After a lot of searching online, the only thing I've found tied to her name that is still updated is a Pinterest page. It doesn't prove anything, either way, but figured I'd mention it in case anyone is interested in another piece to the mysterious puzzle. I only found it by looking into family members and their nicknames.
She is active adding entries to Find-a-Grave. The entries are added by individuals who many times add all the graves in a particular cemetery just because they have a family member there.
Just for a laugh, look at the Find-a-Grave pages for some of the 9-11 victims. You will find that most of them were all added to Find-a-Grave by one guy. Even though those people aren't actually in graves, you can still add them to the site.
Well, I'm not too familiar with exactly how this site works, but you can see the stats for yourself. This person has clearly spent quite a bit of time on this site.
BTW---there were several "official" denials....they were obviously scrambling to come up with a cover story...."people were threatening her", "she was in hiding", etc..(the threats were probably directed at her family to shut up)
The funniest BS cover story was the people at the hospital who at first said she had a condition that would cause her to "faint" when she got a shot. LOL.
As if they'd have picked someone like that for their demonstration. And they violated HIIPPA with the excuse, to boot.
I searched her name in Google and then clicked the news tab to see what Google had to display. They are debunking that. Just like that one mailman who they claimed retracted his statement about the ballots stuff he over heard or something but then that mailman came out with a video after the news clarifying he did not retract anything showing proof he was making the video after the fake news claim.
Yes sir. I responded to your post with links and photos for frens to verify. Several posts are trying to discredit this information. The fainting nurse has blue eyes, a round forehead as does the image of Tiffany Dover on
Married? Status of husband how does he show up with social media.
If I was on a jury of an inquest this 'verfication' would not be proof of anything. It would be ignored because it holds no weight in balance of evidence.
Why are you contiually posting this? For the upvotes?
I went to the find a grave site and found this entry. It seems to be real enough. It says she died in Tennessee 15 Dec 2020. In the video of her fainting, she wore a mask but the eyes were the same and her name tag said Dover. The Hospital was CHI Memorial which is located in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
So, this is her and she died.
Just a heads up, anyone can submit data to this site.. this site is not an authority. If you share this you will get deboonked faster than you can say 'lets go brandon'
Also read on here or over at 4 chins, that Dustin Dover, Tiffany's husband, paid off two mortgages and had a NDA with the hospital. The person that wrote it was supposedly an employee of the hospital and mentioned it was a sizeable fund for the family. No authentication, take it for what it is, but another avenue to research real estate - mortgages - trusts under Dustin Dover. He is now a VP of an electrical services corp, so he probably is doing ok, dollar wise as far as income, so it needs to be tempered with the respect that he has an income level that will support purchasing something decent without factoring a settlement.
Feel for Dustin and the kids, sad to happen to a young family. He doesnt deserve any intrusion to his life, he needs to move on, if its true and protect his kids.
I read it within the past few days on threads. I dont remember if they were here or over at 4 chan and I dont have any links. As far as Dustin, easily available via public search on google or other search engine. The other stuff on the NDA and mortgages, I have zero to back, just hearsay but interesting and the real estate piece should be traceable, if the properties were in his name. If he placed it all in a trust or LLC, it will take a deeper level of digging.
Agree, feel she passed as well. Laughable attempt at the press conference at the hospital later. That presser was torn apart here or at 4chan, easy details showing that the person they claimed as Tiffany, was now taller, hair style changed and other features that clearly was different. pure autism in power review. She's gone, all of the social media posting stopped except some cryptic post. Relative posts alluded, imho, to the passing. same with some friends. Think it was Dustin's sister's social media that alluded to a lot, if memory serves me correctly. As others pointed out, she posted on social media a lot. She had young kids and she would continue to be a proud mama. There are ways to protect the family and still post on social media too. It doesnt add up in a positve light for Tiffany.
Again hearsay - but another path to dig. Feel for those little ones, it's so hard to lose a mother at that age. I hope they are loved upon by others to make up for that loss.
I'm just telling you, if you're trying to red-pill friends, and you say "Look she's dead" and show them a random page on a website that anyone can contribute to, you're going to get ridiculed and only further blue-pill them.
Are you drunk? How was I talking shit? I'm warning you that this is a website anyone can post a "grave" to, there is no verification. If you share it, you will get debunked. I won't be replying further to this thread, because you are actively seeking confrontation, for no reason.
