say, he's a Rothschild and others who say, he's fighting the cabal. Ugh. Whether or not A is true or B is true, lets not muddy ourselves in this fight. Until there is irrefutable truth in one direction, 99.5% will never give Hitler an inch of credit for doing good vice evil. I don't care if you think otherwise, the facts are what they are, and if you push Hitler = good with circumstantial evidence, you disable our credibility with mud.
Anything that starts with " A trusted military source" usually means nothing. Look at Charlie Ward during the election. He basically had a time clock as to special forces rounding up Obama and such. However, there ARE alot of indictments still building up, there ARE a ton of treasonous scum In D.C and the Pentagon has apparently still not given access to Biden. The indictments to me is the biggest sign that something is about to happen. Idk, we will find out.
The military doesn't hand out operational tidbits to a select few.
Letters at the end of someones name doesn't automatically add credibility.
This is just pure speculation.
For someone with a PhD, the punctuation errors and the "military source i know" in the first sentence flagged anything after it as bullshit. As I kept reading the punctuation errors just compounded.
If the military and Trump are in control, a heck of a lot of damage is being inflicted on the country and the rest of the world.
People with "trusted military sources" are also claiming Hillary was arrested on March 7 and executed at the end of April. I say until they show us the body and the grieving relatives, bull shit.
Theres Q, then theres Anons, then there is Normie Anons whove never read a Q post outside of Telegram, think Biden and Hillary are clones, JFKjr is coming back (despite what Q says) and believes every damn photoshop pic and random post they see and read as true.
(I have a few in my family. Some with their own podcast! I know this all too well.)
Just a few days ago they were sending me the "interview" with ringo star about how Paul really is dead.
One question: if DJT and the milirltart are in control, and DJT is still the legal president, what purpose would there be for another election in August?
Would that be for congress since 95% of them are traitors?
It can't be true. My own military source says that Biden is actually JFK Jr. with a Mission Impossible style face mask on and that he will unveil his true face once the audits are done and will unite America with the ET federation of intergalactic planets. He will also name Trump as his viceroy and they will rule the galaxy together. Maybe Doctor Roth's sources are lower in rank, possibly a colonel. My source told me November is the true inauguration of the God Emperor JFK Jr. and viceroy Donaldo Trumpo.
Seriously, fuck off with these faggoty military insider sources. The military don't share intel, least of all with civilians. Especially to a PhD who can't type for shit.
Remain vigilant frens! Keep applying pressure. If this is true, our work makes the military's job a bit easier. If not true, then our work makes progress. Don't stop!
This is from a site I belive Flynn shared. News with views. Yes its an op ed. The more any discerning voices are shared by any media that has been completely one sided, thats a plus in my book.
Anyone hinging on to this for hope is a short sighted dope.
I don't need her or anyone else to say a damn thing to see what's coming. I already have more evidence than I can handle.
C'monn Maan! WTF is wrong with the tunnel vision myopic pin-brains out there? I think I just answered my own question. Hopium junkies are never satisfied.
'All rights reserved'. That explains a lot don't it, if she thought she knew what she was mentioning and understood that it represented a fantastic Boon to mankind why would she think she is able to copyright it?
Read the QMAP woman, no one copyrighted that.
My good Fren Dog wants to know if she can copyright 'that look' she gibs me when she wants a treat...
Maybe you're thinking too much into it. The most likely explanation is that it's just the way the website works that it places that copyright footer on any article that's been published. Looking at the site, that would seem to be the case.
I intentionally did stress that for Reasons, yeah. I fully understand she nor the editors if they exist or publishers either expend any intellectual effort, it is all cookie cutter and vacuous innit.
Therefor not original and not copyright-able or special or unique, just a cheap throw down script to meet a deadline and get paid, yep.
She refuses to name source material, so it's fiction coming from her, which she may have read a lot of different places on the net and then simply reused it.
I mean, it's on the QMAP and has been discussed openly for a long time now.
But yes, I am bitchin about it with more gusto than her shiite is worth.
She wrote an article. She created the article. Therefore, she owns copyright to it. I put a copyright notice on my published works, too. This isn't anything to be suspect about.
Her entire screed has been openly published many times before, if biden posted that and took credit for it we'd all be laughing about him plagiarizing again. Copyright something that is beneficial to all man kind, as if you will not allow mankind to benefit until someone GIBDS the taxes...
A PhD that doesn't know the difference between "which" and "witch"? I hope she's right, but things like that are big red flags IMO.
