Yes sir! Article 1, Section 4 of the Constitution states
"The times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing Senators."
I did not know that the governor of a state had higher position than the legislature. He had the right to remain silent. He waived that right. Next up AZ atty general. Let's see what his balls are made of.
Well, he has plans to run for the Senate to replace Mark Kelly. We in AZ, don't want to hear a bunch of fluffy, feel good words. His actions or inaction, will speak as to whether he'll get elected.
Friendly reminder that AZ AG still has all the powers he took from the sec of state over elections from ealier in the year. The AG could decertify the election, which I imagine is what will happen, the Gov gets no say.
Amen. There will be no votes (outside of local governance--municipal, county, state-level organizations) until the keys to the kingdom are in responsible hands.
EVERYTHING 2020 Arizona is about some people that thought they were going to mount some payback for that fate John McCain earned for himself. He was executed, and thry thought they could actually deliver "payback." Some may have chosen the same fate for themselves in their efforts.
Well, no, I am sure his latest election results were accurate because we aren't voting in a Dem. I would like to see his first primary results. I did not like him, he came off as skeezy
Now is the time to say it, Duecy made his statement and has shown what side he is on, better to find out now so he can be charged/put out to pasture and eventually hanged.
This guy is part of the conspiracy. Election reform? It has been proven that laws were broken and a fraudulent election was held in your state. Do something or bear the consequences.
He's corrupt and everyone knows it. There exists Supreme Court precedence that has overturned a Federal election that was found to be fraudulent. To say there is no remedy for this is false. Expect a push to de-certify, we'll soon see if that is possible. Fraud vitiates everything and I expect that will be widely accepted at some point.
And not that you deserve a reply for being such a cunt, but for others reading, to them, I am stating MY desired outcome. There is plenty here discussed that has absolutely nothing to do with Q, including theories and research leading to dead ends. So to get lambasted for a theory I HAVE that I am also not alone in, is not out of the realm of reason.
Also you obviously did not see the map from the whitehouse of american sectioned into 3rds.
Agree. Russia and China would love a balkanized North America. Mexico and Canada would follow and they'd proxy war each other over here playing us against each other for 400 years
I feel like he will do something and here is why, he wants to run for Senator. If he does nothing about this, then the only way he will get elected is through Dominion machines. He knows that Legislators are going to be heavily pressured to fix the gaps in our election process here in AZ so Dominion won't be an option. He will have to win it the old fashion way, by being the better candidate in the eyes of the constituents. AZ is clearly a stolen red state so we are pissed and will NOT VOTE IN anyone who doesn't against it. If he does do something he will be our next Senator
These people who really think we the people are stupid. It is time to take the whole political system down. No more of ignoring what has happened to every American. Its not over Ducey until we say it's over, you work for the people of Arizona and nobody else.
Ducey is a uniparty cunt. When he was first elected, my business partner attended an event and met him. I was anxious to hear how it went, because government is one of our customers and my partner's analysis was "I spoke to Ducey for maybe five minutes... I think he may be an idiot". This analysis has stood the test of time.
The state of AZ needs to sue Sippy Cup and the rest of his administration. The state, on behalf of all of its citizens, via the states Attorney General. In an effort to limit its state level impact of the administrations executive orders. Class action. Small business class action.
How many now in office are illegitimate? I suspect that the RINOs are largely installed by fraud. They have been key to the success of the cabal. That's also why they have been anti-Trump and AWOL through all of this. The GOP has been exposed.
Governor has NO SAY in certification or decertification of an election. His opinion is IRRELEVANT.
It is up to the legislature -- 100%.
Legislature should not only decertify, but they should start an impeachment investigation against the governor. What did he know, and when did he know it? High crimes. Possibly treason.
All that a state's legislative body has to do is call a quorum, meet the states requirements to call for a special session, draft a bill that states:
We the State legislature body [STATE] are motioning to recall the electors chosen for the 2020 general election.
... vote it through both houses of the State and boom, electors RECALLED..
If then the State's governor does not sign in to law (read: hes deep state in on it), the State legislature can push through the decertification through another 2/3s majority vote in both Houses.
“I look forward” about FU-Ahole?!! So he covers his azz to the DS in this tweet, then retreats to his cry closet in his piss stained tighty-whiteys where his bottle of tequila, diapers and zanax bars await.
Douche bag ducey gots to go... Just called his office and left him a voicemail stating he has no say on decertification and that it's up to the state legislature. Also told him his days are numbered and that he will be primaried as well as telling him he's a piece of garbage... BOY THAT FELT GOOD!!!
