The tweet.
I was waiting for him to tweet on the 4th anniversary of the first Q drop and he finally came through. He waited all damn day to post this. Surely it was to get the timestamp right.
Less tweeting and more pain
Timestamp is also 11:29 PM EST.
However, I feel u/#q2327
is more pertinent as Baker was mentioned to be testifying in the Durham investigation just two days ago and it also has a 11:29 PM timestamp
This seems to make more sense, if there is indeed a connection between Scavino tweet time stamps and Q posts.
Isn’t the pain for the American people. That's what I’m starting to think.
Yes, both the public and the DS. The DS will obviously get the real pain, but we as Americans need it to hurt enough so we do go through the same scenario down the road. Our complacency is what allowed this to happen.
The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence:
From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to apathy; from apathy to dependence; from dependency back again into bondage.
Barbarism > Militancy > Mercantilism > Hedonism > Degenerates > Barbarism
Agreed. I remember asking people just before Trump took office why pastors and Christians didn’t speak up and STAND UP against evil more and hit difficult subjects more. I was basically told by many “sit down and shut up”
Yeah starting to seem like that
It was ever thus.
There is no White Hats vs Deep State.
There is Deep State Globalists in a phoney war with Deep State Globalists loosely masquerading as White Hats (although the illusion of White Hattery is acted out mostly in the imagination of believers).
Think about it people. They are leading you by your credulity into Aldous Huxleys transhumanist globalist dystopia.
The father of the vaccines. The Snake.
How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?
It’s time to wake up people. For real this time.
Go on.
That brave new world post did stick out to me.
As it should. It should be a great big red flag for anyone who has the eyes to see and ears to hear.
Q has admitted in that post that he is leading anons into the realisation of Huxleys world, in which humanity is a serf class who regularly take soma to keep them ‘happy’ ie docile and compliant.
Huxleys brother Julian was a founder of UNESCO and a big fish in the British Eugenics Society (now known as the Galton Institute - named after Francis Galton the founder of eugenics - soon to undergo a further name change for obvious reasons). The Galton Institute and the Wellcome Trust have their hands in vaccine production. The Wellcome Trust are running an ongoing project called Wellcome Leap which is transhumanist in nature. There’s clearly an unignorable interconnectedness there. The UK has already set up their new Health Security Agency (health surveillance thanks to covid papers and likely vaccine-administered tracking devices). DJT was dissuaded by Gates from his vaccine safety commission and now all of a sudden is the father of the vaccines. DJT instituted Warp Speed. Billed as a miracle rapid vaccine distribution system it is actually so much more - it also incorporates the infrastructure for health surveillance in the USA. Q is silent on vaccines. Q is uncritical of Gates. Trump knew ahead of time that a pandemic was coming (see Crimson Contagion). Trump knew ahead of time that he was going to administer a venomous and deadly bite to the kindly stranger who took him into their hearts and homes (see his predictive programming reading of the poem The Snake. The Snake is Trump and the WHO, whose symbol is a Snake wrapped round a needle). Read Trumps FEMA EO with a cynical lens, see if it clears things up any.
Q had told would-be rebels to do nothing. And they obeyed.
Q has turned anons AGAINST whistleblowers (Snowden). The Trump admin, far from pardoning Assange actually stepped up the pursuit of him.
They are Deep State doing what Cass Sunstein planned all along - they cognitively infiltrated places where conspiracy theories flourish and direct those communities into supporting the actions of government and into hating the enemies of government - Snowden and Jones.
Yes, for the purpose of imposing the Globalists dystopian NWO Great Reset. You can’t install a new world order unless you first systematically dismantle the old - or set it on fire and watch it burn (BLM/Antifa set the fire, Trump/Q watch it burn - and convince everyone else also to just watch it burn! side note: Kyle Rittenhouse is more patriotic I would suggest than ANY anon)
Q has anons practically begging for the imposition of a military junta. Doesn’t that align a bit too eerily with what you already know about Marxism/communism? Are the military not being indoctrinated into Marxist thought? (Yes). The Great Reset is communitarian.
Anons need to wake up and realise that Qs and Trumps plans and actions are in LOCKSTEP with the Great Reset. Trump and Q are just the version that is sold to the would-be resisters. It’s the same shit packaged as patriotic - until it’s too late.
THE PRECIPICE. They are taking you to the precipice so you go willingly with a false sense of security. They are not going to pull you back and say ‘only kidding’. They are going to laugh at you, scream “this is Babylon!!!!” And boot you over the edge.
Those indictments are for patriots.
Read your Bibles people. Read Daniel and Revelation. Prepare and accept a deception so deep and dismal.
That’s what you have here.
