I said that’s strange my brain is sharper than ever, I am not experiencing any brain fog or memory loss, I wonder what could be the difference? Hey didn’t you guys all just take part in an experimental gene therapy trial that I decided to not participate in? No answer, I did talk like yoda a little to add some humor. Mmm greatly increased my iq is.
Comments (113)
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They're still your family, bud. My whole family, parents and siblings took it, too. I won't joke about it or rub it in their face if they start having health problems. So far, nothing I've heard from them, just hoping they were all given the placebo batch if that's even true.
I do too I just tell them the truth, although telling them the truth might as well be mocking them because its basically talking to a brick wall. Some vaxxx understand, those who got injured mostly. I feel like those that showed injuries early are really fucked, hard to say.
Who is my mother, my brother and my sister? Those that hear the will of God and do it. Jesus Christ from the cross.
So holy, so righteous.
It's my iQermectin 👍
Yah know, if ya can't get a hold of the Mectin, then (according to Doc Zelenko), you should be using zinc + Vitamin D + ..... Quercetin
Just saying.
Add in vitamin c over thousands of years our body has lost the ability to naturally produce this vitamin. When we get infected, our vitamins c levels drop which is problematic because our white blood cells use vit c cells to fight off infections.
How did our bodies lose the ability to produce a certain vitamin, and only over a few thousand years? Doesn't something like that take much longer?
Theres records of civilizations before that. Modern time as you know it wasnt invented until Rome civilized half the world
Are you being facetious about the planet being only 5000 years old?
Human body never had the ability to make vitamin C. Likely why God put it in everything.
Dogs however do make their own.
Fun fact - when I apply a new sensor for my CGM (continuous glucose monitor), the only warning that pops up every time is that I should not take extra or consume large amounts of Vitamin C while using a CGM.
I’ve never gotten an explanation so I largely just ignore it. I figure if it’s important enough someone would be able to explain to me WHY it’s important.
Gonna have to start using that!
Brain fog and memory loss caused them to get that shot in the first place.
Right people don't fall and break a hip hip breaks then they fall
Very true.
And it often involves stepping off a curb. They mistime their step, land hard, hip breaks, they fall.
We see it in my business all the time. Unfortunately we usually have to pay for it since it happens on our property.
Didn't know this. Thought it was from the impact of a fall this whole time.
True Dat caused by tel a vision
And operation bluebeam in combo with AI social media bots with fake covid stories.
thats the point the shot is a bioweapon full of toxins
I highly recommend your family members do bloodwork immediately if they want to take this seriously.
The D-dimer test.
I don't know... My whole family got shots and I don't know if its their age or previous situations, but The IQ question has been coming up a lot in my mind lately, couldd be bias because they are all TV watchers and likely Biden voters.
Prions...mad cow disease eats the brain tissue
IQ may actually be an impediment. Like Mr. Reagan on YouTube says, "It's not that our liberal friends aren't stupid; it's just that they know so much that isn't true." My shitlib coworkers fancy themselves as intelligent and informed by consuming USA Today, CNN, NYT, WaPo, etc. They live in an echo chamber and their foolish clinging to their own intellect makes them difficult to persuade since they are blinded by groupthink. People can cling to their so-called education and to admit that they are wrong would be to admit that the time and money they spent on their higher learning could have been a waste.
NAC can help clear that up
Get it while you can
It's still available at the health food stores where I'm at. Besides Amazon, who else has pulled it from the shelves?
Ive noticed lots of seniors walking in a daze. I was right in front of them and they didnt see me. No facial expression.
This area had lots of nursing home deaths so seniors couldnt wait to get jabbed asap and I really do think this is the result.
They cull the useless eaters
Invasion of the Body Snatchers enters the chat
Guy at work was complaining of the same thing a couple weeks ago, and it was really bothering him. Guess what? Got the clotshot. I just had to chuckle inside.
I have an employee who claims theybare struggling that way. They got the shot.
Known side effect. So's being overly belligerent and aggressive for no reason.
Mu parents haven't complained about this, neither have the other older family members, but I've definitely been able to tell. None of them have been the same. She's range from 66-72, all with apparently diminishing cognitive recall abilities. Like their brains are starting to fog over. They were all fine before the vax's.
This link was posted here by another anon yesterday or the day before:
“Spike proteins enter the brain causing inflammation of Lewy bodies (Alzheimer’s) and spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease) in 5–6 weeks in animal studies”
Has some videos with Dr. Fleming, predicts people who had really bad bout of actual,covid may start showing signs of dementia in 1 to 2 years, and “vaccinated” show signs of dementia in about two years.
Also has link to this article,
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein interactions with amyloidogenic proteins: Potential clues to neurodegeneration
Nailed it. This is the info I was looking to share.
