Honestly it’s an OSHA reg now, they have no choice - that or be fined out the wazoo. Even my doc’s office has been forced to comply, and he used to have mask and no mask areas of the waiting area.
To be clear, OSHA's jurisdiction involves employees and employers only - not the public. Those "regulations" regarding the mandates for the public to wear masks are part of the local government's pandemic protocols and are enforced by the local authorities. Businesses can be fined by the county, city, or state, depending on the regulations and enforcement. The individual office can have requirements for the public to wear masks as part of the overall pandemic guidelines. They only thing they can do if a patient refuses to wear a mask is to deny service.
You are welcome and thank you for your service. Medical/dental is my wheelhouse. Things are never as simple as they may appear to be and people's perceptions do not necessarily reflect all sides to an issue. I pray you get your surgery and it all goes well with you - with or without a mask.
OSHA is just an excuse for these idiots. They don’t even have an enforcement policy in our state but muh OSHA. It’s either compliant morons or pro-covid activists.
OSHA only applies to employment and not the public. Mask enforcement in businesses that interact with with public are under local jurisdictions as part of their pandemic protocol mandates. Fines that happen during a mask mandate are from the local authorities and is enforced by them. OSHA cannot fine a business owner for a member of the public not wearing a mask - OSHA only gets involved if it involves an employee. As far as I am aware of, employment mask requirements are the decision of an employer and not part of any regulation by OSHA for non-heath care workers. Health care workers that require PPE as a function of the job must be provided that protection equipment by the employer - masks, gloves, gowns, respirators, shields, scrubs, etc. The employer must also insure its proper use.
The Federal government has tried to avoid making mandates incumbent upon the public - something I am not sure they can legally do. That is why they have handed that dirty work over to the state and private businesses.
That's great. Hats off to you. It starts with one business at a time.
Where I live things have been semi-tyrannical. Not quite as bad as CA. But definitely not as unrestricted and FL, TX, and SD. Health care has a whole additional layer of scrutiny piled on just because of the nature of the business.
More and more health care is controlled by corporate entities. That means the BS rolls down hill from a corporate ivory tower by individuals with business degrees instead of licenses in health care. I know of privately owned practices, some of the few left, that are not requiring masks as long as the local mandates are removed. Corporately owned practices however, don't get to make their own rules and have had to keep the masks for the public per the corporate dictators. While the mandates are in force, businesses where I live busted by the mask hall monitors could face fines anywhere from a couple thousand dollars upwards to 50K in the case of health care practices - and that is for a first offense.
Dental practices are still struggling from the lockdowns last year because they stayed open for emergency care only - they financially took in the shorts. They were promised Covid aide and most never received a dime. The last thing they can afford is to get hit with a government fine not to mention attention from the State Dental Board. A state licensing board only exists to protect the public in it's jurisdiction over a practitioner's license. Other than initial issuance of the license and renewal, interaction with a state licensing board is usually never good. One Karen picking up the phone and placing a call to complain can cause all kinds of grief.
My dental office has worn masks long before covid. When they added a $12 surcharge for PPE that they've been using for years under the guise of covid I told them to call me when the nonsense stops. THEN they say "Your insurance pays for most of it." and I reply "You're charging me for something that you've done for years under the guise of covid so no thank you and by the way, who exactly do you think PAYS for that insurance?" What a messed up world...
Your experience is also another example of just how fucked up our health care system is. Thousands of dollars in bullshit charges, all justified with, "Insurance pays for it."
And you don't have to guess where that leaves those of us who cannot or choose not to get insurance.
I had a dentist do the exact same thing. So I asked what is the new ppe you are wearing? They said no it’s all the same but we put in a air purifier on our air conditioner so that is the increase in fee. So said see ya!
It’s bc the cost of the supplies have sky rocketed due to demand. Legit went up 10x for gloves, gowns etc. sauce: best friend works in a dental office.
