Trump visited the private area of Forbidden City, something no other foreigner has been allowed
Mainstream has constantly portrayed everything evil from CCP as the doing of Xi. Remember, China has a Deep State just like US and most other countries
Xi has been attacking globalist interests lately. Read Soros ranting about this, and Xi called Soros "son of Satan"
Now imaging the last part of the plan - the ultimate False Flag - China nuclear invasion. We have AUKUS with nuclear submarines in Aussie waters. We have China rattling their sabres against Taiwan.
What happens when DS forces Biden to attack China, while Biden is completely compromised by China. If Biden does not make the move, DS will know he is not on their side and they will take him out. And then?
How real will this get? I am guessing we haven't seen the precipice at all ...
I heard a rumor Xi is a longtime friend of new Saudi Prince Salman
There is something more to Xi's rise to power and the fall of old rule CCP in 2013 I don't know enough about China's history though need to research further to make connections.
I wonder if that's why so many people automatically assume he will be the one to post the phrase since he actually uses the "my fellow Americans" phrase.
When he made some videos about catching COVID, the titles on YouTube had some gematria that matched up with "My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us." That's when I thought things would go down, but maybe it is going to be explicitly stated.
Trump needs to get back on twatter to send only ONE tweet and that is the tweet. After that he can delete his account. Those words are the words we've all been waiting to hear and when we hear them we know the final act is upon us and it's going to get very wild.
It makes sense for China who is allies with Russia to break from the NWO because they are not fundamentally aligned with the Euro based Trilateral Commission. This is not mean they are frens, the may have a parallel plan for work domination ultimately.
warning to everyone. this forum is riddled with chine's agents trying to convince Q researcher that Xi is a good guy and his deep state is the problem.....THIS IS a LIE... China is a totalitarian state and XI is in control if anyone within his bureaucracy steps out of line they disappear. the reason Xi attacks Globalist issues are they run counter to China ;s own new world order that they are imposing.....The fight that Q is doing is against verry evil people and they work together when the goal is the same but work against each other if it means one can control the other. Xi and Soros hate each other but only because they are rivals for power and dominance.
Believe it or not there is MASSIVE hatred in China for the CCP. The party itself is extremely volitile and launches purges within itself systematically.
Because of the dynamic of China - not a random person can just become the head. It’s more complicated than most gather; therein it’s very very very easy to think Xi has to both do for his people and not just playcate the CCP a bit but also foment them against one another to stay in power. Think about Hitler constantly putting his monsters up against one another. Himmler and Goëbles etc were always fighting, doxing, and compromising each other - it’s why they were so outwardly ruthless: inwardly they were more ruthless.
I don’t Xi being the pointman for the ‘Chinese part of the plan..’
I have doubted him and his CCP inner sanctum since Xi declared himself ‘Lifetime President’ back in 2015 or so.....
The key to the China part of the question currently is the Chinese security minister that defected about 18 months ago.... the one the Bygone administration didn’t know about when China publicly demanded him back at their meeting when they first met after the inauguration.....!
I agree, there is more to the situation than we can comprehend. The Chinese long ago mastered soft power tactics like blackmail and bribery. The CCP is a corrupt mess with party members trying to get over on one another and get rich by whatever means they deem necessary.
Considering that Xi's predecessor was aligned with Soros and the globalists, I believe Xi has taken measures to consolidate power in order to keep the NWO out. Xi is no angel but I don't think he's NWO either so in this case, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Winnie and his family suffered excessively during the Color Revolution. That level of loss at the hands of the CCP as a teenager isn't something one forgets let alone forgives.
That's not 17, if you want to call out a number its 71.
Maybe Chinese write left to right? Maybe trying to make a pattern from the top from perspective of the bottom can be confusing? I still think this has meaning.
I can see some that look like crooked 7 as part of a formation, but nothing that has 7 & 1.
Now he's getting a tattoo, yeah he's gettin' ink done
He asked for a '13', but they drew a '31'
Friends say he's trying too hard and he's not quite hip
But in his own mind, he's the dopest trip
Uh, not arguing the overall point but just because from this perspective it says 71, you somehow forget how to realize that if you were to walk underneath it so that it was behind you, it would read 17 from left to right.
Just saying.
