I just wanted to take a min and say i love each and every one of you here. Over the last couple of years i have pretty much been pulled away from all things and found a new home and family amongst all of you here. My blood family has distanced itself from me but all of you have stepped in to take the place. You have showed me love and support when i needed it most. You have prayed for me when all seemed lost. You have freely given your time and effort to research and provide hope and truth for me and all others here. Even though the world has descended into chaos you guys have remained hopefull and never given up. I truely am so grateful for each and every one of you. I hope some day we can all meet up because many of u have helped change my life. By the grace of God and your love and support i know we will win this fight. I love all of you. We are family now. And no one can ever take that away. Keep being the light that each of you are. God bless you all. GOD WINS
Comments (179)
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That would be some "reunion" and I'm all for it. When this is all said and done I'd love nothing more than to attend a "family reunion" of GA.win somewhere!
That would be soooo much fun. I pray everyday for that
I think about that as well ???
A party with very cool people! :)
I'm up in Canada and I would drive anywhere in the US (as long as little Justin approves leaving the country by then) to attend a GA meetup. Let's make it happen folks. It would be glorious. I'll bring the popcorn!
When such a day comes, if you are still held hostage we will gather our forces and breech the border to liberate all freedom loving Canadians. We cannot enjoy our freedom knowing that our northern family does not.
Yes thank you. This is a worldwide struggle. We will free all the Peoples of the World and utterly destroy the luciferian pedophile death cult.
I'll rent a fancy coach bus and pick up all the Frens that fit along the way!
I'm sure between everyone here we could find a way to make sure everyone gets picked up. God bless u fren. I am always here for u if u ever need prayer or a friend
Thank you Fren. I really appreciate your efforts here as well!
I would be emotionally adrift in the ocean if it wasn't for the folks here on GA.win.
Hell yea! #Anon-con
Oh that is 100% the name of it
I dont know either. Thanks for all the work that you do. The whole mod team is incredible. Keep up all the amazing work much love
I don't know if it's the mods or something else, but I have never participated in a "truth" type of website that did not become infested with shills.
We get a few here, but they seem to be quickly gone. We mostly have civil conversations. We are all trying to seek truth, and those who are not don't seem to stick around for long.
That is one of the things that make this place special.
The mods here are amazing. They are like guardians over this place and never put anything above there mission.
Totally, hearing you in stereo. ??
Me either! Right now I’d be so lost if it wasn’t for y’all. I appreciate how knowledgeable everyone here is, I’m still learning new things everyday, and wouldn’t have known any of what I now know if not for being apart here. I also appreciate that when we don’t know the what something means or need advice that someone is always willing to take the time to explain. Thanks frens, for letting me be apart of this time and place!
God bless you friend. I'm not the smartest here(not even close) but if you ever need a friend to talk to I ak here for you. Same with if u ever need prayer
Thanks so much! God bless you!
I lurked this place a bunch before starting to participate. Definitely my favorite online community now.
yep I love this bunch, really are some of the smartest people around.
What!? There are other communities?
No. Ignore that deboonked rumor.
Top kek! ?
Amen well said my friend. Thanks for your positve energy you always send my way
Sometimes I feel like this place was created as a hub, as a place to gather real people with functioning brains, to literally train us to use our comms, and sauce our findings, to actually get as much truth as we can out and made clear for us to go forth into the real world and spread the real news. This is a big lasting moment in human history, and this site will hopefully stand for a long time to come, to let people know, there was a place, in the midst of pure chaos in the information warfare, where real people got together, and pieced together the clues when many were willfully clueless. I am thankful for this place! All It Does Is WIN!!
I agree, and reminds me of this drop. the part about being chosen is crazy.
maybe Q knows us...
and there was also the drop about building a ship for like minded people, will have to find it.
Ok y’all making me cry.
That drop is also one of my favorites. Thanks for the reminder?! It speaks to us all and beyond ??
Do u know what the other drop they mentioned is. If u do can u link or quote it
3837 06-Feb-2020 11:40:18 PM EST 8kun/qresearch8057064 BIGGER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE. More than selling of State Secrets. More than selling of US security. More than selling of MIL tech. More than selling of C_A assets. More than selling of NSA bulk data collection programs. More than selling of Uranium. More than selling of US Space NAT SEC programs & positions. More than selling of US AID.. More than selling of SAPs CLAS 1-99 ………………
They mentioned a drop about building a ship of like minded people was there one like that
Towards the middle Q speaks of ...“aiding construction or building (of a ship) of free thinkers...
3906 28-Mar-2020 3:18:02 PM EDT 8kun/qresearch8601001
Sweet thanks for your time looking for that fren. I remember this one now.
I’ll try a search...
Speaks to all of us and beyond I love that
God bless u much love fren
Ooooh, do you think we’ll have a new holiday when all is said and done? Patriot’s Day (aka annual Family Reunion ?), where every year there’s the biggest gathering of digital warrior frens ever!
Were u able to find that drop? No worries if u cant.
found it?? capitalized and towards the middle; 'SHIP'
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: fead75 No. 8601001
Wow that was quick thanks for that fren. I love this one. Definitely one of my favorite. This plus all the ones mentioning God and prayer plus a few random one lol.
Thanks not my strong suit or I would do it
Actually I believe some found it for us
Military is the only way 100% controlled. God bless u friend. Much love
Well thank you very much! I do hope The LORD blesses you too!! In a multitude of different ways! Your post was a very positive and uplifting post. And I thoroughly enjoyed it!! And I do believe so too. The Military is literally the only way at this point. Time to watch the swamp rats try and run away!!!
Slechta, you're a prayer warrior and encourager. I don't post much, but I've received much encouragement through lurking your posts. Keep it up. You're appreciated.