You are correct. The cost of all PPE has gone through the roof while insurance reimbursement, which was low to begin with, has not kept pace. The cost of dentistry has forced many into corporate structures in order to cost save - mostly on materials and staff needed to deal with insurance. The public does not understand that private insurance reimbursement rates for dentistry have not changed much in decades. That is why more is being required for a patient to pay out of pocket. At the same time, that same insurance is costing more in premiums for getting less. A dental office is giving away that yearly exam, x-rays, and general cleaning in the hopes of making some money on procedures. I cannot blame the office for attempting to get back some of what it is costing them just to have their doors open.
What's frustrating about your comment is knowing that the governor in my state is literally still hoarding PPE at a county fairgrounds. It's like he's intentionally contributing to the shortage.
That’s no problem… but make sure you don’t cause more harm then good with this post. Pick your battles. Last thing we need is a fellow pede unable to get their teeth fixed because they ban you from the establishment ya know. Someone here said I don’t think that’s the hill you wanna die on
Wear the mask, get your teeth taken care of, then continue fighting the war. We sometimes don’t win every battle in a war. As the other commenter said, this is probably not the hill to die on.
Agreed. I've worn a mask once in the past year and that was to get a mammogram. Refusing the shot on principle but ending up with breast cancer doesn't make sense.
Would you wear a mask to church if your church asked you to? That’s where I’m at. In Illinois the obese Governor thinks he knows what’s best for people’s health and the Bishop is telling everyone to reinforce the masks. I either have to travel to another state for mass or really be controversial with the scared old ladies at church and not wear one. It’s a small town. And we pulled our daughter and homeschooled her over mask bullshit, so it’s hard to be like ok I guess we’ll wear one this time. Idk what to do!
Masks and hospitals / surgery are somewhat interesting. Doctors have worn masks while performing surgery for decades. They do so not to protect themselves, but to protect you (the patient) while your body is 'opened up' - to stop bits of saliva / bacteria getting from their mouths / noses into your body. So I don't really feel that fighting a hospital over masks is a valid hill to die on. IF doctors and nurses never wore masks prior to C19, I'd think differently but at the very least, they are consistent.
I've been dying to ask a real surgeon - haven't surgeons been wearing masks, like, forever? Everyone involved in an operation? Is it only for the saliva / blood? Nothing airborne like breath, germs, etc ?
I assisted (scrubbed in, monitored anethesia, opened surgical packs, handed the doctor the necessary tools from the surgical pack, etc) in surgeries on military working dogs for years in the US Army. You wear the mask to keep your spit from falling into the body cavity while its opened up and to keep the dogs' bodily fluids outta your mouth.
After all this big pharma BS, I'm apprehensive of mammograms causing breast cancer. Bi-yearly exposure to gamma radiation can't be all that good for the girls lol.
Agree, just wear it for the 5 minutes that you need to walk back. You need to get this issue taken care of and fighting over a 5 minute mask bullshit situation is not worth your oral health. We're still fighting and we're winning. So just do it for this one time.
Yeah i hear ya...gotta get the services done. Also gotta make them feel real dumb and stupid that they make you do it. My boss made me put on a mask yesterday, and I proceeded to finish our conversation with my glasses heavily fogged up.
I am also one of Uncle Sam's Misguided Children, who has a little bit of insight concerning the subject of dentistry. If I were you, I would tell them that you have been diagnosed with PTSD and cannot tolerate a mask. It is absolutely crazy that this mask shit still persists in FL when I can go to the dentist in my midwest state and no mask is required. Doesn't sound at all like OSHA to me. Rather, it sounds like an office that is trying to stick it to DeSantis via virtue signaling.
At this moment, you need to decide whether this is the hill you want to die on. You can choose to push back with other circumstances. But, if you really need this surgery, you may have to make a concession to get this done.
The last thing you want to do is to piss off people that are getting ready to operate on you. That is not a good idea. I know the principle is important, but this office is not going to budge on this unless you can show proof of some medical reason why you do not have to wear the face diaper. The ADA forces them to accommodate people with special needs. But, you have to have proof - either obvious limitations or in writing. The office needs this in order to justify letting you pass on this. If their insistence is not part of a local mask requirement where the office could be fined by local authorities, then you may be able to push back a little.
Dental offices are small businesses and they cannot afford to be hit with thousands of dollars in fines. In addition, if there are Karen's around that see others not required to wear masks where there is a mandate, their neurosis makes them contact the office's corporate headquarters to lodge a complaint - not to mention contacting the state dental board. The dentist can actually be in a no win situation here regardless of how they personally feel about it - especially if they do not own the practice and are just another working stiff.