I'm not about to say it means something or is something it isn't, but it would read as 17 from the opposite side.
Dunno....if they invade us tho....Imma start blastin good, bad or otherwise......I just need to know when the red coats are comming, so I can hit the woods Guerilla style
I really think China and Russia are white hats. I don’t think Trump went to all these places with a peace pack for something positive not to come out of it in the long run.
We have some important common interests for sure. However, the U.S. is dependent on neither. We learned this during 45's first term. Would like to see our common interests develop in a positive way for "We The People."
I don't see a way out for China if it isn't working with the white hats. The alternative is losing in a great war.
Trump wins 2016.
Trump knew the 16 year plan: Obama to weaken the US mil in the first eight years, Hillary goes to (pretend) war with China in the next eight years, trigger may be Taiwan/NK where US loses and capitulates to China.
Trump has/had proof of China colluding with the US DS/globalists to weaken the US military: fitting inferior steel to US warships, sabotaging US warship radar systems = all readied for US to lose major naval battles in the pacific, possibly over Taiwan.
Because of the above proof, Trump has no choice but to war with China and gives China an ultimatum, real war where China loses or go along with plan.
The plan IS a hard decoupling and MAY BE the plan is by pinning the blame of a fake global pandemic on China.
China loses face, loses partners, loses money but the upside is no war and possibly Trump offered a three way power sharing between US, Russia and China and a constant vigil on the encroachment of the globalists scum so political, economic, or military hegemony never happens again.
AND China can be free and sovereign again which I am guessing is what they most want most in the world without being controlled to do stupid shit all the time.
I'm pretty sure Joe and the babysitter wont be touring the Forbidden City anytime soon, at least not going by how long it took Xi Jinping to acknowledge Bidens "win" in November.
Chinese ideology is not kind. They believe they are a master race and granted a mandate from heaven to be the superior race. They hate other Asians because of it.
CCP is not China. I am not saying CCP is part of Q plan, infact the goal is to take down CCP. But Xi as leader of China, might actually be a white hat bringing the CCP down.
Think Trump, America, CIA translates to Xi, China, CCP
Yea but isn’t the Israelites Gods chosen ones? I think history is replete with examples of nationalism or superiority Bc they’re machinations of a few corrupt humans.
The Abrahamic covenant grants blessings to all those that bless the Abrahamic seed (Jesus), which in turn is granted to all descendants of Abraham and "all the families of the world".
Those that do not bless it are instead cursed.
We know what they did to Jesus and how they think of him now thanks to the Talmud, as well as their own well documented opinions.
It's no coincidence that Israel has some of the highest Covid-19 infections, deaths and vaccine complications.
Also, even if one is to be chosen then one would still become cursed by rejecting God and worshipping Satan in any of his forms instead.
We are ALL God's chosen ones because we have the breath of life. Color nor apearances matter, what matters is if you strive for good and banish evil wherever it is found.
China almost has to be involved in the plan in some way. The CCP is NOT. In this discussion, the CCP is a separate entity from the China of the Chinese people. The master race crap is CCP propaganda to try to convince the Chinese people that they are "above" democracy.
Interesting points, all. I have read previously that Xi may indeed be a white hat, trying to get rid of China's version of [DS]
All I know is that I am way past sick of what has been taking place in the world. I sincerely hope and pray that when all is said and done, that everyone will find happiness.
Playing both sides of the battlefield for profit for centuries assures puppets in place in countries across the planet. China and Russia no exception, especially China since they have had no structural change in quite sometime, unlike Russia. So yes, both have NWO deep state fractions in place. Not surprising in the least. Pulling for China and Russia to be revealed as part of the Alliance.
I've been getting bashed because I too have felt there is a high probability that all of the leaders, countries or both, that Trump visited are in on this....willing or not.
"about Xi Jinping---In 1963, when he was age 10, his father was purged from the Party and sent to work in a factory in Luoyang, Henan.[37] In May 1966, the Cultural Revolution cut short Xi's secondary education when all secondary classes were halted for students to criticise and fight their teachers. Student militants ransacked the Xi family home and one of Xi's sisters, Xi Heping, committed suicide from the pressure.[38] Later, his mother was forced to publicly denounce his father, as he was paraded before a crowd as an enemy of the revolution. His father was later thrown into prison in 1968 when Xi was aged 15. Without the protection of his father, Xi was sent to work in Liangjiahe Village"
sounds like he would have reason to want to get back at the people who harmed his family.