I don't have a PhD. In fact I don't even have a college degree. In fact I failed senior English and spend a 5th year in high school. I'm also more often than not the smartest person in the room. I'm not Einstein or anything like that but I'm definitely not stupid. I'm also dyslexic. IE EI their there they're ea ae on and on and on I constantly have to triple check everything I write and I still switch stuff. Just because someone has bad grammar or spelling doesn't mean they are stupid/uninformed.
Spent. j/k
Sigh... I rest my case.
Grammar and semantics are the last dying hope of someone who can't win by attacking the content.
I clearly typed j/k. For the stupid ones in the room, that means 'just kidding'
I'm not dyslexic and I thought you were referring to Jackie Kennedy
Ha ha Ha. Very well.
Anyone who tells people they are "the smartest person in the room" is almost guaranteed to not be the smartest person in the room.
LOL. You gave exactly one more fuck than I did, to go look at the comment history.
^ Mostly agree.
They might be the smartest in the room, but they are not the most emotionally stable. Emotional instability clouds judgement, nullifying whatever their intellectual superiority may or may not be.
Most of the "stable geniuses" I've ever seen or met are people that might very well recognize or suspect they are the smartest in the room, but largely don't give a fuck. Most people have an intellectual capacity great enough to understand or do anything they'll need to. Our problem as a society in general isn't mental deficiency in the form of low IQ, it's emotional instability associated with extreme indoctrination practices. Regardless of their IQ, their judgement is thoroughly clouded and impaired, and the dishonest prey on that ceaselessly.
Also, there's a quote from someone, I don't remember who. Maybe it was Einstein? It goes something like "A master at a subject can teach it to a child". Raw IQ is worthless without proper "usage" and utilization. If someone really is the brightest in the room, or really is a genius, and they have utilized this effectively, they will have only minor difficulties dealing with even severely IQ impaired individuals.
I have been around some extremely smart people in my time. What I have learned is that the smartest people are usually the dumbest when it comes to the real world and common sense type things, street smarts. They may very well have a 160 IQ but a common grifter on the street will easily separate them from their money.
Um. How else am I supposed to make sure everyone knows how friggin smart I am then huh, huh?? Gosh.
True, and I never used to say things like that. Until I realized that everyone around me always comes to me to solve their problems. A year ago, maybe two, it just hit me that I'm far smarter than I ever gave myself credit for. Heh. I graduated last in my class after spending an extra year in high school. Not because I'm stupid but frankly because I have bad language skills and I gave up on giving a shit about my GPA.
I never went to college because the one time I tried... one class I could teach it myself. I literally knew more than the teacher. It was a computer hardware class. The other was a Pascal class and the teacher was horrible. The one time I actually needed help in a class he was useless. If I'm going to teach myself then why in the hell was I paying them.
I did a job for HP at the Omni(CNN Center Atlanta) in the 90s. We installed email clients on every PC in the building. Out of ten contractors there guess who was the go to guy for fixing problem machines? Mac... NP. PC... NP. Unix... NP. Because of that job later I worked a contract doing HP-ux phone support. They interviewed hundreds of people and they hired 50-100 people to work the admin desk. You know stupid stuff, mounting drives, and adding users... changing passwords, etc. They hired TWO people to work the networking department because it was WAY harder. I was one of the those two people.
I'm not trying to toot my own horn. I'm not known for bragging. I'm just sick of having a self image that's less than reality.
Heh. My house was raided once by the police. LONG story. They had the wrong house. I'm sitting outside while they search. I'm talking to the cops. This one female cop "You're really smart aren't you." I just laughed. Needless to say I'm not in jail so they aren't so smart. They can't even raid the right house.
I admit I don't hang out with academics. I spent part of my childhood on a farm. At heart I'm a redneck, but the only person I know IRL that I'm 100% sure is smarter than me is my father. So yeah, more often than not I'm the smartest person in the room. Don't be confused. I'm not saying I'm the most knowledgeable person in the room. I'm not saying I'm the most skilled.
Thx though. I've been slacking for a very long time. Maybe its time I got up off my ass and used my smarts.
Share your knowledge. Create something from nothing. Help someone else be a better person. Commit a random act of kindness. That's what matters. Never stop learning. Stop feeling like the world owes you because you think you're smarter than most others. Go prove it.
