Good thing I'm not a kid during this. I was the most unruly, little shit. I would have used a knife to stab anyone trying to force any kind of unwanted jab on me. At least one person would have died before they forced it on me. I was a big boy, for a 12yr old.
Kind of a sad story, tragic really. The people responsible for all this need to pay dearly.
A 12-year-old boy from New Jersey has been vaccinated against Covid after asking for the jab as a present in the aftermath of his father’s death from the virus last year.
Gavin Roberts, who celebrated his 12th birthday on Sunday, had repeatedly asked his mother, Alice Roberts, for the vaccine after the death of his father Charles Roberts from Covid.
Edit: The story about his father's death is odd. He was a 45 year old NJ police officer. The details are sketchy. He contracted covid in April, collapsed in his home and had to be resuscitated, went into ICU, was in hospital 3 weeks, died May 11.
I have heard stories like this from coworkers in a company forum where a loved one (usually anti-vax) died in the hospital (all put on remdesivir), and then they are angry at the "stupidity" of that loved one. They are convinced the vax is a good idea and anyone not getting the vax is going to die like that loved one.
It's really tragic that people don't realize the remdesivir is what killed them. And it's people like these who are pretty vocal against the unvaxx because they have a personal experience.
I think the 12 year old boy maybe in a similar predicament.
But now he's ONE OF US ONE OF US GOOBLE GOOBLE GOOBLE GOBBLE ONE OF US ONE OF US and he can enjoy all the rights and freedoms he already had except with more restrictions BECAUSE OF THOSE DIRTY UNAXXED PEOPLE AROUND US.
Dear Timmy, We got you a myocardial infarction for your Birthday. If you survive you can now spend Christmas with the rest of your family. Love, Mom and Dad.
Two type of parents now. Those who believe in and are subservient to their government, raising their children to be such. And those parents who are independent thinkers who believe in freedom at all costs. No question which children will be survivors.
Comes with a frequent flier club card to the cardiologist.
Well, He doesn't look too fucking happy now, does he...I'll bet this wasn't what he wanted...The Parents that allow this to happen are Despicable...
There will be a stocking full of side effects hanging from his mantle this holiday season...
If he makes it that long.
Mom can get him a casket for Christmas.
Used to be that kids complained about getting clothes for their birthday, now they get to rightly complain about swollen hearts instead.
Hey now, that's not always true! Sometimes their internal organs fill with spike proteins and everything else swells instead!
Good thing I'm not a kid during this. I was the most unruly, little shit. I would have used a knife to stab anyone trying to force any kind of unwanted jab on me. At least one person would have died before they forced it on me. I was a big boy, for a 12yr old.
I wasn't big at 12. But fuck I was clever. And a hard worker. I would have helped you with the bodies. It would have looked like an accident.
Now that's teamwork🐸👌
Sounds to me like you and I would have been great friends for life. Hell I dont know you but I like you just on what you said here hahaha
You would've been entirely justified in this scenario.
would you know these things are bad at 12 y/o? if someone said do u want a vaccine for a deadly disease at that age it would have been a no brainer
That's a good question. I suspect that I would have resisted just because of being forced to receive it. I was one of those kids.
Kind of a sad story, tragic really. The people responsible for all this need to pay dearly.
Edit: The story about his father's death is odd. He was a 45 year old NJ police officer. The details are sketchy. He contracted covid in April, collapsed in his home and had to be resuscitated, went into ICU, was in hospital 3 weeks, died May 11.
lemme guess... they put him on remdesivir..... the fauci approved death drug...
Piece of shit mother... she loved the sympathy. Muchausen syndrome by proxy
Definitely has some “died with” rather than “died from” vibes.
Id guess his dad just had a heart attack. They just labeled it "covid" to pump up the numbers. Sad. Now mom gets son the vaxx and will kill him too
Is this really for real or just a commercial for parents to Think it’s a great idea. I really hate MSM. Evil bastards
I have heard stories like this from coworkers in a company forum where a loved one (usually anti-vax) died in the hospital (all put on remdesivir), and then they are angry at the "stupidity" of that loved one. They are convinced the vax is a good idea and anyone not getting the vax is going to die like that loved one.
It's really tragic that people don't realize the remdesivir is what killed them. And it's people like these who are pretty vocal against the unvaxx because they have a personal experience.
I think the 12 year old boy maybe in a similar predicament.
Trump took Remdesivir
Trump had Regeneron.
Oh yea. I almost forgot about that. He also got the shot... So really, no idea what to make of these.
May as well have given him a time bomb. What is sad is that the propaganda fed to these kids from everywhere makes them actually want one.
yay! Your bloodline is erased!
But now he's ONE OF US ONE OF US GOOBLE GOOBLE GOOBLE GOBBLE ONE OF US ONE OF US and he can enjoy all the rights and freedoms he already had except with more restrictions BECAUSE OF THOSE DIRTY UNAXXED PEOPLE AROUND US.
Idiocracy is correct, yet again.
The vaccine of the month club! Well Clark, that's the gift that keeps on giving!
I've seen this kid somewhere before.
Dude, me too! I was sitting here trying to figure it out. He's definitely been on TV or has a doppelganger.
This is why I buy my own a few weeks before. Because no one knows what to get me anymore. Also I'm tired of pretending that I like it.
Dear Timmy, We got you a myocardial infarction for your Birthday. If you survive you can now spend Christmas with the rest of your family. Love, Mom and Dad.
Looks like the kid's sporting a shiner as well.
What was his birthday gift? Isn't the vax free? Well sadly, now he's just like the grinch. "The Grinch’s small heart grew three sizes that day".
Two type of parents now. Those who believe in and are subservient to their government, raising their children to be such. And those parents who are independent thinkers who believe in freedom at all costs. No question which children will be survivors.
He’ll need a heart transplant for 16’th birthday, from a pure blood of course
In other news,
"12 has old dies today due to short illness"
This shit is killing me.
Definitely a worse gift than underwear.
I'm looking back and appreciating those socks lol
She loves him so much she blew up his heart.
What a crappy birthday present for a 12-year-old!
Child Abuse
Jabbed at 12 and in the ground before 21. I sure hope that was saline...