Refusing to do business with a retail establishment over requiring the mask is one thing, but your health is another. It is important that you get procedures like this done before all hell breaks loose - especially if it is a dental situation that has the potential to blow up. Dental infections can kill. If things get bad this fall that may force us back into lockdown situation or vaxxines are required, you may end up being s#$t out of luck. Priorities my fren, priorities. Sometimes it is better to survive to fight another day.
And I am glad you have it! I wore a mask too - until the mandates were lifted. Now I will never wear one again even if a mandate comes back. Any tyranny is my line now! I see the enemy
How long ago/where? My friend had retinal detachment surgery in July in CA, and had to have a hospital-administered C-19 PCR test 72 hours before the surgery, as well as wearing a mask throughout the surgery (well, until she went under, anyway).
Torn retina is less serious than detached retina so they were able to do the in-office laser procedure. This was in Charlotte, NC, about two months into Covid last year. And I did protest about the mask but the doctor’s nurse told me he would not do the procedure without my mask on.
Oh wow, lucky you! I didn't know detached retina could be fixed that way. In our case, it was full-on surgery. I read about it after, they insert 3- or 4 needles/tools into the eyeball and do magic inside the eye! They really did work wonders and I have incredible respect for what they did. A month later and her eyesight was actually better than it was beforehand. I got chatting to one of the nurses while waiting for her to get wheeled away to surgery, and they said they've always worn masks in surgery. The only new thing is the patient wearing a mask. So at least the docs/nurses are being consistent; if masks didn't do anything, they were still willing to wear them 5, 10 years ago!
It is stupid as shit. Wear it. Tell them you are wearing it under protest and why.
Get your surgery.
This may not be the hill to die on.
There will be others.
I had to go see my doctor earlier this week and they would not see me without a mask. So I wore my mask that says "this mask is useless". I also wouldn't let them aim their temperature gun at my head. When the doctor came in he noted that my heart rate and blood pressure were elevated. I told him of course it is because I'm wearing a mask and I'm angry about it! Ultimately I had to suck it up and do this otherwise I couldn't get my medication. But at least they know where I stand. I had tried to find another doctor, it's a specialist, anywhere within 50 miles but they all have mask policies.
I called. Got Voicemail that ended with have a Blessed Day. I called them hypocrites for denying a veteran his medical care simply for not bowing to the Nazi demand that he wear a mask. That's all I can do.
I started to pose as a reporter from the Fort Meyers News-Press.com but decided that truth is always the best medicine.
First thing I would do is demand that they put the reason for the denial of service in writing. Presuming you (and/or your insurance company) have already paid money to this same medical facility, explain that you need a reason in writing because you will be getting a refund on those payments. Record your conversation too. Whatever legal course of action you pursue, if your allegation it's not in writing, it didn't happen, without proof.
Congrats for standing for your civil rights. You should be able to find another surgeon who actually understands the masks don't protect you from virus transmission.
Awesome. Yes just call around! Someone will need your money 👍🏻
Do you need an oral surgeon for sure? A lot of general dentists love a good oral surgery. They sometimes do complicated wisdom teeth too. Usually if the tooth is in the sinus is when they refer out to an oral surgeon. Only saying this to save you some money and open up your options.
I wear a mesh mask when forced to comply. They don't say a thing because it's obvious my mask does nothing. I don't argue with small medical/dental offices because they mostly comply in order to not be shut down. Some have drunken the coolaid. Others just want to keep their doors open and skip the drama.
Don’t lose the war (succumbing to infection) over a single battle. Wear their damn mask and get your surgery, then resume the fight. Don’t die on this hill.
Pull the mask down past your nose and get your surgery dude. If they insist ask them if you can wait outside until they call you in for the surgery. Obviously they cant operate on your mouth with the mask on.
They only have 3 reviews on yelp. Even just one or two 1 star reviews could harm their business :). Just remember to write something believable because Yelp will remove reviews if it is clear that someone didn't actually visit the business.