I've never felt like the world owes me anything but a fair chance. I'm sick and tired of the world beating me down. Every time I try to do something someone or something gets in my way. It took me a very long time to realize that the problems I ran into were partly my own issue but about 70% of it was actually these Marxist bastards creating bureaucratic road blocks. Throw in a little feminism ruining my relationships and life just fucking sucked.
I tried to get something patented. My finances are pretty shitty. I applied to a pro-bono program for help. This total bitch running the program threw up roadblock after roadblock then denied me any help. She wouldn't say it but I knew the truth. I'm a white male. I have white privileged. I don't deserve or need help.
Don't even get me started about how the patent system is structured. Its all built around the idea that big business wins. Little guys can't get anywhere but ripped off by shyster lawyers. They make it seem like its fair but its not.
I admit I've been a little bit lazy about some things, but I tried my hardest for months on end. I read up. I took free online courses. I jumped through all the hoops and I got NO WHERE. I needed $10-30k or I was just shit out of luck, and I just don't have that kind of money. The worst part is I still have the idea. Hell I've got about ten ideas. I can't tell them to anyone. If I do without a patent they will just steal the idea and I get jack shit. The whole system is rigged.
Imagine a combat shotgun with a 50 round mag, but its not bulky or unwieldy like the handful of drum mag ones available now. Yep... I know how to solve that problem. Can't tell anyone. Can't patent it. Can't do shit. I can't say more because it would give it away, but I'm talking about something so revolutionary they would write my name in the history books next to Browning. Sure there is a small chance once we got into the nitty-gritty of the engineering it might not work, but I give it a solid 98% chance it would work.
I decided I wanted to figure out a way to airdrop and M-1 tank. I figured out a dam good way that has at least a 50/50 chance of working. And if it works as well as I think it will you could use it to airdrop all sorts of CRAZY heavy ass stuff. Can't tell anyone.
I also decided I wanted to figure out how to get an M-1 tank from a ship to the shore. How do you do that in a cheap way that allows you to do it in BULK. I'm talking 500 tanks all at once(full D-day invasion), not 10 at a time using 10 hovercraft which takes flipping forever, and if you lose hovercraft to enemy fire you're boned. Yep solved that problem too. Its so simple once I told you... you would laugh your ass off. I bet money if I told that idea to anyone in the military that knows Abrams he'd make it happen. Can't tell anyone that idea either.
A better style of rocket artillery. Came up with that.
A better grenade launcher. Thought that one up. That's what I tried to patent.
I could go on for hours, but I need to go eat. Either I'm mentally ill and/or stupid or I really am that smart and no one cares because if they can't steal it from me then I'm not worth their time. Do I seriously sound like I'm stupid or mentally ill?
My problem... I'm not connected into the good old boys club. I'm a loner.
There is one idea I've had for a long time now. I came up with it a very very long time ago. I've chastised myself for not doing it, for not putting in the hard work. I'm sort of glad I didn't because I truly believe it would have fucked up Q's plan. I'm thinking the time might be ripe... WorldVote.com
I got to hand it to you standing up for yourself so well. Wish I had the confidence to do the same more often. Have much in common experience wise. Blacksmith did you some good gonna "toughen you up" comments, and also passed on great advise.
"Create something from nothing. Help someone else be a better person. Commit a random act of kindness."
The 'create something from nothing' is the best part and the hardest to do. Random acts of kindness don't need much planning. Something from nothing is never chaos in action. Relentless Focus always Works, just... don't give up, like Ever. People say, life's short but there's enough time for the important stuff.
The real problem that I'm having is that most of what I've created from nothing is good ideas. Without the money to make those ideas physically and/or patent them I'm just spinning my wheels. Without a degree or some sort of contact I can't get anyone to listen to me. So I get nowhere. I'm nobody. I'm just another dumb dude on the internet to everyone else... I could have the cure for cancer and no one would care.
No degrees here, got out of high school barely, threatened with expulsion frequently. Known for innovation, more than I'd like.
Turned several ideas into continuing income. Patents are for bluffing with, share no information. Lawyers are for Letters sent with surprising power. Copy Cats are Cowards. Walk softly and carry a big stick.
The problem is I'm so far down the ladder at the bottom in the muck I can't even get in the room with anyone that I would want to take the chance on telling my ideas to(patent or not). No lawyer will even talk to me. No business man will even take my call. The only thing I have is really good ideas. I have absolutely nothing else. I have no money. I have no connections. Nothing.
