I've gone from "some taxes are necessary" to full on "taxes are theft" in two years flat. We've been deceived to believe that 1. Our taxes are to cover our debt when, in fact, they forever enslave us to the interest on the debt, and 2. Taxes are the only way to fund the government.
We already have that, they're called inner-city schools in democrat shitholes and the kids there don't know how to read, and neither does most of the staff.
And guess what? Most of them have higher spending per pupil than all the districts around them outside the city, with far worse outcomes.
I have friends that worked in Detroit Public Schools. They’d talk about no paper in the building for printing worksheets, rats and mice running past kids in the hallway, days off because it got too hot or cold in the school due to no AC/80 year old heating systems, but the principal & district administrators ALWAYS had the nicest offices with expensive hardwood desks, driving Cadillacs & BMWs.
Big city shool administrators always use the shitty cirmcumstances of the pupils who attend and the poorly-maintained schools as props when squeezing more money out of the taxpayers but can never seem to let any of that money get past their bank accounts to fix those problems.
The worst type of people all have "Doctor" in their title and make millions in salary while presiding over absolute disasters of a school district, and never catch one bit of criticism for all being massive failures because the first thing they do is call anyone criticisizing them a racist.
Schools get paid based on daily attendance. Thats why truancy officers will hunt down students that are skipping. Especially smaller schools. From 04 to 08 when I was in HS if I wasn't there an my grandparents didn't call to excuse me then the truancy officer was at my house before the start of second period. The want thay money
Take your kids out of school. Every day they miss is dollars lost for the school. Remove them completely and thats a major loss for the the more people that do it is more dollars lost per day or permanently for the entire year thats left for that student. I wish I knew how much it was per day per student but I dont.
They start losing money and they will start listening.
Click on the chain link above the text comment box. (It has a B, I, “, and the chain link).
Pastr your link in the box that pops up, and then in the brackets that say [Enter Text], erase that text and write whatever you want. It doesn’t have character limits, but you do have to leave the [Brackets]
Edit: corrected horrible mispellings
Second edit: you can probably type out that same format yourself.
Classical k thru 12 education. The school they went to in its first 10 years had 8 students score near perfect SATs. The school district never had even one between two h.s.
Schools/wretched gov't think they have the right to our tax dollars. They don't.
School administrators and teachers think they have a right to their jobs and their pensions. They don't.
I've gone from "some taxes are necessary" to full on "taxes are theft" in two years flat. We've been deceived to believe that 1. Our taxes are to cover our debt when, in fact, they forever enslave us to the interest on the debt, and 2. Taxes are the only way to fund the government.
I am starting to realize that more and more.
underrated comment :)
Fact check: false
They do have the right.
Yep, debunked
Baseless claims
When you're teaching kids to be racist and to embrace communism, uhh yeah we do.
Teaching them to hate their own race*
Any school that teaches crt should have no white janitors, cafeteria workers, subs or bus drivers.
We already have that, they're called inner-city schools in democrat shitholes and the kids there don't know how to read, and neither does most of the staff.
And guess what? Most of them have higher spending per pupil than all the districts around them outside the city, with far worse outcomes.
I have friends that worked in Detroit Public Schools. They’d talk about no paper in the building for printing worksheets, rats and mice running past kids in the hallway, days off because it got too hot or cold in the school due to no AC/80 year old heating systems, but the principal & district administrators ALWAYS had the nicest offices with expensive hardwood desks, driving Cadillacs & BMWs.
Big city shool administrators always use the shitty cirmcumstances of the pupils who attend and the poorly-maintained schools as props when squeezing more money out of the taxpayers but can never seem to let any of that money get past their bank accounts to fix those problems.
The worst type of people all have "Doctor" in their title and make millions in salary while presiding over absolute disasters of a school district, and never catch one bit of criticism for all being massive failures because the first thing they do is call anyone criticisizing them a racist.
Don’t give those idiots any ideas
Excuse me - but if I gave birth to the child - I have ultimate say in their curriculum!!
Liberals will love this:
If I have the right to kill my child before birth, surely I have the right to shape their education?
Communists think they have the right to exist. They don’t.
Yeah, coming from the same people that has a tagline "... dies in darkness". This is not a warning, but their plan. BTW, we are a Republic.
No taxation without representation! Pull the tax dollars!
Schools get paid based on daily attendance. Thats why truancy officers will hunt down students that are skipping. Especially smaller schools. From 04 to 08 when I was in HS if I wasn't there an my grandparents didn't call to excuse me then the truancy officer was at my house before the start of second period. The want thay money
Tldr Take your kids out of school. Every day they miss is dollars lost for the school. Remove them completely and thats a major loss for the the more people that do it is more dollars lost per day or permanently for the entire year thats left for that student. I wish I knew how much it was per day per student but I dont.
They start losing money and they will start listening.
Yes they do, you commie faggot fucks and if this goes hot, we'll be stringing you all up in front of your propaganda cespit.
You people don't have the power or "right" to decide what "Rights" We The People have or do not have.
That was all decided hundreds of years ago. You may want to look in to that before poking our Republic with your pointy sticks!
It can be changed, but there is a proper, lawful way to go about that.
Just "claiming" shit makes you a tyrant. That did not go so well for the hundreds that came before you.
But, by all means, KEEP POKING!!!
It is high time we got back to basics and rediscovered our origins. It only gives us strength.
Remind me how to "name" a link please. Like you did "Article" above.
Click on the chain link above the text comment box. (It has a B, I, “, and the chain link).
Pastr your link in the box that pops up, and then in the brackets that say [Enter Text], erase that text and write whatever you want. It doesn’t have character limits, but you do have to leave the [Brackets]
Edit: corrected horrible mispellings
Second edit: you can probably type out that same format yourself.
enter text
Third edit: you can, but it doesn’t show your link in Blue, just white text, but the link is still there.
Schools and their administrations only have their jobs because we allow them to by not taking our kids out of public schools.
Wanna bet. I sent my kids to charter school.
Classical k thru 12 education. The school they went to in its first 10 years had 8 students score near perfect SATs. The school district never had even one between two h.s.
It may be true that they have no right to change a school's curriculum, but they don't have to send their kid there.
I don't have any right to shape the recipe used to make coca-cola but I can certainly refuse to drink it.
Washington Post, then let’s withhold rad dollars for school funding , pull our kids out of public schools and home school!
That's soon to change.
Damn democracy really does die in darkness.
"By Jack Schneider and Jennifer Berkshire "
School Boards are ELECTED OFFICIALS.
What is the purpose of elections?
To implement the will OF THE PEOPLE THEY WORK FOR.
That ^ is the WHOLE PURPOSE OF ELECTIONS in representative government.
The WaPo are drooling idiots !
My children were my property until they came of age. I bore full responsibility for their school curriculum. We home schooled.