Q was ABSOLUTELY NOT SILENT about Gates and vaccines. Drop 4285 is solely about this issue.
Furthermore, we have the vaccines [not all] drop and the drop about installing “medical experts” to trap POTUS into “following their advice.”
I also think it’s smart to pray and prepare if we are in an Operation Trust scenario, but this massive wall of text looks more like paranoia than anything rooted in Q research.
What did he say about them then?
He provided a link without any commentary to The Gates Foundation page celebrating a decade of vaccine collaboration.
He said in some tweet Vaccines (not all).
If Q be the Great all-seeing omnipotent one who is giving everyone a heads up for their own benefit then why did he not talk about vaccines? Why was he uncritical off Gates?
Why did Trump release a video to Gates’ vaccine alliance GAVI blowing smile up BoJos arse?
If you read between the lines of the drop I linked to, you’d see Q was outlining the people, companies, and scientists who were
“HOW DO YOU TRAP [INSTALL MEDICAL ADVISORS_SKY_IS_FALLING] POTUS INTO ENDORSEMENT OR FACE WW MEDICAL-SCIENCE-MEDIA FULL ASSAULT? IS THIS ABOUT THE ELECTION OR THE VIRUS? WHO BENEFITS THE MOST? Time to end the horror show? Time to term [select] science advisors? Time to term [select] gov controls by legal challenge? Time to stand? Q”
Q is NOT going to spoon feed us everything that’s happening behind the scenes. It would go against OPSEC, and telegraph the moves that must remain covert.
No one—except for you—ever said Q is omnipotent or all-seeing.
This is a game of moves and countermoves.
There;s other posts and references gates' father in a who's who picture with other like-minded people and refers to the enslavement of all mankind via vaccination programs IIRC.
If you think that those meagre half-mentions are commensurate with the dominant grip that vaccines have had over the world since the so-called pandemic began then I just feel bad for you.
Q has said absolutely nothing of substance about them. You are clutching at straws.
You are shilling hardcore. And have clearly decided to completely ignore the Q drops that mention the ulterior motives of TPTB to withhold HCQ, AZT, and other “cures” for COVID from the public.
I think you're right. I can't explain it but after months of this...I think you're right. I always knew Jesus is coming back and God is in control. But I believed in the prophecy of Kim Clement and 2 presidents. It really does make sense when you think about it. It's all evil and yet I have a peace about that.
Good. I am glad. The end times are supposed to be choc full of deception and strong delusion. The narrow path is very narrow.
I sincerely doubt that I will make it but I’ll try. I think the wisest move is to hold fast to what is in the Bible and to only be in the world and not of it because the world is Satan’s. And everything in it is lies. Thankfully a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand but if we are able to put our faith and trust only in scripture and not in these lies and liars then we have a chance.
The path is narrow but the sheep hear his voice. I'm not afraid of that kind of deception because you must stay immersed in his word to be able to discern the Father's will. If you don't know his word, you won't hear his voice.
I used to think I may not make it when I believed organized religion's lies. But it's not mine to earn. It's a gift that is by faith and grace. Our works are like filthy rags. We can never be good enough on our own but in Jesus alone we are worthy. That truth sets you free.
I used to be a hospice nurse and was awakened to the truth a few years ago. It's not easy by any stretch. Christians are often under attack. But we seek refuge under him and he will provide us all our needs. I stand on Psalm 91 alot these days. We need to draw closer to him while his Holy Spirit is here. It will be a lot worse for those that are here that have to fond their way to him without the Holy Spirit. "Seek him while he can be found "
And NOW is the time of the Harvest and to be Fishers of men more than ever
Also, President Trump did tell people to stand up to the tyranny and not fear the virus.
But on the other hand he erects health surveillance infrastructure, convenes hastily produced vaccines which bypass the normal safety trials and indemnified pharma against liability.
What he says with his mouth and what he did with his actions are at variance.
It’s like pick-pocketing. Distracting you with patter whilst robbing you of your freedom outside your field of vision.
Praying that you are wrong. I believe that when God’s people repent and turn to him and pray and ask for his hand of protection that he will deliver what he has promised in the bible. The prayers of the faithful and just and upright have stayed God’s hand of judgement many a time if you read more than only Daniel and Revelation which are end times prophecies yes, but there’s sooooo much more to God’s word
Yes, but Jesus says in the gospels that at his coming at the end of the age, people will be killed in his name. There’s no getting away from the fact. It has to just be accepted and made peace with. And you can see it coming a mile off.
I wish to be wrong too and that the whole bad dream would just cease but I am at terms with it.
This is the absolute hard truth for some Christians. It's like the idea that "well I'm a good person so I'm going to heaven". That's not how you get to heaven. It's believing in Jesus that gets you to heaven, not works or being "good". Most of the people who think they are "good" because they didn't murder anyone still have lied, cheated, have anger in their heart, steal...etc. Sin is sin.