He needs surgery. They obviously can't make him wear one while they operate on his mouth. As a vet he prob doesn't have a whole lot of options where to go. Just suffer and not get your surgery? that is your solution? Easy to say when you are not the one needing the surgery.
Take from a toothless Veteran Brother, just do what they want to get what you NEED. It may seem as pointless as the restaurants but in the end YOU WIN!
I went in for a cleaning at my dentist today. They had a sign on the door that said I must wear a mask. I walked in without my mask on only to see all of the receptionist's wearing masks below their chin of course when I walked in the day all pulled up their masks. Lucky for them nobody said anything to me otherwise I would have laid into them.
I feel for you. I just had two MRIs and an MRA and they made me wear a mask. Like it wasn't stressful enough so they made sure I had insufficient oxygen to round out the 90 minutes of fun
I just had oral surgery. Wore mask in waiting room then once in back it came off. Hygienist did same. It’s gotta come off to work in your mouth, hello?
The little nazi greeter had to suffer cuz you broke through her kingdom’s outer walls. Aawww...she musta-been all flustered! She’s slamming a bowl of beans down in front of her quivering man-Ken right-MEOW with a litany of “SO!! Then this Trumper unvaxxed maskophobe starts TELLING ME he aint wearing my mask”! The unwashed want to kill us ALL!!! So then I says OH YOU’LL WEAR ONE OF MY MASKS!!!! Then he lunged through the window demanding his gear back but I had Stephy dial 911”!!!
So we’re trying to destroy this business? This to me isn’t a positive. Find another surgeon or put a mask on because you absolutely have to.
All about boycotting the giant corps running the show, but a medical facility asking for you to mask up isn’t that bizarre, and for all you know they’re trying to avoid backlash from the crazies.
Begging for a sticky to try to ruin this business is childish. They didn’t hurt you.
From an ORAL Surgeon's office - that once you go in - you will have to remove any mask anyway???? Complete clown world we are living in!!!!
Honestly it’s an OSHA reg now, they have no choice - that or be fined out the wazoo. Even my doc’s office has been forced to comply, and he used to have mask and no mask areas of the waiting area.
To be clear, OSHA's jurisdiction involves employees and employers only - not the public. Those "regulations" regarding the mandates for the public to wear masks are part of the local government's pandemic protocols and are enforced by the local authorities. Businesses can be fined by the county, city, or state, depending on the regulations and enforcement. The individual office can have requirements for the public to wear masks as part of the overall pandemic guidelines. They only thing they can do if a patient refuses to wear a mask is to deny service.
Ah interesting thanks for the education
You are welcome and thank you for your service. Medical/dental is my wheelhouse. Things are never as simple as they may appear to be and people's perceptions do not necessarily reflect all sides to an issue. I pray you get your surgery and it all goes well with you - with or without a mask.
Good response. Own a business and have never required employees or clients to wear masks.
OSHA is just an excuse for these idiots. They don’t even have an enforcement policy in our state but muh OSHA. It’s either compliant morons or pro-covid activists.
OSHA only applies to employment and not the public. Mask enforcement in businesses that interact with with public are under local jurisdictions as part of their pandemic protocol mandates. Fines that happen during a mask mandate are from the local authorities and is enforced by them. OSHA cannot fine a business owner for a member of the public not wearing a mask - OSHA only gets involved if it involves an employee. As far as I am aware of, employment mask requirements are the decision of an employer and not part of any regulation by OSHA for non-heath care workers. Health care workers that require PPE as a function of the job must be provided that protection equipment by the employer - masks, gloves, gowns, respirators, shields, scrubs, etc. The employer must also insure its proper use.
The Federal government has tried to avoid making mandates incumbent upon the public - something I am not sure they can legally do. That is why they have handed that dirty work over to the state and private businesses.
That's great. Hats off to you. It starts with one business at a time.
Where I live things have been semi-tyrannical. Not quite as bad as CA. But definitely not as unrestricted and FL, TX, and SD. Health care has a whole additional layer of scrutiny piled on just because of the nature of the business.