Yeah I believe the faction thats good is called White Dragons, and they are the ones with all the Gold. But yeah, never see any sauce, but its repeated often.
We just all witnessed what the Democrat Left and the communist media were able to do to Donald Trump with completely fabricated allegations of "collusion" with Russia.
So why in the HELL would Donald Trump and patriots give TOTAL BLACKMAIL LEVERAGE to the Chinese Communist Party by coordinating (in secret 🙄... yeah right, because EVERYTHING would be recorded) with anyone in China, no matter how pretend-friendly they asserted to be? They wouldn't. In a million years.
That would be Joe Biden-level stupid, and this theory, no offense, is Hunter Biden-on-crack-and-parm-level reasonable.
Tbh between Putin calling Biden a killer, and China calling Soros the most dangerous man in the world, I wouldn't be surprised if it's a coordinated effort.
China = communism in the highest ranks of government. I highly doubt they were working with Trump unless it was to conspire to implement communism in the USA.
I DO think Trump made deals with China - in the Forbidden City, where he also made deals with Kim Jun UN at the time. I'm also a firm believer that there was some sort of deal with the Taliban, which is why I am always taking news out of Afghanistan with a major grain of salt. We know for a fact he met with and communicated with these various 'enemies of America' (AKA enemies of the Cabal) during his presidency several times. I think all of these various 'regimes' are nothing when compared to the evil of the NWO Satanic Cabal crowd, and think Xi and many of these various regimes would prefer to rule their own countries without the interference of evil clowns with plans for world domination.
THAT BEING SAID, that is not a 17. It is a 71, and it is apparently a standard flying formation. I see anons saying "think mirror," but even with a mirror image or view from above that formation still wouldn't be a 17.
I guess I'm saying that OP's conclusion is sound, but this particular picture doesn't qualify as evidence for said conclusion.
Couple of things to consider:
Q specifically mentioned this
Trump visited the private area of Forbidden City, something no other foreigner has been allowed
Mainstream has constantly portrayed everything evil from CCP as the doing of Xi. Remember, China has a Deep State just like US and most other countries
Xi has been attacking globalist interests lately. Read Soros ranting about this, and Xi called Soros "son of Satan"
Now imaging the last part of the plan - the ultimate False Flag - China nuclear invasion. We have AUKUS with nuclear submarines in Aussie waters. We have China rattling their sabres against Taiwan.
What happens when DS forces Biden to attack China, while Biden is completely compromised by China. If Biden does not make the move, DS will know he is not on their side and they will take him out. And then?
How real will this get? I am guessing we haven't seen the precipice at all ...
Well put.
I heard a rumor Xi is a longtime friend of new Saudi Prince Salman There is something more to Xi's rise to power and the fall of old rule CCP in 2013 I don't know enough about China's history though need to research further to make connections.
My GF lived in Astoria, Queens, L.I., NY. They used to put honey on it , keeps better that way.
Didn’t Soros just denounce Xi also? Interesting timing
Well Trump has filed injunction to re-enable his twitter account. Why do you think he needs a twitter account if not for this? :)
Trump doesn't need a twitter account for the predicted tweet to occur.
Q never said WHO specifically would tweet "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us."
It could come from Pompeo, Flynn, Scavino, Lindell,...even Melania, Ivanka, Jr., or someone else.
Gonna be tasty
I loved that theory of him doing it at a rally where the citizens would be the ones to plaster it all over Twitter.
Maybe that’s why Voight was talking about the rally
I wonder if that's why so many people automatically assume he will be the one to post the phrase since he actually uses the "my fellow Americans" phrase.
^^^ this
When he made some videos about catching COVID, the titles on YouTube had some gematria that matched up with "My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us." That's when I thought things would go down, but maybe it is going to be explicitly stated.
If they're gonna nuke an American city at least let it be Portland
Not DC???
DC has all the evidence of evil. Portland is the staging set. Let's turn the land into a port.
I would imagine there is a mountain of evidence of all the wrong doings in DC. I would think we would want to preserve that for the tribunals.