It doesn't help that pastors excuse away everything with the rapture. It turns into "well I'm a good person so I'll just get raptured before any of the bad stuff happens". While it is true that Jesus will come for us at some point, it does not mean that we won't see bad and in fact it's mentioned that people will die for not taking the mark of the beast. I don't have all the answers, but we have been told many times in the Bible that being a Christian isn't for the faint of heart and there will be trouble. The apostles even died for it. What makes us better than them that we'd skip that? Jesus died for us, so it is only fair that we should accept the fact that one day we might have to die for Him. I say might because we do not know. It's accepting the ugly truth of reality that it may not be all rainbows in the end. It doesn't mean it will be ugly for us, each of our paths is different. God is going to send Jesus whenever He wants, no one knows when that will be or how it will be. We just have an idea and a worldly one at that which many people have different opinions about. It's a bit of a blackpill for sure, but that blackpill leads to the ultimate redpilling of all which is Jesus.
Remaining in the Word and Bible is the only way. Jesus is the only way.
We need a little pain, pain is an excellent teacher!!
So is love.
This planet has had 6000 years of pain. Q did say it’s a 6000 year death cult right?
I’ll be patient.
Agreed, but what specifically is that role in context of all this? Communicating a behind the scenes reality that we don't and may never get uncoded disclosure on?
This is now two posts from you that screams “Im a fucking shill”.
I don’t know if you’re either just down in the dumps, a smooth brain or a faggot shill. Fix your shit or dip.
Good call out. Anons notice.
😂😂🤣🤣. So good!
Just like everything that’s going on in the world, we do not honestly know anything unless told. Dan’s comms may be things that are coming, already happened and will be made public soon.
I can live with the "comms", but please bring some pain. Pain is the key
Durham is delivering more than I thought possible
We hope. So far, Durham has charged one attorney is my understanding.
You have a lot to be hopeful for.
Sussman isn’t just a lame attorney. HOW he was indicted is also major. Sussman worked for Perkins Coie - and they were denied Attorney Client by 3 Federal Judges. That means 3 judges deemed there an “irrefutable ongoing criminal action done knowingly by The client of Perkins Coie and the firm Knowingly aiding” thus they could not be trusted - so THE ENTIRE FIRM THAT REPRESENTED THE DNC turned over Complete Discovery to Durham.
Perkins Coie is screwed and has total lepresy now. Clients are fleeing etc.
So Sussman was indicted immediately - and in doing so we have a promissory for a Client of Perkins Coie to get charged ( or they have been and it’s sealed - we know multiple Grand Jury have been going )
Durham will deliver. Q’s 2nd to last post said as much.
With White collar crimes.
The same type of crime that NY collared that fellow in the Trump Organisation with.
Nothingness. Crumbs. A facade to appease.
Tick Tock
There's an ongoing genocide. Cut the knot and go. Purge the earth of these demons. Let the retards learn the hard way. That's the only way they'll learn. Stop sacrificing children to the vaccine makers.
I wish for that too - and I know there's a very great deal going on (GITMO) that most people seem to be unaware of although it is open knowledge, published openly on the net.
But the main thing is that the cabal has enormous power. Do they have a dirty bomb? If so what kind is it? where is it?
Is it the Yellowstone caldera? Is it in the port of Charleston? NYC? Is it bio?
Until we're pretty sure nothing will be triggered by a major move of ours we can't really make a major move. We don't want five million dead people and a radio active city or a volcanic winter.
They've had years to figure this shit out. The time for waiting is over. If this goes on the people will revolt en masse and the cabal will retaliate.
Please watch Scavinos 2.18 minute video on his Twitter Account from last night. Do you sense the difference? I had tears of sadness for the depths of depravity they were up against.
It's beautifully done but there is a distinctly different vibe IMHO. A sense of overwhelming tragedy but our Hero Military Team has pushed thru it like Warrior Kings! 🙏🤲🙏🇱🇷
But why this particular time?
What's the presumed value of posting at the same time as one Q drop out of 5000 that relates to nothing in particular of the present day?
11:29 PM corresponds to a drop about James Baker, who was in the news two days ago for being subpoenaed as part of the Durham investigation.
That seems applicable in terms of Scavino’s tweet time and current affairs.
Did the Q post embedding magic break?
I posted it above, didn’t want to spam the comment section with the same image.
It also always posts in CST, not EST, which I find odd.
That's what we need to determine...why?
It may be a nod to anons that eventhough Q is not posting officially any longer it doesn't mean Q is not STILL communicating.
Apes Together Strong.
