And many have been “seasoned” just enough with comments (almost always “super-based” one-line quips, and almost always on Hot posts, to collect cheap upvotes.) to shake the handshake icon.
And I thought the idea was crazy a few months ago. But, looking like a more viable option every day with these "suicides" recently. Maybe they're all just in a witness protection-esq program?
Don't forget all the people flying out windows, fbi agent suicides, Anthony Bourdain, Brian keeps daughter boyfriend, Michael hastings, etc... if even 1/5th turn out to be alive I will be happy as hell.
Never going to under appreciate freedom again after these commie assholes
Like, what about that guy in BHM that broke the story about Clinton that was suicided a month or so ago? What if that wasn't what happened and was meant to instill fear on HRC and DS?
No, she protecting herself. She used him to do awful things. Maybe he had enough, flipped & disappeared so she could kill him. That's why she was so weird ... like he's gone or something
I'll find it
Edit: I found it
"We lost my brother Tony last night. It's hard to find words"
Yeah that's possible too. She either killed him in cold blood right there on the spot one day or she disappeared him. idk which. The guy has wife & kids but it's his sister that reported his death with no causes. Only Hillary can get away with reporting a death with no cause.
Wouldn't it be something if they pulled out McAfee and Epstein from the shadows? The DS and their patsies would shit their britches faster than a fat guy eating Arby's.
The fact he would even say this brings certain value.
If Epstein was killed, then we would not be surprised to find out specifically. Even if they had proof who killed him it would not warrant a tease like this. Little value added.
If Epstein did not kill himself and is actually alive, then the value this brings is very much higher and worthy of a tease.
I put my money on Epstein being alive and shit is going to get real very fast.
Imagine the celebs that rode the Lolita Express thinking they were in the clear. Had their story why they were on the flight logs, and now…omg, is he, isn’t he??
My guess is he waited until AFTER OBAMAS BIG BASH....letting all those psychos have one last happy escapade.....allowing them to feel their safest....then BOOM!!!
Jesus Christ, it's been 2 years already?
LOL my thoughts exactly.
Same here. Can't believe it's going on 9.5 months since our election was blatantly stolen by foreign & domestic adversaries.
This is HUGE coming from Don JR!
I know right!!!
You could be doing something instead of complaining like a bitch. He’s a private citizen. What do you want him to do?
You have provided zero value to this thread. Time to log off buddy.
I call these a “Shill on a Shelf.”
And many have been “seasoned” just enough with comments (almost always “super-based” one-line quips, and almost always on Hot posts, to collect cheap upvotes.) to shake the handshake icon.
If they have Epstein alive, then that's huge.
What if they're all alive?
I'm starting to wonder.
And I thought the idea was crazy a few months ago. But, looking like a more viable option every day with these "suicides" recently. Maybe they're all just in a witness protection-esq program?
Can't wait for the curtain raise if that's the case.
kappy! avicii! cornell! the linkin park dude!
MIchael Jackson and Tupac xD
michael jackson !!!
Apple ceo guy
Joan Rivers for exposing Big Mike
Going to revive the meme of my youth, back before memes exist, Elvis Presley is obviously not dead!
Even JFKJr. Maybe alive means are they're old selves alive...? To patriot witness protection, you're dead.
wasnt apple ceo guy steve jobs who was a egotistical bullying maniac? surely hes a black hat if he's notdead
Don't forget all the people flying out windows, fbi agent suicides, Anthony Bourdain, Brian keeps daughter boyfriend, Michael hastings, etc... if even 1/5th turn out to be alive I will be happy as hell. Never going to under appreciate freedom again after these commie assholes
Like, what about that guy in BHM that broke the story about Clinton that was suicided a month or so ago? What if that wasn't what happened and was meant to instill fear on HRC and DS?
What if HER BROTHER isn't dead - that was all kinds of sketchy when that happened. Kankles just said 'He's gone'.
What if he flipped?
yeah she's protecting him
No, she protecting herself. She used him to do awful things. Maybe he had enough, flipped & disappeared so she could kill him. That's why she was so weird ... like he's gone or something
I'll find it
Edit: I found it
And still no cause of death released...
Yeah that's possible too. She either killed him in cold blood right there on the spot one day or she disappeared him. idk which. The guy has wife & kids but it's his sister that reported his death with no causes. Only Hillary can get away with reporting a death with no cause.
Yeah she's capable of anything.
Fondle a little girl's nipple live on CSPAN?
Rating: Mostly false. He pinched her nipple, he didnt fondle it.
And you win the internet today😂😂😂
This is a massive taunt/red pill coming from very high up figure.
Epic trolling - multi dimensional trolling.
2 year delta August traditionally is VERY HOT!
Wouldn't it be something if they pulled out McAfee and Epstein from the shadows? The DS and their patsies would shit their britches faster than a fat guy eating Arby's.
I think you meant Nadler eating arby's.
When that button finally pops it's going to have more force than a .357
What would be a YUUUUGE wake up call?
If Jeff Epstein shows up for a little Q&A.
Lin Wood said it a year ago!
So what he's saying is Epstein is alive and will begin testifying on live TV before the end of the week.
i want this to come true!
Well they did say miracles would happen in August !
Epstein is alive. Holy shit this timeline
Well to be fair guys he could simply mean he was murdered.
That’s a fair point but Don Jr’s timing. Why now? Right now?
Trolling extra hard? I dont know and agree its something just trying to give the counterargument. If there is one..
I looked up Epstein's death and Wikipedo and a bunch of other site say he died on the 10th.
Is the answer, kill himself or die?
Shakes Magic 8 Ball
I don’t know
that was two years ago? wow. Time is being weird, again. seems like it was last year.
Very interesting he’s suddenly bringing this up
Saying he didn't kill himself is not the same as saying he is still alive.
Is he suggesting Epstein is still alive..?
wouldn't be surprised at all if Epstein was secretly taken to GITMO.
Oh shiiiiiiiiii
Why is Jr. making a statement on this right now?
Legit question, why now? Don't get the down votes.
I'll go one step beyond and say "die".
The fact he would even say this brings certain value.
If Epstein was killed, then we would not be surprised to find out specifically. Even if they had proof who killed him it would not warrant a tease like this. Little value added.
If Epstein did not kill himself and is actually alive, then the value this brings is very much higher and worthy of a tease.
I put my money on Epstein being alive and shit is going to get real very fast.
Additionally, its possible that this message wasn't for us, but for the cabal.
White hats have certainly been keeping them guessing and expending ammunition.
combo this along with the best is yet to come from don jr and it makes sense that he'll be the one to do the trolling
This entire thing could be defined as the greatest trolling in history.
Time flies.
Imagine the celebs that rode the Lolita Express thinking they were in the clear. Had their story why they were on the flight logs, and now…omg, is he, isn’t he??
Either he knows something or this is an epic troll.
The answer is c) both.
Has it already been 2 years? dang.
He didn't bribe Bill Barr with enough money to stop a hit from being put on him?
Spicy kek!! Troll master Jr everyone 👏👏👏👏
I always thought i was a funny way they said it.
I hope it was just to fuck with people and he really didn't kill himself and everyone will be like "Oh shit. Epstien didn't kill himself."
Comms maybe??
11:08- 08/11/21
posts 118 and/or 811?
My guess is he waited until AFTER OBAMAS BIG BASH....letting all those psychos have one last happy escapade.....allowing them to feel their safest....then BOOM!!!