Trump needs to get back on twatter to send only ONE tweet and that is the tweet. After that he can delete his account. Those words are the words we've all been waiting to hear and when we hear them we know the final act is upon us and it's going to get very wild.
It makes sense for China who is allies with Russia to break from the NWO because they are not fundamentally aligned with the Euro based Trilateral Commission. This is not mean they are frens, the may have a parallel plan for work domination ultimately.
Excellent post. Thanks for getting this one in and being so on point.
The vastness of the plan alone means China and Russia have to be in on it.
Have faith in humanity.
How many wars has China started?
How many wars has Russia started?
Logical thinking
This place has the smartest people, man
This is great critical analysis
warning to everyone. this forum is riddled with chine's agents trying to convince Q researcher that Xi is a good guy and his deep state is the problem.....THIS IS a LIE... China is a totalitarian state and XI is in control if anyone within his bureaucracy steps out of line they disappear. the reason Xi attacks Globalist issues are they run counter to China ;s own new world order that they are imposing.....The fight that Q is doing is against verry evil people and they work together when the goal is the same but work against each other if it means one can control the other. Xi and Soros hate each other but only because they are rivals for power and dominance.
This is what I am thinking ...
Believe it or not there is MASSIVE hatred in China for the CCP. The party itself is extremely volitile and launches purges within itself systematically.
Because of the dynamic of China - not a random person can just become the head. It’s more complicated than most gather; therein it’s very very very easy to think Xi has to both do for his people and not just playcate the CCP a bit but also foment them against one another to stay in power. Think about Hitler constantly putting his monsters up against one another. Himmler and Goëbles etc were always fighting, doxing, and compromising each other - it’s why they were so outwardly ruthless: inwardly they were more ruthless.
I don’t Xi being the pointman for the ‘Chinese part of the plan..’
I have doubted him and his CCP inner sanctum since Xi declared himself ‘Lifetime President’ back in 2015 or so.....
The key to the China part of the question currently is the Chinese security minister that defected about 18 months ago.... the one the Bygone administration didn’t know about when China publicly demanded him back at their meeting when they first met after the inauguration.....!
I agree, there is more to the situation than we can comprehend. The Chinese long ago mastered soft power tactics like blackmail and bribery. The CCP is a corrupt mess with party members trying to get over on one another and get rich by whatever means they deem necessary. Considering that Xi's predecessor was aligned with Soros and the globalists, I believe Xi has taken measures to consolidate power in order to keep the NWO out. Xi is no angel but I don't think he's NWO either so in this case, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Winnie and his family suffered excessively during the Color Revolution. That level of loss at the hands of the CCP as a teenager isn't something one forgets let alone forgives.
Bring on the honey! The globalist DS scumbags are about to get stung.
I think Pooh is fighting against his own Deep State, which is probably friendly to George Soros
That's not 17, if you want to call out a number its 71.
But, it's a standard formation:
Maybe Chinese write left to right? Maybe trying to make a pattern from the top from perspective of the bottom can be confusing? I still think this has meaning.
I can see some that look like crooked 7 as part of a formation, but nothing that has 7 & 1.
Think Mirror.
Its standard formation.
They do
Imagine being on the ground looking up at the bottom of the planes. Still not a proper 7 though.
Now he's getting a tattoo, yeah he's gettin' ink done He asked for a '13', but they drew a '31' Friends say he's trying too hard and he's not quite hip But in his own mind, he's the dopest trip
No regerts
It seems we’re at an en passé
The camera may cause mirror imaging. But even if you mirror it, doesn’t say 17.
How come I can’t embed the q drop. Did I type the wrong code
But yours didn’t embed either.
:) I’m pretty sure that was the code I saw though. Either yours or the other one I posted. Appreciate you trying fren
Yup lol
When you've got to twist reality to fit Q posts, yes.
If you have to twist reality, you're not thinking logically.
Q said to think logically and this board decides to pick up tarot cards and to read tea leaves
Your link tool me one click from a porn site.
Uh, not arguing the overall point but just because from this perspective it says 71, you somehow forget how to realize that if you were to walk underneath it so that it was behind you, it would read 17 from left to right.
Just saying.
