Not looking for sympathy, but I want this to be one more example of vax health issues and pregnanvy issues.
My brother in law and sister in law are a surgeon and pharmacist, respectively. They are hard left and always complain about conservatives, Chic fil a (not kidding), and conspiracy theorists. I have always been told to never talk about politics around them and I can't speak up when they bring up these topics, trust me, i fought back on this several times, but I'm barred from saying anything since that whole side of the family thinks im insane. Keeping their professions in mind, they also had a 20 minute conversation about "What even is ivermectin? Ive never even heaed of it."
Just 2 months ago i had to endure a whole weekend of listening to them talk about how people are insane for not taking the vax. They also announced that same weekend that they were having a baby, which is a custom baby via artificial insemination. "They did all kinds of test to make sure it would be the strongest of the bunch and we should have no problems. Here we are 2 months later and it's gone. I had this scenario in the back of my head since then, so im not shocked at all, but they are obviously upset.
Since i mentioned they think I'm crazy, ill bring up that over New Years when all the satanists have their performances on TV, they themselves said, "wow... that was really creepy." I told them what symbolism they were seeing and what these people believe, which they seemed to listen to. THEY BROUGHT IT UP! All i did was give more detail, but they talked about me behind my back and made fun of me. I'm so sick of this! I feel sorry for the baby. May Christ take his soul!
Again, i just want this out there for 1 more example.
Don't worry about the baby, s/he is now with God. We know this because David's baby went to heaven. Imagine being able to go straight to God and avoid all the crap we've been dealing with or having crazy leftist parents who despite being medical professionals, don't know what ivermectin is. It is sad for them, but who knows, maybe something like this is what it will take to crack their shells.
Thank you for the reminder of David. It's so sad to me that this still may not even be enough to wake them up. If not, then I 100% believe Q when he says some will never get there. It's strange to think people can be that far gone when all they have to do is think for a second and actually listen to my arguments for 10 seconds.
Unfortunately it doesn't matter how sound your argument is, if it doesn't align with their reality then they immediately block it out.
Oh I know! It's unbelievably frustrating. Show them the indisputable proof and they will dispute it. But then I take a deep breath, remind myself that God gave all of us free will, and they must live their lives and make their choices, just as I do. And I also remind myself that there was Lucifer, in HEAVEN with GOD Himself and old Loose apparently thought he could do better. What the heck. Seriously? And then 30% of the angels went with him. So when you think about it that way and put it into perspective, 4-6% lost doesn't sound so bad.
I honestly am sorry for you and them, but for your own sanity, it might be good just to step back and distance yourself for a little while. Just happen to 'be busy' when family gatherings are called.
I feel exactly the same way. I try to wake people up and show them the truth, but free will is something I take very seriously. If they actively fight the truth and don't want to hear the Word, okay, that's your choice.
I also agree I should probably just sit back and watch. I won't engage or speak to them about anything. Let then figure it out because they already know how I feel. Thank you!
You're welcome. It was nice chatting with you. It's good to know you're a believer. And btw, I didn't mean forever, just long enough to give yourself a break and catch your breath. Or forever, if you'd prefer, lol. :D Just take care of you. I understand why you want to save your family. It's one of life's hardest lessons to face - that you can't always do that. But who knows what tomorrow (or next year or 10 years from now) will bring. They may just apologize and shake their heads that they didn't listen to you sooner. Blessings, fren.
I was taught that lesson by my dad. He was a Marine for 24 years so he had a lot of Marines that he arguments with, fights with, disagreements with, and some took what my dad had to say as a personal attack. When my dad retired, some of those Marines came to his retirement and apologized for actions they realized were wrong and thanked him for trying to set them straight early on in their careers. My name in German is a way of saying "fire eater" or "short fused". I'm not known for patience! I pray often that I am able to effectively practice patience because I need it! With family, I will certainly work harder at it and I hope I can just communicate clearly with them and they realize I only ever tried to help them.
Boy, can I relate to the lack of patience thing. That's me. I get so frustrated with people who are supposedly (at least) average intelligence but act like they have an i.q. of 9. I think of how patient God has been with me and I wonder why I can't seem to be more patient. Luckily, He loves me anyway. It's nice to hear your dad was vindicated and thanked by those people. Must have made him feel good.
like Bongino says "its the smart stupid people that will ruin the world." I have a brother in law and sister in law like this as well. They drink the NPR koolaid
I’m having the same problem with my own sister in law. Recently she sent a group text to me and my mom telling us her fully vaccinated dad was hospitalized with the delta variant, then spouted msm numbers that vaccinated are 1% of hospitalized and hospitalizations are up. And then she told us it would be a great time to get our shots. Told my mom I’m done with her until she wake up
Truth has nothing to do with any of what is happening.