Ducey will make a good move to where people will say something like, "he's not that bad. Maybe he's on the people's side after all." Then...he puts out a garbage statement like this! It's always this back and forth shit that he does that confuses people. But, that's part of the DS game. Confusion.
Governors like him, are worse than the outright commies like in NY, CA, MI, etc. They're upfront with thier agendas. Just like Fox news vs the CNN/MSNBC types.
Ducey's past and present actions, tell me that he's on Pompeo's list of governors that took CCP $.
Ummm No Ducey.
Duecebag has zero say, right? It's all up to AZ's Legislation?
lol, the dumbass just incriminated himself by running his mouth from the sideline.
How do you know someone's a communist?
They'll tell you.
Douche Nozzle Ducey for Cell Block Representative 2022
Yes sir! Article 1, Section 4 of the Constitution states
"The times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing Senators."
The ONLY authority our government has is what we the people have specifically delegated through our Constitutions. Here is a good link to bookmark
Ed Zachary!
heh heh I love that joke. I'm pretty sure it was written about Swillary.
I did not know that the governor of a state had higher position than the legislature. He had the right to remain silent. He waived that right. Next up AZ atty general. Let's see what his balls are made of.
Hopefully brass shrouded in hardened steel!
Well, he has plans to run for the Senate to replace Mark Kelly. We in AZ, don't want to hear a bunch of fluffy, feel good words. His actions or inaction, will speak as to whether he'll get elected.
Nice point DesertBrat. One that Douggie Doucebag has obviously forgotten. Let's remind him. ttps://
Great idea! Thanks for the link Fren
You're welcome. Stay cozy. :)
Friendly reminder that AZ AG still has all the powers he took from the sec of state over elections from ealier in the year. The AG could decertify the election, which I imagine is what will happen, the Gov gets no say.
How can this POS state there’ll be no decertification? It’s not even up to him.
Amen. There will be no votes (outside of local governance--municipal, county, state-level organizations) until the keys to the kingdom are in responsible hands.
You are correct. If he doesn't support this audit, he is done politically.
I hope this bastard is arrested too.
Throw him off the Grand Canyon I say
It's increasingly sounding like he should be. Hiding something, he is. Perhaps we should be looking at his latest election results.
We KNOW he is. How did McCain thrive so long in az? The cabal controlled az top level, which would include the governor position.
And we know that Dicey has benefited from Chinese money. He's corrupt, and owned.
Controlled opposition... It's just like fox news. Dem owned, dem controlled. They get told to say just what we want to hear with little to no action.
True, that's what I meant, cabal, Dems, same shitbags in my book
EVERYTHING 2020 Arizona is about some people that thought they were going to mount some payback for that fate John McCain earned for himself. He was executed, and thry thought they could actually deliver "payback." Some may have chosen the same fate for themselves in their efforts.
Well, no, I am sure his latest election results were accurate because we aren't voting in a Dem. I would like to see his first primary results. I did not like him, he came off as skeezy
Did'nt he certify that the process was followed and the election was lawful......he's part of the crime...and should be held accountable...
They got caught cheating and changing election results? Oh well you know we got to get along to go along. So put your mask back on sheep.
Fuck Joe Biden and the ruling class. We the people will have something to say.
Now is the time to say it, Duecy made his statement and has shown what side he is on, better to find out now so he can be charged/put out to pasture and eventually hanged.
This guy is part of the conspiracy. Election reform? It has been proven that laws were broken and a fraudulent election was held in your state. Do something or bear the consequences.
He's corrupt and everyone knows it. There exists Supreme Court precedence that has overturned a Federal election that was found to be fraudulent. To say there is no remedy for this is false. Expect a push to de-certify, we'll soon see if that is possible. Fraud vitiates everything and I expect that will be widely accepted at some point.
Covering his ass?
Optics matter? We don’t know what is happening behind the scenes. Maybe more to this.
Still waiting for states to secede. Am I naive? Maybe.
And then what? The whole mess is broken, corrupt, and traitorous.
What the hell is wrong with you? Throwing insults like a half-domed twat.
What the hell are you talking about?
And not that you deserve a reply for being such a cunt, but for others reading, to them, I am stating MY desired outcome. There is plenty here discussed that has absolutely nothing to do with Q, including theories and research leading to dead ends. So to get lambasted for a theory I HAVE that I am also not alone in, is not out of the realm of reason.
Also you obviously did not see the map from the whitehouse of american sectioned into 3rds.