I'm not about to say it means something or is something it isn't, but it would read as 17 from the opposite side.
I get what you're saying and that's good thinking outside the box, however, the 7 would be backwards in that case.
Peace fren
Dunno....if they invade us tho....Imma start blastin good, bad or otherwise......I just need to know when the red coats are comming, so I can hit the woods Guerilla style
Ghillie suit?
Trust grassly??? 😉
I really think China and Russia are white hats. I don’t think Trump went to all these places with a peace pack for something positive not to come out of it in the long run.
Me either.
We have some important common interests for sure. However, the U.S. is dependent on neither. We learned this during 45's first term. Would like to see our common interests develop in a positive way for "We The People."
I don't see a way out for China if it isn't working with the white hats. The alternative is losing in a great war.
Trump wins 2016.
Trump knew the 16 year plan: Obama to weaken the US mil in the first eight years, Hillary goes to (pretend) war with China in the next eight years, trigger may be Taiwan/NK where US loses and capitulates to China.
Trump has/had proof of China colluding with the US DS/globalists to weaken the US military: fitting inferior steel to US warships, sabotaging US warship radar systems = all readied for US to lose major naval battles in the pacific, possibly over Taiwan.
Because of the above proof, Trump has no choice but to war with China and gives China an ultimatum, real war where China loses or go along with plan.
The plan IS a hard decoupling and MAY BE the plan is by pinning the blame of a fake global pandemic on China.
China loses face, loses partners, loses money but the upside is no war and possibly Trump offered a three way power sharing between US, Russia and China and a constant vigil on the encroachment of the globalists scum so political, economic, or military hegemony never happens again.
AND China can be free and sovereign again which I am guessing is what they most want most in the world without being controlled to do stupid shit all the time.
I can only hope China is onboard!
It's worse. Hillary was gonna false flag nukr us and blame Russia.
I shudder at what they would have planned for us if Hillary won.
I'm pretty sure Joe and the babysitter wont be touring the Forbidden City anytime soon, at least not going by how long it took Xi Jinping to acknowledge Bidens "win" in November.
Right, that was pretty interesting
China and Russia both dragged their feet in different ways.
There are to many things that point to just that.
No. No. And No. IMO.
Chinese ideology is not kind. They believe they are a master race and granted a mandate from heaven to be the superior race. They hate other Asians because of it.
The CCP are not part of anything good.
CCP is not China. I am not saying CCP is part of Q plan, infact the goal is to take down CCP. But Xi as leader of China, might actually be a white hat bringing the CCP down.
Think Trump, America, CIA translates to Xi, China, CCP
America = Americans citizens not just CIA
Similarly, China = Chinese citizens not CCP
Yea but isn’t the Israelites Gods chosen ones? I think history is replete with examples of nationalism or superiority Bc they’re machinations of a few corrupt humans.
No, they are not (necessarily) God's chosen ones.
The Abrahamic covenant grants blessings to all those that bless the Abrahamic seed (Jesus), which in turn is granted to all descendants of Abraham and "all the families of the world".
Those that do not bless it are instead cursed.
We know what they did to Jesus and how they think of him now thanks to the Talmud, as well as their own well documented opinions.
It's no coincidence that Israel has some of the highest Covid-19 infections, deaths and vaccine complications.
Also, even if one is to be chosen then one would still become cursed by rejecting God and worshipping Satan in any of his forms instead.
We are ALL God's chosen ones because we have the breath of life. Color nor apearances matter, what matters is if you strive for good and banish evil wherever it is found.
China almost has to be involved in the plan in some way. The CCP is NOT. In this discussion, the CCP is a separate entity from the China of the Chinese people. The master race crap is CCP propaganda to try to convince the Chinese people that they are "above" democracy.
Interesting points, all. I have read previously that Xi may indeed be a white hat, trying to get rid of China's version of [DS]
All I know is that I am way past sick of what has been taking place in the world. I sincerely hope and pray that when all is said and done, that everyone will find happiness.
Yeah never seen any planes flying in that silly formation, has to be comms.
Enemy of my Enemy. The CIA is the only common enemy to all these entities.