It’s also somthing people who actually went through COVID say. One of my friends says it still comes and goes for her. And, yes, she had the whole loss of taste too.
That happens with the flu
Never hear of or had loss of taste with the flu.
I have,,. A few times... bad cold/flu symptoms— no taste /smell..
Although Covid was the bees knees
Covid? Hmm. No test for that she mist have had the influenza.
Prion disease.
This sort of stuff is bullshit, Trump would not be pushing a shot full of prions disease.
It’s way more likely that it’s nothing. All placebo. Normal death rates are still the norm. It’s all been a work.
You think they would tell him if there was? They know he is a good person. I believe he didn't know and genuinely thought they had good intentions as he had no reason to suspect anything like that. It would have fooled anybody, but they will try to use him as a scapegoat even though he really believed he was doing the right thing. I don't think it's fair to blame Trump if it's prions because there is no way he could have known, not to mention it would have happened with or without him anyway.
Except now he would “know”and he keeps pushing the vax.
There is nothing to know except the same bad math and happenstance that they used to push the “Pandemic” is being used from a different direction to push all the conspiracy about the “Vax” in terms of what’s physically in it.
This isn’t a physical war against you, it’s mental. It’s information availability overload with very few good ways to vet said information. It’s control by decree with very little force which will cause infinite illness when people are forced to do essentially nothing. That would certainly cause brain fog and memory loss, lol.
Basically what you are willing to do is what they are willing to do.
No, it isn’t.
I doubt he would know the full extent of it or believe it of told himself, the most he knows at best is it's not as effective as he wants it to be. You're assuming he would know or they would tell them or if he would even believe the studies if he seen them which is a big assumption and probably wrong. Strawmanning me and gaslighting my argument and denying it doesn't make it any less correct. They've already showed enough evidence it causes prion disease but showing it to someone close minded is pointless. You can lead a horse to ivermectin but you can't make it take the horse paste. Tuskegee experiment, operation LAC, operation sea-spray are also examples of our government experimenting on citizens with bioweapons and Pfizer and the other vax companies have history of profit off harmful products. Pfizer and gates are guilty of human experiments on children before this. You don't have to take the red pill but covid doesn't exist it's just a normal cold causing coronavirus. They were spraying bacteria and prions to emulate the symptoms to inject us with a similar type of vaccine Australia gave to mice that sterilized them and made them contagious to non vaccinated mice but worse because it also causes us to create misfolded proteins and shed them since they basically admitted mrna vaccine is an artificial virus minus the spike proteins, since a virus is RNA or DNA encased in a lipid layer with spike proteins but the difference is it makes you produce spike proteins and attack your own body. They don't have to admit graphene is in it because it's a trade secret but they had articles talking about it as an enhancer for vaccines for a while now if you use search engines correctly. The information is right in front of us we just have to look and piece it together.
Yeah, Trump is on top of everything and trust the plan playing 90 D chess but managed to whiff on a vaccine so deadly that average year over year death stays the same.
You’ve gaslight yourself.
Trump doesn't have some 4d chess plan, he has his own agenda but quit elevating him to Jesus because he's not omniscient. Quit projecting you sound like a leftist shill. I never claimed i believe Trump has anything to do with q or that there is a great 4d chess plan he is putting in motion, in fact i don't believe that it sounds like wishful thinking. The only plan trump has is his own agenda. Sitting waiting for him to be your savior is only going to leave you disappointed. His message is you are the change so get up and do something like run against local corrupt DAs that work with antifa. Q might be trying to predict Trump's actions but beyond that there is no connection.
I’m a shill because I don’t gobble down your Prion bullshit?
Kindly fuck off.
That's pretty stupid rationale. So Trump is or is working with Q which is some super military "future proves past" org but he blindly believed big pharma because "they have no reason to lie"?
That is some Olympic gold medal mental gymnastics you've got going on, pal.
The more logical reason is that Trump knows exactly what it is but that the end justifies the means. Lots of conservatives lined up for this garbage early. That's on them.
Wrong. Don't project your own assumptions onto me to create a strawman argument to gaslight instead of address my real one. I never claimed i thought trump had anything to do with q directly and he likely has nothing to do with it imo. I don't believe he is or is working with q and may be as jn the dark as us. He has his own plan, that is always how it's been. Q is more like a white hat vigilante, sort of Batman fused with Riddler but for good. No telling who he is but i don't believe your Theory because it has too many inconsistencies. Trump is part of qs plan sure, but trump has his own plans q is predicting them so doesn't need to work with him directly. Trump isn't omniscient only man who could be called that was Jesus.