They want to focus on covid but the reality is the mRNA will fundamentally hand their genome, and the entirety of their descendants - over to “science”
How utterly fucking selfish do you have to be to willingly shit on your generic inheritance that every single ancestor you have literally died to pass on?
That’s the reality.
Some people sell their soul to play guitar?
These fucking idiots are selling it for nothing and getting sicker than they would have.
I am here romprotect kids.these rarfink bastards are going after them now.
They won’t stop. Covid is never going away.
Lambda lambda lamda beta epsilon Romeo Zulu whatever the fuck is coming and Always will.
Medical Fascism with the MSM running ads every break for meds they just randomly make names up for that make you shit out your eyes sockets and grow hair on your tongue?
Piss off with your jab.
The academic intelligent ones are the ones easily manipulated. The evil one is the smartest, most intelligent being on this earth… but we have more than intellect, we have faith and a believe in God, giving us strength and comprehension at a deeper level.
You in laws are clearly intelligent people, but they’re not grounded. They think you’re crazy because deep down somewhere they think they’re smarter than you (really, it’s sad). But keep pushing, keep telling them about the truth… they will keep thinking you’re crazy, they already do.
But one day, when the sun rises and they feel the natural warmth of truth land on their brow, as they start to awaken… they’ll know who to call.
You hit the nail on the head. In fact, I get told all the time by my brother in law's mom just how incredibly smart he is. "He has 2 PhDs!" Okay... that doesn't mean you're smart. These people absolutely thinks education is equivalent to intelligence. That's simply not true. Or grounded, as you would say.
2 PhDs = debt 2x deep lol 😂
PHD = Piled Higher & Deeper.
Intelligence <> Wisdom
But they have 2 PhDs! How dare you say they don't have wisdom!
LOL! I've seen it first-hand. I was taking an advanced chemistry class in high school. We were in the lab one day when when the brightest girl in my class of 800+ students, who was standing next to me, set a hot crucible on a piece of notebook paper. Naturally, it caught fire. She stood there, just staring at it. I grabbed a pair of tongs, dumped the flaming paper in the water trough in front of us, and turned on the water to extinguish it. The first words out of her mouth, no lie, were, "How did you think to do that?"
See, thats what I'm attacking about! I love the people that are able to problem solve on the fly as opposed to following the rules, regulations, and processes that were told to them. Because when so etching doesn't go to plan, the people with problem solving abilities can see what to do while the other peolle are looking for the instructions. Kind of like the Lego movie...
Surgeons aren't very intelligent when it comes to problem solving. They utilize known procedures and do not deviate, except for a few. The difficulty in medicine is the massive amount of memorization required for the Latin terms for anatomy. Yhe biological functions are mot difficult processes to understand. The more intelligent doctors diagnose patients based on a lot of biological data combined with a keen understanding of biological function. Unfortunately 80% of them are mediocre at best. An additional 10% are are so wrapped up in extraneous nonsense, they don't make time to continue expanding their minds. There are about 10% that are very intelligent AND give a crap about people. I find that the ones out there that are great typically believe in God and have a fixed moral compass. The bulk of atheists have a flexible moral code and are far less reliable to always do what is best for their patients. The reason for the numbers are multi-faceted, but a big part is the indoctrination in higher education, especially in the Western world.
Well said.
I have an older brother and his wife, both professional people, who took the jab and think the rest of us are nuts.
fucking loser. there is only life. there is no bright side to this. the parents should be stoned for killing their child.
There is more than one life, but it doesnt change the rest of your comment.
My wife got fear-mongered/work-coerced into the jab back in Feb/March against my un-jabbed protests. Mid-June we were lucky enough to conceive and we're coming up to our first ultrasound appointment next week. Hoping for the best, and sorry for the loss of your niece or nephew.
I'll pray for you and the baby! I don't want this to happen to you or anyone else.
I’m hearing a lot about blood tests and clumped cell. Maybe you can get blood work done to see everything is okay.
D dimer test
Prayers dude. My wifengot vaxxed then pregnant. Lasted 7 weeks. Sending peace and hope your way.
I hope everything goes smooth for you.
