*OCCUPIED TERRITORY* Remember 11.11? Q flagged chapter 11 of the Law of War so many times, but me and so many others couldn't see the reference. Thanks to MAJIC EYES QNLY's calm, straightforward decode channel, it's all become so clear. DIG IN, patriots! (See post's CONTEXT for link to Rumble!)
🔍 Notable

Why is this stickied?
The MAJIC channel has been hard work to listen to. You can't just casually put it on like you can with, say, AWK. MAJIC is dropping SERIOUS sauce and proofs in his decode videos, many of which I've had to listen to multiple times. I nabbed this "proof" screencap from the video in this post's CONTEXT button (a great new feature). DEFINITELY listen to the entire STORM series. Brings so much clarity to this!
Exactly right. MAJIC is not one of those you turn on and half way look at your phone or even casually talk to someone in the same room. You have got to pay attention. This guy is a the real deal.
Thanks for posting this so others can see. 👍
Agreed. MAJIC's video series is great (his last one was weird for me but, all other I could understand). He connects to the DoD war manual instead if dates and makes tons if sense.
I feel like GA needs to have this series perma-stickied. We need a simplified version of these too. I wish I had time. HAAIIII it’s Dave from X22 should do a series on it. I need to watch this last one again. Q drops & DOD LOW is paramount to what we are living through. Those of us who can comprehend and follow these videos get it. I need to Q up the manual again I’m so fucking excited for our future!!!!!
That dude is a gift to dumb asses like me
Lers not forget that Xi offered Biden 250k Chinese troops to secure D.C.
Why didn't they show up? Pompeo said they are here already, also we k ow the Chinese top spie verified that.
This is how I know trump is in charge and has the football. Why they put Flynns brother an Army General in his position over u.s. forces pacific.
The fact China could have carried that out is incredible. We have been infiltrated.
Excellent point mate, who for 1second thinks Gen Flynns brother would get this position if Biden Inc are really in charge. If nothing else this is the Red Pill for me. They might argue it shows that Biden is magnanimous but we know different. The guy is a potato brained puppet a nasty bastard as well. Gen Flynn is a sworn enemy no way he gets that position other than some others are in charge
Excellent point, fren. No way are the black hats in control
Wait, it's been confirmed somewhere that there are 250k Chinese troops in America?
Last I heard about a week ago 325,000 within various universities and colleges.
And how many more could just walk in through our southern border anytime they please.
You mean those weak armed skinny BMW drivers that speed around campus and wear overpriced clothing?
Yeah I don't think they'll be protecting anyone.
Appearing weak when they are strong?
Nah, appearing weak because they are. I knew several like that when I worked at a university. All about their expensive cars, phones and computers. Also; noodle arms.
1 million Chinese here. 300k are student spies according to the top guy we now have. The mill assets are from the other 700k as well as material support insuppose. after all China has had the lease in the Port of longbeach since Clinton. That's a lot of Cosco containers full 9f what they need.
Well they don't fight like us
Pompeo sauce please.
Are jan 6 prisoners actually hostages? They certainly seem to be treating them outside of normal laws
He has also given credit to MJ12 in the beginning & he decodes MJ12 posts. All the original generals are gone, what or who is MJ12?
Q has said that people from the Q team show up add information and help us when we are stuck. You have said that, obviously, there is no official Q communications outside of official channels, but, the entire Q team monitors Where We Are in The Awakening and anonymously drops information in these types of situations when we are stuck. That's what I think is happening here.
Dropping pointers through a social media account that pretty much all anons tell normies is a larp, but, wait, not for them?
Anons were clear that MJ12 was not Q. At the time we had a lot of imposters around. But good decoding can come from anywhere, as long as it is researched and corroborated by the Q hivemind.
MJ12 was on topic.
This is big. We are at war with china, the virus was a bioweapon. We need to keep on digging into Q's actual posts. We have all we need remember? We need to stop living like sheep and start living like people who have had enough and peacefully get the word out and bypass the media.
Preparing for the Greater Community by Marshall Vian Summers is food for thought if you are open to it.
That's sounds great
Definitely. The Great Awakening Map confirms this.
Yea Q is a subset of MJ 12.
I would have thought it was the other way around. Enlighten me? And how do I assess/corroborate? What's their credibility? Would like to understand, as I expect that as I catch up on this that I'd want to post more. Thanks pede.
It's in the Majic Eyes Qnly mj12 videos. Assuming it's all or mostly true, of course. Q needs to be completed ibefore 2024 and the next steps. We need to be free before anything else can happen.
Congrats you got MJ12'd!
I have an opinion that the first anon on the boards that made the Law of War manual connection was tipped off by the WHs. As Majic says, no one picked up on it for years and it was the biggest intel drop in history.