More and more health care is controlled by corporate entities. That means the BS rolls down hill from a corporate ivory tower by individuals with business degrees instead of licenses in health care. I know of privately owned practices, some of the few left, that are not requiring masks as long as the local mandates are removed. Corporately owned practices however, don't get to make their own rules and have had to keep the masks for the public per the corporate dictators. While the mandates are in force, businesses where I live busted by the mask hall monitors could face fines anywhere from a couple thousand dollars upwards to 50K in the case of health care practices - and that is for a first offense.
Dental practices are still struggling from the lockdowns last year because they stayed open for emergency care only - they financially took in the shorts. They were promised Covid aide and most never received a dime. The last thing they can afford is to get hit with a government fine not to mention attention from the State Dental Board. A state licensing board only exists to protect the public in it's jurisdiction over a practitioner's license. Other than initial issuance of the license and renewal, interaction with a state licensing board is usually never good. One Karen picking up the phone and placing a call to complain can cause all kinds of grief.
My dental office isn’t wearing masks. Neither the employees or the patients. No OSHA fines
My dental office has worn masks long before covid. When they added a $12 surcharge for PPE that they've been using for years under the guise of covid I told them to call me when the nonsense stops. THEN they say "Your insurance pays for most of it." and I reply "You're charging me for something that you've done for years under the guise of covid so no thank you and by the way, who exactly do you think PAYS for that insurance?" What a messed up world...
Your experience is also another example of just how fucked up our health care system is. Thousands of dollars in bullshit charges, all justified with, "Insurance pays for it."
And you don't have to guess where that leaves those of us who cannot or choose not to get insurance.
That's the worst part. If you tell them that you're paying cash and not using insurance, it's odd how much the fees drop.
Lol! You gotta be kidding me these broke dicks. Seriously? Charging for PPE. What losers
I had a dentist do the exact same thing. So I asked what is the new ppe you are wearing? They said no it’s all the same but we put in a air purifier on our air conditioner so that is the increase in fee. So said see ya!
That's the only way that they're going to figure it out. Can't see how an air purifier is going to do much in preventing a bioweapon.
I can’t see how tossing masks in the trash and not treated as biological is allowed.
It’s bc the cost of the supplies have sky rocketed due to demand. Legit went up 10x for gloves, gowns etc. sauce: best friend works in a dental office.
You are correct. The cost of all PPE has gone through the roof while insurance reimbursement, which was low to begin with, has not kept pace. The cost of dentistry has forced many into corporate structures in order to cost save - mostly on materials and staff needed to deal with insurance. The public does not understand that private insurance reimbursement rates for dentistry have not changed much in decades. That is why more is being required for a patient to pay out of pocket. At the same time, that same insurance is costing more in premiums for getting less. A dental office is giving away that yearly exam, x-rays, and general cleaning in the hopes of making some money on procedures. I cannot blame the office for attempting to get back some of what it is costing them just to have their doors open.
What's frustrating about your comment is knowing that the governor in my state is literally still hoarding PPE at a county fairgrounds. It's like he's intentionally contributing to the shortage.
Sounds like he’s doing his job. /s
"No choice," my ass. People need to grow a spine and stop being cucks to rules that only serve the oligarchy.
The clown world in full swing 🤡🤡🤡🤡
Sticky for 1hr to help you get the exposure you need
That’s no problem… but make sure you don’t cause more harm then good with this post. Pick your battles. Last thing we need is a fellow pede unable to get their teeth fixed because they ban you from the establishment ya know. Someone here said I don’t think that’s the hill you wanna die on
Remove the word ‘surgery’ from the headline and it becomes hilarious.
Wear the mask, get your teeth taken care of, then continue fighting the war. We sometimes don’t win every battle in a war. As the other commenter said, this is probably not the hill to die on.
Agreed. I've worn a mask once in the past year and that was to get a mammogram. Refusing the shot on principle but ending up with breast cancer doesn't make sense.
Would you wear a mask to church if your church asked you to? That’s where I’m at. In Illinois the obese Governor thinks he knows what’s best for people’s health and the Bishop is telling everyone to reinforce the masks. I either have to travel to another state for mass or really be controversial with the scared old ladies at church and not wear one. It’s a small town. And we pulled our daughter and homeschooled her over mask bullshit, so it’s hard to be like ok I guess we’ll wear one this time. Idk what to do!