Dude quit being a douche. It's a valid argument. You don't need to go fucking nuclear and be like "PROVE ME WRONG FAGGOT". Maybe, just maybe, you're being a little bitch about it and maybe you need to chill the fuck out. We're all on the same fucking team and you're not helping the cause by being a total Karen about it. I think you need to take a break from the GAW for awhile and gather yourself. There's something hinky going on with Tiffany and we all know that. What exactly is going on is honestly speculation at this point until we get the absolutely unquestionable truth. Fuck bro. You're just being a dick. Either that or you're a troll I haven't decided yet. Either way, wrong attitude. Try again
It’s obviously you have pretty damn solid proof or more proof that’s she’s dead than there is that’ she’s alive ! ! You’ve done your research ..if she’s not dead there was a good job to look like she is ..why would they do that ? if she wasn’t dead , msm would be parading her around doing one of there debunking Q is nuts here is Tiffany and shes fine segments with that dick Gupta or one of the other ahem journalists! They know what we are saying , they are constantly trying to prove us wrong ..they aren’t proving you wrong because they CANT no more than the dude arguing he’s right can !
And make sure you cremate her so that she can't be exhumed later and examined to see if she died from the clot shot.
There must not have been a suitable ocean nearby to dump her body in.
I’m sure there was a Masonic Lodge nearby though.
In looking at this is different than others posted
I assert this is an insert to troll.
Not a valid proof at all as a result.
Always verify, props to you. It's very easy to have your eyes light up at something that confirms what you want to hear.
Good on you for looking into it.
Did you verify his 'looking into it'?
He seems to be wrong...?
That was created 5 days ago lol
Whats wrong with this: ?
Looks exactly like the post
Findagrave isn't always right... A girl I knew in highschool is listed in the right cemetary / plot but the pic is someone else's headstone
Huh? It looks exactly the same to me?
After a lot of searching online, the only thing I've found tied to her name that is still updated is a Pinterest page. It doesn't prove anything, either way, but figured I'd mention it in case anyone is interested in another piece to the mysterious puzzle. I only found it by looking into family members and their nicknames.
Edit: Her pins are always less than 8 days apart, except for 47 weeks ago when there is a 16 week gap.
I know there was a proper dig that showed she died, I would prefer that one to show as proof.
That website shows Hillary Clinton as deceased too…. Hmmmm
details match...
Isn't that site user-sourced? Which means anyone can add an entry?
Yes. Probably someone trolling. If hilldawg was dead she would be long before 2020.
For what it's worth: RRN is a piece of 💩
Anyone can submit a memorial on FindAGrave. No need to second-guess your gut feeling on the obvious larp of RRN.
Who is RRN ? thanks
Wonder who Beverly Bender Snyder is. 🤔
Someone who's been active on the site for almost 7 years apparently. 😳
Active? What does it have, message boards/reviews? XD
She is active adding entries to Find-a-Grave. The entries are added by individuals who many times add all the graves in a particular cemetery just because they have a family member there.
Just for a laugh, look at the Find-a-Grave pages for some of the 9-11 victims. You will find that most of them were all added to Find-a-Grave by one guy. Even though those people aren't actually in graves, you can still add them to the site.
Well, I'm not too familiar with exactly how this site works, but you can see the stats for yourself. This person has clearly spent quite a bit of time on this site.
I suppose these assholes at Reuters need to update their shit
Former president and CEO of Reuters, and now chairman of Reuters Foundation is a member of the Pfizer board.
Who is she?
BTW---there were several "official" denials....they were obviously scrambling to come up with a cover story...."people were threatening her", "she was in hiding", etc..(the threats were probably directed at her family to shut up)
The funniest BS cover story was the people at the hospital who at first said she had a condition that would cause her to "faint" when she got a shot. LOL.
As if they'd have picked someone like that for their demonstration. And they violated HIIPPA with the excuse, to boot.
Hmm. Like her social media posts died down entirely?
yes like she vanished off the earth. yep, ded
It's like checking in on your neighbor you haven't seen in a while, but in the digital platform.
Until someone with a Korean IP address suddenly has your log in that they bought from a data breach on the dark web.
ofc they hid it, could you image what wouldve happened if they told the truth?
Wow. Was about to ask who is that.
I took a look at the video of her when she was getting the vaxx. That doesn't look like her. Looks entirely like a different person.
link to initial video?
Ben's sister.
Facts. can't make this crap up.
I searched her name in Google and then clicked the news tab to see what Google had to display. They are debunking that. Just like that one mailman who they claimed retracted his statement about the ballots stuff he over heard or something but then that mailman came out with a video after the news clarifying he did not retract anything showing proof he was making the video after the fake news claim.
Yea we had this figured out on /pol/ in under a day. That poor girl died on TV.
Here's some pics:
Tiffany Dover's Obit
Amber Lynn Honea (Dietz) pretending to be Tiffany to show everyone "she's" fine
Comparison between Tiffany and Amber
More comparison
Yet another comparison, clearly facial structure doesn't match
I posted this 12 hours ago about it.
Yes sir. I responded to your post with links and photos for frens to verify. Several posts are trying to discredit this information. The fainting nurse has blue eyes, a round forehead as does the image of Tiffany Dover on
Weren't babbitt and Sicknik also cremated, rapidly?