No boosters
I don't doubt that the loss of the baby could have been from the vaccine, but 8 weeks is a common time frame to lose an invitro baby. Having been through the experience a couple of times, it was right around this time frame that the miscarriage occurred. We finally were able to go to term, but just wanted to share that we did have the same issue right around that 2 month mark.
Thats very good info! I do want to mention then, they had already been in the process for 4 weeks, they just wanted to get through that length of time before telling anyone. So it's more like 12 weeks, but your info is no less important. 4 weeks difference is still within a margin of error for your 8 week period, I'm sure.
It’s also possible to have lost the baby weeks before actually finding out and/or going through the miscarriage process— it’s called a missed miscarriage. I had a miscarriage about 6 months ago that occurred at 6 weeks, but I didn’t find out until I was what would have been 9 weeks and I didn’t go through the actual miscarriage process until what would have been 12 weeks.
I'm very sorry to hear that. I don't know much about the pregnancy process as I never read into it or had kids myself (yet) so I appreciate your information. Will you try again in the future or are you undecided?
First off, never stop talking just because someone doesn't want to hear it. Too fricken bad. I have to listen to leftist propaganda all day they can listen to me. That make my blood boil. Stop letting crazy lefties make you feel crazy. Stop letting crazy lefties dictate the way you are going to behave. Stop complying
Leftism can only survive with excessive censorship.
I feel the same way, but like OP here I’m told to keep quiet and the lefties get to run their mouths. All I can do is glare and think how stupid they all are.
Why do you only have that one option?
I’m told to “be the bigger person”. Sucks cause like you said the leftists get to screech the lies at the top of their lungs and people like us are told to stay silent
I find the best way to defuse the situation is calmly and kindly request that politics are not discussed in the workplace, these topics are very hotly debated and creates a hostile work environment. Those buzz words "hostile work environment" generally gets the managers panties in a bunch and they squash the lefty loons quickly. If they continue, you can file an HR complaint. If the company is woke and allow it to continue, you can hire a lawyer and sue. I hate lawyers, but I love using their own broken system against them.
Company isn’t woke thankfully. Lot of my direct coworkers in my department are conservative, most office people are the liberals buying the Covid scare narrative. We know who to talk to and who to avoid lol. Most of the political talk is banned from my family gatherings when the leftists are around. Once they’re gone the trash talking flies and it’s great
I find that administrative people are far more likely to be liberal than direct action type folks. I don't know why that is. It is definitely true in government service.
Agreed. My guess is it’s because Democrats love enriching those already wealthy and provide them with tons of loopholes to avoid taxes and responsibility. Also they tend to push control over labor workers and we’re now seeing how many companies wanna flex their power over the little guys that work for them
Hang in there Pede. If this didn’t wake them up then at some point they may eventually have a psychotic break.
I strongly recommend you watch this video in full while thinking about your brother in law and sister.
At some point they’re going to need you to explain and help rather than you saying “I told you so.”
You are a Q Clearance Patriot. Soon will come a day when you will need to do your duty to help others when they’re forcefully awakened from their slumber.
Thank you Solarsavior! Appreciate you and the info. I've tried a couple of times to write down a good draft of all the events that have occurred that led us to this horrible point. I'm not a good writer so I have a hard time figuring a nice flow or a way summarize it all.
Wow. A surgeon and a pharmacist who have never heard of ivermectin...
A pharmacist, lulz, must live in a very high income area where no one travels to or immigrates from third world countries and needs these common medicines used all over the world.
Yeesh! (Sorry, that's as best as I can articulate my genuine reaction🙂)
Just you please take care of yourself, tepp, as long as you are in the orbit of all that evident craziness. All the best.
They are absolutely crazy. I definitely keep my ears open around them just so I can make arguments with them in my head, since I'm not allowed to actually speak up. Hopefully they talk to me after this and realize I'm not so crazy after all.
Been there, done that. Frustrating, isn't it....they are allowed to speak openly about politics whenever they want...they could go on and on....I can tell they are just DARING me to say a word. If I bring up ANY topic that could be related to politics I am shut down IMMEDIATELY. Is there any topic these days that can't be related back to politics? I'm disabled, I just sit quietly and am ignored. I am just WAITING for the media to convince them that I am too dangerous for my family/grandkids to be around....unvaccinated. My sister refused to speak to me because of my copied and paste Q posts to MY own FB account. A year later she died, still not speaking to me. I loved her dearly, but thankfully I am CONFIDENT, IT IS NOT ME....IT'S THEM.