Playing both sides of the battlefield for profit for centuries assures puppets in place in countries across the planet. China and Russia no exception, especially China since they have had no structural change in quite sometime, unlike Russia. So yes, both have NWO deep state fractions in place. Not surprising in the least. Pulling for China and Russia to be revealed as part of the Alliance.
Remember the BRICS nations: Brazil Russia India China South Africa. These are our allies.
Sounds about right - along with Australia and Japan
My thoughts are there are "White and Black" hats, just like we have...the truth is so "muddy" now...who knows?
Grey hats? Double agents? Triple agents? In a 4D chess, everything is possible. But nothing is what it seems.
red hats
Men without hats
Q showed us that China owes their Jewish central bankers $44 trillion in post #135.
The CCP can't take a shit without permission from their Jewish slave-masters.
wow, just went back to look at 135 again.
seeing it now, it's obvious they're everywhere😡
Another instance of 17 popping up - one of the top police officials has now been arrested for 17 months up before trial
Maybe China in Afghanistan is staging for an attack....
How many miles is Australia???
China in Afghanistan is for their protection, since we are not allowed to send US troops back
I've been getting bashed because I too have felt there is a high probability that all of the leaders, countries or both, that Trump visited are in on this....willing or not.
I think so after reading this;
"about Xi Jinping---In 1963, when he was age 10, his father was purged from the Party and sent to work in a factory in Luoyang, Henan.[37] In May 1966, the Cultural Revolution cut short Xi's secondary education when all secondary classes were halted for students to criticise and fight their teachers. Student militants ransacked the Xi family home and one of Xi's sisters, Xi Heping, committed suicide from the pressure.[38] Later, his mother was forced to publicly denounce his father, as he was paraded before a crowd as an enemy of the revolution. His father was later thrown into prison in 1968 when Xi was aged 15. Without the protection of his father, Xi was sent to work in Liangjiahe Village"
sounds like he would have reason to want to get back at the people who harmed his family.
wtf i love china now
If this image was taken from above these aircraft (unlikely), I see "71",
If this image was taken from below these aircraft, I still see "71".
Whatever, interdasting.
Would we all be better off without the globalist banking system? U.S., China, Russia, and others?
Yeah I believe the faction thats good is called White Dragons, and they are the ones with all the Gold. But yeah, never see any sauce, but its repeated often.
🎯 Spot on .
That's a 71 not a 17.
yes they have to be with the fall of Evergrand and others the Cabal are now beyond fucked and got no place to go.
This is absolutely insane.
We just all witnessed what the Democrat Left and the communist media were able to do to Donald Trump with completely fabricated allegations of "collusion" with Russia.
So why in the HELL would Donald Trump and patriots give TOTAL BLACKMAIL LEVERAGE to the Chinese Communist Party by coordinating (in secret 🙄... yeah right, because EVERYTHING would be recorded) with anyone in China, no matter how pretend-friendly they asserted to be? They wouldn't. In a million years.
That would be Joe Biden-level stupid, and this theory, no offense, is Hunter Biden-on-crack-and-parm-level reasonable.
My husband thinks I’m nuts and he’s followed Q way long than me. I think they are part of the plan and think Russia is too!
I've often considered Putin may be in on it.
Tbh between Putin calling Biden a killer, and China calling Soros the most dangerous man in the world, I wouldn't be surprised if it's a coordinated effort.
China = communism in the highest ranks of government. I highly doubt they were working with Trump unless it was to conspire to implement communism in the USA.
I DO think Trump made deals with China - in the Forbidden City, where he also made deals with Kim Jun UN at the time. I'm also a firm believer that there was some sort of deal with the Taliban, which is why I am always taking news out of Afghanistan with a major grain of salt. We know for a fact he met with and communicated with these various 'enemies of America' (AKA enemies of the Cabal) during his presidency several times. I think all of these various 'regimes' are nothing when compared to the evil of the NWO Satanic Cabal crowd, and think Xi and many of these various regimes would prefer to rule their own countries without the interference of evil clowns with plans for world domination.
THAT BEING SAID, that is not a 17. It is a 71, and it is apparently a standard flying formation. I see anons saying "think mirror," but even with a mirror image or view from above that formation still wouldn't be a 17.
I guess I'm saying that OP's conclusion is sound, but this particular picture doesn't qualify as evidence for said conclusion.