I agree, Slechta is always so positive, nice to have such consistency in times like this.
Thanks friend. God bless u. Keep being the light that you are WWG1WGA
Just lurking here is a valuable task. Youre absorbing the truth every time you come here. Just be sure to be active in your local community and make good use of the info you absorb!
She is a blessing for sure
Thanks friend. Give God all the glory. I am always here for u if u ever need a friend. Keep turning to God he loves you more than you can ever know
So glad your able to post. Keep up all the good work God bless u. Love you brother
Me to I pray for that every day. Love you fren ???? WWG1WGA
Whew. Nice post. Many of us have been pushing through this for decades; it can get rough at times. Staying "Anon" is tough for this very reason.
Hoping we're in the home stretch now, I know far too many people who can't take this much longer.
God bless u much love fren. WWG1WGA
I feel the same way - I'm so glad you all are here. On January 6th and 7th, I was a blubbering mess. Nobody could calm me down. The certification of an election that I knew to be fraudulent was the last straw for me, I couldn't handle it. Up until then, I kept my head up and said, "no, they'll find the cheating. The courts will resolve it. Dueling electors were sent, there's no way it'll get certified. It'll never pass Congress." And then it did. I needed help, as I was terrified for our country and our future in a way that all the sheep around me couldn't see and didn't understand.
I got closer to God, started going to church again, for which I am eternally grateful. I was even baptized a few weeks ago (with my son!). But in addition to that, I began coming to this site because I saw a link to it on whatfinger.com, which I had been reading religiously for YEARS - now that I look back, I wonder why I had never seen a link to this site prior to that. I can only imagine, as with everything else, that there is a time and a place for everything. I needed this then. And I needed God back in my life. And He saw that, obviously, and not only brought me closer to Him but I believe he helped me to find this site and all you good Pedes at that time because He knew that was when I needed it the most. Now I can see clearly, and I appreciate you all :) Take care and stay safe & healthy, you all!!! WWG1WGA
Amen beautiful words fren. Keep turning to God he loves you more than you can ever know
Amen fren.
God bless u fren. Much love and light
Thank you and you as well.
God bless you, friend!!!
God bless you as well friend
More and more, I find more “family” here than with my own family. I pray for Awakening worldwide.
Amen I pray for that to. God bless u friend
I agree, and here's some awakening hopium...this is the editor's letter written by JFKJr. for his inaugural edition of George Magazine. the 17th word in his rambling sentence is 'reawakening'.
how many coincidences...
*might have to go to second image...right after cover page.
Way cool ?
God bless you friend. I am always here if u ever need prayer or a friend
It is crushing being alone in this sometimes. Then I remember I have this little corner of the internet with people who feel the same way. The other important thing is faith. I don't know how I could have gotten here without my sanity otherwise.
I look forward to the day where all of humanity is one day united and the evil ones destroyed.
Amen I feel the same way. Faith of a mustard seed can move mountains. Keep faith much love friend
God bless you fren
God bless you to fren keep being the bright light that you are
That was really nice!
Thanks just sharing my heart. Keep being the love and light. God wins
God bless you!
U as well. Keep standing tall in the light. WWG1WGA
We need an annual JANUARY 6th reunion! A place where LIES are drowned in the TRUTH! Where the record and history will be forever SET STRAIGHT! Maybe in DC? Anyone???
Maybe someday we can. God bless you fren much love
We love you slechta. You’ve been a rock for so many of us who don’t have extended family anymore. Hugs
? God bless u thanks for the positive loving words. Keep being the light that you are
You too
God bless you.
God bless you friend. I am always here if u ever need prayer or a friend to talk to. Keep turning to God
That sounds so nice, sorry for the late response but I can defiantly reach out, so many people around me are fast asleep and its hard to cope sometimes. God is amazing though I am so glad to hear you say that.
PRAYERS PLEASE THOUGH, I could always use them:)
Well I will always be here for u now. I know that feeling of being surrounded by people asleep. We are family now friend much love
God Bress.
God bless you. Much love. I am here if you ever need a friend
Amen God bless u fren. WWG1WGA
Someday, soon I hope, your blood family will come back. They might be a little sheepish, but you have been and will be there to support them. Had a family member who stayed away from political debates recently share they now see the Dems for who they truly are. We had to pick ourselves up off the floor.
Thanks fren. God bless u for your positive energy you sent my way. Much love
God bless you friend. I am always here if you ever need a friend
Would love to meet you all. I found this site when I was in the hospital with pancreatitis and miserable- finding this board saved my sanity.
Amen to that. I am here if u ever need a friend keep turning to God he loves u more than you can ever know
This is the fruit of charity, an underappreciated virtue. Thank you for being determined to be positive about life.
God gets all the glory. Much love fren. Keep standing tall in the light
Good post!
Where We Go One, We Go All!
WWG1WGA much love friend. I am here if you ever need a friend. God bless u
You are a shining light here and I always enjoy seeing your posts. Thank you!!
Thanks friend. God bless u. Keep being the light. We are in this together I am here if u ever need a friend
Amen fren :)
God bless u fren. Thanks for all your hard work over at the garden. Keep it up.
God Wins! Yes He does.
All the time every time. God bless you. I am here if u ever need a friend
Thank you fren God Bless!
Amen, soldier. Much love for all of you!
GOD does win. We're going to go through Hell first, but never lose sight of that fact.
If we cannot meet in person, in this life, I'll see you on the other side.
What a time to be alive!!!
Amen what a time indeed. Keep turning to him and keep being the light
Thank you for all your kind words and prayers
God bless u. Keep standing tall in the light I am here if u ever need a friend
I love all of us here. We are awesome.
God Bless each and every one of us and our friends and families.
God bless u much love and light