It's incredibly frustrating. My dad was a Marine for 24 years, so he's brainwashed to hell. He told me for years to not day anyrhing about Epstein because it would make me sound crazy, but who was the first one to call me when he was arrested? My dad. Gee, thanks dad. You refused to listen, but it was all true.
I'm sorry for your sister. You did your best to tell her, so thats what matters. I try to help everyone around me, but it only works to a certain extent. Everyone at work loves my workethic and my ability to get along with almost everyone, but theybalso make fun of me for all my "conspiracy theories."
Pro-tip: They almost certainly (99.98%) won't. They sound far too proud. They are far more likely to take out their doubt as anger and resentment towards you. I 100% hope I'm wrong, but protect yourself.
I agree. I literally just got done making popcorn on the stove, so I'll just sit back and watch. I'm not going to say a word.
Damn bro sorry about the loss. I’m afraid they’ll never a baby again. Oh well, fuck em. Let them figure it out on there own. I find it super funny these people never heard of ivermectin especially the pharmacist. Like holy hell.
Imagine a physicist or engineer asking, "What even is inertia?"
Just the fact that they would say that out loud. They both should be looking it up from trusted resources. I'm a librarian and I know how to look up drugs.
Honestly it’s a good thing that these leftists taking the jab aren’t going to be having any babies. It’ll make this country much stronger/less stupid.
Im sorry to hear that. This is mass genocide and they are taking advantage of people who are unconscious.
Because they've never raised their own animals for food. Typical lefties.
Hard to believe a pharmacist never heard of ivermectin.
That too!
Hard to upvote this stuff. Little baby paid the ultimate price for their willfull ignorance.
Sorry to hear that, and I don't know how appropriate it is to bring this up (to them), but it seems like the mother had the vaxx early on. Was it during the 1st trimester or before insemination?
Here is a vaxx study (from the New England Journal of Medicine -- considered by many doctors to be the #1 most authoritative medical journal in the world, though I have my doubts) that discloses a lot of numbers, but apparently seems to hide important data by the way the report is written (this is very common with Big Pharma):
Here is a story explaining what the numbers mean (it's from Mike Adams, and some will dismiss him, but a search engine will show others reporting this, too):
I think Adams' math is correct (or at least very close -- much of the report appears to be written to purposely obfuscate). But read for yourself (both websites) and decide for yourself.
This is very important for people to know, if the math is correct.
Bottom line:
827 women were pregnant and got the vaxx. Of those, 712 had live births and 115 had a dead baby. Of the 115, there were 104 "spontaneous abortions" which is a euphamism for miscarriage, 1 was a stillborn, and the other 10 were an abortion or something else accidental (the paper is vague on these 10).
Of the 104 miscarriages, 96 occurred in the first trimester. This is important because it means the woman had the vaxx either before pregnancy or during the first trimester.
Of the 712 successful live births, 700 of them were to women who had the vaxx in the third trimester.
So, only 12 live births were to women who had the vaxx in the first or second trimester or before pregnancy, while 96 miscarriages were to women who had the vaxx in the first trimester or prior to pregnancy (because the miscarriage occured during the first trimester).
This is a massive percentage (over 80%) of miscarriages to women who had the vaxx in the first trimester or prior to pregnancy. The numbers are obscured by way the report is written, but these numbers seem pretty clear.
Everybody needs to know this.
P.S. What does third trimester mean? It means more than 6 months. Why is that potentially significant? Because we are hearing stories that the vaxx "wears off" after 4-6 months, which is why they are crying for boosters. There is likely something to this.
Thank you for the information. I will read through this and make sure I understand it all. I'm having a hard time knowing how to bring it up as well, but they already know my stance on it, so I'm wondering if I even need to bring it know what i mean? I feel like they know what I would say caused it...
Wow, Fren... THAT is insanely relevant. The correlation is very strong!
In the rehab field, the woman experiences a fourth trimester...a postpartum one. This is the trimester when the woman’s body (hopefully) regains its homeostasis and heals from the parasite. Now, now...don’t jump on me. Parasites utilize another living being to grow and flourish themselves. In the pregnancy case, though, the parasites are noisy, poopy, tiring, and ADORABLE! This is the life cycle. Bless all our wee bairns, the mummies who bore them and the daddies that sire them, whether they be in vitro, in utero or natural. Blessings to all who try to bring forth a new life to love.
You wonderful woman! I wish upon you and your family joy, love, fun and GOOD NIGHTS’ SLEEP!
Their baby is ok, I truly believe it’s seen the face of God and there’s nothing this world could offer that would be better.