You're on the wrong website if you think Trump and Q are separate in plans and not connected whatsoever lmao. You're all the over the place, kid. Not worth reading your shit.
Not really. You don't have to believe they're directly connected to believe in q or that there is an effort to fight against Democrat's tyrannical attempt to create a one party state. But sitting on your ass is complacency and you're doing nothing but playing keyboard warrior arguing with people on the internet when Trump's plan is for Patriots to replace the government on all local levels while we can. Like the DAs prosecuting based on leftist politics. We are the change but we can't be if we don't try. Some of these clowns run unopposed so anyone that makes a big good impression should win. That's just the tip of the iceberg, we need civil disobedience and to actually stand up for our rights. It happens more every day which is why they get more desperate. Not everyone has to believe your Theory to be here in fact I'm sure more than just me disagree with you.
Bud, give it up. You're trying to convince me on a site dedicated to Q where there are thousands of videos of Trump drawing Q's with his hand, tweets that match Q drops, where people spend hours making connections to the two.
I haven't been jabbed, I don't wear masks, I live in a growing blue part of a red state and I am part of this site dropping info. What the fuck are you doing? You're the keyboard warrior frantically trying to convince people that Q and Trump aren't linked.
Not sure why are you trying to lecture me on shit everyone on this site is aware of lol.
Keep on trying ton convince yourself Trump has no idea what Q is.
I hate it for them. It’s sad but it was a choice made freely.
Fukin legend
They were getting us ready for it via video games years ago.
This is the true purpose of the shot.
Deus ex and Syndicate were obvious ones for me back in the day. I know what you mean.
You're very welcome. There's loads of hidden Jems everywhere. Even bioshock and the concept of the Big Daddies and little girls has very odd symbology that cannot be ignored and mass effect with the Genophage.
Dude, we don't do this kind of shit. We don't do the "ha ha idiots told you so" because so many of us like you have had MANY family members fall for the propaganda mine included. I'm sad very sad that they took the jab and I tear up just thinking about what's in there future and mine. We're better than that. So please don't rub it in there faces. What's happening to them is very sad and you're going to be dealing with the fall out.
You treat your own family like that? Yikes
Your own family treats you like that? Yikes
It's all about balance.
I have a couple of family members who are very awake and very anti-vax. Then I have a couple of other family members who are just starting to wake up. They recognise some WuFlu propaganda, but they still got the clot shot. I have mentioned some facts and statistics when the opportunity arose, but I try to avoid being confrontational. I'm trying to wake them up gradually.
I'll keep my ears open, I too have idiot family members that refused to listen to me about this population control bioweapon.
That sounds like how my brother talks about God to my parents.
Please don't be rude. It may or may not turn full circle on you, but being on the receiving end of it, it hurts to be told that you more or less aren't important to someone whom you still deeply care about.
I know that's hard when everyone is dismissing you. I'm struggling with acting polite when my grandparents are pressuring and aunt and uncle decide to berate my mother. When they exclude me because I can give them COVID, not realizing that it's the other way around sense they're less likely to show symptoms yet can still spread it. And that I'm willing to accept that risk for family. .
Yeah, sure buddy. I also joke about my family doing something I think kills them in few years.
LARP, shill or whatever, fuck off, please.
Actually brain fog, and lashing out in rage are some common side effects many people are noticing in injected people...
Did you get the vaxx? You're kind of displaying this unwarranted aggression yourself...
Come to think of it, my Dad has been super forgetful lately, so much my wife and I think he has early onset dementia. Mmmm, might have to rethink that one. Oh and before you jump on me, she is a psychologist.
I got the vaxx and I'm totally fine, no memory loss or brain fog. Just saying
Just saying what? Forgetfulness in finishing sentences is one of the symptoms.
Brain clots will do that. I'm sorry for you and your family!
I've had other vaccines but not the COVID ones. I've still been having brain fog and memory loss. I think it's got something to do with screen time.
This is the first thing I noticed after a dumb normies friend got vaxxed in January. He's been so dull and slow these days and he's complaining about being depressed more and more. The people who got that trash 6-12 months ago are starting to show signs
Best guess: spike proteins crossing the blood brain barrier. I read something along these lines recently. I'll see if I can dig it up
There are couple names for it. My summer helper's mother got the shot. He told her that people are having brain fog from it. She couldn't remember the term brain fod and began calling it "Shot Fuz" - my favorite.
I like it a lot.
I wanna spell it with double-zs, though.
Shot Fuzz.
Look up Adam Gaertner on Twitter he is gathering data that pointing to early prinon disease in some vaxxers and natural Covid cases. It's like mad cow disease in humans.
He can also be found at covidcandy.net.
I' have some of that there brain fog stuff.