Your church has been infiltrated.
Any Church abiding to 501c3 laws is a business.
God doesn’t need the IRS to approve of him. The IRS, by law, requires that sermons be typed up and sent for audit.
fuck masks... you have done well so far.
Anyone who mandates masks is just another to avoid. God guides. WWG1WGA
Try a traditional Latin mass Catholic parish. We aren't wearing masks and we're dead center in Marxistville.
But, hollerin "Bring out yer dead" is strictly optional... Just adding meat to this evolving science fiction novelette...
I liked it w/out the /s
I thought of a good edit... 😁
I left my church because of their spirit of fear; don't need or want that.
Masks and hospitals / surgery are somewhat interesting. Doctors have worn masks while performing surgery for decades. They do so not to protect themselves, but to protect you (the patient) while your body is 'opened up' - to stop bits of saliva / bacteria getting from their mouths / noses into your body. So I don't really feel that fighting a hospital over masks is a valid hill to die on. IF doctors and nurses never wore masks prior to C19, I'd think differently but at the very least, they are consistent.
I wore masks during surgery to protect myself as well as the patient. Lots of blood and saliva spray. Retired Oral Surgeon since 2015.
I've been dying to ask a real surgeon - haven't surgeons been wearing masks, like, forever? Everyone involved in an operation? Is it only for the saliva / blood? Nothing airborne like breath, germs, etc ?
I assisted (scrubbed in, monitored anethesia, opened surgical packs, handed the doctor the necessary tools from the surgical pack, etc) in surgeries on military working dogs for years in the US Army. You wear the mask to keep your spit from falling into the body cavity while its opened up and to keep the dogs' bodily fluids outta your mouth.
After all this big pharma BS, I'm apprehensive of mammograms causing breast cancer. Bi-yearly exposure to gamma radiation can't be all that good for the girls lol.
Agree, just wear it for the 5 minutes that you need to walk back. You need to get this issue taken care of and fighting over a 5 minute mask bullshit situation is not worth your oral health. We're still fighting and we're winning. So just do it for this one time.
This is the way.
Yeah i hear ya...gotta get the services done. Also gotta make them feel real dumb and stupid that they make you do it. My boss made me put on a mask yesterday, and I proceeded to finish our conversation with my glasses heavily fogged up.
Another reason I hate that shit. No o2 or eyesight. You want this freight moved and processed? I NEED AIR!
Wear the mask and get your surgery It's not like they are demanding the vax. Priority is you need surgery. Get it.
Needing the vax is next. While we allow 1 civil right to be taken, the next is in the batter's circle.
Yes, but it's his fault he didn't ask.
I am also one of Uncle Sam's Misguided Children, who has a little bit of insight concerning the subject of dentistry. If I were you, I would tell them that you have been diagnosed with PTSD and cannot tolerate a mask. It is absolutely crazy that this mask shit still persists in FL when I can go to the dentist in my midwest state and no mask is required. Doesn't sound at all like OSHA to me. Rather, it sounds like an office that is trying to stick it to DeSantis via virtue signaling.
At this moment, you need to decide whether this is the hill you want to die on. You can choose to push back with other circumstances. But, if you really need this surgery, you may have to make a concession to get this done.
The last thing you want to do is to piss off people that are getting ready to operate on you. That is not a good idea. I know the principle is important, but this office is not going to budge on this unless you can show proof of some medical reason why you do not have to wear the face diaper. The ADA forces them to accommodate people with special needs. But, you have to have proof - either obvious limitations or in writing. The office needs this in order to justify letting you pass on this. If their insistence is not part of a local mask requirement where the office could be fined by local authorities, then you may be able to push back a little.
Dental offices are small businesses and they cannot afford to be hit with thousands of dollars in fines. In addition, if there are Karen's around that see others not required to wear masks where there is a mandate, their neurosis makes them contact the office's corporate headquarters to lodge a complaint - not to mention contacting the state dental board. The dentist can actually be in a no win situation here regardless of how they personally feel about it - especially if they do not own the practice and are just another working stiff.