If I had a million dollars and a few years I bet I could turn it into 50 million. That's how good my ideas are. One of them I blew my own mind. To this very moment it shocks me someone else hasn't already thought of it. I have my flaws, but I know what they are. I know my ideas are good. More importantly I know that while probibly the majority of them won't work out considering I have about 20 good ones that means at least 4-5 of them will.
The one thing I won't do is sell a 100 million dollar idea for 20k. I'd rather take it to my grave. Otherwise I'm game for just about anything.
A dumbass or a 20 year old dumbass.
I have a degree in engineering, along with 180 extra units, control systems engineer. I'm also an off and on member of Mensa. I've associated with the degreed people for decades.
Most can't spell. Most don't have a f**king clue on grammar. Most can't even think. Very few are critical thinkers.
In these times, placing any credence on the ownership of a degree is in essence, ludicrous. Personally, now that I'm retired, I would much rather associate with the ranchers around here than any of the phuds, ms and bs I once did. The ranchers are smarter and far more practical. And thank you, sir, for your comment.
There is a reason they are smarter. Way too often when people have studied, got degrees they become experts in everything. I have arrived in their mind and they stop learning.
People who spend their lifetime in a learning mode tend to be people that you would say have a lot of common sense. "a sound judgment derived from experience rather than study," One cannot mature and grow into their personality without constantly learning, which is what common sense is for.
I once debated getting a PhD. I spoke with a fried of mine who asked me, you know what PhD stands for right? I admitted I did not. He replies “piled higher and deeper”. I laughed pretty hard on that one. And so far he’s been proven right every time.
As I am consistently reminded at this point, this has become more and more common as the English language slips from us.
You mean like ipreesheeatecha? It's phonetic.
Everyone zeroed in on the spelling is missing the big picture here FFS
That's what happens after you spend years on Voat vetting disinformation. Again, not saying she is right or wrong, rather that uncommon misspellings are often an indicator of bullshit. Ph.D's earn their doctorates by writing and publishing.
And half of them couldn't grammar their way out of a paper bag. I'm as big a stickler as the next wordnerd/editor but still don't want to see the big picture get missed here over a common misspelling of which/witch. I mean it's pretty trivial and unambiguous as to meaning in context.
I noticed that too
Maybe she was using voice to text input... She got excited and posted it before editing it.
Don't go too hard on people over spelling and punctuation in this age of cell phones, which are difficult to type on, and the quick-message, no-time-for-punctuation-or-spelling-or-grammar culture of email (no hyphen, which took me years to get used to :) and SMS and IM.
And this is coming from an avowed wordnerd and former editor
Tiny red flag. FTFY.
There's nothing verifiable here. I'd love to believe it, but this is just nothing.
Sounds like exactly what we want to be happening, so taking that with a grain of salt.
The Insurrection Act was verbally invoked on Jan 6th when Trump told everyone to "Go home" three times within 90 seconds.
I agree that he made a proclamation to disperse. He even tweeted it (which was deleted)
Yup. This move confused the hell out of me when I watched him give it. I was like "WTF, Trump? First you tell us all to make sure we're at the capital on this day, and then you turn around and tell everyone to go home??"
Had me pacing back and forth for a while. Then I read up on the Insurrection Act on wiki and read the section about how it can be "invoked." Light bulb came on... It can be verbally invoked:
It makes sense to invoke the act on Jan 6th because it showed congress was part of the insurrection (when they refused to even consider the dueling electors and validated the fraudulent electors).
? literally laughed out loud
sounds like og here is a hitler lover and can't even see it. Look, no one likes a Hitler lover. If info came out in the future that was verifiable that Hitler was actually a good dude and we've all been lied to, you'd have something, but with reasonable information at hand, just no. There are people who say, he's a Rothschild and others who say, he's fighting the cabal. Ugh. Whether or not A is true or B is true, lets not muddy ourselves in this fight. Until there is irrefutable truth in one direction, 99.5% will never give Hitler an inch of credit for doing good vice evil. I don't care if you think otherwise, the facts are what they are, and if you push Hitler = good with circumstantial evidence, you disable our credibility with mud.
Anything that starts with " A trusted military source" usually means nothing. Look at Charlie Ward during the election. He basically had a time clock as to special forces rounding up Obama and such. However, there ARE alot of indictments still building up, there ARE a ton of treasonous scum In D.C and the Pentagon has apparently still not given access to Biden. The indictments to me is the biggest sign that something is about to happen. Idk, we will find out.
thank you
The military doesn't hand out operational tidbits to a select few.