Problem is, ANYONE can “contribute” grave info (such as people who want to make us look stupid):
Verified as deceased.
Need something better than this.
Memorial by family?
Married? Status of husband how does he show up with social media.
If I was on a jury of an inquest this 'verfication' would not be proof of anything. It would be ignored because it holds no weight in balance of evidence.
Why are you contiually posting this? For the upvotes?
This is OP job not mine. He is showing ONE image and we are to believe.
If you want to find other proofs that is great. Do it.
She ded.
Who is Tiffany Dover?
The nurse who died the next day after taking the jab live on television, then fainting and never recovering.
Find a grave. Here she is.
I went to the find a grave site and found this entry. It seems to be real enough. It says she died in Tennessee 15 Dec 2020. In the video of her fainting, she wore a mask but the eyes were the same and her name tag said Dover. The Hospital was CHI Memorial which is located in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
So, this is her and she died.
Your research is commendable. Thanks fren.
The plot thickens
multiple death dates???
Do you have the actual FINDAGRAVE link? It doesn't work for me. Thanks
Just a heads up, anyone can submit data to this site.. this site is not an authority. If you share this you will get deboonked faster than you can say 'lets go brandon'
Also read on here or over at 4 chins, that Dustin Dover, Tiffany's husband, paid off two mortgages and had a NDA with the hospital. The person that wrote it was supposedly an employee of the hospital and mentioned it was a sizeable fund for the family. No authentication, take it for what it is, but another avenue to research real estate - mortgages - trusts under Dustin Dover. He is now a VP of an electrical services corp, so he probably is doing ok, dollar wise as far as income, so it needs to be tempered with the respect that he has an income level that will support purchasing something decent without factoring a settlement.
Feel for Dustin and the kids, sad to happen to a young family. He doesnt deserve any intrusion to his life, he needs to move on, if its true and protect his kids.
I read it within the past few days on threads. I dont remember if they were here or over at 4 chan and I dont have any links. As far as Dustin, easily available via public search on google or other search engine. The other stuff on the NDA and mortgages, I have zero to back, just hearsay but interesting and the real estate piece should be traceable, if the properties were in his name. If he placed it all in a trust or LLC, it will take a deeper level of digging.
Agree, feel she passed as well. Laughable attempt at the press conference at the hospital later. That presser was torn apart here or at 4chan, easy details showing that the person they claimed as Tiffany, was now taller, hair style changed and other features that clearly was different. pure autism in power review. She's gone, all of the social media posting stopped except some cryptic post. Relative posts alluded, imho, to the passing. same with some friends. Think it was Dustin's sister's social media that alluded to a lot, if memory serves me correctly. As others pointed out, she posted on social media a lot. She had young kids and she would continue to be a proud mama. There are ways to protect the family and still post on social media too. It doesnt add up in a positve light for Tiffany.
found it.. uugh, it was reddit
read the details in the pic from "Kevin"
Again hearsay - but another path to dig. Feel for those little ones, it's so hard to lose a mother at that age. I hope they are loved upon by others to make up for that loss.
More detail:
Note the differences in the "Tiffanys"
I'm just telling you, if you're trying to red-pill friends, and you say "Look she's dead" and show them a random page on a website that anyone can contribute to, you're going to get ridiculed and only further blue-pill them.
Are you drunk? How was I talking shit? I'm warning you that this is a website anyone can post a "grave" to, there is no verification. If you share it, you will get debunked. I won't be replying further to this thread, because you are actively seeking confrontation, for no reason.
Dude quit being a douche. It's a valid argument. You don't need to go fucking nuclear and be like "PROVE ME WRONG FAGGOT". Maybe, just maybe, you're being a little bitch about it and maybe you need to chill the fuck out. We're all on the same fucking team and you're not helping the cause by being a total Karen about it. I think you need to take a break from the GAW for awhile and gather yourself. There's something hinky going on with Tiffany and we all know that. What exactly is going on is honestly speculation at this point until we get the absolutely unquestionable truth. Fuck bro. You're just being a dick. Either that or you're a troll I haven't decided yet. Either way, wrong attitude. Try again
I'm not here to fight or debate, you seem to be seeking that out intentionally. I'm not replying any further to this thread.
It’s obviously you have pretty damn solid proof or more proof that’s she’s dead than there is that’ she’s alive ! ! You’ve done your research ..if she’s not dead there was a good job to look like she is ..why would they do that ? if she wasn’t dead , msm would be parading her around doing one of there debunking Q is nuts here is Tiffany and shes fine segments with that dick Gupta or one of the other ahem journalists! They know what we are saying , they are constantly trying to prove us wrong ..they aren’t proving you wrong because they CANT no more than the dude arguing he’s right can !
The hell it isn’t. Younger than when she was jabbed but it is Tiffany Dover.