Refusing to do business with a retail establishment over requiring the mask is one thing, but your health is another. It is important that you get procedures like this done before all hell breaks loose - especially if it is a dental situation that has the potential to blow up. Dental infections can kill. If things get bad this fall that may force us back into lockdown situation or vaxxines are required, you may end up being s#$t out of luck. Priorities my fren, priorities. Sometimes it is better to survive to fight another day.
Wear the mask. I did in order to have a torn retina repaired. Sometimes you have to choose your battles.
“Just wear a mask for 5 minutes” “Just take 1 vaccine” “Just get the passport”
No. We do not comply. We give them an inch and they will take a mile. The time for compromise is over; they want us dead do you not see that?
The VAX is my line in the sand.
And I am glad you have it! I wore a mask too - until the mandates were lifted. Now I will never wear one again even if a mandate comes back. Any tyranny is my line now! I see the enemy
I think we’re on the same page fren!
How long ago/where? My friend had retinal detachment surgery in July in CA, and had to have a hospital-administered C-19 PCR test 72 hours before the surgery, as well as wearing a mask throughout the surgery (well, until she went under, anyway).
Ah, I guess the 'Rona can tell the difference between when you're breathing and conscious vs breathing and unconscious. That darned 'Rona is so smart!
Torn retina is less serious than detached retina so they were able to do the in-office laser procedure. This was in Charlotte, NC, about two months into Covid last year. And I did protest about the mask but the doctor’s nurse told me he would not do the procedure without my mask on.
Oh wow, lucky you! I didn't know detached retina could be fixed that way. In our case, it was full-on surgery. I read about it after, they insert 3- or 4 needles/tools into the eyeball and do magic inside the eye! They really did work wonders and I have incredible respect for what they did. A month later and her eyesight was actually better than it was beforehand. I got chatting to one of the nurses while waiting for her to get wheeled away to surgery, and they said they've always worn masks in surgery. The only new thing is the patient wearing a mask. So at least the docs/nurses are being consistent; if masks didn't do anything, they were still willing to wear them 5, 10 years ago!
It wasn’t a detached retina, it was a torn retina which can be repaired with a laser.
Sorry typo! I did get what you said.
I had torn retina surgery too, took about ten minutes.
Yes, but it didn’t fix my floaters unfortunately. Doc said my brain would get used to them. Not.
Yes, that or have a detached retina and have to have surgery. I took the path of least resistance.
Please drop the phone number so we can call them.
Oh, never mind. I see it.
Got your back, hard charger!
It is stupid as shit. Wear it. Tell them you are wearing it under protest and why. Get your surgery. This may not be the hill to die on. There will be others.
I had to go see my doctor earlier this week and they would not see me without a mask. So I wore my mask that says "this mask is useless". I also wouldn't let them aim their temperature gun at my head. When the doctor came in he noted that my heart rate and blood pressure were elevated. I told him of course it is because I'm wearing a mask and I'm angry about it! Ultimately I had to suck it up and do this otherwise I couldn't get my medication. But at least they know where I stand. I had tried to find another doctor, it's a specialist, anywhere within 50 miles but they all have mask policies.
I called. Got Voicemail that ended with have a Blessed Day. I called them hypocrites for denying a veteran his medical care simply for not bowing to the Nazi demand that he wear a mask. That's all I can do.
I started to pose as a reporter from the Fort Meyers News-Press.com but decided that truth is always the best medicine.
Are they retarded?
when you pay them, short pay them by $500 say that is your mask wearing fee
Then collections will descend on you like harpies might be a fun time tho
First thing I would do is demand that they put the reason for the denial of service in writing. Presuming you (and/or your insurance company) have already paid money to this same medical facility, explain that you need a reason in writing because you will be getting a refund on those payments. Record your conversation too. Whatever legal course of action you pursue, if your allegation it's not in writing, it didn't happen, without proof.
I offer you a 1 Star review.
Congrats for standing for your civil rights. You should be able to find another surgeon who actually understands the masks don't protect you from virus transmission.
I live in Florida so it's all the more satisfying.
Thank you for fighting the big fight. Did you end up finding a different dentist?