Come on you apes, you wanna live forever?!
I'm just waiting for the return of Christ. Nothing g else is that important.
Ask God to tell his son to get a move-on.
The PROPER attitude!
I'm done with Dan's tweets. You should be, too. This plan sucks ass. How am I wrong?
Resignations are an insult at this point.
If Trump expects me to vote for him in 2024 after handing the country to the cabal he's got another thing coming.
That being said I don't think this is the case.
There's nothing here
I embedded the drop. Here is a link to the drop.
I meant there's no comms.
We're not worried about what an anon says, what's important is if Q said anything relevant to the situation you want it to be, apparently. And Q saying anons are selfless doesn't make much sense in the context you're desperately trying to find here.
We are ready. If you aren’t awake to the reality then it’ll take something huge or you will be asleep forever.
Bring the fucking pain. God wins. It is the time. No more fucking around.
24 seconds into the video, anyone notice the Q? I sure did....cut scene with a Q, priceless!!!
Then I looked up Q post 24.....amazing!!!!
Any person making statements they will not be seeking re-election was put in submission. For the betterment of the country not all will be prosecuted and all will do as told. You will see more of this occur (not normal yet disregarded) and even on the D side.
I don't know about the "Q" at 24 seconds, but let's see.
Uh…not sure what you’re watching. Maybe a different video?
Make America Great Again, Again. I like that.
Timestamp is 10:29pm = 2229
You linked 2329
Why the hour difference? Are you one hour earlier than Scavino?
Apparently we both are. I’m in the Central timezone and apparently you are as well. When you look at Scavino’s tweet, it will be in your local timezone. Therefore, you have to add an hour to make it Eastern.
Maybe in your time zone this happens to be a match but not for everyone else. To me the tweet says "4:29 am · 29 Oct 2021·Twitter for iPhone"
Timezone used is Eastern, because that's where DC is. I have to adjust as I'm in Central.
EST, DC's time zone, it aligns.
Can't expect times to match up across time zones...
Looks like a 3 hour time difference to me. The minutes after the hour are the same. Was he out west when he posted last night?
Gospel of Thomas
Jesus said: I have cast fire upon the world, and behold I guard it until it is ablaze.
One can schedule a tweet to appear at a specific time in case you are not aware.
I am aware and I figured that would happen. The point is that it only came out late in the day on purpose.
Wait, did you downvote me because you arent aware of twitter features like setting up a tweet to post at a specific date and time?
Not everyone knows everything, and a thanks would have sufficed...
Wasn’t me, but I’m aware of the feature.
Then there is no need for him to wait all day as you implied.
"Until CNN or Fox News reports on habbenings, nothing's habbening!"
I think you meant to go to Patriots...
I think that I meant what I asked and it wasn't asked of CNN or Fox News, which I have no value of their opinions on the matter.
I may value your input on the matter, if you have something other than thoughtless, baseless accusations.
If the Scavino tweet time stamp and the Q drop do correlate, he was telling Q to do it? That is what the Q drop stated.
Are there comms outside of Q drops? [No outside comms]?
What has come of past alleged Scavino/Q drop time stamp connections?
Sit your ass down and do the research yourself. It’ll be a great exercise to show yourself first hand of what has occurred between tweets and events. Just like Russo above, your posts lately scream shill.
So I was right, you are a shill.
I am not, but if I were, you are terrible defender of right and truth. Kind of like a right wing Rachel Maddow. Very passionate, but lacking in substantive response and analysis and ends up looking stupid in the end.
You would make a good Ray Epps, Sr.
The fruition has been handshake accounts coming to GA and asking what has come to fruition.
If you're honestly asking, you need to do some research. Otherwise, GTFO shill!
Maybe the handshake accounts are people who have just started wondering if there's anything to this Q stuff? For example, the poster who asked a legitimate question and then got flamed by a bunch of people who read text that wasn't there. Not everyone is a shill. Not every question is driven by a nefarious agenda.
Long time Lurker and follower of current events.
Maybe I can relate to what you previously posted and looking for reasonable evidences for faith in the plan:
Of late I've been of the opinion that it's not for me to understand or know. This is because there will be much that we'll never understand or know.
And honestly, this is my feeling towards God, it's not for me to know or understand, but to believe. I feel it applies equally well to Q, The plan, and general current climate of things.
Seriously the faggot shills are out in full force. Why dont you go be a faggot somewhere else? Oh thats right because we are the GA and you cant stand it. Fuck off.
Then get the fuck out
Here, I'll wake you up.
Learn symbolism comms and join the eternal war.
Great site!!!
Well fren, if this is your belief, you're on the wrong site. If you want to change that belief, then you need to do research instead of sowing your rotten seed here.