As a general rule, those with medical degrees of any kind (doctors, pharmacists, nurses, etc) seem to think they are above everyone non-medical when it comes to anything health related, regardless of specialty. They not only think they are smarter, but think they are better and everyone else is an idiot or conspiracy nut.
I used to be one of those people, I should know. I guess I am more of an anomaly, but the truly awake healthcare people do exist. I watch these pompous pricks and their hospital administrators preach each and every day and I think to myslef, was I ever like that? An overbearing fucking know it all? Yep, and I am humbled and ashamed.
I used to believe that vaccines were safe and effective. I used to believe the cdc and fda had our best interests in mind. Then, slowly I started to see the world for what it really was. We are all slaves. Big pharma, big business, and our government have all conspired to slowly steal our wealth, health, and lives. Everything we are taught in school serves the agenda. Some is legit, but most is done to drive profits.
Fuck these people. Fuck them all. I don’t care if I’m out of a job. Hospitals all need to go down. All of them. Turn them into public utilities and end the fucking corruption. Cures need to be released. All lies need to be exposed. All hidden truths brought to light. WWG1WGA.
I like to believe that all of these organizations started with the best intentions and that corruption ate away at the soul of these institutions. Wealth and power attract and seduce the weak and the immoral. Not all succumb to the temptation, but many do. You believed in the spirit of the institutions and you still should, but you should direct your righteous anger at those the corrupted it. We desperately need more like you to rebuild these institutions into what they were meant to be.
Patient care used to be the top priority. Now everything is dollar driven. Sure, patient satisfaction surveys are now linked to some reimbursement, but aside from the million committees assigned to improve scores, nothing is ever done.
The fucktards don’t understand that if you truly care about and take care of patients, the scores will increase. Instead, we just throw money at shit and repeat the same old shit each year.
I care, but the people put in place to run the departments are out there for a reason. They follow orders and don’t rock the boat. A yes man or woman in every spot, all the way to the top. Otherwise, they aren’t promoted.
I have visions of a private healthcare company who can fulfill the people’s needs without all the polypharmacy. We need people taking control of their health and diet, not tossing a pill for every malady and another for the side effects of the first pills.
If I was to tell you who caused this, the slow erosion, you would call me anti-<something>
I’m guessing they don’t connect the loss of the baby with the VAX? Or do they?
Not sure yet. I haven't spoken to them directly, but listened over the phone. They made no mention of it, but they know exactly where I stand, so I think they already know what I'd have to say about it.
And they know it, possibly at a subconscious level, and they fucking hate you for it. If Trump ever comes back, they may not speak to you again. Reading your story, they sound like the 6%, even though the “symbolism” anecdote offers a ray of hope, they are most likely gone.
When will this nightmare end? I blame Fauci and his push for gain of function. That was the first domino. So sorry for your loss.
It's insanity. We are suppose to trust the same man who funded and enabled this bioweapon to be made and oversee the creation of ($$$$) testing and vaccines to 'fix' the problem he created....all the while silencing ANY talk of treatment? Are we THAT crazy?
Just an observation. People tend to hold fast to their beliefs after traumatic events such as this because acknowledging otherwise would force them to reconcile their actions as having a proportion of guilt in the tragedy. Pride and hubris are major hurdles we have to overcome to help people that are so invested in the dialog that they are ignorant to their participation in the crimes.
I mentioned this in another comment. I'm amazed by how effective the repetibraineashing on the news is even though it isn't trauma based mind control. I could see how TMC could be effective, but how is media THIS effective? It blows my mind.
sounds to me like they had karma... also sounds like they are fuckin idiots. just imo ;)
I'll probably never have a decent relationship with my sode of the family ever again.
Zero fucks
Thats how I am with everyone except them. The lady doesn't like having me speak about this stuff with her family or friends because "it makes her friends think I'm crazy." I do still talk about it around her friends, but not her family. I agree with you 100%. At work or in public, I give no fucks.
You can pick you nose but you can’t pick your family. And people think you have to be smart to be a doctor!
Depending on what they needed, egg donation shots, testing etc, Invitro is big bucks so they also lost a shit ton of money and effort. Its a really hard process mentally particularly for females.. so don't underestimate the impact.
Sucks to say but some people shouldn't be allowed to breed.
Yes, this was thousands of dollars. They even got to choose certain features of the baby... so this was not even a "normal" invitro.
Stay strong fren,red pill them as much as you can,but not too much,if you know what I mean.