Agree. Russia and China would love a balkanized North America. Mexico and Canada would follow and they'd proxy war each other over here playing us against each other for 400 years
Cecede? What the heck are you on about? There's succeed and there's "secede". Pick one
You will never be elected to another political office, especially in Arizona.
There is no election.
I am trusting the AG to go after all who have broken the law. Senator Wendy Rogers and others will publicly hold his feet to the fire.
I feel like he will do something and here is why, he wants to run for Senator. If he does nothing about this, then the only way he will get elected is through Dominion machines. He knows that Legislators are going to be heavily pressured to fix the gaps in our election process here in AZ so Dominion won't be an option. He will have to win it the old fashion way, by being the better candidate in the eyes of the constituents. AZ is clearly a stolen red state so we are pissed and will NOT VOTE IN anyone who doesn't against it. If he does do something he will be our next Senator
Hé was involved. If he does something his participation will be shown. He’s fucked either way. He will be giving oral sex in prison soon enough.
NO WAY this doesn't happen! Get ready for prison, Ducey!
Hopefully, one of the corrupt who won't be participating in future elections
When this goes to the AG won’t this give maricopa county a chance to debunk all the claims from the audit?
I do not know.
Elections don’t count for jack squat anything unless this fraud is fixed and the players are held accountable!
That is true.
What a retard. Yeah, the PEOPLE will not accept that one Douchey.
"drops a deuce" That made me laugh!
A loose deuce at that! He shat himself all over the place with that statement! 💩
Translation: can't we just move forward and forget how I cheated you.
These people who really think we the people are stupid. It is time to take the whole political system down. No more of ignoring what has happened to every American. Its not over Ducey until we say it's over, you work for the people of Arizona and nobody else.
Ducey is a uniparty cunt. When he was first elected, my business partner attended an event and met him. I was anxious to hear how it went, because government is one of our customers and my partner's analysis was "I spoke to Ducey for maybe five minutes... I think he may be an idiot". This analysis has stood the test of time.
The dude acts like that is up to him. It is not. It is up to the legislator.
That letter sounds really authoritarian. Like a parent talking down to unruly kids that he pacified by allowing their audit to happen.
He's timed out. He doesn't need to resist or go along either, to save his governorship. This is his real self.
He's one of the China cuck governors.
The audit recommended criminal investigations and there is a lawful way to prosecute all of those who committed crimes, including you.
The state of AZ needs to sue Sippy Cup and the rest of his administration. The state, on behalf of all of its citizens, via the states Attorney General. In an effort to limit its state level impact of the administrations executive orders. Class action. Small business class action.
How many now in office are illegitimate? I suspect that the RINOs are largely installed by fraud. They have been key to the success of the cabal. That's also why they have been anti-Trump and AWOL through all of this. The GOP has been exposed.
Governor has NO SAY in certification or decertification of an election. His opinion is IRRELEVANT.
It is up to the legislature -- 100%.
Legislature should not only decertify, but they should start an impeachment investigation against the governor. What did he know, and when did he know it? High crimes. Possibly treason.
All that a state's legislative body has to do is call a quorum, meet the states requirements to call for a special session, draft a bill that states:
... vote it through both houses of the State and boom, electors RECALLED..
If then the State's governor does not sign in to law (read: hes deep state in on it), the State legislature can push through the decertification through another 2/3s majority vote in both Houses.
2020 Supreme Court Decision Ruled That States Can Yank Their Electors
Why is their excuse always, “Well we got away with it so there is nothing that can be done. Might as well let it continue!”
Governor doesn't certify elections. It's not in his powers to stop it. Douchebag Ducey isn't the king of Arizona.
“I look forward” about FU-Ahole?!! So he covers his azz to the DS in this tweet, then retreats to his cry closet in his piss stained tighty-whiteys where his bottle of tequila, diapers and zanax bars await.
Ducey is toast.
Douche bag ducey gots to go... Just called his office and left him a voicemail stating he has no say on decertification and that it's up to the state legislature. Also told him his days are numbered and that he will be primaried as well as telling him he's a piece of garbage... BOY THAT FELT GOOD!!!
Ducey will make a good move to where people will say something like, "he's not that bad. Maybe he's on the people's side after all." Then...he puts out a garbage statement like this! It's always this back and forth shit that he does that confuses people. But, that's part of the DS game. Confusion.
Governors like him, are worse than the outright commies like in NY, CA, MI, etc. They're upfront with thier agendas. Just like Fox news vs the CNN/MSNBC types.
Ducey's past and present actions, tell me that he's on Pompeo's list of governors that took CCP $.