Very happy it's out now and Majic has dug into it so well. Ties with Devolution as well.
This is also what I'm coming to believe. We are being guided more than we know.
5 years from now Scavino will be in an interview "We were wondering how the hell they got dates from that format, we were all like ... pulling our hair out yelling at our computer screens." kek
It was the 11.3 that threw everyone.
I think it was intentional.
Yes devolution, law of war, Q and President Trumps own voice mesh perfectly.
Any nagging doubts I had are long gone.
^^^ THIS ^^^
Love him! He truly has Majic Eyes...great voice too..he is a blessing
I never heard of him and I wonder why I haven’t - the most amazing dig i have seen or heard! I am blowen away with hope renewed. We all need to watch and listen to his decodes - wow wow wow !!!!!
Not gonna lie. I'm kinda backwoods ignorant. So I'm still alittle confused as to what this means.
An anon found, several days before 1/20 of this year, that many of Q's posts, and the key markers therein such as 11.3, 11.4 and 11.11, are not dates but references to sections of the DoD Law of War Manual. Chapter 11 specifically deals with military occupation.
One of the biggest legit criticisms of Q that I have heard over the years is that his core prediction, that the military would be used to drain the swamp, is impossible. This is because there are laws which prohibit the military from deploying on US soil under normal circumstances. However, if they are acting to remove a belligerent regime installed by a foreign power such as China, an occupying force, and trying those who aided and abetted them under military law, then it is a very different story.
Q said "proof to begin 11.3". Section 11.3 in the LoW Manual deals with "End of Occupation", and section 11.11 deals with criminal law in occupied territory.
MajicEyesQnly goes into much more depth on this subject. His decodes in this subject are remarkable.
This is an intro to Majic's work, a shortened version for newcomers. The full length vids for the decodes are an hour or more.
Well, since you folks seem like you're into it, I'll just drop this here, and you can read it to have a bit deeper understanding of what is happening....
Same here
Hi, fren, welcome to the WIN. Oh, man, it's hard, this one. How new are you? Reply so we know where to get started. There's a lot to unpack here.
Lurking for few years now been awake since 07, from learning about some of the cult personalities that have been to the Whitehouse from way back. Getting to be much to keep track of anymore. Also I don't read well into law. Something about the way it reads makes me uncomfortable.
Maritime law obfuscates, common law illuminates.. 🤔
He is absolutely brilliant. The decoding he's done and the time he has put into this shows he's a true soldier on our side. Bless him!!
Saving for later thanks
I didn't vote for China.
None of us here did, we knew Bidet was exactly that.
Just a guess, but I think Majic Eyes is an AI generated person and voice. Not to infer the decodes aren't worthy but strongly suggesting this guarantees that he is immune from death and suicide.
Keep alert/all.
"Under occupation" behaviour of leaders, certainly here in my AUS states, would explain much, CCP like control.
Knew that DC is and was a Corporate entity, accepted then, its since occupied. (AUS is a registered Corporation via DC, and other Co's, via Delaware!! Latter unsure why so..
Interesting times. Thought that the post 1871 corporatised US Constitution applied to DC alone, that the shall I say uncorrupted pre that date version, applies outside DC.
Recently GOP Senators went to check on the DC prisoners, but access was refused. Good to hear, the prisoners sing the US anthem at a set time.
This is all a bit like the show "Sliders"..
Definition of inter alia:
“among other things”
This is why the EAS message said 'the United States and Washington DC'
So, when will fighting to take back our country commence??
Explains the fence... boxed them in So pull the hammer already
I've been thinking about this occupation part lately.
I need to go dig to verify, but doesn't it state somewhere about after a year of occupation, a next step in the laws of war is triggered?
I could be wrong but my memory is that the one year period related to one year past the end of the DC corporation.
I dont understand. What has China been doing to control/influence the White House/Congress that Isreal and/or Saudi Arabia hasn't been doing?
Too bad you dropped this on a comment that's going to be at the bottom of the page =/
You do realize I wasn't defending China, right? You're preaching to the choir, Cat.
I feel so bad for Majic the schizo lunatic and all of you mindless, unthinking herd animals duped by his BS. This is another major red herring, just like the "Corporation of the United States" nonsense that had you morons thinking Trump was going to be inaugurated on March 4th.
11.3, 11.6, and 11.11 are all dates you utter fools.
11.3 and 11.6 are when Podesta and Huma were indicted: https://qanon.pub/?q=commitment#1518
11.11 is the date Trump met with Putin:
https://qanon.pub/?q=11.11#2288 ("days prior")
https://qanon.pub/?q=11.11#1357 ("post midterms" which were on Nov. 6)
For reasons undisclosed, we needed to secure a true senate majority before Trump's meeting with Putin on Nov. 11.
Wow I did not know about that. Thanks fren.