Understand completely, sir! Appreciate you.
My friend just miscarried. She and one other person, a man, are the only two who didn’t det “vaccinated”. She has four kids, so she is not high risk for a miscarriage. I think it was all those around her that caused her great loss. She works in a media place full of libtards.
My daughter in law is a nurse at a hospital in KC. She had to take the jab to keep her job. She and my son have been trying to have a baby for several years. They finally turned to IVF. She lost the fetus within 8 weeks. I have often wondered if the jab was responsible.
It likely didn’t help her odds of maintaining the pregnancy, that’s for sure.
Did she take the Guardasil vax too? Not saying it’s related, but POF and other autoimmune diseases are believed by many to be a product of that bullshit vax. Way too many young women with this problem to not be vax or some food/water related additive.
They have been poisoning us for years.
Good question about the Guardsil. I don't know if she had it or not. I know I refused to have my daughter take it when she was a teenager. I have begged her not to vaccine either of my young granddaughters with it either. They are 10 and 12 yo. I worry that schools may try to intimidate kids into taking the jab without parents knowledge.
I'm very sorry to hear this. I don't know much about IVF, but theybdid some tests that showed this particular baby would have zero problems and should make the 9 months easy. I don't know what tests those were, that's just what they told the family. Yet here we are... God bless you and know we're all with you too.
I think you are the one who may have told me that once before. Thanks.
Advice for dealing with hardwired NPC's like your sister is to pull back.
If they have a conversation, you can jump in and say things like, "have you seen the flu numbers, they magically went to zero, weird huh", and then break away from the conversation.
Or "Oh man, it's almost like satanist control all of the media with this kind of symbolism". And then break off.
The idea is that you want to get them to recognize the contradictions and double speak. Their brain needs to get engaged and they need to see the different contradictions and get themselves out of the programming.
It would be really cool and satisfying if you could show up to a debate, and get them to realize something. But in a confrontation, their brain is not going to be taking in new information, it's going to be in NPC fight mode.
Easiest way is to chime in with contradictions. Make it short, sweet and then get out, and then instead of bad mouthing you behind their back, there is nothing bad about you to say. They will be forced to try and work out the contradiction in their head. It can take a few months, you need to keep at it.
See, I would not hold with the "can't say anything". You are obviously a better person than me.
It's not me being a better person at all, I'm sure. I only do this with them. At work, with my friends, and my side of the family, I say whatever I want with zero Fs given. It's just with then since "this is a hard time and you can't say crazy things that split up the family."
I promise you are not the only person going through this struggle. Your story really hits home with me since it's so similar to what I've been going through the last 2 years or so. Like you, I didn't even bring up the topic but apparently upset everyone by laying out irrefutable facts they hadn't heard of. Stick to your guns friend. You will be vindicated soon. Things are unraveling fast now. We can't change the past, or bring anyone back, but just know that the future is bright as long as you stick to what you believe in. You have a large community of like-minded people here, so keep your head up.
Thank you fren! I absolutely owe the Q community as a whole a huge thank you for the friendship and love I feel from everyone. On a daily basis I read through the posts and comments here and on the chans and just can't believe how far we've all come and how close we are. I've always been a Christian, bit inevitably you question God sometimes. Since late 2014 when I really started seeing symbolism everywhere and learned about those symbols, I have been closer to God than ever before and I felt a real sense of community here. It's a major blessing I hope all of you recognize.
I will absolutely stick to my guns and know that I've got your back like you've got mine.
Sorry for them and you. I feel you and am in a similar situation. If you ever need to talk send a message. You have support
I appreciate that and right back to you. I see you on here quite often in comment sections, so I feel like I recognize a lot of you! You guys and the chans are all o e big family and we all know the journey we've been through, so that helps keep people like you and I sane.
It's not a bug, it's a feature.
My condolences for your family. I too am the “crazy one” in my family. The day will come when we will be needed to help them all.
They only believe the science that confirms their political beliefs and reject the rest.
They’ll blame the miscarriage on unvaccinated people like yourself because they are libtards.
Thats exactly what they were talking about. The invaccinated people are stupid because vaccines "can't" do what the conspiracy nuts think it does.
I caught onto him around 2010. I thought he made so.e good jokes here and there, but I could read between the lines and se what he was.
I have 2 friends that have had misscarigaes in the last 3 weeks. Both vaxxed
How are people missing the proof of this?? Clearly more miscarriages and baby deaths NOW than ever before in our lives?? Will nothing save us?