Awesome. Yes just call around! Someone will need your money 👍🏻
Do you need an oral surgeon for sure? A lot of general dentists love a good oral surgery. They sometimes do complicated wisdom teeth too. Usually if the tooth is in the sinus is when they refer out to an oral surgeon. Only saying this to save you some money and open up your options.
Thank you so very much for your service
I wear a mesh mask when forced to comply. They don't say a thing because it's obvious my mask does nothing. I don't argue with small medical/dental offices because they mostly comply in order to not be shut down. Some have drunken the coolaid. Others just want to keep their doors open and skip the drama.
I would make sure they know how absurd it is for you to walk to the chair with a mask on then take it off for them to work on you.
Don’t lose the war (succumbing to infection) over a single battle. Wear their damn mask and get your surgery, then resume the fight. Don’t die on this hill.
WHAT CRAP.....you're going in for ORAL SURGERY consult....but you have to have an ORAL FACE MASK on.....the IRONY and HYPOCRASY is collosal....grrr
Pull the mask down past your nose and get your surgery dude. If they insist ask them if you can wait outside until they call you in for the surgery. Obviously they cant operate on your mouth with the mask on.
Retards. Fucking retards.
Sorry friend ❤️🙏🏻
They only have 3 reviews on yelp. Even just one or two 1 star reviews could harm their business :). Just remember to write something believable because Yelp will remove reviews if it is clear that someone didn't actually visit the business.
edit- https://www.yelp.com/biz/southwest-florida-oral-and-facial-surgery-fort-myers
I had to do it to get my surgery but once I barely complied, they took great care of me.
He needs surgery. They obviously can't make him wear one while they operate on his mouth. As a vet he prob doesn't have a whole lot of options where to go. Just suffer and not get your surgery? that is your solution? Easy to say when you are not the one needing the surgery.
Take from a toothless Veteran Brother, just do what they want to get what you NEED. It may seem as pointless as the restaurants but in the end YOU WIN!
You're gonna have it off anyway including when leaving, because it's not going to stop any drool.
wear a mask to...get oral surgery?? Do these ppl have brains. No im guessing
... ... ... ...sorry, this needs one more... and yes, i did go out of my way to clip out the one good scene from a shitty movie for this, why do you ask
Will the doctor be cutting tiny holes in the mask in order place a camera and other tools to do laparoscopic (key-hole) dental work?
I went in for a cleaning at my dentist today. They had a sign on the door that said I must wear a mask. I walked in without my mask on only to see all of the receptionist's wearing masks below their chin of course when I walked in the day all pulled up their masks. Lucky for them nobody said anything to me otherwise I would have laid into them.
I feel for you. I just had two MRIs and an MRA and they made me wear a mask. Like it wasn't stressful enough so they made sure I had insufficient oxygen to round out the 90 minutes of fun
I just had oral surgery. Wore mask in waiting room then once in back it came off. Hygienist did same. It’s gotta come off to work in your mouth, hello?
The little nazi greeter had to suffer cuz you broke through her kingdom’s outer walls. Aawww...she musta-been all flustered! She’s slamming a bowl of beans down in front of her quivering man-Ken right-MEOW with a litany of “SO!! Then this Trumper unvaxxed maskophobe starts TELLING ME he aint wearing my mask”! The unwashed want to kill us ALL!!! So then I says OH YOU’LL WEAR ONE OF MY MASKS!!!! Then he lunged through the window demanding his gear back but I had Stephy dial 911”!!!
man-Ken; “I guess I’m on the couch again”?
Wear it for 5 minutes,no big deal.
It's a private business, they can enforce whatever rules they want, Anon.
Like refusing to bake a cake.
You NEED (?) oral surgery?
You'll have mask on for just a moment.
It's your own fault that you didn't ask first.
HOW is this even worth a post? Let alone a sticky.
Just get the damn surgery (that you NEED) and get on with your life.
Do better next time.
So we’re trying to destroy this business? This to me isn’t a positive. Find another surgeon or put a mask on because you absolutely have to.
I’m All about boycotting the giant corps running the show, but a medical facility asking for you to mask up isn’t that bizarre, and for all you know they’re trying to avoid backlash from the crazies.
Begging for a sticky to try to ruin this business is childish. They didn’t hurt you.