Letters at the end of someones name doesn't automatically add credibility.
This is just pure speculation.
For someone with a PhD, the punctuation errors and the "military source i know" in the first sentence flagged anything after it as bullshit. As I kept reading the punctuation errors just compounded.
If the military and Trump are in control, a heck of a lot of damage is being inflicted on the country and the rest of the world.
People with "trusted military sources" are also claiming Hillary was arrested on March 7 and executed at the end of April. I say until they show us the body and the grieving relatives, bull shit.
Theres Q, then theres Anons, then there is Normie Anons whove never read a Q post outside of Telegram, think Biden and Hillary are clones, JFKjr is coming back (despite what Q says) and believes every damn photoshop pic and random post they see and read as true.
(I have a few in my family. Some with their own podcast! I know this all too well.)
Just a few days ago they were sending me the "interview" with ringo star about how Paul really is dead.
Took 2 seconds of reserch.
Send help.
was her source simon parkes or charlie ward?
One question: if DJT and the milirltart are in control, and DJT is still the legal president, what purpose would there be for another election in August?
Would that be for congress since 95% of them are traitors?
That’s what I’m thinking.
Yeah, the basic message is: "trust me bro... I talked with someone".
hope it's true; will plan either way.. This is the US - all citizens must stay vigilant or it doesn't work.
This one looks like a solid hopium injection. "no outside coms"
It can't be true. My own military source says that Biden is actually JFK Jr. with a Mission Impossible style face mask on and that he will unveil his true face once the audits are done and will unite America with the ET federation of intergalactic planets. He will also name Trump as his viceroy and they will rule the galaxy together. Maybe Doctor Roth's sources are lower in rank, possibly a colonel. My source told me November is the true inauguration of the God Emperor JFK Jr. and viceroy Donaldo Trumpo.
Seriously, fuck off with these faggoty military insider sources. The military don't share intel, least of all with civilians. Especially to a PhD who can't type for shit.
She's a nationally syndicated radio talk host, ran for President in 2012, sued Obama, and much more http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/roth/120125
Sorry but while I believe things are happening I am not gonna get excited until the Arizona audit results come out or Fauci gets canned.
Remain vigilant frens! Keep applying pressure. If this is true, our work makes the military's job a bit easier. If not true, then our work makes progress. Don't stop!
If this was true Biden wouldn't be able to do all those executive orders. Not buying this even though it sounds nice.
This is from a site I belive Flynn shared. News with views. Yes its an op ed. The more any discerning voices are shared by any media that has been completely one sided, thats a plus in my book.
Article link: https://newswithviews.com/are-the-military-and-trump-in-control/
Anyone hinging on to this for hope is a short sighted dope. I don't need her or anyone else to say a damn thing to see what's coming. I already have more evidence than I can handle. C'monn Maan! WTF is wrong with the tunnel vision myopic pin-brains out there? I think I just answered my own question. Hopium junkies are never satisfied.
Did she speak to a guy who says he had sex with aliens?
Isn't she a radio talk show host or something like that?
Uh oh somebody wants to get buried by the rush Limbaugh Stans.
'All rights reserved'. That explains a lot don't it, if she thought she knew what she was mentioning and understood that it represented a fantastic Boon to mankind why would she think she is able to copyright it?
Read the QMAP woman, no one copyrighted that.
My good Fren Dog wants to know if she can copyright 'that look' she gibs me when she wants a treat...
Maybe you're thinking too much into it. The most likely explanation is that it's just the way the website works that it places that copyright footer on any article that's been published. Looking at the site, that would seem to be the case.
I intentionally did stress that for Reasons, yeah. I fully understand she nor the editors if they exist or publishers either expend any intellectual effort, it is all cookie cutter and vacuous innit.
Therefor not original and not copyright-able or special or unique, just a cheap throw down script to meet a deadline and get paid, yep.
She refuses to name source material, so it's fiction coming from her, which she may have read a lot of different places on the net and then simply reused it.
I mean, it's on the QMAP and has been discussed openly for a long time now.
But yes, I am bitchin about it with more gusto than her shiite is worth.
She wrote an article. She created the article. Therefore, she owns copyright to it. I put a copyright notice on my published works, too. This isn't anything to be suspect about.
Her entire screed has been openly published many times before, if biden posted that and took credit for it we'd all be laughing about him plagiarizing again. Copyright something that is beneficial to all man kind, as if you will not allow mankind to benefit until someone GIBDS the taxes...
'She created'... KEK!